President’s Review MARCH 2021
ho would have thought that this time last year the whole picture of how we work as lawyers would have changed. Most, if not all of us, have been working from home in some form and in some way. In a year of adaptation and consolidation it has been encouraging to see how most have navigated their way through and kept the legal industry strong and thriving in Hampshire. At Hampshire Law Society we have also had to look at adapting our offering to our members. Providing training by virtual means and looking at holding social events, such as the quiz, via similar methods has taken place and will continue to do so this year. I envisage that it will be a mix of methods once things begin to go back to some form of normal.
With recent announcements from the Government it seems that there is finally some light at the end of what has felt like a never ending tunnel. Whether this happens by the 21 June date or further towards the end of the year is yet to be seen but there is some sense of relief in knowing that the end is getting closer. Given how the industry locally has made it’s way through so far, I have no doubt that when things are back to “normal” that the Hampshire legal sector will not only be as strong as before but will grow further. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible towards the end of the year. ■
James Gleisner
President Hampshire Law Society