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607 Ships were identifi ed using diff erent handbooks. Misidentifi cation was not uncommon during the war, the most well known example in the Austro-Hungarian Navy was the misidentifi cation of the approaching British cruisers during the initial phase of the Battle of the Otranto Straits on 15 May 1917. 608 Maybe this is a typing error, 16,000 m is more realistic. Th e maximum range of the 30.5 cm guns was around 19,000 m, while the range dials of the gun sights were graduated to 15 degrees. KA MS MTK Res Nr. 1139/III ex 1912. Th e initial range on the gunnery trial of the Szent István was 15,200 m which was soon reduced to 10,000 m. KA MS/II GG 47D/2 46 ex 1916. Th e short randefi nders of these battleships were inaccurate at ranges over 10,000 m. 609 NA ONI Register No. 3882 R-2-b. 610 KA MS/II GG 47D/2 46 ex 1916. 611 Attila József: “And so I’ve found my native country,/that soil the gravedigger will frame,/ where they who write the words above me/ do not for once misspell my name. Th is black collection-box receives me/(for no one needs me any more),/this Iron Six was worth twenty,/this coin left over from the war.” Translated by Frederick Turner and Zsuzsanna

Ozsváth. 612 Th e only active-duty offi cer whom was ever given this rank was Anton Haus (1916). Th e other Großadmirals were the members of the


Habsburg and the Hohenzollern families. 613 Th is rank was given only to reserve offi cers.

Professional offi cers were promoted after their successful exam to Fregattenleutnant.


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