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selection of cooperating employers; adjustment of school educational programs; modifying the graduate profile, curriculum following the model curricula for the dual system of education and training, etc.; the content and organization of practical training at the employer; recruitment of primary school students for the dual system of education and training; up-to-date vocational training of vocational subject teachers and VET teachers in cooperation with employers; selection of pedagogical employee for the coordination of dual system of education and training; the conditions of the contractual relationship with employers in the form of a dual education contract; the effects of school involvement in the dual system of education and training on the school’s budget and management; adjustment of the conditions of the admission procedure; employer’s participation in graduation (Kováč, 2015).
4.3.1 Historical context of the dual system of education and training in Slovakia From a historical point of view for apprenticeship education in Czechoslovakia after World War II, according to Petanovitsch et al. (2014), was a decisive change in vocational apprenticeship education in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and it was based on the nationalization of most enterprises in the period from 1945 to 1951, as well as on the establishment of unified farmers’ cooperatives. These measures led to the central management of apprenticeship training for all sectors of the national economy. In 1960, the first steps were taken to establish the first places for the training of apprentices in individual enterprises, in which general and vocational-theoretical education, practical training as well as an education outside teaching were coordinated. Since 1974, in addition to the two- to three-year apprenticeship, a four-year apprenticeship was introduced, finishing with graduation. A certain group of professions was intended exclusively for the education of graduates. Teaching in secondary apprenticeship schools (vocational schools) and secondary vocational schools was carried out thanks to the relevant timetables and curricula issued by the Ministry of Education for each profession. All 90