Berlin 52.5233째 N, 13.4127째 E
Photographer: Ben Rayner Film Directors: Dan Magee & John Fisher Art Direction: Mark Gregson Men’s Stylist: Daniel Cook Women’s Stylist: Cat Woods Hair: Katrin Wespel Make-Up: Patricia Piatke Special thanks to: Ellie, Alison, Pia, Misha, Tiziano, Aristea, Norbert, Klaus, Glenn, Kat & Gemma Nice one
These pages are a call out to our longing for freedom.
Taking a journey of our own we headed to Europe’s
To the inherent and insatiable need in all of us to ex-
cultural capital, Berlin, to capture the energy of city life.
plore, to journey, to see new things. And to sharing the
A bustling and ever-changing place, with a rich and
experiences with friends and strangers along the
tightly-woven history, the streets of Germany’s capital are
way. This is a rallying cry to uncover the unseen and
packed with undiscovered gems, hidden corners bursting
to discover new sights, whether they’re hidden on the
with new scenes, and it’s on these streets that we shot
streets we’ve walked down a thousand times or those
our beautiful new look book and campaign film. Bench
we’ve never set foot on before. Our AW13 campaign
AW13 is a call to be adventurous, to go one step further
celebrates the energy and community spirit of cities the
and know your city. To explore the colours and sounds of
world over - a nod to the fast-paced and active lifestyle
the places around you. Because life, and the world,
of metropolitan living. Whether on the race to work or a
is simply what you make of it.
mission to track down new places to hang out, our latest collection is designed to be on the move, with purpose built pieces for the dynamic people who wear them.
Warschauer Straße 52.51658°N 13.381°E
Warschauer Stra e Wa r s c h a u e r S t r a ß e i s a s t r e e t i n t h e Friedrichshain locality of central Berlin, t h e c a p i t a l o f G e r m a n y. I t l i n k s t h e Oberbaumbrücke, a landmark double deck bridge across the River Spree, w i t h F r a n k f u r t e r To r.
Jacket: BMKA1610 QUAFF Shirt: BMAA1122E MALIN E Denim: BMMA0232-10 SNARE 10 Bag: BMXA0731 LOUIS
T-Shirt: BMGA3114 STREET BEATS Sweat: BMEA2297 NAUGHT Denim: BMMA0232-7 SNARE 7 Bag: BMXA0731 LOUIS
Schlesisches Tor 52.5008째 N, 13.4417째 E
Schlesisches Tor In the Bohemian quarter commonly known as SO36 (named after its former postal code). The station is named after one of the former city gates of Berlin built in the early 18th century; the road that ran through it led southeastward to the province of Silesia.
Jacket: BMKA1618 RAINSTORM Knitwear: BMFA1195 QUIET Denim: BMMA0228-6 WAH WAH6 Hat: BMWA0539 LAXAR Gloves: BMVA0255 LAURRUS
Sweat: BMEA2300 ORIENT T-Shirt: BMGA3121 WRISTBAND Denim: BMMA0542-11 SNARE V11 Hat: BMWA0542 LUCRE Bag: BMXA0738 LATCHFORD
Sweat: BLKA1726 WOLFISH Knitwear: BLFA1219 HALSALL Denim: BLMA 0254-12 PICK V12
Jacket: BLKA1726 WOLFISH Knitwear: BLFA1219 HALSALL Denim: BLMA 0254-12 PICK V12
Jacket: BMKA1621 ONSIDE T-Shirt: BMGA3112 BEE LOGO Denim: BMMA0232-7 SNARE 7 Gloves: BMVA0231 HENRY
Oberbaumbrücke 52.5019° N, 13.4456° E
OberbaumbrUcke The Oberbaumbrücke is a double-deck bridge crossing Berlin’s River Spree, considered one of the city landmarks. It links Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg, former boroughs that were d i v i d e d b y t h e B e r l i n Wa l l , a n d h a s b e c o m e a n i m p o r t a n t s y m b o l o f B e r l i n ’ s u n i t y.
Jacket: BLKA1725 TIGERISH T-Shirt: BLGA2658 AMBELCOTE Sweat: BLEA3323 JADIS Trousers: BLNA1376B MASHABOO B Scarf: BLVA0314 LANYA
Dress: BLSA1512 RAINBIRD Jacket: BLKA1747 JOSHER
Jacket: BMKA1639 RAYNER Sweat: BMEA2384 RANG Denim: BMMA0232-7 SNARE 7 Hat: BMWA0551 LOKUSS BEANIE
Shirt: BMAA1122D MALIN D Denim: BMMA0232-7 SNARE 7
An Englishman in New York via Berlin
B e n R a y n e r i s f a s t b e c o m i n g a f a m i l i a r, a n d f r i e n d l y,
Are there any places that you haven’t been to
face on Bench shoots. Having shot our SS13
yet that you’d like to shoot at?
c a m p a i g n i n N e w Yo r k l a s t y e a r w e a s k e d h i m t h i s time to leave the Big Apple, journey across the Atlan-
The location is a big part of a shoot, of course. It
tic and join us in the city a little closer to his home
can really make some shoots really more
t o w n . Fo r t h e m o s t p a r t , t h e l i f e o f a f a s h i o n p h o -
interesting than they would have been had it been
tographer is spent in the waiting lounges of airports
somewhere else. There are lots of places in the
hanging around for a plane to the next shoot armed
States I’d like to shoot at, there’s so much
with a bag of equipment, a coffee and a scrunched
v e r s a t i l i t y i n o n e c o u n t r y. C o l o r a d o , M o n t a n a ,
up copy of the call sheet. Rayner has seen his share
Te x a s , t h e d e s e r t s a r e a m a z i n g . O h a n d a l s o ,
of cities around the world and against the backdrop
South America.
of Berlin he captured the beautiful shots that make u p o u r A W 1 3 c a m p a i g n i m a g e r y.
Since you’re constantly crossing borders, where do you consider home?
What’s Berlin like as a backdrop for a shoot? N e w Yo r k f o r s u r e ! E v e n t h o u g h I ’ m a p r o p e r L o n I’ve been here a couple of times, always for work
d o n b o y.
a c t u a l l y. I t ’ s e x t r e m e l y v e r s a t i l e a n d y o u r e a l l y d o get a lot of scope and variety by just moving around
Where’s the dream holiday?
s l i g h t l y. Yo u c a n f e e l t h a t i t ’ s e v o l v i n g r e a l l y q u i c k l y b u t i t s t i l l f e e l s q u i t e n o s t a l g i c i n a w a y. B e r l i n i s
Definitely South America - Argentina, Brazil or
Pe r u .
How much are you on the move?
What are your top tips for surviving on the road?
I travel at least once a month, sometimes three,
D o n ’ t g e t j e t l a g . D r i n k t o n n e s o f w a t e r. D o n ’ t t r y
sometimes abroad and sometimes within the US.
r e - d r e s s y o u r s e l f a t t h e e n d o f t h e X- R a y m a c h i n e
On one hand travelling keeps stuff interesting but
sometimes you’re so busy that you really don’t feel like you gotten to know a city at all that you’ve
What’s are the staples in your hand luggage?
travelled to. My iPhone for sure, because podcasts send me to What are the best and worst places
sleep wherever I am. I love them. I just got into
you’ve been to?
noise cancelling headphones too, which are great
A u s t i n , L o s A n g e l e s a n d To k y o a r e t h e b e s t .
for planes. And always take a sweater on a plane,
There’s no worst really! The ‘worst’ would probably
even in the summer!
relate to production difficulties on the job itself, not the place.
As one of the top destinations on
the continent, Berlin welcomes
Stralauer Allee 3, 10245 Berlin
Invalidenstraße 122, 10115 Ber-
millions of tourists every year who
flock into town to soak up the his-
Billed as the world’s first ‘music
tory and the atmosphere of this
hotel’, nhow Berlin is certainly a
Easy on the eye and the wallet,
i n f a m o u s c i t y. A s w i t h a n y t h i n g i n
lot to take in. Sat proudly on the
the Honigmond
banks of the river Spree it’s a deaf-
(honeymoon) Garden Hotel is
eccentric capital, the places avail-
ening sight of curves, colour and
a beautiful gem in the heart of
able for the weary
plastics, thanks to the interior’s
the capital. Once a derelict and
tourist to sleep are wildly different.
designer Karim Rashid. Built in the
abandoned building, the owner
Beautiful, edgy or downright rau-
city’s party district and located
Carl Loyal converted the place
cous - there’s a type of place for
right by Universal Music’s German
anyone to call home, albeit tempo-
H Q, t h e h o t e l i s t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e
a elegant and homely 10-roomed
rarily as they pass through.
for the budding musician to rest
hotel. The
their voice. And because the inspi-
Tu s c a n - s t y l e d g a r d e n , c o m p l e t e
Here are our top 5 most-innovative
ration for a hit record can strike
with six cabins, is the jewel of the
places to crash when you’re hitting
at any hour of the day or night the
c r o w n h e r e a n d p r o v i d e s a r e l a x-
the streets of Berlin.
conceirge offers electric guitars
ing oasis for anyone worn out by a
for use, delivered straight to your
48 hour stint at Berghain. Thanks
b e d r o o m d o o r.
t o a l i v e - i n o w n e r, t h i s h o t e l h a s
1. HOTEL MICHELBERGER Wa r s c h a u e r S t r a ß e 3 9 / 4 0 , 1 0 2 4 3
a feeling of home with guests 3. PROPELLER ISLAND CITY
encouraged to pay into a piggy
bank for any drinks they help
H o t e l , b a r, g i g v e n u e a n d o c c a s i o n a l
Albrecht-Achilles-Straße 58,
themselves to from the bar in the
choir practice room, the Michelberg-
10709 Berlin
t o s t a y. S e t u p b y e n t r e p r e n e u r To m
At Propeller Island City Lodge each
M i c h e l b e r g e r, t h i s b u z z i n g a n d v i -
room is a
We i n m e i s t e r s t r a ß e 1 , 1 0 1 7 8 B e r -
brant environment is run by a
different world, and most of these
passionate group of friends who set
worlds are not for the faint hearted.
about to create something genuinely
Whether you’re tucked up in a fly-
The one for the style conscien-
unique. With a range of
ing bed, checking out the angles in
tious, Casa Camper is the second
Michelberger spirits and their own
t h e r o o m c o m p l e t e l y w a l l e d i n m i r-
hotel to be opened by Spanish
c o c o n u t w a t e r,
rors or kipping on a raft suspended
s h o e m a k e r C a m p e r. C h i c a n d
Fo u n t a i n o f Yo u t h , t h e y a r e d e t e r-
from the
fashionable, the hotel’s clientele
mined to build a
ceiling with rope (no heavy bed
consists mainly of Europe’s up-
f r i e n d l y, b u t d e t e r m i n e d , e m p i r e
fellows allowed), this is certainly a
wardly mobile fash pack and left-
f r o m t h e i r K r e u z b e r g m a n o r.
hotel stay you will not forget in a
t h i n k i n g b u s i n e s s t r a v e l l e r s . Fa r
h u r r y. E v e n i f y o u t r y t o . N e s t l e d i n
Our base for the duration of the
the western district of
wallet-busting, the hotel is sleek
Bench AW13 shoot, their effortlessly
Charlottenburg, the rooms here
and compact, and with bicycles
welcoming service and basic, but
include a prison cell, a crypt or
for hire from the reception it’s the
achingly cool, rooms means that a
an option to sleep in boxes on the
p e r f e c t b a s e f r o m w h i c h t o e x-
trip to the Michelberger is like stay-
floor while your bed is suspend-
plore Berlin.
ing in your slightly pretentious (but
ed above you. It’ll certainly give
well meaning) friend’s spare room
you something to talk about over
for the night. Exposed concrete,
breakfast (incidentally not included
vintage furniture and a programme
in the price).
er is much more than just a place
of events to rival an actual music v e n u e , t h e M i c h e l b e r g e r i s t h e p e rfect hub for the cash, yet culture, consciencious.
East Side Gallery 52.5031° N, 13.4447° E
EAST SIDE GALLERY The East Side Gallery is an international memorial for freedom. It is a 1.3 km long s e c t i o n o f t h e B e r l i n Wa l l l o c a t e d n e a r t h e centre of Berlin on Mühlenstraße in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. The actual border at this point was the river Spree. The gallery is located on the so-called “hinterland mauer”, which closed the border to East Berlin.
Knitwear: BMFA1187 READING Denim: BMMA0232-7 SNARE 7 Hat: BMWA0551 LOKUSS BEANIE
Knitwear: BMFA1190 PROWSE T-Shirt: BMGA3117 GREAT WHITE
Knitwear: BMFA1176 RAMPTON 29 Denim: BMMA0250-足16 SLIM RIFF 16
Alexanderplatz 52.5233째 N, 13.4127째 E
ALEXANDERPLATZ Originally a cattle market outside the city fortifications, it was named in honor of a visit of the Russian Emperor Alexander I to Berlin o n 2 5 O c t o b e r 1 8 0 5 b y o r d e r o f K i n g F r e d e rick William III of Prussia. The square gained a prominent role in the late 19th century with the construction of the Stadtbahn station of the same name and a nearby market hall, followed by the opening of a department store of Hermann Tietz in 1904, becoming a major commercial centre. The U-Bahn station of the present-day U2 line opened on 1 July 1913.
Jacket: BLKA1746 UNFOLDING (Outer) Jacket: BLKA1730 WISECRACK (Inner) Dress: BLSA1491 CHAYTOR
Knitwear: BMFA1202 PARTIE Shirt: BMAA1128 MARINER
Jacket: BMKA1615 NANSEW Sweat: BMEA2094B KARLOFF B T-Shirt: BMGA3129 CLUB TEXT Denim: BMMA0232-10 SNARE 10 Hat: BMWA0551 LOKUSS BEANIE
Jacket: BLKA1741 JUBILANCE Knitwear: BLFA1237 MASO
Shirt: BMAA1129 MARTIAN T-Shirt: BMGA3138 TAKING OVER Denim: BMMA0232-7 SNARE 7
Knitwear: BMFA1225 RAGGED Denim: BMMA0232-10 SNARE 10 Hat: BMWA0551 LOKUSS BEANIE
Knitwear: BLFA1229 IDOWN Shirt: BLEE0948 HONEYBUN Denim: BLMA0250-1 FRET V1 Hat: BLWA0367 LAVENDAH Gloves: BLVA0317 LEYKO
Knitwear: BLFA1238 OLDBURY Denim: BLMA0254-12 PICK V12
Jacket: BMKA1602 PUTNEY Denim: BMMA0542-11 SNARE V11
Hat: BLWA0369 Knitwear: BLFA1226 MICKWELL
Kreuzberg 52.5233° N, 13.4127° E
KREUZBERG Kreuzberg has historically been home to the Berlin’s punk rock movement as well as other a l t e r n a t i v e s u b c u l t u r e s i n G e r m a n y. T h e S O 3 6 club remains a fixture on the Berlin music scene. It was originally focused on punk music and in the 1970s was often frequented b y I g g y Po p a n d D a v i d B o w i e . I n t h o s e d a y s t h e c l u b r i v a l l e d N e w Yo r k ’ s C B G B a s o n e o f the finest new-wave venues in the world.
Knitwear: BLFA1215 MEERS
Sweat: BMEA2304 OBAN Hat: BMWA0551 LOKUSS
Knitwear: BLFA1214 GALATREE Denim: BLMA0250-1 FRET V1
Rucksack: BMXA0731-B LOUIS B Knitwear: BMFA1201 RADLETT Hat: BMWA0551 LOKUSS BEANIE
Knitwear: BMFA1206 OFFERTON Denim: BMMA0232-10 SNARE 10
Dan Magee
From the s to the direc
skate park ctors chair.
When Dan and John met over 10 years on the
is a big step for us in terms of the level of clients
side of skate park, they never expected their
and brands that we work with.
friendship to take the turns that it has. Then 17 years-old, John was riding for the UK’s Blueprint
Have your beginnings in skateboarding influ-
Skateboards, where Dan was team manager and
enced your work today?
c r e a t i v e d i r e c t o r. I t w a s w h i l e t o u r i n g t h e c o u n t r y, s h o w i n g a t d e m o s a n d s i g n i n g a u t o g r a p h s ,
Dan and I have this ongoing thing where on
that they each in turn picked up a video camera,
almost every shoot we do, there’s always been
to document their lives and antics on the road.
s o m e o n e w h o e i t h e r i s o r w a s a s k a t e b o a r d e r,
Fa s t f o r w a r d t e n y e a r s a n d t h e y ’ v e c o m e a l o n g
o r i s s o m e h o w c o n n e c t e d t o t h e i n d u s t r y. S k a t e -
way from filming ramp tricks on Super 8. Accom-
boarding definitely influenced me because as a
plished directors, now they spend their time trave-
young skater you’ll end up half the time watch-
ling the world, creating big hitting campaign films
i n g s k a t e v i d e o s o r ( f o r k i d s t h e s e d a y s ) Yo u Tu b e
f o r t h e l i k e s o f O 2 a n d B B C R a d i o 1 . We a s k e d
clips. At the time I got into filming there was a
them to once again to pack up their kit bags and
sudden step up in the production values of these
hit the tarmac, heading to the streets of Berlin to
films, they became very arty and almost cinemat-
direct our AW13 film.
ic. I’d always filmed my mates skateboarding but t h i s m a d e m e l o o k a t i t i n a d i f f e r e n t w a y.
After 10 years, how did you and Dan get to the point where you are today?
Earlier this year we directed a piece for O2 in which we pretty much utilised all the techniques
John: I don’t remember too much about the first
that we’ve learnt from skateboard filming. Obvi-
time I met Dan. I must have been about 17 and at
ously we didn’t pitch it as a skate-style film, but
the time Dan was running a London based Skate-
I think it probably shows in the way it’s shot and
board company ‘Blueprint Skateboards’. I was a
edited. It’s been slightly different with this Bench
skateboarder myself and was approached by them
film, as we wanted to make it a bit more cinematic
a s a s p o n s o r. A t t h i s p o i n t I w a s m a i n l y i n f r o n t o f
and less gritty we approached it in a different
the camera throwing myself down stairs at Dan’s
w a y.
c o m m a n d , w h i l s t h e h i d b e h i n d t h e c a m e r a m a king the films. After a fairly short lived skateboard-
What goes in to pulling together a shoot like
i n g c a r e e r, I e n d e d u p h e a d i n g t o w a r d s t h e f i l m i n g
aspect of things. I was making my own skate films and teaching myself the basics of video cameras
Lots of meetings and conference calls (my abso-
and editing. At the time it was mainly a hobby but
lute favorite). It’s mainly working along side the
I decided that after skipping college and working
wider team to make sure we’re all on the same
dead-end jobs, I may as well go to uni and get
page. Obviously as directors we have these ideas
some sort of a degree in this ‘hobby’
of things we’d like to do, but we’ll almost always get shut down by the German production team
I wouldn’t say uni taught me much on a techni-
saying we can’t do it because of accessibility or
cal side of things but I feel it definitely made
heath and safety issues. Like the shot we did of
me realise that making films was what I wanted
the couple riding on their bikes - we shot it from
to do. I spent a year or so years working for a
the side of a moving van but I didn’t really say
small production company in Bristol and Dan had
too much about the set up until a couple of days
started to wind up his involvement in Blueprint.
before. I think it went something like “Oh by the
We h a d n ’ t a c t u a l l y b e e n i n c o n t a c t f o r a f e w y e a r s
w a y, w e ’ r e g o i n g t o f i l m f r o m a m o v i n g v a n ’ . T h e i r
but he hit me up with a proposition of working on
i m m e d i a t e r e s p o n s e w a s ‘ N o y o u ’ r e n o t . We ’ r e n o t
a f e w j o b s w i t h h i m . We m a d e a c o u p l e o f o n l i n e
allowed to do that’ but after lots of phone calls
branded films and people started to offer us work
and producer running round pulling her hair out
as a ‘duo’. As we both had a fair bit of experience
they always manage to make it happen. Along with
working a camera, and also the edits, we just
those kind of things it’s about making sure we’re
started to build up a reel. Along side all of this,
integrating the product and the brand and making
we were taken on by Skinflicks as directors, which
sure everything is in line with the brands direction.
What’s the best place your job has ever taken
What are the worst parts of traveling a lot for
The best place i have ever filmed was in Detroit.
I don’t really have a worst part of travelling. If I
V i s u a l l y, t h e p l a c e i s m i n d b l o w i n g . A g a i n , i t w a s
get to travel for work I don’t see how I can moan
for a documentary so we really got to explore the
r e a l l y. I g u e s s n o t e v e r y o n e g e t s t h a t k i n d o f o p -
p l a c e . Fa m o u s f o r i t s r u i n s w e p a i d s o m e l o c a l
portunity so I’m grateful for any part of work that
urban explorer to take us around the abandoned
involves seeing new places.
buildings and it really is incredible. It’s a sight t h a t y o u s i m p l y c a n n o t e x p l a i n f u l l y, y o u n e e d t o
What tips do you have for smooth sailing?
s e e i t . Fo r f i l m i n g , y o u c o u l d p o i n t t h e c a m e r a a t almost anything and it would look amazing.
When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes a n d a l l y o u r m o n e y. T h e n t a k e h a l f t h e c l o t h e s
I do get to travel quite a lot for work, the last
a n d t w i c e t h e m o n e y.
couple of years has been interesting. Berlin, Switz e r l a n d , D e t r o i t , G r e e c e , I b i z a , Pa r i s , I r e l a n d , t o n a m e j u s t a f e w. Sometimes it’s not as glamours as it seems. It’s u s u a l l y v e r y l o n g d a y s w i t h l i t t l e t i m e o f f t o e xp l o r e b u t m o s t o f t h e t i m e w e g e t t o s e e a d i f f e rent side of the place compared to if I was there as a tourist. How much does a shoot depend on the location itself? The location is an important things. But it all w o r k s h a n d i n h a n d r e a l l y, e a c h p a r t o f a f i l m needs its attention, the casting, the location, the lighting etc, take on of those away and it looses an important asset. With Berlin I’d been there a few times before but on this shoot I only really had one day before shoot to look at any locations that were approved. There was a lot of thinking on our feet and making the most of our surroundings. There were a few ideas I had in mind but without the right location it didn’t work so we had to adapt to our surroundings. Are there any places that you haven’t been to yet that you’d like to shoot at? I ’ m s u r e t h e r e a r e p l e n t y, I d o n ’ t r e a l l y h a v e a n y preferences. From experience, there are places I’ve been to on a shoot that I would never have thought of as a place to visit, yet they end up being really interesting. I had never thought of Detroit as a place to go to and (still probably wouldn’t for a holiday), yet it ended up being one hell of an experience for work.