Liverpool Chamber
From April 2021 Liverpool Chamber is delivering a new programme focused on growing your business. If you have had to change to respond to COVID, have had to re-focus or just need a fresh perspective to make your business a success, our programme is here to support you. The Liverpool Chamber Business Growth Programme aims to deliver a sustained ongoing programme of support delivered by either a business adviser or through ongoing mentoring and training through an arranged programme working with our members and private sector expertise. It has been created specifically to support your business to grow bringing together best practice, support and expertise from across the private, public and education sectors. If you are an SME based in the Liverpool City Region and have had no more than 170k in public funding you are eligible to join this programme to move your business onto the next level.
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Topics will include HR best practice, employment law, marketing and PR, financial planning and tax, risk management, leadership and succession planning and investing in technology. We will have a series of workshops for you to join and after a diagnostic will also match you with a mentor chosen from over 700 of our members to support some of your next steps.
The only thing we need from you is to undertake an initial diagnostic of your business and then for you to complete some paperwork to confirm the support you have received. Please do book now as we only have 30 places left on this scheme through to December 2021.
For further information or to sign up please email