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When you visit the Registrar
When you visit the Registrar
You will need to take with you the following documents and details about the deceased:• The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death • The ‘Pink Form’ 100 (in cases where the Coroner has been involved in the arrangements following death) • The person’s medical card (if possible) • Any War Pension Order Book (if possible).
You may find it helpful to bring the deceased’s birth certificate and marriage certificate with you (if possible).
NB: If your case is referred to and kept by the Coroner, please disregard the above documents list as the Coroner will advise you directly.
Details required to register the death:
• The date and place of death • The last (usual) address • The full name (first and all middle names) and surname (and the maiden name if applicable) • The date and place of birth • The occupation and, where appropriate, the full name and occupation of their husband/wife • Whether they were married, or in a civil partnership, and the date of birth of the surviving partner (if applicable).