LW Blogs
LW blogs CAREER PLANNING Lubna Shuja, Vice President of The Law Society of England and Wales, reflects on her career so far. Legal Women is delighted to celebrate that in 2022, Lubna will be the first President of Asian heritage and only the seventh female President since The Law Society's inaugural year in 1825. Lubna Shuja (legalwomen.org.uk) Bhini Phagura discusses returning to the legal profession after a career break, securing a solicitor role at Rayden Solicitors during the pandemic and the firm’s approach to flexible working. Bhini Phagura (legalwomen.org.uk) Lydia Gu moved to London to study mathematics at UCL before deciding her real passion was law and qualifying as a solicitor. She considers: ‘Is it possible to get a Training Contract for international students?’ Lydia Gu (legalwomen.org.uk) CAREER CHANGES Kimberley Johnston talks about switching careers and countries. Kimberley has enjoyed acting, working in the U.S. political arena, being a solicitor at Linklaters and most recently as the Inclusion and Diversity Senior Manager at Lloyds Banking Group. Kimberley Johnston (legalwomen.org.uk) Jo Guy reflects on her life in law from switching careers in the middle of a pandemic from lawyer to legal tech. ‘I’ve switched from one of the biggest banks in the UK to BusyLamp, an established and scaling legal operations technology provider headquartered in Germany. I’m employed as a Senior Customer Success Manager looking after and supporting our inhouse legal clients across the UK and Ireland’. Jo Guy (legalwomen.org.uk) LEADERSHIP Identifying Leaders – making gender balance stick What techniques enable gender balance to be achieved? Helen Broadbridge
e publish blogs throughout the year so please contact us with ideas. We will be concentrating on Leadership and Founders in the coming months.
There is no single definition of leadership, but it is important to understand it is behaviour, not a position. You don’t have to be a ‘born leader’ as, with a growth mindset, all leadership skills can be learned. Dr Sally Hanna has categorised her reflections into five overlapping areas – the 5 Cs: curiosity, compassion, creativity, collaboration and courage. 5 C’s of Leadership Development (legalwomen.org.uk) WELLBEING Stress Awareness Month in the Legal World: Take time for you. Stress Awareness Month (legalwomen.org.uk) Alice Hughes Former lawyer, Charlene Gisele, discusses what lawfirms can do to improve health and wellbeing in their teams. Wellbeing (legalwomen.org.uk)
OPINION Christina Warner discusses the prevention of violence against women. The greatest of the challenges posed by the growing issue of violence against women and girls, is that of cultural expectation and customs where women’s rights are seldom warranted or considered as being valid.’ Violence against women and girls (legalwomen.org.uk) Helen Broadbridge discusses how and who volunteers for the non-profit ‘extra work’ which is needed in every office. Does volunteering impact on your career progression? Volunteering (legalwomen.org.uk) Menopause: The Basics Lauren Chiren’s personal story and tips for the rest of us. Menopause the Basics (legalwomen.org.uk)
You can find all the blogs on our website www.legalwomen.org.uk/blogs.html LegalWomen | 33