Summer news from Netty Find your perfect fit at Netty Undertøy at Kløverhuset and Starvhusgaten 3.
Netty has a wide selection for all ages and body types.
Tunica from Marie Jo 920 NOK
Cap from Calvin Klein 450 NOK Bikini from Chantelle 1330 NOK
SUMMER ESSENTIALS Update your lingerie and swimsuit wardrobe with these gorgeous pieces from these trendy, high quality brands.
Slippers from Calvin Klein 500 NOK
Swimsuit from Calvin Klein 850 NOK
Scarf from Primadonna 820 NOK
Bra from Femilet 620 NOK Pants from Femilet 290 NOK Bralette from Calvin Klein 410 NOK Boxer from Calvin Klein 300 NOK
Beach bag from PrimaDonna 470 NOK
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