feel that one of the main skills that I have learnt through this module is time management. This is one of the first modules where i feel that i have been on track for crits. and deadlines throughout, and i feel that this has really improved my practice. Another skill i feel i have developed through this module is through the production of a publication, prior to this i had shy’d away from publications deeming them too complex and difficult so i feel that through doing this as part of this module i have developed this skill drastically. I feel that i have applied this skill well into the module by producing a publication that is typographically considered and effectively delivers the message wanted. A further skill i feel i have developed during this module is in regards to collaboration. Working with Chris on a live brief was a really good experience and allowed me to realise the great array and high quality of work that can be produced when working with another person. I feel that we worked together really well and ended up with an informed and relevant resolution.
A strength that i can identify within my work is that there is a wide array of logo development. Previously i had designed a logo from the beginning and stuck with it for fear of changing it taking too long or ending up worse, but in this module i took on board the crit. feedback for my logo development in every instance and i feel that in turn this allowed me to end up with a better final resolution. I will capitalise on this strength by always continuing to develop my logo throughout a project and more importantly by taking crit. feedback on board rapidly and effectively. A further strength that i can identify within my work is the range of deliverables produced. I feel like i have considered every angle that the product could be developed into from simple identities all the way through to shop displays and point of sale. Not only has this allowed me to create a large body of work, i feel that it allows my work to seem more professional and ecologically valid. A final strength that i can identify within my work is a continuous documentation and