Learners Booklet

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Table of Contents

I. Common examples of pop-­‐up cards ………………...................................... p. 1 II. Creating a sample pop-­‐up birthday card A. Components of the assembly kit ……..…….. p. 2 B. Steps: Stage 1. Assemble the stars ……………………….. p. 4 Stage 2. Assemble the balloons…………………… p. 6 Stage 3. Assemble the cloud and pop-­‐up stands …………….………….. p. 6 Stage 4. Glue the cloud and card together ……………………………..... p. 8 Stage 5. Attach the balloons to the card …………………………….......... p. 9 Stage 6. Attach the stars to the card …………………………….......... p. 10 Stage 7. Assemble the front of the card ……………………………........... p. 11 III. Designing and creating your own pop-­‐up card ………..……………….…. p. 15 Evaluating your work ……………………..……… p. 16 IV.

I. Examples of Pop-up Cards How do pop-­‐up designs make simple, “flat” greeting cards look more creative and engaging?

Image source: http://www.bagsoflove.co.uk/blog/personalised-­‐ greeting-­‐cards-­‐2/

1. Pop-­‐up card using cut, folded stands

Image source: http://assets.mochithings.com/products/ thank_you_pop_up_card/photos/14509/e xtra_large_thank_you_pop_up_card.png

2. Pop-­‐up birthday card with an embossed effect (possibly made with an X-­‐ Acto knife)

Image source: https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/1733057 07/hand-­‐made-­‐pop-­‐up-­‐birthday-­‐card-­‐cake/

3. Intricate pop-­‐up design using a combination of elaborate cutting and folding techniques

Image source: https://encrypted-­‐ tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRY 4SpEO1X0jCXJ-­‐PHddW5-­‐ 1HH5HpPrRW5Kos17ptL3JBvqLZiB7w

II. Constructing A Sample Birthday Pop-up Card A. Components of the Assembly Kit To construct the sample pop-­‐up birthday card, you will be given an assembly kit containing the following pre-­‐cut paper components.

Other Materials To Be Used From The Supply Table: • • • • • • • • •

Glue sticks Foam pieces Regular scissors (1 pair) Scalloped edging scissors (1 pair) Papers of different shapes and weights Ruler Pencil Eraser Other extra decorative items that may be supplied by the instructor

B. Steps: Stage 1. Assemble the stars. a. Separate the stars into different sets by size and color. Medium star Center star Large star set (x1) set (x1) set (x1) Small star sets (x2) b. Center Star -­‐ (Make 1) Glue one medium white star onto a large red star, centering the white star on the red star; then, glue a small blue star on the top of the white star, centering the blue star on the red star. Set aside to dry.

c. Small Stars -­‐ (Make 2) Glue one small red star onto a small white star, centering the red star on the white star. Set aside to dry.

d. Medium Star -­‐ (Make 1) Glue one small blue star onto a medium white star, centering the blue star on the white star. Set aside to dry.

e. Large Star -­‐ (Make 1) Glue one large white star onto a large red star, centering the white star on the red star. Set aside to dry

Stage 2. Assemble the balloons. Glue each balloon shape onto a balloon/string shape. Stage 3. Assemble the cloud and the pop-up stands. a. Fold the blue pop-­‐up background paper in half, and press your finger along the fold to make a sharp crease. b. Place the cutting template on top of the folded cloud, having edges even.

c. Cut along the dotted lines. Save the cutting template to use for other cards.

d. Fold the cut strips of the blue cloud toward the un-­‐creased edge to create a crease in the cuts (there will be gaps along the crease of the card).

e. Open the cloud and push the cut pieces forward into the open part of the cloud. The folds will push into the cloud in a curved fashion.

f. Close the cloud, pressing down on the folds to crease them.

Stage 4. Glue the cloud and the card together. a. Apply glue on the back of the bottom half of the blue cloud. IMPORTANT: Do not apply glue to the cut pop-­‐ups.

b. With the glued side facing the bottom half of the card, place the fold of the blue cloud along the fold of the card, centering the cloud along the fold. Press and smooth the blue cloud with your fingers. c. Apply glue to the back of the upper half of the cloud and close the white card. Press along the surface of the closed white card to firmly glue the blue cloud to the card.

d. Open the card, making sure the pop-­‐up pieces pop out toward you. (Note: the card will not open completely flat). Stage 5. Attach the balloons to the card. a. Apply glue to the back of the white balloon shape and attach to the upper left of the card. The balloon should overlap the upper edge of the cloud background. The bottom of the tail should be above the pop-­‐up. b. Attach a foam square to the back of the blue balloon shape and attach it to the right and slightly overlapping the white balloon shape. The bottom of the tail should be above the pop-­‐up.

Stage 6. Attach the stars to the card.

a. Glue a small red/white star to the upper right corner of the card, slightly overlapping the cloud.

b. Glue a large white/red star to the bottom left of the card, slightly overlapping the cloud.

c. Glue a small red/white star to the left pop-­‐up stand.

d. Glue the blue/white star to the right pop-­‐up stand.

e. Glue the blue/white/red star to the center pop-­‐up stand. IMPORTANT: Test the placement of this star so that when the card is closed, none of the star is seen from the outside of the card. Stage 7. Assemble the front of the card. I. The paper and the ribbon outside: a. Using the Scalloped Edging scissors, trim about ¼” from one long edge of the blue/ white decorative paper. b. Apply glue to the back of the decorative paper, making sure to leave about ½” of the short edges unglued. (You will glue these edges later). Glue the decorative paper to the front of the card, having the long straight edge even with the bottom of the card and the side edges of the paper even with the sides of the card. The scalloped edge will be on the upper edge of the decorative paper. Use your fingers to press and smooth the paper.

c. Glue the ribbon to the decorative paper about ½” below the scalloped edge, allowing ¼” of the ribbon to extend beyond the edges of the card. Tuck the ends of the ribbon under the side edge of the decorative paper, and then glue the edges of the paper in place. Use your fingers to firmly press and smooth the ribbon in place.

II. The Happy Birthday cut-out: a. To help you glue the cut-­‐outs on a straight line, use a ruler and a pencil to draw a very light dotted line across the card 1 ⅛” from the top and parallel to the top and bottom of the card. (You will erase these lines later). Draw a similar line 2 ¼” from the top of the card.

b. On the top pencil line, draw a dot 2 ⅜” from the left edge. This will be the starting point for the “Happy” cut-­‐out.

c. On the bottom pencil line, draw a dot ½” from the left edge. This will be the starting point for the “Birthday” cut out.

d. Apply glue to the back of the “Happy” cut out. The best way to do this is to touch the back of the cut out to the top of your glue stick.

e. Glue the “Happy” cut out in place, having the left edge of the “H” at the dot on the upper line, and placing the bottom edges of the letters along the line.

f. Apply glue to the back of the “Birthday” cut-­‐out.

g. Glue the “Birthday” cut-­‐ out in place, having the left edge of the “B” at the dot on the lower line, and placing the bottom edges of the letters along the line. Allow the glue to dry for 15 minutes. Erase the pencil lines with an art eraser.

III. Finishing touches: Glue the bow to the center of the ribbon.

III. Designing and Creating Your Own Pop-up Card It’s time to create your pop-­‐up card using your own design!

As you think of your design, and create the final product, be sure to satisfy the following important points:

Choose and gather the appropriate materials for your design from the supply table. Consider the various types and weights of paper available.

You must include at least two pop-­‐up elements inside the card. Apply the pop-­‐up technique you learned or experiment using your own technique. You need to accurately determine the length of your pop-­‐up folds so that the card opens and closes snugly. Before gluing the pop-­‐up element to the pop-­‐up fold, place it where you want it to go and close the card to ensure that it does not stick out.

Assemble decorative elements as needed. Decorate the front and inside of the card. You may use additional decorative items from the supply table.

Be creative! Enjoy constructing!

IV. Evaluating Your Work

Instructions: Show your work to the group, and briefly discuss the design and procedure you followed. After the class sharing, complete the self-­‐ evaluation column below. Next, find a classmate to answer the peer evaluation column for you. Your instructor will complete the last column. Evaluation Sheet for Individually Designed P op-­‐up Card Your N ame: _______________________________ Date : ________________________ Evaluation Guide: On the appropriate column in the table below, indicate the number that corresponds to the level of achievement: 0 – Not achieved 3 – Mostly achieved 1 – Minimally achieved 4 – Completely achieved 2 – Moderately achieved Design Specification Requirements: 1. Paper materials of appropriate weight and quality were chosen. 2. At least 2 pop-­‐up elements were included in the final product. All pop-­‐up elements functionally display 3. the desired opening and closing effect. 4. Correct cutting, folding and glueing of the component parts w ere performed. 5. Appropriate decorations at the front and inside of the card were included. All materials and tools were safely and 6. efficiently used. The overall design suits the purpose of 7. the card. 8. The strong and weak points of the design, processes and techniques followed w ere clearly discussed d uring class sharing. Suggestions on how to improve the 8. product were described. Total

Instructor Evaluation

Peer Evaluation

Self-­‐ Evaluation

IV. Evaluating Your Work (cont’d) Peer Comments:

Instructor s Comments:


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