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The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en Volume 13, Number 24

Berlin’s Only Hometown Newspaper

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Berlin is home to some unusual wildlife

Running for a cause

By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor

Citizen photo by Nick Carroll

Members of the Berlin Police Department, along with a Special Olympics athlete, are joined by the McGee Middle School track team during the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics June 5. The runners are seen here on Farmington Avenue. The Berlin Police Department participates each year in this fundraising event which covers six miles in Berlin. The “Flame of Hope” is carried through 50 states and to 35 nations. In Connecticut, the Torch Run covers some 640 miles and travels through more than 100 cities and towns. Runners are sponsored, and this year’s goal is to raise more than $500,000 for Connecticut Special Olympics.

Trash vote question may be confusing By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor To avoid any confusion, the Town Council authorized the Town Clerk to create an explanatory text to be posted and available to voters for the June 23 trash referendum. It will be posted at the American Legion poll where the vote will be held and also at the Town Clerk’s office. The topic was discussed at the June 2 Council meeting. Town Clerk Kate Wall said it had been brought to her attention that, because of the referendum question’s wording, people may not know how to vote on the issue concerning whether or not the town will move to an automated trash collection system or stay with the current manual collection.

Mayor Adam Salina concurred that “the question is confusing.” Question 1 — the only question on the ballot — reads: “Shall Ordinance No. 5-99, adopted March 30, 1999, as codified in Sections 46-31 through 46-73 of the Berlin Municipal Code, concerning the collection of Solid Waste including Recycling be amended?” YES NO The explanatory text states that a “yes” vote would mean that you are in favor of the manual trash collection system provided it is available to the town. A “no” vote would mean that you are in favor of the automated trash collection contract which was approved by the Town Council Feb. 3. “It will give people a very good idea of how to vote,” Wall said.

Wildlife sightings in Berlin this spring have featured one particularly extraordinary — and often elusive — nesting bird. The Citizen has received a number of reports that an osprey has built a nest in a wire platform nearly at the top of the 182 foot cell tower at town hall. Some observers believe there are nestlings. Other sightings around town include a beaver at Papergoods Pond and the now familiar wild turkey. Wildlife experts offered advice on how to live in harmony with these native species. Osprey Julie Victoria, a wildlife biologist with the state’s Department of Environmental Protection, wildlife division, is about to embark on a new osprey count. Berlin was not on her originally planned route from Stonington to Greenwich, but she said “It will be now.” Victoria is also checking into reports of a osprey on a tower in New Britain. It’s not unusual for the osprey to nest on manmade structures such as utility poles. As long as the tower doesn’t get used much by hu-

mans, the birds will find it acceptable, she said. At that height, “they can see all around,” she said. While the huge raptors with wing spans up to six feet are more commonly found along the shore, the main requirement for the bird is proximity to a body of water providing an adequate food supply. The birds’ diet is almost exclusively fish. Since the area offers the New Britain reservoir, Silver Lake and several other small ponds in the area — some stocked with fish — Berlin does have a suitable environment. The osprey or Pandion haliaetus, can grow 24 inches long. It is brown on the upperparts and predominantly greyish on the head and underparts, with a black eye patch and wings. Victoria said the last time she conducted an osprey count, in 2001, there were 176 active nesting platforms. Of these, 152 produced successful fledgings — young that reach flying age — and 286 flegings were counted. This is a major turnaround from the early 1970s when the osprey population was decimated by pesticides.

See Wildlife, next page

Look in today’s issue for The Citizen’s Special

Business & Industry Guide


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wildlife Continued from page 1

Citizen photos by Olivia L. Lawrence

Wildlife has been seen all over Berlin. A beaver has been spotted repeatedly in Paper Goods Pond while wild turkeys have been making appearances in many yards. seen on the landscape. In the wild, they are ground feeders, although they will sometimes feed in shrubs or small trees. Among their natural food sources in summer are: acorns, beechnuts, cherries, and seeds, berries, grasses, sedges and insects. About 90 percent of their food is plants with the balance insets. They’ll also eat corn, rye, oats, alfalfa, soybeans, millet, and buckwheat. In winter turkeys feed on ferns, waste corn, and fruits such as barberry, rose hips, and dried apples. In Connecticut, there are three hunting seasons for wild turkey: the spring firearms season is going on right now; and there is also a fall archery and fall firearm season. The current hunting season does not interfere with the breeding season, Gregonis said. The season is on males only and timed for when females have been bred. “There’s no impact.” Eastern wild turkey or Meleagris gallopavo is the variety found in Connecticut and is non migratory. It’s native in most of North America. Adult males, or toms, typically weigh 18-24 pounds, but can weight more. Females or hens weigh about 10 pounds. Plumage is iridescent bronze; dark in males and tips rusty or light brown in females. Wild turkeys mate in the early spring and the male’s gobble is so loud it can often be heard a mile away. The male mates with more than one female. The female lays eight to 15 buff-colored eggs in shallow depression on the ground that is hidden by vegetation. She incubates the eggs for 25-

31 days. The chicks or poults are covered with down at

birth and leave the nest shortly after hatching.

Garden to be featured on tour Berlin’s new community garden will be among more than 20 gardens featured on a tour sponsored by the 2009 Connecticut Chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association. On that day, the public is welcome to attend a ribboncutting ceremony at 10 a.m. June 13 at the Hatchery Brook Community Garden located on Orchard Road. The location is part of the town’s open space at the former Scheer Farm on Orchard Road. The easiest way to get there is to take the Chamberlin Highway south and turn left onto Orchard Road just after Laviana’s farmstand. The community garden is on the left between three-tenths and four-tenths of a mile on Orchard Road. The Berlin community garden is in its first season with more than 30 plots rented out to gardeners. Guidelines for the pro-

gram specify that organic gardening methods will be used. The Berlin senior center and Berlin public schools each have a plot along with the individuals’ gardens. The garden ceremony will include a tribute to the Scheer family who previously owned the property and a dedication of the parcel’s hiking trails. The ribbon cutting is billed as the Fiskars Project Orange Thumb ribbon-cutting in recognition of grant funds received from the company. For more garden tour information go to ctnofa.org. — Olivia L. Lawrence

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colony, Hilliker said. About 60 percent of young males move downstream and the rest go up. The young males usually move to a new location within five miles of their former colonies, although up to 25 miles is possible. When the young males move out they are in search of a mate and that search can last as long as a year. Some will migrate all summer long looking. Beavers mate in January and February and have their pups the third week in May. The litter averages four to five pups depending on the food supply, Hilliker said. Wild turkey The wild turkey is seen on a regular basis by Berlin residents and in some case they appear to have become habituated to living in proximity to humans. Recently, a male was observed walking around a house on Four Rod Road. Michael Gregonis, a DEP wildlife biologist, offered information about how to live peacefully with the big birds. “Do not to feed them at all…turkeys can do completely well by themselves and don’t need any food. Feeding turkeys can be detrimental to the birds,” Gregonis said. “When you concentrate turkeys at a bird feeder you increase the chance of disease being passed. (Furthermore) turkeys can become habituated to people and get aggressive to people.” “They will come to bird feeders, it’s an opportunistic bird,” Gregonis said. The birds may move about as individuals or pairs however as many as 20 are routinely


In 1970, there were only nine active nests. Before that time, the exact numbers aren’t known, but the population previously was quite large, Victoria said. A nest typically has two or three eggs or it may have as many as four. The eggs hatch around the end of May and by July 4 the fleglings are ready to go. Victoria will begin her count at the end of June and will be using telescopes and binoculars to identify young osprey “almost ready to fly.” If you know of nesting osprey, Victoria would like to hear from you via email. You can contact her at julie.victoria@ct.gov. Beaver Recently, a beaver was spotted at Papergoods Pond. Skip Hilliker, a beaver consultant for the Humane Society in the United States, said there are likely lots of beaver in Berlin. He’s the consultant Animal Control Officer Jan Lund uses when she needs to address a beaver concern. “Trapping doesn’t work,” Hilliker said. New methods call for a piping system installed in the lodge which will keep water levels from bothering human neighbors. If a beaver is trapped, it is usually killed. However, within a short time a new beaver will move in to take over from the previous occupant of the territory — taking up residence in the abandoned lodge. A solution that’s good for the beaver and good for humans is to install the piping system, he said. Not only is it inexpensive, “It’s humane and it works.” People with beaver problems usually call public works, animal control or DEP. Hilliker said when a person calls these agencies “unless you are specific that you don’t want it killed, they will send trappers.” He welcomed anyone with questions related to beaver concerns to call him at (860) 2670061. A new beaver at a pond is likely to be a two-year old male that has left a larger

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Residents take advantage of Career Express By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor The Department of Labor Career Express was in town June 1 and career counselors said many Berlin seekers took advantage of the service. The special DOL bus, outfitted with computers and work stations, was parked at the town hall parking lot across from the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. The library was instrumental in arranging the DOL visit. “We partner with a lot of libraries. They often see an increase in job seekers as people come in to use the computers there as part of their search. It’s natural partnership,” said Karen Quesnel, a certified professional resume writer. She and Ross Primack, a resource associate, comprised the traveling DOL team. “The Career Express is going all over the state,” she said. The Career Express has been in use for five years

and visits sites, often by request, such as shelters, soup kitchens, schools and libraries. This was the bus’ first visit to the Berlin library site. The bus was open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and by the halfway point in the day, Quesnel estimated that at least six job hunters had stopped in. One job searcher discussed some of the helpful hints she’d received on the bus. Primack suggested she carry a resume in her car in order to be ready to drop it off at anytime. She also learned how the top third of her resume could shine and attract potential employers flipping through stacks of applicants. Also, she was advised to post her resume on Monster (a web-baed job marketplace) so employers with openings could access it. The job searcher said “It was really helpful.” People — unemployed and employed — come in for a variety of assistance, Ques-

nel said. Visitors can received advice on their resumes and have it critiqued, advice on interviewing and guidance on where to look for jobs. Some people are looking at a career change and want to discuss the options. “Employers are hiring. There are jobs out there — but there is a ton of competition,” Quesnel said. All the more reason to make sure your pitch rises to the top, she said. The resume is “your most important marketing tool”, Quesnel said. If you aren’t getting the response you want you need to take a hard look at “what are you communicating” when it comes to what you are offering a potential employer. While it is tempting to send out a generic resume and blanket the market, it’s critical to take the time to make your resume specific to the company you are applying to, Quesnel said. “One size does not fit all.”

“You have to tell them up front what you have to offer,” Quesnel said. Therefore, make sure qualifications, core skills and special areas of knowledge are right at the top. Visitors to the Career Express get one-on-one sessions with experts and that individualized help can be more inviting and useful than a workshop, Quesnel said. The DOL offers numerous services at its local stationary Career Centers, too. The closest ones for Berlin residents are 260 Lafayette St., New Britain and 85 West Main Street, Meriden.

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Services include free workshops on interviewing and related skills as well as use of the computer lab. The DOL will provide paper for your resumes and cover letters, envelops, free mailing and access to FAX and copy machines. The DOL website at www.ctdol.ctate.ct.us posts a schedule for the Career Express and maintains lists of employers seeking to hire. There is also information on upcoming job fairs. A Middlesex Career Fair is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. June 23 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cromwell.




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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

Trash Collection Q and A

The following information on automated refuse collection was submitted by the town’s Department of Public Works and the Town Manager’s Office. Q. When will the automated refuse collection system begin? A. The new collection program will begin the week of Monday, July 6, 2009. Q. When will the new automated collection cart be delivered to my residence? A. The collection carts will be delivered to your residence between June 15 and finishing by July 3 however, the new cart should not be used until the week of July 6. Residents will receive a 95 gallon cart unless a smaller size is requested. The other sizes are 35 gallon and 65 gallon. All sizes are available to “test drive” at the Town Hall, the Community Center, and the Senior Center. Q. Do I have to pay for the new can? A. No. The cost is included as part of the contract with the town.


Q. Will I have the ability to buy an extra can? A. Yes. Additional cans can be purchased for a onetime cost of $75. Q. What do I do with my old garbage cans? A. If you wish to dispose of your old containers please put a large note on them to be disposed of with your refuse collection the week of June 29. Otherwise, you may wish to use them around your home and yard. Q. Will there be any change to the recycling collection program? A. No, there will be no changes to the recycling program. Q. Why are we changing to an automated refuse collection system? A. The change is necessitated in an effort to provide a safer, more economically efficient service, both now and in the future. Q. Is the automated collection system a proven, timetested operation? A. Yes, the automated collection system has been in existence for over 20 years, and a proven successful program in use in the surrounding

communities of Newington, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield, Cromwell, Portland, Middletown, New Britain, Meriden, Southington, Bristol and Farmington, just to name a few. Several of our local agerestricted developments such as Silver Ridge, Sage Ridge, The Regency of Berlin and Beckley Farms already operate (at their expense) with automated refuse collection systems. Q. Can I remove the collection cart from my property for use elsewhere? A. No, each collection cart is identified through a bar code that will be registered for use at your property when it is delivered. Q. Where and when should the collection cart be placed curbside for collection? A. The collection cart must be placed at the curb (wheels facing your residence) the evening prior to your collection day. It must be located at least three feet away from all obstacles including: recycling bins, mailboxes, poles, trees and signs. The cart can be no further than three feet from the edge of the road.

Q. If my collection cart is damaged, who will repair it? A. The collection cart remains the property of the refuse collector through the life of the present five-year contract. They will make repairs to the containers when appropriate. Following the termination of the contract, the collection carts will become the property of the Town of Berlin. Q. Will I still be able to put out large metal items for pick-up? (washer, dryer, etc.) A. Yes, residents will continue to call Trash-Away at (860) 225-1206 to schedule a Thursday curbside collection for those items. Q. How will I dispose of over-sized combustible items such as: wood furniture, mattresses, sofas, chairs, carpet, and brush that will not fit in my collection cart? A. Residents will call Trash-Away at (860) 225-1206 for instructions on curbside placement and scheduling. Oversized combustible items will be collected by appointment each and every Wednesday. Q. Why are we switching to automated collection?

A. This change is being made after a thorough investigation by the Town’s Public Works Department of the cost, availability of service and environmental impact of various refuse collection methods. The costs to continue with our existing system have risen, and are expected to rise with the cost of labor, etc. as the number of vendors supplying existing curbside collection diminish. The contract with our vendor for automated refuse collection includes the costs to purchase the containers over five years (approximately $500,000). Once the contract expires, the Town can realize this additional savings in the future as the carts have a life expectancy of 15 years. Automated collection has been proven to be financially feasible in other towns, and will help the town be positioned for regional, less costly, programs that the State is now supporting. (Additional information regarding the Automated Collection system can be obtained by visiting www.town.berlin.ct.us, or calling (860) 828-7022.)

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

News In Brief By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor

ATV patrols

Summer school

The Berlin Police Department conducted a “Click it or Ticket” High Visibility Seat

Learning about workplace

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Berlin Historical Society Sponsored by M & M Liquors, New Britain Industrial Museum Kensington Antique Tractors - Dave Alkas Our Companions Domestic ADULTS $10.00 Animal Sanctuary CHILDREN 2-13 $5.00 Klingberg Family Centers UNDER 2 FREE Wood Turners 11:00 Raptor Program with New Britain Youth Museum Wildlife Specialist Tom Ricardi at Hungerford Park 12:00 The Raymond Hill 191 Farmington Ave., School African Drummers Kensington, CT 1:00 Jungle Encounters Information 860-827-9064 Traveling Zoo


POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Berlin Citizen, 979 Farmington Ave., P.O. Box 438, Kensington, CT 06037-0438.

technology will instructors teach their students realworld skills Eight Connecticut high school and college teachers are spending part of their summer working at Connecticut manufacturing companies to learn about workplace technology. The teachers were selected for their commitment to learning about technological advances in the workplace. Among the teachers is Tom Zelek, of Berlin, a technology and engineering teacher at Glastonbury High School. Zelek, who has been teaching for nearly 30 years, will work from July 6 to July 31 at Habco in Glastonbury. His externship will focus on computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine tools that have revolutionized the design process. The teachers receive a $4,000 stipend, which pays for their time spent learning in the workplace and implementing the curriculum project in their schools.

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Click it or Ticket

Belt Campaign from May 18 through May 31. This was in conjunction with the statewide “Click it or Ticket” campaign sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Transportation. During this period Berlin Police Officers conducted occupant safety belt checks at various locations in town. These checks were conducted randomly during those two weeks The intent of this enforcement effort was to increase compliance with seatbelt laws and to remind motorists to always use good highway safety sense, especially during the highly traveled Holiday Season. During this safe driving campaign, 340 seat belt citations were issued, and 17 DUI arrests were made. Motorists are reminded that State and local police will also be enforcing speed and DUI laws during the entire summer season.


ISSN 1525-1780 USPS 017-666 Published weekly by RecordJournal Publishing Co., d/b/a Berlin Citizen, 979 Farmington Ave., P.O. Box 438, Kensington, CT 06037-0438.

only be directed towards specific uses. Fees must be used “for the purpose of preserving open space or acquiring additional land for open space or for recreational and agricultural purposes.” Corporation Counsel reviewed the ATV purchase and was of the opinion that it was an eligible use of the open space funds as it will help to preserve the property. Councilor Robert Dacey said the plan was “an incredibly wise use of funds...it doesn’t make sense to have the money sitting there not working.” Salina said that once the patrols began he expected, that after one or two took place, the police presence would discourge further illegal activity. Each ATV will cost between $5,000 and $6,000 and the trailer will cost about $4,000.


A creative funding solution will allow Berlin police to purchase off-road vehicles needed to patrol the town’s large open space areas. Officials report that there have been a number of incidents that have damaged these properties. At its June 2 Town Council meeting, the panel approved the transfer of $16,000 for the purchase of two ATVs and a transport/storage trailer. It also gave permission for the Berlin Police Department to obtain quotes for the cost of the items. Town Manager Denise McNair reported that there has been an ongoing problem with off-road vehicles using town-owned open space for recreational purposes in the south end of town. These vehicles are trespassing and causing damage to property as well as leaving trash and abandoned vehicles on the property. “They’re causing problems in some — in probably all — the open space areas,” McNair said. “They’re creating a lot of problems for neighbors.” “The problem has become more prevalent as the town has acquired additional open space properties, particularly the 450 acre former MGT property that is south

of Orchard Road to the Meriden town line,” according to Deputy Chief John Klett. “By the time you get out there on foot people have scattered,” said Mayor Adam Salina. To remedy that problem, police began to develop a strategy of acquiring ATVs and initiating patrols. The plan was endorsed by the Conservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Chief Paul Fitzgerald and Director of Economic Development Commission Jim Mahoney came up with a creative plan to fund the purchase of the vehicles, McNair said. The town collects a “fee in lieu of open space” from developers of subdivisions for the fair market value of land that would otherwise be required to be conveyed to the town as an open space (as required by the Berlin zoning and subdivision regulations.) The Lieu of Open Space account is controlled by state statutes and the funds can

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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

Town to apply for federal stimulus funds By Nicole Pac The Berlin Citizen

grant amounts for each municipality vary. Berlin is eligible to be awarded $647,383. According to Berlin Director of Business Operations, Roman Czuchta, Berlin is still in the process for submission to the grant. He said they are trying to be careful to put in expenses that wouldn’t be ongoing or to support ongoing programs such as salaries. The money would primarily go to supplies and materials like funding for computer and technology equipment and special education vehicles, he said. Berlin’s special education program accounts for about 12 percent of the student population, which averages to be about 375 to 400 students. Czuchta said the program is meeting all the requirements legally. “We attempt to keep as many children in the district as we can,” Czuchta said. “We have actually reduced the number of children sent out of the town of Berlin and

Governor Jodi Rell announced last week that the state is receiving $132 million in federal stimulus funds to be distributed as grants for local school districts to apply for to improve special education services. The funds will be issued to school districts statewide to provide new strategies to improve special education services for students ranging from age three to 21 years old. The special education grants will come from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (AARA) that President Obama signed in February to provide a stimulus package to the U.S. economy in its current economic downturn. Through the AARA, the Department of Education is able to offer these grants to the school districts across Connecticut. The stimulus

kept more in house with our resources.” Superintendent of Schools, Michael T. Cicchetti said much the same in regards to the special education program. “We have an excellent special education program,” Cicchetti said. “I think that we are going to try to use the funding we get to make it even stronger and we have excellent staff working with our special need students.” According to Cicchetti, Berlin schools face the same issue as every community when it comes to funding and the budget was cut two percent. “We actually looked at taking the reductions we needed to make and are applying them across as many areas of the budget as we could. Rather than eliminating an entire program or account, we looked at taking a layer from several different accounts and programs,” Cicchetti said.

A totally timber project By Nicole Pac The Berlin Citizen A local business did its part in the community to be “green” by building a garage with recycled materials. Once a Certified Public Accountant and high school math teacher, Phil Dutkiewicz left his previous professions behind and started Timber Works LLC in 2005. Timber Works provides typical tree services like tree removal, tree cabling, tree pruning and stump grinding for residential and some municipalities and non-profit clients. Dutkiewicz decided to go into the timber business after he bought out his friend’s equipment after he had an accident. With a personal interest and a background in furniture making, he has done plenty of reading and dreaming about a big project. With his strong passion and interest in beam work and the style of timber framing,

Dutkiewicz always wanted to build a garage that would represent the timeless strength of timber. It took 10 years to gather enough material and finally build his dream timber framed garage. It was constructed completely out of recycled timber from jobs where acceptable logs were cut into beams. The two-car garage is about 18 by 26 feet. “I appreciate and love timber for its enduring qualities and strength, the timber reflects the care and condition of the person working it,” Dutkiewicz said. The goal is to make sure all scraps are accounted for and recycled. Wood chips are mostly sold, hard woods are processed for fire wood and soft woods are used for personal, camping or outdoor use. Dutkiewicz is gratified to provide wood as an alternative fossil fuel, which reduces oil consumption for home heating oil See Timber, next page

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Rev. Edmund Nadolny to celebrate 50 years of priesthood By Andrew Perlot Special to The Citizen Three years after leaving St. Stanislaus Church in Meriden, the Rev. Edmund

Timber Continued from page 6 and keeps landfills from filling up as fast. Building with recycled material can also provide the chance to build with hard woods like maple, where years are measured in centuries and not years, said Dutkiewicz. The timber frame garage is Dutkiewicz’s first timber project and he has no plans for another but hopes to do other timber framing on a hobby level. He said he would like to pick out another project to do possibly in the off-season as the economy cut down business by half.

S. Nadolny is celebrating half a century in the priesthood, and the famous outspoken pastor said he has no intention of quieting down or retiring anytime soon. Nadolny , 76, is still driven by the same passion he’s had all along: reaching as many people as he can with the Roman Catholic Church’s message. While a pastor’s influence is often seen as confined to his congregation, Nadolny realized long ago that he could affect a much larger audience by broadcasting mass and religious themed talk shows over the radio and television, and by posting attention getting billboards throughout the state. Nadolny was adamant that none of his messages should be viewed as controversial — he’s merely telling it how it is. But he has ruffled some feathers nonetheless. In 2005, while in his 12year stint at St. Stanislaus, he lambasted a group of fa-

Record-Journal photo

Rev. Edmund Nadolny is celebrating his 50th year in the priesthood. thers who were playing tag football on Sunday mornings instead of going to church. He also faced criticism from some of the parents of St. Stanislaus School students for taking them to see the religious, yet graphically violent film, “The Passion of the Christ.” Some parishioners were shocked in 1994 when he announced his intention to raf-

fle off grave plots in the church’s cemetery to raise funds. “I never overstepped,” Nadolny said of his actions. “You never regret telling the truth. You may take offense at something I’ve said, but you never offend anyone if you tell the truth.” He’s never gone to confession and listed offending anyone as one of his sins, he

said. “My model,” Nadolny said, “has always been: comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Nadolny was born in New Britain in 1933, and spent his childhood there. He now serves as pastor of Sacred Heart Church in East Berlin, and still regularly hosts talk shows on the radio and televises his Masses on public access television. As part of his drive-byprayer campaign, he has a number of billboards positioned on major state highways. One that he’s particularly proud of reads: “Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I can’t handle together.” These are effective in hard economic times when people are suffering so much, he said. His greatest opponent today, he said, is the “tsunami of indifference,” that people

See Priest, page 9 1116355

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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009

Faith Briefs Berlin Congregational

The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled its Strawberry Festival Social for Saturday, June 20 from 2 to 4 p.m., rain or shine. The event features homemade strawberry shortcake, pony rides, strolling musicians and face painting. For more information, call (860) 8286586. The Berlin Congregational Church is seeking artists for the annual craft fair scheduled for Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Applications are on a first come, first serve basis. Spaces were sold out last year. Space is $30 and includes an eight foot display


table and chair. Only handmade crafts are permitted. For more information and an application, call Tina at (860) 284-9782. Free Tot Time is scheduled to meet every Thursday from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. at the Berlin Congregational Church. No registration is needed. For more information, call (860) 828-6586.

room in the Reeves Center. All children, from infants to preschoolers, are welcome. For more information, call (860) 828-4511.

Taize service The Kensington United Methodist Church offers a Taize service Tuesdays at 7 p.m. A Taize service combines silent meditation, prayer and simple music. Silence is a central part of this service and is a gift to those leading busy, hectic lives. It provides an opportunity to commune with God through the heart and bring a measure of peace to one’s mind and spirit. The service is open to everyone seeking spiritual refreshment.

Kensington Congregational The Kensington Congregational Church Christian Education program has scheduled a Parent/Child playgroup for Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The group meets on a “drop in” basis, in the crib

The Prince of Peace congregation recently honored the “Over the Hill Gang” with a celebration for their years of service for the improvement and welfare of the church. Those honored are Ted Brusik, Bob Anderson, Maynard Kalwat, Wayne Carling, Ken Korus, Earl Schindler and Bill Ludecke.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Obituaries Stephen P. Mucha Stephen P. Mucha, 87, of Kensington, husband of Jean Marie (Plude) Mucha, died June 1, 2009 at Ledgecrest Convalescent Home. Born in Old Saybrook, son of the late John and the late Mary (Golec) Mucha, he was raised in Deep River, served in the U.S. Army in World War II, and was employed at Fafnir Bearing Company for 40 years before his retirement. He loved golf at Timberlin, and fishing at Great Hill Lake in Portland. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Gail and Thomas Holdolitz of Kensington and Nancy and Gary Heisler of Middletown; three grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held June 5, 2009 at Porter’s Funeral Home, Kensington. Burial will be at the convenience of the family. Memorial donations may be made to the Berlin Police Association, 240 Kensington Road, Kensington, CT 06037.

Barbara Kavarsky

Holy Grounds Coffeehouse

“Crocodile Dock” Vacation Bible School is scheduled at the Berlin Congregational Church Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 3 from 2 to 5 p.m.; at the Kensington Congregational Church Monday, July 13 through Friday, July 17 from 9 a.m. to noon and at the Bethany Covenant Church Monday, July 6 through July 10 from 9 a.m. to noon. Wacky Sports Camp is also offered at Bethany Covenant for children entering grades 1 - 5. Vacation Bible Camp is designed for children ages preschool-5th grades. For more information, call Carol Cyr at Berlin Congregational Church at (860) 8286586; the church office at Kensington Congregational Church at (860) 828-4511 or visit www.bethanycovenant.org/summercamps or call Colleen Kim at (860) 828-3637.

Holy Grounds Coffeehouse, 146 Hudson St., has scheduled live music from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the second Friday of each month. There is no charge to attend. Various artists are featured each month, along with a variety of refreshments. For more information, call (860) 828-3822.

Healing Hands of Jesus Healing Hands of Jesus has scheduled Bible study every Thursday at the church office, 120 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin. Home cooked dinner is at 7 p.m., study immediately follows. Services are held Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Griswoldville Chapel, Griswold Street in Wethersfield. Children’s ministry is available during services. For more information, call (203) 982-9227.

Prayer group

Shawl ministry The Kensington United Methodist Church prayer shawl ministry meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. Call the church, (860) 828-4222, for the meeting location. While most shawls are prepared independently, the group meets once a month for fellowship and prayer. Knitters and crocheters of all faiths are welcome.

The 13th of the month prayer group at St. Paul Church, Kensington, meets at noon on the 13th day of every month to pray the 15 decades of the rosary. The prayer services begin with a personal consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the immaculate Heart of Mary. Within the rosary, the verses of the Fatima song are sung in remembrance to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. For more information, call John Simeone at (860) 828-0794.

Send us your news: news@theberlincitizen.com

Berlin Memorial



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Continued from page 7

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have toward religion. He feels the best way to combat this is through challenging people over their beliefs. Nadolny ’s celebration is open to the public, and is scheduled for June 14 at 2 p.m. at Holy Cross Church, 31 Biruta St., New Britain.

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Stanley Pajor of Berlin. She was educated in Berlin Schools. She enjoyed living in Berlin, loved animals, flowers and cooking and was known for her canning which has won countless first place ribbons in the Berlin Fair. She was a member of St. Paul Church in Berlin. In addition to her husband, Stanley, of 44 years, she is survived by two children, a son Keith Kavarsky and his wife Joann of Berlin and a daughter Kimberly Meyer and her husband Jim of East Haddam; a sister Margaret Mendoza of Kensington; a brother John Pajor of Berlin and four precious granddaughters, Kayleigh, Lindsey, Jamie Lynn and Alexa. She was predeceased by her sister Maureen Turvey of Staten Island, N.Y. and two brothers Stanley Pajor Jr. and her twin brother Richard Pajor, both of Berlin. A private service was held on Monday, June 8, 2009. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Friends of Berlin Animal Control Inc., P.O. Box 1, Kensington, CT 06037. The Berlin Memorial Funeral Home, Kensington, was in charge of arrangements.


Barbara L. (Pajor) K av a r s k y 65, a lifelong resident of Berlin, died June 4, 2009 with her beloved husband by her side. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother, she will be missed by all that loved and knew her. Born on June 25, 1943 in Hartford, she was the daughter of the late Florence and

Faith Briefs

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CitizenOpinion Bob Dornfried

The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009

Letters to the Editor Keep trash collection the same

The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en www.berlincitizen.com The Berlin Citizen 979 Farmington Ave. Kensington, CT 06037 Managing Editor – Robert Mayer Asst. Managing Editor – Robin Michel Associate Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence Sports Editor – Nick Carroll Advertising Director – Brian Monroe Sales Consultant – Annemarie Goulet

CONTACT US Advertising: ........................(860) 828-6942 advertising@berlincitizen.com News and Sports: ...............(860) 828-6942 news@berlincitizen.com sports@berlincitizen.com Fax: .......................................(860) 829-5733 Marketplace:.......................(877) 238-1953 Published every Thursday. Delivered by mail to all of the homes and businesses in the two ZIP codes serving Berlin – 06037 and 06023. The Berlin Citizen is published by the Record-Journal Publishing Co. General Manager – Michael F. Killian

Government Meetings

Thursday, June 11 Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Town Hall Caucus Room A, 6:30 p.m. Parks and Recreation Commission, Community Center, 7 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission, Town Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Public Building Commission, Town Hall Room 8, 7 p.m. Youth Services Advisory Board, Town Hall Caucus Room A, 4 p.m.

Monday, June 15 Commission for the Aging, Senior Center, 7 p.m. Mattabassett District, 245 Main St., Cromwell, 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 16 Town Council, Town Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 17 Police Commission, BPD Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.

To the editor: Congratulations to the approximately 700 residents who recently signed the petition to allow for a vote on the Town Council’s ill-advised switch to “automated” trash collection service. This petition has empowered the public to make the final decision on this very significant change to our longstanding collection service that has worked very well for many, many years. Think of the inconvenience this new system will cause you. No longer will you be allowed to throw out your trash in boxes, plastic bags, wrapped bundles, or garbage cans of the size, weight and cost of your choosing. You will be given a 95 gallon, one-size-fits-all Soviet-era “cart” that many residents, especially seniors, will find impossible to wheel the length of their driveways or even fit in their garages. You must put all of your trash in this one cart (or a second at a cost of $75) or it will not be taken away. If all of your garbage doesn’t fit that week, you will have to leave it and its smell inside your garage until next week. Many young families that have significant amounts of garbage will find the new carts inadequate, and the consequences rather disgusting. While you can choose a smaller, lighter cart, this will make it even harder to dispose of all your garbage in a single week. Further, items that won’t fit in your cart regardless of its size that are now placed on the curb such as large boxes, bundled sticks, yard clippings, plywood, and old stuff from the attic or basement will not be taken unless you make “special arrangements” to have the garbage picked up on another day. Each time your cart is lost, stolen or damaged, you will have to pay $75 to have it replaced. There is nothing positive about this change. More hazardous wastes will be allowed into the garbage stream and there is no cost savings (except for larger profits for the trash company). The argument that other towns have done it is a bad one. What is good for New Britain, with many rental properties close to the street, is not necessarily good for Berlin. An overwhelming majority of towns still have conventional pickup. The referendum has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 23 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. In order to be keep the same system we currently enjoy, voters must vote “yes” at the referendum. A “yes” vote will adopt an ordinance that guarantees the current system will remain in place so long as it remains available. Ten percent of registered voters (about 1,350) must vote for the ordinance for it to be adopted. This will be a challenge as the Town Council, in an attempt to suppress turnout and defeat the ordinance, has limited voting to only one polling place, the American Legion Hall on Porter’s Pass next to Stop & Shop. If you are one of the thousands who want to retain our existing, convenient trash service, you can do the following: 1. Vote “Yes” on June 23 and make sure family members and friends who agree with you vote as well. Remember, every vote counts. 2. Come to an informational session being held at BerlinPeck Library on Monday, June 15 at 7 p.m. to learn more about how this new system will negatively affect your trash collection. 3. Send a contribution to the “Committee To Save Our Trash Service”, 488 New Britain Road, 2nd Floor, Kensington, to help our efforts in getting out the vote on June 23. Paul C. Argazzi Kensington See Letters, page 11


Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Letters Continued from page 10

Get out and vote To the editor: I am writing this as a citizen of Berlin. I know that statement alone will bother several of the Town Council members. They believe we should not vote on any issue, and certainly should not write about a vote coming up for consideration. You know, I really don’t care what these so-called leaders think; it’s what the citizens think that concerns me more. The referendum vote coming up June 23 is not a Republican or Democrat issue, it’s not even a trash issue, it’s about our right to vote on any issue we believe is important to our town of Berlin. It could be a money issue, or just something as simple as trash pick-up. If the citizens follow the Charter, get the number of signatures needed on a petition, the leaders should comply with the wishes of the people, and not try to make them out to be the bad guys. Some of us like the trash pick-up the way it is at present, others think the new system would be better in the long run. That’s fine. Let’s vote, and whatever the result is, comply with it. I just want to point out a couple of things I believe have been done to make sure the new system is voted for: Who wrote the question? If it wasn’t a lawyer, that would be amazing. I read it five times and still did not understand it. Not being a lawyer, I like to think about an issue before I talk about it or even write it down. Also, it states a “yes” vote means you are in favor of keeping what we have now, and a “no” vote means you are in favor of the new system. Should it not be the other way around? Who added the words under the “yes” that reads, “provided it is available to the town.” Were those really needed? Most of us understand if we vote for something that is not available, there is a pretty good chance we will not get it. I believe

these words were added again to get people to vote for the new system. The one thing I want all voters to understand is the fact that at least 10 percent of the registered voters of Berlin must vote “yes” in order for the old system of collection to remain. This in itself is not easy to get, but that is the way it should be. Please turn out to vote, give up a half hour of your time, or before you know it, you will be giving up your right to vote. Bob Peters Kensington

Elsa’s story To the editor: This is Elsa’s story. We adopted Elsa a little over seven years ago; she was obviously the runt of the litter. Even though she had a crook in her neck and could not hear too well, she captured our hearts. Even Ernie, our older and calmer dog, took to the scrappy little Miniature Schnauzer. Because we live on a very busy street, we fenced in part of our backyard so that the dogs would have a place to run around without fear of being hit by a car. Even though we tried to be responsible pet owners, accidents happen. Unfortunately for Elsa, our one mistake cost her her life. The gate was not fully engaged in the closed position and drifted open; Elsa noticed the opportunity and off she went. She went through our next door neighbors’ yard, over to the house on the other side. For over the last year, we have been very concerned about the pets that live two houses away. The two dogs that live there would wander over to our home and to our neighbors’ home. Both we and our neighbors have fenced areas for our pets and these two dogs would come over and taunt our dogs through the fence. And, on more than one occasion, these dogs would chase our neighbors and attempt to enter their home as they tried to escape. Well, Elsa wandered into their yard and our eight pound Schnauzer found herself up against a German Shepherd dog and a Pit Bull.

The outcome was not pretty; Elsa suffered several broken ribs, a broken jaw and several puncture wounds. After a valiant effort on the part of the Rocky Hill Animal Hospital, Elsa lost her life due to the severity of her injuries. It was an awful death; she suffered terribly. We are now trying to cope with the guilt that comes from our human imperfections (leaving the gate ajar) and knowing that we are partly to blame for our beloved dog’s suffering. We fully accept responsibility for our mistake, but what we cannot accept is a dog owner who keeps vicious animals, even if they are in their own yard. We lost our dog; what if we had left our gate open and it was a young toddler who wandered over there? Imagine what could happen. We are not looking for sympathy; we will live with our mistake and pray that it never happens again. We simply want to warn our friends and neighbors to be careful, especially if you are in our neighborhood. Margaret Dornfried Berlin

Vote ‘Yes’ To the editor: In addition to the great inconvenience the new “automated” trash service will cause our residents, they should also know that this new service is much more expensive than conventional garbage collection. The new trash collection contract contains a whopping overall 12.8 percent increase in trash collection fees to the town, from $550,719 to $621,480. And that is just in the first year of the new contract. In years two through five, the contract price is set to increase each year with inflation. So the Town Council majority’s recent declaration that automated service will save us money is actually a big hoax. No wonder Trash-Away, Inc. has been pushing automated collection for years. After an initial investment in new equipment, the company can lay off most of its staff, adding to the unemployment ranks. As the contract price escalates each year, and Trash-Away pays

off its capital costs, its profits will soar. None of these savings will be passed on to the taxpayers. All while our trash service suffers. Even worse, since any item that does not fit in your designated “cart” will be left at the curb, Trash-Away will come back to your house on another day to pick up these items (provided you call during designated hours to make an appointment). As a result, the cost of “bulk refuse” collection is increasing 56 percent, from $23,798 to $37,260. So, taxpayers will actually be paying Trash-Away to pick up your trash twice. What sense does this make? Finally, we have been consistently told that a “possible savings” of up to five percent in dumping fees due to moisture content of collected trash may be realized. Even if completely realized, this savings won’t come close to offsetting the increased cost of the new contract. This is just another misrepresentation to sway the public into buying this new system which benefits only one person: the owner of TrashAway, Inc. For the record, I voted against automated trash service. However, voters should vote “Yes” on June 23 at the American Legion Hall in order to keep the current system in place at much reduced cost. Joan Carey Town Council

Memories of the ‘Pike’ To the editor: A strip that will never be forgotten is The Berlin Turnpike, in my hay-day, the middle and late ‘50s and ‘60s. The restaurants, The 1200 House, Davey Jones Locker, The Surey, Manarioes Steak House, Mary’s Diner, Sesame Car Hop, Uncle Ezraues, Best Whole Belly Clams, The Lobster Man, and if you wanted a complete seafood meal, you would tool into Kensington to Benny Grola’s Grand Central Restaurant for the best seafood meals. The Berlin Turnpike also was a drag strip for us in our muscle cars that we will never see the Big 3 build again. Remember the Pontiac GTO, the Plymouth Baracuda, the

Plymouth Fury, the Olds 442? How about that Ford Mustang? That pony is the only one still here. We would soup them up with the glass pack and cherry bomb mufflers. That’s where my saying “The sound of a motor is music to me” came from. The Berlin Turnpike reminded me of the 77 Sunset Strip. We would blast our radios with those old songs and groups we will never forget. “At the Hop”, “Come Go With Me”, “Little Darlin’”, “A Teenager in Love,” “Be My Party Girl” and “Run Around Sue”. The groups The Del Vikings, Danny and the Juniors, The Chantels, The Diamonds, Diana Ross and The Supremes, Paul Anka and Dion and the Belmonts, who got their singing together while serving in the U.S. Navy aboard ship, and The Beach Boys who are still around. Then on the Berlin Turnpike, you had the Berlin and Newington police. We got to meet a lot of them and we respected them, however, we would post some of our guys and girls on the side streets to watch for them and they would come tooling down the pike to warn us not to drag race, that the police are around. Remember, then we had no cell phones, no computers, you just had you muscle machine, no CB radio. We had a lot of fun on the old Berlin Turnpike and when you got hungry your had your pick of eateries. One of the wonders of Connecticut is the Berlin Turnpike. Can’t forget those drive-in theaters – The Pike Drive-In, the Berlin Drive-In, and the EM Lowes Drive-In. You would get a phone call at home, your buddy would say, “Hey, we’ll meet you on the pike, maybe some drag racing tonight.” You would say, “Okay, got to wash my car first and clean those big whitewall tires.” You would have to use one SOS pad for each white wall, they were so big. That’s the way I remember the old Berlin Turnpike. Hank Pustelnik Berlin

See Letters, page 12


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

Letters Continued from page 11

Thank you

To the editor: The Junior Woman’s Club of Berlin would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who donated their old, stinky sneakers to our collection of worn out athletic shoes during the first half of May. We collected 542 sneakers, which may not seem like much but, believe me, it was a lot! It took two trips to the Middletown recycling facility (one of the local

collection points) with a very stuffed minivan to get all the sneakers there. We would also like to thank the Berlin Board of Education and Hubbard, Griswold, Willard, McGee and Berlin High School staff for distributing flyers and allowing us to use school facilities to conduct the collection. Thank you also to the Community Kid team from Griswold School for helping to sort and organize collected sneakers. With everyone’s assistance, we were able to keep a few pairs of sneakers from clogging our landfills. Every year, millions of pairs of athletic shoes are thrown away, wasting good recyclable ma-

terial. As part of Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe program, worn out athletic shoes are collected, processed and recycled into material used in sports surfaces like basketball courts, tennis courts, athletic fields, running tracks, and playgrounds for young people around the world. Helen deRito Junior Women’s Club of Berlin, Inc.

Relay was great To the editor: We arrived at the fairgrounds around 12:30 p.m. on Friday to set up camp. Everyone there was so helpful; the Lions Club people treated us

like gold. The people that organized this event are top notch at what they do. I hope the Berlin Lions know what they did for this town. Wow! Lions are the best! The food was great, plenty of water, and it was a beautiful day. Our group, The Corrigan’s Crusaders, had a lot of laughs and a lot of memories and emotions. The best part of the whole thing for me was that I was privileged to walk my wife’s father, James P. Corrigan Sr., to the stage for the survivor walk. As I listened to the speeches it was hard to fight back the tears. It was great to see that we raised much more money than our original goal! I am a man of few words; I just wanted to thank everyone involved. Great job! See you next year! Clarence O. Dansro Jr. Kensington

Small group, big success To the editor: For the past eight months I have had the pleasure of being involved with the Planning Committee for the 2009 Berlin Relay for Life. I want to start out by say-

ing that I personally did not even do one percent of the work that was required to make this event such a big success. A small group of people led by the three tri-chairs spent hundreds of hours preparing for the Relay. For those reading this who have never been involved with an event of such magnitude, it would be impossible to appreciate the hard work and effort it takes to stage such an event. There are thousands of details to be worked out, many times with unanimous agreement, sometimes with some tension and uncomfortable moments. But in the end, the overwhelming desire to fight back against a terrible disease with the hope that those afflicted in the future will have a better life, prevails. So the next time you run into one of the committee members, thank them, because they are a dedicated group that some day may have helped save you or a loved one from a terrible disease. Russ Leonard Honorary Chair of the 2009 Berlin Relay for Life

See Letters, page 17 1115018

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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009


Personal touch makes the difference at Plaza Florist By Robin Vinci Special to The Citizen After a year in business, Plaza Florist owners Ed Bugas and John Neumann said it is their extra special touches that have made the business a success. “We revitalized,” Bugas said. “It needed a change. We customized our services to make it a little more personal.” “I like this town a lot,” Neumann said. “The people are very nice.” The two bought the flower store, at 1097 Farmington Avenue, a year ago said they weren’t really even looking to buy a store but when the opportunity to own it came about, they knew it was right. “We kind of stumbled on to it,” Bugas said. “We used to work at a shop and someone said this was for sale.

Flowers are a personal thing.” Although the store can make just about anything people can come up with, the store does specialty items with silk flowers. It also has a cash and carry sale on a dozen red roses year round.” “Because flowers are a very personal thing, whether it is to say “I Love You” or “I’m Sorry”, we can make is special,” said Bugas. “There is a reason for everything we do. That makes us special.”

One thing led to another and here we are.” Neumann said they always hoped to own a store but weren’t actively searching. The store once was called Plaza Florist, then was sold and named Sandell-Plaza Florist and the two decided to bring back its original name of Plaza Florist, said Bugas. Despite a rough economic year, so far the Berlin business has been doing well. “We have a new style,” he said. “We are a little more contemporary.” Bugas said even small items like adding tissue to bouquets of flowers have given the shop a new look and attitude. Not that the store can’t do more traditional bouquets or arrangements. Bugas said the store focuses on details that make a wedding, party or funeral arrangement special for any type of style a

Ads for the stores you shop,

Plaza Florist owners, John Neumann, left, and Ed Bugas. customer wishes.. Bugas said the key has been communication and new ideas.

every week in The Berlin

“It’s really all about extra touches and attention to detail,” said Neumann. “We always do something special.



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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009

Senior Happenings AARP Meetings The Berlin AARP monthly Chapter meeting is the annual picnic scheduled for Tuesday, June 16 at noon at the VFW pavilion on Massirio Drive. Tickets are $5. No tickets will be sold at the picnic. Contact Barbara Dixon at (860) 828-6295 for sign up and to receive your ticket from her upon arrival at the picnic. Please bring a dish to share (salad, vegetable, dessert, rolls, beverage or serving supplies). Meats will be provided. The picnic is the final meeting until September.

Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation Grant programs The Department of Community Services offers trips to Berlin seniors through a grant from the Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation. The grant pays for all transportation and 50 percent of the event admission/ticket fee for residents age 60 and over who qualify within the following guidelines: individuals $1,733/month; couple $2,333/month. Households requesting admission/ticket subsidy must complete an

Annual Income Declaration Form. My Fair Lady – Sunday, June 21 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The trip includes lunch at The Salem Cross Inn in West Brookfield, Mass and an afternoon matinee of “My Fair Lady” at the Stageloft Repertory Theatre in Sturbridge, Mass. Transportation is by deluxe motor coach. No refund unless a replacement is found for your seat, 23 tickets are available. Cost is Berlin residents (no subsidy), $57; Berlin residents (with subsidy), $28; non-residents (includes bus fare), $78. Sign up at the Senior Center.

June programs Un-birthday Bash — Tuesday, June 16 at 1 p.m. Come and celebrate your birthday with us. It does not matter when your birthday is or whether it has passed or not, we want to celebrate it. Refreshments, games and prizes are featured. Every birthday celebrant receives a birthday bag to take home. Limited to 30 people. Sign up at the Senior Center. Strawberry Festival —

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Senior meals are provided by CW Resources. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance by calling Perry at (860) 670-8546 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Requested donation is $2. Monday, June 15: Baked stuffed fish with lemon dill sauce, corn cobette, Caribbean vegetables, dinner roll, ice cream sundae. Tuesday, June 16: Boneless BBQ chicken breast, potato salad, 3-bean salad, corn bread muffin, watermelon. Wednesday, June 17: New England clam chowder with crackers, cheeseburger, sautéed onions, cottage fries, lettuce and tomato, peach cup. Thursday, June 18: Unbreaded veal parmesan with provolone cheese and tomato sauce, ziti, 3-bean salad, Italian bread, fresh fruit. Friday, June 19: Stuffed pork with gravy, baked potato, Italian blend vegetables, dinner roll, topped strawberry shortcake.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Post 10732 installs officers for 2009-2010

Senior Calendar Monday, June 15 Mahjong, 10 a.m.; Exercise class, 10 a.m.; Bridge tournament, 12:30 p.m. Setback drop in, 1 p.m.; Craft class, 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 16 Painters drop in, 9:30 a.m.; Exercise class, 10 a.m.; Blood pressure screening, 12:45 p.m.; Un-birthday bash, 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 17 Ceramics class, 9:30 a.m.; Crafters group, 10 a.m.; Strawberry Festival, 1 p.m. Thursday, June 18 Country/Western line dancing, 10 a.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; Foot care (by appt.). Friday, June 19 Yoga class 9:30 a.m.; Wii Bowling, 11:15 a.m.; Bridge drop in, 1 p.m.; Foot care (by appt.).

Senior Bowling Senior Bowling League results from June 5: Mike Koval, 209; Joe Sytulek, 202; Walt Wallace, 200; Irene Willametz, 194; Stan Dziob, 179; Ferd Brochu, 177; Ron Picard, 159; Chuck Leonhardt, 154; Paul Dadrowski, 152.

The Berlin VFW Post 10732 recently held is installation of newly elected officers for 2009-2010. The Berlin Post has been known for several firsts, notably that Berlin was the largest charter membership in the nation at the time of formation; secondly, that the Post home is mortgage free and the Berlin Post is the first in the state to have a no-bar and no-smoke policy. The most recent first is the installation of Commander Fiore “Sam” D’Amato, at age 85, to be installed by past commander Stan Dziob, also age 85. Commander D’Amato has a lot of organizational experience to rely on to help him follow in the footsteps of the many successful commanders before him. D’Amato has served as President of the Fafnir Seniors for a number of years. He was also President of the Timberlin Senior Men’s Golf Association and is an avid golfer and bowler. During his military serv-

The newly elected officers of VFW Post 10732 are, back row, from left: Bradford Parsons, Sr., Vice Cmdr.; Robert Dornfried, trustee 3 years; Paul Scalora, Jr. Vice Cmdr.; Clifford P. Cote, Surgeon; Joseph Sytulek, Post Advocate; Peter Tordanato, Chaplain. Front row: Robert Frost, Service Officer; Alfred A. Gregory, Quartermaster; Fiore “Sam” D’Amato, Commander; Edward Linn, Officer of the Day; Paul Eshoo, Trustee, 1 year; Stan Dziob, Installing Officer. Missing from photo: Edison Occhi, Trustee, 2 years, Carl Olandt, Adjutant. ice in World War II, D’Amato served with the 2nd Ranger

Battalion that went through Normandy, France, Belgium,

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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009

Health and Wellness Briefs Alzheimer Support at Andrew House Healthcare

MS support groups The Southington MS Support Group meets at Bradley Memorial Hospital, 81 Meriden Ave., Southington at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. For more information, contact Jennifer at (860) 426-0010. The Cromwell MS Support Group meets at Fox Glen Community Center, 123 West

An Alzheimer’s Support Group meeting is scheduled for every fourth Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. at Andrew House Healthcare, 66 Clinic Drive, New Britain. For more information, call Kathy Mulrooney at (860) 8262812.

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Alzheimer’s support The Alzheimer’s/dementia support group is scheduled to meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at The Village of Kensington Place, 511 Kensington Ave., Meriden (on the north side of the mall). For more information, call (203) 235-0181.

Celebrate Recovery “Celebrate Recovery” is a faith based recovery program which consists of multiple support groups. Meetings are scheduled for every

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Friday night at Wellspring Church, 222 Lincoln St., Kensington starting with dinner at 6 p.m. followed by a group meeting at 7 p.m. and small support groups at 8 p.m. A one time newcomer introductory group is offered for the newcomer. The specific support groups, currently meeting on a weekly basis, are: Alcohol & Chemical Dependency, Codependency, Eating Disorders & Food Addiction, Lust & Sexual Addiction, Physical/Emotional & Sexual Abuse as well as Men’s & Women’s Step Study Groups. Groups gather in our Recovery Rocks Cafe at 9 p.m. for dessert and fellowship. For more information, visit www.wellspring.net/ministries/Celebrate Recovery or contact Ana Pepe at (860) 860-225-0661, ext. 41 or ana@wellspring.net.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Letters Continued from page 12

Forty special years for BCF To the editor: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the existence of the Berlin Children’s Fund. The BCF is a nonprofit organization composed of volunteers from the local community who raise funds to provide financial assistance to children in Berlin whose families cannot afford the full cost of a twoweek summer camp experience. Doug Truitt, Youth Service Coordinator for the Town of Berlin, who re-

ceives referrals from the Berlin Visiting Nurses Association and the Berlin Community Services Department, coordinates the campership program. The members of the Berlin Children’s Fund would like to thank the members of the community who have generously supported our cause over the years. Last year the Berlin Children’s Fund was able to raise funds to assist 47 children who attended various camps including Camp Thundermoon, Camp Sloper, and the Upbeat Summer Leadership program. We are again seeking tax-deductible donations of any size, which can be sent to the Berlin Children’s Fund, 240 Kensington Road,

17 Room 12, Berlin, CT 06037. One hundred percent of the money raised goes to support the children in our community. All expenses incurred in the fundraising effort are donated. Donna Filipek BCF president

Walgreens not nice to parkers To the editor: As a follow-up to Gail Marino’s letter to the editor entitled “Walgreen no friendly neighbor” which appeared in the Thursday, June 4 edition of The Citizen, I wanted to point out that the parking ban in their lot during local parades is apparently a corporate policy. The posted signs that state “cars

may be towed” must not be taken as a mere threat since tow they do. At the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New Haven this year, I couldn’t believe that my car had indeed been towed from the Walgreens lot after I had parked way in the rear of the lot. I am still smarting from the $88 towing fee and the ensuing two mile walk to retrieve my car (and the cell phone locked inside). After all, St. Patrick is my patron Saint. It was a double insult! Heed the posted sign. As for me, I’ll do my shopping at that other “Wal” place where they are more community friendly. Pat Swent Berlin

Berlin Brief

The Kiwanis Club of Berlin announces the continuation of its College Scholarship Program for the 20092010 academic school year. The club has sponsored the program for over 40 years, providing educational financial assistance to many residents with their college studies. The program is available to Berlin residents who have completed at least one full years of college. Applications are available in the Town Clerk’s office, Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. Completed applications must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office by 1 p.m. on June 26.

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June 11


A Night at the Theatre — The Berlin Democratic Town Committee has scheduled “A Night at the Theatre” fundraiser for Thursday, June 11 at The Connecticut Cabaret Theater, 31-33 Webster Square Rd. Door open at 7 p.m. The production of the comedy “It’s Only a Play” begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person. The public is welcome. For more information, call Ed Egazarian at (860) 828-0635 or Christine Fairwood at (860) 690-6347. Berlin Garden Club – The Berlin Garden Club has scheduled its End-ofthe-Year luncheon for Thursday, June 11 at noon at Angelo’s at Rockledge Golf Course, 289 South Main St., West Hartford. Contact Anne Yantz with menu choices. Boy Scouts — Boy Scout Troop 24 meets Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. in rooms 1–3 at the community center. Troop 24 enjoys many activities and camping throughout the year. Stop in or call Joe Tedone at (860) 828-0255. Boys Scouts — Boy Scout Troop 41, sponsored and chartered by Bethany Covenant Church, meets Thursdays from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. at Bethany Covenant. For more information, call Scoutmaster Joe Greco at (860) 828-8579, or email joe@betterbooksltd.com.



Pet Meet & Greet – Friends of Berlin Animal Control has scheduled a Meet & Greet, Saturday, June 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. at A.S. Labieniec, 945 Farmington Ave. The public is invited to meet the friendly, beautiful cats and kittens

that are in need of loving, permanent homes. Please bring vet and/or personal references. FOBAC is also accepting applications for new foster homes and food donations. For more information, call (860) 828-5287. Community Garden ribbon cutting - The Community Garden Ribbon cutting is scheduled for Saturday, June 13 at 10 a.m. The garden is part of the CT NOFA Garden Tour, which is the same day, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. For Garden Tour information, visit http://ctnofa.org/events/G arden_tours/2009_garden_t our.html Berlin Farmers’ Market – The Berlin Farmers’ Market is scheduled every Saturday through Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the American Legion, 154 Porters Pass. Berlin Historical Society Museum – The Berlin Historical Society Museum, 305 Main St., (at the corner of Peck Street), is open every Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. New collections include vintage bridal gowns, antique dolls and art work by noted Berlin residents. Admission is free. Decorating CommitteeThe All Night Graduation Party Decorating Committee welcomes all parents of seniors to help make decorations for the party. We are scheduled to work Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon and Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Willard Elementary School basement. For more information, contact Barb Jurczyszak (860) 829-01691. Social Connections – Social Connections, a social club for singles, has scheduled a miniature golf outing at Safari Golf, 2340 Wilbur Cross Highway at 7 p.m. Meet afterwards for refreshments. Admission is $8. For more information and reservations, call (860) 434-6426 or (860) 582-8229.



Berlin Music Festival –

The Berlin Lions Club has scheduled the Berlin Music Festival for Saturday, June 13 at the Berlin fairgrounds. Several bands are scheduled to perform beginning at noon. The event benefits the Connecticut Lions Low Vision Center and C.R.I.S. Radio. Tickets are $20 and are available at The Pineloft Cafe, Kensington Opticians, Roger’s Marketplace and Kensington Auto Service.



Flag Day ceremony – American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters Pass, has scheduled the annual Flag Day ceremony for June 14 at 7 p.m. The ceremony is conducted to properly retire worn and unserviceable American flags. The public is invited and asked to drop off any worn or unserviceable flags prior to June 14. For more information, call the Post at (860) 828-9102 after5 p.m.


Boy Scouts — Boy Scout Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, meets Tuesday evenings at the Kensington firehouse and camps monthly at a variety of places. For more information, call Ed Alicea, Scoutmaster, (860) 828-8693. Boy Scouts — Boy Scout Troop 44, chartered by the Berlin Lions, meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at Bethany Covenant Church. Troop 44 offers a full scouting program. For more information, call Ed Como, (860) 829-1258. Playgroup - The Kensington Congregational Church Christian Education program has scheduled a Parent/Child playgroup for Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The group meets on a “drop in” basis, in the crib room in the Reeves Center, 185 Sheldon St. All children, from infants to preschoolers, are welcome. For more information, call (860) 828-4511.




Decorating CommitteeThe All Night Graduation Party Decorating Committee needs your help! All parents of seniors are welcome to come and help. We are scheduled to work Monday evening from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to noon in the Willard Elementary School basement. For more information, contact Barb Jurczyszak (860) 829-0169 or Rose Swenton (860) 828-7629/ cell (860) 9442471.


The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009


Band Parents Association – The Band Parents Association is scheduled to meet Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the band room. All parents of band and color guard members are welcome.

2010 Grad Party meeting – Parents of BHS Class of 2010 are invited to attend an introductory meeting for the 2010 All Night Graduation Party, Wednesday, June 17 at 7 p.m. in the BHS media center. An overview of the event, activities throughout the year, various committees and other administrative issues will be discussed. For more information, contact Donna Bovee at donnabovee@comcast.net or (860) 829-1764.



Kensington Garden Club – The Kensington Garden Club has scheduled a luncheon and installation of officers for Thursday, June 18 at the Indian Hill Country Club in Newington. Members should meet at the Community Center at 11 a.m. to car pool. For

more information, call (860) 828-6760. Country Nite dinner – The New Britain Museum at Hungerford Park has scheduled a “Country Nite” dinner for Thursday, June 18 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Menu includes Nodines smokehouse ham, beans, potato salad, Lyman Orchard pies, and complimentary glass of wine or beer. The event benefits Hungerford’s animals. Adults, $10; children two to 13, $5 and children under two are free. For more information, call (860) 8279064 or visit www.newbritainyouthmuseum.org.



Family Nature & Heritage Day – The New Britain Museum at Hungerford Park, 191 Farmington Ave., has scheduled Family Nature & Heritage Day for Saturday, June 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (860) 827-9064. Pig roast - The SVEA Social Club, 999 Kensington Rd., has scheduled a pig roast for Saturday, June 20 at 1 p.m. Tickets, available at the club, are $20 person. For more information, call (860) 828-9447.



All Night Graduation Party preview – The public is welcome to view the All Night Graduation Party Decorations on Sunday, June 21 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Berlin High School.



Prayer Shawl program – The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library has scheduled Victoria Cole-Galo, co-author of The Prayer Shawl Companion, for Tuesday, June 23 at 7 p.m. Reserve a seat at (860) 828-7125.


Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

The Buzz Around Berlin Learning the Flamenco dance

BHS Band second in Boston The Berlin High School concert band finished second in their class in the recent “Festivals of Music” competition at the Duxbury Performing Arts Center in Duxbury, Mass. Band members also toured Boston’s historical sights.

SKFD visit for Den 12

Recently, Brownie Troop 66232 learned the art of flamenco dancing from Michelle Norton of Berlin. Mrs. Norton, who was born in Spain, explained that she taught herself how to dance by watching dancing on Spanish television. Troop members pictured with Mrs. Norton are Emma Arroyo, McKenzie Cyr, Jillian Parmelee, Lindsay Walsh, Danielle Messina, Julia Ladd, Kelsei Zliczewski, Emma Klepacki, Shanna Lennehan, Melanie Bosco, Nikki Baedor, Alexa Candido and Kate Rochette. Also pictured are Olivia Norton and Sophia Morell.

DAR Essay Award winners The Willard-Welles-Stanley Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution recently presented American History Essay Awards to students attending St. Paul Cub scout members of Den 12 of Pack 41 from Gris- School. Pictured, from left, Daniel Rambola, 2nd place; Mary Ranagan, 1st Place; wold Elementary School recently visited the South and Peter Armetta, 3rd place. The students wrote essays on the Gettysburg AdKensington Fire Department. Firefighters Bob Georgi- dress and its relevancy to our country today. ni, Ron Lindgren and Mike Blais gave the boys a tour Send us your news, photos: news@theberlincitizen.com of the station.


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

Congratulate Your Graduate... 1114510

It's graduation time again. Recognize the accomplishments and achievements of that special graduate by placing a Marketplace Grad Ad. Include your graduate in this keepsake feature appearing Thursday, June 25 in The Berlin Citizen. Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles… Surprise your graduate with a Berlin Citizen Grad Ad!!

Deadline for ad reservation is Friday, June 19.

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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009


Another deep tourney run for Berlin ’Coats denied repeat

By Jim Bransfield Special to The Citizen

It’s Championship Week for Connecticut high school baseball and, as usual, Berlin High’s Redcoats are smack in the middle of the festivities. Berlin coach Leo Veleas has taken his club to the final game nine times and five times has brought the Redcoats home as state champions. This week, Berlin (19-3) was scheduled to play Sheehan (15-8) of Wallingford in the Class L semifinals Wednesday at nearby Beehive Field in New Britain. That game was originally scheduled for Tuesday, but was postponed due to rain. “We’re hitting the ball and we’re getting good pitching,” said Veleas, who won the 400th game of his career when his club beat Plainville at Cooperstown a couple of weeks back. “When you do that, you’re in good shape. I think we can win it all, but it always depends which team gets off the bus. But we have the horse, and that helps.” The horse is Connecticut Gatorade Player of the Year, Matt Carasiti. He is a premier pitcher, but also the club’s regular shortstop when he’s not pitching. Veleas wasn’t sure if he would pitch in the semifinals. “The temptation is there,” he said of his ace who pitched Saturday. “But we have very good options in Marzi [Anthony, 7-0] and Bordonaro [Mark, 4-1]. Now if we get moved back to Wednesday because of the weather, then Carasiti is more of an option. You have to win the semifinal game before you can win a championship.” Veleas knows that in Sheehan — of the Southern Connecticut Conference — his club has a worthy opponent. “There are no bums left,” said Veleas. “We know they’re pretty good.” For those who like to play the common opponent game, Sheehan beat Hand, 7-1, in the quarterfinals. Hand beat

By Nick Carroll Sports Editor

Berlin High School’s Mark Bordonaro (top) and Matt Carasiti (left) in action during their team’s CIAC Class L state quarterfinal victory over Fairfield-Ludlowe last week. The Redcoats were slated to face Sheehan in the semifinals on Wednesday. Photos by Matt Leidemer

Middletown, 6-1, in the second round. And Middletown is the last team to hang a loss on Berlin, 7-3. “Over the last four games, we’ve hit pretty well,” said Veleas of his club’s powerful offense. After a blowout win over North Haven, the topranked Redcoats hammered Fairfield-Ludlowe, 15-2. Chris Allen, who missed nine games, is hitting .500 for the season, Joe Balowski is around .400, Chris Morin is also around .400, and so it goes. “While I think we can go

all the way, I realize that the North Haven game didn’t start well for us and the other day, we were behind early, too,” said Veleas. “Yeah, the game turned out to be a blowout, but they helped us out by kicking the ball a little bit. We have to realize we haven’t won anything yet. “I have a good group of kids and we have a lot of seniors. They really want to win this thing. The key is to keep them focused. That’s my job. I’m the mean ogre, but if that’s what it takes, I’m happy to do it.”

The ‘ogre’ has a career record of 407-101, a winning percentage of a staggering .801. Yet the 400-win mark passed virtually unnoticed. “Naw, I don’t make a big deal of that stuff,” Veleas said. “We just want to win the next game and if we win the next one, we get to play for the championship and then our job will be to win one more.” The championship games in all four classes will be held at Middletown’s Palmer Field Friday and Saturday.

An inch here or there and the Berlin High School boys golf team could have defended its CIAC Division II state championship. But BHS coach John Line won’t allow himself to think like that. “Golf is a fickle game,” Line said, following his team’s runner-up performance at the Division II tournament, held Monday at Tallwood in Hebron. “On a scale of 1 to 10 we played at an 8 … New Canaan was just better today.” New Canaan shot a sparkling 298 to best 2008 Division II state champion Berlin by two strokes. The Redcoats’ Jack Rudy carded a team-best 74 at Tallwood, his lowest score of the year. Next in line for Berlin were Mike Scheyd (75), Ryan Lee (75) and Kevin Jud (76). “We talked about a target score of 300, and thought that would be difficult to beat,” Line said. Unfortunately for the Redcoats, New Canaan’s top two guys posted a 71 and 72 respectively, and those tidy scores made all the difference. A state championship was not to be this spring, but Berlin did not end the season empty-handed. In fitting fashion, the Northwest Conference golf titan bested the field at the final NWC tournament, held beneath sunny skies last week at Timberlin. The host Redcoats won with a 307, collecting conference championship No. 31. Leading the locals, each with a 75, were Scheyd and Lee. Following them were Jud (78) and Joe Fiducia (79).

See Golf, page 23


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

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Berlin High School senior Erica Barnes tees off at the final Northwest Conference tournament, held last week at Timberlin.

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By Nick Carroll Sports Editor

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Citizen photo by Nick Carroll

One last NWC title for Barnes, Berlin Erica Barnes made her final Northwest Conference appearance a memorable one. The Berlin High School senior, who will continue her career on scholarship at Hofstra University, carded a matchbest 79 to lead the girls golf team at the final NWC tournament, held last week at Timberlin. Paced by Barnes, the host Lady Redcoats shot a 367 to breeze past Northwest Catholic (429) and Middletown (515). Other NWC schools were represented by individual players. This was Berlin’s 14th conference championship in the program’s 15-year history. “We didn’t just win the tournament, the girls played incredible golf today,” BHS coach Jim Bryers said. “On average, as individuals, each golfer averaged 12 stokes better than her season 18-hole score average. I usually hope that a couple of golfers can score less than their average in a match. But 12 strokes per-golfer, in the same tournament, puts you into the Twilight Zone. ‘Incredible’ is an understatement.” For Barnes, it was NWC tournament championship No. 2. “Erica played some of her best golf this season,” Bryers said. Rounding out the Lady Redcoat slate at the conference tournament were freshman Victoria Fagan (93), sophomore Alyssa Scheyd (94), junior Briana Calafiore (101) and freshman Emily Stickel (105). Fagan’s round included birdies on the 16th and 17th. The NWC will disappear at the end of the school year. Most of its teams will compete in the Central Connecticut Conference beginning in the fall. The young Berlin team earned a seventh seed in the CIAC state tournament, which was slated for June 9 at Orange Hills in Orange. No matter how his troops conclude the season it’s clear Bryers will chalk the 2009 campaign up as a success. “I began the season hoping that we would make the tournament, and to be seeded seventh has left me in awe of the team’s accomplishments,” the veteran coach said.


Continued from page 21 “We wanted to win the conference. It was an important goal for us at the start of the season. I think we felt we gave away a match at home to Northwest Catholic. We felt we were a better team. To beat them in the tournament and win conference was gratifying,” Line said. Rounding out the NWC tournament field were East Catholic (310), Northwest Catholic (310), RHAM (321), Plainville (349), St. Paul (350), Rocky Hill (359) and Middletown (414). The NWC will cease to exist at the end of the school year. Most of its teams will move on to the Central Connecticut Conference in the fall. “The NWC does not get

the respect or acclimation it deserves (in golf). East is the No. 1 seed in Division III. Northwest is the No. 1 seed in Division IV. We are seeded No. 2 in Division II. The three of us are defending state champions,” Line said, pointing out that six of the NWC’s eight teams qualified for the state tournament this spring. “The CCC casts a big shadow, but there was some great golf played Thursday afternoon at Timberlin. We’re proud that we were able to win the conference.” Veteran Plainville golf coach Steve Guerriero indicated that the farewell NWC tournament was an emotional event for many — longtime coaches in particular. “There was a lot of picture-taking, and all this stuff,” Guerriero said. “This is the No. 1 golf conference in the state as far as I’m concerned … It’s the end of an era.”

Players shown are scheduled to appear.


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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

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Berlin High School senior Ryan Lee sinks a putt during the final Northwest Conference tournament, held last week at Timberlin.

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Citizen photo by Nick Carroll

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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pires sees positives in rocky campaign By Nick Carroll Sports Editor

The Berlin High School softball team’s, often times rocky, 2009 campaign came to an end last week in the opening round of the CIAC Class L state tournament. The Lady Redcoats were defeated by Fairf i e l d - Wa r d e, which in turn, bowed out in Round 2. B e r l i n dropped its last eight games and ended the year with a soso mark of 10-11. “The season really is a good news-bad news type of scenario,” said BHS coach Jason Pires. First, the bad news. Beginning in early-May, the Lady Redcoats lost six starters for various reasons, including All-State player Courtney Bovee. The senior infielder suffered an ankle injury and missed five games. Bovee returned for the state tournament, but not at full-strength. “Even when she came back, she was clearly not at 100 percent, and that hurt our consistency, especially on offense,” Pires said.


Major League Yankees 12, Cardinals 9: Game-winner Derrick Yoder yielded one hit and struck out five in two and one-third innings of relief. Yoder also came through with two hits, including a threerun, walk-off homerun in the eighth inning. Kelsie Anderson started on the mound for the victors and pitched into the sixth. Alec Norton generated two hits and four RBI for the Yankees. Chris Samiotis had two hits and three RBI for the Cardinals. Yankees 5, Mets 3: Alec Norton had three hits, Zach Pajor had two, and Todd Koops picked up the win in relief, allowing one hit in three innings, as the Yankees topped the Mets. For the Mets, Matt Welch pitched well and generated two hits. Mets 11, Rangers 2: Matt Welch hit two homeruns and Dave Condon had one as the Mets rolled. Condon, who picked up the win on the mound, pitched into the sixth inning. Giants 14, Yankees 6: With the win, the Giants clinched the regular season championship. Orioles 6, Cardinals 5: A bases-loaded single by Eric DeFrancesco in the sixth inning lifted the Orioles over the Cardinals.

Major League Kiwanis 12, Frans 3: Angie Perrone and Kaitlyn Guild pitched well for Kiwanis, which pounded out 11 hits. Powering the victors at the plate were Olivia Dellaquila, Hayley Wilhelm, Amanda Patterson, Courtney Brennan, Alex Perrone, Alyssa Gable, Olivia DeGroff, Rebecca Carriere, Jamie Wilkensen and Abby Underwood. Meghan Wickander, Tara Hoffman, Monica Sirera and Annie Asal had hits for Frans. Kiwanis 10 Academy Printing 7: Kiwanis’ Kaitlyn Guild and Academy Printing’s Britney Sullivan pitched well for their respective team. Amada Patterson and Emily Ference played well behind the plate. Angie Perrone and Tess Rapaci made key defensive plays. Rapaci homered. Rebecca Carriere and Taylor Strobino had key hits, as well. Olivia Dellaquila, Hayley Wilhelm, Alex Perrone, Alyssa Gable, Olivia DeGroff, Courtney Brennan, Jamie Wilkensen and Abby Underwood played well for Kiwanis. Arian Silas, Nina D’Amato, Vanessa Riemer, Grace Riemer, Katherine Kolc, Gabriella Strain and Melissa Johnson played well for Academy.

Soccer U-10 girls

The Berlin Bash rolled up a record of 3-0-1 at the Cape Cod Challenge. The locals topped Duxbury United (4-0), Westfield FC (4-0) and America FC (2-0), and came away with a 0-0 tie against the Sandwich Lady Knights. This past weekend, Berlin picked up wins over Newington (4-0) and Wethersfield (40). The Bash are led by defenders Grace McCann, Sarah D’Addario, Tess Atkinson, Danielle Skates, Kara Boninsegna and Cheyenne Inturri, midfielders Sam Giardina, Olivia Cialfi, Olivia Norton, Carolyn Stickel and Emma Wade, and forwards Sophia Morell, Kirsten Armetta, Jackie Lombardo and Alexis Cabral. U-9 girls Berlin 5, Glastonbury 2: Berlin’s Maeve McQuillan tied the game in the second half and Alex Comstock put the locals ahead for good. Comstock and Lisa Grieco scored twice. Cara Wade, Alana Garofalo and Cameron Michalek took care of the goal-tending duties for the victors. Sara Bengiovanni anchored the midfield. Berlin 7, Rocky Hill 1: Olivia Curtin scored twice in the first half to put Berlin in front early. Alex Comstock, Lisa Grieco, Macy Cohen, Cameron Michalek and Cara Wade added goals from there. Alana Garofalo, Alexa Kavarsky and Libby Aroian played well defensively for the victors.



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Also, throughout the season, Berlin had to make up for the losses of a starting pitcher, three starting outfielders and a starting third baseman. “That is a lot to overcome in one season, and we were not able to overcome it,” Pires said. The good news is that, with several positions vacated, many young players gained valuable varsity field time this spring. The vast majority of the locals’ 28-person roster was comprised of freshmen and sophomores. “We have a very bright future, and now, a lot of our young players have gained very valuable varsity experience. I think that will make a big difference next season,” said Pires, who navigated the Lady Redcoats to a Northwest Conference championship in 2008. Although this season ended on a down note, Pires remains steadfast in his belief that Berlin softball can be a power at the state level. “There is a lot of passion in Berlin about softball, which is a great thing,” the sixthyear head man said. “We just need to use that passion in a positive manner to ensure that we can be as successful as we can be.”

Youth Sports

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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Youth Sports Super season for McGee softball The McGee Middle School softball team wrapped up its 2009 campaign with an impressive record of 12-3. In their season finale against Rocky Hill, the Spartans were anchored by Belle Cyr and Makayla Harris in the pitchers circle. Amanda Patterson played a great game behind the plate. Ashley Malloy was the keystone in the outfield, making a clutch catch that stunted Rocky Hill’s offensive attack. Jess Cantone belted McGee’s

best hit of the game, a line drive over the second baseman’s head. McGee coaches Botticello and Labbadia wish to thank their players for an outstanding season, and said “best of luck next year” and “you will all be missed” to eighth graders Shannon Carabetta, Lauren Criniti, Emily Hamel, Belle Cyr, Ashley Malloy, Jessica Cantone, Kristina Hagmeier, Katherine Burek and Stefanie Parillo.

Lacrosse Senior Division Newington 15, Berlin 8: Cassidy Goodwin, Michelle Corriveau and Kayla Tenore netted two goals apiece for Berlin. Erin Goodwin and Margot Paul scored as well. Olivia Martino, Caitlyn DiCioccio, Caroline D’Attilio, Ashley D’Attilio, Lindsey Stefans, Emily Charbonneau, Kim Tencza, Kayla Garofalo, Erin Levack and Sabrina Labadia also played well on offense for the locals. Leading Berlin’s defense were Olivia Bednarik, Haley Stites, Rhianna Burns, Jessica Karwowski and Athena Lawrence. Goalie Kas Colasanti made 20 saves.

The McGee Middle School softball team capped a successful season recently. The 2009 Spartans were, front row, from left: Shannon Carabetta, Lauren Criniti, Kristina Hagmeier, Annie Asal and Kaitlyn Guild. Middle row, from left: Emily Hamel, Jessica Cantone, Belle Cyr, Jennifer Owens, Stefanie Parillo, Megan Wicander and Abbie Underwood. Back row, from left: Coach Botticello, Katherine Burek, Ashley Malloy, Makayla Harris, Haley Longo, Olivia Dellaquila, Amanda Patterson, Emily Ference and Coach Labbadia. (860)

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CitizenReal Estate


Property Transfers

Bulletin Board Red-White game

Senior golf

The Berlin High School football team will hold its annual Red-White scrimmage Friday, June 12, 5:30 p.m., at Scalise Field. The scrimmage marks the end of spring practice.

The Timberlin Senior Golf Association will hold its monthly league tournament, July 13-14. Portland Golf Club will come to Timberlin for an 18-hole round, July 15. The Tournament of Champi-

The Berlin Citizen Thursday, June 11, 2009

ons is scheduled for July 22. The annual GrandparentGrandchild outing will be held July 29. For more information about Senior Golf events, contact Bob Stein at (860) 8286112.

The following property transfers were recorded in the town clerks office. Roy A. Wiseman to Edward W. Cink and Catherine A. Holmes, 121 Sunset Lane, $407,050. Toll Connecticut LP to William Fabian and Helene



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Fabian, 93 Bannan Lane, $324,896. Oneal Jackson and Charlene I Jackson to Brian M. Goulet and Smita M. Goulet, 596 Toll Gate Road, $275,000. Teresa Szafranski to Douglas J. Meagher and Isabel B. N. Puzio, 65 Magnolia Lane, $267,000. Kucharczyk Anna Estate and Susan Skroly to Albert M. Baroni and Jeanette D. Baroni, 565 Norton Road, $240,000. D&B Property Solutions to George W. Hamberg and Amanda J. Hall, 72 Episcopal Road, $239,000. Toll Meadow Estates LLC to Lisa N. Vanty, Property on Toll Gate Rd., Unite 2-4, $235,000. Cleo A. Meiigonis to Michael Gauvin and Kristen Gauvin, 18 York Rd., $197,000.


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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

23-1 (09)

release dates: June 6-12

© 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

A Buried City

Rediscovering Pompeii Imagine yourself on a warm August day. What might you and your friends be doing? You could be:


• playing outside with pets

ROME Mt. Vesuvius

• swimming at the pool

• getting ready for school to start

• helping with chores around the house

On a regular day like this more than 1,900 years ago, citizens of a city in Italy were going about their business when a mountain about six miles away rumbled and then exploded. The Mini Page studied more about the city of Pompeii, what life was like there, and Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that buried the city and many of its inhabitants on Aug. 24, A.D. 79*.

Misenum Herculaneum Pompeii

Experts believe about 20,000 people lived in Pompeii at the time of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Many of them were probably able to escape before being buried.


Pompeii in the first century

Signs of trouble

If you had lived in Pompeii in A.D. 79, your hometown would have been a busy, successful place. Crops grew well because of the rich volcanic soil around the Bay of Naples. Shopkeepers sold baked goods, fish cooked to order, and cloth for clothes. Wealthy people had grand houses with courtyards called peristyle gardens. They had slaves to cook their food and tend to their homes. Most buildings were two stories high. Temples, or large buildings where people worshipped, in Pompeii honored different gods and goddesses, including Jupiter (god of sky and thunder) and Apollo (god of light and sun), and the Roman emperor Vespasian. Pompeii probably didn’t smell very good because people emptied their garbage and sewage into the gutters.

Living so close to Mount Vesuvius, citizens of Pompeii were used to feeling earthquakes. In fact, in A.D. 62, a strong earthquake caused many buildings to fall down and streets to buckle. Builders, plumbers and slaves repaired much of the damage over the next 17 years. In the days before Aug. 24, people in Pompeii felt small tremors, or vibrations. Hanging lamps swung. Water stopped flowing from the aqueduct, a pipe for moving water. Birds flew away from the area. *A.D. stands for anno Domini, which means “the year of our Lord” in Latin. When we use it with a year, it refers to the time after Jesus Christ was born. B.C. stands for “before Christ.” Some people say B.C.E. (before common era) and C.E. (common era) instead.

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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009


23-2 (09); release dates: June 6-12 from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

The Volcano Across the Bay of Naples from Pompeii, a young man and his uncle lived in a city called Misenum (mySEEN-um). The uncle, Pliny (PLIH-nee) the Elder, was a scholar of all the sciences, including weather, astronomy and geology. When Mount Vesuvius exploded, a large, dark cloud rose up from it. Pliny the Elder saw the cloud and wanted to get a closer look. He ordered his servants to prepare a boat and began sailing across the bay. Pliny the Younger stayed behind to finish his homework. His good study habits probably saved his life! His uncle died from breathing the poisonous vapors, or odors, that the volcano released. Pliny the Younger Pliny the Younger wrote letters to Tacitus (TAS-ih-tus), a historian, about what he saw so that his uncle would never be forgotten.

Here are some of Pliny the Younger’s observations, or comments, about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius: “The cloud was rising from a mountain — at such a distance we couldn’t tell which, but afterwards learned that it was Vesuvius. I can best describe its shape by likening it to a pine tree. It rose into the sky on a very long ‘trunk’ from which spread some ‘branches.’ “Ash was falling onto the ships now, darker and denser the closer they went. Now it was bits of pumice, and rocks that were blackened and burned and shattered by the fire. … (B)road sheets of flame were lighting up many parts of Vesuvius. … (T)here was danger from the rocks that were coming down, light and fire-consumed as these bits of pumice were. Pliny the Younger compared the cloud smoke to “umbrella pines” like (People) tied pillows on of these seen on a busy street in Rome. top of their heads as protection against the shower of rock. It was daylight now elsewhere in the world, but there the darkness was darker and thicker than any night. “Then came a smell of sulfur, announcing the flames, and the flames themselves. … Supported by two small slaves he (Pliny the Elder) stood up, and immediately collapsed. As I understand it, his breathing was obstructed by the dustladen air, and his innards … simply shut down. (H)is body was found untouched, unharmed, in the clothing that he had had on.”

from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

Mini Spy . . .

photo by Adrian Pingstone

Pliny the Younger’s words to Tacitus

An eyewitness account

from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate


Mini Spy and Alpha Betty are hiking in a volcanic park. See if you can find: • man in the moon • question mark • dolphin • arrow • bird • pencil • mushroom • number 6 • letter A • lady’s face • bat • bell • number 3 • lima bean • snail • fish • exclamation point • ruler

Brown Basset ws TRY ’N The Ned’s n FIND u Ho Words that remind us of Pompeii are hidden in the block below. Some words are hidden backward, and some letters are used twice. See if you can find: ITALY, AUGUST, VESUVIUS, POMPEII, PERISTYLE, CAST, EARTHQUAKE, AQUEDUCT, VOLCANO, MISENUM, PLINY, VAPOR, TACITUS, BEACH, EXCAVATE, POISONOUS, ARCHAEOLOGIST, FIORELLI, ASH. P L I N Y E K A U Q H T R A E POMPEII IS A E B V O L C A N O G X K C M X WINDOW INTO THE R H W Q A F I O R E L L I I C PAST! I C A S T S U G U A V J B S A S T A C I T U S U I V U S E V T C U D E U Q A H C A E B N A Y I I E P M O P R O P A V U T L P O I S O N O U S L S J M E E W T S I G O L O E A H C R A TM


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Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen


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CALL 203-238-1953


DID YOU LOSE SOMETHING? DID YOU FIND SOMETHING? Run it for a week FREE OF CHARGE in the Record-Journal **ADD A PHOTO** FOR ONLY $5.00 CALL 203-238-1953 FOUND Childs wallet Episcopal Road and Berlin. 860-829-1687 FOUND-Set of keys. Vicinity of North Colony Rd & Wilcox Ave. Call to identify 203-238-1953 FOUND: Baby parakeet, Kensington area. Call 860-828-0179 to ID


LOST YELLOW LAB Orchard Road Area, Berlin 5 years old, very friendly. Goes by the name of Blondie. My daughter raised her from a puppy & is heartbroken. Someone thinking she was a stray may have picked her up around Orchard Rd on April 21st. She is part of a family and is missed very much.

REWARD Please call Tony With any information 860-829-0744 Thank you.

LOST- Cat. Vic. of Yalesville School. Multi-colored cat with no tail. Call (203) 376-9880 LOST-Sterling sliver Pandora bracelet. Vicinity of McGee School or on bus, Berlin. REWARD! Call 860-828-3183

Find your dream home in Marketplace

PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD This newspaper makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread, but when you handle thousands of ads, mistakes do slip through. We ask therefore, that you check your ad on the FIRST day of publication. If you find an error, report it to the MARKETPLACE DEPARTMENT

LOST- Green Amazon Parrot w/ yellow head on Wednesday, March 25 from 156 Sherman Avenue, Meriden. Responds to Kelby, speaks English & Spanish. Reward if returned. Call (203) 440-1551 LOST: Female Tiger cat with black and grayish/brownish stripes. Answers to Lola. Wearing collar with tag from Yalesville Vet Hospital. Call 203-949-9117

IMPOUNDED- Cocker, male, tan, Southington Rd. Gray Tiger Male Cat, Chamberlain Highway. Abandoned - Brindle Pit Bull, male, Christian Lane. Abandoned - 3 cats in carrier, Christian Lane. Call Berlin Animal Control 860-828-7055 LOST Or Found. The Berlin Citizen will run your lost or found ad FREE in our Classified Section! Call 203-238-1953 for details.


IMMEDIATELY by calling

203-238-1953 before 5pm Mon-Fri We regret that we will not be responsible for more than ONE incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad that may have been rendered valueless by such an error.



BUICK Riviera 1988

HONDA Accord 1997

CLEARANCE PRICE: $995 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

CLEARANCE SALE: $2999 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.


MERCURY Cougar 1993 CLEARANCE PRICE: $1,995 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

MERCURY Sable SW 2000

CHEVROLET HHR 2006 wagon. 4-cyl. 5-spd. manual. Red w/gray interior. Power windows. AM/FM/CD player. New brakes. Well maintained. 84,500 mostly highway miles Excellent condition. Garage kept. Minor scratches. $6,500 860 573-2434

CLEARANCE PRICE: $3,400 Can be seen at G.T. Tire 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

NISSAN 2006 ALTIMA 3.5 SE V6, 27,000 miles, CD, A/C, electric windows, black, excellent condition. Beautiful car. Will negotiate. 203-239-0887

CHEVY Lumina 1995 CLEARANCE PRICE: $1,995 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS EXT 2005 Silver, 48,000 miles, CD player, 4 wheel drive. Runs great. Auto, air conditioning, sunroof. Very clean. $10,200. Call 203-631-8449 DONATE YOUR CAR to SPECIAL KIDS FUND. Help Disabled Children With Camp and Education. Non-Runners OK. Quickest Free Towing. Free Cruise/Hotel Voucher. Tax Deductible. Call 1-866-4483254.

NISSAN ALTIMA 1994- 4 dr, automatic. Needs muffler & CV joints. Runs good. $950/b.o. Nissan Sentra 1996- 4 dr, automatic, AC. 99,000 miles. Runs excellent. $2500 or best offer. Call (860) 682-2421

OLDS Cutlass 1996 CLEARANCE PRICE: $1,695 Can be seen at G.T. Tire 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. ROBERTS CHRYSLER DODGE Quality Pre-Owned Vehicles. 120 So. Broad St, Meriden, CT 203-235-1111

VOLVO 850 1997 sedan. Auto. Burgundy w/black leather interior. Dual air cond. Dual/side airbags. $4000 or best offer Call(860)621-1494 VW JETTA 1998 GL, 4 dr, 5 spd, 2.0L engine, red w/black int, runs well, $1600 takes it! Call (203) 634-7879


DODGE Pick Up 1990 CLEARANCE PRICE: $2,400 Can be seen at G.T. Tire 155 Colony Street, Meriden Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

FORD Windstar 1997 CLEARANCE PRICE: $3,200 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

MAZDA Pick Up 1995 CLEARANCE PRICE: $2,300 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. TRUCK CAP Dodge Ram. Shortbed. Excellent condition. $400 Or best offer. (203) 284-9258




BUICK Le Sabre 1995 Blue, 116,660 miles. Excellent cond. $1200 firm. (860) 384-4198

BUICK LeSabre 1998

Call 24 Hours-a-Day 7 Days-a-Week

CLEARANCE PRICE: $3,250 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

(203) 238-1953 or 1-800-228-6915 x2393 It’s About Time

BUICK Park Ave 1995 CLEARANCE PRICE: $2,700 Can be seen at G.T. Tire, 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. CHEVY Impala 2001, New transmission and other new parts, runs good. $2700. Call for info 203-317-7181

FINANCE Buy Here Pay Here Financing! Down pymts as low as $588 plus tax & reg, low weekly pymts, no finance charge, or credit check cars under $3000. Call 203-5305905, Cheap Auto Rental LLC.

TO BE SOLD AT DEALER AUCTION on JUNE 18, 2009 1993 ACURA JH4KA7665PC011237 Statewide Auto Auction 1756 No. Broad St, Meriden, CT DEALERS ONLY

CHEVY BLAZER 1997- 4 dr, leather, sunroof, fully loaded. Runs very good. $2500 or best offer. Call (860) 682-2421

TOYOTA Corolla Std 1991 FOR SALE AT BEST OFFER SUZUKI GS 450T Motorcycle 1981 FORD Thunderbird 1969 COLUMBIAN Celebrity 16’ Boat 1965 Call Val (203) 634-0077

CLEARANCE PRICE: $1,600 Can be seen at G.T. Tire 155 Colony Street, Meriden Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

FORD Escort 1994 CLEARANCE PRICE: $1,995 Can be seen at G.T. Tire 155 Colony Street, Meriden. Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

VOLVO 2040 GL 1992, new tires, new muffler system. Good condition. Low mileage. Asking $1900. (203) 265-0029

Looking for a friend? Find litters of critters in Marketplace.


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009 1115804


PETS & LIVESTOCK BOXERS-Purebred, reverse sealed brindle, fawn & white. Males and females Reg. 1st shots, dewormed. Cert of health avail. AKC & ACA pedigree. Championship bloodline. 203-464-4779 CHINCHILLA, white, male, with cage. $100. Call 203-671-9297.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON XL1200C Custom Sportster, 2007 pearl gray color. Clip-on Windshield. Excellent condition. Factory warranty. 1400 miles. $7500 or best offer. Paul 203-464-5044

ENGLISH BULLDOG, spayed, microchipped, good with kids, 1 year old. $2500 or best offer. (860) 982-5029

CRAFTSMAN GARDEN TRACTOR 26HP, 54” cut, auto. transmission. Electric start. Bucket loader. Grader. Much more! 1 yr old. Paid over $5000. Make an offer. Call (203) 237-0646

TORO 8 HP Riding mower. Used 1 season. Garaged for years. Excellent condition. $500. Call (203) 213-1878

CONSTRUCTION EQUIP & TOOLS STAGING planks 2”x 10”x12’14’-16’. Price varies to size. $12-$18/each. 860-349-1844 STAINLESS Steel Deck Ladder $75.00 Call 203-238-0106 TOOL Cart 24”W x 32” H x 35 1/2” L. $100. Call 203-630-3648.

3 USED BRIDGESTONE 215 50 17 Tires $25. Call 860-224-7209


CASH And/Or Tax deduction for your vehicle. Call

The Jewish Childrens Fund



TIRES (5) P185 75 R14, 3 less than 2000 miles. On GM 5 lug rims. Steve (203) 440-0288 $240.

2008 SCOOTER less than 200 miles $1,200 FIRM Call 203-269-7984


Free Towing! HARLEY-DAVIDSON FLHRS Road King Cstm 2005 Blk Pearl, Rineharts, loaded, mint, over $7000. extras. Asking $16500. 203-537-6202, Jim


‘08 SCOOTER 300 miles, 150cc, $1500 or best offer. Call (203) 671-1444

2008 SHENKE Blue MopedUnder 300 miles, 49cc, up to 100 mpg, luggage rack, $1600 or best offer. Call (203) 2655806

97 PLY 14”Wheel covers 1 scratched will fit most 14” $25. Call 203-631-0316

SUZUKI GZ250 Motorcyle 2007 Purple/Blue. One Owner, 400 Miles. Asking $2700 NEG. Call 860-508-6005

TIRES- 4 - 215/60R16 winter, Like new. $175. 4 - 215/65R17 w/75% Tread *On Chrysler 5-lug rims, $150. 2 - 205/70R15 Winter, like new, $75. 1 - 185/75R14, new, $35. 1 - 205/75R14, new, $35. Set/4 Chrysler 300 Steel rims, exc, $125. 1 - 235/65R17 on Chrsyler 5-lug alloy, like new. $60. Call Tom 860-250-0016 (Meriden)

BOATS & MOTORS 1955 Johnson 10HP, 2 tanks, engine frozen, $50. Call 203-265-0487

FREE microfiber sofa and loveseat call Ryan (860)6131557

Genuine Disney

HOME OFFICE U shaped Executive Desk and Hutch. Made by HON Natural Maple laminate. New over $5000. Older but great condition. Bargain at $500. OBO. 203-671-6979

HEIRLOOM Tomatoes 40, $2 each. differnt kinds. Call Alice 203-265-3498


FREE Large upright freezer. Excellent condition. Call (203) 265-0734

LAB PUPPIES. Yellow, Chocolate & Black, AKC, raised with children. Ready June 22, $700. Call (203) 631-9386

CRAFTSMAN hedge trimmer, $20.00 call 203 284 8890

SCOOTER. E-TON Sport 50, purchased in October, 300 miles, only $1000. Bike is mint. Call 203-213-3250 for info or to view the bike.

FIRE Engine Toddler Bed-Step2, $100 or best offer. Call 860-628-8920.

40” Plush Mickey & Minnie $60 for set. Call (203) 715-8537


HONDA Shadow Areo 2005 Cruiser. 750 V-twin. Blue & Black, High flow air filter. Saddlebags. Windshield. Adult driven. Less than 4500 miles Showroom. $ 4,900 (860) 349-0521 or 727-288-7352

DREXEL Heritage Sofa- excellent condition, floral pattern $950.00. Call 203.248.5982

FREE To good home- Pomeranian dog and Himalayan cat. Call (860) 890-7175

POMERANIAN Puppy, female. 9 weeks old. Vet checked. Registered. $1,000 or best offer. (203) 284-9395

HONDA GL1500 Gold Wing 1989 6-cyl Comp. servic for 2009 riding season. 69K mi. Backrest. AM/FM radio. CB, Trailer Hitch, New Tires & Battery and more $7500 Well-maintained. 203-6058870


WAGNER MDL. 959 Power Roller Paint System. V.G. Cond. $50.00 203 440 3100

FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 2 FLOOR LAMPS 1 BRASS & 1 BLACK $40. Call 860-426-1214 4 PIECE Modular computer desk. Made of natural wood and veneers. Keyboard and locking drawer. Asking $60. 203-235-2784. ADMIRAL washing machine. Excellent condition. $99.00 Call 860-628-5035 BEDS $50. Twin bunk beds. Good condition. Call 203-2379814 after 6PM. BLACK & DECKER Toaster/ oven. Great condition. $20. Call 203-634-0176 BLUE couch & loveseat, $200. Set of lamps, $20, kitchen set, white & oak, $150. Bank desk, $125. 6pc rock maple BR set from VT, $350. Refrig, 17.7cu ft, $150. Frigidaire antique stove, $400. Call after 5pm 203-235-4988 CRIB/TODDLER Bed w/mattress. White. Asking $100. Call 203-630-3055 DEHUMIDIFIER Whirlpool. Runs great $60.00 Call 203-235-9988 PURPLE LAMP for teen girl. $20.00. Call Tara 203-427-7237.

MATTRESS: Twin with boxspring and frame. Sterns & Foster. Excellent. $40. (203) 238-3671 MICROWAVE OVEN, Magic Chef, 1.5 cu.ft, extra large capacity, like new, $75. (203) 265-3738 PORCH FURNITURE- 2 glider chairs, 2 stationary chairs. White iron w/all cushions. Very good condition. Like new. Nice for porch. New $800. Asking $350. (203) 237-5940 PORTABLE white sewing machine, heavy. $40. 203-2657186 SMALL Refrigerator (dorm room) size. Works fine. Asking $40. Call (203) 379-6187

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FREE- Old kitchen cabinets. Painted off-white. Call (203) 634-7879 GRACO High Chair, 8 positions, need seat cover, $5, 203-4607629 GRACO highchair, very clean, $15, 203-294-1220 Between 11am and 8pm. HOT WATER Heater Elec. 40 gal. $99.00. 6 yr old 203 2699070

LAMINATING Service. Let us help you preserve your most precious moments. From $2.50 to $4.50 per piece. Call 203238-1953 for info. LIKE NEW red Tasco telescope with tripod. $25. (203) 238-1610 NAVY Blue Graco baby stroller and car seat, additional base., $50/best. Pottery Barn animal print bumper crib set, includes quilt, sheets, valance, mobile and bumper, $50. (860) 426-0101 PATIO furniture glider & lounge plus more from (porch & patio) Never outside. $275. Call 203634—0765 after 4pm PFALTZGRAFF Village dinnerware set with extra pieces. $99. Call 203-235-5593. PLAYHOUSE: Little Tikes, 4’x4’, $100. Delivery available. 860796-2400

TOASTER OVEN- GE Energy Saving. Never used, boxed. $15. (203) 237-2117

QUEEN-SIZE comforter set with curtains. Pink hibiscus pattern. $50. 860-620-2635

TWIN SIZE captains bed with mattress missing one drawer. Free. (203) 686-0689

STAIRWAY Basket. Wicker, 2 handle. $10 (203) 630-1866

UNIVERSAL meat grinder. Never used. $10.00 Telephone 203-269-9475 UPRIGHT FREEZER the brand is Kenmore works asking $50.00 call 886-8819

Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoves CLEAN Will Deliver (203) 284-8986 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 10” table saw with guide and square. $40. (203) 235-3142 4 CEMETERY PLOTS - Maple Cemetery, section 8, Berlin. $3200. (860) 463-6248 BOSTON Red Sox Bus Trips Friday July 3 Seattle/7pm game/ Right field Box 88 /Saturday August 29 Toronto/Roof box 37/ 7pm Both trips depart Wallingford @3pm. They include Dattco motor coach, Box seat,Bus parking, snacks, Non Alcoholic drinks. $100.00 per person Please call Roger @203-605-2087 for More Information. CRAFTSMAN 16”SCROLL SAW & TABLE. USED ONCE. $90. 203-630-0841


STEEL BUILDINGS RECESSION DISC. 18 x 21 Reg $6,279 Now $4,186 36x51 Reg $15,047 Now $10,031 105x105 Reg $87,362 Now $58,241 + Code Adj Erection Avail www.scg-grp.com Source #11S Phone #860-237-4588 STERLING candle holders. for 3 candles, set $45 b/o 860-6328666 WATER FOUNTAIN 130392 sells Lowes $89. BO $20. Call 203630-1666 WHOLESALE Green products, trash liners and paper goods. Call your order into TD Green (203) 980-4697 WONDER HANGERS- Fit 5 hangers in the space of 1. 20/$10. Call (203) 238-3774


BELLY DANCE Beginners Class, Meriden 6 week session, Starts Tuesday June 9, Registration required! www.marozniabellydance.com HOMEDICS massaging cushion. in orginal box. $45.00. (203) 269-2251 NASCAR Tickets, 6 for face vallue. June 28, Loudon, NH, $110 each. Section J North, row 44. Call Tom 203-284-1294

PISTOL PERMIT CERTIFICATION. 1 Session only, $100. Group discount available! Call for next class 203-415-1144 ROLLERBLADES size 10 w/helmet, knee, elbow pads $25 203440-4368


Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen


Open up to the possibility …

of finding your

dream home in the Marketplace. Every day, you’ll find the most extensive listing of homes, properties, apartments and townhomes in your community. Readers from all over the area have found their homes in the Marketplace. Try it yourself today.

The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en 877-238-1953 www.TheBerlinCitizen.com ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES



Silverware, china, glass, furniture, 50’s items, whole estates.


1-2 ITEMS Flags, Helmets, Fighting Knives, Bayonets, Medals, etc.


203-238-3308 $ ALWAYS BUYING! $ COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT A NEW COMPUTER NOW. Brand Name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO Credit - No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. Its yours NOW. 800-3177891 A NEW COMPUTER NOW. Brand Name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO Credit - No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. Its yours NOW. 800-6183765

1 item to entire estate! Call or stop by Frank’s, 18 South Orchard St. Wallingford. Mon-Sat. 9:30-4:30.


CASH PAID FOR ALL COSTUME JEWELRY Especially Napier. 203-530-8109

EPSON OEM ink cartridge T06, T013, T017, T028, T361 $7ea, 2/$12 203-265-0881


HP DESKJET PRINTER: Good working condition. $15. Call 203-237-7330

Buying Silverplate, Glass, Furn, music instruments, china, art, collectibles. 1 item to estate.

ELECTRONICS SONY Kids clock radio. Colorful & in box. $20. (203) 631-6479 TWO GE Wood floor speakers. 23H, 14 1/2W, 15D. $100 pr. (203) 269-6265

WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUES WANTED - 1 Item or an Estate. Estate sale service provided. Seeking: Meridenmade items, lamps, paintings. Call Todd Shamock 203-237-3025

203-235-8431 FISHING TACKLE. Local collector looking for old or new rods, reels, lures. Highest prices paid. Call Dave anytime 860-463-4359

MUSICAL INSTRUMENT & INSTRUCTIONS ORGAN Hammond T-524-A Electric Organ Needs a cleaning Feb 1976 don’t play anymore pick up $300.00 or best offer 203-679-0469

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, revised March 12, 1989, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, or familial status or intention to make CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS any such preference, limiHOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT tation or discrimination; and is also subject to the MERIDEN - 2 BEDROOMS MERIDEN. 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath State of Connecticut Gen- CHESHIRE $2700/mo. Stately MERIDEN 3 bdrm. Lease Totally renovated. $900/month. condo. $1200/mo. DW, w/d, fp, eral Statutes Sections 46a- 2900SF Colonial built with the w/option. $1400 plus util Owner (860) 450-2556 gar, open floor plan, storage. 64c which makes it illegal finest of materials. Gorgeous and 1 month sec dep. Avail MERIDEN - 2 BR Amenities include pool & fitness to advertise any prefer- jade FP, inlaid wood flooring, immed. (860)250-8765. Plenty of parking at this 2 famicenter. No pets. (860) 716-7947 ence, limitation or discrimi- mahogany trim and chef’s ly. 1st fl. Comfortably htd with nation based on race, kitchen. Luxurious master SOUTHINGTON Immaculate 3BR WALLINGFORD new boiler. Carpeted BRs. creed, color, national ori- bath. Convenient location. in private area. Pets allowed. 1 1/2 BR Apartment in Triplex. $800. Call (203) 440-4789 203-272-1234 gin, ancestry, sex, sexual Linda $995. Call 860-628-8224 New carpets. W/D hookups. orientation, marital status, MERIDEN - 2BR, 113 E. Main. Off street parking. Choate area age, lawful source of CONDOMINIUMS Vry cln, New Crpt+Paint, No $850 860-227-5213 FOR RENT income, familial status, or pets, $850 HT & HW inc, Gd WLFD- Judd Square- 1BR, No Crd req, eastmainapts.com physical or mental disabilipets. $750. Call Quality Realty, 203-543-0337 ty, or an intention to make CHESHIRE-BIRCHWOOD. 2 LLC 203-949-1904 any such preference, limiBR, 1 bath condo, heat & hw MERIDEN - 815 Broad Street tation, or discrimination. included, washer & dryer. No DURHAM House for rent, 1800 Studio $575. HT/HW included APARTMENTS This newspaper will not s.f. 4 bedroom, $1650.00 per pets. $1150. Lease, sec, ref. No pets. 860-246-0613 FOR RENT knowingly accept any month, good credit necessary, 203-271-1192 advertising for real estate William Raveis Real Estate 860- MERIDEN 2 BR Blackstone Vilor for the sale or rental of 614-0666 Lori lage with garage. Heat includ- MER. FURNISHED apts + rms: ALL residential property which Incl Heat, Elec, HW. Ground fl ed. $995/mo. 2 mos sec. No MERIDEN - 82 Woodland Street, is in violation of these laws. furn effic, $170/wk+sec. RMs pets, please. Susan at William DURHAM Ranch, 3 bedrm, 2 2nd floor. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. bath, 1000 sq ft, 2 decks, 2 car garage, lrg private yard, scenic views. $1500 mth, 2 mths sec + util (all electr). No pets. 860.663.2566 8am-10am ctrental@comcast.net

Raveis RE 203-668-1049

MERIDEN STUDIO Appliances, Galley Kitchen. Tile and Carpet. Heat & hot water incl. $675/mo. Secure building. (203) 537-2672

$130/wk+sec. 203- 630-3823 www.Meridenrooms.com

MERIDEN & WLFD 1BR apts for rent. Starting at $625 and $785 some include heat & hot water. (203)213-6175 or 203-376-2160

Updated. $700/mo + Utilities. Call 860-262-2464 MERIDEN 2BR, 3rd fl. Off street parking. No pets. $750/mo, plus 1 mo sec. Utils not incld. Credit check. Tom 203-772-2227


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009


COMPUTER SERVICES COMPUTER trouble? My Computer Works your personal Help Desk. Fast, safe and secure help 24/7 Sign up now get 6 months free back up. Call 888-375-8686


FREE ESTIMATES Garages, Attics, Basements, Brush, Pools, Decks, etc. Senior discounts. 203-238-0106 JUNK REMOVAL & MORE We clean Estates, house, office, attic, cellar, gar, yd. Spring C/U. 860-575-8218/203-535-9817 DEBRIS removal of anykind. Demolition sheds, pools, etc. Quick, courteous srv. All calls returned. Ins. #0620397. Office 203-235-7723/Cell 860-558-5430

203-494-1526 One Man’s Junk REMOVAL. Free est. Call Ed.


MATTSON Home Improvement Affordable, quality decks. Free estimates. Insured. CT Reg 581924. (203) 631-7459

DUMPSTERS 15 & 20 Yard Roll-Offs. Home, Business or Job Site We do clean-outs too! Empire Construction, LLC 203-269-3559 www.EmpireLLC.biz

T.E.C. Electrical Svc LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service


Bankruptcy Free Consultation

DISCRIMINATION, DISABILITY RIGHTS & GENERAL LAW. There are Laws to Protect You in Case of Job Loss, a Child’s Need for School Services, or Other Cases of Discrimination. Free 30 Minute Consultation. David Seaver, Attorney and Counselor At Law. Your Advocate for Your Rights. Wallingford, 203-774-4925


EXCAVATING GRADING, Drainage, Foundations, Trucking, Retaining Walls, Pavers, Water/Sewer/Septic. Lic. #1682. Cariati Developers, Inc. 203-238-9846 MC/Visa Accepted


Quality Landscaping, LLC

Seamless gutters/leaders. GUTTER cleaning. Free est. #612964 Steve 860 426-0045

HANDYPERSONS AFFORDABLE HANDYMAN SERVICES - Siding, Patios, kit., baths & more. 203-886-8227 CT Reg #455709 & Insured.

Quality Work - Reasonable Rates Complete home services. Electric, plumbing, kitchens, baths, etc. (203) 376-7532 CT Reg# 616307.

Spring Clean-ups, mowing, landscaping, stone work. WWW.QLSLLC.COM CT Reg #620306 Jim 203-537-2588 or 860-349-2118

HEDGE TRIMMING No Hedge/shrub too big, small or tall. Fully Ins. Free estimates. Quality Landscaping, LLC. WWW.QLSLLC.COM Jim 203-537-2588 or 860-349-2118 JT’S LANDSCAPING, LLC Spring cleanups, Grass cutting, lawn maint. Comm/Res Top quality work. Ins., Free est. 203-213-6528 CT Reg #616311

Fully insured & licensed Free estimates CT Reg. #573871

ZK Construction ROOFING SPECIALISTS & SNOWPLOWING QUALITY, EXPERIENCE & AFFORDABILITY ● New Roofs ● Restoration Work ● All Types of Repairs ● Emergency Repairs

Ziggy Kacperski Berlin, CT 06037 Tel. 860-829-8212





Water & sewer lines, inground tank removal, drainage, grading, additions, pavers. Insured. Reg# 571435 203-379-0193

CT Reg #606277. GIVE us a call, we do it ALL. Free est. 203-631-1325


Shamock Roofing

All home improvements needs & masonry. Free est. Lic/Ins. #607639. Wlfd Cell-203-376-0355

FENCING CORNERSTONE FENCE & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237-GATE CT Reg #601060

All types of remod. 30+ yrs exp. No $$ Down. CT Reg 523804. Ins

203-237-4124 an LLC co. Neighborhood Handyman, LLC. Specializing in smaller jobs. Indoor/outdoor. CT Reg #611858 Matt 860-877-2549

BILL RUDOLPH Landscaping Paver walkways & patios, retaining walls, landscape design, water features, planter bed renovations, drainage work backhoe work. Est 1972. Free est. #563661 (203) 237-9577

RWL CONST. SERVICES RON LIGAS - 35 YRS EXP. Garage doors & openers installed CT Reg. #622764 860-349-6873


GARY Wodatch Landscape Svs. Hedge/tree trim., trimming over grown properties. Est 1985. All calls returned. Lic ins. #0620397. Office 203-235-7723 or Cell 860-558-5430

MOWING RICK’S AFFORDABLE Comm/resid Mowing, bagging Spring clean-ups, hedge trim, brush, tree & pricker removal. 11 yrs exp. 203-530-4447.

CT Reg #564042

GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Installation & Repairs CT #600415 203-235-9865

JUNK REMOVAL. 203-886-5110



O’CONNOR ROOFING Over 25 years experience. Call today for free estimates. Call 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887

203-639-0231 Lic. & ins. Free est. Work performed by owner. CT Reg #602521

CASCIO Mason. Chimney repair, sidewalks, walls, brick work, etc. CT Reg #611774. 203-265-7826 or cell 860-398-1223

S & H MASONRY LLC StoneWalls*Steps*Chimneys Retaining Walls *FPs*Patios Walkways*Concrete Free est. Lic/Ins. #607639. Cell 203-376-0355 JIMMY’S MASONRY Stonewalls, steps, patios, chimneys, all types. Lic. & Ins’d. 25 yrs exp. Call for free est. 860-2744893 CT. Reg. #604498


APOLLO PAINTING Int/Ext, Popcorn Ceilings, Powerwashing. Call Mike 203-974-2097 or 860-347-1355 CT# 613892 MDV PAINTING, int/ext, custom painting at competitive prices. Mark (203) 269-8309. CT Reg #0622739

To ensure a quality job at a fair price. Call 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488

LANDSCAPING A+ MOWING & LAWN CARE. Quality Lawn Care at low prices. Call for free quote. (203) 886-9360

THE POWERWASHING KINGS Others Wash - We Clean! 203-631-3777 or 860-839-1000 thepowerwashingkings.com

POWER WASHING IS Spring cleaning on the outside. FREE ESTIMATES. Call Kevin 203-440-3279

BIG GREEN POWERWASHING SERVICE Residential, Commercial. Quality work done. Gutters cleaned at time of power wash. CT# 619909. Call Today. Call 203-715-2301

A-1 Quality Powerwashing HOT WATER, LOW RATES


Shamock Roofing All types of remod. 30+ yrs exp. No $$ Down. CT Reg 523804. Ins

203-237-4124 an LLC co



Specializing in Wood/Aluminum siding. Low rates. Reg#533474. Call Dennis 203-630-0008

To ensure a quality job at a fair price. Call 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488



BIG GREEN LANDSCAPING Full service lawn care: Landscape design, pavers, retaining walls, planting, weeding flower beds, mulch, new lawns, lot clearing, yard cleanup. CT#619909 203-715-2301 LAWN MOWING Full lawn maintenance, lawn repair, clean-ups more. H. J.’s Lawn Service. 203-213-6316

COMPUTER SERVICES COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Upgrades, installs, repairs & viruses fixed at your home. DMT Computer Services. 203599-1097. After 5 - 860-424-1177

JOHN Biafore and Son Masonry Chimneys, brick, block, stone walls, patios. In business over 50 yrs. CT# 549071 (203) 537-3572


FIDERIO & SONS Siding, roofing, windows, decks, sunrms, additions. 203-237-0350. CT Reg. #516790


IF YOU NEED HELP CLEANING Your Home (or Office) Please Call Roberta at (203) 238-0566 (U.S. Citizen)



BILL RUDOLPH Landscaping paver walkways, patios, retaining wall. Free estimates. #563661 . Call 203-237-9577



DON’T Sweat It this Summer! Call Duane, Plumbing, heating & cooling. Quality work. Low rates. 203-3798944 Lic. #0389224.


Call Dennis 203-630-0008 GARY Wodatch Landscape Svs. Spring clean-up. Quick, courteous service. All calls returned. Lic ins. #0620397. Office 203-235-7723 or Cell 860-558-5430


203-235-8180 REPAIRS Additions, Sunrooms, Finish Bsmnt, Decks & Porches 203-238-1449 #578107 Free est. www.marceljcharpentier.com


For gutter cleaning, call Kevin at (203) 440-3279 Fully insured. CT Reg. #569127.


Carpentry, repairs. No job too small or large. Member BBB.


Norm the Gardener’s 3-man crew is only $65/hr. CT Reg#571339 (203) 265-1460





203-237-2122 Keep home, auto, 401k, etc. STOP FORECLOSURES IRS & “Repos” Atty F.W. Lewis 439 Main St, Yalesville 203-265-2829 “Debt Relief Agency” We help people file for relief under the bankruptcy code


LAWN & GARDEN ROTOTILLING Garden Bill with Troy Built. No garden too small. (203) 294-1160

Decrease in material costs means savings for you. No job too small, driveways, parking lots, any concrete sidewalks, curving. etc. New or repairs of water or sewer service, any excavation needs. Prompt free est. Fully licensed & insured. CT Reg #630230. Call 203-235-1030 or 203-537-7303

PLUMBING PLUMBING & Piping Contractor Specializing in small jobs. Capable of doing new & large jobs. Lic# 204060. John 203-284-9744 or 203-500-5224 cell. DON’T Flush money down the drain, call Duane Plumbing, heating. Quality work, low rates Major credit cards accptd. 203379-8944 lic. #283401 #389224

Gonzalez Construction ★★★★★★★★

Roofing, siding, windows, decks, gutters & remodeling. ★★★★★★★★

203-639-0032 Fully license/insured. CT Reg# 577319

Empire Construction, LLC Your Professional Roofer New Roofs, Reroofs, Tearoffs. We fix leaks too! 203-269-3559 CT Reg#565514 www.EmpireLLC.biz

O’CONNOR ROOFING 203-639-0231 Lic. & ins. Free est. Work performed by owner. CT Reg #602521


Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen Looking for the perfect new home for your Mother, Father, Aunt, Friend or Yourself?…….

You Found It! S a g e Po n d P l a c e



MERIDEN 3BR, 2nd floor. Off street parking. No pets. $950 per month, plus 1 month securuity. Utils not included. Credit check. Call Tom 203-772-2227 MERIDEN 3rd fl furn studio, $700/mo + sec. Heat, HW, Elec incld. E. Side, very clean. Offst park. 203-630-3823 12pm8pm. www.Meridenrooms.com MERIDEN 6 bedrm/2 bath; clean large. Sect 8 apprvd. Avail now! $1700. Call 203-6317603



PRICKER REMOVAL RICK’S AFFORDABLE Spring clean-ups, hedge trim, brush, tree, pricker & underbrush removal. No job too big or small. 11 yrs exp. 203-5304447.


MERIDEN EFFICIENCIES - $650 1BRs - $750 2BRs - $850. Heat & HW incl. ACs. 24 hr maintenance. Sec. guard. Laundry Rm. Off street parking. 203-630-2841

TREES Tree Removal. Chipping. No job too small. Fully insured. 20 yrs. Local business. CT Reg# 673534. Call Joe (203) 804-4739


Nestled off the road in a quiet, wooded setting!

Brand New Beautiful 1 Bedroom Apartments in Berlin For Active Adults 55 and better

Only $950 Heat, Hot and Cold Water Included Central air! Intercom system! Fully applianced kitchens On-site laundry! with frost free refrigerator, Library with computer range with self cleaning oven, workstation! dishwasher, garbage disposal! Ample on-site parking! Community room with fireplace Picnic area with grill! and full service kitchen! 24-hr. maintenance! Secure three-story building with elevators!

MERIDEN Newly remodeled 5 BR, 2 Bath - $1400 3 BR, 1 Bath-$950 Spacious 2 BR, 1 Bath-$800 (203) 417-1675 MERIDEN- 1, 2, 3BR units starting at $745. Some w/heat & HW incld. No pets. Sec dep & crdt ck req'd. MBI 860-347-6919. MERIDEN- 1BR $725/mo. Heat, HW & Electric incl. Private balcony, off st parking, laundry facilities, management & maintenance on site. Section 8. approved. No dogs. Cat w/deposit. For info 203-639-4868

Call Now!

(860) 828-3958 also accepting applications for Affordable Units Income Restriction Apply Merit Properties, Inc. Financed by CHFA


BENJAMIN BUILDERS LLC Payment plans & credit cards ROOFS, SIDING, WINDOWS, ADDT’S, KIT, BATHS, DECKS 203-671-7415 Ct Reg #622755

FIDERIO & SONS Siding, roofing, windows, decks, sunrooms, additions. CT Reg. #516790

Gonzalez Construction 203-639-0032 Fully licensed/insured. CT Reg.# 577319

SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS JOE’S POOLS Installations, liner changes & repairs. CT#54932 Call 203-725-2555 or 860-280-7867

TOP SOIL SAND & FILL HAZELWOOD EXCAVATING Dry farm screened topsoil and colored mulch.

203-269-0135 BEAUTIFUL FARM FRESH Screened Top Soil. Fill, Sand & Stone. Picked up or delivered. No minimum. Cariati Developers, Inc. 860-681-3991

TREE SERVICES GARY WODATCH LLC Tree Removal, All calls returned Reg #0620397. Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 or Cell 860-558-5430 VILLA’S TREE REMOVAL We save everybody money! Fully insured, free estimates. (860) 777-7914 CT Reg#709285

MERIDEN - Large 3 bedroom apartment. Available immediately. 127 Liberty St., 1st floor. No pets. Section 8 OK. 203-2691508. MERIDEN 1 & 2 ROOM EFFICIENCIES $450 & $550. Some include utils. 2 mo sec. Credit ck req. No pets. Call 203-284-0597


Roofing, siding, windows, decks, gutters & remodeling.



DOW GUTTERS Seamless gutters/leaders. GUTTER cleaning. Free est. #612964 Steve 860 426-0045

Find something that belongs to someone else? Find the owner with a Marketplace Ad!


FREE! in the

Stove, heat & hot water incl. Lease, security & refs. No pets. (203) 239-7657 or 203-314-7300 WLFD- 2BRs Townhouse, appl’d kitchen. Lease, sec, NO PETS. $775. J.J. Bennett 203-265-7101.

APARTMENTS FOR RENT MERIDEN 1 LG BR 4 Rms 3rd flr, Broad St. Newer kit & bath. Painted, new carpet, off st. parking, balcony. $650 + utils. Rob 203-639-9238

MERIDEN 108 Maple St. 2 1/2 BR. 2nd flr, recent remodel, new appliances, washer/dryer hk up in base't. $900/mo inc H/HW. 888-520-6786 X101 MERIDEN 2 BR, 2nd floor. New carpets. Appliances, laundry room. Heat & Hw included. Off st parking. No pets. $800/mo + sec. (203) 269-1670

MERIDEN- 2 BR. Just renovated. Small but cute and ONLY $700 mo. for a 2 bedroom unit. See this on the 3rd floor at 139 Camp St. You pay gas & elec. No pets. State Vouchers OK. (203) 537-1278 MERIDEN- 2BR, 1st flr, w/appls. Excellent condition. Off st. parking. No pets. $900 + sec. & utils. (860) 663-1229 MERIDEN- 2BR, large, ground floor apt. Refrig. & stove, w/d hookup. No pets, smoking or utilities. 1 yr lease. Credit check & refs. req’d. Sec. & 1st mo. rent. $750/mo. 203-608-8348 MERIDEN- 3BR, 2nd fl. Newer appliances. Off st. parking. $950 + utils. No pets. Sect 8 approved. Marc 203-815-8335 MERIDEN- 3BR, 3rd flr, Big unit. 92 Franklin St. Newly renovated. Gas heat. No pets. Discounted rent. $895. 203-5371278.


MERIDEN- Hubbard Park- 2BR, central air/heat. 775 West Main St. $925/mo. Tony 203213-8468/ 203-296-4975

WALLINGFORD 2 BR Spacious with Character. HW floors. Porch, Dining Rm, lots of windows. Great Location, Choate area. 2 Apts avail- 2nd floor- $1200. 3rd floor $900. 203-671-6979

MERIDEN-1st flr, 1BR, new windows, new appls. Clean. Available now! $595/mo. Call Jonah 203-430-0340 MERIDEN-2 family house nice neighborhood. Lrg spacious 4BRs, 2 full BA, LR, kit., + extras. $1,300+ 1.5mo sec 203-804-3055 MERIDEN-Free Rent 1st month. 1BR $575/mo + utils. Studio $495/mo + utils. On busline downtown. No pets. Sec & refs. Call 203-907-8688 MIDDLETOWN Senior Housing Available Now. 62+. Section 8 - no voucher required. 600 sq ft. Heat & hot water included. Good credit & background check a must. Call now! 860-344-8157 PLAINVILLE 1BR units Starting at $515/month. One months security required. No pets. MBI 860-347-6919 PLANTSIVLLE Mansion- (2) 1 BR Apts, priv porch. Newly renovated. Small Pet Ok! Cheap Util. Huge Yard, Bike Path, Parking. Clean, Quiet. $700 & $800/mo. 203-910-4349 SOUTH MERIDEN - 1BR Apt. 1st floor, appliances, laundry facility. No utilities. Off st. parking. $695 month. Security deposit req. Call 203-238-7562 SOUTHINGTON - 1 1/2 RM Efficiency, near I-84 $130/wk. Incld heat & HW, A/C, appl’s. Sec dep & refs req 860-620-0025 WALLINGFORD - 1 BR, 3 rooms, 2nd flr of 2 story house, Yalesville, off-str pkg, $775 incl all utils, no dogs, 203-530-1840 WALLINGFORD 1 & 2 bedroom Judd Square. Central Air. No Pets. $730-$925/mo. Call 203-265-3718 WALLINGFORD 2 bdrm. S. Whittlesey. 3rd fl. Remodeled $800+util Sec Dep+ref. 203314-3548 Steve WALLINGFORD Beautiful Location, N. Main St. Attractive 5 Rms w/attic space. 2nd flr. A must see! No smoking. $1300 /mo, sec & refs. (203) 269-7671 WALLINGFORD- 5RMS, 3BR. W/D hookup, off-st. parking. No pets. 2mo sec. $900/mo. Call 203-949-9976

WALLINGFORD- 1BR, Choate School area, 3 rms, 3rd flr incl. heat, appliances, garage. $725 + security & references. Call (203) 269-2575 WALLINGFORD- 1BR, studio, kitchen. Stove & refrigerator included. Centrally located. $525. No pets. 2 mo security + refs. 203-265-0698 WALLINGFORD- 2nd flr, 5 rms, freshly painted & updated. W/D hookup in basement. $1000/mo. + sec. No pets. Call (203) 2843561 or 203-640-5249 WALLINGFORD- Sunny spacious 2 BR 1st flr, appls, porch, $850 + utils. W/D in bsmt. Off st parking. No smoking or pets. Security, Good credit. Tom 203-889-1940 WALLINGFORD. 1BR apt, nice location, off st parking. No pets/smoking. $700/mo+sec. Call 203-284-2103

WLFD- NORTHRIDGE Commons, spacious 1 & 2BR units. $695 & up - $750 & up. Also avail 2BR units $775-$795 203-269-5770 WLFD-3BR, 2nd fl, hdwd fls, newly renovated, new windows. WD hookup. Off st parking. $1275 + sec. No pets. Credit check. Avail 7/1 203-535-1162 WLFD. OVERSIZED Tri-level, applianced kitchen, lots of storage & closet space. NO PETS. $1195. Call J.J. Bennett, 203-2657101. YALESVILLE 1BR apt in small complex. Off st. parking. Appliances. No dogs. $750 + sec. Call Don at ERA Property World 203-272-6969

ROOMS FOR RENT MERIDEN CLEAN SAFE ROOMS Heat, utils,. E.Side, kit privileges, off-st park. $130/wk. www.Meridenrooms.com or call 203-630-3823 12pm-8pm

Find something that belongs to someone else? Find the owner with a Marketplace Ad!


FREE! in

The Berlin CALL (203) 238-1953 to place your ad


Cit itiz ize en CALL 877-238-1953 to place your ad TODAY

34 VACATION & SEASONAL RENTALS LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE- Weirs Beach, N.H. Channel Waterfront Cottages. 1,2 & 3BR, A/C, Full Kitchens, Sandy Beach, Dock Space. Walk to everything! Pets Welcome **Wi-fi! 1-603-366-4673 www.channelcottages.com SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE NOW!!! Maintenance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No commissions or Broker Fees. Free Consultation. www.sellatimeshare.com 1-866-708-3690


Wallingford/Durham 20’ X 45’ with electricity. Available July 1. 203-751-1977 WOW! CALL FOR THIS MONTH’S AMAZING MANAGER’S SPECIALS! Storage Space-Clean, well lit, fenced facility. 5’x10’-$58.29, 5’x15’-$68.89, 10’x10’-$94.33, 10’x15’-$116.59, 10’x20’$132.49, 10’x30’-$206.69. CALL (203) 250-1515 for details.

The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009

STORAGE SPACE We have 3,800 square feet of storage space available for short or long term rental. Centrally located in Meriden and convenient to all major highways. 12’ ceilings with heat and air conditioning. Tractor trailer access with a covered dock. 24 hour access, security camera for extra protection, office and bathroom. Plenty of parking. Call today for more information and tour.


MERIDEN Approx 900sqft, 5Rms + reception area & 2 baths, bsmt option extra. $1000/mo w/o utils. Near Gianni’s Restaurant. MBI 860-347-6919 WALLINGFORD 70 Quinnipiac Street, Store/office or heated storage. $595 monthly. 80 Quinnipiac St. Store or office. $325. Sec. & ref. req. Please call 203-269-2575


WALLINGFORD “New Listing” $329,900 Spacious 3-4BR in Eastside neighborhood. Gorgeous remodeled bath w/his and her sinks, subway tile and beadboard. Center FP in LR & DR. New heating and CAIR systems. HW floors. MERIDEN-E. side. “Estate Sale” 2-family. 5 & 5, LR, DR, 2BR, updated kit., bath, 2 enclosed porches, 3-car gar., vinyl siding, full bsmt. (2) 100amp service, (2) gas boilers & water heaters. Bonus-zoned com. “C-4” Ideal for residents and/or business. Must See property! Call Ania (203) 488-6389 or (203) 623-2009

Linda (203) 265-5618


WLFD Multi family near train station-2 family w/store front, easily converted to 3 family with ok from town of Wallingford. Separate utilities, corner lot. $217,200. Call Brian Miller (203) 265-5618 ESTATE SALE-OPEN HOUSE 270 Swain Ave., Meriden 3 BR Ranch, East Side 1457 sq. ft, C/A, HW Floors IG Pool, 1 1/2 baths $179,900 Saturday, June 13, 2009 & Sunday, June 14, 2009 12:00 - 4:00 860-347-7840

MERIDEN Ideal corner lot pro landscaped well cared for home in desirable area. Home sits on lg lot w/beautiful mt. views. Impressive great rm w/vaulted ceiling & HW flrs. $279,900. Call Vicki (203) 235-3300

Please apply in person between 10:00am 2:00pm Monday through Friday to:

Record-Journal Circulation Office 75 S. Colony St. Meriden, CT

CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE MERIDEN Awesome Condo, 5 rooms. Featuring 2BRs, kit, LR, family room in lower level, bath and a half. Beautifully landscaped park-like setting. Priced to sell at $159,900. For details, call Sue Farone (203) 235-3300

NC MOUNTAINS. NEW! E-Z Finish Log Cabin Shell Financing Available!! With Loft & Full Basement. Includes acreage. $99,900 Warm Winters/Cool Summers 828-247-9966 code 45

MERIDEN “Awesome Condo” 5 rooms. Featuring 2BRs, kit, LR, family room in lower level, bath and a half. Beautifully landscaped park-like setting. Priced to sell at $159,900.

For details, call Sue Farone (203) 235-3300



WLFD $689,000 “Magnificient view & privacy”. Cust Cape on 2AC, 4+BR, 3.1BTH. 9’ ceils, Crown molding, French drs galore! Granite, marble. Many more amenities! Must see! Mins to I91/I95, town, country club. Dee (203) 265-5618

Always a sale in Marketplace

HELP WANTED BUILDING MAINTENANCE Motivated and self sufficient individual needed to work in an environment where boredom is never a problem. This position performs custodial duties and maintains interior facilities and the exterior grounds. Must be flexible, reliable, and hold a valid, clean CT driver’s license. Job related experience or training is a plus. Apply in person at: Hunter’s Ambulance, 450 West Main Street, Meriden or online at www.huntersamb.com. EOE. CARPENTER/REMODELERLooking for ambitious, quality minded experienced leadperson. Fast pace environment. Call 203-272-1166

BERLIN-2200 sq.ft. general commercial rental. $1600/mo. Sec dep. & 1st month. Contact Ken or Norm 860-828-3512

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JUNE 14TH- 1PM-4PM 38 DRYDEN DR., MERIDEN See listing under house for sale for more info

The Record-Journal Circulation Department is seeking enthusiastic applicants for a full time position as an Administrative Customer Service Representative. This position is responsible for making a variety of sales, service, and retention calls, posting payments, and serving as our front counter cashier.

No phone calls please.



Administrative Customer Service Representative

Pleasant manner, positive attitude, and ability to multi task needed. Office experience a plus.



STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT MERIDEN 1 unit avail at approx 1130sqft $1,000/mo w/o utils. Bathrm & storage rm. Near Gianni’s Restaurant. MBI 860347-6919


MERIDEN 38 Dryden Dr. By owner, 2 BR Cape, 1.5 baths, finished rec. rm., 3 seasons porch, c/a, large beautifully landscaped yard. $269,900. For full details of updates and inside/outside slide shows visit: http://web.me.com/ dalegreenbacker (203) 634-0013 MERIDEN Our builder will buy your home at fair market value if it qualifies for our program, when you buy one of his homes. You can also find other homes for sale on our website. Visit us at www.galleriahouses.com Galleria Real Estate 203-671-2223.

NEW BRITAIN. 36 Nicole Rd. By Owner. 1700 sq. ft. Raised Ranch, 3 BRs, 2 full baths, 2 car garage, new siding and new roof, hdwd flrs, large flat yard with playscape, on cul-de-sac, all appliances included. Asking $256,900. (860) 224-2995

A Marketplace ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too.

MERIDEN Gorgeous 7rm Condo. Everything new within 4 years. Features 3BR, LR, kit, DR, 1 full bath, 2 half baths, finished lower level, first flr laundry. Too many extras to list $194,900. Call Sil Sala for details (203) 235-3300


203-799-7731 HELP WANTED

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AUTO PARTS COUNTERPERSONParts exp. required for busy NAPA store. Potential to earn over 40K, profit sharing and health benefits. Call Don at 203272-3704 weekdays, A.M. only. AUTO TECH with 10+ yrs exp. Must be ASE Certified. Have skills or be talented enough to do most repairs on all foreign & domestic cars (203) 671-5524

CNC PROGRAMMERS MACHINIST with MILLING or LATHE experience. Please send resumes to Mrichter@ctpersonnel.com


visit us online at

www.TheBerlinCitizen.co www.TheBerlin Citizen.com m www.TheBerlinCitizen.com Stay in touch with Berlin


Thursday, June 11, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen


Adults Wanted! Come join our fast growing team of adult newspaper carriers for the Record-Journal! It's an excellent way to supplement your income during early morning hours without interfering with day jobs, family and other obligations. Looking for carriers in all areas, Meriden, Wallingford, Southington & Cheshire

Those interested should call 203-634-3933


Full-Time Fatherhood Coordinator Facilitates weekly workshops and plans outreach activities and maintain the database for the Fatherhood Initiative program. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services or related field or equivalent work exp. Valid CT Driver’s license/ insurance/transportation required. Must be proficient in Word, Excel and Outlook. $14.42 per hr 35 hrs per week. Email your resume to: hr@newopportunitiesinc.org or apply New Opportunities of Greater Meriden 191 Pratt St. Meriden, CT 06451 E.O.E.



LEGAL SECRETARY Min 7 yrs litigation exp for New Haven Area ins. defense firm. Comp. salary, med/dental. ctlegaljobs@cox.net MACHINE OPERATORS Min 5 yr exp for growing Meriden manufacturer. Able to work all shifts; fast learner & hard worker with own transportation. Starting $12-$16/hr +benefits. Fax resumes 203-237-2701 or email cpetersen@ accelinternational.com


GRAND OPENING!! $1000 Sign-on bonus after 30 days of FT work All depts. hiring International co. operates Full Co. Training FT & PT work available. Cust Srv★Sales Srv★Packing

$450-525/WK! Call Today! Start Tomorrow!


PORTER/ HOUSEKEEPER The Orchards at Southington, an upscale senior living facility, has a Full Time 2nd Shift opening available. Floor care experience preferred. Will train right person. Apply in person 34 Hobart Street, Southington 860-628-5656

MYSTERY Shoppers Needed. Earn up to $150 per day. Undercover Shoppers needed to Judge Retail & Dining Establishments Exp Not Required. Call Now 1-877-218-6211

Wallingford Public Schools is seeking highly qualified instructional leaders for the position of Elementary School Principal. Salary: $119,729. A sixth year degree with a major in education administration and a valid CT administrative certification (092) required. Position to begin as soon as possible. Please fax resume, certification, transcripts, reference letters ASAP to: Mr. Dale Wilson Superintendent of Schools at (203) 949-6551.

PAINTING FT Carpenters, Painters, Subs. For residential / commercial work. 800-778-9885 x1279

Interim HealthCare has many opportunities available chances are we have the right position for you. Call 203-2304786 today, we look forward to hearing from you!

278 State Street, North Haven EOE

CNAs/ Home Health Aides Opportunities available for CNAs in Southington and surrounding areas. Variety of hours and positions immediately available to assist patients in their own homes. Join our leading team of home care professionals today. Must be certified, have 6 months exp and valid driver’s license. Call Sue Palmisano at Interim Health Care 800-242-7005 for immediate consideration and interview.

CNA/HHA NEW ENGLAND HOME CARE is seeking CNAs and Home Health Aides with a minimum of 6 months experience for a pediatric group home in Meriden. Previous experience in a group home with physically and emotionally challenged children preferred. All shifts available. Earn up to $12.00 per hour based on experience. Must have a current CT CNA certificate. To schedule an appointment to apply, please call:

800-286-6300 ext. 3902 PRINCIPAL (Elementary)

MECHANIC Heavy Equipment/Truck/Industrial. Union Shop-Full Benefit Package. Guaranteed Minimum 40Hour Week. 1st & 2nd Shift Positions Available Apply in person 8:30-3:30 Mon-Fri Metal Management 234 Universal Drive North Haven, CT 06473 Equal Opportunity Employer

CARE COORDINATOR Healthcare background needed for hands-on Supervisory position at retirement center. All shifts PT or FT. 860-829-4500 or email: employment@bowerhc.com

Home Health Aide / CNA




RECEPTIONIST & BOOKKEEPER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY RECEPTIONIST is needed PT for medical office. Must be reliable, flexible & willing to learn. Friendly atmosphere and good pay. PT hrs incl some evenings. PT BOOKKEEPER also needed. Flexible hrs. Competive compensation. Req exp with QuickBooks, Payroll, Accounts Payable & Receivable. Work in conjunction with Office Mangager.

or fax your resume to the HR Department 860-613-3777 or email to: employment@newenglandhomecare.com E/E/O/C/M/F/V/D Drug Screen/Criminal Background Check Required

Visit us on the web at NewEnglandHomeCare.com HELP WANTED SEAMLESS GUTTER INSTALLERS Excellent benefits and pay. Must have experience, valid drivers license and a clean criminal record. Apply in person: New England Building Products, 45 Golden Street, Meriden. 203-235-7981 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Sheet metal mech/foreperson 28 yrs. experience seeking full time position for commercial projects. Have SM2,OSHA 30, Lull liscrnse & more. Please call 860-6219308 Ask for Ken.



Both Applicants, please fax your resumes to 860-276-9296 or email aalmai@sbhccf.com

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 800-4880386 www.CenturaOnline.com

RESTAURANT- Prep/line cook. FT/PT. Apply in person: Time Out Tavern, 100 New Haven Rd, Durham.

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA!! Fast, Affordable, Accredited. FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-888-532-6546 ext 96 www.continentalacademy.com


BARTENDING 1 or 2 week course Job Placement Assistance

Physical Therapists

RNs & LPNs

Seeking per diem PTs for our growing home health care agency. Must have 3 years of experience. Call 203-230-4786 to schedule an interview or fax your resume to 203-230-4791.

Interim HealthCare has many opportunities available chances are we have the right position for you. Call 203-2304786 today, we look forward to hearing from you!

278 State Street, North Haven EOE

278 State Street, North Haven EOE

Therapeutic Recreation Director (2 positions) Miller Memorial Community, Meriden's choice for excellence in senior residential health care services seeks qualified candidates to assist the Recreation Coordinator with planning and implementing recreational programs for long term care and short term rehabilitation residents, working 20 scheduled hours weekly, including some weekends & nights. Successful candidates will hold Therapeutic Recreation certification and/or an Associate's Degree in Therapeutic Recreation or a related field, plus two years or more of long term care experience. MMCI offers very competitive wages and benefits. Drug testing and criminal background check required.

Please apply to: Personnel Manager Miller Memorial Community, Inc., 360 Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. FAX 203-630-3714 or email hfparisi@emmci.org EOE


203-754-6000 Bartenders Academy 663 Lakewood Rd, Wtby, CT

IT’S SO CONVENIENT! Pay for your RecordJournal Marketplace ad with your credit card. For your convenience we accept MasterCard, Visa, Discove r & American Express. Just call (203) 238-1953 to place your Marketplace ad and have your credit card # ready for the advisor.

This was the paper that sold the house that Jack built. To speak with a Marketplace Advisor call today at (877) 238-1953.

The Berlin

Cit itiz izeen


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, June 11, 2009


Ocean State Fragrance Diffuser



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Advanced™ Wipes

or Skinsations®

• 20 ct

• Pump spray



Wasp & Hornet Killer

28 oz

Selection varies by store

Comp. $12.99

Great new colors!


$ 5’ Fancy Bamboo Patio Torch

5’ Metal Patio Torch


Citronella Oil 50 oz






Deluxe Cantilever Patio Umbrellas Swivels 3600 - Adjusts to multiple positions - Aluminum pole & ribs - includes base (an $80 option in other stores)


10 Foot ................................................$200 10 Foot with 5 level LED Lighting System ...............................$240 11.5 Foot Comp. $479 ......................$360 11.5 Foot with 5 level LED Lighting System ...............................$400 Sold in our larger stores only - Call your local Ocean State Job Lot for availability

Save Over 50% on Patio Umbrellas! Comp. $159



Comp. $90



9' Adjustable Tilt Market Umbrella



Sun & Shade Grass Seed Comp. $9



360 o rotation



Nelson® 5-Pattern Pistol Hose Nozzle



5 Piece Patio Sets



41” Slick Bottom Foam ......$15 37” Laminated Wood ..........$12 37” Solid Foam ...........................$8

9000 BTU Portable Electronic Air Conditioner


Solar Pool Covers

Comp. $450

12" Table Fan

3 Yearty n Warra



Commercial ® Cool

• Raises water temperature during the day • Extends your swimming season • Saves on chemicals • Prevents water evaporation

15' Round Santa Ana 3 Tier with glass diffuser

5 Piece Patio Set


Comp. $699




Rust Free Aluminum

Santa Monica®


Glass diffuser nickel finish 2 LED lights

Glass globe 2 LED bulbs Copper or stainless steel

33 $ 75

48 $ 82


20’x40’ Rect.

18’x36’ Rect.


3" Jumbo Tabs Quick Tabs or Sticks - 4 lbs

Comp. $600

Rust Resistant Steel

73 97


16’x32’ Rect.

7 Piece Patio Set


24’ Round

18’ Round





7 lbs..............26.99 15 lbs ...........53.99 25 lbs ...........72.99





One Gallon Algaecide

One Gallon Clarifier

3 lbs

GRO-FINE Weed & Feed Fertilizer 28-3-5 Covers 5,000 sq. ft.

Comp. $15



10’x10’ Dome IITM Gazebo

12’x12’ Regency Gazebo

88 Folding Sling Chair



10’x10’ Express II Gazebo

Sets up in seconds

With handy roller bag

• E-Z to use pull pin sliders • Polyester top with silver coating blocks 99% of harmful UV rays * Measured from bottom to leg bottom


Comp. $10 - $17



Comp. $139

Garden Stepping Stones


399 499


Comp. $9.99



Comp. $400-$450

URI #2 Grass Seed






Stainless steel Glass diffuser

with Round OR Rectangular Table

Rust Resistant Steel


Used in garden or lawn walkways or as decorative accent Assorted designs


Winged Heavy Duty Nylon Covered Tubes



Stainless steel construction with glass diffuser

Comp. $39.95

Comp. $29.99


Values from $20 to $25 $

1850 $16



Comp. $ 150

• Ventilated platform • Adjustable for optimal viewing & keyboard

New Arrivals! Fashion Sunglasses


Your Choice

10’ Offset Umbrella

3 lbs

FLEXON® 60’X5/8” Year Round Garden Hose

Body Boards

• Clean XChange® Corded/Cordless Shaver • Pop-up trimmer

Solar Lighting


Remington® Rechargeable Shaver


All Include Batteries - No Electricity Needed!

Glass diffuser with copper finish. Stainless steel construction


25lb Umbrella Base

Cast iron - Extra weight increases resistance to tip-over

High Velocity Fan

Rolodex Laptop Stand ®


Comp. $37.99 -$39.99

7 1⁄2 Ft Adjustable Tilt Market $ Umbrella Comp. $90 ...................



Comp. $28 - $30

• Powerful 3 speed oscillating motor • UL listed • Adjustable height to 58”

8' Wood Shaft Market Umbrella

• Hand rubbed oil finish, mildew resistant polyester top in a choice of colors

Comp. $30 or more

Mad Iguana Mens Swimwear

16” Stand Fan

• 8-rib aluminum frame, mildew resistant polyester top in a variety of colors & prints

Mens Designer Belts


70 $15

4” Desk.............................$7.50 9” Table/floor..................$15 14” Floor................................$27 18” Floor....................$37.50






Comp. $23-$40

Ladies Swim Covers

75’ Tow Rope 4 in 1 Design

Rock And Roll Solo or Connect Them To Have A Party!

Lots of styles & features! Sizes 30-50

Comp. $30 & more



Mens Shorts


• Use for wakeboarding, knee boarding, skins, tubing





15”x18” - ..................... 4 $ 15”x23” - ..................... 5 $ 18”x23” (Expandable) - . 7 MEGA BOWL

Your Choice

Comp. $48 - $80

Heavyweight Canvas Totes

Kills flying insects on contact

Comp. $20

Baltex & Christina Swimsuits

Comp. $20

The Original Electric Bug ZapperTM

Lots of moisture management styles!


• 3.5 ft wide • Fancy borders



Comp. $30 or more!

Performance Shorts


6 Foot Super Heavyweight



Solid colors. Tipped collars. 100% cotton

Comp. $100 - $250

Comp. $20


Compare $20-$25

Outer Banks® Golf Shirts



100% cotton velour


Citronella Candle Bucket

Russell Tech Ts All with moisture management -100% polyester

Gottex Swimsuits & Coverups

6 Foot Fiber Reactive Prints


Your Choice:




Comp. $15


7.5 oz. Bonus Size

Comp. $16

Liquids - SPF 4 - 50 4 oz - 10.64 oz Comp. $6.99 - $8.99

100% cotton







Save on Insect Repellents


Sunblock, Sport, Oil, Lotions, Kids, Ultra Mist or Continuous Sprays 6 oz - 8 oz Comp. $8.99 - $10.99

6 Foot Cabana Striped Towels


Plain or pocket! Heavyweight - wicks moisture


5 Position

All National Brand Suncare

6’ Beach Umbrella with Tilt

7.4’ Tilt Beach Umbrella

Russell® Super Premium T Shirts



Don’t Forget Dad on Father’s Day!

Sun Chair

• Lays perfectly flat for all-over sunning



4 Position

Sun Blocking 7’ Beach Umbrella with Tilt


Sand Chair

• Quick dry nylon fabric • Carry strap

High back

Comp. $49.99


STORE HOURS! Mon-Sat 8am-9pm; Sun 9am-8pm Sale Dates: Thurs. June 11 - Wed. June 17, 2009



BBQ Lighter



Commercial grade instant shelter

• Straight leg reinforced design • Huge 144 sq.feet of shade • Adjustable height •Comes with handy roller bag • Two year limited warranty

Solar Stake Light Stainless Steel or Copper Finish Comp. $9.97

* Measured from bottom to leg bottom

Comp. $199




• Straight leg design • 100 sq. feet of shade • Adjustable height • Comes with handyroller bag • Two year limited warranty

Easy Granular Chlorine

8 lbs ...................................................29.99 22.5 lbs .............................................79.99 Steamfast® Steam Cleaner

* Measured from bottom to leg bottom

Comp. $199

• Powerfull steam cleaning power



Comp. $50



Adjustable 5 Position Folding Sling Lounge

Zero Gravity Multi-Position Recliner Comp. $89





Black & Decker® Cyclonic® Dustbuster • Rechargeable

Reg. $35 - Comp. $45

99 99


$ We now accept Cash Benefit EBT Cards

Begining June 15 Summer Hours for MA: Hyannis, Falmouth, S. Yarmouth, Buzzards Bay, Dennisport & Chatham - Sun 9am-9pm; Mon-Sat 8am - 10pm

Visit www.oceanstatejoblot.com for store locations & hours SIGN UP TO RECEIVE AN ADVANCED COPY OF OUR WEEKLY AD & INTERNET COUPONS


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