Inspire July 2016

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INSPIRE.15 The business magazine of Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce July - August 2016

Britain’s future, after the EU Referendum - page 4 n

Inspiring Herts Awards Winners – page 8 n Manufacturing Co-operative – innovation and ideas – page 37


Interview with Adam Reader: Grace Foods – winner of Business of the Year (Medium to Large) – page 16


Contents EU Referendum Your Chamber Up Front Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards Big Interview Spotlight on... Chamber Events Patron News Skills New Members Members News Professional Development International Trade Business Focus Work Place Finance For Business Members News Young Chamber Members News 24 Hours Members News Business News Last Word Patrons

4 5 6 8-15 16-17 19-24 26-28 29 30 31 32-33 34 35 37 38-40 41 42 43 44 45 46-47 48 50 50

•••• Editorial and General Enquiries Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce MacLaurin Building, 4 Bishops Square, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9NE Tel: 01707 398400 Fax: 01707 398430 Email: Web: Chief Executive: Yolanda Rugg Publisher Ian Fletcher Benham Publishing 3tc House, 16 Crosby Road North, Crosby, Liverpool L22 0NY Tel: 0151 236 4141 Fax: 0151 236 0440 Email: Web: Published July 2016 © Benham Publishing and Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Advertising and Features Karen Hall Tel: 0151 236 4141 Email: Production Manager Mark Etherington Tel: 0151 236 4141 Email: Media No. 1477 •••• Disclaimer Inspire is published for Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce and is distributed without charge to Chamber members. All correspondence should be addressed to Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. Views expressed in Inspire are not necessarily those of Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission. ©2016 Please note that submitting an article does not guarantee publication. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content. Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us.

From the Chief Executive What happens post-Brexit? We’re now in a post-Brexit period following the EU Referendum on 23 June. We know this decision will please some business people, while disappointing others, as our community has been divided on the various issues throughout the long campaign. The Hertfordshire Chamber, together with the BCC (British Chamber of Commerce), is taking a positive approach, offering help and advice. See page 4.

New Patrons We welcome two new Patrons this month; and appreciate their expertise and business insight and contributions to business practice in the county. Employment and employee skills have long been at the heart of what Hertfordshire Chamber regards as critical. We have no doubt that our knowledge of working relationships and need for particular employee skills will be boosted by our new Patron, Tate Recruitment.

Tate Recruitment, incidentally, are this year’s winner of Business of the Year, Small to Medium. Hertfordshire has a dynamic, youthful vibrancy, so we are very pleased that a dynamic, youthful marketing and print services company, Demand-ing has also joined as a Patron. They have a very broad range of services and skills that this county needs as we gear up for much uncertainty ahead.

Chamber Collaboration Amy Rich and I spent two days on a training programme organised by the Council of British Chambers in Europe (Cobcoe). The programme was about building relationships with our sister Chambers across Europe — from Bulgaria to Brussels, Spain to Slovenia, Czech Republic, the Republic of Ireland, Poland, Prague, France and Luxembourg. The programme’s purpose was to share best practice, understand their cultures, trade strengths, gaps in their economies and know those that are the joint members who have invested in their country.

Closer to Chile Hertfordshire Chamber hosted the visit from the British Chamber of Chile. Their CEO, Greg Holland, shared invaluable insights into healthy trading with Chile and other areas of Latin America. This is certainly an exciting time for businesses considering export opportunities.

Circular Economy Hertfordshire Chamber has felt for a while that this quiet, fast-growing economic movement of both the circular economy and the sharing economy merits an annual conference to bring together academic and business experts to present

their business cases, work and future plans to Hertfordshire businesses. It was an extraordinary day; we were so fortunate to have Richard Potter of Sopra Steria lead the day so expertly and with such acuity. We thank Dr Mariale Moreno from Cranfield University and Benita Matofska, a global awardwinning social entrepreneur and world expert on the sharing economy for so generously sharing their knowledge. We also thank our two business panels for participating in what can only be described as a highly elucidating, invigorating day. Hertfordshire Chamber is establishing an infrastructure group to raise the voice of businesses across the county. If you are interested, please contact me (

Manufacturing Co-operative Hertfordshire Chamber is launching the Manufacturing Co-operative on 20 July at Cranfield University. We invite manufacturers and supply chain businesses to connect, collaborate and grow through the Hertfordshire Chamber frameworks. (For information:

Going forward It’s been such an eventful first half the year — and we’re busy planning our next six months. Visit our website for events news. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Yolanda Rugg Chief Executive Officer Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce INSPIRE



Hertfordshire Chamber calls for market stability, political certainty, and action for business

Hertfordshire Chamber response In response to the United Kingdom’s vote on 23 June to leave the European Union, the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce’s Chief Executive, Yolanda Rugg, says: “As the country woke up to the electorate’s decision to leave the European Union, we know, as a Chamber of Commerce, that this decision will please some business people, while disappointing others, as we know also that our community has been divided on the various issues throughout the campaign. For most businesses, change will not be immediate, but all firms face much uncertainty in the medium term. Businesses will be affected by fluctuating levels of confidence, investment, recruitment, growth and also migration. There needs to be a detailed plan to support the economy and to avert a prolonged period of uncertainty. Businesses need political clarity, now made more imperative by the announcement of our Prime Minister to step down. Businesses



will expect swift decisive action from the Government and the Bank of England to stabilise the markets. We are pleased that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, is already addressing this. The health of the economy must remain our first priority. Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce will continue to work hard to represent the interests of our members and through close talks and meetings with BCC Interim Director General, Adam Marshall, and the BCC’s policy team we will elevate issues at Westminster. Within the Chamber network, we will increase communication and our high levels of support and guidance, especially for exporters not only to the EU, but within our Global Network. We must look upon this as a catalyst for greater trading opportunity with a world that is fast changing through technology and expanding cultures of sharing. The Government must do what it can to help with import and export conditions so that it can maintain economic stability.”

Value of immigration It is also imperative we reassure our overseas workers that they are more than welcome, that they make such a positive contribution to our Hertfordshire economy. I know many of our members in healthcare, logistics and hospitality have said without immigration, they wouldn't have a business. Chamber businesses must do what we can to counteract the post-Brexit discrimination that has been reported in the media, by demonstrating the value of immigration to our businesses and local economy.

We encourage two-way communication across the Chamber We welcome feedback from our members on their concerns over the impact of BREXIT, the political and economic uncertainty, and how this will impact their businesses in Hertfordshire and beyond. In response to the country’s vote to remain in the European Union the British Chambers of Commerce (together with its

52 accredited chambers – of which Hertfordshire Chamber is one) has through the Acting Director General, Dr Adam Marshall, said: “In the wake of the electorate’s historic decision to leave the European Union, the immediate priorities for UK business are market stability and political clarity. All companies will expect swift, decisive, and co-ordinated action from the government and the Bank of England to stabilise markets if trading conditions or the availability of capital change dramatically. If ever there were a time to ditch the straight-jacket of fiscal rules for investment in a better business infrastructure, this is it. "Businesses need action to maintain economic stability, a timeline for exit, and answers to their many practical, real-world questions about doing business during and after this historic transition. "Firms want help to get Britain back to business at a time of great uncertainty. The health of the economy must be the number one priority – not the Westminster political post-mortem.”


Property & Construction Forum, June On 23 June, the forum met at the Sir Robert McAlpine offices in Hemel Hempstead.

The forum discussion was a three-point address of leadership challenges in the industry, and education and employment challenges and opportunities in this sector. Tony Aikenhead, CEO of Sir Robert McAlpine, a leading UK construction and civil engineering company, addressed the forum on Lessons in Leadership: What construction can learn. He was followed by Stephen Fox, Director of Higher Education for University Campus St Albans, Oaklands College, who spoke about education and also apprenticeship opportunities in regard to the construction industry. Russell Beck, from the Impellam Group, which provides managed

services and specialist staff around the UK, addressed the forum on leadership from the point of view of human resource, and the approach to attracting the right people with the right leadership skills. He was accompanied by two recruitment specialists from Carbon 60, Alex Downard and Daniel Smith. Carbon 60, an Impellam Group subsidiary, is a recruitment specialist in engineering, technical, construction and aviation. Case studies and industry examples were presented as the genesis for discussion, which focused particularly on what may be learned and gained from past failures and successes in the construction industry.

Chamber's first Hotel Forum meeting, June Luton Hoo hosted the first Hotel Forum meeting on 8 June. This provided an opportunity for Chamber members and nonmembers in the hotel industry to meet up and agree the way forward for this new group. Carole Luck of Herts Chamber presented a new online venue concept

for Hertfordshire Chamber members, which will be available soon. Future events will be held later in the year and details of the next meeting will be announced soon. For more information:




Welcome to two new Patrons Hertfordshire Chamber is delighted to welcome two new Patrons, Tate Recruitment and Demand-ing.

Hertfordshire Chamber’s 7 Forums In providing the environment in which Chamber members can connect, collaborate and grow, there are seven industry forums that bring together businesses, people, ideas and information.

Tate Recruitment specialises in finding high-calibre candidates for office support roles, temporary and permanent: HR managers, marketing specialists, PAs, receptionists, call centre and administration staff. Lady Virginia Tate, who founded the company in 1985, had a simple tenet: to be the best, everywhere, all the time. They have been members for a number of years, so we are truly delighted that our association is going to be closer. Another new Patron to whom we extend a particularly warm welcome is Demand-ing. They are a London print and marketing services company relocating to Hemel Hempstead. Hertfordshire is known for its creative industry, so they will settle into our vibrant economy and community very quickly. We know there will be great synergies between us, and we look forward to joint initiatives upon which we can connect, collaborate and grow. Our Patrons are very important to us. They are leaders in their fields, and are highly respected for what they bring to the local economy and business community. Joining forces to lobby central and local government on behalf our members will be one of the areas on influence we see strengthening.



Each forum has a forum leader, with responsibilities for: - meeting success and growth - appointing a meeting chairperson - setting meeting dates and venues for the year - setting or agreeing guest speakers and topics - being the point of contact

Property & Construction (in partnership with Herts & Beds Club: Constructing Excellence) Chair: Adrian Dixon, Constructing Excellence Events: 3 times a year: various venues around Hertfordshire

Sustainability Chair: Events:

Siva Niranjan, Sopra Steria 3 times a year: various locations

HR Chair: Events:

Richard Gvero, Longmores Solicitors 3 times a year at Longmores Solicitors offices, Hertford

Manufacturing Chair: Events:

Matthew Caffrey, Cranfield University 3 times a year: various venues

Women in Leadership Programme leader: Yolanda Rugg, CEO, Hertfordshire Chamber Events: 3 times a year: luncheon venues

Export Programme leader: Frances Harris, Hertfordshire Chamber Export Team Events: 3 times a year at Hertfordshire Chamber offices, Hatfield

Hotels & Tourism Programme leader: Carole Luck, Hertfordshire Chamber Events: 3 times a year: various meeting and conference venues The forums comprise round-table discussions or presentations by leading experts. They are excellent opportunities to network with businesses and people in the same industry or with different groups in the supply chain. In each edition of INSPIRE, under Events, there is information on the next forum meeting. If you are interested in attending, please book the event in the usual way. For more information:


Three Rivers Chamber Summer holiday tips of Trade & Commerce for separated parents A recent development that we have great pleasure in announcing is our lateral agreement with the Three Rivers Chamber of Trade & Commerce.

by Richard Phillips Senior Consultant Solicitor, Sumner and Tabor

The Three Rivers Chamber is older than we are. It’s been active in the south western part of Hertfordshire since 1899. They are an independent membership organisation that supports business through regular networking events, an annual soiree at the Rickmansworth Festival and by representing their

members on the business and growth forums of the Hertfordshire LEP and on the business forum of Three Rivers District Council. This lateral agreement will give Hertfordshire Chamber members an opportunity to network with businesses in Abbots Langley, Chorleywood, Croxley, Oxhey Park, Rickmansworth and South Oxhey.

Monthly business lunches A new event on our annual calendar is the monthly business lunch to be held at Beales Hotel, Comet Way, Hatfield.

An hour of networking will be followed by lunch and a presentation. We will be inviting guest speakers to address us at each occasion on topics that will be interesting, intriguing, informative or inspiring. The guest speaker at the first lunch, on 21 July, will be Ed Suttie - formerly a glaciologist with the British Antarctic Survey,

and now with BRE - the sustainability leader - who has embarked on an expedition to the North Pole. He raised £50,000 for charities. His is a story of physical, mental and personal challenges. In August, we have a presentation by the Bank of England. Join us for these monthly lunches.

1. Look at any Court Order or written agreements to see if it sets out the arrangements. 2. Whilst the agreement of the other parent is not needed if you holiday in the UK, it would be sensible to seek his/her consent in the absence of a Court Order or written agreement. 3. It is illegal to take a child out of the UK without both parents agreeing unless there is a Child Arrangements Order, in which case the child can be taken out of the country for a maximum of 35 days. 4. Try to make arrangements as soon as possible. Do not leave it to the last minute. It would be as well to plan for this as soon as your children’s school release their holiday dates for the next school year. This way you can work through dates to take into account your work and personal commitments in good time without risking the holiday being cancelled at the last minute. 5. Do provide details of your travel plans well in advance. You should let the other parent know where you are staying, telephone details in case of an emergency, flight times and numbers and maybe an itinerary. That way the parent will not need regular updates from the children or from you. However, as the travelling parent, the children may want to speak to the other parent so bear this in mind provided it does not disturb the holiday for them.

6. If you have small children, they may not want to be away from the other parent for more than a few days and may not be used to a different environment. Choose a suitable holiday destination carefully to meet the needs of your children. 7. When arranging the holiday, make sure that the children are back in good time to prepare for school. You can now be fined for missing school. 8. Check to see that the children’s passports (and yours) are valid and that you have appropriate insurance and if you are travelling in Europe, bring the children’s EHIC cards. 9. Make sure the children’s passports are given to the other parent at least a week before they travel abroad so there are no last minute worries. 10. Enjoy your holiday with the children. You do not have to spend a great deal of money on them. They just want quality time with you. 11. If you are the stay at home parent, encourage the children to feel they will have a great time on holiday with their father/mother so they will not feel guilty about leaving you. 12. If you have a new partner, and intend to go on holiday with him/her, do make sure the children are comfortable with this and discuss it with your former partner before hand. 13. It is very expensive and stressful to make a last minute application to Court about arrangements so try and plan ahead and reach an agreement which is child focused.

For further information please contact: Richard Phillips, Senior Consultant Solicitor, Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer, Family Department Sumner and Tabor 01442 200104



Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards 2016 We mingled with the Macan, sipped champagne inside a Carrera, and nibbled canapés beside the Cayman. The Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards 2016 were feted, once again, in the exalted and elegant company of Hertfordshire’s finest Porsche elite. Hertfordshire Chamber thanks Porsche Centre Hatfield for giving over and making over their showroom on 19 May so that we could celebrate the inspiring finalists and winners of 2016’s Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards.



Thank you sponsors We would also like to thank our headline sponsor, Imagination Technologies — a global technology leader based in Kings Langley that supplies intellectual property through the world’s best known brands: Google, Adobe, Microsoft. We thank also our associate sponsor, Grace Foods — an $800m global consumer goods

and finance group — and our evening sponsor, Carita Services, a fundraising partner. We pay homage particularly to the category sponsors — each an inspiration to business and people — without whom these Awards could not take place.

Thank you all entrants It takes time, teamwork and self belief to produce and

submit an award entry; we know it’s not easy. The award entries were truly inspirational, each with its own story of vision, commitment and successful outcome. This year the Chamber received an even greater number of award entries.

Congratulations to the winners and to the finalists.

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner (individual) Judges comments:

Outstanding Contribution to Business Imagination Technologies Oshin Cassidy Group HR Director Kate Bellingham

Kate Bellingham is well known for her TV presenter role on the former BBC Science show, Tomorrows World but is also becoming well known as an Engineer committed to promoting Women into Engineering, STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Manufacturing), Construction and Young People generally. Kate has recently become a board member of Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce complementing this Chamber of Commerce’s desire, commitment and strategy to become

the central point of contact and focus in Hertfordshire for Young People, Engineering, Manufacturing, STEM, Circular Economy, Construction as well as the other traditional products & services such as: Internationalism and Export. She was born in North East Yorkshire and graduated from Oxford University Kate enjoys playing the piano, sings in her local choir and is active in her local Amateur Theatre Company. She believes that we should not be pigeon-holed by our profession and she is proud to show that through her love of music and the theatre.

Kate Belling receives Award from Oshin Cassidy



InspiringHertfordshire Category Community Champion Sponsor Mercury Group Presenter Jonathan Tewson Job title Media Sales Director, Herts & Essex Newspaper Winner Lynn Whitnall, Paradise Wildlife Park Judges comments: Lynn Whitnall took over as CEO of Paradise Wildlife Park from her father in 2014. Since then she has done an amazing job in both running a greatly successful business, but also spearheading the Park’s involvement in a number of charitable schemes which benefit the community. She has also partaken in a number of personal challenges to fundraise for local charities, including the 3 peaks challenge

and the London Marathon. Both through the park’s schemes, and her personal endeavours, she has raised over £100,000 for Hertfordshire-based good causes. The judges described her as a ‘true inspiration’ and that she deserves the recognition as a real community champion. PLUS Special Commendation in the Community Champion category Road Victims Trust

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Jonathan Tewson presenting Award to Sarah Lebentz of Paradise Wildlife Park on behalf of Lynn Whitnall

Education in Employment Careers and Enterprise Company Daniel Gendle Senior Enterprise Co-ordinator Sir John Lawes School

Sir John Lawes – an OFSTED outstanding school, has excellent links with a variety of employers who they have continued and regular contact with through a number of enterprises.

Julia Power and Julia Honour-Jones receiving Award from Daniel Gendle

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Social Enterprise of the Year Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) Scott Crudgington Board Director, SLL The Muscle Help Foundation

The Muscle Help Foundation is a UK-wide family charity founded in 2003 by Michael McGrath to support children and young people with the muscle-wasting disease Muscular Dystrophy and allied neuromuscular conditions. It is a unique pioneering initiative supporting a disease affecting a significant number of people and their families. The Foundation develops links between sport and disability



As the judges commented, they make great use of networks available to them, including parents and alumni. As well as a sustained

and dedicated programme of careers advice for their students, their annual Careers Day this year saw over 40 speakers informing Year 12 students about careers in their sector, as well as over 60 organizations taking stands at their Careers Fair. As summarised by the judges, the work of the school is both really dynamic and inspirational.

to not only deliver dreams but also to build confidence and opportunities for young people. As part of the Foundation’s ‘Inspiring Hearts, Engaging Minds’ project, the charity’s remit has now extended to help young adults with MD explore a pathway to the world of work. As the judges have noted, Michael inspires everyone around him which gains support in relation to volunteers, donations and other commitments, and that the achievements of muscle warriors are truly inspirational!

Dawn-Louise Kerr, Sonali Kumarakulasinghe, Sue McGrath, Michael McGrath, Ryan Tym and Lydia Drukarz receiving Award from Scott Crudgington

InspiringHertfordshire Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Investment in Young People (IiYP) Youth Connexions Mary Walsh Team Manager Premier EDA Solutions

Premier EDA Solutions were recognised by the judges as being very strong both locally and nationally in terms of their career support for young people through their Youth Development Programme.

Premier EDA’s Managing Director has worked with the local University delivering lectures along with sponsoring one under graduate and offering permanent employment after university. Premier EDA have also been winners for the Apprentice of the Year and Employer of the Year at the annual Herts Regional College awards ceremony.

Phil Mayo receiving Award from Mary Walsh

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Achievement in International Business UK Export Finance Gill Targett-Adams Senior Export Finance Adviser, South Region Purple Surgical International

Purple Surgical International have over 100 years’ experience in the healthcare market, with the aim to consistently offer high quality, cost effective equipment that meet the needs of today’s healthcare environment.

They are now present in over 80 countries worldwide and offer an extensive product portfolio. The judges recognised Purple Surgical International’s key investment in staff and their distribution contacts. Purple Surgical International are looking to appoint a minimum of 10 new distribution partners in 2016 along with looking to enter markets internationally such as Taiwan, Czech Republic, China, Pakistan, Vietnam and Iraq for the first time.

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Robert Sharpe receiving Award from Gill Targett-Adams

Most Promising New Business Ambition Broxbourne Cllr Mark Mills-Bishop Borough of Broxbourne The Food Teacher (Katharine Tate)

The Food Teacher has been recognised by the judges as a strong candidate in being a sole trader with a good reputation already winning many prestigious awards. Katharine Tate delivers a range of engaging and memorable sessions to schools, parents, individuals and the community with her

passion about the impact of nutritious food and increasing their understanding about what we eat and our health. Katharine has a high media presence being a writer and columnist as a Family Health Expert for national magazines including Parenta, True Health Magazine and Care for the Family. She has also been on many radio stations and US TV shows.

Cllr Mark Mills-Bishop presenting Award to Katharine Tate



InspiringHertfordshire Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

The Environmental award Veolia Josie Falco Business Area Manager, Veolia East JPA Furniture

The judges recognised JPA Furniture to have a fantastic USP of customer experience and service. JPA Furniture are a fantastic example of a business understanding its clients problems and coming up with sustainable, cost effective solutions. JPA Furniture are a great example of

the circular economy in action and the enthusiasm and commitment of the company. Their team of staff, donors (who include suppliers), supporters and recipients are a great example of how all areas of community life can come together and make a difference helping them raise their profile. Shellini Tanna and Fiona Edwards receiving Award from Josie Falco

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Excellence in Customer Service Porsche Mike Murphy Centre Principal, Porsche Centre Hatfield Aubrey Park Hotel

Aubrey Park have consistently positive customer feedback particularly praising their ‘brilliant staff’. Aubrey Park Hotel have in house training and protocol where they are always ready to help with a smile. Their main priority is that their

team offers a friendly and professional checkin. Aubrey Park Hotel customer’s advocacy has risen too with 95% returning customers for their monthly Ladies Who Lunch event and over 80% for their conference meetings and events.

David Timmis and Nicolette McCarthy receiving Award from Mike Murphy

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Made in Herts Veale Associates Edward Veale Managing Director Altro

Altro have been recognised by the judges for being a very solid business, well established as leaders and innovators who clearly know who they are and who they serve. Altro have a clear objective defined for the next 3 years and a clear route to achieving them. They have a great investment in product development, understanding needs



and providing innovative solutions that meet demands. Their product Altro Aquarius has proven to be their fastest growing product and has now established itself as a significant part of their product portfolio. Altro has a long term vision-stretching way beyond the 3 years, new developments, efficiencies and international growth will see them achieve their goal.

John Patsavellas, Jon Hassam, Richard Hollman receiving Award from Edward Veale.

InspiringHertfordshire Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Excellence in People Development Longmores Solicitors Anna Baptist Senior Partner and Head of Family law Grace Foods UK

The judges were left with a very clear impression that Grace Foods UK are genuinely committed to the development of their people. They use appraisals to both develop and motivate their staff. They link appraisal to skills gaps and development and fund any

qualifications which staff may need to carry out. Grace Foods believe their people are the biggest single asset in the pursuit of sustained growth and success. Empowering people at all levels with the right skill sets is an integral part of their business development strategy.

Anna Baptist (right) presenting Award to Grace Foods UK

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Innovation through Technology Serverchoice Joe Beaumont Communications Executive Focus 7 International

The judges recognised Focus 7 International to have a high presence on social media. They also carry out impressive investment in training for their staff. Focus 7 consistently use Infusionsoft technology, which is at the

heart of their programmes to assist in the sales pipeline full visibility, enabling accurate projections, and allows them to automatically send out marketing campaigns to recruit and nurture clients. They have also been recognised for an excellent growth plan, with lots of extensive research being carried out.

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Joe Beaumont (centre) presenting Award to Sarah Abrehart, Beth Alexander, Leona Barr-Jones and James Cook

Tourism Award De Vere Venues Nathan White General Manager, Theobalds Park Tewin Bury Farm Hotel

The judges have recognised Tewin Bury Farm Hotel as impossible to fault with excellence in all aspects of the business. Tewin Bury Farm Hotel is an excellent example of a hotel that focuses on being at the heart of its community, preserving its

heritage and moving into the 21st century without compromising its reputation or historic relevance. In the past 2 years alone, the team have welcomed over 76,000 private and corporate guests to the hotel, 55% of whom came from outside the Herts/London area.

Lauren Graham and Vaughan Williams receiving Award from Nathan White



InspiringHertfordshire Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner

Entrepreneur of the Year Austin's Family Funeral Directors Claire Austin Managing Director Claire Brindle, Smart10 (Claire not in attendance)

Judges comments: Claire Brindle at Smart10 has been recognised for drive and enthusiasm for staff and candidates for the best, welcoming environment – treating candidates and clients as VIPs. Claire is a very ambitious talented person with a clear direction for growing the business

with motivated and committed staff. She is very passionate about how business impacts the local community. Claire’s had great success organising Careers Advice Workshops for sixth form and college leavers, giving inspirational speeches/providing vital advice on careers/the job market. Overall Claire is a dedicated, inspirational, and passionate business leader.

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Business of the Year - Small to Medium Epson UK Bim Jinadasa Manager, SMB Sales Team Tate Recruitment

Tate has been recognised by the judges as a solid recruiter.

Bim Jinadasa (second from right) presenting Award to David Clubb, Bianca Frossell and Emma Tarbox.

Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

They believe that Grace Foods have success built on brand and product development as well as product knowledge. Grace Foods continues to develop their overseas business as they forge ahead in key European markets


Tate are an award winning specialist recruitment agency who hold a strong reputation for supplying only the highest calibre of candidates.

Working with over 420 clients across Hertfordshire in the public and private sectors Tate maintain a diverse and flexible approach to their recruiting methods. They are striving to be the most trusted and preferred agency of choice for office support and professional recruitment locally.

Business of the Year - Medium to Large SA Law Tracy Lacey-Smith Partner and Joint Head of Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Grace Foods UK

The judges have noticed Grace Foods UK to have a niche market with fantastic customer service.


Amy Howard and Alma Sheren receiving Award from Claire Austin

of Germany, France, Holland and Belgium, and accelerate growth in West Africa. They also have a great customer focus on the work they provide. Grace Foods have implemented a far-reaching employee development programme which has resulted in ‘best ever’ efficiency and productivity and significantly improved employee morale throughout the business.

Tracy Lacey-Smith (right) presenting Award to Grace Foods UK

InspiringHertfordshire Category Sponsor Presenter Job title Winner Judges comments:

Overall Business of the Year Award Johnson Matthey John Gourd Site Planning and Services Director Grace Foods UK

It was a tough job for this year's judges as the scoring was very close however the judges were inspired by this year's winner who has really focused it's investment in professionally up-skilling it's people, and investing in technology to gain competitive advantage in reaching new global markets.

Adam Reader receives Award from John Gourd

Grace Foods UK is one of Europe's leading suppliers of world foods, managing a portfolio of market leading brands including Enco Food Products Limited, Chadha Oriental Foods and Fonneybones Food service Limited, in highly competitive retail, wholesale and food service sectors.

Headquartered in Welwyn Garden City, Grace Foods is an £86 million turnover business with year on year sales growth of 12% and a market share which has risen to 36% Innovation has led to diversification into the £15bn soft drinks industry with the launch of a new health drink Grace Aloe Vera drink enjoying a £7m market value after just two years. Export markets have been an integral part of Grace Foods UK development strategy with expansion being secured across much of Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East and West Africa. Success has been contributed to the focus on training and enhancing their skill set from shop floor to management, this has resulted in operational efficiency, and significantly impacted morale and staff turnover.




Keeping up to speed in the world of food and drink The world of food is a rapidly-changing one as different cuisines fall in and out of fashion and the companies that succeed are the ones that keep pace with the coming trends. Particularly adept at doing just that is fast-growing Hertfordshire company Grace Foods, which has built on its proud Jamaican heritage to become a major player in the industry.

He said: “We have experienced significant growth over the past three years and driving that has been our commitment to product development, which is a critical part of what we do.

Central to its success is a team who keep a close eye on everything that brings about changes in food and drink consumption, from the demand for healthier products to the effect of popular holiday destinations.

“We have a team dedicated to spotting what foods and drinks are going to be the next popular trends and that means keeping a close eye on where people go on their holidays, what they eat when they are out there and what food experiences they bring back with them.

The result is an operation that is constantly updating its offer. Specialising in everything from sauces, drinks, soups, and Tex-Mex to Caribbean dishes and street food, the company employs 202 people at its distribution centre in Welwyn Garden City and its manufacturing plant in Wales and is growing year on year (has over 10% growth per annum each of the last 3 years).

Adam Reader Managing Director Grace Foods



Heading up the business as Managing Director since October 2015 has been Adam Reader, whose background was in audit and management services before he moved into more commercial roles.

“A good example was street food. A few years ago, people were starting to enjoy street food abroad and we responded to that by bringing out our own products which have proved very popular. “You have to keep watching the trends, particularly as trouble in some parts of the world means that people are going to different places for their holidays which may expose them to different food and drink. “It is not just holidays that can have an impact on what people eat and drink and we keep an eye on big events as well because they can have an impact.


“Their success is an example of the move towards healthier food and drink. People want products that are more natural, that are low in additives and sugar-free and we have responded to that.”

“The football World Cup in Brazil a couple of years ago was a good example because it was followed by a growth of interest in Brazilian food so we brought out Brazilian products. We expect this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio to have the same effect.” The trend towards healthy eating is also having a profound effect with products like aloe drinks an example of a trend which is proving ever more popular for Grace Foods. Adam said: “People increasingly want to eat and drink more healthily and we have to be aware of that. “Aloe drinks are a good example and we have seen 65 per cent growth in sales of Grace Aloe Water. It is a market worth £11 million and we have captured 66 per cent of it. “Their success is an example of the move towards healthier food and drink. People want products that are more natural, that are low in additives and sugar-free and we have responded to that.” Grace Foods has, as a result of such flexibility, continued to grow and although the bulk of its sales are in the UK, it is

developing foreign markets as well, including across Europe with Germany, Holland and France particularly popular.

something which will continue to be respected, however large the company grows in the years to come.”

Russia is also a growing market for a reason that may come as a surprise to some people. Adam said: “Caribbean foods are really popular with the Russians. They like their hot sauces and we are growing our activities in the country.

Crucial to our growth has been our investment in our team at GFUK. The staff are a key asset and we adopt a

“We have also been moving beyond Europe to open up new markets, including into Africa. We have, for example, just opened an office in Ghana because we see West Africa as a good area for us.” All of this underlines the company’s ambitions but, for Adam, growth should not come at any price and certainly not at the expense of its heritage. Indeed, the company’s products are very popular with the UK’s Afro-Caribbean community and Adam said: “We are looking to continue our growth but we are keen to ensure that we do not lose sight of the company’s Caribbean heritage. “We are very proud of our Caribbean roots and that is

Grace Foods products include: • A wide range of delicious products available under the Grace brand, including callaloo seasonings, spices and Caribbean-style Grace Coconut Water • Nurishment, the UK’s number one nutritionally enriched milk drink • Encona sauces, including Caribbean favourites and flavours from across the Far East, Asia and the Americas • Dunn’s River generations of Caribbeans have grown up with products from Dunn’s River, named after the famous waterfalls in Jamaica. Products include seasonings, sauces and marinades

Grace Foods won two Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards this year: • Business of the Year (Medium to Large) • Excellence in People Development positive approach to employee engagement and motivation ranging from enabling staff to take responsibility for their own decisions to activities such as Employee Appreciation Week which includes office Olympics, well being activities, lunches.

• Brunswick - when the West Indies needed food aid after a natural disaster in the 1950s, the Canadians sent them sardines as part of the relief effort. Ever since, generations of West Indians have grown up with the spicy flavour of Brunswick Sardines • Excelsior -the no.1 brand of crackers in the UK Caribbean sector • Grace Tropical Rhythms a range of Caribbean fruit and vegetable blends, available in glass bottles in Pineapple Ginger, Fruit Punch, Mango Carrot and Sorrel Ginger flavours. • Tex’s seasonings, made to traditional family recipes, bring food to life with a vast range of seasonings and coatings to add to any recipe.




Partnership puts Stevenage first These are exciting times for Stevenage thanks to an initiative that is breathing new life into the town and which promises to bring major financial investment. For the first time, the regeneration of Stevenage has been brought together at a borough and county level, along with the business community, to create a 21st Century destination for residents and businesses.

Driving the work is Stevenage First, a partnership of Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Stevenage Borough Council, Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce.

The partnership has jointly created an ambitious framework to reinvigorate the centre of Stevenage. Stevenage First’s vision is to deliver regeneration and growth over the next 20 years, bringing

new homes, shopping and leisure facilities. Here, the partners explain how success will invigorate Stevenage and see it flourish. (Cont over)




“Our strength lies in our unity. Working together, we can achieve more and Stevenage will be better for it. We know that regeneration won’t happen overnight. Stevenage First is committed to maximising the potential of Stevenage and delivering for its current and future residents and businesses.” Andrew Percival, chair of Stevenage First

Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Panel “Stevenage represents a major growth opportunity for the county and its regeneration is one of our key priorities identified in our Strategic Economic Plan. To that end, the LEP helped set up and chairs Stevenage First Regeneration Board and has co-commissioned the Stevenage Central Town Centre Regeneration Framework. This is an ambitious and exciting vision for the transformation of central Stevenage. At its heart is the redevelopment of the train



station that would drive regeneration not just in that area but across the centre of Stevenage and beyond. We, together with Hertfordshire County Council, have commissioned a Station Master-Plan that sets out the far-reaching and pivotal proposals for this redevelopment. We have already secured £15m Government funding via our Growth Deal and have carried out various de-risking studies that will provide confidence to enable development to go ahead. As part of our Growth Deal 3 submission we are calling for

£49.5m funding to replace the existing outdated and inadequate station. This will act as a catalyst to regenerate the town centre, stimulate housing growth, safeguard existing high value jobs, create new ones and encourage the growth of large and small businesses. It will also stimulate creation of a new theatre and leisure centre, multi-storey car parking and the construction of a new bus station.” Andrew Percival, Chair of Stevenage First and Hertfordshire LEP Board Member


“We are leading the way as a Chamber of Commerce in manufacturing with the Manufacturing Co-operative at Cranfield, in collaboration with Cranfield University, the Circular Economy, Women in Leadership and Engineering, Young People, STEM, Construction and so on.”

Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Accredited Chamber of Commerce for Hertfordshire is pleased to be a partner in Stevenage First and the re-development of Stevenage Town Centre. It is important to recognise that being a BCC Accredited Chamber, unlike town chambers in Hertfordshire, gives our member companies’ small, medium and large benefits that could play a crucial strategic role in their futures such as internationalism through the BCC and therefore ourselves being part of a global network

and associated mutual leverage of business opportunities. We are becoming a more focused organisation in areas we believe are not only important nationally but also for Hertfordshire and Stevenage too. We are leading the way as a Chamber of Commerce in manufacturing with the Manufacturing Co-operative at Cranfield, in collaboration with Cranfield University, the Circular Economy, Women in Leadership and Engineering, Young People, STEM, Construction and so on. Our purpose is to assist in ameliorating economic prosperity through business success, which means creating

and increasing jobs generally but very importantly in high technology. This also means attracting new businesses, helping to create new ones, retain existing and draw on Stevenage's close geographical proximity to the likes of London and Cambridge. It will also bring with it complementarities in skills, technology and cluster development but the "Attraction of Place" (housing, facilities, communications, schools and so on) must be available, hence a major reason for this Chamber of Commerce to be a partner in Stevenage First”. Neville Reyner CBE DL Chairman, Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce




“As a recognised and trusted community leader, Stevenage Borough Council each day provides more than 120 different services to 85,500 residents.”

Stevenage Borough Council Our vision for more than £1bn development for Stevenage Town Centre offers up far reaching opportunities for Hertfordshire, the South East and the UK economy. Along with the other Stevenage First partners, Stevenage Borough Council has declared our 100% commitment to delivering lasting regeneration, working together to secure investment and real change. Following the launch of the vision last summer, much is happening to lay the foundations for early regeneration. As a recognised and trusted community leader,



Stevenage Borough Council each day provides more than 120 different services to 85,500 residents. As the largest local landholder within the town centre, we are in a strong position to encourage the right development to come forward and kick-start regeneration. The framework has been incorporated into the council’s Local Plan, which sets out how Stevenage will develop in the future. Our vision for the centre of our town includes a new rail station, 3,600 new homes, 65,000 sqm of high-quality office space, three four-star hotels, 24,000 sqm of new retail, a community hub and

21st century leisure provision. Within the partnership there is an energy, confidence and determination for growth and change. Stevenage is situated in the heart of a growth area, where we are ideally placed to reap the benefits of cutting edge industries, a rising economy and new development. It is a great place to live, work and do business. Together we want to seize this opportunity and realise our ambitions to deliver a revived and inspirational Stevenage for residents, visitors and businesses by 2031. Cllr Sharon Taylor, OBE Leader, Stevenage Borough Council


“The County Council has an important role to play in the redevelopment of Stevenage. As the highways authority, it will be our responsibility to ensure there is a robust transport infrastructure to support any new development.�

Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire County Council sees the success of Stevenage First as pivotal to repositioning the town for the 22nd Century, not just in Hertfordshire but in a national context. By redeveloping and re-envisaging the town, Stevenage will able to take advantage of its unique position; its proximity to London, great transport connections as well as outstanding countryside, to ensure residents and businesses thrive.

We envisage Stevenage growing its economy, particularly in hi tech industries and building on existing businesses such as GlaxoSmithKline and Airbus Defence and Space which are already well established in the area. This will provide a fresh offer for existing residents to get on in life as well as encouraging more highly skilled people to settle in the area, particularly young people who see the exciting new town centre and all that it offers, as a great and well-connected place to live. The County Council has an important role to play in the redevelopment of Stevenage.

As the highways authority, it will be our responsibility to ensure there is a robust transport infrastructure to support any new development. As the council responsible for social care, libraries and education, we will also be responsible for ensuring that there are enough high quality schools and libraries to support a growing, modern town centre. We firmly believe that what is good for Stevenage is also good for Hertfordshire. Cllr David Williams Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Hertfordshire County Council




Culinary expertise Make your business travel to perfection more sustainable Le Mare Chocolat a small artisan The spiralling costs of, and business challenges formed

chocolate-making business based by commuting and business travel are being addressed by workplace travel network and Chamber partner, in Stevenage. Chocolatier Mick Le Mare is the creative force behind the business, having qualified in both graphic design and chocolate production. He uses these skills to produce delicious, quality handmade chocolates which are uniquely branded or personalised by printing hi definition edible images directly onto the chocolate. These chocolates are filled with freshly made ganaches like pistachio nuts with a hint of lime or strawberry and a balsamic caramel. The graphic designs are printed onto a transfer sheet using edible inks developed for the cake industry and then skillfully transferred to chocolate. All colouring and edible inks are EZO free. All his chocolate is produced by Barry Callebaut from Belgium using the best cocoa beans, natural bourbon vanilla and 100% pure cocoa butter. His dark is 60% cocoa ensuring a well rounded soft bitter cocoa taste, milk chocolate has a well balanced milk, cocoa and caramel taste and his white chocolate has a balanced creamy milk taste.



Callebaut work closely with cocoa farmers to ensure sustainability and improvement to the lives of the growers and their families. They have over 100 years experience in chocolate production from bean to bar, in local selection and sourcing cocoa beans, in blending and roasting the beans and refining and conching the chocolate. Besides selling to companies such as NBC Universal, National Portrait Gallery and Arsenal FC one of his Irish clients had this to say – “They are the most wonderful chocolates we have ever encountered (or tasted)! My daughter and her husband eat at Michelin restaurants as a hobby, and his family are Belgian chocolate retailers; but both of them agree that your creations have the finest flavours and the prettiest presentation that they have encountered.” A unique combination of skills producing a unique range of memorable products! To find out more about Le Mare Chocolat visit or email

Smartgo Stevenage. Smartgo Stevenage is co-ordinated by sustainable travel consultancy, Go Travel Solutions and includes a variety of local employers such as GSK, MBDA, Airbus, Stevenage Borough Council and Lister hospital. It offers a range of business benefits including: • reduced business costs • reduced car parking demand • improved staff recruitment and retention • carbon management planning • enhanced business reputation Staff of local employers are also benefiting through cost savings offered by the Smartgo Stevenage package of travel discounts that aims to encourage low-carbon transport such as cycling, car sharing, buses and trains. In partnership with Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, Smartgo offers Stevenage-based Chamber members their first year’s membership free. This will provide staff with access to the wide range of discounts from the likes of Great Northern Trains, Centrebus,

Halfords and huge savings on the Nissan LEAF electric vehicle. One of the most recent additions to the Smartgo range of offers is EO Charging, a pioneer in the development of intelligent charging solutions for electric vehicles. EO Charging is offering major discounts on its home and workplace charging systems to support the adoption of electric vehicles for workplace travel. The discounts are in addition to existing Government grants for domestic charge point installations and are not ordinarily available to the general public and employers. They include: • 20 per cent off workplace vehicle charging points • 20 per cent off basic workplace vehicle charger • 20 per cent off intelligent home charger To see how your business can become a Smartgo member, visit or email


Bank of England - Chamber Lunch Date: Tuesday 16 August Time: 12.00 to 14.00 Venue: Beales Hotel Hatfield, Comet Way, Hatfield, AL10 9NG Cost: Member £35.00; non-member £40.00 The Bank of England's support and actions since the EU Referendum has been hitting the headlines in all media outlets and the BCC has welcomed its intervention, policies and positive approach to boost business confidence locally, nationally and globally. The Chamber is delighted that Phil Eckersley from the Bank of England has agreed to be our guest speaker at our August lunch at Beales hotel in Hatfield. Phil will talk about the UK economy and will take questions on what promises to be an important topic for us all this summer.

“This lunch time networking event promises to be popular and early booking is recommended.”

With over twenty years' experience working at the Bank of England's agency network, Phil is well placed to speak about the UK's economic position following the EU Referendum; Phil also chairs a number of business panels and provides regular briefings for the Monetary Policy Committee. This lunch time networking event promises to be popular and early booking is recommended.

Women in Leadership Lunch Date: Thursday 14 July Time: 12.00 to 14.00 Venue: Marriott Hanbury Manor Hotel & Country Club, Cambridge Road, Ware SG12 0SD Cost: Member £35.00; non-member £40.00 We are delighted to welcome Commander Virginia Newman as guest speaker at our next Women in Leadership Lunch at Hanbury Manor on Thursday 14 July. Virginia will share the career challenges she has faced and the highlights she has enjoyed as an employee and as a reservist. 26

Virginia is an ex-regular Royal Navy Reservist who has spent 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry. This event is sponsored by TekOne Technologies, which provides and manages cloud, security and data services to businesses.


All prices quotes include VAT at 20% unless otherwise stated. For more information on any event: Sophie Watts, 01707 39 84 04, – or


July Chamber Lunch Date: Thursday 21 July Time: 12.00 to 14.00 Venue: Beales Hotel Hatfield, Comet Way, Hatfield, AL10 9NG Cost: Member £35.00; non-member £40.00 The guest speaker will be Ed Suttie, formerly with the British Antarctic Survey as a glaciologist and now with BRE, the sustainability leader; Ed has embarked on an expedition to the North Pole. He raised £50,000 for charities. His story is one of physical, mental and personal challenges.

Chamber Clay Pigeon Shooting Date: Thursday 18 August Time: 12.30 to 16.30 Venue: Atkin Grant & Lang Shooting Ground, Windmill Road, Markyate AL3 8LP Cost: Member £79.00; non-member £92.00; group booking £385.00 + VAT This highly popular annual event brings together companies and business people from all over Hertfordshire to try their hand at this fun sport. The shooting ground offers the finest shooting facilities in the Home Counties and has the most modern equipment, providing excellent shooting for the novice and experienced alike – no experience is required as you will be instructed and supervised fully by professional instructors. After welcome drinks and a light lunch the instructors will collect allocated teams for a 30-bird competition. At the end of the day we retire to the lodge for networking, buffet and refreshments while the scores are calculated, before prize giving. INSPIRE All prices quotes include VAT at 20% unless otherwise stated. For more information on any event: Sophie Watts, 01707 39 84 04, – or



More wonderful events ahead Diarise now: September Events Chamber Property & Construction Forum

Networking breakfast, site tour Date: Time: Venue: Where: Cost:

Tuesday 13 September 07:30 to 09:30 University of Hertfordshire College Lane, Hatfield AL10 9AA member £18.00 non-member £21.60 •••

Chamber Breakfast

Cyber-crime with Ambition Broxbourne Date: Time: Venue: Where: Cost:

Wednesday 14 September 07.30 to 09.00 De Veres Venues Ponsbourne Park, New Park Road, Newgate Street, SG13 8QT member £18.00 non-member £21.60 •••

Chamber HR Forum

Social Media Policies Date: Time: Venue: Where: Cost:


Wednesday 28 September 09.00 to 11.00 Longmores Solicitors Hertford SG14 1HP member £15.00 non-member £18.00


All prices quotes include VAT at 20% unless otherwise stated. For more information on any event: Sophie Watts, 01707 39 84 04, – or


Raising money for Willow charity: alliance golf – Hanbury Manor Taking place at Hanbury Manor Marriott Hotel and Country Club in Ware from 26 to 28 August, the £350,000-tournament will raise funds and awareness for Willow, which provides Special Days for seriously ill young adults. The tournament will benefit from a TV highlights programme to be broadcast on Sky Sports. It will be played in alliance format, where an amateur will play alongside a Professional for the three tournament days, while the tournament will be preceded by the Willow Pro Ams on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 August. This will enable individuals or businesses to purchase places or teams to help raise money for Willow and the admission costs for spectators will also go to the charity. The package includes: • one individual playing place alongside a Professional in the Friday, Saturday & Sunday alliance competition

• privileged accreditation • gift pack • full access to practice facilities • morning refreshments and lunch on completion of play • daily and overall amateur prizes • six season admission tickets • two invitations to the prize presentation and drinks reception after play on Sunday 28 August • access to the preferential tournament room rates at Hanbury Manor Marriott Hotel & Country Club • The individual cost is £4,000 For enquiries or bookings, call Sportingclass on 0208 734 3890 or email

The growth in prominence of cyber-crime The prominence of the internet has changed the way companies of all sizes conduct their business. breach in the last year. This is a real concern, as is the variety and scale of the scams which are currently in the offing.

Unfortunate cases

It has opened the doors for many SMEs to streamline their processes and to generate additional opportunities in areas which previously might have appeared out of reach. However, it is not without some downsides, a major one being the growth in prominence of cybercrime. Last summer a Government Security Breaches Survey found that nearly 74 per cent of small organisations reported a security

In early 2016, reports emerged about some cases of conveyancing fraud. In these instances, criminals were said to have hacked into emails sent between solicitors and clients. The fraudsters, posing as the solicitor, then sent emails with instructions to transfer the money from property transactions to a rogue account. The funds then disappeared. This is obviously a terrible scenario for the borrowers in question. It also leaves solicitors, lenders and even intermediaries in a vulnerable position as nobody wants this to happen to their valued clients. After all, the aim of any professional or respectable lending institution is to best protect their clients and to provide as seamless a transaction as possible.

Fraud prevention strategy As a lender, it’s absolutely vital to have a fraud prevention strategy in place. It is also essential to have a substantial, and active, fraud team alongside a raft of resources for individual and business borrowers. But, as an intermediary, what more could you be doing? The first prudent step is to ensure your business is fully protected, including the data you have in your possession. The lengths to which cyber criminals go shouldn’t be underestimated. If any clients are set to transfer funds online it might be worth highlighting the need to ensure that they have adequate security measures installed on their personal computers. Clients could also be made aware that changes to any payment details attached to the transaction should be treated with suspicion. For example, if they are sent an unencrypted email or asked for

personal data by email, or anything that feels even remotely dubious, then they should pick up the phone and verify it directly with the party in question. Such cases are still extremely rare and the vast majority of property deals do go through without a hitch. However, it’s evident that all links in this particular chain need to be as vigilant as possible to ensure that they as protected as possible. The modern mortgage market demands that the advice process incorporates a wider arch than ever. The inclusion of cyber security and anti-malware protection will not only help safeguard your business, but also provide an additional layer of protection for your clients and subsequently cement your longterm relationship with them. For more information: Ian Taylor, Head of Hertfordshire, Corporate and Business Banking – Barclays




Apprenticeships Update Hertfordshire Chamber – recognising a multitude of benefits for both employers and young adults entering the employment market – has become the employment and education go-between.

Apprenticeships: what’s good for employers School leavers bring to employers their youthful zest, eagerness for learning on the job and a rapacious willingness to tackle tasks that other, older employees may no longer feel. At Hertfordshire Chamber, we see this huge energy that has made it possible to plan and organise members’ events, our highly successful annual Awards, business sector forums, business leader dinners and annual conferences, promoted effectively through digital and social media. Our apprentices' ingenuity, uncluttered approach and fresh enthusiasm for these Chamber projects have made extraordinary contributions to our membership building, working relations, events management and day-to-day administration.

Apprenticeships: what’s good for school leavers Undoubtedly a good university degree, relevant to the young person’s planned career in a particular sector or industry, is an advantage. Today, the boundaries between career-planning that starts with a university course or with an apprenticeship programme are less defined.



Ten years ago, professional services recruited directly from universities: law firms, accountancy practices, technical, bio and science industries, digital, IT and media services. Today, many offer thoughtfully considered apprenticeship programmes: attractive opportunity to earn-while-youlearn employment — sometimes with the chance of a funded university degree to top it. For school leavers, the chance to ease into work life has got to be more appealing than being thrust into it at the sharp end.

Apprenticeships: what’s good for parents One thing parents have in common is the anxious need to find a solid programme that ends with a good, accredited qualification — one that matches the interest, ability, personality, ambition and skills set of their child, and is valued by the industry. In Hertfordshire, there are any number of excellent apprenticeship partnerships and programmes between apprenticeship course providers and employers. Excellent apprenticeship programmes are offered by Hertfordshire’s further education (FE) colleges — North Herts College (Stevenage, Hitchin), West Herts College (Watford),

Hertford Regional College, Oaklands College (Welwyn Garden City, St Albans) with a broad-ranging choice of programmes: • accounting, bookkeeping • business, administration, management • child care, nursery management • carpentry • construction • electrical • engineering • hairdressing, well-being, beauty • health and social care • horticulture • hospitality, catering • IT, telecoms • plumbing and heating • sales and marketing • sports and leisure management • teaching and training • vehicle maintenance and others

Apprenticeships: where to start Colleges, schools and employers work together today to build apprenticeship programmes that will benefit the organisation, the industry in which it operates and the young adults embarking on their careers. Employers, planning their programme, should: 1. check the apprenticeship framework ( / frameworkslibrary) 2. register with the National Apprenticeship Service ( 3. contact the apprenticeships advisers in the FE colleges to specify your organisation’s priorities

The Apprenticeship Levy The Apprenticeship Levy aims to fund three million apprenticeships in the UK by 2020. It affects all organisations above a certain size, committing them to either taking on apprentices or paying a percentage fee of their PAYE wage bill.

Does the Apprenticeship Levy affect my organisation? Yes – if payroll exceeds £3m a year.

What will it cost? The basic charge is 0.5 per cent of your PAYE cost. Smaller companies can claim £15,000 training allowance to offset this. If training costs are greater, government has indicated that more funds will be available.

What is the aim of it? Its major objective is to persuade organisations to take on more apprentices, externally or internally by retraining current employees to enable them to progress their career or change direction.

When does it come into force? The Levy is effective in April 2017.

What should an organisation be doing? By planning now, before the Levy starts in April 2017, one can benefit from the current funding available; paying very little for the apprentice training. Employers will be issued with a digital voucher to enable them to purchase training from a recognised provider. Apprenticeships are also being categorised in different ways, with many more types of apprenticeship at different levels. Building a long-term apprenticeship programme for your organisation is an enriching and rewarding experience. There is plenty of practical support and guidance from experts at all of the FE colleges and from the National Apprenticeship Service. by Fiona Wilkinson: Guinea Fowl Creative, for Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce


Welcome to new members Alison Jenkins Photography Ltd


Juice Resource Solutions

Shout Promotional Merchandise

Corporate, business, wedding photography 10 The Brambles, WARE Hertfordshire SG12 0XU 07581 016 899

Print services, artist management Maylands Business Centre, Redbourn Rd, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HP2 7BA 020 3375 0017

IT, pharmaceutical recruitment 3 Soothouse Spring, ST ALBANS Hertfordshire AL3 6PF 01727 86 77 72

Embrace Consultancy

Kaleidoscope Property Consulting Ltd

Branded gifts, promotional campaigns Unit 40, Enterprise Centre Cranbourne Rd, POTTERS BAR Hertfordshire EN6 3DQ 0203 303 0673

Allianz Park Venue, sports stadium Greenlands Lane, LONDON NW4 1RL 0203 675 7220

Employee engagement 5 Monks Rise, WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 8NF 07512 769 141


Pricing and cost modelling advisory 42 Lawrance Road, ST ALBANS Fire and security systems consultancy 57 Great Ley, WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL3 6EA Hertfordshire AL7 4TJ

CB Consulting (Anglia) Ltd

Cervello Financial Planning Financial services 9 Victory Road, RAINHAM Essex RM13 7RS 07803 616321

Champneys Henlow Health spa: bedrooms, meeting/conference rooms Coach Rd, HENLOW SG16 6BT 01462 81 11 11

Champneys Tring Health spa: bedrooms, meeting/conference rooms Chesham Rd, WIGGINTON Hertfordshire HP23 6HX 01442 29 10 00

Churchills Storage & Refurbishment Ltd Office, warehouse refurbishment Devonshire Business Centre, Works Road, LETCHWORTH Hertfordshire SG6 1GJ

Creative Business Systems Ltd Business productivity software consultancy Lantern House, 39-41 High Street POTTERS BAR, Hertfordshire EN6 5AJ

DB Sharp and Sons Ltd Building, electrical, plumbing contractors 14 Woodside Industrial Park Works Road, LETCHWORTH Hertfordshire SG6 1LA

Eversley Group (UK) Ltd Wealth, health protection and creation 19-21 Bull Plain, Hertford SG14 1DX

Expense Reduction Analysts

Wealth management 236a High St, BERKHAMSTED Hertfordshire HP4 1AG 01442 87 48 88

Linde Material Handling East Ltd

Export letters of credit handling The Manse, 28 George St LUTTERWORTH Leicestershire LEI7 4EE 07535 855 833

Sales, rental, service: materials handling equipment 1 Haslemere Industrial Estate Charlton Mead Lane HODDESDON, Hertfordshire EN11 0DJ 01992 70 61 20

Luna Logistics Ltd

Help companies reduce their indirect costs 15 Thumbswood WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 4QE 0203 006 7893

Specialist transport, warehouse, technical services staging kit Units 2-4 Mead Park, HARLOW Essex CM20 2SE 01279 62 15 33

Falkland Press

Mode Print Solutions

Professional print services 1 Meredews Way, Works Road, LETCHWORTH, SG6 1WH 01462 47 51 80

HCB Enforcements

Xerox/Ricoh dealership partner Mode House, Thundridge Business Park, THUNDRIDGE Hertfordshire SG12 0SS 0845 223 22 03

High Court, certificated enforcement, commercial debt recovery Business and Technology Centre Bessemer Drive, STEVENAGE Hertfordshire SG1 2DX 0845 604 65 95

Moor Park Golf Club

Hilary Price Jones Training, Coaching and Consultancy

Pick Pack Removals Ltd

Sport, leisure, venue: meetings, conferences, weddings RICKMANSWORTH Hertfordshire WD3 1QN

For individuals, SMEs, MNCs 6 Warwick Close, HERTFORD Hertfordshire SG13 8JT 01992 509807

Household removals, packing, storage 1 Tower House, HODDESDON Hertfordshire EN11 8UR 0333 355 694 0

Hosking Associates

Premier Foods

Health, safety, environmental consultancy 6b Parkway, Porters Wood ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire AL3 6PA 020 3 603 64 66

British food manufacturer Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Building 3, Griffiths Way ST ALBANS Hertfordshire AL1 2RE

Jirasek Security Consulting Ltd

Financial coaching, independent financial advisors 24 Whitehouse Ave, BOREHAMWOOD Hertfordshire WD6 1HD 02079 935 528

Cyber security consulting, services 77 Chapel Street, BILLERICAY Essex CM12 9LR 07538 790 302

Stringer Mann

Commercial, residential property advisers 7 Mount Keen, Great Ashby STEVENAGE, Hertfordshire SG1 6BP 07714 459249

Serenity Financial Planning

Synergy in Trade Ltd

The Living Room Addiction treatment centre 8-10 The Glebe, Chells Way STEVENAGE Hertfordshire SG2 ODJ 01438 355649

Unite Eurotherapy Fashion-forward boutique brand: hairdressers Unit 13, R024, The Greenway Harlow Business Park, HARLOW Essex CM19 5QB 07860 562 039

Victory Lighting (UK) Ltd Design, manufacture of infra-red heating solutions Unit 3, Eastman Way HEMEL HEMPSTEAD Hertfordshire HP2 7DU 01442 21 52 00

Virgin Trains East Coast Train company: East Coast 23 Skeldergate, YORK Yorkshire Y01 60H 03457 225 333

Vistage Peer group advice, 1:1 coaching Pembroke, Little Heath Lane POTTEN END Hertfordshire HP4 2RY 07722 842780

WKH Developments Professional contracts Tooke House, 20 Bull Plain HERTFORD Hertfordshire SG14 1DT 01992 53 62 34




Five ways to get published How do we get publicity for our business or organisation in magazines like Inspire? We advertise We pay for space and provide artwork that has a proposition, a call to action, contact details and branding (logo, graphics, straplines) – unlike editorial. The function of advertising is to sell or to brand. It’s effective. We pay for it. Advertisements pay the cost of magazine production, print and distribution. Without advertising, we have no magazine. Without a magazine, we have no voice vehicle.

We write a news story The piece tells a story through six serving men – what, where, who, why, how and when – with a beginning, a middle, an end (300 words max). It’s a story of a new product or new service, a new CEO, a major new client, a new research

project, a new manufacturing process. Brand values are demonstrated through carefully crafted editorial. However, a logo, a call to action or artwork will convert it into advertising, which we must pay for. It may be edited by the editor to correct grammar, typos, tautology, length, or to exclude blatant advertising, disingenuous information or offensive content. A news story isn’t an advertisement with lots more words.

We write an advertorial An advertorial however is an advertisement… with lots more words. It’s paid for, like an advertisement. It’s written to sell a product or service’s features or a complex or controversial concept, and supplied as artwork looking like editorial but marked ‘advertorial’ or 'sponsored'.

We should take care that our editorial does not masquerade as advertising! It’s unfair on the reader, on other contributors and on the publisher who bears heavy print and post costs.

We write a short article Many organisations, through trial and error, achieve a particular result that produces lessons learned, which translate into guidance. We can write a short article (400 words max) with top tips, guidelines or case study that is useful to other businesses. People like to know how to do something better, have complex situations or concepts simply explained or to read relevant thought-provoking material.

We write an industry report Technology, market trends, legislation and impacting advances over which we have no control affect our business and profitability. Businesses that have researched or assessed situations produce a report on their findings. We can write a report (500 words max) for publication, outlining investigation, findings, and the resultant understanding. There is value in that. For more information Fiona Wilkinson, Advertising enquiries, please email

Become a #LinkedInHero in Just 60 Minutes Heroes come in many shapes and sizes and you don’t need to wear a cape to become one. These are workshops to help you become a Social Media just 60 minutes. The workshop will show the most effective ways to bring your company to the attention of the most relevant section of LinkedIn’s 300 million global users. Justine Perry, managing director, said “Cariad is donning its metaphorical superhero cape to run a series of introductory workshops for SMEs so we can pass on our knowledge to help local businesses make themselves heard. In May, our first workshop, Become a #TwitterHero in Just



60 Minutes had a full house… we raised £250 for the Muscle Help Foundation, which was fantastic.” In June, the second workshop raised money for The Isabel Hospice. A 100 per cent of the fee is donated to local charities. The workshop will be held on 12 July from 8 to 9.30am. Proceeds go to Steph’s Wishes, a charity which provides Memory Days to young people aged 18-25 who have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. For more information: /social-media-workshop


Elstree studio expands Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, was granted permission on 26 May by the Hertsmere Borough Council to build a new studio complex on the recently-cleared four-acre area on the existing site. Hertsmere Borough Councillors said: “Elstree Studios is a jewel in Hertsmere’s crown and we should encourage their endeavours in every way.” Cllr Morris Bright, Chairman of Elstree Studios said that this development will part-fulfil a much needed requirement for more studio space.

The proposed site is near to the Big Brother House and the George Lucas stages. The plan is to build a new stage the

same height as the Lucas Stages, but larger, at over 21,000 sq ft, with connected scenery storage, workshops and production offices.

Managing Director of Elstree Studios, Roger Morris, said “We already have clients who wish to use the new stage once it’s built. It will probably be the best multipurpose film and TV stage in the UK. Last year Elstree Studios made record sales with productions such as Strictly Come Dancing, The Danish Girl and the new drama The Crown.”

Take your corporate events into the fast lane Rye House Kart Raceway in Hoddesdon is one of the oldest and most respected karting circuits in the UK. It is where a young Lewis Hamilton honed the driving skills and techniques that would propel him to three Formula One World Championships. Today it is also a great venue for corporate meetings, team building exercises, and business seminars, training days or networking events. Rye House Kart Raceway offers an exciting alternative to reward employees, entertain clients, host staff meetings or network with potential customers during a unique day to remember. An expert team is on hand to help deliver an exciting event and experience in a professional manner whatever your company needs. Facilities include a restaurant and licensed bar, themed hospitality suite, fabulous circuit views from the first floor balcony and extensive car and coach parking. Team building activities are designed to facilitate communication and increase teamwork. Participating guests will gain valuable skills that will improve efficiency, productivity and motivation back at the workplace.

Meeting rooms can be customised to cater for specialised needs and several food and beverage menu options are available for guests. Pricing for the recently renovated meeting rooms and hospitality suite includes Wi-Fi, AV equipment, flat screen TVs and flexible seating arrangements. Employees, clients and customers will have a blast racing around the exciting racetracks in a brand new,

quarter of a million pound fleet of 320cc, Le Mans twin engine karts and leave with a sense of accomplishment. Rye House Kart Raceway is open 7 days a week, from 10:00am10:00pm, and is located in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, just off junction 25 of the M25 and the A10, and adjacent to the Rye House mainline train station from Liverpool Street, London. For more information go to

Chartco investment for further digital innovation ChartCo, the global leader in marine compliance and navigation data solutions, has secured a substantial investment from Equistone Partners Europe to fund the continued growth of PassageManager, its ship-board data platform. ChartCo provides data to over 12,000 commercial vessels globally to enable a range of services including navigation, voyage planning, regulation adherence, environmental compliance and both speciality training and expert consulting. Martin Taylor, managing director of ChartCo, said “Commercial shipping is currently going through considerable change and we are working with our customers to increase their efficiency at a time when they are being mandated to use digital navigation. The technical and commercial barriers to satellite communication are significantly reducing and this allows ChartCo to provide innovative services which reduce costs, increase efficiency and simplify compliance with ever growing maritime regulations." As part of this investment ChartCo will leave the Kelvin Hughes Group, famed for their history of innovation and industry firsts. Russell Gould, CEO of Kelvin Hughes, added “I am really pleased that Martin and his team have succeeded in obtaining this further investment. This also allows Kelvin Hughes to continue to focus on developing our patented SharpEye™ solid state radar technology further into current and new markets. “We recently were awarded a contract to fit out the UK Royal Navy with our SharpEye™ radar and we are already supplying 27 of the world’s navies with this technology. SharpEye™ is also allowing us to provide complex solutions for the security and surveillance markets giving protection for example to Critical National Infrastructure such as airports.”




% Save 25 on MBA course fees at University of Hertfordshire (UH) Thinking of taking an MBA? Did you know you can study part time? And Chamber membership can help you save 25% on your course fees for the first year? The AMBA Accredited Hertfordshire Executive MBA is a parttime course that has been commended for its critical, reflective and integrative approach to leadership, entrepreneurship and enterprise skills development. As a student on the Hertfordshire Executive Who will benefit from the MBA you will be richly informed by research Executive MBA? and the latest practice across the The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce can introduce you and your team to a range of excellent courses at the University of Hertfordshire’s Business School and save you money on your staff development costs. With the UH campus conveniently located in Hatfield, first class business education is within easy reach of Hertfordshire companies and organisations and, through our partnership, UH courses are now within reach of most budgets.

The Executive MBA is aimed at the following:

management disciplines.

• Business leaders wanting to take their enterprise to the next level who are seeking to develop corporate entrepreneurship skills and a mentality that is driven by risk-taking and growth orientation

The Hertfordshire MBA is taught over ten weekends (Friday to Sunday) between September and May each year.

• Experienced professionals seeking a fresh challenge and new career direction The AMBA Accredited Hertfordshire Executive MBA is applauded for the high calibre of staff teaching and the way in which cutting edge research and live consultancy inform the curriculum.

Students enrolling in September 2016 can expect to complete their studies in April 2019. There are normally 25 students per class to ensure a highly interactive and engaging study experience.

The price for Year 1 of the Hertfordshire Executive MBA is £7,300 – Chamber membership can save you £1,825 so you pay £5,475 with the Chamber discount.

*The discount applies to Year 1 of study during the next academic year 2016/2017

CPD Super Series This extensive range of CPD certified short one- and twoday courses is offered by the University of Hertfordshire (UH) and we are delighted to invite Chamber members to book places on 2016/17 courses at a discounted price. The courses have been designed for busy individuals who want to get an overview into different business areas, without committing to studying a full programme. They allow nonspecialists to broaden their understanding of key business skills such as statistics or financial management, or start to understand key issues within areas such as HR, sales or marketing. All courses are subject to availability. You can choose from a range of courses: • Assertiveness (16 November 2016 & 22 March 2017) • Building Better Relationships (11 October 2016 & 01 March 2017)

Prices for the CPD Super Series start at £200 per day course; Chamber members can save £50 per delegate on each course booked, paying only £150 per delegate.

• Communication and Presentation Skills (06 December & 10 May 2017) • Developing Confidence and Credibility (28 September 2016 & 1 February 2017) • Developing the Effective Manager (09 November 2016 & 15 March 2017) • Finance for Non-Finance Managers (06 October 2016 & 23 February 2017) • Fundamentals of Project Management (two-day course: 14/15 Sept & 25/26 Jan) • Managing Change (30 November 2016 & 19 April 2017) • Performance Management (13 October 2016 & 09 February 2017)

• Practical Marketing (23 November 2016 & 29 March 2017) • Working with Difficult People (21 September 2016 & 18 January 2017)

All above are one-day courses unless indicated. Courses cost £200 per day per delegate - discounted to £150 with the 25% Chamber Member saving. To find out more about how to save 25% of the course cost call the Chamber Team on 01707 398400 or email

To find out more about saving 25%* on course costs please contact Carole Luck or phone 01707 398400 4 Bishops Square, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9NE • Tel: 01707 398000 • Fax: 01707 398430 •




Chamber Export practical help Take your business to the world Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce helps you take your business to the world, whether you are planning to export for the first time, or expanding your existing export activity. New member of the team Hertfordshire Chamber welcomes a new member to the team. Keith Moore joins Frances and Trevor as export clerk.

Exporting to Latin America In June Greg Holland, British-Chilean Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, paid a visit to the Hertfordshire Chamber to meet members and non-members interested in the Latin American markets, and to discuss the trade opportunities in this growing economy. Our dedicated documentation team, approved by the British Chambers of Commerce, offers practical advice and assistance, and through our partnerships, provides international marketing and business information and support.

Exporting within international law

The British-Chilean Chamber provides tailored, professional advice on market entry and setting up trading in this market. With their local knowledge and networks, they were well placed to introduce members to the right people in South America.

One of the main ways we can help you is with the issue and certification of documents to ensure your goods and services are exported in accordance with international law and procedures. We can help you to obtain Certificates of Origin, as well as help with the certification, legalisation and notarisation of other export documentation. We can also help you with EUR1 & ATR customs authentication guidance.

There are a number of very good reasons to consider exporting your products or services to Chile:

Helping you with paperwork

• Chile’s economy has grown particularly strongly over the last few years: two per cent in 2014, four per cent in 2013, 5.6 per cent 2012 and 5.9 per cent in 2011. Growth is expected to be around three per cent this year.

To help you complete all the relevant paperwork, we: • provide up-to-date information and advice on document requirements and procedures • explain terminology • assist with reference sourcing and translation services. By using our services, you are also able to apply for your certification requirements online:

• The area is an excellent place to do business – according to all rankings (WEF, World Bank, etc), corruption is low and tight regulation has led to market efficiency. The government last year reduced the time taken to set up a business to just one day

• Chile has signed over 20 Free Trade Agreements with 62 countries • Chile is the fifth largest economy in South America and has the highest level of GDP per capita in the region.

To find out how we can help you and your business, contact Frances Harris: 01707 39 84 08 or Trevor Clarke: 01707 39 84 09.

Ask Us We have recently been approached by our freight forwarder advising us that we must register for AEO status as soon as possible. Can you please explain what AEO stands for; is it mandatory? What are the advantages for our company?



AEO stands for Authorised Economic Operator. AEO is an internationally recognised kite mark, which indicates that your role in the international supply chain is secure, and that your company complies with all custom regimes and procedures under which you trade— both in imports and exports.

You may apply for either or both kite marks: • Customs simplification AEOC • Security and Safety AEOS. AEOC allows: • fast track applications for custom simplification and authorisation regimes • reduced or non-payment of custom guarantees: ie Deferred Duty is reduced by 70 per cent AEOS allows: • Low frequency of physical and documentary custom checks • Fast track through custom control • Reduced requirements for pre-arrival and departure Entry summary declarations The above advantages are indicative and not inclusive. Registration is not mandatory but it is advisable that you apply for AEO status for possible fast-tracking your goods through customs procedures and to demonstrate to your overseas customers that you comply at the highest level with international safety and security procedures. It is the kite mark for best standards practice. Available support HMRC Notice 117 email phone 03000 56 45 56




New economic vision for East Herts East Herts is the most rural district in Hertfordshire, offering a highly skilled and well educated work force alongside good transport links into London from the main towns of Bishop’s Stortford, Hertford, Ware and Sawbridgeworth. East Herts Council has agreed a new economic vision for the

district 2016-2020 committed to six key themes

A business friendly council We will ensure we are supporting businesses as ‘customers’ of council services as well as listening to the needs of the business community

Supporting the visitor economy

We will encourage wealth creation in the district and ensure businesses can access a wide range of locally sourced services

We want to raise the profile of local attractions and support businesses in their supply chain

We will maximise investment into the rural economy and ensure it remains competitive


We will ensure our town centres meet the needs and wants of our residents and visitors

Enabling entrepreneurs and business start ups

Supporting the rural economy


Vibrant Town Centres

Lobbying for the right infrastructure We will work with key partners to ensure East Herts can support growth in the right places at the right time


The Manufacturing Co-operative Hertfordshire Chamber is partnering Cranfield University Engineering School in its creation of a Hertfordshire industry cluster across manufacturing, advanced engineering and high tech sectors. Membership Membership is open to SMEs that offer design, production or through-life support for engineering systems. The collaboration enables its members to identify, bid for and win tenders with OEMs, bid for tenders in consortia with other members who have complementary skills’, and to grow their business.

Turning an idea into reality

The members of this Manufacturing Co-operative will work together for supply chain innovation.

Purpose The Co-operative’s objective is to match the specialist skills of UK manufacturing SMEs with the needs of the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) through innovative supply chain results. It will make it easier for OEMs to source products and services from UK SMEs.

Advantages to manufacture sector businesses By being part of the Co-op, the members — working collaboratively — are better positioned to win business than if working on their own. The group will be chaired by Matthew Caffrey, CEO of Cranfield's Manufacturing Co-operative, who will explore opportunities for our Chamber members, especially in regard to: • access to Cranfield’s facilities and resource • training • business opportunities • support with business proposals • networking opportunities and events • marketing

Time :

09.30 to 12.30

Cranfield’s Director of Manufacturing, Professor Rajkumar Roy, says “Innovation is the process of turning an idea into reality, of developing something that can be taken to market, but creativity come first. You need that initial idea.” He is so fired up by the potential of ideas, that he founded the Manufacturing Co-operative. “UK manufacturers could become global leaders in new sectors created from cross-sector collaboration and the innovative exploitation of technology.” He says “Cross-sector collaboration could combine thinking around issues common to a number of sectors, such as the degradation of complex engineering systems. It could also provide economic advantages through using technologies invented in one area and applying them in a different context.” His example is the development of medical devices deploying technology from materials science research, such as sensor development in manufacturing and in aerospace – two industries important to Hertfordshire’s economy.

Date :

20 July

Exciting opportunities

Launch On 20 July, Hertfordshire Chamber has a launch event at Cranfield. In demonstrating the importance of this development, the Chamber is taking on another member of staff specifically to grow this sector. Hertfordshire Chamber’s CEO, Yolanda Rugg, says “This Co-operative represents a much wider conglomeration of ideas and business thinking than just traditional manufacturing. It covers design, research and development, production, logistics and support services, as part of extending the manufacturing growth index. “As a member of the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce I invite you to be part of this forward-thinking collaborative group and join us for our launch event,” says Yolanda.

Venue : Cranfield - MK43 0AL, School of Automotive, Aerospace, Transport This event will include an introduction and overview of Cranfield Manufacturing Cooperative and a steering group meeting to identify local collaborative opportunities for the Hertfordshire Cluster followed by a tour of the facilities.

Working with other SMEs in a bespoke Co-operative led consortium enables business owners to bid for larger, longerterm projects for which they might not normally be considered The Co-operative will select members with complementary skills for each tender, support bid writing and manage the projects to completion. This means the business owner can focus on

delivery of the products to cost, to specification and on time.

Skills development and advanced engineering As well as operational excellence, an innovative supply chain for UK manufacturing demands a skilled, flexible workforce. The Co-operative commits itself and its resources to improving the technical capability of its members, as well as to training and mentoring their employees.

Access to manufacturing facilities It will provide access to advanced manufacturing facilities: through-life engineering services, precision engineering, composites, guidance and navigation systems, motorsport, wind tunnels. Such access enables Co-operative members to bid for contracts they may otherwise be unable to bid for. Collaboration on projects with other Manufacturing Co-operative members will develop business networks and encourage the sharing of ideas and industry best practice. It will work with all members to facilitate networking events and raise their collective profile at trade events.

Group procurement benefits Saving a business time and money by acting on its behalf to purchase products and services at the best possible price is a considerable membership advantage, as is getting attractive discounted prices on a range of goods and services: energy, raw materials, communications, generic consumables, insurance, white goods. The same applies to developing specialist procurement services for the engineering manufacture sector – eg: machine tools, specialist materials, etc. For more information: by Fiona Wilkinson (Guinea Fowl Creative) for Hertfordshire Chamber.




Selling a business: getting it right Selling a business is often the realisation of years of hard work. It can be a stressful and arduous task but the rewards can be life changing. which a buyer agrees to acquire are sold) or selling the shares of the company which operates the business (where all the company’s assets, liabilities and obligations are acquired, even those which the buyer does not know about). Tax considerations go to the very heart of the structuring process, but there are other practical issues such as the possible requirement to obtain third party consents which will need to be considered. The wishes of any would-be buyer also need to be taken into consideration.

Buyer engagement

In order to make the process less stressful and to help achieve the most positive outcome, sellers should consider planning ahead and obtaining appropriate professional advice from the outset. A seller’s motivation for selling a business is most likely to be financial and/or commercial. Financial motivations include a desire to fund a particular lifestyle during retirement or to pay off creditors. Commercial motivations include a desire to move out of a particular sector because it no longer fits within an investment strategy.

Planning is paramount Planning ahead is paramount. Thinking about the possibility of selling a business several years before actually doing so will help you maximise the price you get for your business. Key points to consider at an early stage include the identity of who you might sell the business to: might you consider a management buy-out or selling the business to a family member?



Key considerations Also consider whether you wish to immediately divest yourself from the business or whether you might consider making your services available during a handover period in order to facilitate a smooth ownership transition. Furthermore, will you require the sales proceeds to be paid upfront or might you consider either allowing the buyer to defer these in some way or making them contingent on the future performance of the business? Finally, try to avoid having only one potential purchaser interested in acquiring the business so that, if a sale falls through, you have a possible contingency in place.

Professional advice Obtaining professional advice is also crucial. In the context of a business sale, the term ‘professional advisers’ encompasses, amongst others, corporate finance advisers and business sales agents — who can provide business valuations,

introduce you to potential buyers and assist with readying the business in preparation for a sale. Solicitors can advise upon the legal aspects of the sale and draw up the transaction documentation, such as confidentiality agreements, heads of terms and the sale agreement. Accountants can advise upon the financial aspects of the sale, including any associated tax liabilities which might arise. Other professional advisors, such as independent financial advisers, actuaries and surveyors, might also be involved at some point.

Structuring the sale Structuring the sale will require input from your professional advisers, and very much depends upon the nature of your business, how it is operated and what your desired outcome is post-sale. There are broadly two ways of selling a business: selling the assets which comprise the business (where only the identified assets and liabilities

Engaging with a buyer is a process which should be carefully managed from the outset. Buyers of businesses usually undertake legal, financial and commercial due diligence on the key facets of the business and maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive business information during this process is paramount. Following due diligence, a set of heads of terms can be produced and negotiated, after which, the relevant transaction documentation (including the sale agreement) can be produced and negotiated. This can be a time-consuming and sometimes complicated process, and invariably involves the odd late night reviewing and discussing of aspects of the transaction documentation. However, a mutual willingness to complete the sale is usually the key catalyst to achieving just that. Early engagement with your solicitor can assist with your negotiation of the hurdles which you can encounter in this process. For more information: Craig Harrison, Partner and Head of Company Commercial, Longmores Solicitors


SMEs improve business performance, Kingston Smith research shows Business performance has improved for over two thirds of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) compared to three years ago with increased turnover, profitability and staff numbers.

This is according to Kingston Smith’s fourth report in its SME Success series, ‘Winning New Business’, which surveyed over 1,000 SMEs, researching how they attract new business. Interestingly, areas outside of London and the South East have shown similar improvements in business performance to those within the South East. However, turnover growth differs greatly by sector, with Information & Communication, Finance & Insurance Activities and Transport & Storage leading the way.

Silvia Vitiello, Partner at Kingston Smith in St Albans comments “This data backs up what we know about Hertfordshire SMEs; they are entrepreneurial, growing and have a critical role to play in driving the UK economy. Much of the improved business performance can be attributed to these SMEs demonstrating tenacity, drive and commitment to finding innovative ways of winning business.” The survey shows that face-toface networking emerged as the highest rated method of building contacts and boosting relationships. Silvia comments

“This finding validates the way we and most Hertfordshire businesses already operate. Whilst the ways to connect and our reach have dramatically improved thanks to social media – at the end of the day people buy people. St Albans and the surrounding areas have strong business communities that are excellent at connecting. They contribute to making the region a thriving business hub – and one that is only going to grow thanks to the reported investments into local areas such as Hemel Hempstead and Watford.”

Kingston Smith is a top 20 firm of chartered accountants and leading advisers to entrepreneurial businesses, not-for-profit organisations and private individuals. We advise and support clients in the following sectors: charities, education, financial services, media & marketing services, professional firms, property, technology and trade associations. For more information or to request a copy of the report:




Three ways to improve a supply chain Organisations constantly face new challenges, undergo profound change and shift direction to meet new, tougher customer expectations. Appoint a single leader with responsibility for end-to-end performance and for delivering improvement projects across tiers and traditional functions: marketing, manufacturing, and procurement. Make sure your supply chain organisation combines operational excellence with strong analytical capabilities and data-driven, cross-functional decision making.

It is supply chains that compete, not individual companies. Their success or failure is determined by the end consumer. Getting the right product at the right price at the right time to the consumer is not only the key to competitive success, but also to survival. Customer satisfaction is crucial to consider when establishing an effective supply chain strategy. (Martin Christopher: Cranfield University) Supply chain issues are increasingly demanding. Production and distribution networks are increasingly complex and global. Risks across the supply chain have increased, and improved transparency is critical to the co-ordination of effective responses. There are three ways to improve a supply chain.

Prioritise supply chain effectiveness Supply chains are rarely aligned to support the business strategy. Functional teams often have competing priorities of supply and demand. The result can



be lost sales, write-downs and discounts, the additional cost to ship and warehouse excess inventory and obsolete stock. Apple has had the best supply chain in the world for the last four years. When it comes to technology such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, inventory depreciates quickly, losing one to two per cent of value each week. Tim Cook, Apple CEO said “Inventory is fundamentally evil‌ You kind of want to manage it like you're in the dairy business. If it gets past its freshness date, you have a problem." (

Incorporate supply chain function into core business strategies Marketing should tell you what your customers value most from your service, how those needs vary and what differentiates you from competitors. Understand

the sales and operational planning, demand and forecasting. Meet the people in these functions; understand their challenges. Whether your business strategy is to offer customers a superior service, a better product, or reduced cost, ensure your supply chain is aligned to the strategy’s key points. Improve team communications so that Procurement talks regularly across departments. Let there be visibility and clarity. Good communication helps the supply chain and product-development functions find ways to create innovative products to suit all customer groups while controlling overall costs.

Keep innovating the supply chain The times of managing the supply chain in separate tiers is over. Sophisticated data analysis enables companies to manage supply chains end-to-end and in industries such as retail, almost in real time.

Create analytical teams to support decision making and identify hidden risks and opportunities in unstructured data. Ensure your IT function is supporting them with nimble applications and platforms that enable collaboration and analytical decision making ( s/three_ways_ceos_can_improve_ the_supply_chain). Make time to develop skills and knowledge through training courses and thought leadership events to keep up-to-date with the latest research on best practice. Supply Chain Academy provides open and bespoke short courses, organisational development (personality profiling, which enhances personal team, leadership and sales effectiveness communication), techniques to ensure ROI on learning, and consultancy to improve performance, profitability and customer experience, identifying hidden costs and wasted resources For more information: Alex Mortimer, Director, The Supply Chain Academy,


Why businesses fail – and how to prevent it Despite a rising number of start-ups and a growing SME market, many businesses fall by the wayside before they reach their fifth year. John Playfair looks at some of the main reasons why businesses fail and offers an insight into the importance of taking proactive action. Undercapitalised businesses will struggle to operate effectively if they are always short of cash for working capital or investment. Setting out the funding requirements within your business plan and continually reviewing it is crucial to success, yet most businesses will only do this when they are in difficulty. Trying to restructure from a position of weakness is never a good option, so it is always better to be on the front foot by planning ahead. As part of this, getting a grip on cash flow is vitally important, as it is the lifeblood which carries oxygen around a business. Studies show that bad cash flow is the number one reason why businesses fail, yet most businesses tend to focus on profit rather than balancing outgoings with the amount of cash coming in.

Tuning in

While there are many influences which can have an impact on whether a business succeeds or fails, it often comes down to the same three issues – management, management, management! Businesses can only thrive with an effective management team, which continually examines the external environment and the business offering to ensure it is fit for purpose and appropriate to current market demand, as well as ensuring that it is delivered effectively and efficiently. Getting a grip in the following key areas is critical to managing your business successfully.

Economic conditions Understanding the economic conditions, not just in your particular sector but more generally, is fundamental to ensuring the business survives. While you may not be able to control external factors, you need to be alert to issues such as market trends, dwindling opportunities, competitors, disruptive technologies or seasonal changes. This awareness will leave you well placed to position your business astutely, to meet a particular need, or to adapt an existing offering to respond to changing demands. By anticipating

changes in the market and being fleet of foot to ensure you are always offering leading-edge services or products at the right price, businesses can withstand many of the challenges which come their way.

Funding and cash flow Funding issues are another major cause of businesses failing - either not having enough, or having an incorrect funding structure which doesn’t reflect the true needs of the business.

Fundamentally, businesses struggle when the management team takes their eye off the ball in these crucial areas, often getting side-tracked into delivering day to day operations. In order to build and maintain a healthy business for the long term, it is vital to stay tuned-in to the heart of your business and keep a close eye on the environment in which you operate. Although a short article doesn’t allow for an exhaustive list of recommendations, management of the businesses is the key element that you must get right, and focusing on the priorities outlined here will put you in a strong position to keep your business in good shape.

John Playfair is the Managing Partner of Playfair Partnerships. For more information, visit




HAD sets up a new service HAD is a non-profit making charity and we are proud of our reputation as an ethical organisation. We will not sell any product that is unsuitable or inappropriate for the customer. We are a charity as well as a registered company, with our main centre in Welwyn Garden City. We provide services to older and disabled people of Hertfordshire and surrounding counties. The services include: • equipment supply. • 24/7 accessible transport service • driving assessments and tuition • benefits advice and information Since withdrawal of all its local authority funding, HAD’s strategic plan has been to develop and expand its business in order to become financially self-sufficient. To help us achieve this we need a skilled and committed board of directors/trustees. At present we are looking for trustees, a treasurer with financial and accountancy experience at a senior level and a Trustee with business development and marketing skills, other trustees are of course, always welcome. These are voluntary nonexecutive positions and are supported by HAD’s senior management team. The Board meets monthly in Welwyn Garden City. In addition there are ad-hoc sub-committees to oversee specific pieces of work and report back to the Board. Mobile Equipment sales – we will come to you to enable your residents to try and buy shoes, slippers, socks, plus eating and drinking items. If other items are required we can also bring them along, if you notify us before we visit. We can come on coffee mornings or other times. For more information: Annabelle Waterfield, CEO:



Giving our team the best start in their career As an independent hotel we understand the importance of investing in our own team which ultimately builds a stronger hotel.

David Timmis, managing director, says “Our hotel’s performance, both financially and reputational has continued to progress well and we are now set for a key year to deliver continued growth, we’re ensuring this through making sure our employees are paid the wage that they deserve.” In April 2016 the National Living Wage (being £7.20, whilst previously being £6.70 on the National Minimum Wage) was made compulsory for all working people aged 25 and over.

However we’re paying the National Living Wage for all our team members aged 21 and over. And for our employees ages 18 -20 we pay £6.70 when the National Minimum is £5.30. For our employees ages 16 -18 we pay £6 when the National Minimum is £3.87. Hospitality and Tourism is the sixth largest contributor to export earnings and the fourth largest employer - that's 4.49 million people or 10 per cent of the workforce, and over

180,000 businesses. We’ve got a big responsibility to ensure that millions of UK employees are being paid what they deserve. An independent study examining the business benefits of implementing a Living Wage policy in London found that more than 80 per cent of employers believe that the Living Wage had enhanced the quality of the work of their staff, while absenteeism had fallen by approximately 25 per cent. ( Look after your employees and they will look after the business! Good business comes from happy work environments especially as we know that hospitality jobs can be long hours, unsocial and challenging, so let’s make sure we provide the best support for our team. Here at Aubrey Park we’re growing every day and we always love to welcome new vibrant team members to join our Aubrey family. More information: HR Officer: Aubrey Park Hotel

Wilkins Kennedy raises £840 for local charities Liz Chowne and Lesley Beviss from accountancy firm, Wilkins Kennedy, raised £840 for charity by cycling from dusk til dawn in aid of three charities. They cycled for over six hours; from Windsor, through Westminster, past Big Ben and Buckingham Palace to clock up 104 kilometres. Lesley is a keen fundraiser and has organised several events for staff and partners including a volunteering day at Broxbourne Woods and Nature Reserve, the Starlight Walk and the Warrior Adrenaline Race (W.A.R) and Nuclear Rush Races, which have brought in hundreds of pounds for various charities. The latest Ride the Night was in aid of three UK cancer

charities: Breast Cancer Care, Ovarian Cancer Action and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust. Tim Croft, Partner at Wilkins Kennedy Hertford, said “My congratulations go out to Lesley and Liz for their achievements and their fundraising success – well done!” Wilkins Kennedy LLP was established in 1882 and has grown to become one of the UK’s top 20 firms of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers with a turnover of over circa £40 million.

Young Chamber


Hertfordshire Chamber bridges employmenteducation gap Year 12 students of St Mary’s Church of England High School (Cheshunt) participated in a programme of mock interviews on 15 June to prepare them for their working life.

Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards 2016 The Awards 2016 evening was beautifully augmented by musical interludes performed by very talented students from local Hertfordshire schools.

Mary Sykes from Hertfordshire Chamber was joined by representatives from Paradise Wildlife Park, EM Skills, LUNA Logistics, VIA Properties, NFU Mutual and Unitum in giving these students the invaluable experience of presenting themselves, the value they would offer in employment and their career ambitions to prospect employment recruiters.

Programme of mock interviews The programme comprised a mock interview and an invaluable feedback session to help students improve their interview technique, to understand what employers are looking for in candidates, to appreciate that recruitment is competitive – from both the employer and employee perspective – and to know how to conduct themselves in a work environment. The mock interviews are part of a broader range of activities to prepare students on the brink of their working lives, and to introduce different pathways that lie before them.

Happy outcomes Not only did the students receive excellent feedback that can help them succeed in the future, they made useful contact with business people, and even considered careers that they may not have contemplated. The students were exceptionally grateful for this opportunity and spoke openly about how the feedback and opportunity had been helpful. Many had never participated in an interview process before; this taster provided them with essential guidance to ensure success, and to increase self confidence. Working with the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce in this way has enabled the sixth form to forge links with local businesses and to develop relationships already in place through the professional learning placement scheme.

What they said “It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage with local employers and receive essential feedback that will, no doubt, stand them in good stead as they move forward.

We look forward to working with the companies further at our next event.” Georgette Matthews, Director of Sixth Form & Leadership Centre at St Mary’s CE High School “The students were really engaged with the mock interview process; and I would highly recommend any employer to get involved. The students rose to the occasion perfectly, and listened willingly to the feedback. They know how important it is to get it right. I came away from the session with such an uplifted feeling, and I wish all these students well in their educational pursuits and careers. Mary Sykes, Business Development Manager, Hertfordshire Chamber “Thrilled to have been part of the mock interviews! Such budding young talent, they all did great.” EM Skills “Pleased to have met students at St Mary’s High School!” NFU Mutual

The performances included up-beat music from the Sir John Lawes School Jazz Quartet and vocal soloist, Sem Halil, from St Mary’s Church of England High School. “We are constantly seeking opportunities for our students to develop and demonstrate their personal skills and apply their learning. Providing Sem with the opportunity to perform before a large audience was excellent in terms of extending her performance experience. I am so pleased that she performed so well and received such positive feedback - she has made us all very proud!” Stephanie Benbow, Head Teacher, St Mary’s CE High School, Cheshunt “The strength of our Performing Arts Academy at St Mary’s is in the range of experiences that our students gain from exposure to different performance challenges. Sem was able to show her resilience and professionalism in her recent performance at the Inspiring Hertfordshire Awards evening and can now add this exceptional experience to her CV.” From Mr Tony Crosby, Director of Performing Arts, St Mary’s CE High School, Cheshunt “It was lovely for our young musicians to get the opportunity to display their talents in a different environment, particularly as part of such a prestigious event!” Claire Robbins, Head Teacher, Sir John Lawes School "It was an incredible opportunity to play at such a sophisticated event which we thoroughly enjoyed and hopefully so did the audience!" Samantha Sharkey, student, Sir John Lawes School

Upcoming We are thrilled to be supporting The Priory School in July with their Careers Fair and Assessment Day for Year 10 students. If you would like to be involved with this please contact We are also engaging with local Hertfordshire schools including Berkhamsted School, The John Warner School, The Nobel School, The Sele School and The Cavendish School. We are very much looking forward to continuing our work with schools in the next academic year.




Peer advisory boards – the Wisdom of Groups When Wisconsin businessman, Bob Nourse, first met with four fellow chief executives in the office of the Milwaukee Valve Company in 1957, it was to test a simple yet revolutionary idea – that sharing their combined knowledge and experiences, in complete confidence, could help each member handle their own business challenges and opportunities. The concept of “peer advisory groups” has developed over the last sixty years to become a significant feature of modern business, combining regular facilitated workshops, one-to-one coaching and a significant business educational programme supported by world class speakers and training materials. Members of these business leader peer groups typically participate for between three and seven years and independent research carried out by Dun and Bradstreet in the US shows that companies whose CEOs join Vistage groups grow three times faster than those who do not.



Membership is best suited to business leaders who have a deep curiosity to learn, to stretch themselves and their teams to excel, while achieving a balance in their lives. The supply of such offerings has increased over the years with current players including The Alternative Board, the Academy of Chief Executives and Vistage – the latter being founded by Bob Nourse himself and now boasting a worldwide community of more than 21,000 members. For more information: Geoff Llewellyn, Vistage Group Chair,


24.Hours Keeping pace with an everchanging financial landscape Kevin’s working day begins officially when he gets into the office at 8.30am but the likelihood is that he will already have been checking his emails before then. He said: “I am not one of these people who sorts emails once they have got into the office. The nature of communication is such that I have to keep on top of them as I go. “Having arrived at the office, the first thing I do is make a cup of tea then hold review meetings with my section heads, which allows them to tell me what is happening and for me to make some suggestions about alternative approaches that we may adopt.

Kevin Jones CEO Omega Financial Services For Kevin Jones, a fair proportion of the working day is spent dealing with the long-lasting legacy of the global financial crash that occurred in 2008. The CEO of Stevenage-based Omega Group of companies spends much of his time helping clients navigate their way through an ever changing financial services world filled with lenders still scarred from the last recession and identifying new lenders to meet his clients’ financial requirements. However, that is not his only priority as he leads a business that is growing rapidly.

“My working day is 50-50 in and out of the office and usually I have it planned out in advance, so staff members and clients alike are aware of my availability. “Whether I am out of the office or not, I always ensure I keep up to date with everything that is happening wherever I am. “Because of my experience in the industry, I have built up a lot of contacts and it is important that I stay in touch and meet with them on a regular basis. Many of my meetings are with ‘introducers’ of new business, whether that be longstanding or new individuals or companies we are looking to build a relationship with.” The company, which employs 26 people and was founded in 1992, is a national broker which deals in everything from

Commercial deals to Invoice Factoring, and many of Kevin’s meetings are with new or prospective clients, often estate agents and solicitors working in the residential sector, usually in the South East and London, although these can take place across the country. Post-recession, many of Kevin’s meetings were and are continuously with lenders who have been reluctant to lend. He said: “More and more of my time is spent on troubleshooting, principally linked to lenders who are reluctant to lend for one reason or another, centred on identifying obstacles and how we overcome them. “You get this situation after every recession and it has been the same in the years that followed the crash of 2008. “Experienced people retire or are moved on within the Banks and the experienced bank manager you used to deal with has disappeared to be replaced by someone who must pass it up the chain to a team of people they have not met. I find myself spending ever more time trying to resolve situations that arise from this process and sometimes reluctance to lend.” His can be a long working day. Kevin said: “I tend to finish seven to seven thirty but I often find myself answering emails in the evening and weekends – much to my wife’s irritation!”




Broxbourne Council wins award The Council is pleased to announce that the Ambition Broxbourne economic development initiative won a 2016 Improvement & Efficiency Award – an award that celebrates public sector excellence.

Are you wasting your money on marketing? “Half the money I spend on marketing is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”, Lord Lever (Unilever) shared John Wanamaker’s quote at a national conference. Unfortunately, it is a truism today in the world of small business marketing, and especially in the area of websites, digital marketing and social media. market and transactional intelligence, and retention strategies as it costs 5 -7 times more to acquire a new customer than keep an existing one.

At a ceremony on 2 March 2016 at Church House, Westminster, The Council’s CEO, Jeff Stack, and Director of Community and Economic Development, Greg Macdonald, collected the bronze award in the ‘Working Together’ category. Leader of the Council, Councillor Mark Mills-Bishop said “It is critical that local councils demonstrate strong leadership in these challenging economic times. I am proud that Broxbourne Borough is leading the way in driving innovation and improvement in service delivery whilst ensuring value for money for local people.”

Did you join the world leading experts at the CIM Small Business Marketing Conference at the University of Hertfordshire last month? Some of the above was covered and there’s so much more we’d like to share with you. For our blog post see:

But why? The answer is often simple… and relates to marketing strategy (segmentation, targeting and positioning) and measuring marketing for continuous improvement. Big brands do this well but were a small business once, and all small businesses have a brand

but often lack the expertise of a Chartered Marketer. There are too many marketer’s/ business owners focusing on one channel/ tactical communications, rather than holistic and integrated marketing which requires the identification of your most profitable customers, acquisition based on

Hillier Hopkins hands £10,157 cheque to Herts Young Homeless As part of their fundraising activities in support of their designated charity, Herts Young Homeless, leading regional accountancy firm Hillier Hopkins LLP handed over a cheque for £10,157.00 and a Starter Pack for a homeless person. The sum was raised at the St George’s Day Luncheon on 21 April 2016 at Watford Football Club, attended by almost 200 people. Grant Franklin, managing principal of Hillier Hopkins said “We are delighted



to be able to help this great local charity continue its work which makes such a positive difference to people’s lives. This wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible generosity of the clients and friends of Hillier Hopkins”.

Did you miss the CIM Small Business Conference this year… do you really want to know more about marketing that works for small business including customer lifetime value and metrics to measure all your marketing? If yes, please let Carole Luck ( at the Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce know and we’ll organise an event just for you! Kelvin Golding FCIM, CIM Chairman, Hertfordshire.


Tax specialist, Laith Al-Hilfi, joins Rayner Essex London and St Albans-based accountants Rayner Essex has launched its Middle East team with the appointment of Laith Al-Hilfi as an executive manager.

The appointment is part of its strategy to develop its Middle East and international client base.

He comes with a wealth of experience, having spent the last 17 years at Hazlems Fenton LLP where he built up a successful practice acting for Middle Eastern and international clients. Laith represents overseas and domestic private clients and companies on accounting and taxation matters, specialising in property taxation, HMRC investigations and CGT planning. He also advises on residence and domicile issues for a number of resident nondomiciled private clients. His appointment enhances the firm’s international capability. Rayner Essex is a member of the top 20 Global Association of

Accountancy Firms, Inpact International, which has 140 independent member firms in 232 locations in more than 60 countries. The firm is very active in the Association, facilitating international trade, acquisitions and sales and providing crossborder tax advice. Rayner Essex Tax Partner Mark Moore said “I am delighted that we have been able to attract Laith to the firm. I have known him for some years. He is an impressive, capable individual with a considerable reputation for providing insightful advice.”

UHY Hacker Young wins multiple UHY Hacker Young, the national accountancy group, proudly announces four of its employees have been named in the Accountancy Age’s 35 under 35, a list of some of the best and talented accounting young professionals in the UK. Marie Pegram, Associate, (Letchworth office) was one of those recognised as one of the industry’s most influential practitioners. With Stuart Hutchison (director), she has successfully developed a unique sector-focused campaign through which the UHY offices in the East of England are now offering services to more than 70 recruitment businesses and looking to develop their offering nationally. Marie began her career at UHY Hacker Young in August 2008, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in September 2011. In the

autumn of 2013, Marie was presented with an opportunity to work on a fledgling project offering services to the recruitment industry. This has now developed to be one of the fastest growing services at UHY Hacker Young. ‘Marie’s passion is infectious. Without her drive, determination and support over the last three years we would not be where we are today…’ Stuart Hutchison, Director. More recently Marie has been promoted to an Associate of the firm at 30 years old and has a very bright future ahead.

Barley launches new press with exclusive artwork Barley Print has taken delivery of a state-of-theart printing press that will increase their print capacity by up to 50 per cent. The family firm invested in a Heidelberg XL105-5XL to meet demand, increase capacity and enable the company to take on more commercial work, including more magazines and brochures. It has an increased maximum sheet size of 750 x 1050mm with a print speed up to 18,000 sheets per hour. The new press paves the way for Barley to move into the printing packaging market. The XL1055XL is one of a very small number installed in the UK; it enables direct print onto boards up to 750 micron. “It makes commercial sense for us to make this major investment at this time. The ability to increase our capacity and to be able to expand into the packaging market enables us to diversify our offering and expand our client base,” said Stuart Bennett, Commercial Director. One of the first items to roll off the new press was a 2017 calendar created by leading promotional calendar firm Allan+Bertram showcasing exclusive artwork by emerging UK artist Swarez. Barley Print produces all Allan+Bertram calendars to exacting specifications and in a range of formats. A new commercial print manager and another warehouseman join the team at Barley Print to deal with their increased business.




Key Features of a reliable Business IT Eco-System IT support can be like the seat-belt in your car. A lot of the time you wonder why you're bothering, but when something goes wrong you thank heaven it's there.

Most business owners and managers would acknowledge that one of the best ways to protect physical assets like machinery or a fleet of vehicles is through proper maintenance. Appropriate maintenance can improve the lifespan of physical assets, reduce downtime, and improve ROI. When it comes to their computer, network and other IT systems, however, many have no such maintenance plan in place.

According to TekOne Technologies, an award winning business technology support provider company in Stevenage, some key elements to keep in mind when setting up a maintenance program for your business/organisation are: • Full hardware and software inventory. A full inventory is critical for multiple reasons. It can help in the event of an insurance claim, it will document your software

compliance, and it can help identify potential problems with older hardware. • Maintain workstations and servers. Proper maintenance can keep your equipment running better, longer. Checking for worn cables, deteriorating fan motors, and dust removal are all part of routine maintenance. • Hardware and software security. Ensure your network and internet connectivity is properly firewalled and has virus and malware protection. A single attack can have severe consequences in downtime and recovery time. • Implementation of password policies. Many companies are at risk simply because they don’t have a set and secure password policy. Passwords are literally "keys" to your information and should be managed properly. • Having a solid and integrated cloud platform. Having your data fragmented on a variety of cloud platforms can lead to multiple problems.

Implementing an integrated cloud platform will better protect your information. • Documented vendor management. Maintaining vigilant vendor records detailing when, where and how IT expenses were spent will help you gain better control of your IT budget and help identify problem areas. • Backup, backup and backup! There is a saying in IT that states “It’s not if you’ll have computer problems, but when.” That’s why backing up data and software is so critical. Make sure you have a sufficient backup plan and that some backups are kept securely off-site. Consider developing a maintenance plan appropriate for your situation. It can provide value and peace of mind. Call TekOne on 01438 771000 for a free consultation if you would like to discuss how IT Support or technology based solutions can add value to your business.

NEW BOOK: It’s All About The Idea will transform your view of creativity in 52 practical steps Creativity, innovative ideas and new ways of thinking are essential in all areas of even the most established businesses, not only to get ahead, but even to just survive. However, despite the growing “innovate or die” culture, many people still view creativity as just “marketing fluff” and don’t know where to start when it comes to generating their own ideas. In fact, successful creativity is attainable for everyone, and a fun new book, It’s All About The Idea, now provides a simple, practical tool every week for a year that will enable anyone to unlock and harness the kind of creative thinking that helps achieve objectives faster. The author, Tom TukeHastings is an expert in creativity. As a Director of leading creative marketing



consultancy, All About The Idea, Tom and his team help some of the world’s most powerful brands like Coca-Cola, Nokia, Lidl, Diageo and TalkTalk to develop creative solutions for communication problems and run creativity workshops. By breaking down the process into easy one-aweek activities, each with an accompanying downloadable worksheet, It’s All About The Idea makes the creative process simple and something anyone can aspire to. It helps readers understand exactly what they are trying to achieve, who their audience is, how to create the right conditions for

creative thinking, how to develop and build upon concepts and then crucially, how to get others to buy into an idea. Each idea is presented in a succinct, entertaining and visually engaging way, making It’s All About The Idea the kind of book you will find yourself reaching for whenever you need a little inspiration. It is already receiving praise from senior executives at companies like BT, Sainsbury’s, Facebook, Coca-Cola and First Direct. It’s All About The Idea by Tom Tuke-Hastings is out now, available from Amazon priced £9.99. For more information go to

We have THREE copies of

It’s All About The Idea to give away. To be in with a chance, just email with your name, address and email by 29th July 2016. The lucky winners will be picked at random and notified by email.


Welcome to Supply Chain Academy

Name: Company: Job title:

Alex Mortimer Supply Chain Academy Director

Q What do you do? I’m a Director at the Supply Chain Academy. My role is to build a strategy for growing the brand, reputation and capabilities of the Supply Chain Academy nationally and internationally. This includes: • Building high profile relationships • Creating unique courses and consultancy products that are relevant and current to the needs of supply chain professionals • Creating pathways to qualifications (both professional and University) Q Who do you work for? The Supply Chain Academy was established to enhance Supply Chain Capability and to enable the




sharing of best practice within the sector. We are the only Executive ‘business led’ education facility in the UK dedicated to delivering Supply Chain Excellence, as we are part of the Uniserve Group (the largest privately owned International logistics and freight company in the UK). Organisations are constantly facing new business challenges, undergoing profound change and being asked to shift direction in order to meet new and tougher customer expectations. Business effectiveness today frequently depends upon the reliability and effectiveness of the organisations it buys its products and services from – its supply chain. A car manufacturer for example, can make more cars more quickly if its suppliers are providing it with the components it needs at the time they need them. If an entire supply chain is not lean and effective, the result can be lost sales, write-downs and discounts, including the additional cost to ship and warehouse excess inventory and obsolete stock. Working in, or understanding a supply chain can be complex! As a resource for this industry we provide, for executives & leaders: • Open & Bespoke short courses including Change Management developed by leading Supply Chain experts • Organisational Development using Insights® Discovery – personality profiling, which enhances personal team, leadership & sales effectiveness communication • Techniques to ensure the learning that has been applied in your organisation demonstrates a real ROI

Our experienced experts help you: • Improve quickly as our courses are focused on the practical application of new skills to your job • Think and adapt to become self-reliant, self-aware and confident of success • Develop, using the latest work-based learning techniques to become a more effective manager or leader. Q Why did you join the Chamber? The Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce is very proactive, with a clear vision to help their members succeed in business. They facilitate events with interesting and relevant speakers to challenge business leaders. Some of the key events that have impressed include, the manufacturing forums, construction forums and the Circular Economy conference where the Supply Chain Academy were invited to speak on some of the core issues around supply chain sustainability. Q What do you do get from it? Working closely with the Chamber helps us increase the profile and credibility of our business through attending events, or asking the chamber for introductions. Q How has it helped your business network? We have met senior business leaders, spoken at conferences and other events, and have been asked to write articles in this magazine which helps get our name and message out to business. Q What advice would you give someone starting out? I would suggest that they talk to the chamber, get to know will only get out of the membership what you put in...and relationships take time to develop, nurture and grow. Q What do you think is the biggest challenge affecting running and growing a business? Organisations need to be able to change and adapt to market conditions quickly. I think the biggest challenge affecting running and growing a business is starting and maintaining an effective change management culture. Winston Churchill said: ‘To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.’ There is a lot of uncertainty in the market, so organisations need resilient staff that are able to adapt quickly to the changing market conditions. Organisations need to embrace this constant change and see it as part of the way we do business. They also need to invest in training to ensure that staff are well equipped for such constant change. Q What support do you want from government? They need to start meeting businesses (especially local Chambers’ and SME’s) and listen to their challenges, rather than relying solely on information from business groups like the CBI. Q How confident are you your organisation/ business will grow in 2016? I'm confident we will grow but not as quickly as we would like as the economic outlook is still uncertain.

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