Business connexions 1665

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O ff i c i a l M a g a z i n e f o r Wa n d s w o r t h C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e | I s s u e 2 J u n e 2 0 1 8


• Businesses urged to support young people's project

Page 12

• Battersea Power Station App celebrates iconic site.

Page 16

• The People behind the Business

Why it's good to talk in an electronic age.

Page 27

• Hospitality

Entrepreneur David Layton talks about connecting with his customers.

Page 31


Can underpin UK economic recovery

Page 8

BREAD CENTRALE Your peaceful neighbourhood brasserie with riverside views Open all day

Tel : 0207 978 5055 Plantation Wharf Battersea SW11 3TN

Welcome and Contents

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce Magazine

WELCOME to the second edition of Business ConneXions, a quarterly magazine focused on promoting the best our businesses have to offer and highlighting the many opportunities in Wandsworth. Sharing news and views from businesses across the borough, this magazine is presented with connecting businesses as its main focus.

Since our last edition of Business ConneXions, we have seen a Conservative Council re-elected, for Wandsworth, under the leadership for Cllr. Ravi Govindia and we offer our congratulations to winning councillors and

Inside : June 2018 4 5 6 7

Business Awards News Economy Finance


Big Interview

commiserations to those who were not elected. The good news is we have been assured it is ‘business as usual’ by all. In answer to a question I am often asked, I would point out that Wandsworth Chamber is a totally independent organisation and we strive to work with all parties to promote the best interests of business locally.

This quarter’s edition features the Battersea - Nine Elms area of Wandsworth and our main guest contributor is the US Ambassador, Mr Robert Wood Johnson, who gives very some positives messages about the potential trade opportunities between the UK and the US post Brexit. Wandsworth Chamber has had some very positive talks with the American Embassy about business engagement with local

suppliers and we look forward to a members’ only event at the Embassy in the near future.

I hope you will enjoy this edition of Business ConneXions and thank you to all those who have given some very positive feedback on our first edition. If you’re business is not already a member, why not join your chamber and help us to create a better business environment. If you are a member, thank you for your support and belief in what we strive to achieve and please tell more businesses about us. We are so much stronger when we work together and we can achieve great things when we help each other. Steve Pinto CEO Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce


29 31 32 33 34

Our Patron Members

News Spotlight on Battersea Skills Health & Wellbeing The People behind the Business Patron Focus Hospitality Chamber Events New Members 5 minutes with ...

Publisher Benham Publishing Limited, Aintree Building, Aintree Way, Aintree Business Park, Liverpool L9 5AQ t: 0151 236 4141 e: w:

Published June 2018 © Benham Publishing

Editor John Dean e:

Advertising and Features Karen Hall e: t: 0151 236 4141 Tony Sheldon e:

Studio Mark Etherington e: Media No.1665

Spotlight on Battersea 12 -14 16 22-23 25 27

Enquiries Studio F8 (Le Bureau) Battersea Studios 80 Silverthorne Road London SW8 3HE t: 020 3289 7887 e: w:


Business Connexions is mailed without charge to all Chamber members and distributed to businesses in the Borough.



All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce. Views expressed in publication are not necessarily those of Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of the Editor. © 2018.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content. Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us.

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Business Awards

THE HUNT FOR THE BEST BUSINESSES in Wandsworth in 2018 is on

2017 Winners

Now in their sixth year the awards, organised by Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce, aims to recognise and reward the achievements of the local business community across the whole of the London Borough of Wandsworth.

Businesses are invited to put themselves forward for the awards, by completing an entry form. The entry forms will then be assessed and finalists will then be invited to a gala dinner and awards ceremony in November.

Steve Pinto, Chief Executive of Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce, said: “I continue to be very impressed with the quality, enthusiasm and passion of the businesses that enter these awards. These awards demonstrate that Wandsworth is an exciting place to work and recognition from these awards can make a difference when securing new customers and new business. Applications are welcome from all local businesses in the borough, large and small and there is no limit to the number of categories that can be entered”.

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With 12 categories, there is one to suit every type of business. Get your entries in by the first week in September. •

Best Business for Marketing & Social Media

Best Business for Customer Service

• •

Best SME Business

Entrepreneur of the Year

Best Charity or Social Enterprise Best New Business

Employer of the Year

Independent Retailer of the Year Best Eatery

Innovator of the Year

Best International Business of the Year Business of the Year

These Wandsworth Business Awards are brought to you by Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce, in Partnership with Wandsworth Council and our many sponsors.

For up to date information on remaining sponsorship packages and details on how to enter this year’s awards, please visit our website:



to two of Wandsworth Chamber's biggest supporters

The Worshipful Mayor of Wandsworth, the Honourable Councillor Leslie McDonnell, awarded the coveted Mayor's Pin to Sarah Banham, of Battersea Power Station Development Company, and Jamie Stevenson, of South Thames College, at a private ceremony in the Mayor's Parlour.

The Mayor's Pin is awarded to people who make an extra special contribution to Wandsworth's vibrant community. Recipient's names are recorded in the Wandsworth Roll of Honour as a historical record and testament to their good works. Sarah Banham is recognised for her personal commitment to the business community in Wandsworth where she chairs the Clapham Junction Town Centre Partnership Board. Sarah has a long and sustained track record

of being involved in, and supporting, community projects and getting local businesses into the supply chain at Battersea Power Station. Jamie Stevenson is recognised for his work in supporting the many Wandsworth Chamber events and activities over the years and especially in helping to promote youth engagement is the borough. More recently, Jamie is recognised for setting up the 'Take One' programme, where employers are encouraged to engage with young people, offering

mentoring, work experience and apprenticeship and also for his role in supporting Wandsworth Young Chamber of Commerce. Steve Pinto, Chief Executive of Wandsworth Chamber said, "We were absolutely delighted when the Mayor's Office accepted our nominations for the Mayor's Pin Award. Sarah and Jamies are worthy candidates and having personally worked with them on many steering groups, committees, projects and events, I am very aware of the enthusiasm they bring and the unsung work they do."

WANDSWORTH YOUNG CHAMBER learns about video film-making

Expert videomaker Peter Roach, of Visual Monkeys, came to enlighten Wandsworth Young Chamber members about video film-making using your smartphone. He showed video that proved it was possible to achieve professional standard results using the tools available within the phone or free downloadable apps.

Steve Pinto, CEO of Wandsworth Chamber, introduced the event at the University of Roehampton, and told the packed audience that success comes through “Dispelling fear factors and barriers.” This was the third event to bring Young Chamber members together with business people to help

them network and understand the world of business.

Peter has had a long and distinguished career as a news gatherer for BBC, Sky News, Channel 5 and corporate videos. He uses DSLRs and high-quality video cameras, but praises the smartphone for its simplicity.

using imaginative shooting of a bicycle accident, which flows together and is interesting visually.

Written by Julian Jackson Wandsworth Chamber’s blogger

Sigh .... If only there was some place to go for all our networking needs...

Whether you are part of a large organisation or work from an office at home, there are many good reasons for joining The Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce.

As the business hub of Wandsworth, your Chamber is influential in helping to create the right business environment for local companies to flourish. Through membership you have the ability to use our "business voice", the opportunity to meet key stakeholders, network and do business with many other local businesses that you won't find anywhere else.

So, do it now, online, and start enjoying the many benefits on offer.

For more information or to discuss how we can help you, please contact us at: Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce

020 3289 7887

He advised people to use their smartphone in Airplane mode so the filming is not interrupted by texts or phone calls. Peter showed how to create a short story film

Business Connexions | 5



offers funding for innovative companies

Businesses can apply for a share of up to £20 million to develop ideas for innovative new products and services in any sector of the economy.

spent on R&D compared to an average of more than 2 per cent across the EU.

Government initiatives have been put in place to encourage further investment in innovation in the UK. Under the current system, UK businesses can claim cash repayments of up to 33 per cent of their R&D expenditure, but it can take up to six months to receive payment from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Angus said: “ArchOver is committed to unlocking access to capital while providing new opportunities for investors. With the RDA service, businesses no longer need to worry about having to wait for months to be reimbursed for R&D, which means they can tart putting their investment plans into action immediately. That’s great news for individual businesses, and for the UK economy generally.”

Innovate UK has made the money available to invest in cutting-edge ideas that could have an economic impact.

Projects can work on disruptive and game-changing ideas in any sector of the economy or any field of technology. They can be of various kinds from small feasibility studies to longer industrial research or experimental development projects. Alongside the competition, there is also an opportunity for businesses to apply for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.

The deadline for applications is at midday on 11 July 2018 and the competition is open to businesses working alone or with other businesses and researchers.

Projects must include at least one micro, small or mediumsized enterprise and Innovate UK expects projects to range in size between £25,000 and £2 million.

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Businesses could attract up to 70 per cent of their project costs and Innovate UK says that the money is designed to support innovation at various stages, helping companies develop projects from proof of concept through to prototype development and demonstration. You can find out more at competition/149/overview

In another development, ArchOver, the P2P business lending platform, has launched a programme that helps businesses to bridge the funding gap that prevents them continuing to grow whilst waiting for their R&D tax claim to be repaid.

The company’s Research & Development Advance (RDA) service is the first provided by a P2P lender funding advances upward of £100,000. Its bridging finance enables organisations to use their

pending R&D tax credit, based on two years’ successful claims, to raise funds from ArchOver’s community of lenders.

Angus Dent, CEO of ArchOver. said: “Investment in research and development is crucial not only to individual businesses, but to the wider economy as well. While the Government deserves praise for unlocking cash for R&D, the long wait for reimbursement puts this funding out of reach for many of the businesses that stand to benefit most.” Only 1.67 per cent of national income is currently being

ArchOver’s RDA service is a short-term loan that helps businesses overcome the cash flow problem associated with investing in R&D. Lenders that invest in RDA loans through the ArchOver platform will earn a solid return on their cash, with a rate of 10 per cent per year.

The service is available to companies that can demonstrate a history of successfully claiming R&D tax credits from HMRC, with at least two years’ successful claims. It provides a six month advance of up to 70 per cent of the estimated value of an R&D claim, with a minimum loan of £250,000.

You can find out more at learn/research-anddevelopment-advance/

“ArchOver is committed to unlocking access to capital while providing new opportunities for investors. With the RDA service, businesses no longer need to worry about having to wait for months to be reimbursed for R&D, which means they can start putting their investment plans into action immediately.”

Finance A DV E RT I S I N G F E AT U R E

Are you running the risk of outliving your savings? In a world of low interest rates, ever-changing legislation and increasing life expectancy, Mark Gibson offers some useful guidance on retirement planning.


igures published by The Pensions Regulator in July 2017 reveal that the proportion of individuals who forgo advice and take a ‘DIY’ approach to managing their pension pot in retirement has risen from 5% to 30% following the introduction of pension freedoms legislation in 2015.1

later years, they will have to accept that their standard of living is going to drop significantly. The State Pension provides a limited income (currently £159.55 for a single person, per week, based on a full NI record), which falls drastically short of what is really needed to fund a comfortable lifestyle. So how do we avoid poverty in retirement?

Retirees opting for drawdown pensions should seek professional help to calculate how much money they can withdraw each year without running out. While selecting a balanced and well-diversified investment portfolio is critical, knowing how much money to take from a drawdown policy is arguably of greater importance.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.

Indeed, concerns continue to grow for those who choose to draw on their pension savings without taking advice. Drawdown demands a different mindset to that needed by those who retire with an annuity, as it requires individuals to plan their own investment strategy and ensure that withdrawals are sustainable. And while the majority are taking a sensible approach, the minority are withdrawing pension funds at rates that would see their money run out in a decade or less, if they are reliant on it as their main source of income. And if they’re relying solely on the state pension to see them through their

First, decide how large a fund you will need. One method is to multiply your target retirement income by 25. For example, if you think you’ll need £25,000 a year, aim for a fund of £625,000.

For further information or to request your complimentary guide to retirement planning, please contact Mark Gibson Financial Planning who can be contacted by phone on 07526 902260 or by email on


Next, select the most appropriate investment vehicles to achieve your goal. Property, investment bonds and ISAs have all proved popular over recent years but don’t offer the same degree of tax breaks as a pension. If your retirement is imminent you will obviously want to maximise your income from the money available.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested. An investment in equities does not provide the security of capital associated with a deposit account with a bank or building society.

Funding available for


Outcomes Retirement Interim Report, The Regulator, July 2017

Review Pensions

Associate Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management

Tel: 07526 902260 Email:

The Partner Practice represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website The title ‘Partner Practice’ is the marketing term used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. H2SJP29218 06/18


Funding is available to help UK businesses take advantage of academic expertise to develop their ideas.

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership can support businesses to bring in new knowledge by working with a university or research organisation and a graduate.

Funding is available in a scheme overseen by Innovate UK. The project can focus on any technology or industry area and can last between 12 and 36 months, depending on what it is and the needs of your business. Before applying, you should have a specific project in mind. You can work with a university, college or research and

technology organisation with whom you already have a relationship or start a new partnership.

Additional project support is provided through a network of Knowledge Transfer Advisers. Applications should: • include information about the participants • set out the objectives of the project • explain what the project is proposing to do • outline the deliverables for the graduate

Programme information: • applications for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are open throughout the year • the deadline for applications for this round is 4 July 2018 If you miss the deadline for one round you will automatically be entered into the next • any size business or not-for-profit organisation may apply • projects can last between 12 and 36 months • the amount of grant you can get for your project will depend on the size of your business, typically: • small and medium-sized enterprises contribute around £35,000 per year, about one-third of the project costs • large businesses contribute about £55,000 per year, or half of the project costs

You can find out more at

Business Connexions | 7

Big Interview

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Big Interview

Trade with US ‘can underpin UK economic recovery’

It is not every day that an organisation moves into Wandsworth and immediately becomes the area’s largest employer but that is what happened at the start of the year when the US Embassy opened its doors in Nine Elms. It was a high-profile move which attracted national attention for the area and, according to US Ambassador to the UK Robert Wood Johnson, it promises to bring great economic benefits for businesses in Wandsworth but only if they are prepared to rise to the challenge.

A big part of that challenge is down to location. The embassy moved from Grovesnor Square in the heart of London to Wandsworth in a move famously described by President Donald Trump as a ‘bad deal’ made under the Obama administration. However, according to the Ambassador, the new building in Nine Elms offers great opportunities for the area’s entrepreneurs. He said: “We moved into the area with a thousand employees and became the biggest employer in

Wandsworth, which has got to be a welcome move for the area.

‘The embassy is making a big contribution to the local economy. We moved all our people from Grovesnor Square and they are spending money in the area, eating at local restaurants and using local services. “That has got to be a good thing for Wandsworth and I do believe that there are opportunities because the area needs to provide more of these kind of things so that it can compete with what our people enjoyed north of the river.”

Opportunity is an idea that crops up a lot in the way Ambassador Johnson talks, which is not surprising as he has a long business career, having served for more than thirty years as the Chairman and CEO of The Johnson Company, New York, a private

asset management firm, and since 2000 as the Chairman and CEO of the New York Jets football team and New York Jets Foundation. He has also served on the President’s Export Council, the President’s Commission on White House Fellows and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Ambassador believes that now is the time for UK companies to strengthen links with the US, particularly as the protracted Brexit process has seen the UK government seeking to develop markets outside the European Union.

The visit of President Trump to the UK on July 13 will increase

the focus on the relationship between the UK and the US and Ambassador Johnson believes that the recent success of the US economy can be replicated in the UK.

Despite turbulence in the world, the US economic outlook is healthy with its annual GDP growth rate expected to remain between the 2 per cent to 3 per cent mark, possibly even higher. The unemployment rate is forecast to drop to 3.8 per cent in 2018, 3.6 per cent in 2019 and 3.6 per cent in 2020.

Ambassador Johnson believes that the UK can enjoy similar success if its companies are prepared to grasp the opportunities.

Robert Wood Johnson

US Ambassador to the UK Business Connexions | 9

Big Interview

He said: “You only have to look at what has happened to the US economy, which has been performing really well in the year since President Trump came into office. “The US economy has undergone an amazing recovery, going from slow growth to rapid growth and enjoying falling unemployment.

“There is a real momentum behind the US economy now and I think that the UK can experience the same thing and that trade between the UK and US can grow.

“There is much to recommend the UK economy for US companies, a skilled work force, language and culture. “It just needs something to set it off. Brexit could be part of that. I think that, at the moment, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding Brexit and the situation needs to be much clearer.

“However, once that happens, I think there are great

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opportunities to strengthen trade links between the UK and US.

“The UK will have to maintain its relationship with the EU, that is important and can be traced back four or five decades and should continue, but as we near the Brexit deal there is the potential for the UK to strike deals with other countries, including the US.

“The President has already stated many times that he is keen to see a trade agreement between the US and the UK. There is a real willingness to make that happen on his part. He is ready to go.” There is plenty to recommend such a deal. The US is the UK’s second largest trading partner after the EU, if you combine the value of imports and exports. America is also the UK’s second largest export market. It accounted for 19% of the value of UK exports in 2016/17, second only to the EU as a whole, which bought 44% of UK exports.

It was also the second largest import market in 2016/17; 11% of the value of imports came from the US, compared to 53% from the rest of the EU. Organisations working to encourage more UK companies to trade internationally sometimes point to the reticence of many British business people to take the plunge.

Ambassador Johnson believes that there are good reasons to overcome such concerns. He said: “You do sometimes hear it said that UK companies are reluctant to start trading

internationally but I think that may be a simplistic statement. “The opportunities are out there and I think they exist across all sectors. There is no sense in limiting it to a few sectors.

“I am really optimistic about the future of the UK economy. I think it’s ready to go and you can look at what the United States has achieved to see what the UK can achieve. “There’s a saying we use in sport – ‘if another team gets the better of you in a game then copy them’.”

“The President has already stated many times that he is keen to see a trade agreement between the US and the UK. There is a real willingness to make that happen on his part. He is ready to go.”

BUSINESSES URGED to support young people’s project


Sir Howard’s Recommendations advised that substantial improvements were necessary to ensure many more young people gained access to high quality provision, vital to their transition from school to the world of employment. Shortly before publication of the Sir Howard Davis Recommendations, a new Business and Enterprise Programme had emerged in Scotland called: The BraveHeart Challenge, a hands-on entrepreneurial business experience for pupils aged 14-16. News of the programme’s impact reached the National Learning and Skills Council for England, who in 2004 commissioned a National Pilot, branded The LionHeart Challenge. The Government accepted Howard Davis’ Recommendations in full, and as result, set aside Enterprise Funding for pupils in every school in England, which endured over a period of six years. Since 2004, LionHeart has been delivered to more than 409,000 pupils. Sadly, due to prevailing economic conditions following the financial crisis, Enterprise Funding for Schools was withdrawn in 2010, and year-on-year, as ‘austerity’

In 2002, Sir Howard Davis MBE, then CEO of the Financial Services Authority for the City of London, was commissioned by Chancellor Gordon Brown to assess the quality and availability of ‘Enterprise Provision’ in schools nationwide.

has put continuous pressure on school budgets, Enterprise Provision within schools has declined sharply. Recently, Steve Pinto, CEO of Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce chaired the LionHeart Business Judging Panel at Burntwood School for Girls, and enquired as to how many other Wandsworth schools were receiving the opportunity to participate in the programme. At present, only one of the twelve Secondaries in the Borough is providing this experience so the notion of a Wandsworth-wide LionHeart Schools Programme emerged, with the intention of encouraging businesses to support the programme. Clare McDonald, MD of LionHeart, said “The appeal of this model, is that the sponsoring business is directly benefiting its own local children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, many of whom may be receiving little or no grounding in Business and Enterprise due to real budget pressures within schools, a consequence of which, is that local industry and commerce are experiencing school leavers coming out of school who, unsurprisingly, are simply not ‘Job Ready’.

Commendably, and because of the situation, local business in many areas, are stepping forward and ‘taking up the baton.’ It is being proposed that in Wandsworth Borough, there’s real potential for pupils in every school to receive the benefits of the programme. What’s in it for a School and its Pupils? The programme aims to show pupils how to ‘Apply the Curriculum in life beyond the classroom’. What are the Positive Outcomes of the Programme? Participation in LionHeart generates confidence, ambition and a practical workplace understanding in pupils of all backgrounds! What’s in it for the Community? During the Challenge, the outputs from the students are delivered in the form of Community Action Projects. These reach out to the elderly, homeless, those with mental health issues, immigrants, single parents, foster children, the young and the unemployed. What’s in it for a Business? It showcases the Business Sponsor as a caring and concerned key contributor to their local community.

A Business Sponsor would be proactively contributing, by reaching out to school pupils, targeting them to prepare them for entering the workforce. Taking part provides CPD opportunities for a Sponsoring Business workforce as they take on the role of judges and advisers at the event. Where do I go to find out more about becoming a Sponsor of a local School? LionHeart website is currently being updated, please contact Clare McDonald direct, at to request further information about the possibility of taking part at Wandsworth Chamber’s ‘Adopt a School’ LionHeart Programme. Please note the Chamber is hosting a live LionHeart Event at local Wandsworth School, St. John Bosco, Battersea on Wednesday 11th July, with Chamber Members cordially invited to attend.


Clare McDonald, MD of LionHeart

Wandsworth Council’s deputy leader Jonathan Cook and Minister for London Jo Johnson met at the Battersea site of the multi-billion pound Thames Tideway Tunnel.

They visited the site as engineering teams prepared to start tunnelling work on the £4.2 billion scheme, which will be the biggest ever investment in the Capital’s sewerage system. Ninety per cent of the soil removed during the tunnelling works for the 25km tunnel will be taken away by barge to reduce traffic congestion – about 4.2 million tonnes. Jonathan Cook said: “I am delighted to see this launch in Wandsworth and it’s an important step in the project to clean up the Thames.”

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The Thames Tideway Tunnel will start at Acton Storm Tanks in West London and end at Abbey Mills Pumping Station in East London. Of the 24 Tideway sites across London, six are in Wandsworth: Putney Embankment Foreshore, King George’s Park, Dormay Street, Falconbrook Pumping Station, Heathwall Pumping Station and Kirtling Street. Minister for London Jo Johnson said: “London is a thriving international city, and people will always want to move here. We must ensure that opportunities for housing and work are there – and that Londoners are offered the best possible quality of life.

“The Thames Tideway Tunnel is an incredible feat of engineering and a big part of this ambition. It will help guarantee that the groundwork is in place to support our great city for the decades to come.” The Thames Tideway Tunnel will modernise the Capital’s ageing sewage system for the next 100 years. It is set to be completed in 2023. It will also improve the river’s water quality significantly by dramatically reducing the amount of sewage overflowing into the river, allowing its biodiversity to flourish. Mark Sneesby, Tideway’s Chief Operating Officer, said:

“When complete the tunnel will prevent tens of millions of tonnes of untreated sewage entering London’s iconic River Thames every year.”


For a future where children and adults who are Deaf have equal access to healthcare, please sponsor our event.

Wandsworth schools and businesses are already signing-up ready for sign2sing 2019. sign2sing is the Deaf health charity SignHealth’s flagship fundraising event. It is fun, memorable, engaging and helps fund projects that improve the lives of children and adults who are Deaf.

This year SignHealth - which has its head office in Balham wants to sign up every school in Wandsworth. Everyone taking part learns and performs a song in sign language. This is fun and also raises awareness and funds for SignHealth. Over 110,000 people signed up to sign2sing in 2018, from schools to community groups,

businesses, government bodies, scouts, brownies and more. sign2sing has raised nearly £500k since 2011. “I never dreamt that when I suggested my class should be involved in sign2sing, the whole school would embrace the idea so whole-heartedly.It has been a fabulous introduction to sign language for our pupils, some of whom are aged only three, and the fact that we have raised £600 for SignHealth charity is fantastic.” Melissa Wilson, Teacher at South Pelaw Infant School (Joined campaign in 2017)

The event has huge sponsorship potential and has featured in a range of media, from BBC News to local papers. The charity really wants to extend its reach in Wandsworth for the next event.

If you are interested in taking part or being a sponsor contact 020 3947 2600 or

ACCOLADE for label company

BRIDGE is replaced

The railway line through Wandsworth underwent significant improvements when Network Rail replaced Fairfield Bridge.

The 138-year-old bridge was replaced with a 75-tonne Britishmade structure, which will allow a speed restriction on the line to be lifted.

More than 45 engineers and track staff worked around the clock to deliver the £5.5 million investment, completing 2,250 work hours. Becky Lumlock, route managing director for Network Rail’s Wessex route, said: “The half-amillion passengers that complete journeys through this area on a weekly basis will benefit from a more reliable railway thanks to this upgrade.”

My Nametags, a global label company based in Wandsworth, has been awarded a Queen’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in International Trade.

The company, which was launched by Lars B. Andersen in his spare room 14 years ago, now distributes to 127 countries worldwide and has been awarded the accolade in recognition of its significant growth in overseas markets.

My Nametags is the UK’s leading manufacturer of easy-to-apply sticker and iron-on nametags with a wide range of uses, including labelling clothing, stationery, fabric and shoes, and international trade now makes up more than a third of its total sales.

Lars said: “We are thrilled to have our success recognised by an award as prestigious as the Queen’s Award.”

Lars speaks seven languages and believes that this has played a part in allowing My Nametags to develop its international markets.

Lars and his team met Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and Keir Starmer, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, when they visited the My Nametags office to see the way the company handles its large volume of sales to European countries.

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The Scratch Hub, a new collaborative co-working space for Wandsworth, will open this September in newly renovated spaces in Battersea Arts Centre.

The arts centre’s Grand Hall is reopening this summer after being devastated by fire three years ago, and the Lower Halls will host the new space for enterprising and creative ventures. The Scratch Hub will be a home for local businesses, start-ups, artists, creative companies, charities and social enterprises working across sectors who want a professional and collaborative working environment. Membership of the Scratch Hub will be curated by Battersea Arts Centre’s team to create a dynamic and diverse community, who they hope will share skills, collaborate and be a source of feedback for each other. It is especially enthusiastic about supporting ideas, people and businesses who wish to affect positive social change and engage with local partners in Wandsworth and Lambeth. They will provide over 50 workspaces, plus meeting, workshop and event space, high-speed WIFI and a shared kitchen, as well as a programme of talks, events and sharing nights to foster collaborations and creative conversations. There will be a timebanking scheme and an online directory to support members to exchange expertise and skills. Award-winning architects Haworth Tompkins have led Battersea Arts Centre’s capital redevelopment over the last 10 years, including the rebuilding and restoration of the Grand and Lower Halls following the fire. The Scratch Hub’s interior and furniture will be designed by Jeannine Inglis-Hall and Gary Campbell, whose previous clients include the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts and Camden People’s Theatre. Inglis-Hall and Campbell say, “The Scratch Hub is a really exciting project for us as designers, a space that can inspire creativity, encourage collaboration and is open and accessible to all. The space we are designing will blend the already rich history of Battersea Arts Centre with the life and growth of the new Scratch Hub members.” The re-opening of the Grand Hall will be marked by a celebratory Phoenix Season from September, featuring shows by some of the UK’s best performing artists and theatre companies, such as Bryony Kimmings, Gecko and National Theatre of Scotland. For more info on the Scratch Hub, please go to

14 | Business Connexions

Local firm BrandKube Ltd looking to 'FUTURE PROOF' THE PROMOTIONAL MERCHANDISE SECTOR New Chamber member, marketing agency started trading earlier this year.

They provide bespoke branded merchandise and e-Promotions to businesses large and small. They have recently started getting closely involved in the emerging Virtual Reality (VR) market. This quick growing market is set to revolutionise the way we do business by facilitating a direct way for organisations to engage with their target audience. VR can demonstrate companies services, provide educational services as well as having an impact to the medical industry for example by helping coordination in patients. All you need is VR glasses and a smart phone to be immersed into an interactive virtual world! Local Tooting resident of 10 years, BrandKube's Managing Director Martin Adams is keen for the business

to be a great local success story. "The promotional merchandise sector can be rather predictable with the usual array of mugs and mouse-mats, this is why can make a difference and refresh the industry with a new direction with a leaning toward tech items and in particular growing the VR side of the business...

and I would love within the next 18 months to have expanded enough to be taking on staff in this very exciting venture"... "With reports in the press of jobs beginning to be lost to robotics and AI, taking advantage of this growing industry will help fill that void, by providing valuable skilled work in the future," Martin added.

Naomi Uhlig given 'BEST OF BRITISH MILLINERY 2018’ nod

Naomi Uhlig is one of a handful of milliners to have a hat chosen for the ‘Best of British Millinery 2018’ exhibition which tours Italy in June.

Naomi’s inspiration for her winning design comes from the centenary year of a woman’s right to vote. The hat is made out of millinery fur felt and crystals. ‘Best of British Millinery’ is sponsored by the British

Embassy and the Department for International Trade, and will go on display in Rome and Naples. The exhibition will then come to the UK in July. Naomi said: “I’m delighted that my hat has been chosen for this special exhibition and I get the

COMPANY secures contract

South London based Beaver Pest Control, current holders of the British Pest Management Award ‘Company of the Year’ title, have been awarded the pest control contract for the City of London Corporation.

The three-year pest control contract is designed to be sustainable and ethical with Beaver providing work experience placements as well as using footmen in the City to reduce vehicle pollution. The diverse property portfolio includes world famous and iconic grade 1 and 2 listed buildings, commercial property,

City of London schools, the Courts, Markets, as well as the world class arts and learning centre The Barbican.

Julia Pittman, of Beaver Pest Control, said: “We are extremely proud to be working with the City of London Corporation to provide pest control services for this fascinating portfolio of properties.”

opportunity to showcase my work overseas." Based in Putney, south west London, Naomi is available for bespoke commissions and can be contacted via her website.

TOGETHER through food

In a time where we are plugged in to our phones Angella's Kitchen provides a community outlook bringing families, friends and colleagues together through food.

Angella's warm vibrant underlying theme is about taking time out, recharging your batteries as you not only Learn to Cook and eat the Caribbean Way" but get to have fun in the process while learning a new skill. Angella is always looking for volunteers so if you fancy getting together over a little rum punch and reggae music; feel free to get in touch! T & C's TBC. For further information visit

HOW to make the most of YOUR TEAM

Bedrock HR

• You are not sure how and when to grow your team. • You are worried about low performance in your team. • You have to manage significant sickness absence. If you recognise these issues you are in the same boat as most business Managers. Many entrepreneurs have the misbelief that HR is only for large corporations, however, David Mellard, Bedrock HR Director and Founder, describes HR management as “reducing the risks associated with employing people and maximising the potential benefits achievable from the people employed in the team”. In practice, HR involves providing sound advice and managing a range of activities that are important for all employers, both large and small.

Four plus years ago, David started working with three SMEs in the property and finance sectors, providing all of the services that he delivered during his fifteen-year HR management career in Higher Education. The range of advice and support was required by his SME clients

while they didn’t want the costs associated with full-time in-house HR professionals.

In case you are wondering, the name has nothing to do with the Flintstones, (although David has a passing resemblance to Fred!), the reason for the name is that the people are the bedrock on which organisations are built.

Professional services firms including accountants, property related services, financial advisers and investment managers have been joined in the Bedrock ‘stable’ by young tech-based companies involved with property rental, lifestyle, film and a number of charities. “We love the diversity of our client base, and although the challenges for each client are very different, the common denominator is that they all

Finding a way forward

If anything here raises questions for you, please do not hesitate to get in touch by calling 0203 3300 827, emailing or visit our website

want to manage their people effectively within the law and make the most of their team,” says David.

Services offered by Bedrock cover the whole employment life cycle from job design, advertising, recruitment, contracting and onboarding through to managing performance and “life events” such as sickness, maternity, paternity and resignations through to changes brought about by financial challenges and changes in business focus which can mean redundancy or relocation. Our services result in higher efficiency for our clients’ team and can prevent them from being heavily fined for the mismanagement of their employees. The Bedrock team will work with clients on one-off projects as well as on a retained basis. The majority of clients sign a retained support contract that provides for an agreed number of days/hours per month. This allows clients to budget for their HR service and is scalable.

Each retained client has a dedicated HR Client Account Manager who acts as the HR Manager for the business, the first port of call for business owners and their team members. Rosie plays this role for several clients and says “our biggest achievement is when a difficult

David Mellard Bedrock HR Director and Founder

situation is turned around because we have provided advice and then coached the client into putting that advice into action”. This sums up the Bedrock approach which is hands-on and addresses the issue but also has an eye on developing processes and behaviours that lead to managers being better equipped to do their job.

One-off projects carried out in recent times include setting up a pay structure for a professional practice that has grown organically and now needs to consider value and fairness in the way it rewards team members. Sadly, downsizing effects many SMEs from time to time and we are currently involved in supporting redundancy processes as a one off for another client.

A quote from a long-term client sums up the Bedrock approach”

“Bedrock HR reviewed our HR provision and we have subsequently retained them to advise us on all aspects of people management for both our companies and for our clients. I found our consultant to be engaging, empathetic to our needs and reliable in the quality of work produced. We are expanding rapidly and having a professional HR service alongside us means that we can grow our staff with confidence.”

Business Connexions | 15

Spotlight on Battersea

16 | Business Connexions

Spotlight on Battersea

APP CELEBRATES iconic site Battersea Power Station has launched a new digital app to celebrate the history and heritage of the Grade II* listed building and its surroundings.

The ‘Heritage Trail’ app, which is free to download, explores the past, present and future of the iconic building as well as the wider transformation of the site. Battersea Power Station, in partnership with leading digital agency Calvium, has created the app to guide visitors around Circus West Village, the first element of the regeneration to complete. Rob Samuel, Chief Development Officer of Battersea Power Station, said: “The Heritage Trail app is a great new way for people to explore this iconic area and brings the concept of placemaking into the digital age. We are delighted to be taking part in this year’s festival of events which, coupled with the great restaurants, cafes and bars now open promise to make Battersea Power Station a fantastic place for people to explore.” Jo Reid, Managing Director, Calvium, said: “Digital placemaking offers people new and immersive ways to discover the world around them. The Battersea Power Station Heritage Trail is a great example of how the combination of beautiful storytelling and

creative technologies can celebrate heritage and foster a richer sense of place.” The Battersea Power Station project covers 42 acres and includes 3.5m sq ft of mixed commercial space, together with 4,364 new homes and the regeneration of Battersea Power Station, which will create 20,000 new jobs, inject £20bn into the UK economy and create a funding mechanism for the first major tube line extension since the Millennium. Circus West Village is the neighbourhood centre for the first part of the development. It opened to the public in Spring 2017 and since then more than 700,000 people have visited to enjoy the ongoing programme of events and the new shops and restaurants. Battersea Power Station is owned by a consortium of Malaysian investors comprised of Sime Darby Property, S P Setia and the Employees’ Provident Fund. Management of the development is being undertaken by the British-based Battersea Power Station Development Company.

The app can be downloaded for free at

Business Connexions | 17

Spotlight on Battersea

FUN EVENTS at Battersea ‘Flower Station’ Battersea Power Station celebrated the annual RHS Chelsea Flower Show with a series of floral-inspired activities for all the family to enjoy at Circus West Village, which is close to the show site.

Visitors to the new riverside neighbourhood were able to enjoy a large floral installation at the entrance at Grosvenor Arch as well as a series of events, and workshops, including a Boutounniere-making workshop with Royal Warrant Holder and florist Moyses Stevens, which will be opening a new boutique and flower school at Battersea Power Station. Other events

18 | Business Connexions

included a miniature garden designing with Heaps & Stacks and pampering by Petal Parlour.

Helen Carr, Leasing Director, F&B and Leisure at Battersea Power Station, said: “Circus West Village is quickly becoming one of the most exciting new riverside destinations in London and with so much on offer from great restaurants to fun activities and workshops, there is something for everyone to enjoy.”

Spotlight on Battersea

BREAD CENTRALE your neighbourhood brasserie

TASTY EVENT at Power Station site

London Seafood Festival - Emma Reynolds (Tonkotsu) Robin Hancock (Wright Brothers) Francesco Mazzei (Fiume) Ed Trump (Vagabond) Richard Kirkwood (Wright Brothers) Ronnie Murray (Vagabond) Vivek Singh (Cinnamon Kit)

A host of world famous chefs will be lending their magic touch to the London Seafood Festival at Battersea Power Station, with all the family able to enjoy chef masterclasses, exclusive dishes, a crayfish boil, an oyster masterclass and a selection of pop-ups serving a range of dishes.

Mitch Tonks, Francesco Mazzei, Mark Hix, Vivek Singh, and Tim Hughes are among the chefs taking part in the event at Circus West Village with Anna Hansen of Modern Pantry, Pascal Aussignac of Club Gascon, Edson Diaz-Fuentes of Santa Remedio and former Masterchef winner Tim Anderson, who now runs Japanese restaurant Nanban also joining the line-up.

The five-day festival, which takes place on the banks of the River Thames from Wednesday 20th to Sunday 24th June, will also have a variety of sea themed cinema screenings for kids and adults alike. Children will also be able to enjoy face painting, a giant bubble maker and much more.

The guest chefs will be cooking on the Riverwalk at Circus West Village, which is quickly becoming one of London’s most exciting new food and drink destinations, on both Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th June. The demonstrations are free to attend. There will also be special seafood menus, masterclasses and ticketed dinners at the

many restaurants at Circus West Village. The pop-ups include renowned Spanish restaurant Brindisa, which will be serving a traditional seafood paella, Pedler Cru which will host a Seafood and Cocktail Bar and Battersea Brewery will be serving drinks. Helen Carr, Leasing Director, F&B and Leisure at Battersea Power Station, said: “We are thrilled to announce this exciting line-up of guest chefs who are bringing their talents and love of seafood to Battersea Power Station for the launch of the London Seafood Festival. It’s going to be a fantastic week of delicious food, great entertainment and fun activities for all the family to enjoy. I really can’t think of anywhere better to celebrate London’s love of seafood than on the banks of the River Thames with the iconic Power Station in the backdrop.”

Chef Mitch Tonks, said: “I am very passionate about seafood and it’s great to be celebrating it amongst such a vibrant restaurant scene in London as part of London Seafood Festival.”

Robin Hancock, Director, Restaurant Development at Wright Brothers, said: “We are excited and proud to be part of the very first London Seafood Festival. At Wright Brothers, our aim has always been to make seafood accessible to as many people as possible this festival is the perfect opportunity to continue with this objective. The iconic Battersea Power Station, on the banks of the Thames, could not be a more fitting location.” The Battersea Power Station Foundation and Action Against Hunger are the charity partners for the festival and there will be activities to raise funds for them both throughout the event.

Bread Centrale is a bright riverside destination that offers the professionals and locals of the Battersea neighbourhood three conveniences in one: bakery, brasserie and bar.

The all-day location has recently been transformed by the current owners into a vibrant and friendly venue taking advantage of their unique setting that offers peaceful dining with views of the Thames yet is just a few minutes from the main transport connections of Battersea, Clapham Junction and the Thames Clipper link. Aside from providing food and drinks Bread Centrale is a spacious location ideal for hosting quiet meetings, larger group meetings and can also accommodate conference set-up. The restaurant is made up of various areas that can be separated or joined to accommodate groups of all sizes who require space, privacy and who can also benefit from impressive views. Recent events have included office lunches, birthday parties, children’s parties, christenings and engagement parties as well as the more formal set up of conferences and even a wedding. The kitchen also offers outside catering offering high quality food and wines at affordable prices compared to central London based competitors. The Bread Centrale Head Chef has 15 years experience across casual and fine dining and insisting high quality dishes are freshly cooked from scratch using quality ingredients. From 8am every day of the week they offer breakfast, pastries, smoothies and artisan coffee all available for both eating in and takeaway. An all-day brasserie menu offers pizzas, salads, sandwiches, burgers and flatbreads with exception value dishes such as Warm Asian Chicken Salad with grilled Asian spiced chicken, mixed leaves and sesame oil dressing (£8.50), the BC Burger, a chargrilled 8oz lean British beef patty on house-baked sesame brioche bun topped with caramelised onions, tomato, lettuce and cucumber and carrot garnish (£9.50) and Falafel Flatbread served with diced tomatoes, baby cucumber, lettuce, red onion and tahini sauce sprinkled with pomegranate (£9.95). Bread Central benefits from an in-house bakery that makes the brioche buns for their burgers and sourdough base for the pizzas and flatbreads. The sourdough pizzas are cooked to order in Bread Centrale’s pizza oven and priced between £7.50 for a Margherita made with plum tomato, Fior Di Latte cheese, extra virgin olive oil and fresh basil and up to £12.95 for more substantial toppings such as the Bresaola and Caprese. Desserts are homemade and all priced well. They include Bread and Butter Pudding made from homemade pastries, warm dark Chocolate Brownies served with ice cream and a rich Mascarpone Cheesecake with a hint of vanilla on a crumbly biscuit crust. Bread Centrale is open until 6pm on all days except Friday and Saturday when a later 9pm closing allows more time to enjoy the bar that serves classic cocktails all priced at £7.50 for a double shot and pints of local Meantime Lager for £4.80. Certainly a place to visit and indulge ones appetite and take in the awesome river view. Business Connexions | 19

Spotlight on Battersea

ART NIGHT comes to Nine Elms

Helping local businesses SECURE CONTRACTS Local businesses have won £14 million’s worth of work in one year with the help of Wandsworth and Lambeth Councils.

Art Night is London’s largest free contemporary arts festival. This year, Art Night heads south of the river for the first time, exploring the area's distinctive identity, culture and architecture through various forms of art.

Between 6pm on Saturday 7th July and 6am the following Sunday, the 2018 trail will transform the Thames riverbank between the South Bank and Battersea Power Station, via Vauxhall and Nine Elms, taking place in iconic and off-thebeaten-track venues. The Hayward Gallery is leading on the artistic programming and their team have curated projects by 12 internationally renowned artists to coincide with the institution's 50th anniversary.

Presented alongside these 12 projects, the Art Night Open programme offers local galleries, organisations, independent artists and curators the opportunity to take part in the festival responding to the 2018 curatorial themes and cultural trail.

More than 30 cultural institutions and local venues will be included in this year’s Art Night Open programme, with independent initiatives, curators and artists activating the 2018 trail with contemporary art; ranging from immersive multimedia installations and virtual reality to interactive experiences, special screenings and live music.

Art Night is one of the highlights in the Nine Elms arts and culture programme for this year and signals the area’s growing profile in the capital’s creative landscape.

For further details, see, @ARTNIGHTLDN

20 | Business Connexions

Wandsworth and Lambeth Councils established a local procurement initiative called Supply Nine Elms. Over the past year this project has been delivered on their behalf by MTW Consultants Ltd.

Its aim was to help local construction related companies to win work from the many major developments taking place in both boroughs particularly in Nine Elms and on the South Bank. This has been done by Buyer and Supplier engagement, business brokerage, Meet the Buyer events and one to one support for SMEs. To date 75 local companies have been put forward for nearly 300 opportunities, 35 tenders issued or pending and 15 contracts won worth £13.9m. Battersea Power Station is by far the largest local development and is becoming a major generator of local business growth and employment. It was responsible for over 50% of the contracts won by local companies and 95% of the value.

Contracts were won here by Szerelmey Ltd from Mace to do the brick restoration work on the Power Station;

by 2Order Catering Ltd from Sir Robert McAlpine to operate their staff canteen, by Beaver Pest Control from Mace for guano cleaning; by City Hoardings from BPSDC to take down and replace some of the site hoarding, by Julius Rutherfoord Ltd from BPS Estates for the cleaning contract for the new Circus West residences and Spa; among several others.

“Being a small business, having the opportunity to pitch to large developers on landmark projects close to home is something we always hoped possible when we started out back in 2003 however, in the real world this usually stays a dream, but thanks to the efforts of MTW Consultants and Supply Nine Elms, we are actively working with these clients and looking forward to meeting more buyers with a view to supply as many of them as possible.” Paul Benewith – Director of City Hoardings.

Calanpoint Contracts Ltd is a long established carpentry and joinery business which has been based on the Linford Estate in Wandsworth for the past 25 years. They have a large carpentry workshop and employ over 50 people. They have prestigious clients like

Kier Group, Knight Harwood and Berkeley Homes.

With the help of Supply Nine Elms 3, they have so far won £400,000 of joinery work from Donban Construction which is building a residential development in Mapleton Crescent in Wandsworth and they have tendered for several other contracts which are pending. They in turn have further benefitted the local economy by procuring the metalwork and glass required from Formosa Welding a local metalwork company in Lambeth introduced by Supply Nine Elms. “Supply Nine Elms 3 has been a fantastic project for companies like us, getting us opportunities and contracts which were very timely since we had some spare capacity. We have several more tenders coming through thanks to the programme.” Alex Steedman, Director of Calanpoint Contracts Ltd Wandsworth Council is planning a follow up initiative later in 2018 For further information contact the Economic Development Office on 020 8871 6884


Spotlight on Battersea

central London’s newest neighbourhood Nine Elms has always been a critical part of London’s landscape. Its past is one of commerce and industry, its future is of enterprise, art, culture and living.

The vision is a long-term one, to transform one of the capital’s last remaining industrial districts into an amazing place for Londoners old and new to call home, whether to live or work. Today’s reality is an exciting one; new spaces and places coming to life every day. The area’s transformation is progressing at speed, with some big changes already apparent. 2018 is a year characterised by new arrivals. The opening of the new US Embassy is a key milestone in the area’s regeneration as a new central London district. With 1,000 staff and 1,000 visitors each weekday, the Embassy is already bringing new footfall to the area. Another recent arrival is the new Food Exchange at New Covent Garden Market: four storeys of flexible modern offices, workspaces, specialist food retailers and food and flower education. This is a major milestone in New Covent Garden Market’s five-year transformation into a major new Food Quarter and food business hub for London. A London icon, the Market is home to some of the UK’s elite fresh food suppliers and supplies 20

out of the top 20 London restaurants. Other changes are just as significant, if not as visually apparent. Tunnelling work to extend the Northern Line Extension to Battersea was completed in November, creating two new tube stations at Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station that will be operational in 2020. A good number of new businesses have started moving into the area – many as part of Battersea Power Station’s first phase, Circus West Village. Existing Wandsworth businesses Ben’s Canteen and Vagabond Wines are joined by other London names like Pedler, Wright Brothers and Paul Edmonds hair & beauty as well as Copenhagen pizza restaurant Mother. The announcement that Apple will be locating its UK Headquarters to Battersea Power Station on 2021 is a game changer for the area a clear signal that Nine Elms is a serious commercial quarter for central London. Wandsworth Council is keen to investigate how Apple’s arrival might be the catalyst for a new and exciting digital hub being formed in that area. The decision is also likely to attract other big names to the area and Penguin-

Random House has recently chosen to locate their head office at Ballymore’s Embassy Gardens scheme. More than 3m sq.ft. of new office space is being created out of a total 6.5m sq.ft. (604K sq.m.) of new commercial space is being delivered across the area, with two-thirds by 2020, to coincide with the opening of the Northern Line Extension. There is a good variety of workspace on offer, from brand new, grade A office space to refurbished railway arches, workshops, hybrid units, serviced offices and desk space. Some 1,000 businesses are already well established locally, representing a range of sector specialisms. New occupiers will benefit from a strong network of business services including IT, telecoms, digital and creative agencies; a network that’s very much still growing. The area is becoming a vibrant 24-hour creative district, where culture integrates with business and commerce. A gallery quarter has emerged around Vauxhall and Nine Elms, and Wandsworth Council is taking a proactive approach in attracting creative industries to take root across the area. A dedicated cultural

NEW ENGLISH PRODUCER releases its first wine Nestled in a busy, food-focused Battersea business estate is one of England’s newest wine producers.

Blackbook winery was established in 2017, the first project of winemaker Sergio Verrillo and his wife Lynsey.

Following a series of ‘vintages’ with some of the world’s great producers, including Ata Rangi in New Zealand, Flowers in California and De Montille in Burgundy, Sergio set out to bring his experience to the city that he and his family love and set up a premium urban winery with a focus on pinot noir and chardonnay.

Blackbook is wholly focused on producing English quality wines and has just released its inaugural wine, a 2017 English rosé made

from pinot noir grapes from Clayhill Vineyard in Essex. The rosé has been awarded a silver medal at the recent Drinks Business Global Rosé Masters and, in the two weeks since release, Blackbook’s 2017 rosé was listed with a number of highend wine bars and restaurants across London and the SouthEast including three Michelin starred restaurants. Two further still wines will be released in the late summer/early autumn 2018, a 2017 pinot noir and a 2017 chardonnay. A 2017 sparkling wine will also be released in due course. Blackbook is part of a dynamic and growing wine scene in

London as urban wineries become commonplace in major cities around the world.

An urban winery sources its grapes from a variety of growers and produces all wine on its site. Blackbook source their grapes from carefully selected English growers, in order to produce still and sparkling single vineyard English wines.

In 2017 they partnered with two growers, one in Essex and one in Oxfordshire. Although their concentration is on pinot noir and chardonnay, they include some additional varietals each year. Blackbook follows a traditional winemaking approach with low

programme brings local people and visitors to the area with events such as Chelsea Fringe and the London Festival of Architecture regular annual fixtures.

An extensive network of green open spaces will eventually make this an attractive place for all, with pedestrian and cycle-friendly routes linking Battersea Park through to Lambeth Bridge. A new 12-acre Nine Elms Park will play a vital role, connecting the area’s two town centres, Battersea Power Station and a revitalised Vauxhall, via the new commercial hub at Embassy Gardens.

Three kilometres of River Thames frontage is being opened up for the first time in decades, with new sections of the Thames River Path opening in phases, including pocket parks along Nine Elms Lane at Riverlight and Riverside Gardens, and one acre of open space by Battersea Power Station.

Nine Elms is fast becoming a thriving riverside community and commercial district, and one which we’d like your business to call home.

Follow progress on Twitter @NineElmsTeam or find out more on our website,

sulphur wines and indigenous ferments as a means to preserve the varietal character.

The winery will open its doors to visitors in August, where weekly winery experience and tasting sessions will be available to the general public. Sergio will lead the visitors in an hour’s journey through the English wine industry, the winemaking process and the Blackbook story, before offering a tasting of the current releases.

For more information on the business, wine releases and upcoming events and tours, please visit Blackbook Winery’s website:

Business Connexions | 21



that underpin a commercial profitable business By Susan Jackson Cousin

Being self employed is seen as the route to freedom and increased rewards and it is but not without some dedicated work along the way.

There is also one big difference to being self employed: the buck stops with you and it can be overwhelming.

This “entrepreneurial seizure” is common so the first thing to realise is that you are not alone. Thousands of business owners are in the same boat as you. Next, realise that there is a way to manage this and to realise the dream that you had when you started your business.

How do you get from where you are now to where you want to be?

Focus and plan: Concentrate on what will grow your business now. There may be the need to bring some order to what is already in existence. Either way, you need to work ON your business and not just IN it. Planning is the key here. Have your vision and have your route to get there, including what you want to achieve in the next 90 days.

Manage your time: Think about what you do well and what is good use of your valuable time. Consider getting others to help you do certain tasks. If you are small and there is no one to delegate to internally, consider getting outside help. This can be part-time (e.g. an hour of a cleaner’s time or a half day a month of a book-keeper’s time) but getting the right people on board to do the right things can be invaluable. Recognise also that you are not the master of everything and some things may be better done by someone else – the IT support company, the business development expert, the book-keeper… Know Your Numbers: Have you ever watched one of those business programmes on TV when the potential investors ask the candidates about their numbers and they have been unable to answer? Did you feel sorry for the candidate or did you think they should have known the answer? The truth is that numbers are the language of business. They help you understand the past and help you manage the future by supporting your decision-

making. Your future cash flow is vital here. Most businesses fail because of a lack of cash so estimate your future spend and income so you can identify and manage your potential shortfalls. Also remember that the normal flow of cash in a business is initial cash out to bring cash in.

Ensure consistent delivery to your customer: Know what you are providing and deliver it consistently well every time. Seek feedback to know of any issues so you can prevent them happening again. Engage with your customers frequently – the perception of indifference is the biggest reason people do not return/remain as customers.

Sales and Marketing: Without customers/clients, we do not have a business. A trick sometimes missed, however, is that getting more from existing customers is often a lot easier, quicker and cheaper than finding new

customers. This holds true for even the most unlikely of scenarios. Take the funeral director: their customer is not the deceased but the family that remains and engaged them. The customer of an estate agent may not buy a house very often but their friends and family can generate a lot of business if they recommend you. New customers are of course needed but all your focus does not have to be on them to increase your revenue and profit. If you are a business owner or manager and any of the above issues resonate with you, I would love to talk to you and complete a free business health check. This will give you an opportunity to understand where your business is at now, clarify your view as to where you want it to be and provide some immediate hints and tips on how to get there. The most important thing is to take action and start working to achieve the change you want now.

To find out more visit or for your free health check call 07764 586609

Worth enquiring. Interested employers contact Carol Stewart: Call: 020 8871 5473 or 07870 974 893 email:

Boost your Business Wandsworth Lifelong Learning provide:

apprenticeships qualifications staff training Worth its weight. 22 | Business Connextions

Empower your Employees

COULD A TOUCH OF COMEDY make you a better businessman?


By David Joland

Let’s be frank. If all it took to be good in business was a bit of comedy, Coco the Clown would be heading up BP and we’d all be queuing around the block to catch Richard Branson’s latest standup routine.

It’s a sad fact that Britain’s best-known, best-loved businessmen are about as comedic as a colonoscopy. Conversely, ask any comedian to create the perfect company, and chances are it’ll include an Irishman, a Scotsman and an Englishman.

Funny people and financial success are rarely linked. Look behind the world’s most accurate credit scoring system and you’ll find it’s actually nothing more than a laugh-o-meter that extends credit to anyone who’s not funny. The truth is, the funnier the person, the higher the credit risk. You can try it yourself – just enter ‘Comedian’ as your occupation on any mortgage or insurance website and you’ll understand why clowns live in caravans and drive unicycles. But everyone loves someone who can make them laugh, and as the first mantra we learn in business is “people like doing business with people they like” that must surely mean if people find you funny, they’ll do business with you.

Sounds simple enough, but if that were true, I must have spent the first decade of my business career working alongside people who must have truly despised me, despite my comedic quips and light-up kipper ties. Being liked I now know - takes more than

abbreviating your name, sending a Christmas card and knowing about two nuns in a bath.

It’s quite possible the mantra we’ve all learned is the abbreviated version. The full version being: “People like doing business with people they like, provided they don’t have a crap business idea, and their offering is better than anyone else’s.”

I wish I’d known that. Invest too deeply in the concept of people needing to like you, and you can very quickly become depressed and morose – which is about as far removed from comedy as you can get. Who’d have thought? If you don’t believe me, test it… Ask yourself, if you were about to buy a new motor, would you give the order to Pete, who used to beat you up at school, but who’s now offering a 20% discount and promises not to sleep with your wife, or Bob, your neighbour who always brings a bottle of Prosecco to your barbecue and who knows the entire script to ‘Life of Brian’

by heart – but doesn’t have the colour you want and charges twice the price.

If you’re reading this, wondering why a) yours is the only olivegreen car in the car park, and b) where your wife is, my guess is you should give up on business immediately.

It’s much the same with big corporates too, except if they do business with people solely because they find them amusing, rather than those who have the best offering, they tend to get arrested for fraud.

But that doesn’t mean there’s no place for humour in business.

I found humour to be a good way of engaging with employees, breaking the ice in meetings and ensuring I’m remembered.

And no matter how good your offering is, unless you can make your employees smile, keep meetings light-hearted and know you’ve made an impression, you’re pretty much wasting your time.

But before you rush off to google ‘funny one-liners’, you need to learn the first rules of comedy; know your audience, and adapt to the situation.

I found my sales team responded well to meetings which started with a joke of the day. Conversely, I found when dismissing a member of staff, a humorous limerick rarely went down well.

David Joland is a novelist and businessman. His debut novel, The Biggest Idea in the World, is available from Amazon, priced at £8.99 in paperback and £3.99 as an e-book.

For more information see

The Biggest Idea in the World is the hilarious story of one middle-aged man’s quest to take on the giants of the tech world and, just maybe, beat them at their own game. Guaranteed to have you laughing out loud in the turn of a page, this book will restore your faith in the little guy - and the power of a brilliant idea.

Business Connexions | 23

Are you having HELL with


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PROMOTING HEALTH in the workplace

Health in the workplace has never been afforded a higher priority than today with more and more managers recognising that a healthy workplace means a healthy workforce and that a healthy workforce is happier and more productive. According to organisations like the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the NHS, poor management of workplace health can lead to work-related ill health and high levels of sickness absence. This has to be a concern for managers because of the costs involved, the impact on service delivery and the consequences for staff. According to the HSE, managers must strive to: • create workplaces where health, safety and wellbeing is protected and promoted • ensure that staff have access to occupational health advice and support • improve access to preventative care and treatment for common health problems

• enable people to remain in work while health problems are investigated and treated and support staff on return-to-work issues. This approach is high on the Government’s agenda with officials working with a range of public and private sector organisations to encourage good management of occupational health. They acknowledge that this may seem like a difficult challenge but argue that companies can achieve success by: • The lead given by managers at the top level. Without it, an organisation will not be motivated to take action • Good occupational health programmes

• Support for those who are absent due to sickness, which can have a major impact on an individual’s motivation to get back to work According to health experts, prevention is better than cure and it is far better if the problem is prevented from occurring in the first place. Work-related ill-health accounts for 28 million working days lost a year in Great Britain but, increasingly, there is support available for employees requiring time off work for medical consultations or treatment of complaints like back problems and minor operations. Wandsworth is well supplied with private facilities which can offer help for individuals and provide corporate packages for companies running health schemes.

Here are a few tips to head off health problems before they occur. Carry out health checks You don’t have to join a gym Eat well

Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death of working age people in the UK and costs the economy £3.1 billion a year due to days lost to death, illness and the care of people with the disease. Check with your local surgery or hospital about health checks which can be carried out to reduce the risk to your staff.

Lose weight

It’s all too easy to put on weight with a hectic modern life but you can change things. By making simple swaps, you can lose weight without giving up the things you love. For example, you can swap your high calorie coffee drinks like whole-milk lattes and frappe for drinks made with skimmed milk. Swap your high sugar or fat snacks biscuits and crisps for a healthier food like fruit.

Be physically active

Being active is good for your mind and body. Employees who are physically active take 27% less days of sick.

or set up a rigid exercise programme. Walking and cycling to work are good low-cost ways to increase your physical activity and can be fitted into you daily routine. Many companies encourage their staff to walk and cycle to work. At work, you can swap the lift for the stairs and rather than eating at your desk get up and move about. However, a visit to the gym is a good idea as well and some enlightened companies provide gym membership as part of employment packages for their staff, recognising that healthy workforces benefit everyone.

Poor nutrition can affect your energy levels, concentration and health and make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. With almost two thirds of adults overweight or obese in England it is important to ensure that you eat a range of food and cut down on foods high in salt, sugar and fat.

Stop smoking

If you are a smoker, stopping is probably the single biggest thing you can do to improve your health. Smokers tend to take more days off in sickness absence than non-smokers. Stopping smoking will improve your health and fitness.

Health and Wellbeing

CHARITY making a difference for Deaf health

We often take our health for granted. We also take it for granted that we can get access to health services when something’s wrong. But Deaf people rarely have that confidence.

The Deaf health charity SignHealth has its head office in Balham. They provide services for Deaf people across the UK, including care homes, supported housing, and outreach in Wandsworth. They also campaign and work with the NHS to improve access for Deaf people. Susie Norbury, Director of Fundraising, said, “The whole care pathway is full of obstacles for Deaf people. Nearly half of all Deaf people walk to their GP’s surgery to book an appointment because they cannot call. Then they have to hope the GP has booked an interpreter or battle for one – eight in ten Deaf people want an interpreter but only three in ten get one. And all this is before they’ve even had a chance to explain what is wrong!” Research from SignHealth and Bristol University shows this poor access is a major cause of Deaf people being less healthy than hearing people. For instance, Deaf people are twice as likely to have high blood pressure and not know it. Even when they have been diagnosed their treatment is often wrong. More than half of the Deaf people with diabetes had inadequate treatment. SignHealth wants to end this inequality. The charity has strong local links. Their head office recently relocated to Balham, from where they also operate a domestic abuse and outreach service. Their local care home has supported Deaf people with experience of mental health problems for many years. The charity also has big plans for its national fundraising and awareness event, sign2sing. Their aim is to have every school in the borough taking part in 2019. Schools and businesses learn and sign a song in British Sign Language (BSL) – raising money for the charity and raising awareness of sign language. “We are really looking forward to growing sign2sing in Wandsworth. There are more Deaf people here than anywhere else in London and it’s an important place for the Deaf community. We want to help celebrate that,” said Susie. To find out more about the charity look at their website ( or contact Susie Norbury on 020 3947 2600. Business Connexions | 25

THE TELEGRAPH THE COUNTRY PUB IN LONDON Set in the heart of Putney Heath, The Telegraph is a stone’s throw from Putney High Street and Wimbledon Common yet only 30 minutes from The City and The West End. Set in extensive gardens The Telegraph has the feel of being in the countryside.

The Telegraph is an ideal location for your business event, award ceremony, away day or celebration. We have a variety of flexible air conditioned spaces from private rooms for up to 30 delegates to a large meeting space for up to 100. We can even offer an external Bar and BBQ. We have free superfast WiFi and Audio Visual facility. There is extensive free car parking.

Come and have a chat with us to discuss your needs. The Telegraph Telegraph Road Putney Heath SW15 3TU T • 020 8788 2011 E • W •

WHY IT’S GOOD TO TALK in an electronic age

The People Behind the Business

Wandsworth commercial property agency Houston Lawrence is an active business which is looking to the future by harnessing a very personal reminder of the past.

of acquiring property before entering into any contractual obligations.”

Andrew Cordery & Chris Jago Photo:

The company, which has offices in Wandsworth and now a new branch in Wimbledon, specialises in the sale and letting of commercial property in South West London and combines new technology with good ‘old fashioned’ talking to clients.

It is an approach that is proving successful for the business, which was created in 1989 and today is run by co-founder Andrew Cordery and fellow director Chris Jago, who joined in 1995.

Chris said: “We have always embraced IT as a good way of marketing. Our new website and digital marketing programmes mean that we receive many more enquiries electronically than we did before, either through the site, external websites such as Zoopla, Movehut, NovaLoca, Propertylink, PropertyZoo etc or via social media such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

“When we analysed the property enquiries that we were receiving, however, we realised that at the same time we had seen a significant decline in the number of people who were ringing us up.

“We have seen the benefits of IT but took the view that we

were missing out on personal contact in an age where a lot of people communicate mainly by text or email, which we felt was to the detriment of both our clients and applicants alike.

“So, going back to the old ways that we were trained to do when we set out in business many years ago, we now ring up as many people who approach us online as we can, because our experience is that you only really find out what someone wants, or help them to work out what they want, by talking to them.

“In addition, many issues arise when communication is only via text or email whereas you can often solve a problem quite simply during a brief conversation, which is particularly relevant when negotiating terms on a property.

“Of course, there are some people who do not like to work that way, who potentially use technology as a barrier, and in those cases, we must try and find a way of communicating with them but, overall, the approach is working for us.

“We realise that it might be going back to an older way of communicating but it seems that a lot of people appreciate the human contact and find that there is a greater understanding of the process

The overall result of employing this blend of approaches is that Houston Lawrence have a client-focused approach and high levels of customer service with its team committed to developing friendly relationships with freeholders and leaseholders alike. The Houston Lawrence team has been busy over recent years and Chris has recently noticed an increasing interest from developers and owners in retaining commercial space rather than a rush towards converting offices into homes. According to Chris, the rush was initially caused by the Government’s introduction of Permitted Development Rights (PDR) in 2013, attempting to improve supply in the residential market.

Under PDR, permission for some building conversion works and changes of use can be carried out without having to make a formal planning application which Chris observed had a detrimental impact on the availability of commercial space in places like Wandsworth.

He said: “What we saw when PDR came in was the market went frenetic for a several years with people rushing to turn office space into residential.

“For a few years there was a trend towards emptying out almost any office building and converting it for residential use, which meant that areas like Wandsworth lost a lot of existing commercial stock.

“Although PDR continues, that side of the market has eased recently, in part because owners are realising that the value of commercial property has risen again and that there is benefit to be gained in just refurbishing a building and keeping it as commercial space.

“What we are seeing now is a revival in interest in commercial in areas such as Plantation Wharf on the river at Battersea and many investors and business owners purchasing the commercial elements of mixed use schemes from housebuilders in areas such as the Riverside Quarter in Wandsworth.”

“For a few years there was a trend towards emptying out almost any office building and converting it for residential use, which meant that areas like Wandsworth lost a lot of existing commercial stock.”



Business Connexions | 27

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Delivering the goods in Putney for 15 years!

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At MBE, we are experts in packing and worldwide parcel delivery. Whatever you want to send, wherever it’s going, we offer the right parcel delivery service to meet your specific needs every time.

No-one has a wider range of big-name carriers to choose from, we work with Fed Ex, DHL, UPS, Parcelforce and the Royal Mail, amongst others, and our professional packing means your parcel will be secure in transit, arriving safely at its destination. Choose from services tailored for small businesses, SME’s, Auction Houses, collectors of fine arts and antiques, students, people buying and selling on eBay and many more. Whatever your needs, we’ll be happy to personalise our service for you too.

Whatever you want to send, the team at Mail Boxes Etc. can expertly pack it ready for safe delivery.

28 | Business Connextions

We can save you time and give you peace of mind that your items are secure and protected while in transit. We specialise in professionally packing antiques, artwork, electronics, glassware and china. We’re trusted by Auction Houses, fine art and antiques dealers around the world to collect, pack and deliver the most treasured, delicate and irreplaceable items. We provide a range of custom packaging solutions to help with those unusual shapes and sizes, or particularly fragile items which require specialist packaging. We offer bespoke packaging and handling, from foam packs to custom cartons and crating. Our skill in secure packing and custom boxing means that any item, no matter how precious or fragile, will be safe in our hands. So if you have any shipping, courier or postage requirement, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at MBE Putney.

P.S - help us celebrate our 15 years in Putney with a 15% discount on all shipping services. Offer available until 30th September 2018 please quote “Business Connexions offer.”

Patron Focus

CONFIDENCE IS IN THE AIR for Wandsworth businesses

Geeves Silva With offices in Battersea, Hanover Square London, Harlesden, Harrow and Wembley, Hodders Law prides itself on providing the services of a local solicitor backed up by the strength of a big firm expertise.

Its team of specialist lawyers are carrying out increasing amounts of work in Wandsworth as the investment breeds confidence among local businesses. The firm, which works closely with the Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce, believes that the confidence comes as companies shrug off the political and economic uncertainty that has dogged the UK in recent years and instead start looking forward with more optimism. Hodders Law Operations Manager Geeves Silva said: “We are seeing a lot of activity in the Wandsworth area at the moment.

“We went through two years where we had an election, a referendum and then another election and that, and the effect of the Brexit negotiations, created a lot of uncertainty for businesses. “However, I think that is beginning to change now. As a firm, we are certainly

seeing more companies deciding that now is the time to expand, be it taking on new commercial leases for property or taking on new employees to grow their businesses.

“I think the driver behind the increase in activity is that business people feel they have come through that uncertainty over what is going to happen with Brexit and have instead decided that the time is right for expansion.

“I know that the Brexit negotiations are not over yet but there is a feeling among businesses that it makes sense to carry on as normal and consider growth and that is being reflected in our growing workload. “Looking at our recent figures, we can certainly see a growth in work in areas like Wandsworth.

Wandsworth is witnessing an increase in investment at the moment and, according to leading local law firm Hodders Law, that is leading to growing confidence among its clients who run businesses in the area and feel that the time for growth has arrived.

We are seeing a lot of activity in the area and the firm is benefiting from that.”

Geeves has overall responsibility for Finance, Marketing, Information and Telecoms Systems, and day to day Operations, supervising a team of seven outsourced and local staff. In addition, Geeves assists with Human Resources and compliance. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Certified Accountants. Having qualified in practice Geeves gained his experience in industry, including British Airways plc and Whittard of Chelsea plc. He joined Hodder’s in 2004. Geeves said: “We try to provide a one-stop shop for our clients, providing everything from expertise in securing commercial

property leases to advising on the HR requirements when they take on new employees. “We are also seeing an increasing number of requests to deal with immigration issues.” Hodders Law is very supportive of Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce and Geeves believes that the relationship benefits from shared objectives. He said: “We work closely with the Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce. We find them very well organised and we share common goals in that we want to see the local economy grow in the Wandsworth area.” Strengthening the company's link with the Chamber, Karen Rieveley, one the firm's Directors and Head of Conveyancing, is on the board of the organisation.

“We try to provide a one-stop shop for our clients, providing everything from expertise in securing commercial property leases to advising on the HR requirements when they take on new employees.” Business Connexions | 29



experiences for happy millennials

When hospitality entrepreneur David Layton talks about connecting with his customers, he knows exactly what he is talking about and has the awards to prove it. David, founder of the fastgrowing BRICK & LIQUOR neighbourhood bar chain, recently won Entrepreneur of the Year at the Wandsworth Business Awards and, more recently, the business picked up multiple accolades in the TimeOut Love London awards, including Best Bar, Best Restaurant and Best Late-Night venue. After launching their first 60-cover neighbourhood cocktail bar in Tooting in October 2016, the business added a second 100-cover site in Clapham in August 2017 and the group has traded strongly ever since. David puts this down to a differentiated strategy focused on bringing a genuine hospitality experience to discerning suburban communities. He said: “We choose vibrant and buzzing communities in which to run our bars and we target people aged 20 to 45, the generation often known as millennials.

“Research is showing that millennials are less likely to spend their hard-earned money on cheap commodities, instead opting to spend that little bit extra on good experiences, quality products and great customer service. “As a result, our approach is about making every visit an experience and creating that sense of occasion. “We do knowingly charge more than our big chain competitors and from time to time we get the odd customer who’ll grumble, but our response is always the same: ‘If you want cheap drinks… go to your local Wetherspoons. If you want quality drinks, created by masters of their craft and served with a smile by people who genuinely care… come to BRICK & LIQUOR’.” On entering, all guests are greeted warmly, with the venues then having table service throughout. David points to the many ‘Tiny Noticeable Things (TNTs)’ which all add up to overall experience, including the Cow-Shed toiletries, personalised beverage coasters and even their two-tiered bar counter, which was specifically designed to encourage interaction with the team. The business is supported by a forward-thinking digital marketing strategy which aims to ‘engage rather than sell’. For example, the group’s popular Instagram accounts favour user-generated content over generic and staged photography. The result?

More than 200 new users per week; active, engaged and all acquired at no cost. The Tooting venue’s account now boasts the most followers in the area, beating businesses 5-10 times older and larger. The bars’ social media following has led to mentions in many major newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Evening Standard and Shortlist magazine, as well as accolades such as GQ magazine’s ‘Bar of the Week. BRICK & LIQUOR also recently appointed an Executive Chef, Victor Zuriaga, to support the company’s ambitious growth plans. The Spanish-born industry veteran brings more than two decades of experience working with some of the UK’s largest hospitality brands, whilst his consultancy, Ziggy & Stretch, has trained chef teams and provided advisory services for a wide-range of London’s bars and restaurants. Victor, who boasts impressive credentials with a history of

increased food sales and improved profitability said: “When I first met David 10 years ago we quickly developed a friendship based on mutual respect and admiration. He is ferociously driven and has a genuine devotion to customer experience which is quite rare. I’m delighted to join David full time to help the business expand.” BRICK & LIQUOR’s ambitious plans includes the strong possibility of opening a third site and the company is already viewing locations in similarly popular suburban communities such as Putney, Fulham, Barnes and Richmond. David said: “We will not open a site for the sake of it. Our approach is opportunistic but measured - it needs to be the right site, in the right community, at the right price. “After the recent well-publicised trouble faced by many oversaturated chains, our focus is firmly on launching quality venues in quality locations. We know that the opportunities will come along.”

“If you want quality drinks, created by masters of their craft and served with a smile by people who genuinely care… come to BRICK & LIQUOR’. Business Connexions | 31



Chamber Events

For further details go to


Putney Business Hub

Tuesday 19th June 2018 6-9PM Venue: Wandsworth Oasis & Lahore Central Restaurant, 240 Upper Richmond Road, Putney London SW15 6TG


Metro Bank Mondays Monday 2nd July 2018 6-8PM Venue: Metro Bank, Clapham Junction

Business Awards Information Evening

Tuesday 3rd July 2018 6-8PM Venue: South Thames College Wandsworth Campus

Earlsfield Business Network Summer Party

Wednesday 11th July 2018 6-9PM Venue: The Leather Bottle 538 Garratt Ln, Earlsfield, London SW17 0NY

Lionheart Challenge at St John Bosco College

Wednesday 11th July 2018 11AM -1PM Venue: Parkham St, London SW11 3DQ

32 | Business Connexions

Fore Business Golf Invitation

Thursday 12th July 2018 7.20AM - 1PM Venue: Silvermere Golf Club, Surrey (and other clubs around London)

Fore Business Golf Invitation

Thursday 9th August 2018 7.20AM - 1PM Venue: Silvermere Golf Club, Surrey (and other clubs around London)

Putney Business Hub

Tuesday 21st August 2018 6-9PM Venue: Lahore Central Restaurant 240 Upper Richmond Road Putney London SW15 6TG

Putney Business Hub


Wandsworth Chamber Big Breakfast

Earlsfield Business Network

Tuesday 17th July 2018 6-9PM Venue: Lahore Central Restaurant 240 Upper Richmond Road Putney London SW15 6TG Wednesday 25th July 2018 8-10AM Venue: Crowne Plaza Battersea


Metro Bank Mondays Monday 3rd September 2018 6-8PM Venue: Metro Bank, Clapham Junction

Wednesday 12th September 2018 6-9PM Venue in Earlsfield: To Be Confirmed

Fore Business Golf Invitation

Launch of a new Co-Working Community Space

Thursday 13th September 2018 7.20AM - 1PM Venue: Silvermere Golf Club, Surrey (and other clubs around London)

Metro Bank Mondays

Tuesday 18th September 2018 6-9PM Venue: Lahore Central Restaurant 240 Upper Richmond Road Putney London SW15 6TG

Wednesday 1st August 2018 6-8PM Venue: Bread Centrale, Plantation Wharf, Battersea, London SW11 3TN Monday 6th August 2018 6-8PM Venue: Metro Bank, Clapham Junction

Earlsfield Business Network

Wednesday 8th August 2018 6-9PM Venue in Earlsfield: To Be Confirmed

Putney Business Hub

Wandsworth Chamber Big Breakfast & AGM

Wednesday 26th September 2018 8-10.30AM Venue: Bread Central Unit C, Molasses House, Plantation Wharf, Battersea London, SW11 3TN



will we lose our jobs to robots?

Digitalisation and Automation are quickly becoming integral components of our present and future. A recent PwC report predicted that 30-40% of existing UK jobs will be automated by Robotics and Artificial Intelligence by the early 2030s. This rising wave of Digitalisation and Automation will have a profound impact on social dynamics, jobs and the workforce, as a whole. And with this, will come a new set of challenges that we have to prepare for. This is exactly what Sahaj Kothari, Founder of Ensere, was invited to discuss at a recent industry debate hosted at the House of Commons by Stephen Metcalfe MP, Member of the Government Select Committee for Science and Technology. It was an opportunity for industry thought leaders and the Government to jointly review current policies and discuss practical initiatives that will impact the UK over the next 10–20–50 years. Sahaj, an award-winning

author and speaker, was recognised as a UK National SME Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 for building and delivering disruptive Digital and 3D Printing Technology to help businesses thrive in the Digital Age. According to him, Digitalisation is inevitable and every individual and business must adapt to the changes and innovate to survive and grow. Going forward, agility will be a key skill for both individuals and businesses to address future demands. This requires a dramatic revision of the education system and the introduction of a better support network for businesses. The current reliance on Smart Data driven AI and Robotics pose both data privacy and ethical issues. If AI systems are basing their decisions on existing data, which is driven by existing society interactions, does it carry

along existing society biases in its decision-making process? Organisations leveraging Big Data and AI need to ensure they are neutralising such possibilities. The recent debate shows that Digitalisation will have a significant social and commercial impact. We must unite as individuals, businesses and the Government to address it and ensure a more balanced and progressive society. “Wandsworth Chamber would welcome feedback from concerned local businesses. It is not enough to know what is inevitable, we must work together and push governements to look at this global issue and help us plan for the future. We need to know where future family incomes will come from and how society will re adjust to having more free time. This is the future for our children and we need action now.”

WATER IDEA proves a success

Wash Doctors is an innovative, mobile waterless car wash platform, that uses just 0.5 litres of waterless wash solution to wash a car.

It allows customers to get their car washed and waxed anywhere, anytime, with just a few taps on their phone and has been proving successful in Wandsworth. Wash Doctors was founded in 2017, by Will Mapstone 24, Co-Founder & CEO and Christian Steele, 24, Co-founder & COO. The idea first came about shortly after Will graduated from Bristol University and began working for UberEats and Deliveroo in London. Noticing the number of dirty cars on the streets, he began to ponder how this problem might be resolved. He came up with the idea of cyclists with similar backpacks to

Deliveroo drivers, cleaning the vehicles. However, the problem with this idea was that it would be virtually impossible to transport the required water. It was while talking to a Spanish friend who informed him that waterless washes for cars were encouraged in Spain, due to frequent droughts, that Will began coding the first generation waterless car washing app. When they first launched, Christian, who went to work in finance after graduating from UCL, assisted Will with the washing of cars whilst working full-time in day job. However, the company began to grow rapidly, and last September, Christian gave

up his job to work full-time on the business. Christian said: “People are amazed at our Zero-Emission approach. We’ve saved over 800,000 bottles of water already compared to your traditional machine car wash. “Customers like the fact that we can clean their car on any street, without them having to pause their busy work and family lives. We once, received an order for a car in Wandsworth from a guy who was on holiday in Dubai.” Wash Doctors is currently serving the borough of Wandsworth and the surrounding areas, with a major expansion planned to neighbouring boroughs in summer 2018.

DO YOU HAVE A HOBBY or interest you could use to help a good cause?

Local community charity, Wandsworth Oasis, needs volunteers to help out in its 9 charity shops across the borough.

If you have a passion for fashion, are a lover of books or vinyl, know your china or just have a bit of time on your hands, we’d love to hear from you.

Fun, quirky environment where everyone is welcome. No experience required. If you’re interested in volunteering with us – no minimum hours –

visit our website /volunteer-opportunities Raising funds for local HIV support & prevention projects Reg charity no: 1126061

New Members

WELCOME to new members

1Point Management

Neil Joubert Wandsworth. SW18 3QL +447516902319 We're card payments analysts, helping small and medium-sized businesses get fair card processing rates.

Battersea Arts Centre Scratch Hub

Marina Sacco Battersea. SW11 5TN 02072232223 Scratch Hub is a new creative co-working space opening in autumn 2018, situated in Battersea Arts Centre's beautiful, Grade II listed former Town Hall building.

BrandKube Ltd

Martin Adams Tooting. SW178BJ 07867784144 A new dimension in marketing services & promotional merchandise

Elwin Consulting

Claire Elwin Battersea. SW8 3PL 07967 456525 A trusted partner, compassionate and commercially focused independent consultant and HR leader with a passion for transforming individuals and workplaces.


Muhammad Moavia Tooting. SW17 9NJ 02086648096 Accountants and Chartered Tax Advisers in Tooting, South West London and Essex

Justin Cook Art

Justin Cook Battersea. SW11 3JS 07920260510 Passionate and driven curator finding the best contemporary art from around the word.

Paper Tiger Creative

Deanna Watkins Battersea. SW11 1QB 07783 952734 A freelance graphic designer based in South London. Over the past 11 years I have created bespoke designs for print, web and digital media.


Rosie Halfhead Tooting. SW17 7DY 07715216563 We are a niche consultancy focused on enabling the success of others through our expertise in brand, marketing and stakeholder engagement.

Saasam UK Ltd

Heather McEwen Battersea. SW8 3HE 07504023424 Enterprise level agile cloud applications

Sonas Wellbeing Ltd

Mandy Murphy Tooting. SW17 8ES 07941151263 Coach Mandy helps young people to discover their passions and empowers them to make smart choices for themselves.

Southfields Photography

Anthony Lydekker Southfields. SW18 5PU 07836 600 882 AND southfieldsB&Bstudios.c Travel Writer & Professional Photographer

Switched on London Ltd

David Lyons Whyte Wandsworth. SW18 4RN 02087154058 Providing London with Gas, Heating, Electrical and Plumbing Services

Wrights Flooring Contractors Ltd

Steve Wright Clapham. SW4 0AL 020 7223 5970 Professional flooring contractors covering Wandsworth and London

Business Connexions | 33

5 Minutes with...

Steve Trew presenting an employee with an Employee of the Month award. We reward four members of staff each month with this award together with £100 Love2Shop gift card. It has proven to be a huge incentive to staff as well as popular with our clients who can also nominate staff they feel have been a huge asset.

with... Steve Trew, Managing Director

GreenZone Cleaning & Support Services Ltd Q1

Who are you?


What's your business all about?

Steve Trew, father, husband, uncle, brother and son.

I am passionate about sustainability and protecting our natural environment; an old fashioned tree hugger! GreenZone Cleaning & Support Services was created to prove that we could offer exceptional levels of service to a wide range of clients in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way. Since we started in 2010 we have been hugely successful and are now nationwide with clients as far apart as Aberdeen and Plymouth. Hand in hand with the business success has been the huge personal pride I feel in taking the people around me on this journey. I live and breathe GreenZone and I am always aware that people have placed a massive amount of trust in me and that I owe it to them to be successful. We are a family, we work and play together and together we are a strong and powerful force for good.


Three words to describe yourself?

Honest, loyal and demanding.


Ideal Customer?

A company or person that shares and values our ideals; we were incredibly fortunate to be introduced to the Royal Households early in our development

34 | Business Connexions

and have worked with them for over six years. In April 2017 we were awarded a Royal Warrant and we could not have been prouder. We work with a wide range of clients but those that get the most out of us are the companies who want to work with a dynamic and innovative solution provider where our staff can be appreciated and properly rewarded. As a Living Wage service provider we always promote the Living Wage to potential clients and I celebrate the number of our colleagues who actually earn the London Living Wage.


Biggest achievement?

Aside from the business I am most proud of my family; my wife Nicky, who works with me at GreenZone and shares my passions, my daughter Georgie and son Ollie who inspire me on a daily basis. Quite simply I would not be able to operate without them and nothing else will ever compare to them.


Biggest gripe?


Your inspiration?

I struggle with laziness and dishonesty so I try to surround myself with people I know I can trust, and to be trustworthy to them in return. I want to change people’s lives for the better. If someone new joins the family I want GreenZone to be responsible for improving the lives of that person and of their family and I know we already succeed!

From the charities we support to the Staff bonuses and free training we provide I take huge pride in making a positive difference to people’s lives.


Philosophy in Business?

Honesty and integrity are critical factors in our success. We treat people properly and hope that others do the same. I am also obsessed with making sure those around me benefit from the work I do and that they have opportunities to grow and develop their careers


Sporting Hero?

I am a keen sailor and have been lucky enough to meet Sir Ben Ainslie who I consider to be a true superstar and legend.

The way his sailing team, BAR, operates and the work they do on environmental issues is truly amazing. A sporting hero on and off the water!

Q10 Biggest tip for success?

Be true to yourself; recognise your weaknesses and faults and deal with failure in the same way as you do success.

No one gets everything right every time so allow yourself some slack if it doesn’t quite work out as you hoped.

Treat people properly and try to reduce the environmental impact of your activity as much as possible.

E1W W13


W8 W14







 Kennington SE17 SW3





 Clapham SW4

 Putney

 St Margarets

 Wandsworth SW18


 Richmond

 Brixton




 Tooting  Wimbledon Park

 Teddington


 Balham




 Earlsfield





 Battersea  Sheen SW14





 Fulham



 Oval

 Vauxhall



 Isleworth




 Barnes



 Raynes Park

 Kingston KT1


 Colliers Wood


 Hampton



 Wimbledon



 Streatham





 Mitcham

 New Malden




 Morden



 Croydon






KT12 SM1 SM6 KT10


Business relocation


Commercial property sales/lettings

Planning advice


Rating advice


Handelsbanken Clapham: local relationship banking for you and your business At Handelsbanken, relationship banking still lives up to its name. Our simple aim is to provide the best possible service. • Direct line access to your account manager • Key decisions are made locally by us at the Clapham branch • Our experienced managers work with you to develop solutions to fit your requirements We provide a wide range of banking services, from mortgages and current accounts to savings for personal customers, and business banking services including finance for specific funding requirements, asset and trade finance specialists and cash management solutions. Founded in 1871, Handelsbanken has over 800 branches in more than 20 countries. The Clapham branch is one of 50 branches in the South East. To find out how you might benefit from a more personal banking relationship, please call us on 020 7498 5022 or email:

Office 5 16 Porteus Place Clapham, London SW4 0AS

Handelsbanken is the trading name of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ). Registered Office: Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ), 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1WY. Registered in England and Wales No. BR 000589. Incorporated in Sweden with limited liability. Registered in Sweden No. 502007-7862. Head Office in Stockholm. Authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) and the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority, and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request.

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