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Hospice Services
Hospice services St Lukes Hospice Fobbing Farm Nethermayne Basildon SS16 5NJ Tel: 01268 524973
St Luke’s Hospice provides advice, information and care throughout the care journey for people living with or affected by cancer or any other progressive life-limiting disease. This includes those who are newly diagnosed to survivorship and end of life care and bereavement.
The Hospice provides services for people living in Thurrock, Basildon Billericay and Wickford. All Hospice core services are provided free of charge at the point of delivery. Referrals are accepted from any health or social care professional as well as from educationalists/pastoral workers. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Services provided
In-Patient Unit - This is an 8 bedded purpose built unit, all with private rooms with wash facilities. In-Patient stays are usually for 1-2 weeks. The specialist palliative care team tailor care to the needs of individual patients, and their carers/families. Admissions are for symptom control, assessment, end of life care and respite. Wellbeing, Information and Support Hub (WISH) - Following an individualised holistic needs assessment, a diverse offer of support will be established where service users can design their own unique, flexible package offering specialist support to help maintain independence, enhance quality of life and patients’ knowledge and confidence in living as well as possible with their condition. The philosophy of care will be based on promoting empowerment and individual autonomy with key components being goal setting, rehabilitation and supported self-management.
Wellbeing and Support Options
A blend of both clinical interventions and therapeutic support will be offered.
Options available will include: • Holistic needs assessment • One to one support from various members of the clinical team • Medical assessment • Shared care out-patient’s clinics – Renal clinic, Neuro clinic • Intravenous infusions/treatments • Complementary therapies • Relaxation techniques • Mindfulness sessions • Education sessions- keeping safe at home, healthy eating, topical sessions – making a Will (during Will week) • Keeping connected sessions – how to link with their local community • Arts and crafts and creative therapy • Therapeutic groups- HOPE programme, Making Sense Group, Refocus sessions • Making memories opportunities • Chair based exercise programmes • Breathlessness courses and fatigue clinics • Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy input • Psychological support • Lymphoedema support (Appointment based) • Counselling • Carers support – virtual assessments • Advanced care planning • Pre/Post Bereavement Support • Bereavement drop-in
Patients can drop-in to their sessions of choice throughout the weekly timetable of events. Out-patient’s clinics will run alongside education, therapy or therapeutic groups ensuring the environment available is utilised most efficiently, safely and effectively.
Sessions will be restricted in numbers as per government guidance on social distancing, with scope to join sessions via zoom. In view of the reduced numbers of people able to attend the Hospice, the need for the provision of Hospice transport has been reviewed.
Carers Support Group/Programme - There is a monthly Carers Support Group offering carers a short break from caring. A guest speaker attends and there is networking with other carer’s and one to one time with group facilitators. Other support groups for patients and carers are available. Hospice Community Services - Offering support, advice and assessment alongside practical hands on care for anyone in South West Essex with a palliative or end of life need. Call One Response on 01268 526259 (24/7) Complementary Therapy Service - Offers Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reiki to patients, carers and staff in the Garden Rooms at the Hospice. Sessions are available Monday to Saturday. Home visits are limited only to bed bound patients or patients with severe mobility problems. We treat patients and carers from out of the area and also patients and carers that self refer.
South Essex Lymphoedema Service (SELS) - Has a team of specialist staff who can provide assessments, treatments and advice on self-management and care about this long term condition, for the whole of South Essex, for anyone who has a long term swelling, aged 16 years plus who is registered with a GP in South Essex. This is for both palliative/cancer and those who have swelling (lymphoedema) not caused by cancer.
Specialist Physiotherapy Service (SPS) - Has Palliative Specialist Physiotherapists who can provide assessments, advice and treatments on self-management and care for anyone with a palliative diagnosis, 18 years plus who is registered with a GP in South West Essex. Topics include: shortness of breath, fatigue, insomnia, pain, falls, mobility, exercise, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth (post chemo), chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, constipation, anxiety and stress. Education and Training - St. Luke’s offers a full programme of study days covering all aspects of palliative and End of Life Care in line with the services it provides. Bespoke training can also be offered to suit individual requirements. Costs vary with some courses offered free of charge.
Please see if groups are still running before turning up
St Luke’s Hospice provides a satellite Information and Support Centre at St. Luke’s House, 22 Lampits Hill, Corringham, Essex SS17 9AL. Tel: 01375 648170
Services based here are:
Dove Community Counselling Service - Provides emotional, psychological and bereavement support and counselling services to patients, families and carers. Counselling is also available for those in remission or living beyond a cancer diagnosis. Family Therapy is also available for family groups.
Lukes’ Counselling and Support for Children and Young
People (Lukes) - aims to support children and young people up to 19 years through the experience of loss and guide carers to help children and young people feel included and able to express themselves. The service includes a Youth Worker who works with all services to support young people. St Lukes aims to support young people living with/or affected by illness/bereavement with one-to-one support, information or group work.