Volume 21, Number 28
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Superintendent discusses new school year By Ashley Kus Citizen staff
BERLIN — Superintendent David Erwin sat down less than a week before the start of the 2017-18 school year to discuss his upcoming retirement, Principal Francis Kennedy’s departure in November and more administrative changes. “It’s bittersweet,” Erwin said. After 43 years as an educator, going on Berlin High School band members attend band camp, Aug. 24. Band Director Jeff Sirois said, “They’re great kids. They’re enthusiastic.” | Photos by Ashley Kus, The Berlin Citizen
BHS band takes on Green Day By Ashley Kus Citizen staff
The Berlin High School band will be marching out on the field playing “Holiday,” the first in a lineup of Green Day songs, for the first home football game of the season, Friday, Sept. 8.
See Superintendent, A4
Tavern room re-creation to debut at the fair By Ashley Kus Citizen staff
With a couple more weeks until the Berlin Fair, preparations are in place around the fairgrounds with the town’s Historical Society getting ready to debut its new attractions.
See Band, A2
See Tavern, A3
The FuTure oF ChILDCAre AND PreSChooL IS here! Serving families since 1986
“The rhythms are easier when you know the music,” said senior Anna Woodin.
“Learning about shapes and colors is fun, but I can’t wait until they teach us to juggle!” EDUCATIONAL PLAYCARE Childcare and Schools for Young Children
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A2 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
>> Band From A1
Woodin and dozens of her schoolmates attended band camp last week to rehearse not only Green Day’s punk rock genre of music, but also formations.
gan with lessons in band fundamentals for incoming freshmen. The big work started Tuesday, Aug. 22 with the members learning their places in the changing formations. Camp week gives the members an extended opportunity to learn and rehearse
until it is all memorized. “We do it so many times it becomes a habit,” Woodin said. Along with performing at football games, the band has four competitions on tap. “They’re great kids,” Sirois said. “They’re enthusiastic.”
“We’ll know them by the end of the week,” said Aidan Rich, a junior.
“The freshmen are really responsive this year,” Woodin said. “It’s a lot of work to do,” Christina added.
The Berlin
Berlin High School band members attend band camp, Aug. 24. | Photos by Ashley Kus,
ISSN 1525-1780 USPS 017-666
The Berlin Citizen
Berlin Citizen news deadlines
Published weekly by Record-Journal at 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Record-Journal, P.O. Box 915, Meriden, CT 06450 BC-USPSBOX
The deadline for news submissions is Friday, by 5 p.m., for consideration for the following edition. Send to news@ theberlincitizen.com or by mail to: The Berlin Citizen, 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450. Call 203-317-2256.
Drum majors Woodin and Mariel Christina, also a senior, led the band as they practiced moving with and without their instruments around the high school parking lot.
Band director Jeff Sirois said he is looking forward to people enjoying the music during the games and competitions. “I always try to do something fun,” he said. “The kids are excited about it.” Last year, the band performed songs by The Beatles. Past years have included concert-style pieces and Billy Joel songs. “We’re changing decades this year,” Sirois said. “It’s fun to include music people recognize.” Besides the “Holiday” opener, the band will also perform “Good Riddance,” “Basket Case,” and “Still Breathing.”
LABOR DAY PICNIC! Come to the Orchard for Freshness and Savings
The first day of camp be-
Just Picked McIntosh • Gala • Honey Crisp APPLES
News Editor – Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence News Reporter – Ashley Kus Press Releases – Marsha Pomponio Executive Vice President – Liz White Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer – Shawn E. Palmer Senior Vice President and Editor – Ralph Tomaselli
CONTACT US Advertising:
(203) 317-2324 Fax (203) 235-4048 advertising@theberlincitizen.com News and Sports: (203) 317-2256 Fax (203) 639-0210 news@theberlincitizen.com Marketplace: (203) 238-1953 Published every Thursday by the RecordJournal Publishing Co. Delivered by mail to all of the homes and businesses in the two ZIP codes serving Berlin – 06037 and 06023.
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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Deming Road.
“Every year we do a different theme,” said Lorraine Stub of the historical society.
Ken Ayers created the locomotive engine which will be set up as a cut-out for picture-taking in the Historical Society barn at the Berlin Fair. The train was painted by Janice Jacobs. | Photos courtesy of Lorraine Stub
The museum barn by the south gate of the fairgrounds will bring people back in time with a historical recreation of a tavern room. Stub said during the days of the Boston Post Road travelers came through town in horse drawn stagecoaches and stopped at taverns along the way. Worthington Ridge housed the Berlin Hotel, the Loveland Tavern and the Fuller Tavern. All three are now private homes. The Beckley Tavern was on the site of today’s Stonebridge Condominiums on Wethersfield Road near
Several volunteers have been working on the exhibit since April. One of the continuing themes will be the Berlin Train Station which burned down in December.
89 Harding Street • Berlin, CT • 860-829-7377
2 0 1 3
“Each year we try to bring different things to the fair,” said Fritz Schmalberger, the 2017 Lions Club fair president. The fair kicks off with a concert and demolition derby by the pavilion on Thursday, Sept. 14, with gates officially opening Friday, Sept. 15.
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The society attractions add to the new features of the earlier fair weekend this year.
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Before the fair, the society will also be visiting the elementary schools in town to talk with students about the history of the fair, complete
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Other features this year include a 100th anniversary tribute to Berlin residents who served during World War I from April 1917 to November 1918. A memory book will be available for residents to contribute thoughts.
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Danielle Wind, Janice Jacobs, Ken Ayers and Pam Pethigal in the yetunfinished tavern cage bar.
The experience of eating at an old tavern at the corner of Main Street, East Berlin and what is now Route 372 will be recreated in the barn with a working cage bar and oysters on the tables.
with costumes.
CALL 860-828-4020
From A1
According to research by the society, George Washington reportedly ate at both the Fuller Tavern and the Beckley Tavern during separate trips to the area.
A recreated scale model of the station will be available for guests to view. A DVD of the station’s history, presented at recent Story Share programs, will be playing in the barn.
>> Tavern
A4 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
>> Superintendent
Kennedy’s exit adds to a list of administrative changes this year.
Kennedy will be leaving in November for a position as associate director at the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
At McGee Middle School, Timothy Chiaverini will be the new assistant principal, replacing David Kitzman, who was appointed principal of Griswold Elementary
“This is one of the hardest
BEST OF... AWARDS 2 0 1 7
School. Kitzman replaces Laurie Gjerpen, who left Griswold to become district director of literacy and social studies. Gjerpen replaces Deb Thibault, who retired. The assistant principal at Griswold this year will be Megan Sirois, who replaces
“It’s been a large number of folks this year and we have some brand new people starting out,” Erwin said.
Erwin and members of central office will greet high schoolers on the first day of school Wednesday before making the rounds to the other schools in town.
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Sirois will split her duties between Griswold and Willard Elementary School after Natalie Hammond left Willard to become a principal in Redding.
Around 40 new staff members will be welcomed to the district, including those hired in the middle of last year, during convocation Monday. The program will take place at the high school for the first time since renovations were completed.
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Pauline Greer. Greer resigned to become principal at Alfred W. Hanmer School in Wethersfield.
“The kids keep you young,” Erwin said. “It’s great to see the wonderment of the kindergarteners, to high schoolers starting their last year.”
The search to find another assistant superintendent will occur soon, along with looking for a new Berlin High
“(Francis Kennedy has) done a very nice job here in Berlin,” Erwin said.
Watch video online here: http://bit.ly/2wvyjYp
eight years as Berlin’s superintendent, Erwin will officially retire in January. Assistant Superintendent Brian J. Benigni will take over the position.
School principal. The position is currently posted.
From A1
career decisions of my life,” Kennedy said earlier this week. “This community has been such a delight to be part of.”
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Library Briefs Berlin-Peck Memorial Library
22, 1 p.m. “Immortal Life of Henrieta Lacks.” Rated TV-MA.
Sit and Knit - Thursday, Sept. 28, 1 p.m.
Sit and Knit - Thursday, Sept. 7, 6 p.m.
Connecticut in the Great War - Thursday, Sept. 28, 6:30 p.m. Presentation by Christine Pittsley of the Connecticut State Library about Connecticut’s role in World War I. Registration required.
Make & Take - Thursday, Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m. Natural cleaning products. Recipes provided, for anyone over 10 years old. Registration required.
Up To $200 in Savings! On a Year Supply of Contacts! Call Today! Rebate may vary by brand.
Eye Exams • Glasses Contact Lenses Only the best designers at reasonable prices. Call to schedule an eye exam or to get fitted for contact lenses. Most insurances accepted.
Movie Matinée - Friday, Sept. Movie Matinée - Friday, Sept. 8, 1 p.m. “This Beautiful Fan- 29, 1 p.m. “Testament of Youth.” Rated PG-13. tastic.” Rated PG.
East Berlin Library Hours - East Berlin Library is open Mondays and Thursdays, 3 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sit and Knit - Thursday, Sept 14, 1 p.m.
28 Chamberlain Hwy. Kensington, CT 860.829.9090
Taking Better Pictures Using Any Camera - Mondays, Sept. 11 and 18, 6:30 p.m. Registration is required.
Berlin Free Library
Taking Care of Your Aging Parent - Tuesday, Sept. 19, 6:30 p.m. Topics include power of attorney, health care proxy, living wills and long term Title XIX. Registration is required.
Welcome Fall book sale is See Library, A8
Wine Glass Etching Night Thursday, Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m. Supplies included. Registration is required.
Lawn Service
Sit and Knit - Thursday, Sept. 21, 6 p.m.
Local, Reliable & Economical
Movie Matinée - Friday, Sept.
69th AN N UAL
The 2017 Berlin Fair - New Date, Same Great Fun!
September 14, 15, 16, 17
430 Beckley Road, East Berlin, CT
www.CTBerlinFair.com ADVANCE TICKETS & PREMIUM PARKING TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT THESE BERLIN LOCATIONS... • Kensington Opticians - 7 Webster Square Rd. • Matson Rug - 892 Farmington Ave. • Kensington Auto Service, Ltd. - 89 Harding Street Sponsored by The Berlin Lions Club. All Bags Are Subject to Search.
Thursday night the 14th kick off the start of the fair with this pre-event Featuring a DEMOLITION DERBY and music at the Pavilion by Tim McDonald & Friends!
A6 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Calendar Thursday, Aug. 31 Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 24 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 6:30 to
8:30 p.m., at the Community Center, 230 Kensington Road. Stop in or call Mike Neault, Scoutmaster, at 860-828-3611.
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We also do Carpentry Repairs!
2551 Berlin Turnpike. For information, visit thesloppywaffle.com.
Friday, Sept. 1 Racing show - Racing Action Today, hosted by Berlin native Larry Mongillo, airs every Friday, 8 p.m., on Comcast cable channel 5.
Storytime - A free storytime and craft session is scheduled for Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m., at The Sloppy Waffle,
“Exteriors are my specialty, and interiors my masterpiece!”
Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 41 meets Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call 860-8291148 or email jones327@ comcast.net.
Saturday, Sept. 2 Farmers market - Berlin Farmers Market is scheduled for Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Hungerford Park, 191 Farmington Ave. Vendors offer fresh local vegetables, honey, eggs, artisan breads, homemade pies, cupcakes, jam, soap, organic oils, herbs, books, face painting, woodworking, dog products, deli salads and sandwiches, pizza and more. Live entertainment weekly. Boys soccer - Jamboree at Sage Park, 8 a.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 5
Surgical Weight Loss
Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, 880 Farmington Ave. For more information, call 860-828-8693.
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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Citizen’s Police Academy accepting applications The Berlin Police Department has scheduled a Citizen’s Police Academy for Wednesdays, Sept. 20 through Nov. 15, 6:30 to 9 p.m., according the Chief Fitzgerald. The program gives members of the department an opportunity to interact with the community as well as teach them what the job entails,
therefore strengthening the relationship between the department and the community, and reducing any suspicions, fears or misconceptions the public may have about police officers and the department. Planned informational presentations include criminal investigations (major crime, fraud, drug investigations),
police operations (patrol and the communications center), specialized units (K9, dive team, ATV, bicycle), traffic endorsement, crash investigation and more. Eligibility requirements: reside or work full-time within the Town of Berlin; 21 years of age or older; no outstanding warrants or pending criminal cases; no
felony convictions; no misdemeanor arrests within the past three years. Completed applications can be dropped off or mailed to Berlin Police Department, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037, attn: Lieutenant Chris Ciuci or emailed to cciuci@berlinpd.org. — Press Release
Game Recap
In Brief Upbeat selling fair wristbands
12; Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2 to 8 p.m. and Thursday, Sept. 14, 8 a.m. to noon.
Berlin Upbeat plans to sell ride wristbands for the Berlin Fair through Tuesday, Sept. 12, at all school offices. The ride wristband is $20 and is good for unlimited rides on Friday, Sept. 15 only. They do not cover the cost of admission.
For more information, contact Jack Rudy at jrudy@berlinschools.org.
Wristbands are also available at the following school open houses:
Saturday, Sept. 23 - A taste of Alaska: A Taste of Victory!, 6 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by Steven Wilson, 111 Metacomet Drive.
tory! Appetizer and cocktails, 6 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by Sue and Sal Bordonaro, 81 Gianna Lane. For more information and to reserve tickets, call Anne Reilly at 860-828-0260.
Friday, Oct. 20 - Road to Vic-
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park, 191 Farmington Ave., has scheduled its annual tag and bake sale for Saturday, Sept. 9, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine. Free admission. A preview sale is planned for Friday, Sept. 8, 1 to 3 p.m., for a fee. For more information, call 860-827-9064.
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Wednesday, Sept. 6 - Berlin High School; Thursday, Sept. 7 - Willard Elementary School; Tuesday, Sept. 12 McGee Middle School and Wednesday, Sept. 13 - Griswold and Hubbard Elementary school.
Tag, bake sale set Sept. 9
the following fundraisers for the November election.
GOP fundraisers set In addition, wristbands will be offered for purchase at for next 2 months Berlin High School Tuesday, Sept. 5 through Thursday, Town • OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • The FREEBerlin DOOR Republican TO DOOR SERVICE Sept. 7, and Sept. Committee • ALLMonday, YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS UNDERhas ONEscheduled ROOF 11, 4 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Sept. & DOMESTIC VEHICLES • WE WORK ON FOREIGN
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The week began with the 3 game series in Bridgeport. On Wednesday, Jake McGuiggan got his 100th career hit with an RBI single. Jamar Walton had 8 hits in that 3 game series alone, which brought him closer to getting his 1,000th career hit. He is currently 8 hits away from that feat. In the weekend series with Long Island, Kyle Simon threw his league leading 5th complete game on Saturday. On Sunday, Jonathan Griffin hit a grand slam to spark a Bees comeback, erasing a 4 run deficit. It was the first grand slam at home since Jon Jones hit one on June 17th, 2016 against Sugar Land, and the team’s second one overall on the season. Coming up this week, the Bees will play 4 games against the Sugar Land Skeeters, and then 4 more against Long Island. The Sugar Land series was originally scheduled to be played in Texas, however the series was moved to New Britain Stadium due to Hurricane Harvey. No admission will be charged for those 4 games, however fans are encouraged to make a donation to the American Red Cross by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS or texting HARVEY to 90999. The Skeeters will serve as the home team in the series. After that set concludes, the Bees will travel to Central Islip to face the Ducks.
by Cody Jennette
The Bees just wrapped up a week that consisted of 6 games, 3 of them on the road and 3 of them at New Britain Stadium. They visited Bridgeport to face the Bluefish for the last time, and then hosted the Long Island Ducks for a 3 game weekend series. A number of memorable moments were seen this past week, both at the plate, on the mound, and off the field.
A8 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Religious Services / Events Hunger walk St. Paul Church of Kensington plans to host a Hunger Walk fundraiser for Sunday, Oct. 22. Registration at 1:30 p.m.; walk at 2 p.m. Proceeds benefit the Berlin Food Pantry. For more information and to register, call 860-410-0728.
Berlin Congregational Church
gational Church schedules Sunday worship for 10 a.m., with communion on the first Sunday of the month. Nursery care is available. Call 869-828-6586.
Tot time - Free Tot Time, Thursdays, 10 to 11:30 a.m., featuring play session, crafts, snack and more.
Choir, bell ringers - The Berlin Congregational Church invites anyone interested in joining the choir or bell ringers to call 860-828-6586.
Sunday worship at 9:30 a.m.; 785 Mill St., Berlin.
Sweet Hour of Prayer The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled open prayer in the sanctuary on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 7 to 8 p.m.
Worship - Berlin Congre-
Scripture Bits Scripture Bits
Answer on page A19
22 years experience
Sacred Heart Church Mass is scheduled for Sundays, 9:30 a.m., 48 Cottage St., East Berlin. For more information, call 860-828-0331.
Kensington United Methodist Church Kensington United Methodist Church, 103 Hotchkiss St., Sunday worship, 9 a.m. The church has scheduled a prayer service for the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
St. Paul Church Mass schedule - Saturdays, 4 p.m.; Sundays, 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon, 485 Alling St. Call 860-828-0331.
Church of East Berlin, 139 Main St., East Berlin, schedules Sunday services for 10 a.m.
>> Library
scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 6, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, call
The Berlin Free Library book sale is scheduled for Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a.m. The Berlin Free Library accepts donations of new and gently used books for adults
store of goodness in his heart produces good; for from the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.www.portersfuneral.com ----- Luke 6:45 • (860) 223-0981
Siding and Roofing • Replacement Windows ROOFING & SIDING Gutters and Decks • Additions
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Ron Lindgren and Peg Porter Funeral Assistants
Registration is scheduled from 8 to 9:45 a.m. Ride departs at 10 a.m.; lunch is included following the ride. All law enforcement supporters on all makes of motorcycles are welcome.
For more information, visit www.peterlavery. org. and children. Drop them off during library hours, Monday and Friday, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., and Wednesday, 9 to 11:30 a.m., and 7 to 8:30 p.m. or place in the book drop.
ROGERS Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240
Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lic. #00556269
111 Chamberlain Highway, Berlin, CT 06037 Established 1869 5 Generations of Family to Family Service
The ride is in memory of MPO Peter Lavery, who was killed in the line of duty on Dec. 30, while responding to a domestic violence call.
No refuse/recycling will be collected. Trash/recycling will be picked up one day later.
Replacement • Gutters (860) Windows 667-2160 Decks • Additions
Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lic. #00556269 58373-01
Christopher Porter
A fee will be charged.
All Town of Berlin departments are scheduled to be closed Monday, Sept. 4, in observance of Labor Day.
All Work Warranteed • Senior Discounts Available
The 13th annual Master Police Officer Peter Lavery Memorial Ride is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 17, at Churchill Park, Newington, rain or shine.
Labor Day schedule
860.637.6570 10% OFF A good person out of the
Lavery memorial ride returns to town Sept. 17
All proceeds benefit the Peter J. Lavery Memorial Scholaship Fund, Inc.
Saint Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, 68 Main St., East Ber-
From A5
Solve the Puzzle LIC# 0611412
The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 1103 Chamberlain Highway, schedules Sunday worship service at 10:15 a.m. Call 860-828-5079 or visit princeofpeacelutheran06037.com.
lin, Sunday Eucharist, 9 a.m.
United Methodist Church of East Saint Gabriel’s Epis- Berlin copal Church The United Methodist
L C O Q J, J L C P H I J L A B C O W A. ----
Clue: T = G
Prince of Peace
Sunday worship - 10 a.m. Child care and Sunday school are available during worship services. Call 860828-4511 or visit www.kensingtoncong.org.
Bethany Covenant
Kensington Congregational Church
---- F I W C 6:45
In Brief
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Obituaries Lucille Lopez NEW BRITAIN — Lucille Piquette Morin Lopez of Anasco, P.R., passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2017, with her loving husband by her side. After working at Emhart for 20 plus years, she retired in 1997 and moved to Puerto Rico. She most enjoyed working with her daughter, Elaine at her consignment shop, romance novels, her baby doll collection, bingo, and scratch tickets. Also trips to the casino with her husband. In addition, she made the best homemade spaghetti sauce that we still make today! Lucille was a very hard
worker and worked many years of her life. She will be missed by her family and especially her husband, Angel D. Lopez. She leaves her husband and caretaker, Angel D. Lopez; her six children, Corrine (Ronald) Willard, Edward (Dora) Morin, Diane (Austin) Grady, Benjamin Morin, Elaine Morin (Benseghir) and Emil Morin; her sisters, Jeannette Roy and Marie (Terry) Calcinari; and many nieces and nephews; plus 15 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She is predeceased by her brothers, Emil, Joseph, and Conrad Piquette; and her sisters, Irene Sunbury and Doris Kannenburg. Services were held in Puerto Rico.
New Britain High School plans 4 class reunions
New Britain High School Class of 1950 has scheduled an “ 85th Birthday Party” for New Britain High School Class of 1950 for Sunday, Sept, 10, noon to 4 p.m., at Nucci’s Restaurant, Forestville. Email knapsack.molly@ gmail.com.
Timothy Oakes, a member of the Berlin Board of Education, recently achieved the level of Certificated Board of Education Member in the CABE Board Member Academy for the 2016-17 school year.
Oakes was one of 58 board of education members recognized for their achievement in participat-
ing in numerous hours of board-related professional development activities.
A board member must accumulate at least 20 credits to become a Certificated Board of Education Member. Areas of study are designed to strengthen leadership skills and give members a firm foundation in the essential governance
skills needed to carry out their responsibilities.
The areas of study are board relations with the superintendent, community and each other; policy; curriculum; school finance; school law; labor relations; board operations. — Press Release
Berlin High School open house slated Sept. 6 Berlin High School “Parent Open House Back to School Night” is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 6, 6:30 p.m. Parents will follow their child’s schedule for an abbreviated version
of the school day, to meet teachers. Berlin High School parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 5, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, Oct. 19, 12:30 to
2:30 p.m. Conferences must be scheduled using Canyon Creek scheduled software, which will be made available on the Berlin High School home page closer to the conference dates.
better Salveabout Regina, Rhode Is- insurance Kensington.protection Summer dean’s list Ask A RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER?
through & Homeowners Insurance Belmont University, The Citizen prints scholasTennessee - Natalie Ask about better insurance protection through Program from The Hartford – now available Souza of Kensington. ARE YOU A SAFER DRIVER? the AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance Hartford independent A RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER? agent. Northeastern University, from your local ARE YOU A SAFER DRIVER? landAARP® - Jenna Paradis of the Auto
now available MassachusettsProgram - Shannon from The Hartford Ask about–better insurance protection through A RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER? Carabetta of Berlin. New Britain High School the AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance from your local Hartford independent agent. Ask about better through Class of 1977 has scheduled Program from The insurance Hartford –protection now available Dean’s list the AARP® AutoHartford & Homeowners Insurance from your local independent agent. its 40th class reunion for SatProgram from The Hartford – now available urday, Sept. 30, at the Shuttle Merrimack College, from your local Hartford independent agent. •Massachusetts Average savings of $375* for drivers who switch. Meadow Country Club, Ber- Tay• Average savings of $375* for drivers who switch. lin. For more information or lor Budney, Karlee • “Bundling” you insure your home and •drivers “Bundling” Discounts when you insure your home and carscars together.together. • Average savings ofDiscounts $375* forwhen who switch. to help the committee find • Average savings of $404* $375* for convenient, drivers who local switch. Pedemonti of Berlin; • Personalized service from our office. • “Bundling” Discounts when you insure cars your home and cars together. classmates, email nbhsclas• “Bundling” Discounts when you insure your home and together. •Kathleen Personalized service from our convenient, local office. Bosse of East To request your free, service no-obligation quote, call or stop TODAY! • Personalized from our convenient, local by office. sof1977@gmail.com. • Personalized Berlin. service from 860-225-4694 our convenient, local office. To request your free, no-obligation quote, call or stop by TODAY!
To request your free, no-obligation quote, call or stop by TODAY! 860-225-4694 Steve Bruno
To request your free, no-obligation quote, INSURANCE call orASSOCIATES stop by TODAY! MILDRUM-BRUNO Steve Bruno
Obituary fee
74MILDRUM-BRUNO Vine Street, New Britain CT 06052 ASSOCIATES INSURANCE 860-225-4694 mildrumbruno@snet.net 74 Vine Street, New Britain CT 06052 The Berlin Citizen charges $50 for an 8-inch obituary, Steve Bruno mildrumbruno@snet.net and $5 for each additionalSteve inch. ToBruno place an obituary, call MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES *Savings amounts are based on information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Auto Insurance Steve Bruno Program customer who became auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 through 203-317-2240. 74 Vine Street, Newonnew Britian, CTfrom 06052 *Savings amounts are based information The Hartford’ s AARPtheir Autosavings. Insurance Auto Insurance the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program and provided data regarding Authorized agents MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES Program customer who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 through MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES mildrumbruno@snet.net can also provide coverage under this Program. Your savings may vary. Auto & Home the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program and provided data regarding their savings. Authorized agents also Automobile provide coverage under this Program. savings mayThe vary. Insurance Program Thecan AARP & Homeowners InsuranceYour Program from Hartford isfrom underwritten by Hartford 74 Vine Street, NewStreet, BritainNew CT 06052 74 Vine Britain CT 06052 FireTheInsurance Company&and its affiliates,Insurance One Hartford Plaza, CT 06155. CA license number AARP Automobile Homeowners Program fromHartford The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford 5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. Thenumber Home Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license Berlin Memorial Program mildrumbruno@snet.net mildrumbruno@snet.net is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse 5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home agents or brokers. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees 108320
108320 Program is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse to AARP the use ofAARP its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general of AARP. AARP agentsfor or brokers. and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. Thepurposes Hartford pays royalty fees areits on information from Thefees Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Program customers membership isamounts required forbased Program eligibility inThese most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and to *Savings AARP for the use of intellectual property. are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/13 andmay 6/30/14 through the traditional AARP Auto some may not qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts vary and may not be available in all membership is required for Program eligibilitytheir in most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and Insurance Program and provided data regarding savings. Authorized agents can also provide coverage aunder states in accordance with state filings and applicable law. You have the option of purchasing policy some may not Your qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all this Program. savings may vary. directly The Hartford. could vary, have of thepurchasing advice, counsel or statesfrom in accordance withYour stateprice, filingshowever, and applicable law.and Youyou havewillthenotoption a policy services yourAutomobile independent agent.price, however, The of AARP & Homeowners Insurance could Program underwritten by counsel Hartford or directly from The Hartford. Your vary,from andThe youHartford will notishave the advice, Fire Insurance and agent. its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license number 5152. services of yourCompany independent In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home Program is
*Savings “Caring amountsService are based information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Auto Insurance with aon Gentle Hand” information *Savingswho amounts based from Thebetween Hartford’ s AARP Insurance Program customer becamearenew auto on insurance policyholders 7/1/11 andAuto 6/30/12 throughAuto Insurance Program customer who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 through the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program and provided data regarding their savings. Authorized agents Carolyn Smith, Owner the traditional InsuranceYour Program andmay provided can also provide coverageAARP underAuto this Program. savings vary. data regarding their savings. Authorized agents underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse agents or brokers. 1279090
New Britain High School Class of 1967 has scheduled its 50th reunion for Saturday, Sept. 16, 5:30 to 11 p.m., at Tunxis Plantation, Farmington. Related weekend events include Friday, Sept. 15, New Britain 1967 graduates party, Papa’s Dodge Pit Stop Diner, New Britain, 7 to 11 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 17, NBHS 1967 class reunion breakfast buffet at The Back Nine Restaurant, Stanly Golf Course, New Brit-
ain, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit nbhs-1967reunion.com.
Notable accomplishment for member of school board
New Britain High School Class of 1947 has scheduled its 70th class reunion for Sunday, Sept. 10, 12:30 to 4 p.m., at Nuchie’s Restaurant, 164 Central St., Forestville. For more information, call Tony at 860-529-5697.
AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of Casso, Director can also provideJames coverage under this Program. Your savings may vary.
its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Program TheApplicants Hartford is underwritten bynotHartford Program eligibilityfrom in most states. are individually underwritten and some may qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state filings and 96 MAIN STREET Phone (860) 828-4730 applicable law.Plaza, You have theHartford option of purchasing a policy directly fromCA The Hartford. Your price, however, could Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford CT 06155. license number The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Hartford vary, and you will not haveProgram the advice, counselfrom or servicesThe of your independent agent. is underwritten by Hartford Kensington, CT 06037 www.BerlinMemorialFuneralHome.com FAX (860) 829-6509 5152. www.BerlinMemorial.net In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home InsurancebyCompany and its affiliates, OneCompany. Hartford AARP Plaza,does Hartford CT 06155. CA license number Program isFire underwritten Hartford Underwriters Insurance not employ or endorse 5152. InAARP Washington, the Auto Program underwritten by The Trumbull Insurance Company. agents or brokers. and its affiliates are not insurers.isPaid endorsement. Hartford pays royalty fees The Home is its underwritten Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARPofdoes employ or endorse to AARP forProgram the use of intellectual by property. These fees are used for the general purposes AARP.notAARP
A10 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Picking town manager is no picnic By Olivia L. Lawrence Citizen staff
Several area towns are in the throes of finding a new town manager. You know “throes” − “intense or violent pain and struggle, especially accompanying great change,” according to the word tomes. Okay, a bit hyperbolic, but I like the implication. As can be expected there have been a few squabbles and delays along the way as the towns undertake the arduous hiring process. In Southington, Town Manager Garry Brumback plans to retire early next year. Whether to appoint Mark Sciota, deputy town manager, or go through a search process has split the council. There’s also been a lot of chatter about who knew what when and whether or not certain discussions were appropriate after Brumback announced his plans. In Berlin, the process has taken place under the shadow of whether or not the town should have even been in the position of having to hire a new town manager – some folks say the former town manager was just fine and
didn’t need to be replaced (controversy lingers over just how mutual that departure was.)
of about $23,000.
“The town manager is responsible for the achieveThe goal is to get a replacement of tangible results ment by 2018 and have that through people. Work inperson shadow Milone bevolves a certain degree of In July, Berlin’s search comfore he leaves. The consulurgency to produce and will mittee decided to keep tant will present candidates require firm dealing with looking as only five people to a committee of councilors people to achieve results. applied and two withdrew who will then pick finalists Work involves planning, before interviews. for the full council to assess budget making, problem and make the final pick. solving and organizing with For now, Public Works Directhe authority to make decitor Jack Healy, is covering as This consultant already has sions as well as delegate to interim town manager and conducted interviews with others. This employee has to he recently applied for the councilors and department perform within state statutes position. According to the leaders about what they’d Town Charter the town man- like to see in a town manager. and local ordinances. The work environment is relaager must live in town. Healy The plan is to get interviews tively unpredictable and relives in Litchfield. set up for fall. quires the ability to manage “I think it’s unfortunate that In general, town manager many projects at once. Althis process has taken as long pay starts in the neighborthough governed by policies, as it has,” said town Counhood of $150,000 along the manager must frequently cilor Rachel Rochette. with various other add-on act without precedent.” benefits. Mayor Mark Kaczynski said The description goes to disit might become necessary It’s a big deal to find just the cuss the need to maintain to hire a search consultant to right person and in a quest to public relations between help with the process. learn more about the criteria the town and its citizens, I Googled “What makes a the press, as well as federal, “We’re looking for the whole good town manager?” state and local governmenpackage,” Kaczynsk said, detal agencies. In addition to scribing the government and That didn’t yield too much, thorough knowledge of mufinancial experience along but I did find a couple of nicipal management and with the people skills that gems. One came from The community problems, the would fit the bill. Maine Municipal Association which listed 20 job tasks town manager “must be able Cheshire did hire a search to react quickly to changa town manager is likely to consultant after Michael Mi- perform and 17 desirable ing situations which may be lone, town manager since physically taxing.” qualities he or she should 2000, announced his plans possess (https://www.meAn interview from way back to retire. The council unanimun.org/SchoolsProject/Re- in 2004, published in the Trimously voted to hire GovHR sources/officials/towm_mgr. City Voice, based in Fremont, USA, an Illinois firm, at a cost htm).
California, gave an insider’s view of what a municipality should look for as that town began its search. The publication spoke with City Manager Alberto Huezo, in nearby Newark California about the requirements of the job. It’s well worth the read. (http://www.tricityvoice.com/articledisplay. php?a=2350) In this lengthy interview, Huezo makes a lot of good points about the intricacies of working for a town, but a few in particular stuck out. He talks about the job in terms of leadership, not just management. “You have to be skillful in developing a very strong vision (with the council and the community) that people can support.” He talks extensively about the importance of the town manager being very involved in the community, learning its culture and being a stakeholder. He also emphasizes the importance of keeping up employee morale, in good times and bad. Huezo says all that takes exceptional listening skills. Berlin’s mayor recognized this as well, saying something similar: “People skills are very high on the list.”
Letters to the Editor Private industry experience a plus To the editor: My name is Sal Bordonaro and I am running for the Board of Finance for the Republican Party this fall. I have lived in Berlin the past 35 years and reside in town with my wife, Susan, and our two sons, David and Steven. I’ve had a successful 40-year career in the aerospace industry, holding various leadership positions including president of Kaman Helicopters and director of finance for Kaman Aerospace Corporation. I know how to manage and work with sizable
time candidate running for Town Council and I want to earn your vote. I am a proud first-generation American, who grew up with Italian parents and grandparents. I have The financial crisis at the state level been married since 2010 to my wife, has created great uncertainty and my Beth, and we have been blessed goal is to help mitigate tax increases with two children, Damiano, who is with cost effective solutions while 3 years old and Tessa, who is 2. We supporting economic development purchased our first home in 2009 growth. and have been Berlin residents since Sal Bordonaro then. We love this town and want to Berlin contribute to its success. budgets and want the opportunity to take my private industry experience to help create a fiscally responsible budget for our town.
Stability needed To the editor: My name is Alex Giannone a first
In times of uncertainty, I want to be the one you entrust to bring stability.
Eager to serve To the editor: I am Amy Maier Daniele and I am a first time candidate for Town Council. As a lifelong resident of Berlin, I love this wonderful town. I am a pharmacist in Managed Care and my husband and I are happily raising our two daughters here. Over the years I have coached soccer, co-led Girl Scouts, taught CCD and sat on the board of a local cemetery. I have met and worked with many wonderful townspeople.
Alex Giannone I look forward to meeting the many I Berlin
See Letters, A11
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
>> Letters From A10
do not yet know, and learning what is important to you, so I may earn your vote.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
attached to each tennis net to hold those sharp lids off a new can of tennis balls and players’ empty disposable water bottles.
I couldn’t wait to bring my kids over to play, since we couldn’t play at McGee as Amy Maier Daniele their tennis courts were next Berlin to be upgraded.
Kudos for Abercrombie To the editor: I would like to give kudos to Rep. Cathy Abercrombie (Meriden, Berlin) for her work and participation in a rally that took place at the State Capitol on Aug. 23. Hundreds of people with intellectual disabilities, their families and private, nonprofit staff who support them descended on the Capitol to tell legislators to pass a state budget that will end the cuts to the private, non-profit agencies that serve individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families.
Sadly, what did we spend the first 10 minutes doing at the high school? Picking up water and Gatorade bottles on the basketball courts and from the behind the fence that backs up to the field near the track, where I walk regularly. How sad is it that the guys we saw the night before getting a good workout playing basketball must have ‘‘left it all on the courts”... including their common sense. How can you hope the place will stay looking like new if
Council and Sal Bordonaro and Kevin Guite for Board of Finance. I am also happy to see Sam Lomaglio rejoining our new Board of Finance Suzanne Helm and Paul Eshoo running for Berlin another term on the Police Commission. New faces Fresh ideas needed and proven leaders working together can bring fresh To the editor: ideas and new perspectives As a lifelong resident of Berfor moving our great town lin, I have watched this town forward. grow and change over the As I witness the messes in years. My family has always Hartford and Washington, been active in town. My great-aunt was the town trea- it is clear that we need to do things differently. I look forsurer, my grandfather was a ward to hearing new ideas fire marshal, and I have had the pleasure of being elected from all our candidates and working with the entire Reto the Town Council, Board publican team to protect our of Assessment Appeals, and town, and our wallets, from a the Police Commission. descent into mediocrity. From my perspective as an Kari Drost active participant in the BerBerlin lin community, I am excited to see new faces such as my sister, Amy Maier Daniele and Alex Giannone for Town
you are too lazy to put your empty bottles in the blue recycling can that practically blocks your exit?
Letters Policy Email letters to news@ theberlincitizen.com; mail to 11 Crown St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203-6390210. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. Letters should be approximately 300 words. Election/political letters will be limited to 100 words. No political letters will be published after Oct. 22. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters should be on topics of general interest to the community. We do not list names of people, organizations and businesses being thanked. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.
The message resonated at the rally that full funding is needed for the agencies who have partnered with the state in providing these critical services to the state’s most needy citizens. Rep. Abercrombie acknowledged the work that the community non-profit providers do and recognized that the state would not be able to do it without them. She has been a champion and advocate for people with intellectual disabilities and their families.
ad this t ion e Men receiv d and bake
EE r a FR f rom ou d o ! o n g e kitch
This is an urgent situation for our most vulnerable citizens in the state and I am glad that Rep. Abercrombie has made it a priority during these difficult budget times.
Join us for an open house at any of our 4 locations.
Julie Erickson Berlin
Keep it clean An amazing job was done on the upgrade to the Berlin High basketball and tennis courts. I hope everyone that uses them appreciates that there is now even a recycling bin outside of the fenced basketball courts and bins
Mulberry Gardens of Southington
The Orchards at Southington Thurs., Sept. 7 • 5 to 7 pm Sun., Sept. 17 • 10 to 2 pm
Sat., Sept. 30 • 10 to 2 pm
Wed., Sept. 20 • 3 to 6 pm
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860.665.7901 Independent and Assisted Living
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To the editor:
Cedar Mountain Commons
Registration not required
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Arbor Rose at the Jerome Home Campus Sun., Sept. 17 • 10 to 2 pm 975 Corbin Avenue New Britain, CT 06052 860.229.3707 Independent, Assisted Living and Memory Care
A12 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Berlin native finds his niche in growing sport By Ajlal N. Khan Special to The Citizen
Ultimate frisbee, a game in which a plastic disc is advanced by being thrown from teammate to teammate with the goal of getting to the end zone, is one of the fastest growing sports in the nation.
The AUDL is structured into four geographical divisions, each holding six teams. The season begins in April and culminates in August with a championship game. The Royal posted a commendable record of 9-5 this past season.
“I do about four track workouts a week, mainly sprinting,” Voelpel said of his training regimen. “Finding Voelpel And right at anyone to throw the disc the center of around, just getting as many the boom is 24-year-old Mike touches as you can … It’s just Voelpel. The Berlin native exhausting.” plays for the Montreal Royal, Also, Voelpel attends mana member of the American datory practice with his team Ultimate Disc League, the each Thursday in Montreal, only professional ultimate a two-hour commute from frisbee league in the nation. his residence in Burlington, Begun in 2012, the AUDL Vermont. started with only eight teams Voelpel talked much about but has grown to cover the the “spirit of the game.” In continental United States, ultimate frisbee, winning at with four teams also in all costs is not really a thing. The main goal is to have fun YOU CAN BE while showing respect for the sport.
Kaitlin Horn, RJ Media Consultant “I have a lot of pride working for the Record-Journal. Being family owned for 150 years, it is so special to me to work for a great company that cares about their employees and advertising partners.”
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The Life Center 203-239-3400
Also, Voelpel commented on a rule called “integrity.” In the AUDL, players can overrule referees. Voelpel points to this unique style of play as being a factor in his love for the sport. Growing up in Berlin, VoelSee Voelpel, A13
Learn more about Kaitlin and the people moving the RJ forward at
LEDGECREST Record-Journal | myrecordjournal.com | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post
For More Information Call 860-828-0583
Ledgecrest Health Care Center is located in the center of Berlin.
Medicare & Medicaid accepted. 154 Kensington Road • Kensington, CT 06037
500 South Broad Street | Meriden, Connecticut 203.235.1661 | rjmediagroup.com
Health Care Center
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Health Briefs Volunteer drivers tionservices@yahoo.com. needed for seniors Prayer group
Colin and Taffy are beautiful four month old kittens searching for their forever homes. Colin is a Russian blue mix with a fun loving personality while Taffy is a quiet, sweet Maine coon mix. The kittens will be fully vetted before going to their forever homes. For more information, visit www.hucatrescue.org, call 860-479-5173 or email hucatrescue@gmail. com.
Senior Transportation Services, Inc., a nonprofit transportation service for citizens age 55 and older, is in need of volunteer drivers. The service provides transportation to out-of-town medical appointments and services for residents of Berlin, New Britain, Meriden, Southington and Wallingford. Mileage is reimbursed. Call 860-2247117 or seniortransporta-
Activate the Cure, an interdenominational Christian ministry, welcomes all cancer patients, survivors, friends, family and caregivers to attend a weekly one-hour prayer gathering at the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute, 183 North Mountain Road, Plainville. Visit www. activatethecure.com or contact Joellen Putnam at 203-213-6495 or activatethecure@yahoo.com.
>> Voelpel From A12
pel was aware of ultimate frisbee but pursued more established sports. Encouraged by his parents – who are former college athletes – Voelpel participated in lacrosse, basketball, football, soccer and track. While attending Berlin High School, he narrowed his focus to indoor track and soccer. He went on to attend the University of Vermont where he tried out for the soccer team. While he didn’t earn a spot on the roster, his athleticism drew the attention of team members, who introduced him to ultimate frisbee.
Voelpel was captivated by the fast-paced action. “It was a blast playing,” he said. “The atmosphere, teams competing … I’ve been hooked ever seen.” Voelpel became aware of the AUDL while mentoring a friend who was attending a golf academy in Orlando. Voelpel learned of a tryout for the Jacksonville Cannons and he made the team. He spent his first season, in 2016, with the Cannons. Now, having completed his second season in the AUDL, Voelpel plans to complete his last semester at the University of Vermont.
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©2017 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas or their respective ©2017 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas or their respective
©2017 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein ar
A14 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
In Brief Berlin robotics team to host golf tournament The Berlin robotics team has scheduled a golf tournament fundraiser for Monday, Sept. 11, at Timberlin Golf Course. The event includes a shotgun start scramble, barbecue lunch, dinner and awards. Registration is scheduled for 10:30 a.m.; shotgun start at noon, dinner and awards at 5:30 p.m. Proceeds help defray the teams’ costs for the upcoming season.
Plainville church to host peach Kiwanis welcoming shortcake festival new members The Plainville United Meth-
For more information and to register, visit www.planmygolfevent.com/30872-NuttyGolfTournament/ or Jonathan Hrenko at NuttyGolfTournament@gmail. com.
double-check all information for accuracy.
Send game recaps and photos to ncarroll@record-journal.com. Please
For more information, call Charlie Eisenhofer at 860-826-5517.
Berlin Kiwanis is looking for service-minded men Sports submissions and women interested in volunteering, leading projThe Berlin Citizen wants to know what your favorite local ects, networking, and having fun, all while helping the teams are up to. Coaches, team managers, even players community. and parents, are welcome to Even a little bit of time will keep us posted. make a difference.
odist Church, 56 Red Stone Hill, has scheduled its annual peach shortcake festival for Friday, Sept. 8, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Shortcake will be served at the church or can be ordered for take-out. Free delivery for shortcake orders of 10 or more is provided. For more information or to place an order, contact Greg Michaud at 860-7939590 or the church office at 860-747-2328.
Fall recreation programs The Berlin Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registration for its fall programs. Registration is accepted in person or at www. town.berlin.ct.us. Programs include Power Yoga, Introduction to Yoga, Tai Chi (for Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention), Kangoo Power, Kindergarten Puppy Training, Basic Dog Obedience, Dog Obedience Challenge Course and Better Basic Dog Obedience.
MOVE YOU Ninetta Rich, RJ Subscriber
‘Little Heart Hero Day’ at Lyman Orchards The American Heart Association has scheduled the fifth annual “Little Heart Hero Day” for Sunday, Sept. 10, noon to 3 p.m., at Lyman Orchards, 32 Reeds Gap Road. Middlefield. The event, for Connecticut families who have a child with a congenital heart defect, includes activities, crafts, games, and lunch, rain or shine. The event is free, but space is limited. Registration is required by Sept. 3. For more information and to RSVP, contact Christina Asaro at 203-3033340 or christina.asaro@ heart.org.
Firefighter volunteers sought The Berlin, East Berlin, Kensington and South Kensington Fire Departments are looking for volunteer firefighters. Volunteers must be at least 18, of good moral character, reside or work in Berlin and be physically capable. Contact Mike Blais at mikeblais@hotmail.com or 860-329-7738.
“I want to be knowledgeable about what goes on in the world.”
Learn more about Ninetta and the people moving the RJ forward at
500 South Broad Street | Meriden, Connecticut 203.235.1661 | rjmediagroup.com
Record-Journal | myrecordjournal.com | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Senior Happenings
Hartford HealthCare welcomes
Monthly activities
Volunteer drivers
Connecticut Adult Family Living Program - Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1 p.m. Caregiver presentation. Sign up at the Senior Center.
The Community Renewal Team, Inc., RSVP team initiated the Volunteer Medical Transportation Program to help bridge the transportation gap facing seniors 55-plus who experience challenges getting to non-emergency medical appointments in their hometown or nearby. The program serves seniors and veterans from Berlin, Southington and New Britain. For more information, or if a senior or veteran is in need of a ride, contact Theresa Strong, at 860-519-3484 or email Strongt@crtct.org.
Health programs Mouth care - Hartford HealthCare Senior Services has scheduled a free program “Let Your Mouth Care be Your BFF (Brush, Floss and Follow Up)!” for Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1 p.m., at the Senor Center. Nursing degree candidates from the University of Hartford plan to discuss maintaining a healthy mouth and why it’s important. Seating is limited. For more information and to RSVP, call 860-828-7006.
Omar Eton, MD
Senior happenings Wii Bowling - Fridays at 12:45 p.m. Call Tina or Jane at 860-828-7006.
Senior Menus
Monday, Sept. 4: Labor Day. Senior Center closed. Tuesday, Sept. 5: Pollock,
baked potato, vegetables, bread, plum. Wednesday, Sept. 6: Juice, spaghetti, bread, cake. Thursday, Sept. 7: Pasta, chicken salad, beets, bread, peaches. Friday, Sept. 8: Juice, pepper steak with peppers and onions, peas and carrots, bread, pudding.
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Medical Director Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute Melanoma and Skin Care Center
Dr. Eton is a medical oncologist with 30 years of experience. An expert in immunotherapy and management of patients with melanoma, he will oversee Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute’s new Melanoma and Skin Care Center, providing patients with suspected or newly diagnosed skin cancer quick access to an experienced team and personalized care. The center offers the latest treatment options – increasing chances of survival, while reducing the time it takes to get appointments. Because of Hartford HealthCare’s membership in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance, patients will also have access to the latest clinical trials. Dr. Eton has spent his career in melanoma centers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and comes to us from Boston University Medical Center. He is accepting new patients in his Hartford and New Britain offices.
533 S. Broad St. Townline Sq. Plaza
All denture material ADA Approved.
Dr. Omar Eton
85 Seymour St., Hartford 185 North Mountain Rd., New Britain 860.696.5169
Senior meals are provided by CW Resources. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance by calling Doretha Dixon at 860-670-8546, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. A donation is requested.
A16 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Does Your Business Need a Marketing Makeover?
Communicating with siblings about money, aging parents By Jeff Jolly Special to the Citizen
Many adult children are called upon to help their aging parents as life changes set in, yet only 65 percent of siblings report talking about money with one another, according to research by Ameriprise Financial.
Set aside your differences. When your parents need help, don’t waste your time re-hashing old family feuds. Keep yourself in check if you are tempted to fall into old patterns of behavior that may alienate grown-up siblings. You may not be able to control how your siblings behave, but you can control your own actions.
Determine key priorities. You’ll accomplish more – and potentially spar less – when everyone is committed to common goals. Assess what financial matters you and your siblings will need to manage together. If your parFinancial conversations beents’ safety is a primary contween siblings become inev- cern, find agreement about itable, as brothers and sisters the support and services they manage their parents’ money need to remain safely in the matters, including estate family home. If it’s time for planning, healthcare, retireyour parents to move to an ment income and wills. assisted living facility, put your energy into seeking a In the event that you have solution. shared responsibilities with your siblings down the road, Schedule time to talk. it’s important to make sure Schedule regular check-ins your family is on the same with your siblings to discuss page. Here are some tips to pressing topics related to help you and your siblings your parents’ care, includhave civil conversations ing how finances are being about money-related family managed. Frequent convermatters: sations can help diminish While only 15 percent of siblings have conflicts over money, when siblings do spar over finances, it’s usually about their parents’ situation.
~ PRIZES ~ GRAND PRIZE – One local business will win a $15,000 Marketing Makeover from RJ Media Group & image 360 2nd Prize: $2,500 in Marketing Services from RJ Media Group 3rd Prize: $1,000 in Marketing Services from RJ Media Group
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See Jolly, A17
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Winners will be announced on November 15th at the Record-Journal 150th 4 Chamber Celebration Event.
Winner will be drawn from entries of businesses in need of a marketing makeover.
anxiety and improve collaboration. Ongoing dialogue will
Senior Bowling Senior Bowling, Aug. 25: Mike Koval, 197; Nick Nesci, 189; Gene Lemery, 172; Ferd Brochu, 169. All seniors are welcome Fridays, 9 a.m., at Lucky Lanes, 1782 Berlin Turnpike.
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Cafe Busy Bean, 355 Main St. | Ashley Kus, The Berlin Citizen
Summer Special 10% off Labor
10% Discount To All Veterans
Angie’s List Super Service Award Winner Bill Scully, Master Electrician Berlin, CT • Lic #0197227-E1 860-637-7632 • Credit Cards Accepted
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Jeff Jolly is a financial advisor and senior vice president of Root, Borajkiewicz, Lucarelli Wealth Management, with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in North Haven.
See Coffee, A18
Money conversations can be emotional and hard to initiate, but keep in mind that there are benefits to having open communication. Families who are willing to tackle money-related topics are often more confident about their ability to handle financial challenges and work toward their goals.
The opening of the business has been delayed due to
Be open to advice. Bringing outside sources into your inner circle can help provide unbiased guidance as you enter this new phase of life. Your parents’ tax preparer, financial planner and other trusted advisors could provide an important bridge to understanding their current financial situation. Once you’re ready to plan the next steps for your family, consider working with a single financial advisor. This approach allows the advisor to help you create a comprehensive plan that addresses everyone’s needs and concerns.
Nearly 100 coffee flavors and a variety of brews will soon be available for people to enjoy at Cafe Busy Bean on Main Street.
Divide and conquer. It’s important to set responsibilities, with the understanding that each sibling may be able to contribute different amounts of time, money and expertise. Be forthright about what you can reasonably handle and open to taking on more tasks if you have the capacity. Keep in mind that responsibilities may shift over time, as circumstances change for you and your siblings.
By Ashley Kus Citizen staff
electrical work. Owner Tigran Hovhannisyan said he is awaiting an inspection by the town and expects to open no later than October.
help prevent misunderstandings from blowing up into full-fledged battles and help keep your parents’ best interest top-of-mind.
From A16
Fall opening planned for coffee shop on Main St.
>> Jolly
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Servicing all major brands of central heating systems, boilers, central a/c systems & window units!
Call Today to Schedule & Save!
, Middlefield
A18 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
>> Coffee From A17
Main Street.
Located next to the Star Barbershop, and across from the Berlin YMCA, Cafe Busy Bean will feature outdoor seating and an urban feel inside.
Colorful mugs and dozens of coffee syrups line the wall behind the counter next to an orange neon “coffee” sign. The case across from the main seating area, by the entrance, will hold ice cream from Shady Glen in Manchester.
Economic Development Director Chris Edge said last year that he is happy to welcome the unique cafe to
Cornerstone Real estate llc
Office (860) 828-7877 Fax (860) 828-5797 Cell (860) 883-7091 E-mail: djutras@sbcglobal.net Broker/Owner
Derek Jutras
State seeing ‘rapid buildup’ of mosquitoes with West Nile virus By Andrew Ragali Record-Journal staff
Researchers are reporting a “rapid buildup” of West Nile virus infected mosquitoes in the state.
Hovhannisyan will serve crepes, made in-house, which can be paired with the ice cream in crepe cones.
As of Thursday, Aug. 24, mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus had been found in 20 towns the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station said in a statement.
“What makes this unique is the crepes,” he said. “You can have them with coffee and ice cream.”
tially increases the risk of infection.” “We are seeing rapid build-up of West Nile viThere have been no rerus within the mosquito ported human or horse population especially in cases of West Nile virus Fairfield and New Haand associated illnesses ven counties with spread acquired in Connecticut so into new regions includfar this year. Since 2000, 131 ing Hartford County,” said human cases of the illness Dr. Philip Armstrong, a os have been reported, includm a l medical entomologist at Hab ñol ing three fatalities. • FHA the station. “We are also Espa • VA detecting the virus more Researchers at the station • USDA frequently in human-biting • 203K Streamline/Full 203K have 91 mosquito traps • Multi Family mosquitoes which substan- set up in 72 towns. Cap• Conventional
Nearly all of Cafe Busy Bean’s products are local, though some coffee is imported from Italy. The cafe will be open for early breakfast until the evening.
BERLIN - 2,834sq.ft. Brick Col. In great location. 4 bdrms 2.5updated bths. & 2 car garage. Beautiful open flr. pln. Gorgeous fireplace. 5 zone newer boiler. Walk out basement too! $279,900 Derek Jutras 883-7091 NEW PRICE
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“If there’s a demand to stay open, I’ll keep it open,” Hovhannisyan said.
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23 PEACH ORCHARD HILL, PLAINVILLE, CT – $349,900 Spacious 3 bedroom, 3.1 baths, colonial which fits all lifestyles located in one of the most sought after neighborhoods. Eat in kitchen with Quartz counter tops and stainless appliances opens to Fireplace sitting room which walks out to the deck. The 2 car garage is finished with access to attic for extra storage. Front to Back Living room and Master Bedroom. The finished lower living area is complete with fireplace and wood stove, built in bar, laundry area, cedar closet , utility room and wine cellar. All this offered by a very eager seller. Direction: Camp St, to Overlook St, to Peach Orchard Hill.
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See Bugs, A19
For all your home mortgage financing needs. We lend Nationally.
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951 Farmington Ave, Berlin, CT
This season, mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus have been captured in Branford, Bridge-
At New England Alliance Mortgage, we are a federally chartered bank, lending our own money.
Peter D. L. Kern
ROCKY HILL - Second flr. rear, end unit condo peacefully located in Brookwood Village. This 1 bdrm condo has a vaulted ceiling. LR slider to deck(overlooking wooded area) loft, DR off kit and additional 2nd flr room could be used as a 2nd bdrm or amazing closet space. Clubhouse, pool, tennis, heat & hot water all included in monthly assoc. fee. $114,500 Wayne Wright 402-4007
tured mosquitoes are then grouped for testing according to species, collection site and date. Positive findings are reported to local health departments and on the station’s website at www.ct.gov/caes/ mosquitotesting.
---- F I W C 6:45 T=G The Berlin Citizen CLUE: | theberlincitizen.com
>> Bugs
repellent and covering bare skin, especially at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.” Klaus Larsen Roofing is partnering
Klaus Larsen Roofing is partnering www.klingberg.org
From A18
port, Darien, Farmington, Glastonbury, Greenwich, Guilford, Middlefield, New Canaan, New Haven, North Branford, North Stonington, Orange, Plainfield, South Windsor, Stamford, Stratford, West Hartford, West Haven and Westport.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Solve the Puzzle Scripture Bits
www.klingberg.org with Klingberg Family Centers toRoofing help families in need. Klaus Larsen is partnering
with Klingberg Family Centers to help families in need.
with Klingberg Family Centers to help families in need.
Scripture Bits Solution Answer A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good; for from the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.----- Luke 6:45
Dr. Theodore Andreadis, the station’s director, urged residents to “take simple measures to avoid mosquito bites such as using mosquito
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Puzzle on Page A8
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Kait is our Media consultant for the Berlin and Southington Citizen. She is here to help local businesses attract and retain new customers. She can help you with: Fully Insured License #0646137
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A20 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat.
Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.
Find great local eats - MenusCT.com
AJ’s Oasis Café
Adelphia Café
142 Hanover Street Meriden, CT 06451 203-634-4912 facebook.com/ajsoasiscafe New Menu, Daily Lunch specials serving American Cuisine. Family Owned, operated. Recipient of Record-Journal’s Peoples Choice Award Best Wings. Kitchen open M.-Sat 10-10, Sun. 11-10
476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149 Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.
Athena II Diner
Duchess of Wallingford
Colony Diner
Red Bridge Grill
320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 203.239.0663 www.athena2diner.com Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available.
611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 colonydiner.com Wallingford’s place to go for old-fashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day.
124 Church St. Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 265-9431 www.facebook.com/pages/Duchess -of-Wallingford/119682821380599 Celebrating Over 25 Years in Wallingford! Our Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner.
16 River Road South Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 440-0462 Hours: M, W & Th 12P-10P | F, S & S 12P-12A
Now open! Located inside of the Village Barn, featuring Chef/Owner Rick Tompkins! Old fashioned comfort food featuring daily specials. Best foot long hot dogs around!
Route Ten Restaurant
Ridgeside Tavern 99 Powder Hill Road Middlefield, CT 06455 (860) 852-5444 www.fireattheridge.com
The Tavern is now open for lunch Wednesday Sunday at noon all year-round. Live music every Saturday night.
3810 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 (203)-691-9990 OPEN 7 DAYS 5AM-3PM SUMMER SPECIAL: Mon-Fri Get a 12oz. coffee, egg & cheese sandwich with bacon OR ham OR sausage for $4.50 from 5AM-9AM. Outdoor seating, BREAKFAST & LUNCH ALL DAY.
~ ATTENTION: RESTAURANT OWNERS! ~ To advertise your restaurant to 269,000 weekly readers
Call us 203-317-2312 Find great local eats - MenusCT.com
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Public / Legal Notices
Public / Legal Notices
Public / Legal Notices
Public / Legal Notices
Town of Berlin – Assessor’s Office EXEMPTION FOR PERMANENTLY AND TOTALLY DISABLED The Assessor’s Office would like to remind Berlin citizens that there is a property tax exemption in the amount of a $1000 reduction on an assessment to certain persons who are permanently and totally disabled. (CGS §12-81(55)) To be eligible for this exemption, a person must: 1. be a Connecticut resident; 2. be either the record owner of, hold life use in, or be the beneficiary of a trust estate with respect to the property on which the exemption will be applied. (Exception: this Exemption ceases upon the death of the totally disabled person.) 3. be receiving permanent total 100% disability benefits from one of the following: (A) The Social Security Administration or; (B) A federal, state or local government retirement or disability plan (including that provided by the Railroad Retirement Act) or any government-related teacher’s retirement plan, containing qualification requirements comparable to those of the Social Security Administration; and
Town of Berlin – Assessor’s Office EXEMPTION FOR THE BLIND The Assessor’s Office would like to remind Berlin Citizens that there is a property tax exemption in the amount of a $3,000 reduction on an assessment to certain persons who are blind.Filing for this exemption must be completed on or before October 2, 2017. To be eligible for this exemption, a person must: 1. be a Connecticut resident; 2. be either the record owner of, hold life use in, or be the beneficiary of a trust estate with respect to the property on which the exemption will be applied; 3. have provided a Certificate from the State of Connecticut Board of Education and Services for the Blind as proof to the assessor that he /she are blind in accordance with the definition outlined above. Such proof need be filed only once. An attorney or agent may submit such proof on the person’s behalf. Individuals who have already filed for this exemption need not apply again; they are permanently enrolled for life. Applicants may also be eligible for the local option exemption provided by the Town, which allows an additional $2,000 exemption if certain income limits are met. Eligibility guidelines include a maximum annual income of $57,300 for a single person and $64,500 for married couples. Income received by both a husband and his wife is considered in determining eligibility of a married couple. Proof of all taxable and nontaxable income for 2016 must be submitted to determine eligibility. Filing for the local option is required annually. Residents who meet the eligibility requirements can apply in the Town of Berlin Assessor’s Office, Room 18 in the Town Hall at 240 Kensington Road. 71029
Classified Advertising Call 203-238-1953 Public / Legal Notices
Public / Legal Notices
TOWN OF BERLIN, ASSESSOR’S OFFICE VETERANS’ LOCAL OPTION EXEMPTION The Assessor’s Office would like to inform all Veterans that the income guidelines to qualify for an additional exemption of $3,000 local option in addition to the regular veteran exemption are as follows: $57,300 for single veterans and $64,500 for married veterans. Veterans should provide copies of their 2016 income from all sources which may include their Federal Tax Return, 1099 Statement from Social Security and all other sources of income. Veterans must file for this exemption every two years. Applications must be on file by October 2, 2017 to qualify for the Grand List of 2017. If you have any questions, please call the Assessor’s Office at 860-828-7039. 71025
Appliances AFFORDABLE - Used Dryers, washers, fridges, stoves, repairs available. Wallingford, 475-201-9001.
Furniture & Appliances FREE80 inch floral sofa. Please call 860-621-7075
Miscellaneous For Sale 1980’s ALF COMIC BOOKS - great condition, in plastic, #’s 1-50. $10.00. 203-237-4163
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4. have filed an application and provided proof of total disability to the Assessor by Monday, October 2, 2017.
Public / Legal Notices
Berlin Legal VETERANS & ADDITIONAL VETERANS EXEMPTIONS Veterans applying for Veterans & Additional Veterans Exemptions must come into the Assessor’s Office on or before Monday, October 2, 2017. (CGS §§12-81(19) and 12-81g) Veterans who are new residents or recently discharged that have not filed their DD-214 must do so by October 2, 2017.* Veterans applying for additional veterans benefits must provide copies of their 2016 income from all sources which may include their Federal Tax Return, 1099 Statement from Social Security and all other sources of income. The income limit for married applicants is $42,900 and $35,200 for single applicants. *Veterans must have served at least ninety (90) days during wartime served prior to August 2, 1990. Veterans must file for this exemption every two years. REMINDER: FILING OF DISABLED VETERANS DISABILITY CERTIFICATE The Assessor’s Office would like to remind disabled Veterans that they must file their Disability Certificate from the Veterans Administration with the Assessor’s Office by October 2, 2017. The Disability Certificate must be filed only if the disability rating has changed until the Veteran reaches age 65. At age 65, filing is no longer required. The Veteran must notify the Assessor’s Office when they turn age 65. If you have any questions, please contact the Assessor’s Office at (860) 828-7039.
Public / Legal Notices
List your items to over 300,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953.
A22 Thursday, August 31, 2017 Automobiles
Motorcycles & ATVS
2001 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN-wheel chair/scooter lift, hand controls, power doors $3,800.00 obo 203-265-6841
2005 PONTIAC G6 $1,288 + tax and reg down $50/Week
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
2000 HD HERITAGE SOFTAIL motorcycle 27,000 miles. $6,000. (203) 440-3594.
A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too.
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“Best Prices in CT”
“Best Prices in CT”
“Best Prices in CT”
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Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
HELPER POSITIONS 1st & off Shifts, Mfg. Exp. Nec., Forklift Lic. Prfd. Complete benefit pkg. incl. 401K. Apply 8-4 M-F, Erickson Metals Corp., 25 Knotter Dr., Cheshire.
ADVERTISING SALES CONSULTANT We are seeking a media sales professional who can balance providing high level sales & service to existing clients with hunting & closing new business. We are RJ Media Group – Central Connecticut’s leading multimedia company, and the retirement of a long-term media consultant has created an opening on our outside sales team. A family-owned company, we publish the Record-Journal, 6 weekly community newspapers and myrecordjournal.com, delivering the hyper-local news that citizens want, as well as the audience that businesses need. Plus, we have partnered with the biggest names in digital and social media to offer our advertisers unmatched reach and targeting capabilities. We are seeking a tireless hunter with one to two years of outside sales experience in lead generation and upselling existing accounts. Our ideal candidate is skilled in digital marketing, including social media, and understands how it impacts today’s business owner. We offer a base salary with unlimited commission potential, paid vacation, full medical benefits and a 401K. To apply, send resume, cover letter & salary requirements to Jim Mizener at jmizener@rjmediagroup.com RJ Media Group is an EOE
Corvette Collector’s Edition 96, last year of C4, only 36K mi.! Sebring Silver Coupe/ black interior, has optional LT4 Grand Sport engine. 6-speed manual with Corsa performance exhaust. Sounds great, and it really takes off. 2 removable tops, smoked glass & silver + original rims & tires. Excellent overall condition, always been garaged. $15,400, call Pat, 860-883-7633
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/allaccess Apartments For Rent MERIDEN-3 BR, recently renov., newly painted, enclosed porch, off-st prkg, no pets, $1100. 860.801.1018 PLANTSVILLE-2 BR, 2nd fl., $950. mo., 1st & last mo. sec., refinished. Avail.10/1 860-426-0918
IMPOUNDED - Grey (solid) adult cat. Vicinity Harding Street in Berlin. Call Berlin Animal Control 860-8287055.
Concrete & Cement PATRICK KELLY & SON CONCRETE DESIGNS. Stamped concrete resealing, sidewalks, patios, garage flrs, ret. walls, etc... No job too small! 860-378-9813. CT Reg #0647947
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Excavating K & A ENTERPRISES Water & Sewer Lines, Septic, Inground Tank Removal, Additions, Drainage 203-379-0193
Home Improvement
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Junk Removal
ED’S JUNK REMOVAL WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, bsemts, garages, appl. & more. Any Questions? Ed (203) 494-1526
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Lost and Found
CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-2374283. CT Reg #601060.
Gutters GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 4403279 Fully ins. CT# 569127
Rooms For Rent BIG REWARD! Lost 12 wks ago, off Scenic Ct., Cheshire. Besenji, female, 43 lbs. "Sondrine" 203-592-6457 NECKLACE – Oval charm, engraved “Holy Mother” underneath, near my car in the parking lot, Cheshire. 203-439-8029. A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too.
ALEX MASONRY 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. 203-2320257 or 203-596-0652 PAUL’S MASONRY Stonewalls, arches, chimneys, sidewalks, fireplaces. Free est. New & Repairs. 203-706-9281
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Roofing, siding, windows, decks & remodeling. 203-639-0032 info@ gonzalez constructionllc.com Fully Lic & Ins Reg #577319
W.BOOBER MASONRY Roofing. Siding. 25 Years Experience Windows. More. Free All Types of Masonry Est’s. Ins. # 604200. CT #626708 Member BBB. 203 235-4139 Harmony.(860) 645-8899
Painting & Wallpapering
ROOFS "R" US - Since 1949. Shingles, rubber, repairs, siding. We beat any BID. #640689 203.427.7828.
CHRIS GOSSELIN’S Painting Services, interior & exterior; power washing & roof cleaning. We’re the Painting Professionals. Assoc. with www.marcel jcharpentier.com Siding.Roofing.Windows carpentry. Lic.& Ins., Decks.Sunrooms.Add’ #0625909 CT Reg#516790. 860-817-0656 203-237-0350 Fiderio & Sons www. fiderio.com
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GARY Wodatch Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430
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Attics & Basement Cleaned
MIDDLETOWN-Room in Large Home, close to college, nice area, KIT priviledges. Call 201-220-3734
Businesses & Services
Electrical Services
PLANTSVILLE - Near I84, 1.5 rm eff. apt., $160 wk incls. heat, hot water, AC & appls. Sec. dep $ refs. req’d. (860) 620-0025. WLFD - 2BR, laundry hkups, appls. off st prkg, no pets/smkg, $925 +1 mo sec. Call 203-631-5219.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
JUNK REMOVAL & MORE 25% OFF WE REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YardClean-ups*
FREE ESTIMATES LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
Accepting Comm. & Resid. lawn & grounds maintenance, hydroseeding, new lawn installation, 25 yrs. exp. 203-634-0211 Comm. & Res. Cleanups, lawn mowing, hedge trimming, mulching, retaining walls & walkways, & much more. Free Est. 203-687-0936.
D & G PAVING Over 25 yrs exp. Paving, Seal Coating, Concrete Work CT Reg#0577005 203-237-6058
Plumbing George J Mack & Sons Servicing the Meriden area since 1922. Toilet, faucet, sink & drain repairs. Water heater replacements. 15% Sr citizen disc. Member of BBB. 203-238-2820
Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Classified ad can help track it down.
Power Washing Roofing. Siding. Windows. More. Free Est’s. Ins. # 604200. Member BBB. Harmony.(860)645-8899
Gary Wodatch Landscaping. Hedge/tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397 860-558-5430
Tree Services GUTTERS PLUS 25+ yrs exp. Call today for free est. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
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Gary Wodatch LLC TREE REMOVAL All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 Cell 860-558-5430
LAVIGNE’S Tree Service In busi. 37 yrs. Tree removal. Stump grinding. CraneService. Free Est. Fully insured. 203-294-1775 lavignestreeservicellc.com
A24 Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com
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Midstate Voice Competition Finals Meriden, CT 06450 event is a must for people 50 + in age or their parents. Presentations are Maloney HS Chorus • Bounce Houses bigshottributeband.com at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Family AND Clowns • Face painting • Chair Massages Service Advisor Jackie Pence at 203-507-8615 or email St John Cemetery jpence@ccacem.org, or Michael Klinger at 203-507-8234 to register. KNOCK-OUT WHITE 400 Christian Street Glitter Tattoos • Balloon Animals BRAIDEN Seating is limited so please call early to guarantee a seat. Wallingford, CT 06492 www.ccacem.org SUNSHINE Food Trucks The Voice Season 9, Raffle to win a stay at Semi-Finalist, will perform and judge Spicer Mansion in Mystic the Voice Competition