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Army Apprenticeship Challenge Days
Back at the end of Aug 22, a group of intrepid apprentices took up the challenge of attending the Army Leadership Challenge for Airbus apprentices delivered by the 160th (Welsh) Brigade, the headquarters of the Army in Wales. Set in Kinmel Park Training Camp, the aim was to increase the leadership potential of the younger apprentices in a challenging but fun environment.
The activities were designed to test their mental agility and technical capabilities as well as provide a physical test for the apprentices where they took on challenges set by the Army. Aimed at engineering apprentices, but open to others, the tasks were based on military engineering activities and equipment and were led by members of the Royal Engineers Engagement Team.
They were also taught the basics of living out in the field, using military equipment, eating Army rations (maybe with a few bags of sweets sneaked in!) and camping out under the stars. After a mixed night of varying amounts of sleep, the apprentices were really put to the test showing all they had learned the day before in a series of ‘tests’ – in front of their managers, and after morning PT!
There were lots of tired but smiling faces at the end of the two days, with new friendships and networks created; it was amazing to see the confidence and personal resilience they took from such a short time.
We are able to offer the Leadership Challenge to Defence-friendly and supportive Employers across Wales, to those businesses and organisations who have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and who have gained recognition under Defences Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Awards.
We are looking to broaden the activity and challenge level, creating an offering not only at junior/apprenticeship level but also to middle and senior managerial/executive levels for future events.
For further information regarding the Armed Forces Covenant, the Defence Employer
Recognition Scheme Awards or information about the broader MOD engagement piece, please contact Tony Fish, MOD Regional Employer Engagement Director for North Wales wa-reed2@rfca.mod.uk
Office 01352 755309
Mobile 07508 193902