SBDCBelize Success Stories

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SBDCBelize, BELTRAIDE Client Growth Assessment Success Stories

CGA Success Story Airbender Yoga Studio-Ashanti Garcia 3739 University Heights, Belize City Ashanti Garcia has always had a passion for yoga. She began teaching Yoga in 2011 at Royal Wellness Center and after her first sessions as a yoga instructor, she fell deeply in love with how teaching made her feel. “No other activity I ever did in life up to this point created such an enormous sense of joy in my heart and soul,” she explained. As she continued to gain experience at the Wellness Center, she was convinced that teaching yoga was precisely what she was born to do. She contemplated the possibilities of being a full time yoga instructor after her then two year temporary job culminated. However, she was forced to reconsider her thoughts when the center shut down without warning. Not letting this become a burden in her life, Ashanti rented a location where she offered yoga classes on her own. The yoga classes were a success until she began experiencing noise interference and was forced to relocate her studio. She named her creation “Fitness, Health & Wellness Studio.” But the name brought confusion to the public as they began confusing her studio for another. Overwhelmed by this fact she decided to give her studio a unique name, a name that would reflect her persona. She then decided to name her studio “Airbender Yoga Studio” since everyone knew her as the “Airbender”. Ashanti’s customer share began to increase and so did her profits. “It was exhilarating to be making so much profit so quickly,” she explained. Airbender Yoga Studio had potential for expansion and in March 2014 Ashanti saw an announcement on BELTRAIDE in partnership with the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), executing a project in Belize called, “Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic”.

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Ashanti’s primary Business Advisor, Gabriela Del Angel, assisted her in preparing and successfully completing several phases of the EMPRENDE program: Application Process, Workshop I, Video Pitch I, Workshop II, Video Pitch II, and presentation to the Evaluation Panel. Ashanti was one of the qualified candidates who were awarded a seed funding for her business. The seed funding was fundamental for Airbender Yoga Studio, as it was invested in 1) allocating an airconditioning unit 2) purchasing a variety of yoga props such as blankets, bolsters, blocks, eyepillows 3) acquisition of two additional signs to make it easier for clients to find the studio and 4) strengthening brand entity by printing t-shirts and tank tops with the business logo. Through the program, Ms. Ashanti has gained valuable market research and awareness of customers’ needs and wants. Airbender Yoga Studio continues to reap success as Ms. Ashanti has recently become a certified yoga instructor and is now offering online classes. Airbender Yoga Studio is recognized as a highly renowned business, and Ashanti has attended numerous media appearances on the various television networks, and radio stations promoting wellness to the public. Airbender Yoga Studio promises to extend even more services to new and existing yoga fanatics. “SBDC has provided me with valuable training sessions which allowed me to gain professional knowledge of the business world.” Ashanti Garcia Business Owner Air Bender Yoga Studio

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CGA Success Story A&S Covers- Sharissa & Armando Perez 44 Neal Pen Road, Belize City Scott Belsky once said “An idea can only become a reality once it is broken down into organized, actionable elements”. With this in mind, Sharissa and Armando, two young vibrant entrepreneurs were able to transfer their innovative idea into a sustainable business. Their story begins with a school project. Armando had been working with leather and became fascinated with the material. While being frivolous, Armando decided to make a case for his smart phone. He then thought to himself how unique it would be to produce phone cases for the general public through mass production. However, Armando was lacking both the equipment and finances to facilitate his inkling. Self-motivation and hard work has ultimately led to success of this budding business. Conscious about the lack of equipment, Armando spent several sleepless nights researching on the ideal machinery that would suit his business needs. After discovering the appropriate technology required for the production of phone and tablet cases; Armando realized that he also lacked finance for the startup of the business. While struggling to access funding, the duo came across SBDCBelize and thought of it as a blessing more than a coincidence. Being of a religious background, both Sharissa and Armando were convinced that faith had led them to the organization, after their first visit. A&S Covers’ Business Advisor, Gabriela Del Angel, has assisted them in developing a business plan, formalizing their business and acquiring funding for start-up through the Development Finance Cooperation. A&S Covers is now a partnership owned by both siblings, Sharissa and Armando providing Belizeans with customized quality phone and tablet cases at affordable prices. Since becoming an active client of SBDCBelize as of March 2014, A&S Covers has achieved several milestones such as; employment generation, introducing new products, and entering new markets within Belize. This initiative has led them to further expand the A&S Covers Brand, with a total of 13 case options. They have also experienced an increased change in sales in comparison to when the business initially started. Similarly to sales, publicity has increased as A&S Covers has attended numerous media and expo appearances, strengthening their customer awareness and brand loyalty.

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BELTRAIDE in partnership with the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), executed a project in Belize called, “Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic”, in which A&S Covers benefited from a series of capacity building areas with the central goal to improve opportunities in business development through market research. The favorable response by their customers has geared A&S Covers to expand their market. Today their products can be found in Corozal, Orange Walk, Cayo, Belmopan, SanPedro, Placencia and Punta Gorda.

“The Staff of SBDCBelze are truly unsung heroes!” Armando Perez and Sharissa Perez Business Owners A&S Covers

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CGA Client Success Story ELT’s Grocery Shop- Reyna Ramos 14 Mayflower Street, Belize City Owning a small business was something Ms. Reyna Ramos only dreamt of. Her motivation to ensure a stable future for her six year old son drove her into starting an informal micro business where she sold only sodas and chips from her home. As an aspiring entrepreneur, Ms. Ramos started to analyze her target market and found an opportunity where she could capitalize on. Where Ms. Ramos lives, they are no grocery stores nearby. If someone wished to purchase an item they had to walk a distance and it was time consuming. She then thought about opening a grocery store that would cater to students, children and parents around the neighborhood and decided to take on this initiative. Ms. Ramos was convinced that her grocery store would not only benefit her, but also the people living in the area without proper transportation. There was just one problem impeding Ms. Ramos from expanding her business and that was the availability of financing. This led to Reyna’s initial interaction with SBDCBelize, BELTRAIDE when the Centre partnered with the Pan American Development Foundation’s Youth Engagement Services (YES!) program, a new project that provided tailored technical training and business advice needed to succeed in today’s increasingly competitive local labor market. Under the entrepreneurial training program executed by SBDCBelize, participants learnt the procedures to starting their own business, including the development of business plans, and how to enhance their employability within the business community. Simultaneously while the program was being offered, Reyna became a client of the Centre on the 2nd of April 2014 where her advisor, Ms. Gabriela Del Angel, assisted her in structuring her business plan, formalizing her business and preparing for her Sales Pitch Presentation. Under Phase II participants submitted their business plans for review by a Business Launch Group 5 CGA – Success Stories

comprised of private sector panelists. Following this process, Reyna submitted her business plan, presented her pitch, and was a qualified candidate to seed funding from the Pan American Development Foundation. SBDCBelize provided a training program in entrepreneurship to Mrs. Ramos which guided her through the creation of her business plan. Same business plan that was submitted to a Business Launch Group comprised of private sector panelist who selected the top business plans to be funded under The Pan American Development Foundation. Ms. Ramos was a qualified candidate and was rewarded $2000 in grant funding. To add to her success, Ms. Ramos and another small business owner officially launched their business on the 6th of November 2014 in the Youth – Focused Entrepreneurship Program ceremony where they were recognized for their accomplishments. Today Ms. Ramos is the sole proprietor of ELT’s Grocery shop located on May Flower Street offering local snacks, beverages, stationaries and toiletries to the public.

On November 6, 2014, ELT’s Grocery Shop, owned by Ms. Ramos, became a reality, as the business officially launched offering local snacks, beverages, stationeries and toiletries. Through the guidance of her advisor, Reyna has implemented methods to keeping proper records and inventory. ELT’s Grocery Shop has seen increased changed in sales since its inception and has hired part-time employees. Reyna’s pursuit for success has only just started. She also plans to begin saving money to continue her education in order to grow as an innovative business owner.

“SBDCBelize helped me by transforming my business idea into reality.” Reyna Ramos, Business Owner ELT’s Grocery Shop

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CGA Success Story Rebecca Stirm Clothing- Rebecca Stirm PO Box 199, Belmopan City, Belize

Rebecca Stirm began drawing, painting, playing music, and sewing at an early age. Her drawing contour and creativity had a special spark that caught everyone’s attention. As she grew, Rebecca transformed this spark into designing clothing for herself while attending high school. Her friends and family continuously complimented her work but for Rebecca this was only a hobby at the time. It wasn’t until Year 2009 when Rebecca was encouraged by a close friend to hold her first fashion show. During that summer of 2009 Rebecca created her first collection of day dresses and cocktail dresses, held her first runway show, and received her first orders for dresses from her collection. After her first successful fashion show Rebecca realized her love for designing clothes, could actually become a viable employment option for her to pursue in its entirety. Building on that experience, Rebecca continued on to designing and show casted a second collection before re-locating to Vancouver in June 2011 for a semester in fashion design and marketing at the Art Institute of Vancouver. Shortly after returning to Belize, she was accepted to compete in Mission Catwalk (Caribbean designer reality TV show) against 19 other Caribbean designers – for a chance to “Rule the Catwalk.” She won the most challenges (4 out of 12) and came out at the end of the season as second runner up. Due to the favorable response in the market, Rebecca created a studio at her home where she personally handcrafts all garments from start to finish from the highest quality of soft and attractive natural fiber imported materials. Rebecca was ready to build her empire in fashion; however, she lacked proper guidance in business development and financing. BELTRAIDE in partnership with

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the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), executed a project in Belize called, “Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic,” in which Rebecca Stirm benefited from a series of capacity building areas with the central goal to improve opportunities in business development through market research. Under the Entrepreneurship Program, Rebecca’s primary Business Advisor, Gabriela Del Angel, assisted her in preparing and successfully completing several phases: Application Process, Workshop I, Video Pitch I, Workshop II, Video Pitch II, and presentation to the Evaluation Panel. Consequently, Ms. Stirm was a successful recipient of seed capital to invest the funds in purchasing equipment, website development, Fashion & Design Training, and marketing and promotion material. “This entire program has been such a blessing, more than just financially for me. I now have a team of business consultants that I can call when I need help, and have somewhere , that is SBDCBelize BELTRAIDE, to turn to when I don’t know what direction to move towards or what steps to take next in my business,” explains Rebecca. “My advisor has been amazing helping me pass difficult points, encouraging me to move forward and make my objectives actually happen. “ Rebecca Stirm Business Owner Rebecca Stirm Clothing

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CGA Success Story TAS Belize Limited- Mervin Budram PO Box 424, Belmopan City, Belize 13BZ0321 It was one of those routine days, when Mr. Mervin Budram a website and graphic designer sat on his desk contemplating the possibilities of starting his own business. He wandered in his mind exploring different options, but was doubtful of which route to venture in. It was until 2006, when Mervin was vacationing in the state of Maine that a vision came to his mind. He wanted to create a company that would provide employment, training and funding for students while in school. Time went by, and after a few years of researching and saving personal funds to have a seed capital, he launched the beginning concept of Technological Advancement Services (TAS Belize Limited). At this time Mr. Budram was still working on a regular job. “It was tough getting started” Mervin says, “I’d say the hardest part was believing in the vision and being confident that I could actually do it. But once I committed myself to the vision, I started to make steps towards it and knew that quitting was not an option.” After almost six years of working nights, weekends, and lunches to finish the final touches for what was then his “side business,” he decided to retire from his job. He teamed up with his long-time friend Andy Lin and transitioned fully into being selfemployed. TAS Belize Limited is a graphic design and digital marketing production company that offers marketing of products for small and medium sized enterprises at a single location. You will no longer need to visit several companies to purchase your digital marketing products. TAS Belize is a “one stop solution” for graphic design, website development, video/TV ad production, radio advertisement and high quality printing. Mr. Budram has made TAS Belize Limited a fruitful business; it has been in existence for the past 3 years and has been formalized for approximately one year. Even though, TAS Belize Limited was an uprising start-up, Mervin began experiencing difficulties implementing proper management practices. This led to him reaching 9 CGA – Success Stories

out to SBDCBelize’s trainings and business advisory support. He was convinced that the Centre could help him overcome these limitations as well as extend his networking reach. Mervin became a client of SBDCBelize on 20th March 2014. BELTRAIDE in partnership with the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), executed a project in Belize called, “Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic,” in which TAS Belize benefited from a series of capacity building areas with the central goal to improve opportunities in business development through market research. Under the Entrepreneurship Program, Mervin’s primary Business Advisor, Gabriela Del Angel, assisted him in preparing and successfully completing several phases: Application Process, Workshop I, Video Pitch I, Workshop II, Video Pitch II, and presentation to the Evaluation Panel. Consequently, Mr. Budram was a successful recipient of seed capital to invest the funds in purchasing assets, marketing and promotion, and incorporating TAS Belize. TAS Belize continues to reap success as they have entered the Caribbean and North American Market. They have also introduced Software Development Service and have experienced a positive change in sales. TAS Belize has sustainably positioned itself in the local market as they have made presence on several talk shows and sat interviews on Love FM and Plus TV and within the international market through tactful internet marketing strategies. Since January 2015, Mervin became an active member of the Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) and was also nominated Secretary for the New Belmopan Chapter of the Association. There’s no stopping TAS Belize’s progress now. “Built confidence on what I was doing on the Business Plan.” Mervin Budram Business Owner TAS Belize Limited

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CGA Success Story Karismatic Wellness Center-Karissa Alvarez Orange Street, Belmopan City, Belize While in the progress of completing her Nursing Degree, Mrs. Karissa Alvarez began contemplating the possibilities of establishing her own business. Mrs. Alvarez wanted to create a business that would enable her to transfer the knowledge and skillset acquired under the Nursing Field while creating job opportunities for others. Having a husband who is an entrepreneur introduced Mrs. Alvarez with the management aspect of a business; however, extensive market research needed to be conducted.

Karissa decided to reach out to the Small Business Development Centre (SBDCBelize), BELTRAIDE, to seek the Centre’s advisory services in areas of business development, formalization process, marketing and financing options. With the assistance of her advisor, Gabriela Del Angel, Karissa explored different alternatives to venture in. One thing was for sure, Karissa wanted to integrate people of different professions, all with the sole purpose of generating wellbeing for the residents of Belmopan. She decided on a wellness center that would offer multiple services such as nursing services, beauty care, and massage therapy at a convenient location and affordable price. Knowing the importance of customer service Mrs. Alvarez emphasized on two important points that her center would offer such as a friendly staff and a relaxing ambiance. With this in mind, she decided to test her business idea by competing in a Business Training Program.

BELTRAIDE in partnership with the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), executed a project in Belize called, “Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic,” in which Karismatic Wellness Center benefited from a series of capacity building areas with the central goal to improve opportunities in business development through market research. Under the Entrepreneurship Program, Karissa’s primary Business Advisor, Gabriela Del Angel, assisted her in preparing and successfully completing several phases: Application Process, Workshop I, Video Pitch I, Workshop II, Video Pitch II, and presentation to the Evaluation Panel.

Consequently, Mrs. Alvarez was a successful recipient of seed capital to invest the funds in purchasing equipment, improving basic building infrastructure, marketing 11 CGA – Success Stories

materials and skills training. To add to her success, Karissa has obtained her certification in Cosmetology and Massage Therapy. Even though the business is operating on a small scale, Karismatic Wellness Center will officially open its doors in July 2015, upon Karissa’s completed Nursing Degree. “SBDCBelize always kept me motivated and provided me with a positive feedback.” Karissa Alvarez Business Owner Karismatic Wellness Center

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CGA Success Story Marvilleous Dipping Sauces – Maria Villanueva 5954 Calle Al Mar Belize City Maria’s home welcomes each and every visitor with an overwhelming aroma of freshly simmered tropical fruits and vegetables, the key ingredients of her “Marvilleous Dipping Sauces”. Maria’s cookery enlightens her customers with a journey into Belize’s traditional recipes with her additional twist of personalized seasoning and spices. Maria has been exposed to the catering business for over 20 years. Experienced as she is she ensures to relish each dish with a unique flavor- “I refuse to serve plain dishes,” explains Maria. After many years in the kitchen, Maria had never thought that, her longing passion in culinary arts would lead her into becoming an entrepreneur. Her idea was sparked initially while preparing chicken fingers for her family. Maria was in search for a tasty sauce to accompany her awaiting meal. Unfortunately, she had spent hours to discover that no such sauce existed, none of her preference. Maria was inspired by the nonexistence of this sauce. She then became enthused to make her own sauce and after several trial and error combining different ingredients she finally arrived to a sauce that became the foundation of her business named, “Marvilleous Dipping Sauces”. Choosing to become an Entrepreneur is not an easy road but, Maria was ready to take the risk. Her main concern was of mass producing her products. However, as the old saying in creole goes, “Dragging her foot”, she began her business at a slow pace; making her products in small amounts for sale. In March 2014, Maria decided to visit the Small Business Development Centre (SBDCBelize) and became a newly added member of the organization, where she met her Business Adviser, Mr. Omar Castillo. In her time at SBDCBelize Mr. Castillo has helped paved the road for Maria to attain several outstanding milestones such as, product development, business formalization, business model formulation and funding acquisition through the Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic program (EMPRENDE). Through the partnership with BELTRAIDE and the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), Maria entered the Emprende project executed here in Belize. The program has helped Maria gain knowledge in market research and other business development areas. As a result, 13 CGA – Success Stories

Marvilleous Dipping Sauces was one of the successful recipients of a seed capital which allowed Maria to invest in purchasing equipment, product labeling, packaging and marketing. Shortly, after becoming a client of the organization, Maria made her debut by having a small shipment of sauces sent to new terrains such as Alberta and Canada. Presently, Marvilleous Dipping Sauces can be found nestled in the shelves of Brodies, Bottom Dollar, Southside Meats and restaurants located in Merida, Yucatan. Marvilleous Dipping Sauces has gained a positive reputation in the local market and as a result they have made several appearances on radio, television programs and Expo Fairs. As Maria rightfully said in her speech at the National Call to Action Conference on Women & Girls Financial Health, “Entrepreneurs, whether you are young or old, it’s never too late to make a start.”

“Omar has been very helpful in helping me get my business organized and ready to launch” “SBDCBelize is still a major part of my success… Excellence in a nutshell.” Maria Villanueva Business Owner Marvilleous Dipping Sauces

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CGA Success Story – Karryn Dawson #5529 Saint Thomas Street, Belize City Karryn Dawson was frustrated of continuously receiving the same inefficient services from business owners. A requirement of her job was to provide excellent customer service, thus she expected the same excellence from other employees. She often expressed her frustration to her mom until one day it happened. She arrived home, just to meet the solution to her problem. Her mom had been watching her favorite television program and had captured a motivational phrase from the speaker, “Turn your frustration into millions”. These words were enough to inspire Karryn to create an online site that would affordably and securely trade products, services, and downloadable files with virtual customers anywhere through interactive features. Karryn was not aiming to become a millionaire but she definitely was aiming to put a solution to the problem. Immediately, her business idea began to take a figure and route and karryn was looking for an ideal business name. She wanted a name that would reflect both her persona and business purpose and being a proud Belizean she came up with “ShapDaBelize”. She envisioned her business reaching international standards and thought that the name “ShapDaBelize” would represent her culture and country anywhere. As a young entrepreneur, Karryn recognized that running a business is a process of every day learning and welcomed every opportunity with a smile. Driven by her learning enthusiasm, Karryn attended a workshop on Entrepreneurship Development with the Small Business Development Center (SBDCBelize), where she was fascinated by the dynamic team. In October 2014 Karryn became a client of SBDCBelize and since then has managed to successfully develop a business model, webpage and acquire funding through the Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic program (EMPRENDE).

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Through the partnership with BELTRAIDE and the Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROYMPE) and the Embassy of Taiwan (China), Karryn was able to enter the Emprende project executed in Belize. SBDCBelize’s team of business consultants guided Karryn through the different phases of the Emprende project and as a result she became a successful recipient of a seed capital which has helped fuel her business. In accordance with the investment plan, Karryn has invested in increasing security, marketability and enhancement of business website. Karryn’s initiative has led her business to increase its market share and integrate new services. Presently, ShapDaBelize, has gained terrain in the seven districts of Belize and dwells on the possibilities of entering international markets. “SBDCBelize provided me with advanced entrepreneurial development training, a dedicated team and an extended network which enabled me to unveil my business potential. They provide invaluable guidance, I recommend anyone with a business or business idea to visit SBDCBelize.” Karryn Dawson Business Owner ShapDaBelize

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CGA Success Story Kolcha Belize - Vince Mckesey 17 miles, Sand Hill Village Most of Mr. Vince Mckesey’s childhood adventures where spent in his patio, playing under the roof of tropical trees and shrubs. He grew up collecting fruits on his wheelbarrow during harvest season. Around this time of the year, the villagers of Sand Hill already knew that Mr. Mckesey would be laboring in his yard. They would stop by his house, one at a time to purchase these fresh fruits from him. For a couple of years this was a good source of revenue, however Mr. Mckesey realized that his infancy protectors had much more potential than just to be sold in bulk. Immediately, he began researching on the uses of these tropical fruits and came up with the idea of producing wine. As with any great business idea, it did not go off without a hitch. Having no expertise in the area, Mr. Mckesey was unaware of how exactly to produce wine. His first production of wine was made after experimenting with the various ingredients. Presently, he has perfected his wine quality through the constructive criticism of his loyal customers. After every sale of wine, Mr Mckesey ensures to obtain his customers’ feedback in which they would suggest which ingredient needs to be strengthen or which needs to be weakened. Paying tribute to his Belizean roots, Mr. Mckesey named his business “Kolcha Belize” where he specializes in the production of traditional Belizean Cultural products such as; cashew seeds, cohune oil, noni juice, wines, and stewed cashew, plum, supa and other fruits. “Kolcha Belize” began to gain an outstanding reputation as everyone who traveled the Northern Highway knew what they call the “wine place”. With this in mind, Mr. Vince was convinced that his business was in need of a formal identity and visited the Small Business Development Center (SBDCBelize) where he became a client in July, 2013.

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SBDCBelize has been a fundamental block to Kolcha Belize’s accomplishments, as they have facilitated the process of business formalization, business model development, and funding acquisition through the Integral Development of Entrepreneurship for Central America and Dominican Republic program (EMPRENDE). SBDCBelize guided Mr. Vince through the process of creating a business plan, and a business model for “Kolcha Belize” as a requirement of the Emprende program. As a result of his outstanding performance in the Emprende program, Mr. Vince was awarded a seed capital for his business. The seed capital has been invested in purchasing of production equipment, machinery, marketing and packaging. Accompanied by the assistance of SBDCBelize, “Kolcha Belize” has managed to integrate 3 new flavors of wine and has expanded its market to Belize City at a location in Tourist Village. Currently, Mr. Vince is working on improving his bottling and envisions his products representing the Belizean culture in International Markets. “Omar & SBDCBelize has broadened my scope of business with knowledge and inspiration. Their training and expertise has been valuable to the growth of my business”. Vince Mckesey Business Owner Kolcha Belize

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CGA Success Story Silver Lining Marketing and Business Services – Mardi Perez 1057 Chancellor St, West Landivar Belize City Mardi Perez, the owner and founder of Silver Lining Marketing and Business Services, holds seven years of experience in graphic design and five years in web design. What began as a fascinating hobby metamorphosed into a thriving marketing business gearing towards assisting micro and small entrepreneurs. Mardi’s business idea began after experiencing a difficult episode in her life. After a difficult period she was now rededicating her career by doing menial jobs here and there. Despite the occurrence, Mardi had never abandoned her dreams of becoming a web designer and as the old saying goes, “after every storm comes a rainbow”. Mardi met a friend who had requested her assistance in web designing and realized how good she was at it. Motivated by her performance, Mardi resumed her dreams and completed several online courses to enhance her capabilities.

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She invested her time helping small businesses and was overwhelmed by how gratitude made her feel. At that point, Mardi had no doubt that helping small and micro businesses was what she wanted to do. She then decided to create a business that would help small and medium businesses to gain recognition through Print Media, Embroidery, Branding, Online Presence and more. There was just one hitch to this, Mardi was confused as where to start. Proven to be a strong woman, Mardi did not allow this challenge to hinder her path and contacted the Small Business Development Center (SBDCBelize) on May of 2014. Since her signature date with SBDCBelize, Mardi has managed to attain several outstanding milestones such as business formalization, webpage development and funds acquisition through the Development Finance Cooperation. Silver Lining Marketing and Business Services was launched on April 2014 with the assistance of SBDCBelize and has gained a sustainable market share in Belize. Through this initiative, Mardi was contracted to create a webpage for the BTL Park and its 25 vendors. As that date, Mardi has continued to assist these vendors by providing flyers, business cards, facebook management and other marketing tools they may need. Silver Lining Marketing and Business Services continues to reap success as they have entered international markets such as New York, USA. They hope to one day dominate the most of the North American Market with the guidance of SBDCBelize. “SBDC has unlocked opportunities for me I didn’t think existed both financially and personally.” Madri Perez Business Owner Silver Lining Marketing and Business Services

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CGA Success Story Blue Spring Purified Water – Mariano Kus San Miguel Village, Toledo District Considering his geographic location as an asset, Mr. Kus established his business in March of 2012. As every successful entrepreneur Mr. Kus’s business idea surfed a day while analyzing the potential of his target market. The village of San Miguel, in which he lives is conveniently located near the Southern Highway and is surrounded by approximately ten neighboring villages. Mr. Kus knew that his business would rely on a promising target market and set off his entrepreneurial career by selling flavored ideals in his village. The villagers of San Miguel were fascinated by his flavored and milky ideals and as a result Mr. Kus began experiencing a peek in sales. Having room for expansion, Mr. Kus purchased a small reverse osmosis system in June of 2012 and began producing small pouches of water for sale. Initially, the business was only focused in the production of small pouches of water but as sales increased they implemented the half litre bottles and one litre bottles. At this point, all the products were been labeled with the business name, “Blue Spring Purified Water”. Being the only providers of 350ml pouches of water in the area, Mr. Kus wanted to assure the quality of his products by integrating a semi-automatic bagging machine. There was just one thing impeding Mr. Kus from being one step ahead of his competitors and this was the current absence of finance in the business. Not letting this become an obstacle to the business, Mr. Kus visited the Small Business Development Center (SBDCBelize) and shortly became a client of the organization on July 2013. SBDCBelize assisted Mr. Kus in business plan completion, product 21 CGA – Success Stories

development, book keeping system implementation and acquisitions of funds from the Development Finance Corporation. With the help of the organization Blue Spring Purified Water has been able to integrate new products such as 500ml and 5 gallon bottled water and has extended his market into twenty communities in Toledo District. In accordance to the loan obtained from the Development Finance Corporation, Mr. Kus has invested the funds in purchasing a semi-automatic bagging machine and a new water purification system holding a capacity of 350 gallons per day. As a reciprocal response to this investment, Blue Spring Purified Water is presently selling 15,000 pouches of both flavored and milky way ideals on a weekly basis. Mr. Kus has managed to gain loyal customers, he now supplies water and ideals to a couple of schools on large scale. Having a few competitors, a wide market and quality products, Blue Spring Purified water continues to maintain its identity credible in water industry.

“SBDCBelize has been instrumental in providing assistance in business plan development and obtaining finance to expand my business.” Mariano Kus Business Owner Blue Spring Purified Water

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CGA Success Story Palmeto Grove Lodge – Uwahine Martinez Hopkins Village, Stann Creek Palmento Grove Lodge, also known as Palmento Grove–Hopkins, is a fully owned family business between a father and daughter. The business was established in 2008 by Mr. Eugene Martinez and his daughter Uwahine Martinez, who later joined to assist in managerial operations of the business. The name “Palmetto Grove” was derived from the main vegetation in Hopkins, which is palmetto trees and mangrove. The Martinez family tweaked the name palmetto to create “Palmento Grove”, which represents their culture and roots. Palmento Grove Lodge offers comfortable and spacious accommodations. It is submerged in an enriching and cultural Garifuna experience. Guests have the option to choose from an array of amenities such as; Garifuna’s cuisine, cultural lessons, bike rental, internet access, laundry services and other recreational facility. In addition, the lodge also facilitates tours through their close ties with several travel agents. In this manner guests wishing to explore the wonders of Belize can do so without the extra hassle. Palmento Grove Lodge started as an occupational hobby for the Martinez family but as demand increased, Uwahine saw the need for expansion. She then decided to visit SBDCBelize through the referral of a friend and became a client of the center on November 11, 2013. Together, Uwahine and Mrs. Nilda Riverol, business advisor, walked through the process of writing a business plan. In various advising sessions, Mrs. Riverol revised, edited and gave recommendations on ways in how to improve the business plan. 23 CGA – Success Stories

The objective of the business plan was for Uwahine to obtain the financing required to expand the facilities at Palmeto Grove Lodge. Mrs. Riverol and Uwahine invested several hours identifying potential target markets and marketing activities to create an innovative plan that would improve brand awareness. This initiative resulted in a solid marketing strategy and since then; Palmeto Grove Lodge has seen an increase in guests. Uwahine was able to effectively translate the knowledge received from the advising sessions into the management of the business. Today, Palmeto Grove Lodge holds the marketing power when it comes to providing a memorable cultural vacation in Hopkins for tourists and Belizean visitors. “The advice, guidance and customer service received at SBDCBelize has been significant to Palmeto Grove Lodge.” Uwhanie Martinez Business Owner Palmeto Grove Lodge

CGA Success Story Francisco Montero – Rumors Resort Mile 2 ½ Benque Viejo Road Rumors Resort sits elegantly on a hilltop along the Benque Viejo Road, just 2.5 miles away from San Ignacio town. They offer a family-friendly ambience for Belizeans and adventurous travelers looking for a sophisticated and affordable retreat. The Resort is equipped with standard and premium rooms for customers who are simply passing by or spending a vacation weekend. Guests at Rumors Resort have the privilege to adjust amenities of their choice to their rooms. In addition to room accommodations, Rumors Resort assists its customers in reserving adventure tours and customizing group packages for those who wish to explore the natural wonders of Belize. They also provide a venue for customers who wish to celebrate their special event accompanied by a scenic view and amicable staff. The special event package can be attuned to; VIP, Workshops, and Event Celebrations bookings.

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Mr. Francisco Montero the sole proprietor of Rumors Resort, approached SBDCBelize for assistance in launching a new marketing plan for his business. He became a client of the Center on March, 11th, 2013 and since then has managed to achieve several outstanding milestones accompanied by the guidance and advising of his business advisor, Mrs. Nilda Riverol. Through the advising sessions, Mr. Montero has been able to shift his marketing plan prioritizing on key items that has allowed the business to increase its sales, improve brand awareness and expand their target market. The marketing plan, spanned for a year and encompassed marketing activities such as; logo completion, personalized souvenirs, roadside billboards, and website revamping. As a result of the Brand Awareness Campaign, Rumors Resort has entered into two new markets, those being Adventure Tours and Adventure Packages. In November, 2014, Mr. Montero attended “Establishing a Business Workshop” where he gained knowledge in business startup and preplanning. As a client of SBDCBelize, Mr. Montero has received the proper guiding that is required to successfully conduct his business. Upon practicing the newly gained knowledge from his participation, Rumors Resort has attained a favorable change in sales while maintaining a healthy number of six employees. SBDCBelize has also assisted Mr. Montero through the process of obtaining a capital funding from a commercial bank, which contributed to the development of Rumors Resort. Today, Rumors Resort has been able to uphold its good quality on services, where proof of this is seen through the positive reviews of their guests. “SBDCBelize has assisted me in learning better and more efficient ways of conducting my business.”

Francisco Montero Business Owner Rumors Resort

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CGA Success Story Catch The Vision – Mary Martin #8 18th Street, San Ignacio Mary Martin, the owner and administrator of “Catch the Vision” was always touched by the need to encourage others to think, act and live in ways beyond their present reality. She noticed that too many people were simply existing, hating their jobs, engaged in risky behaviors to compensate for some unfulfilled dream and suffering from stress-related disorders. Conscious about this dilemma, she decided to start a business that would strive to facilitate a positive change by helping others to “catch the vision!” The business’s name, “Catch the Vision” was derived from the belief of a teaching truth that “More is caught than taught.” 26 CGA – Success Stories

“Catch the Vision” offers to the public A Different Point of View stage presentations; Make It Work! Corporate Workshops; The Real You Personal Sessions and the sale of authored Electronic (e) Books. “Catch the Vision” had been put on the back burner for many years. But a door opened and Ms. Martin was aware that “Catch the Vision” required a well written and detailed business plan and immediately took action. Having a first draft of her business plan in hands led Ms. Martin to SBDCBelize. She had heard about the services the SBDCBelize offers to micro, small and mid-size enterprises in a newspaper article and decided to call the Center to inquire about her business plan. After her first contact with the Center, Ms. Martin was convinced that she had made the right choice and was at the right place. As a client of SBDCBelize, Ms. Martin was assigned to a primary business advisor, Mrs. Nilda Riverol, who assisted her in the process of; Business plan, Marketing, Project feasibility, Development, Access to capital and Market research. Mrs. Nilda Riverol invested several advising sessions revising, editing and giving recommendations on “Catch the Vision’s” business plan. A substantial part of the advising sessions was provided through the revision of the financial section in the business plan. Mrs. Riverol facilitated a brief technical training on balance sheet and income statement. As a result of the clear and updated financial statements, “Catch the Vision” was able to obtain a loan through the Development Finance Cooperation. The loan was injected into the business to expand and improve management practices. With the services of SBDCBelize, “Catch the Vision” grew as a business and Ms. Martin was able to expand her knowledge in entrepreneurship. She attended several workshops provided by the Center such as; Establishing a Business in Belize, Making Small Business Happen, Business Plan Writing, Costing and Pricing, Marketing and Sales, Introduction to Export, and Basic Bookkeeping .With the help of SBDCBelize, Ms. Martin was also able to formalize her business through the process of a business registration and is now operating in the formal sector. “Catch the Vision” has successfully been functioning for three years and has extended its market in United States and Canada.

“SBDCBelize showed genuine interest, was open, motivated, gave professional guidance and provided a total experience.” Mary Martin Business Owner Catch the Vision

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CGA Success Story Harpy Security Services – Reynolds J Lewis 7008 Daisy Hornby Street, Belize City Harpy Security Services is a highly professional security company specialized in providing safety and security to its users. Mr. Reynolds Lewis the owner, ensures to maintain a team of highly qualified and trained security professionals to safeguard any environment in which they operate. Mr. Reynolds contacted SBDCBelize inquiring assistance in customer service practices. He was aware that operating a business that offers security services required him to have a staff that delivers excellent customer services. Conscious about this principle, Mr. Reynolds became a client of SBDCBelize on March 14th, 2014. Upon his signature date with the Center, SBDCBelize facilitated a formal customer service training for Harpy Security Service’s Management Team and forty employees. In the Customer 28 CGA – Success Stories

Service training, Mr. Reynolds and his team where able to expand their knowledge in topics such as, Dimensions of Services, Business Fit, Customer Cycle, and Tips for Customer-Friendly Responses. During advising sessions, Mrs. Nilda Riverol acted as Mr. Reynolds primary business advisor. She attentively listened to his business needs and gave recommendations on practices to improve customer services in the business. One of the recommendations derived from the sessions was to implement a customer service evaluation card, where customers would be able to rate the services provided by the business. The turnout of this recommendation was positive, since Mr. Reynolds was able to implement the form and has improve the customer services aspect of his business through the critique of his clients. Furthermore, SBDCBelize evaluated the existing Customer Service and Human Recourse procedures in Harpy Security Services. During the evaluation, the need for a Customer Service Plan and Manual was identified. Mrs. Riverol and Mr. Reynolds immediately took action on this, compiling information and creating the first customer service manual and plan modified to create a customer friendly environment for staff and clients. Both documents have been fundamental for Harpy Security Service as it provided a sensitization on the company’s mission, vision and values. Today, Harpy Security Services has gained a reputation in Belize for not only providing high quality security services but also customer services. “With the assistance of Mrs. Nilda a better understanding of Customer Service was delivered through a training.” Reynolds J Lewis Business Owner Harpy Security Services

CGA Success Story JimSan Aquaponics Farm – Jimmi Jones 212 Lords Bank Belize City Aquaponics can be described as a food production system that combines farming fishes and plants together in a mutual beneficial cycle.

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Jimmi Jones, the owner and manager of “JimSan Aquaponics Farm” started his business in 2008, while testing fish rearing with Tilapia fingerlings. His interest for Aquaponics farming grew as of date, leading him to build his first commercial Aquaponics System with the assistance of his friends and family. Presently, the business specializes in the production of both farmed fishes and vegetables through the process of Aquaponics. Mr. Jones underwent a five-day training program in Aquaponics at the Morning Star Fishermen institution. Through the training program, Mr. Jones was able to improve his business by implementing practical skills in Aquaculture and Hydroponics. With only three years of operation, demand for his products kept increasing. People from all over the country knew about “JimSan Aquaponics Farming”, triggering Mr. Jones to expand his business. Initially, Mr. Jones encountered SBDCBelize through the referral of a friend, who has also been receiving services provided by the Center. He became a client of SBDCBelize on September, 19th 2013 where he was assigned to a business advisor, Mrs. Nilda Riverol. With the fundamental assistance of Mrs. Riverol, Mr. Jones was able to formalize his business through the process of a business registration. She also worked together with Mr. Jones revising areas such as, distribution and marketing to complete the business plan and model. As a client of SBDCBelize, Mr. Jones partook in the Entrepreneurship Program (Emprende) geared towards improving opportunities for entrepreneurs. Accompanied by his business advisor, Mr. Jones completed the seven phases of the Entrepreneurship Program building knowledge in Market Research and other business capacity areas. As a result of his outstanding performance in the program, Mr. Jones was awarded a seed capital to be invested in “JimSan Aquaponics Farm”. The seed capital abetted to the improvement of infrastructure and production capacity in Jimsan Aquaponics Farming. The integration of the new equipment and infrastructure enabled the development of new products such as; Sweet Bael, Swiss Chard, Kal, Mint, and Tyme. Today, JimSan Aquaphonics Farm maintains a positive change in sales and is working on strengthening its package for export purposes with the assistance of SBDCBelize. “The help SBDCBelize offered was invaluable and have transformed my approach to business.” 30 CGA – Success Stories

Jimmi Jones Business Owner Jimsan Aquaponics Farm

CGA Success Story Bird’s Eye View Jams and Jellies – Verna Samuels Belize City Mrs. Verna Samuels discovered the delights of jam and jellies through a personal interest. When she moved to Crooked Tree village, she discovered an abundance of 31 CGA – Success Stories

seasonal fruits that were left unconsumed and spoiled under the trees. Being a conservative person, Mrs. Samuels began researching on ways how to put these fruits to use and came across a feasible jam recipe. Mrs. Samuels made her first cashew jam after hours experimenting with the ingredients and textures. Initially, she began making jams and jellies on her spare time as a form of interaction with her family. Mrs. Samuels thought that her long-lasting hobby would just make nice gifts for her friends and family. But with time, her jams became popular among her close circle and in no time friends of her friends were making orders. The demand for her jams grew by word of mouth and as a result, she started to supply her products to four main stores. With orders coming in at a steady pace, it became clear that Mrs. Samuels needed to gear up and focus on turning her after hours pastime into a fully fledge business. It was then, that she contacted SBDCBelize and became a client on January 9th, 2014. As a client of the Center, Mrs. Samuels was assigned to a business advisor where she received several personalized sessions on costing and pricing. As a novice in the food production industry, Mrs. Samuels was unsure about her pricing schema. Fortunately, SBDCBelize introduced her to methods of; cost tracking, depreciation, and sales price to improve her sales and production. SBDCBelize also guided Mrs. Samuels on what form of registration to use on her jam and jellies business. During her contact hours with the Center, labeling standards were shared and explained to emphasize on the importance of packaging. Mrs. Riverol, her business advisor discussed the importance of market readiness since the business was not equipped with the proper labeling. Contacts for Nutritional Facts were issued to finalize the labeling and marketing image of her products. Mrs. Samuels named her business “Birds Eye View Jam and Jellies” where she specializes on the production of cashew, mango, berries and other seasonal fruits jam and jellies. Presently, her products can be found nestled on the shelves of her gift shop and neighboring hotels. “SBDCBelize assisted me in costing and pricing which increased our sales and brand identity” Verna Samuels Business Owner Bird’s Eye View Jams and Jellies

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