Council Members Report By Sushila Abraham
y the time you all read this we would have gone into the easing of lockdown, and how COVID-19 has changed the way we work and live! I know that SLS have been working very hard to keep its constituents up to date on the COVID crisis; I am sure all of you will join me in congratulating the SLS Team. I would urge all of you to keep up to date by continuing to use the SLS and TLS websites as there are a lot of updates and links providing explanations, guidance and tools to enable you to negotiate the new landscape. This includes such assistance from the government as have been provided to firms. We need to be assiduous in checking home workers’ health and welfare. The mental health of many has been affected during this crisis and I would urge all of you to check the mental welfare of all those who work for you. There is guidance given by TLS regularly how to keep our staff and members of the public safe. There are many organisations that can offer help to those affected by this crisis especially mental health. I would mention LawCare in particular ( or There is also Guidance on the SLS and TLS websites on what has to be done if you are having a phased reopening of your offices to the public and how to protect yourselves and your staff too. We are continuing to have Council meetings conducted remotely. Among the issues discussed is the cessation of the Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF). TLS is negotiating with the SRA to have the time extended. The SRA will be having a meeting in late June to decide whether they will agree to extend the
time. We are keeping a close watch on this. TLS is consulting members about a £3 million reduction in the Practicing Fee for 2020-21; this is a 10% decrease. There is an update on this from the President, Simon Davis. TLS have done a huge amount of work in difficult circumstances to support solicitors and their firms, to advocate on behalf of the profession and to maintain services despite a fire at 114 Chancery Lane and the pandemic. TLS has fulfilled its public interest role too, financially supporting charities focused on access to justice and to help those of us who are suffering from the effects of the pandemic on our businesses. There will also be accreditation discounts for members doing conveyancing and crime as they are most affected. It was agreed at Council that TLS will postpone the AGM to October due to COVID-19, so Simon Davis and the other Office Holders will continue for an extended term. To conclude SLS has been able to continue doing what it does so well due to its membership and I would encourage all of you to become members of SLS so that it can continue to help all the firms at a local level. As always, both Alastair and I as your Council Members are here to answer questions so please do not hesitate to email or call us. We can also help with the wealth of guidance from the most able staff at TLS. ■