Bemidji Buyline | March 1, 2025

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A2 | Saturday, March 1, 2025 | thE BuylinE

release said.

contact (218) 751-8836.

Lakeside Bible Study

to meet Thursday nights

BEMIDJI — The Lakeside Bible Study group will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday nights in the Beltrami Electric Community Room, 4111 Technology Drive NW.

Lakeside Bible Study is a small group led by Max Taylor that offers spiritual support and Biblical teaching from a Baptistic perspective for anyone in the Bemidji area, a release said. The group’s goal is to “focus our attention on Christ as we meet together for study, conversation, prayer and singing

hymns,” the release explained. For more information, follow the Lakeside Bible Study channel on the Telegram app at tinyurl. com/lakesidebiblestudy.

Bemidji Senior Center to hold book club, Capturing Your Memories class

BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Senior Center will hold its monthly book club and a Capturing Your Memories class on Tuesday, March 4, at the center, 216 Third St. NW. The book club will meet at 10 a.m. Participants should come ready to discuss “Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese, a

The club meets at 10 a.m. on the first Tuesday of the month, and is accepting new members. Attendees should read “Frozen River” by Ariel Lawhon for the March meeting.

At 1 p.m., historian Sue Bruns will hold another Capturing Your Memories writing class.

Attendees can join even if they didn’t attend one of the earlier classes, the release said. Both events are free and open to the public. The center welcomes attendees of all ages, explained the release. For more information,

Holy Trinity to hold Leap of Faith meatball dinner

BLACKDUCK — Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Blackduck will host its 10th annual Leap of Faith meatball dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 2, at the church, 125 First St. NW.

The menu will feature meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, coleslaw, bread and dessert. A gluten-free dessert option is available, a release said.

The suggested donation is $15 for adults and $8 for children ages 6 to 12 years.

Proceeds will go to the Blackduck Library Food Shelf and Leevers Blackduck Food Vouchers.

Sheriff Jason Riggs to present at Bemidji Senior Center

BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Senior Center will host a scam detection awareness presentation at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5, at the center, 216 Third St. NW.

Sheriff Jason Riggs and Val Mattison of Dancing Sky AAA will teach attendees the various ways scammers attempt to defraud older adults of their money, a release said. Refreshments will be served; everyone is welcome.

For more information, contact (218) 751-8836. Meals on Wheels seeks Bemidji area volunteers BEMIDJI — The local Meals on Wheels program, located at the Bemidji Senior Center, is seeking volunteers to help deliver meals to seniors in the area who need a hot meal and someone to check up on them. For more information or to sign up to be a volunteer driver, call Lacie at (218) 444-3987.

to contriButE nEwS StoriES or photoS EMail: BuylinE@BEMidjipionEEr.coM

March Family Enrichment classes set at Mt. Zion Church

BEMIDJI — A “Fun with Watercolors” Family Enrichment class is scheduled for 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays, March 6 and 20, at Mt. Zion Church, 414 Lincoln Ave.

“Join us to experiment with a variety of tools to expand your creativity, to learn a few loose watercolor techniques and then use these tools and techniques to complete your watercolor projects,” a release said.

Classes are for participants age 12 and older; children must have an adult family member present.

This activity is free and all materials are provided for the classes, but preregistration is required. Contact Les Sanders at (218) 556-3521 or Kathy Sanders at (218) 556-0887 for details and registration. For more information, visit

Bemidji Retired Military Club set to meet March 6

BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Retired Military Club will host a meeting on the first Thursday of each month at a local restaurant for dinner and camaraderie. The next meeting is set for March 6.

“If you are a retired military veteran of any branch of service, we would love to have you join us,” a release said.

For more information, contact (218) 759-1096 to get the name of the restaurant of the month and leave your name and number to reserve a spot. Bagley Public Library to offer March programming

BAGLEY — The Bagley Public Library will host a variety of events this March at the library, 79 Spencer Clearwater Ave.

The library’s book club will meet at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 7, to discuss “The Housemaid” by Freida McFadden, a psychological thriller featuring a housemaid to a wealthy family, a release said.

All are welcome to join the discussion.

A Gardening Basics workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 8. The program will feature local gardeners Connie Nunemaker and Juleigh Prosser presenting on the basics of garden planning, seed starting and how to read a garden catalog.

The program will be offered in an open discussion format and attendees are encouraged to bring their questions.

A class on Cybersecurity Basics will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26. Offered in collaboration with the


Senior Center, this free class is geared to older adults who want to use the Internet safely, the release said.

The program will feature a member of the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office and is made possible through a partnership with the National Council on Aging and AT&T.

The Bagley Public Library is open from 1 to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

For more information on the club and other Lake Agassiz Regional Library events, contact (218) 233-3757 or visit <u></u>.

to youth & women with children along with the MAT Outpaitent Program. We have the following job openings: RN: Depending On Qualifications

Nursing Supervisor: Depending On Qualifications

WWB Overnight Lodge Staff: $18.52Hr

WWB Counselor, UMICAD I, II, III /LADC: $22.51, $23.64, $26.23 & DOQ

MAT Counselor, UMICAD I, II, III /LADC: $22.51, $23.64, $26.23 & DOQ

Recovery Treatment Coordinator: $22.51Hr

Youth Lodge Staff: $18.52Hr

Youth Shift Supervisor: $21.44Hr

Increasing your competitive advantage by aligning strategy with people and culture come join our team.

For full job descriptions & to download an application go to: Scan and email

Courtesy / Beltrami County Historical Society
Clara Bondeli Anderson and her husband Ole establisted the Lake Shore Hotel, located at 100 Second Street, which is pictured here in 1898.
Oshki Manidoo Center, Bemidji, MN offers inpatient treatment
Bemidji Pioneer

Wild Hare Bistro to host Mary Therese’s ‘Puzzling Time’ exhibit

BEMIDJI — The public is invited to view works by artist Mary Therese in her “Puzzling Time” exhibit, on display through March 28 at Wild Hare Bistro, 523 Minnesota Ave. NW.

“Puzzling Time” features multi-media collage pieces with a variety of themes.

Wild Hare is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For more information, visit the Wild Hare Bistro Facebook page.

Bemidji Public Library to host ‘New Belongings’ poetry reading and workshop

BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Public Library will hold a “New Belongings” poetry reading and workshop at 2 p.m. on Friday, March 7, at the library, 509 America Ave. NW.

“New Belongings” blends writers of adoption, fostered and kinship care experiences, a release said.

Writers LM Brimmer, Halee Kirkwood and Sherrie Fernandez-Williams will share space, knowledge and stories around the theme of belonging.

Brimmer is an artist and educator living on Dakota land. Co-editor of the anthology “Queer

Voices: Poetry, Prose and Pride,” their essays and poetry have recently appeared in The Colorado Review, Heavy Feather Review, Tiny Spoon Lit Mag, Quarterly West and elsewhere. Their debut collection “Imagined Child” is forthcoming from Kelsey Street Press.

Kirkwood is a genrefluid writer living in Minneapolis. They were an inaugural and returning Indigenous Nations Poets fellow, a Tin House Summer Workshop alum, a 2023-2025 Jerome Hill Artist Fellow, a 2022 Minnesota State Arts Board grant recipient and the winner of the 2022 James Welch Poetry Prize.

Kirkwood’s poetry and prose can be found in Prairie Schooner, Poetry Magazine, Poem-A-Day, Ecotone and others. They are a first-generation direct descendant of the Fond du Lac Band of


Lake Superior Ojibwe. Fernandez-Williams is a Black, Queer writer who earned her Master of Fine Arts degree in Writing from Hamline University, the release said. She was a Jerome Hill Artist Fellow and

received a Black Voices in Children’s Literature award. She also codirects Queer Voices Minnesota with Brimmer.

The author of the book of poems, “Goddess of the Whole Self,” and the memoir “Soft,”

Fernandez-Williams has published poems in journals including New Limestone Review, Aquifer: The Florida Review and Duke University Press, among others.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a


egelhofk@ or (218) 751-3963.

from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Contact Kate Egelhof at the library with any questions at
Courtesy / Wild Hare Bistro Facebook page
Multi-media collage works by artist Mary Therese will be on display as part of a “Puzzling Time” exhibit running through March 28 at Wild Hare Bistro, 523 Minnesota Ave. NW.

Little Sprouts Nature Exploration program continues March 8

BEMIDJI — The city of Bemidji Parks and Recreation Department will offer a Little Sprouts Nature Exploration program from 10 to 10:45 a.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the City Park Warming House, 1224 23rd St. NW. March’s meeting is all about animal homes.

Attendees will explore the actions nature takes to survive winter by spending a short time outdoors before heading inside for some hands-on activities and craft time, a release said.

This is a preschool program all about nature exploration. Parents or guardians are required to stay during the event.

The program costs $6 per preschool participant.

To register, visit www. For more information, call (218) 333-1862.

Parks and Rec to offer Puzzle Palooza event

BEMIDJI — The city of Bemidji Parks and Recreation Department will hold a Puzzle Palooza event from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Friday, March 7, at the Historic Carnegie Library.

Teams of two to four participants will race to see who can complete their 500-piece puzzle the fastest, a release said. Each team will have a two-hour time limit.

Prizes will be given to the top finishers. If the time limit expires before any team has completed their puzzle, the remaining “loose” pieces will be counted to determine the winners, the release said.

The cost to participate is $25 per team. Snacks are provided and teams will get to keep their puzzle after the competition. Check-in starts at 4:30 p.m. with the competition starting at 5 p.m.

For more information or to register, visit www. or call (218) 333-1862.

Bemidji Senior Center to hold pancake breakfast fundraiser

BEMIDJI — The Bemidji Senior Center will hold its monthly pancake breakfast event from 8 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the center, 216 Third St. NW.

The cost is $7 for adults and children 12 and older; $3.50 for children ages 5 to 11; and free for ages 4 and younger. The meal includes sausage, pancakes and milk.

All proceeds will benefit the Bemidji Senior Center.

For more information, contact (218) 751-8836.

Friends of Lake Bemidji State Park set to meet March 13

BEMIDJI — The public is invited to join the Friends of Lake Bemidji State Park at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of the month in the visitor center of the main State Park building, 3401 State Park Road NE.

The next meeting is set for March 13. The Friends group provides funds for and volunteers at many park projects and events.

“Join us in making a positive difference in our beautiful park,” a release said.

For more information, contact the state park at (218) 308-2300.

Community contra dance set for March 8 at Rail River Folk School

BEMIDJI — Bemidji Contra Dance will host a community contra dance at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at Rail River Folk School, 303 Railroad St. SW.

Contra dancing is a lively, traditional social dance that originated in New England and is now done all over the United States, a release said.

The community is invited to dance to live music by O’Neil Family Band of East Grand Forks with calling by Wendy Greenburg, the release said. Everything is taught by the caller and experience or partners will not be necessary. All ages are welcome.

A free-will donation of $5 to $10 is suggested but any amount is accepted. The first hour will be dedicated to dances for young families. For more information, visit the Bemidji Contra Dance Facebook page.

Bemidji State to offer Beaver Happy Hour event for alumni

BEMIDJI — The Bemidji State Alumni and Foundation will offer a Beaver Happy Hour event from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, at Keg N’ Cork for alumni and friends.

Beaver Happy Hours

provide an opportunity for all community members to connect with Alumni and Foundation staff and others in attendance, make meaningful contacts and build camaraderie around all things BSU, a release said. Parks and Rec to host Shamrock Shuffle 5K BEMIDJI — The city of Bemidji Parks and Recreation Department will host a Shamrock Shuffle

5K or 10K with registration at 9 a.m. and the race starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 15, at the Sanford Center, 1111 Event Center Drive NE. Participants can run this 5K or 10K challenge in person or virtually. Prizes will be awarded to in-person and virtual participants for overall top finishers, finishers by age group and to all of the participants ages 15 and under, a release said.

Chip timing will be done through Duluth Timing and breakfast and awards will be held after the run. The cost per person is $32. For more information or to register contact (218) 333-1862 or visit This event is sponsored by Paul Bunyan Communications.

Q: I was watching an old episode of “Voyager” where a wrestler had to fight an android. Was it The Rock or did it just look like him, because he was popular at the time?

A: Already in 2000 when the episode aired, Dwayne Johnson (“Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” 2017) — then still known only as The Rock — was a pretty big get for “Star Trek: Voyager.”

But it was, indeed, the man himself playing, well, essentially himself, but with some forehead prosthetics to look like an alien.

In the Season 6 episode, titled “Tsunkatse,” the Voyager crew take some shore leave on a planet that’s hosting a mixed martial arts tournament. Naturally, one of them — the cyborg Seven of Nine, played by Jeri Ryan (“Bosch”) — is forced to compete in the tournament, fighting the champion, played by Johnson. He gets to come out to a loud theme song and flashing lights, and their fight takes place in a wrestling ring — the producers are clearly counting on fans to know who The Rock is and to be as excited as

Saturday, March 1, 2025
The Bemidji Pioneer Page 15

First City Squares

dances continue

BEMIDJI — First City Squares will host dances from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Sundays each month through May at the Bemidji United Methodist Church, 924 Beltrami Ave NW.

Dances are set for the following dates: Sunday, March 16 with caller Charlie Huhtala. Sunday, April 27 with caller Tom Allen. • Sunday, May 18 with caller Abe Maier.

A potluck dinner will follow each dance.

All square dancers, those wishing to dance and spectators are welcome to join the fun, a release said.

For more information, contact Carole at (218) 766-9346, Scott at (218) 7663544 or Jeff at (302) 383-1502.

CoComelon live coming to the Sanford Center

Bemidji — Round Room Live and Moonbug Entertainment’s new CoComelon show will stop in Bemidji this spring.

“CoComelon: Sing-A-Long LIVE,” is set for 6 p.m. on Friday, May 2, at the Sanford Center.

This all-new production, featuring the characters of the children’s show “CoComelon,” will have attendees dancing and singing along with JJ, Nina, Cody, Cece and all of their friends to musical numbers including, “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “Wheels on the Bus,” “Animal Dance,” “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes,” “Freeze Dance,” and many more, a release said.

“Singing and dancing along to CoComelon tunes is a huge part of why families love to watch CoComelon together,” said Susan Vargo, head of experiences at Moonbug Entertainment, in the release. “It’s

exciting to bring this experience to life in a joyful event families won’t want to miss.” Tickets are on sale now at

Afterschool food program available at Boys and Girls Club BEMIDJI — The Boys and Girls Club of the Bemidji Area is participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program to offer afterschool meals to kids at the club.

Free meals will be provided to all enrolled children. Meals will meet nutritional standards established by the USDA, a release said.

Meals will be offered from 2:45 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, with select days off. The program will end on June 4.

Bemidji Area

Narcotics Anonymous holds New Freedom group meetings


Bemidji Area Narcotics Anonymous group holds two meetings in Bemidji each week. New Freedom group meetings are held at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, in Room 2 at Calvary Lutheran Church, 2508 Washington Ave. SE., and at 6 p.m. on Saturdays, upstairs at the Alano Club, 1225 Anne St. NW. Attendees should use the front entrance at Calvary Lutheran, a release said. For more information, contact Stephen at (218) 760-1548, or Tim at (218) 497-0258.

Parks and Rec offering Storytime at the Carnegie program

BEMIDJI — The city of Bemidji Parks and Recreation Department is offering a Storytime at the Carnegie program from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. on Mondays, at the Historic Carnegie Library, 317 Fourth St. NW.



Application Deadline: March 7, 2025

For more details and application, please visit

In 2001, he would truly make his entry into acting in the bigscreen smash “The Mummy Returns” — a turn that would lead to him getting his own standalone film, “The Scorpion King,” the following year.

Q: Why did Lauren Lyle leave “Outlander”? And what’s she doing now?

A: It was never officially announced that Lauren Lyle (“Vigil”) was leaving her role as Marsali on Starz’ smash-hit historical drama “Outlander” after its sixth season in 2022. The lack of a pre-announcement, plus the fact that her character was written off along with her on-screen husband (Cesar Domboy, “The Walk,” 2015), would suggest that she was leaving for story reasons rather than career ones. And she at least hinted the same in an interview in 2023, after Season 7 had premiered without her. “It feels weird to not be in it, but it’s just the way the world lay at that time and it happens and it’s fine,” she told

Of course, Lyle can afford to be gracious. Mere months after leav-

ing “Outlander,” she was already starring in her own show, the iTV crime thriller “Karen Pirie.”

That’s part of the answer to what she’s doing now. “Karen Pirie” (available over here on the BritBox streaming service) has aired one season so far, in 2022, but it’s currently in production on a second.

Meanwhile, Lyle also has a leading role in the miniseries “Toxic Town,” which just debuted on Netflix. And she’s dabbled a little in film, including the horror films “Mercy Falls” (2023) and “Something in the Water” (2024), as well as the awardnominated 2024 drama “The Outrun.”

But the biggest news for fans is that she’s not quite done with “Outlander” yet. It was announced last year that she would return for the show’s final, eighth season, along with her on-screen husband.

There’s no release date set yet, but filming wrapped in September. It’s speculated for late this year or early 2026.

Have a question? Email us at Please include your name and town.

Each week, preschool participants will hear a different story and have the chance to make a themed craft. The sessions are free to attend, and weekly programs will run through May 19.

To register, visit www. For more information, call (218) 333-1862.

Bagley Senior Center offers weekly programming

BAGLEY — The Bagley Senior Center is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday each week and offers a variety of programming for seniors and more.

Featuring a gift store, thrift shop and great coffee, the center, located at 26 Main Ave. N, is a great place to come and spend an afternoon and make new friends.

The Yarn Club meets at 10 a.m. on the first and third Tuesdays each

month. The Whist Gang meets at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays each week, all are welcome to participate. The center also offers Meals on Wheels for dinein and delivery. For more information, call (218) 694-6873.

Community Table offers sit-down meals

BEMIDJI — Mt. Zion and United Methodist Churches of Bemidji offer sit-down Community Table meals on Mondays through Thursdays.

The doors open at 4:40 p.m. with meals being served from 5 to 6 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays at Mt. Zion and Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Methodist Church. The meals are free and open to the public, everyone is welcome.

Bemidji Senior Center to offer Medicare 101 class


Miller will be teaching a Medicare 101 class at 1 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Bemidji Senior Center, 216 Third St. NW. “Medicare can be very confusing and having a professional explain all the options really is a benefit to our community,” a release said. Miller will answer questions about the Medicare process. This class is free to attend. For more information, call the center at (218) 751-8836.

Read local news 24/7.

March fundraising campaign to benefit Bemidji Community Food Shelf

BEMIDJI — Donations will be accepted throughout the month for the annual March Food Share fundraising event, which benefits the Bemidji Community Food Shelf.

This annual event, sponsored by the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches, helps to raise funds for nearly 300 food shelves across the state during the month of March by offering a partial match for all funds donated during the campaign.

The drive, which wraps up on April 6, is an important one for the Bemidji Community Food Shelf according to Executive Director Michael Olson.

“Donations received in March are crucial for helping us get through the summer months and into the fall, which have traditionally been low

donation periods,” Olson said in a release. “With a significant increase in people seeking food support, this campaign is more important than ever.”

Throughout the month of March, the Bemidji Community Food Shelf will be accepting donations of non-perishable food items and monetary contributions. Every donation made during this period will be partially matched, amplifying the impact of each contribution.

According to the release, last year the Bemidji Community Food Shelf served 42,000 individuals from 13,576 families, and the need continues to grow.

Community members can support the March Food Share Month campaign by:


Donations will be accepted throughout the month for the annual March Food Share fundraising event, which benefits the Bemidji Community Food Shelf.

• Donating non-perishable food items - drop off donations at the Bemidji Community Food Shelf, 1260 Exchange Ave SE.

Making a monetary donation - visit bcfsmn. org to make a secure online donation or send a check to the address above.

Volunteering - help sort and distribute food to those in need.

GMCC’s Minnesota FoodShare began its work in 1982 as a campaign advanced by congregations to restock food shelves in the seven-county Twin Cities Metro

area. The effort was so successful, and the need so evident, the March Campaign became a statewide initiative just one year later and is now in its 44th year.

“The Bemidji Community Food Shelf is committed to providing fresh, nourishing foods to those living in Beltrami County and the Bemidji School District,” the release said.

“We are grateful for the continued support of our community and partners in making this possible.”

The food shelf is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

BSU now offering free federal and state tax preparation BEMIDJI — Bemidji State University’s Department of Accountancy is again offering free federal and state tax preparation and eFiling to the public.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, through April 9, in BSU Memorial Hall room 250. There will be no service on March 12 due to spring break. No appointment is necessary, but the last walkin is accepted no later than 5:30 p.m.

Students who have completed BSU’s Tax I course and passed IRS certification tests will offer assistance to taxpayers who generally make $57,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly, limited Englishspeaking taxpayers and others who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns, a release said. This free service is

sponsored by the IRS.

If returns are outside of the scope of the program, taxpayers will need to identify other opportunities for support, such as contacting the IRS directly, working with a professional tax preparation service or using a selfguided tax preparation service, explained the release.

This year, the IRS is offering its VITA tax and eFiling software free to anyone, regardless of income level.

The free software guides taxpayers by asking sets of simply answered questions and prepares their return, similar to other self-preparation tax software. To access the software, email With questions, contact Jeffrey Everhart, assistant professor of accounting, at (218) 755-3873 or

advancement & career growth. Send resume to Patty Davidson, fill out an application at or call us at 218-449-4865. Walk-in applications are also welcome 67 State Street, Holt, MN 56738. We Are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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