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Build your future workforce with Lewisham College

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Lewisham College has a long history of partnering with businesses and organisations in the area to shape the workforce of tomorrow. As one of London's leading educational institutions it works with its partners to upskill their staff and develop and recruit new talent into industry.

The College recently hosted a successful business breakfast at its Lewisham Way Campus, where it invited over 70 local employers to find out more about partnership opportunities, including:

Employer Advisory Boards

Employer Advisory Boards (EAB) directs influence over the design and delivery of Lewisham College’s industry-specific curriculum. Employers who join the EAB engage with industry peers, collaborating with the College team, and shape the educational landscape to meet the evolving needs of their sector.

The EAB comprises of representatives across self-employer business, small, medium, and large local industry professionals along with senior staff from Lewisham College and the curriculum team.

Work Experience and Industry Placements

Offering work-based learning opportunities can have significant benefits for businesses as well as for the learner. Businesses offering placements can engage with future talent, with many progressing into permanent roles. Lewisham College organise placements for learners across our diverse range of subject areas. When organising a work experience placement, they will work with employers to select the most appropriate candidate for their business needs.

Sector-based Work Academy Programme

Working with Lewisham College, the Sectorbased Work Academy Programme (SWAP) supports the recruitment of skilled staff.

A bespoke programme that prepares candidates for work, SWAPs help prepare those seeking employment to be ready for current vacancies. Training is designed to help meet immediate and future recruitment needs as well as to recruit a workforce with the right skills to sustain and grow a business. An important feature of SWAP is that each sector-based work academy offers a flexible approach. There is no direct cost to an employer for running a SWAP as training and administration costs are covered by government funding.

Employability Skills Training

These courses equip the workforce with essential skills through employability courses in collaboration with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Job Centre Plus (JCP). Covering areas such as finance, IT, customer service, and sector-specific qualifications, they could boost productivity and empower teams for success. From IT to customer service, courses are tailored to sector needs and prepare individuals for workplace success.

Multiply – Funded Numeracy Courses for Businesses

Offering free numeracy courses to enhance confidence and skills, these flexible learning options can lead to improved job prospects and higher efficiency. Courses are flexible, enabling learners to study in small groups and at a place that suits them. There are also opportunities for further studies then can lead to qualifications. To be eligible for funding they must have below level 2 previous qualifications.

Bespoke training for businesses

Tailor-made training solutions await with bespoke courses and coaching, either on Lewisham College’s campus or at an employer’s site. With support from the College, employers can maximise the benefit of Government funding and access training relevant to their needs.


Lewisham College has extensive experience in supporting Apprenticeships within a wide range of London businesses and provide a free end-to-end service for employers, taking the time to understand business needs, future growth potential and any skills gaps within a business. Partners benefit from:

• Free end-to-end consultancy services with full support throughout.

• Apprenticeship flexible delivery: Apprenticeships can start at any time of the year.

• Lewisham College is part of NCG, one of the UK’s largest college groups and a leading provider of high-quality apprenticeships.

T Levels

Explore T Levels as a pathway to skilled employment or higher study, complemented by meaningful industry placements. An alternative to A levels, Apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 vocational courses. T Level learners spend 80% of the course in their learning environment, gaining the skills that employers need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where they put these skills into action.

Can you offer a 45-day industry placement?

Are you ready to shape the future with Lewisham College?

If you’re interested in working with Lewisham College to get involved and unlock new possibilities for your business, then start the conversation and get in touch today. Visit lewisham.ac.uk/employers.

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