4.3.3 Experiences with the dual system of education and training in the Slovak Republic According to the most current sources, the topic of the dual system of education and training was theoretically addressed by many authors, e.g. Neupauerová (2013) wrote about the possibilities of using the dual system of education and training following the example of Austrian and German success, Gregová (2013) also addressed the current young generation as a risk group in the labour market in terms of dual education, Gonda (2014) focused on some aspects of the dual system of education and training on the example of Slovakia, Orbánová (2015) paid attention to the dual system of education and training as a tool for reducing youth unemployment, Rozinaj, Podhradský and Rybárová (2015) dealt with modern IKT in the dual system of education and training in secondary vocational schools and described the activities of projects H2020 “NEWTON” and ERASMUS + “TECHpedia”, Petlák described the existing views on the dual system of education and training dual system of education and training dual system of education and training, Nekolová, Pastuchová and Pavlíčková (2016) paid attention to the support of the dual system of education and training at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Nekolová and Prváková (2016) described the current state and development trends in the labour market, Olšavský and Treľová (2016), Treľová and Olšavský (2016), Treľová and Olšavský (2017) and Treľová and Olšavský (2015) paid attention to the dual system of education and training in practice in our conditions, Nevická (2017) wrote about the dual system of education and training as a means of preventing the outflow of skilled labour, Hricová and Madzinová (2018a, b) wrote about the dual system of education and training in the context of Industry 4.0, Orbánová (2018 ) dealt with the dual system of education and training in the Slovak Republic in the context of labour market requirements, Treľová (2018b) described the benefits of theoretical education in schools and practical training directly in enterprises. According to the available data, banks, insurance companies and financial advisory institutions are most interested in the implementation of the dual system of education and training, especially in connection with the professional practice of students who will graduate from the professional component (e.g. a bank worker in experimental verification). Further cooperation is set up in the field of glass and printing (SIVE, 2018). 122