1 minute read
Spiritual help
Encouraging children to ask questions and continuing routines will help children to feel involved and secure. It is advised to inform their school of the events and to share any concerns about the child or young person.
There are many helpful leaflets and websites listed in the back of this booklet. For more information please contact Lukes on
01375 648175
Lukes’ Counselling and Support for Children & Young People
provides counselling and bereavement support for children and young people up to 19 years (see page 3).
Dove Community Counselling Service provides counselling and bereavement support for adults on a one to one basis, as a couple or as a family.
Spiritual help
The Hospice Chaplains are available to offer care and support to bereaved relatives and friends of those who have died at the Hospice. This care is offered irrespective of the individual’s religion or belief.
St. Luke’s Hospice provides specialist care, free of charge to adults in South Essex with advanced progressive illness at any time from diagnosis to the end of life, respecting the individual needs and wishes of each person. Care and support is also provided for their family members, friends and carers, both throughout the illness and after death.
This is offered through a comprehensive and responsive range of services.
In order to achieve this, we rely upon grants, donations and the many volunteers who offer their time to complement the work of our staff.
St. Luke’s Hospice is a registered charity (No: 289466). Any donations toward the cost of caring is much needed and is always appreciated.