4 THE DUAL SYSTEM OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING In the fourth chapter of our scientific monograph, we will deal with the topic of the dual system of education and training in the domestic and foreign portfolios, together with their specifics, historical, but also the most current starting points. According to Petanovitsch et al. (2014), an unconditional basic dimension for a long-term functional system of apprenticeship education is to ensure the involvement of companies and a sufficient number and quality of apprenticeships. However, this will only happen if the effects of benefits can be expected from the point of view of companies. Empirical studies sufficiently prove that apprenticeships provide companies with their professional development, thus supporting operational continuity as well as innovation. The costs of apprenticeships (time, resources, apprenticeships, apprenticeship workshops, instructors etc.) are in contrast to the productive performance of apprentices throughout the teaching period. The expected calculation of costs and benefits in the context of education is an essential determining factor for educational offers from the side of entrepreneurs, while the benefits cannot be quantified solely by productive work, but are also associated with a medium-term investment motive for example. The formal finishing of education, and also the end of an apprenticeship, act as signals of the labour market. Therefore, it needs to be ensured that the person has the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies associated with it after completing apprenticeship (Veteška and Tureckiová, 2008a, 2008b). This is also relevant from graduates because of their chances on the labour market “outside” the original company in which they were educated. It needs to be ensured that the level of quality of education is achieved – and no matter which company the apprenticeship took place. Only by this way, there will be a demand for the profession in the labour market and only then is it possible to ensure quality at all levels: from the apprenticeship (quality requirements imposed on the company where the training takes place, as well as ensuring, supporting and developing the quality of apprenticeships in enterprises) through the quality of apprenticeship training in the apprenticeship school, to passing the final apprenticeship exam, state Petanovitsch et al. (2014).