2 minute read

Getting Started with Sally Ashe


What’s in a name?

I’ve worked as a scientist and as an administrator. This has given me loads of organisational, project management and analytical skills making the Savvy in SavvySally!

Your position?

Business Owner

About your business?

I’m an Online Business Manager which means I offer strategic and operational management, including database set-up and maintenance, project management, KPIs, data analysis, team management and competitor research. My clients have been varied so far, business coaches, a local magazine, a financial consultant, an entrepreneur and a pharmaceutical company!

About you!

I started out my working life as an administrator with a bit of childminding when my kids were little. Then, in 2008, I took myself off to university as a mature student, studying Molecular and Cellular Biology and then Neuroscience (postgrad). Then I worked as a scientist doing research and working as a manufacturing scientist until I set up my business in January 2024.


I have arthritis in my knees which makes it difficult to work in a lab now. I didn’t want to stop working altogether (no early retirement for me!), so I needed an alternative.

The light bulb moment!

My sister has her own business as a communications consultant and encouraged me to take the plunge. I thought about my skills and researched different types of business, finally settling on Online Business Management. And so SavvySally was born!

Who is your ideal client/customer?

There is not one type of business owner that I can work with and I enjoy working with a variety of different businesses. It keeps me on my toes and every day is different. My clients are mainly sole traders but more recently I have been working with larger teams too.

Best moment so far?

Getting my first paying client in January was awesome! It kick-started my business in the best way possible!

Biggest challenges?

Running a business is a constant challenge and a very steep learning curve. It is exciting and daunting. Going from a regular salary to being unsure where my income is coming from has been the biggest challenge for me and has caused lots of anxiety.

Benefits of the Chamber Start-Up club since you joined?

Meeting lots of people in the same position as me. I love the Start-Up Club, Sales Club and the Women’s Networking events. I’ve got to know a lot of my fellow business owners and it makes me feel less isolated.

Lessons learnt - What would you do differently and why?

I don’t think I’d change anything I’ve done! I researched before starting the business, I’ve joined various networking groups, including the WCNW Chamber of Commerce, and I’ve splashed out on marketing and business strategy training. The next step for me is to start working with a business coach to help me grow my business! Watch this space!

I love the Start-Up Club, Sales Club and the Women’s Networking events. I’ve got to know a lot of my fellow business owners and it makes me feel less isolated.

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