Lets Talk Business Nov 23

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arts & culture

Gunnersbury Park Museum exhibition is ‘Set to Stun’ For almost a century, West London has been home to a hive of workshops and design studios that fed into some of the country’s most iconic sci-fi films and television shows. A new exhibition, ‘Set to Stun: A Celebration of Sci-fi Film and Television Design’, opened at Gunnersbury Park Museum on 20th October. From laser beams to paranoid androids, exploring faraway planets to alien invasions – visitors will get to enjoy an engaging and interactive showcase of the sets, costumes, prosthetics, props, and artistic visualisations that went into British sci-fi classics, including Doctor Who, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Red Dwarf. In May, the museum launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for the free-to-visit

exhibition, which turns the camera onto the West London creatives who brought it all to life. The campaign raised over £16,000 from more than 100 supporters, who were able to pick from a selection of rewards to grab their galactic fancy ranging from sci-fi inspired tote bags to a reading and Q&A with David Learner, aka Marvin the Paranoid Android of BBC’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. With the match funding provided from the Art Fund, Gunnersbury Park Museum had over £32,000 to help launch the exhibition. ‘Set to Stun’ is Gunnersbury Park Museum’s first large-scale exhibition since gaining NPO status in April and is its biggest one in its history. Visitors will be able to view original daleks, cybermen and other well-known villains plus interactive mirrors, community curated art, smoke machines and more can be expected. Professor James Knowles, Chair of

Gunnersbury Museum and Park Development Trust, said: “It’s been inspiring to watch our local communities get behind our exhibition. I’d also like to thank Art Fund, in particular, for their support for our campaign and for match funding the money raised. All the sums contribute towards creating a dynamic, galaxy-crossing celebration of sci-fi and local creativity for everyone to enjoy.” Jenny Waldman, Director of Art Fund, said: “Huge congratulations to Gunnersbury Park Museum for reaching their fundraising target through Art Happens, our dedicated crowdfunding platform for museums and galleries. Thanks to donations from over 100 generous supporters, matched with funding from Art Fund’s members and donors, Gunnersbury Park Museum opened their largest ever exhibition in October, celebrating the local community whilst delighting sci-fi enthusiasts from West London and beyond.”

The exhibition runs until 12th July 2024. The museum is closed on Mondays and open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 4.30pm. No booking is required. For further information visit: www.visitgunnersbury.org

A symbol of innovation and transformative change in the legal arena Dr. Renu Raj, the distinguished CEO of Radanks Limited, is not merely a name but a symbol of innovation and transformative change in the legal arena. Dr. Raj’s remarkable journey is marked by pioneering initiatives, impactful legislative involvement, and a deep commitment to redefining the way the world approaches disputes. One of Dr. Raj’s proudest achievements is her pivotal role as an International Mediator Expert. Her relentless dedication to the field culminated in the passing of the Mediation Bill in India, offering a fresh and efficient approach

to dispute resolution. The bill, effective from August 2023, has brought immense relief to countless individuals entangled in prolonged legal battles. Dr. Raj’s resolute advocacy made her a Committee Member for the Mediation Bill Amendment in India. Her international acclaim extends beyond legislative changes. Dr. Raj was invited to partake in a distinguished panel for the Mediation Bill in the Indian Parliament at the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, where she played a significant role in shaping India’s mediation landscape. The passage of this bill stands as a cornerstone in her transformative journey, one marked by unwavering dedication to positive change as an International Mediation Expert . Dr. Renu Raj’s visionary concept of “Legal Tourism,” unveiled at the House of Commons in London in 2019, continues to redefine the legal landscape. Radanks Limited

UK, under her leadership, introduced this groundbreaking approach, providing integrated global legal care and support services that challenge conventional paradigms. It’s a feat that not only marks a significant achievement but also reflects her active contribution to the legal well-being of people in India. In an age where disputes can stretch on for generations in traditional litigation, Dr. Renu Raj’s resolute commitment to mediation and innovative legal solutions is a beacon of hope. Her achievements and contributions go beyond accolades and awards; they represent a significant step toward a more accessible, efficient, and just legal system, both in India and on the global stage.

For further information please email: dr.rraj@westlondonchambers.org.uk let’s talkbusiness


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Articles inside

5 minutes with... Anisha Sharma

pages 46-47

Support for Anyone Affected by Cancer

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page 44

Expert Bookkeeping Services

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Better Bookkeeping Solutions Ltd, up for West London Chambers of Commerce Business Awards 2023

page 43

Ask the Expert

pages 38-39

Nurturing the mind, body and skin with holistic wellness skincare

page 37

Is your business winter-ready?

page 36

Cybersecurity Awareness: Best Practices in the Workplace

page 35

New Zealand Trade opportunities

page 33

Chamber international trade update

page 33

UK firms in the dark over regulatory avalanche for EU trade, says BCC research

page 32

Exporters urged to seize new era of global trade

page 32


page 31

The Pallets Yard, Southall

pages 28, 30

Connectivity, job creation, and opportunities

page 27

Southalla place to live, work and socialise.

page 26

West London’s thriving high street, cultural destination and growing industrious town.

page 26

Hammersmith & Fulhama safer place to live and work

page 25

The future looks bright Discover Fulham

page 24

Gunnersbury Park Museum exhibition is ‘Set to Stun’

page 23

‘powerful platform’ businesses collaborate

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From Orbit to Investment: Leveraging EO Data for Sustainable Finance

page 19

Business is the lifeblood of the UK

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Bees United looking after the future of Brentford FC by looking after its past

page 15

New film series puts Brentford FC’s community in the spotlight

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Ping Pong and Beanbags:

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Young eco-activists help transform Hounslow recycling fleet

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‘Everyone needs an Elsa’

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Flick through 230 years of history of Ormiston Wire

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Collaboration & Creativity Why meetings are an essential business tool

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The BIG Return

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Simply leveraging Quality

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