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Volume 18, Number 7

Berlin’s Only Hometown Newspaper

Thursday, Februar y 13, 2014

Coaches allege ‘abuse of power’ from BOE head By Charles Kreutzkamp

The BICA’s mission and rationale for forming was laid out in a letter that was Alleging “consistent and recently sent to the Board constant abuse of power” of Education and the Town from Board of Education Council. The Board of Education President Gary Brochu, 75 coaches from Berlin High voted unanimously in execuSchool and McGee Middle tive session Monday night to School have formed the Berlin hire an attorney to investigate Interscholastic Coaches the accusations. Brochu reAssociation. The group aims cused himself when the board to “represent coaches’ con- went into executive session. Th e Ci t i ze n re a c h e d cerns and to support each Brochu by phone earlier this other in times of need.” The Berlin Citizen

week, in regards to the matter, and he declined to comment as he has, so far, to media outlets. BICA, formed in 2013, has already met more than 10 times. BICA spokesman Jim Day, the Berlin High School wrestling coach, explained that forming the organization was a five-month process. Founding members nominated and elected to the executive committee were

Fishermen break the ice at Silver Lake By Charles Kreutzkamp

Ice fishing on Silver Lake, which is located just off of the Berlin Turnpike’s south end, is popular every year. Silver City Bass Masters, a fishing club “It’s a nice experience, really. It’s a challenge that pits you against the elements,” based in Berlin, organizes an annual ice Berlin resident and ice fisherman Frank fishing contest at Silver Lake. The organization was founded in the mid 70s in Slogeris said. Meriden and has been based out of Berlin since the 80s. Unfortunately, this year, as in several past years, the Silver Lake Ice Derby was canceled. “The ice was only a b o ut t h re e i n c h e s thick in most places,” Silver City Bass Masters President Al Guite explained. Because hund re d s of f i s h e r m e n regularly attend the Silver Lake Ice Derby, the ice needs to be much thicker to support the crowd. One thing that draws fishermen is the handsome cash prize for the five anglers who catch the heaviest fish of One of the ice fishers in Gary Sala’s group checks a tip any species. “It’s unforup after a flag flipped up, only to find the fish had gotten away. |(Charles Kreutzkamp / The Berlin Citizen) See Fishermen / Page 4 The Berlin Citizen

carefully chosen to provide representation for high school and middle school athletics, for both boys and girls, and for coaches who do not work as teachers, Day explained. “It’s a fairly balanced council,” Day said. Volunteer coaches have joined as well. BICA’s official bylaws state that the organization’s purpose is to provide a unified professional organization for its members, to foster sound and equitable competitive experiences for Berlin’s student-athletes, and to maximize educational benefits that student-athletes gain from interscholastic athletics programs. BICA also strives to serve as public relations to represent coaches positively to the press, school admin-

istration, parents, Booster Club, and others. A primary concern of the organization is to create better lines of communication between parents, students, and coaches, according to the organization’s talking points, which state, “BICA wants to clarify the BHS Athletic Department Parental Communications Policy regarding complaints. BICA wants the Administration to follow the Chain of Command that has been in place for over a decade. This policy was submitted to HR for Board Approval in 2004.” One BICA member who preferred to remain anonymous said that the bullying allegations are not BICA’s See Allege / Page 15

Severe weather impedes salt deliveries By Charles Kreutzkamp The Berlin Citizen

Berlin saw two major snowstorms recently: Maximus on Feb. 3, and Nika on Feb. 12. Maximus delivered about six inches of very powdery snow, some of which melted in time for Nika’s near foot of snow followed by a layer of ice from a wintry mix at higher temperatures. B e rl i n P u b l i c Wo rk s Director Arthur Simonian confirmed that there is a general salt shortage across Connecticut. Part of the shortage has been caused by the increased demand of salt across the Midwest.

In Berlin, Simonian explained, the salt order was delayed due to a problem with the trains. The tracks got too cold, which caused rail switches to freeze up. “We still have salt in our inventory, so will not be in any danger of running out before we receive the next shipment,” Simonian said. “At this point we have been told the rail cars are running again and trucks are making deliveries.” The budget is faring well. “Our salt budget is down to less than half, which is not so bad for this time of year. See Salt / Page 4

A2 Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Berlin Citizen |

Retiring teacher Root changed with the times Willard Elementary School teacher Janet Root will retire at the end of this school year after 28 years in education, including 26 years at Willard. “Our school community is grateful we have worked with such an effective educator,” Willard principal Salvatore Urso said of Root, who currently teaches second grade. “Mrs. Root is a veteran teacher who will be very difficult to replace,” Urso said. Root began her career teaching kindergarten through third grade special education, assisting learning disabled children. Then she transitioned to teaching reg-

In second grade, “kids still have lots of wonder and are still very excited about school,” Root said. Also, she said second-graders begin grasping nuances of language and learning how to tell and understand jokes. Moreover, “they love learning, and if I become excited about teaching, they become excited,” Root said. “Mrs. Root knows her students and pushes them to be their best every day,” Urso said. The principal also praised Root’s extensive participation in professional development. Janet Root Root stays on the cutting edge of district initiatives ular first grade classes be- and recent trends in educafore moving to second grade tional theory and practice. eight years later, where she “Mrs. Root’s students have been lucky to have such remained.

a tuned in and consistent teacher,” Urso said. Root said she assisted other teachers in adopting a new model of language arts instruction. She enjoyed the responsive classroom model and the daily five instruction model, which aim to manage student behavior and get students to care about each other. “When you establish a community spirit and get children caring for one another, it is hard for them to be mean and it helps chil-


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Berlin is growing, according to Grand List The Berlin Citizen

According to the recently released Grand List, which records all taxable property in Berlin, the town grew by 1.56 percent, which is .06 percent greater than the national inflation rate. Furthermore, the town grew across every category, including property, motor vehicles, and real estate. Assessor Joseph Ferraro explained that real estate is generally static, unless improvements are made resulting in a desire for property to be re-assessed. Motor vehicles in particular, however, always depreciate significantly in value, so for the town’s tax base to remain favorable, business owners, homeowners, and businesses must have been purchasing new vehicles to make up for the decreases. Town Manager Denise

McNair said at the Feb. 4 Town Council meeting that the assessment news was positive, especially as the town prepares to face a difficult budget year. “We are in better shape than we could have been and in better shape than surrounding towns. We are very pleased to have that kind of increase and it bodes well for the upcoming budget,” McNair said. Ferraro said that producing the Grand List is the result of a year-long process of assessments, tracking title changes, and other work. Because of depreciation, the task always begins in the red. Crunch time, Ferraro said, is generally November through January and although a 30-day extension is available, this year, as in most years, the list was prepared on time. The largest increases this year came from real estate and personal property, rep-

Meet with the mayor

resenting new purchases and improvements made by property owners. Th e to p ta x paye r i n town by a wide margin, at $198,890,000, continues to be Rocky River Realty Corp., which is inclusive of Yankee Gas, Connecticut Light & Power, Neon Inc., and Northeast Utilities. Corbin Russwin, which makes commercial grade locks and exit devices, was the second highest taxpayer at $31,513,590.

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ISSN 1525-1780 USPS 017-666 Published weekly by Record-Journal at 11 Crown St., Meriden, CT 06450

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Mayor Rachel Rochette is scheduled to be available Thursdays, 5 to 7 p.m., at Town Hall. To schedule an appointment to meet with the mayor call (860) 828-7003.



By Charles Kreutzkamp

dren become better learners,” Root said. These techniques are about “teaching children how to treat each other.” Root and her husband plan to enjoy their leisure time during retirement, as well as travel, including a possible visit to Japan, where her son works teaching English as a second language. “I’ve had a lot of wonderful students and it’s been an honor to work with them at the beginning of their educational careers,” Root said.


The Berlin Citizen



By Charles Kreutzkamp

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Town Council to vote on trash rebates all condo owners in town. 971 residential condominium Currently, only owners of units located in Berlin recondos who applied for the ceived the reimbursement, The Town Council will rebate program before 2007 which amounted to more than $200 per unit. vote Feb. 25 on a proposed receive the rebate. Condo owners at Beckley More than 20 people atordinance to extend tax rebates for trash collection to tended the public hearing on Farms and The Regency both argued that 55-plus housing the ordinance Jan 28. In Berlin, condo associa- owners pay taxes to support tions or owners are respon- many services that they do Library Briefs sible for the costs of refuse not get direct benefits from, collection. This motivated including trash collection the current laws allowing re- and public schools. Berlin-Peck Condo owners who spoke bates for some condo ownMemorial Library ers. The budget-based rebate during the meeting felt that Adult programs is meant to compensate for they deserved the tax reTuesday, Feb. 18 - Book taxes paid to support refuse bates offered to other condo discussion, 7 p.m. “Brain collection services provided owners. Some suggested the on Fire” by Cahalan. All ordinance may even attract by the town. welcome. Secretary for Silver Ridge buyers to new units. Thursday, Feb. 20 - Sit Beckley Farms resident Homeowners’ Association and Knit, 6 p.m. Drop in Richard Charette spoke at Adele Karimian noted that session for knitters of all the meeting in favor of the taxes on each unit are aplevels. ordinance and noted that proximately $6,500 per year. Saturday, Feb. 22 - Tech Another Beckley last year only 465 of a total of Tutor. Want to download eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines? Need help using your tablet, eReader, or 9 177 other device? Come see a 298 Tech Tutor for one-on-one 860 , CT N I help. No sign up. Drop-in L BER between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. IKE P N M o n d ay, Fe b . 2 4 TUR LIN - Foreign Film, 6 p.m. R E 4B Monsieur Lazhar. Rated 268 • Certified Emissions Repair Facility PG. Call the library at • Complete Computer Diagnostics • ASE Certified Master Mechanics (8670) 828-7126 to reserve Check out our • Experts in All General Repairs a seat. • Heavy Duty Truck Repairs website: The Berlin Citizen







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Fa r m s r e s i d e n t , M a r y Ellen Gaudette, said that Manchester had a similar ordinance that gave rebates to some, but not all condo associations. The Town of Manchester, Gaudette said, revised its ordinance. Manchester revised the ordinance in August of last year, and elected to offer rebates

to all condominium associations, but not to apartment complexes. Every member of the public who attended the meeting spoke in favor of revising the ordinance. A revised version of the ordinance will be ready for a vote at the next Town Council meeting, Feb. 25.

Prayer For T he Council Make me be a channel of peace at each Council meeting. Where there is misunderstanding, let me bring mutual understanding. Where there is injury through angry rebuttal let there be mutual pardon. And where there is doubt in the other party’s motives, let there be faith in their sincerity. Where there is sadness over a vote, let there be acceptance of the outcome. Oh Master grant that I may never seek to get my way out of pride and so much to be consoled as to console with mutual compromise. Not to be understood as much to understand the motives of my elected party and the others elected by our people. Let me not try to belittle but love with respect who are here tonight. O Lord, let your compassion be present at every meeting of the Council elected through your citizens of Berlin.

Rev. Edmund Nadolny Sacred Heart Church East Berlin, CT


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By Charles Kreutzkamp

A4 Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Berlin Citizen |

The snow has piled up, leading to large snow drifts like this one near the Town Hall. |(Charles Kreutzkamp / The Berlin Citizen)

Salt From Page 1

We have been cautious to apply the correct amount of salt without overusing it to keep our budget where it should be,” Simonian said. The budget for truck rental



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is low, and the storm overtime account is in decent shape, Simonian said. However, if the rest of February is incredibly snowy, he pointed out that public works may need to approach the council for more funds. Both Maximus and Nika, as well as other winter storms this season, were named by a Latin class in Bozeman, MO. Maximus is Latin for “great” or “large” and Nika is another name for the goddess of victory, Nike.

Fishermen From Page 1


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tunate we had to cancel, but safety first,” said Guite. The fisher’s luck landing fish on Feb. 8 varied greatly. Wallingford resident Gary Sala said his group had sent him for more bait after having caught dozens of fish. Slogeris had less luck. Methods of fishing also vary wildly, but Slogeris and Sala both agreed that the battle against the elements must be fought by dressing in layers, staying hydrated, and snacking. Both anglers also noted the importance of sunglasses, as the bright sunlight reflecting off the ice and snow can become blinding. There are many different ways to drill a hole into the ice. Some fisherman have powered augurs that run off batteries to make the task of breaking through the ice as easy as possible. Slogeris now uses a 6- or 7-inch manual augur, but recalled using nothing more than a crowbar to break through the ice when he first started ice fishing as a teenager. “To me, it’s all about the homemade sled,” Sala said, indicating Slogeris’ wooden equipment-carrier. See Fishermen / Page 9

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Snow, ice removal ordinances Property owners are not allowed to shovel, throw or plow ice and snow from private property into, or across a public street, per local ordinances, according to the Public Works Department. Residents are responsible for clearing snow and ice from any public sidewalk fronting their property. All sidewalks are to be cleared and/or sanded within 24 hours of the completion of street plowing operations. It is the responsibility of the property owner fronting that sidewalk to make it safe for public travel. Failure to comply will subject the abutting property owner to a written warning and/or $100 fine as noted in the Town of Berlin

Municipal Code. “No parking” bans become effective automatically (or at the discretion of the Director of Public Works) whenever there is an accumulation of four (4) inches or more of snow and ice on any of the streets of the town. “No parking” bans will terminate no sooner than eight (8) hours after a snowstorm, or as directed by the Director of Public Works. Any vehicle left parked on the street after such a ban has taken effect, will be towed and subject to a fine and all towing and storage charges. For more information, call the Public Works Department at (860) 828-7022.




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A6 Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Berlin Citizen |



Crafty way to make old crayons shine again

Petit says he won’t run for Congress

By Amy Flory

Special to The Citizen

My kids always get new crayons for Christmas, so i n Ja n u a r y I’m looking for ways to get rid of the piles and piles of broken crayons in our house. Last year, I fo u n d t h i s Flory cute and easy craft on Pinterest, and decided to make heart-shaped crayons to give to my kids’ classmates for Valentine’s Day. They were crazy easy, so we’re making them again this year. The hardest part of this project is peeling the paper off of the crayons. My kids are forever peeling wrappers, so I thought they would love this task. They did not. They complained, and quit after about three crayons, leaving me to grumble under my breath while I peeled, peeled, peeled. This year, I soaked the crayons in cold water for a few minutes, and the wrappers practically jumped off the crayons. The kids loved peeling wrappers off of the soaked crayons. After peeling the crayons, break the crayons into

Melt someone’s heart with this crayon craft. smaller pieces. My kids were able to snap the narrow crayons themselves, and I chopped the fatter crayons with a knife. Then, the crayon bits went into a heart-shaped mold. There are many heart-shaped silicone molds out there, and I found mine at Target for about $3. Make sure you get the kind that is heat resistant, because the ice cube trays look very similar, but will melt all over your oven. The one I have can be used to make larger molds by setting it right side up, or smaller molds by turning it upside down and using the heartshaped indent on the bottom.

We’ve made them both ways. You can either group your colors or throw them into the molds haphazardly. I’m partial to the color grouping, but my kids like the mixed color look, so we have both in our batches. Cook the crayons for about 10 minutes at 300 degrees, or until all the bits are melted. Let the crayons cool about 15 minutes or so, and when they’ve hardened, pop the crayons out of the mold. They come out super easy. Now the crayons are ready to be given as gifts, or shared with your neighbors and friends — and you can brag about how crafty you are.

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NEW HAVEN (AP) — The Connecticut doctor whose wife and two daughters were killed in a 2007 home invasion said Feb. 5 he has decided not to run for Congress. Dr. William Petit said in a statement provided to The Associated Press that he will not be a candidate in the 5th Congressional District. Though he had been approached by a number of people who urged him to consider running, Petit said his “clear priority” is spending time with his new wife and 10-week-old son. “I feel particularly blessed to be able to devote my time to them and to continue to volunteer for the Petit Family Foundation at this stage of my life,” he wrote. Petit told reporters in November he was “50-50” on running. The district is represented by Democratic

Rep. Elizabeth Esty. Petit has never held elected office, but he was deeply involved in campaigning against the repeal of Petit Connecticut’s death penalty. “I have always felt it is a great responsibility and privilege in a democracy to run for public office, and that those who care about good government need to be willing to get involved,” Petit said. Petit was considered a formidable candidate if he ran and the seat is one where Republicans would have a chance to break Democrats’ lock on the state’s congressional delegation.

Presidents’ Day schedule All departments in the town of Berlin are scheduled to be closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of Presidents’ Day. The normal refuse and recycling collection schedule will apply.

Government Meetings Thursday, Feb. 13 Public Building Commission, 238 Kensington Road, 7 p.m. Youth Services Advisory Board, Town Hall, 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 Mattabassett District, 245 Main St., Cromwell, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19 Police Commission, BPD Conference Room, 6:30 p.m. Worthington Fire District, 1400 Wilbur Cross Hwy., 5:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 Board of Education, Town

Hall, 7 p.m. Kensington Fire District, 947 Farmington Ave., 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25 Town Council, Town Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Water Control Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27 Public Building Commission, 238 Kensington Road, 7 p.m.

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014



Highlights of Gov. Malloy’s budget proposal vices for underserved populations, including young adults. There is also $2.2 million set aside for 110 Rental Assistance Program vouchers to provide housing and services for people served by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. — Expands eligibility for services to an additional 100 children with significant physical disabilities. This expansion, however, will not eliminate the waiting list for services. — Includes $10 million for school security measures in the wake of the Newtown school shooting. This is in addition to $21 million already provided to communities.





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— Provides an additional $1.5 million for the Department of Transportation to determine what is necessary to reinforce the integrity of the railways and devise a plan for a comprehensive rail infrastructure improvement program. This comes after the May 17, 2013, Metro-North commuter train derailment in Bridgeport. Source: Office of Policy and Management.


by the child’s first birthday or within the first year after adoption. Those who make a contribution of $150 within four years will receive a onetime match of $150. — Gives cities and towns scheduled to implement property revaluation in fiscal year 2015 the option to postpone that implementation for up to two years, providing them time for the real estate market to stabilize. — Includes $250,000 for an anti-stigma campaign with the goal of promoting an environment where people with serious mental illness should not be ashamed to seek treatment. — Includes $1.75 million to improve mental health ser-


HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. Dannel P. Malloy offered a revised $19 billion budget to the General Assembly Feb. 6 for consideration this session. The actual figure is approximately $22 billion after taking into account Medicaid spending, which was taken off-budget last year during negotiations. Here are some highlights of the proposal: — Includes $11.5 million to provide 1,020 new pre-kindergarten slots in fiscal year 2015, first targeting the state’s low-income children. The state’s goal is to have universal access to pre-K by the end of 2019. — Phases in the exemption of a portion of teachers’ pensions from the state’s income tax, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2014. For income year 2014, the exemption would be 25 percent. It would rise to 50 percent the following year. — Uses part of the projected $500 million surplus from this year to provide a sales and motor fuels tax re-

fund. It would be $55 for eligible individuals with less than $200,000 in income and $110 for eligible joint filers with less than $400,000 in income. — Uses $100 million of the surplus to make a payment toward the state’s pension fund and $272.6 million for the state’s Rainy Day Fund. Malloy also proposed legislation requiring future surpluses be deposited in the Rainy Day Fund, spent on reducing longterm liabilities or used for tax relief. — Exempts non-prescription drugs from the state’s sales tax. Malloy’s previous budget had eliminated a tax exemption for such medications. — Extends an angel investor tax credit for two years, providing $3 million each year to early investors who provide cash investments to qualified small businesses engaged in emerging technologies. — Creates the CHET Baby Scholars Program, which provides a one-time incentive of $100 to families of Connecticut children who open at CHET 529 college savings account


By The Associated Press

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A8 Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Berlin Citizen |


Thursday, Feb. 13

Friday, Feb. 14

Boy Scouts - Boy Scouts Troop 24 is scheduled to meet Thursday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 230 Kensington Road. Stop in or call Joe Tedone at (860) 828-0255. Boys Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 41 is scheduled to meet Thursday, 7 p.m., at Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill Street. For more information, call Scoutmaster K.C. Jones at (860) 829-1148 or email jones327@comcast. net.

Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31-33 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” for Friday, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. Reservations are recommended. For more information and tickets, call (860) 829-1248 or visit www. Racing show - Racing Action Today, hosted by Berlin native Larry Mongillo, airs every Friday, 8 p.m., on Comcast cable channel 5.

Boys basketball - BHS vs. Maloney at Maloney, 7 p.m. Girls basketball - BHS vs. Maloney at BHS, 7 p.m. Boys swimming - BHS vs. Bristol Central/Eastern/St. Paul, away, 3:45 p.m.


Saturday, Feb. 15 Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31-33 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” for Saturday, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m. Reservations are recommended. For more information and tickets, call (860) 829-1248 or visit www. Wrestling - BHS at CCC South Tournament at Bristol Central High School.

Sunday, Feb. 16 Pet adoption - Friends of Berlin Animals Control has scheduled a pet adoption as part of National Adoption Weekend for Sunday, Feb. 16,

Sneakers is a large, healthy, mature old boy that is searching for his true love! He is calm, very loving and affectionate and declawed. Sonic is a young, vibrant boy. He is very friendly and outgoing. Sonic is distrustful of other cats right now. These lovable boys and many others will be featured Sunday, Feb. 16, 1 to 3 p.m. at PetSmart, 278 New Britain Ave., Plainville. View all of the adoptable pets and find an online application at For more information, call (860) 828-5287. 1 to 3 p.m., at PetSmart, 278 New Britain Ave., Plainville. Meet the beautiful, friendly rescues that are in search of their forever homes. View all of the adoptable pets at www.

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Girls basketball - BHS vs. Plainville at BHS, 7 p.m.

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Pasta supper - American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters Pass, schedules a pasta supper for every Tuesday, 5:30 to 7 p.m. A fee is charged. The public is welcome. For more information, call (860) 8289102 after 5 p.m. Boy Scouts - Boy Scouts Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, 880 Farmington Ave. For more information, call Scoutmaster Ed Alicia, at (860) 828-8693. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 44 is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Joann Sawyer at (860) 828-7767. Sunrise Rotary Club - The Sunrise Rotary Club of Kensington-Berlin is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. For more information, call Gwen Valencis at (860) 229-3787, ext. 139 or visit www.kensingtonrotary. org. TOPS - TOPS, Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, a non-profit, weight loss organization, is scheduled to meet Tuesday, 6:30 to 8 p.m., at Cromwell Town Hall, Suite 219, 41 West St. For more information, call Betty Water at (860) 635-7020.

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The peculiar power of love — and chocolate By Rev. Ray Andersen Special to The Citizen

Contrary to popular belief Valentine’s Day was not created by the combined efforts of the Hallmark greeting card company, FTD florists, and the chocolate truffle industry. It came about from the story of a priest in third century Rome, named Valentine. As the story goes Emperor Claudius II (known behind his back as “Claudius the Cruel”) was waging several difficult military campaigns. He believed that soldiers fought better if they had no families at home; hence he forbade young men to marry. Valentine, believing that young people should not only marry but also have God present in their relationship, secretly married couples defying Claudius. For this

he was executed (by decapitation) in 269 A. D. Before dying he sent a letter to a blind girl he had been praying for and signed it “from your Valentine.” The rest, of course, is history; and a piece of history that no self-respecting entrepreneurial greeting card company could possibly ignore. Today marriage seems to be in a state of disrepair. There is such a high rate of divorce that first marriages are sometimes called “starter” marriages. There’s strong social debate on civil unions and same sex marriages. Young people often fear that marriage may ruin their relationship. At any rate no one thinks marriage is easy, especially whoever wrote the wedding service: “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health…”

Perhaps St. Valentine, in support of marriage, might say love needs to be more than just a warm fuzzy feeling for someone. After all it’s as easy to get a warm fuzzy feeling about someone as it is to make yourself yawn. Love requires a decision of the will, an intentional, determined choosing of another that will help both get through the “better or worse” parts of their future. Valentine’s Day may have become one of the secular world’s high holy days, but it’s also a good time to think about the peculiar power of love. Love is both the strongest and weakest force in the world. It’s strong enough to conquer that most impregnable of fortifications, the human heart; yet it can only do so with the consent of the conquered. Love can breach a wall, but can do so, not by its own strength, but only

at the invitation of the one whom the wall defends. Love has a strange arithmetic to it. You see this at every wedding. One person plus one person does not equal two persons. When two people give themselves away in love to one another it creates a new lifeform, a new being that equals much more than two. My math skills never got me past Algebra 101 so don’t ask me how it works. It just does. Being a preacher I’m tempted to say it has something to do with holiness and that love is of God. On the other hand it might be wise to recall Charlie Brown who said, “All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Reverend Ray Anderson is a priest at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Cheshire.


Obituary fee

From Page 4

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fish to Silver Lake 15 years ago,” Guite said, “They can get pretty big. A five- or sixpound cat fish often wins the derby. We’ve also seen four-

or five-pound largemouth bass, and pickerel.” One of the largest fish Sala’s group caught Feb. 8 was a brown bullhead cat-


The group heads back to its main encampment. | (Charles Kreutzkamp / The Berlin Citizen)

fish. In the end, it was a great day of fishing for the group. “People who don’t like winter are those that don’t go out and enjoy it,” Sala said.

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As anglers head out on the ice, occasionally it will crack. When the weather is below freezing, some of the ice cracks can indicate a very safe environment, as the cracks are a result of the ice expanding. Sala described the thickness of the ice as “very safe.” You could probably drive a car out onto the ice, he said. Sala’s group, which included his son and some other friends, fished using “tip ups, a type of trigger device.” Connecticut Fishing licenses allow each fisher to deploy six of these devices, which hook fish in response to a bite and flip a flag up into the air. When one of the flags flips, everyone nearby comes running. By the time someone starts pulling the line in, however, they can already tell the fish got away — and it’s time to rebait the hook. Guite said that Silver Lake can be tougher than some other locations, but that it’s still a great place to catch fish. Silver City Bass Masters organized an effort to clean up the area around the lake several years ago, and hauled away bags upon bags full of trash. Now, the yearly cleanup effort takes no more than an hour. “They introduced cat-

The Berlin Citizen charges a $50 processing fee for obituaries. For more information, call The Citizen, (203) 317-2256.

James Casso, Director 96 MAIN STREET Kensington, CT 06037

Phone (860) 828-4730 FAX (860) 829-6509

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Senior Bowling

Senior Menu



Senior Bowling, Feb. 7: Senior meals are proFerd Brochu, 194; Gene Lemery, 178; Sam D’Amato, 173; Liz vided by CW Resources. Rugens, 171; Joe Aziz, 168; Chuck Leonhardt, 168; Jan Bennett, Reservations must be made 165; Craig Clarke, 165; Irene Willametz, 155. 24 hours in advance by calling Doretha Dixon at (860) 6708546, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. A donation is requested. Small Miracles Natural Health Center M o n d a y, F e b . 1 7: w w w. s m a l l m i r a c l e s c h i r o p r a c t i c . c o m President’s Day. Senior Center closed. CHIROPRACTIC - Dr. Michele Imossi Tuesday, Feb. 18: Escarole MASSAGE - Ella Panaitisor bean soup, lasagna with Family Wellness - Nutrition - Sports Medicine sauce, peas, pumpernickel, orange.

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Accreditation funding

Wednesday, Feb. 19: Cranberry glazed grille chicken breast, couscous, winter blend vegetables, dinner roll, oatmeal creme pie. Thursday, Feb. 20: Grape juice, low salt sliced ham potato hash with onion, red and green pepper, spinach, whole wheat bread, peaches. Friday, Feb. 21: Cranberry juice, white fish fillet with dill sauce, harvest rice, carrot coins, rye bread, pears.

The Central Co n n e c t i c ut He a l t h District has been awarded $25,000 to help it to meet the requirements of the Public health Accreditation Board, the voluntary national accreditation program for public health departments. CCHD is one of 29 local health departments in 19 states to receive this funding through the Accreditation Support Initiative administered by the National Association of City and County Health Officials. Funding for the ASI is provided by the centers of Disease Control and Prevention Office for state, tribal, local and territorial support. CCHD will use the grant to assess the needs of its workforce and design a plan for training and retooling its staff, board of directors and agency volunteers to better meet the voluntary national standards for local public health departments.

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A11 Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Berlin Citizen |

Sports ‘Coats Notes

Big week for boys hoops; Wrestlers earn rare shutout By Nate Brown

Evan McKinnen (nine), and sophomore Dominic Nuzzo (eight) play a big part in the win. Against winless Platt, the Boys basketball With the season winding down, Redcoats kept the downward trend it was a make or break week for going for their opponents, finishing the Redcoats, who responded with off the Panthers 57-39. Vessichio led the charge for the wins over Bristol Eastern and Platt Redcoats with 25 points, 11 from the to move closer to the postseason. Entering the week with a 3-10 re- free throw line and six from 3-point cord, the boys would have to win land. Junior R.J. Veneziano added five of their final eight games to seven, while Nuzzo added six for clinch a spot in the Class M tour- the victors. Berlin junior Adam Litwinko had nament. With last week’s victories over the Lancers (41-40) and an impressive all-around game, Panthers (57-49), the road ahead contributing four points, eight redoesn’t seem quite so daunting for bounds and six steals. the Redcoats. Girls basketball Against Bristol Eastern, junior Entering last week’s play, the Danny Garofalo’s free throw with 30 seconds remaining gave Berlin the Lady Redcoats –who began play at lead and the victory in a hard-fought 2-11 –would need to win six of their game that saw junior Brendon final seven games to make it to postVessichio (12 points), sophomore season play. Unfortunately, the mirThe Berlin Citizen



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acle comeback was not in store for Berlin, as the girls were eliminated from postseason contention following a 1-2 week. The Lady Redcoats lost to the Lancers of Bristol Eastern 61-46 to start the week. Senior Alicia Maule led the way for Berlin with 14 points. In the locals’ next matchup, against Northwest Catholic, they were thrashed 74-26. While the Berlin girls were still within striking distance following an 18-10 first quarter, the wheels fell off in the second, where the team was outscored 26-2. Junior Alyssa Germano was See Notes / Page 13

Berlin’s Nina D’Amato drains a 3-pointer against Platt. (Photo by Matt Leidemer)

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Young swimmers growing up fast By Nate Brown The Berlin Citizen

The saying about the journey being more important than the final destination couldn’t ring more true. As the season has progressed for the Redcoat boys swimming and diving team, the surface has looked bleak and unimpressive, with many a meet passing by with another loss in the record book. Yet looking below the surface is where the true winning has happened. It’s beyond the scoreboard where Berlin’s fans will see the most growth.

Speaking of his team’s most recent defeat to Middletown (98-82), BHS coach Dan Thurston said, “They did really well. Saw a lot of best times. A lot of great times all the way up and down. I was happy with the energy. We swam some different things than we’ve been swimming recently to see how far we’ve come since the beginning of the season.” How far the team has come has little to do with the distances the boys have logged in the lanes. Instead, how much time each individual has dropped over the course of the season has proved to

be a greater victory for the team, as it has helped to shed light on what could be a bright future for the program. “It’s hard to do best times from meet to meet, but they keep doing them at a pretty healthy clip,” said Thurston. For a team with only five seniors and 10 total upperclassmen, plenty has been asked of the underclass swimmers. While the collective group hasn’t been able to yet make a difference in the win-loss column, there are a few that have impressed Thurston and his staff, including freshmen Thomas Wejda and Kevin Klotz. “It was nice to see Thomas in the 50 meter freestyle; we hadn’t seen him (in that event) since the beginning of the year. He dropped about a second off of his flat start which was excellent,” said Thurston. “It was nice to see Kevin Klotz back in the 100 backstroke. He hasn’t swam

it in a couple of meets, and he had a nice swim today.” Aside from the impressive freshmen performances, Thurston was also pleased with the work of his 100 freestyle swimmers. Berlin’s top three finishers –senior captain Brian Kennure, junior Dan Paszkowski and junior Wojciech Kajzer –all dropped more than two seconds off their season best times. Wejda also had an impressive 100 breaststroke, coming from behind in the final 50 meters to beat his opponent by almost two full body lengths. “ I t h i n k o n e of h i s strengths is that he doesn’t really have a weak stroke; he’s got a good fly, a good back, a good breast, and a good free, and we’re just really seeing where he’s at,” said Thurston. “It’s been fun to see him in each one of those events, and to see some of his confidence build

up. And it will be exciting to see where his times end up at the end of the year.” Regardless of the team’s record at the end of the regular season, the continuous best times will help the Redcoats make more noise each meet, and hopefully set them up for some success at the state finals. “I think seeing the best times along the way, seeing the progress that they’re making keeps feeding into what they’re doing. I still think that with a young team, a lot of them don’t know the times they’re going to do at the end of the season just because they haven’t been through it before,” said Thurston. “I’m excited to see where they’re going to be, and I know my coaches are just as excited to see where they’re going to be, and see where they’re going to get. And I don’t even think some of them know where that is yet.”

Got sports? The Berlin Citizen, P.O. Box 438, Kensington, CT 06037

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A13 Thursday, February 13, 2014


contributed nine.

From Page 11

Hockey The strong season for t h e New i n g t o n - B e rl i n Manchester Indians continued last week thanks to a 5-0 victory over Farmington-Avon-Windsor. The Indians got off to a 1-0 lead after the first period before exploding for four goals in the second. Tom Wood got the start in goal for NBM, recording 12 saves en route to the shutout, the third for the goalie unit –which includes Berlin’s Cam Criniti – this year. Offensively, the Indians were led by Dan Roberts’ two goals, Luca DiPaola’s two goals, and Berlin’s Dan McLeod, who also found the

lone match as the rest of the cals went a combined 3-1, team was caught off guard by winning against Waterford (40-33), New Fairfield (45a strong opponent. The team righted the ship 33), and Nonnewaug (45-33), with an impressive perfor- and losing a close bout with mance against East Hartford. Ledyard (38-36). The team received strong The Redcoats prevailed 73-0. Although the East Hartford contributions from sevteam was young and inexpe- eral sources, including seWrestling The Redcoats had an im- rienced, the victory helped niors Mike Burek (4-0 at pressive week on the mats as get Berlin back on track Waterford), Rich Schlichting they prepare for the rapidly heading into the weekend (4-0; won his 100th career approaching postseason. The matchups at the Waterford match against East Hartford), boys went 4-2 to improve to Tournament, where the loSee Notes / Page 14 21-4 on the season, and show that they’re a tough team to take down. Yet despite their resilience on the mats, the boys had one of their worst outCannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Exp. 3/31/14. ings of the season against Bristol Eastern, where the Redcoats lost 62-3. Junior Jeremy Eliades won Berlin’s back of the net. With the victory, NBM improved to 10-3-1. Roberts leads all Indian players with 31 points while Dante Gugliotti is second on the team with 20.


Berlin’s top scorer with 11 points. Even though the loss to Northwest Catholic eliminated the girls from playoff contention, the team went out firing on all cylinders against Platt and was able to come away with the 58-47 upset victory. The victors did most of their damage in the second and fourth, outscoring the Panthers 41-22. Maule, once again, led the charge for the Lady Redcoats, scoring 26 points, including 12 from downtown. Freshman Nina D’Amato also had a strong game, adding 14 points for Berlin, while Germano

The Berlin Citizen |

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014


his conditioning level, he had some tough competition, but he was very mentally tough,” From Page 13 BHS coach Jim Day said. and Ethan Greider (4-0), who “I was very impressed and returned from an extended pleased for him.” break due to an illness. Heading into the final week “I was a little worried about of dual meets, the team is getting closer to finalizing an

ideal lineup moving forward, and getting focused for the championship tournaments. “We still have a few weight classes that will need to be wrestled off down the line,” said Day. “And the rest is continuing to try to make sure that we wrestle a full six min-

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utes and not take any time off physically or mentally.” Indoor track Members of both the boys and girls indoor track teams competed at the Class M championships, with the BHS girls finishing very well. The Lady Redcoats finished tied for 11th out of 30 scoring teams. The girls’ 13 points tied them with East Haven,

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and left them a mere four points behind Avon (17) for a top 10 finish. The Lady Redcoats were led by their 4x800 relay team, which took second place and scored eight points. The team, comprised of juniors Kristen Madeia and Sarah Hagen, and sophomores Jody DiCicco and Michele See Notes / Page 15


A15 Thursday, February 13, 2014 From Page 1

singular concern, and that procedures regarding complaints need to be clarified. BICA seeks to provide a voice for all concerns coaches have, this member said. Creating a chain of command and ensuring that complaints are handled through procedures described in the Student Handbook will help address issues that many coaches have, this BICA member explained. BICA’s other talking points include supporting the development of a survey that will include both students and parents, as well as com-

municating to school administrators “the pressures of coaching in Berlin.” BICA cites “the recent Michael’s Cup won by the Athletic Department” as evidence of the excellence of the Berlin Athletic Department. BICA also clarified in these talking points that it is “in no way interested in becoming a union. Our sole purpose is to create a healthy, educationally-sound environment for our student-athletes and coaches.”

Police Blotter Berlin Police Department reported the following arrests. Arrests do not indicate convictions. Jan. 24 Jason Finn, 33, 534 New Britain Road, failure to pay/ plead. Jan. 25 Pablo Lucero-Garcia, 37, 63 Putnam Sq., Meriden, operating motor vehicle other than motorcycle without a

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The Berlin Citizen |


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Grieco finished with a time of 10:05.45, beating the third place team by four seconds. The girls also scored a point in the 1,600 sprint medley thanks to the sixth place finishing team of senior Tess Repaci, Madeia, DiCicco, and sophomore Sophia Morell. The Lady Redcoats finished in 4:34.26. Grieco also scored four points in the 3,200, finishing in fourth place with a time of 11:40.84. Freshman Lisa Grieco finished 11th in the 3,200 with a time of 12:20.97. Other finishers for the Lady Redcoats included sophomore Taylor Budney (12th in 300 meter; 44.44), senior Sam Carbonell (20th in 55 meter; 7.99), and the 4x200 relay team comprised of Carbonell, Repaci, Budney and freshman Sarah Daddario (14th with a time of 1:55.35). Senior sprinter Daren Grabowski was the lone competitor for the BHS boys, finishing the 55 meter dash in 28th place with a time of 7.17. Grabowski also competed in the 300, finishing 16th with a time of 39.31.

Jan. 27 Jonathan Lee, 23, 25 Kimball Dr., New Britain, fifth-degree con/larceny, second-degree conspiracy/burglary, fifth-degree larceny from building, second-degree criminal mischief, second-degree burglary.

Find us on the Web:


From Page 14

license, failure to drive in proper lane multi lane highway, operating under the influence of drugs/alcohol. Jan. 26 Briona Panetta, 19, 61 Treasure Ave., second-degree threatening, disorderly conduct/assault.

Heating and Cooling, LLC.


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BERLIN...Exceptional design in this oversized 2,507sq. ft. Cape. 5 Bdrms & 3.1 bths. 1st flr. master suite w/vaulted ceilings. Large eat in kit w/island. Granite & SS appl. 4 season sunroom off kit. DR, great room w/gas FP. 1st flr. laundry, CA, part. fin. walk out bsmt and large unfin. bonus area above garage on almost 2 acre lot $439,900 Angie Santoro 214-6384


KENSINGTON...Great opportunity to make this 3 bdrm home yours! Floor plan offers many options, 1425 SF, 2 full bths, wood flrs, walkout basement to beautiful yard, central air and gas heat! $179,900 Betsy Cooney 966-4296





The Joseph F. Scheyd Agency, LLC has over 50 YEARS experience in the local real estate market – Our Agents have lived and work in the local area and can assist you with finding the perfect home, neighborhood or assist you with selling a home. Agents in our office are experienced and have the latest technology needed to assist you with all of real estate needs.

Murphy of Berlin. Marist College, New York - Katherine Burke, Morgan Imossi, Angela D i n i n g fo r D o l l a r s Panagopoulos of Berlin. fundraiser is scheduled Me r r i m ac k Co l l e ge, for Monday, Feb. 17, 11 a.m. Massachusetts - Stephanie to 10 p.m. at Bertucci’s Lapierre of Berlin. Restaurants. A portion of Springfield College, your bill will be donated to Dean’s list Massachusetts - Samantha the All Night Graduation Clemson University, Party. For more information, South Carolina - Margaret Shirley, Nicole Johnson, Natalie Lombardo, Meghan Foy, Dana Hebert, Joseph Colossale, Molly Goldberger of Berlin; Kimberly Rasmussen of East Berlin. Stonehill College, Massachusetts - Danielle Gemmell, Megan Morrison, Ryan Morrison of Kensington. University of New Haven Owner: Phil Spring (BHS Class of ‘96) - Allison Ponte of East Berlin; Family Owned & Operated Evan Desrochers, Alexander Gialelis, Brandon Iozzo, 860-667-5693 860-667-5692 Geoffrey Magisano, Michael C.O.D. Next Day Delivery Samulenas of Berlin. Th e Ci t ad e l , S o ut h Carolina - Ian VanderGulik of Kensington. University of Rhode Island - Charlotte Cichowski, Maddy Morrin, Lauren Since 1943 ... Quality and Service Erickson, Tessa Cugno, • Automotive • Marine • Truck • Industrial Kayla Bartolomeo, Lauren • Computers • Gel-Cell • Deep Cycle • Solar Criniti, Jaclyn Hoffman of • Antique Cars • Wheelchairs • Diesel Engines Berlin; Maggie Frederick of • Lawn Mowers • Golf Carts • Bus & RV • Motorcycles Kensington. • Battery Rebuilding • Scrubber & Sweeper • Battery Cables & Chargers Washington and Lee — WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BATTERIES — University, Virginia Joshua Paldino of Berlin. 51 Deming Road, P.O. Box 8005, Berlin, CT 06037 59904R


email Gail Dwyer at gdwyer. Butter Braids and cookie dough is available for purchase. For more information and to place an order, call Carol Iozzo at (860) 803-3515.


Send us your news! Email us:



BERLIN..Beautiful sprawling 3 bdrm 3.1 bath ranch in desirable Blue Ridge. Meticulously maintained. 2772 sq. ft. on main flr. 1020 ft. in amazing finished walk out lower level w/brick fplace. Huge rms, tons of storage. This house has it all. $430,000 Derek Jutras 883-7091

KENSINGTON..Spacious 3 bdrm cape with 2 car garage, C/A, hardwood flrs. Newer windows, living room w/fireplace. Freshly painted. $229,900 Angie Santoro 214-6384

Mercy High School The following local students were named to the second marking period honor roll at Mercy High School. High honors - Kristen Gaetgens, Leila Gallupe, Madeline Jenkins of Berlin; Ashley Getsie of Kensington. First honors - Michelle Corriveau, Taylor Fascione of Berlin; Casey Rasmussen of East Berlin. Second honors - Brooke Strobino of Kensington.

Scholastic achievements Michael Gagnon or Berlin performed in the Hamilton College choir production of Candide recently. Daniel Dunham, Lindsey Paszczuk, Matthew Trevethan of Berlin; Chloe Ezzo, Alec Rossi, John Stepensky of Kensington were was named to the fall semester academic honor roll at Kingswood Oxford School.

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014


marketplace Build Your Own Ad @








CHEVY Dale Earnhardt Edition Monte Carlo, 2002, 86,000 miles, 6 cyl at, all leather and power. Front wheel drive with traction control. Sunroof. Asking $3500 neg. Must sell. Please call 203-213-1575 or 203-999-1535. ACURA RL 2006 3.5 L, V6, 5 Speed AT #5794A $15,900 100% Financing Available! Apply Today - Drive Tomorrow! 1 888 207-3682 Ask For Darrell

CHEVROLET CRUZE 2013 #1468 $14,388

CHEVY COBALT 2010 #18914 $8,250 Don’t Miss... Call Chris 203 271-2902

Contact Dan The “Five Star Auto Man” at Richard Chevrolet in Cheshire 203 271-2902

PRE-PRESIDENTIAL SALE Why wait for President’s Day when you can save $250 on a New Car and $500 on a Used Car?

Mike Russo 203 235-1669 21 Years at Meriden Hyundai


So come down and negotiate your best deal!

BUICK LACROSSE 2012 $24,998 6 To Choose From Save Up To $11,000 OFF MSRP STK 27184AQ Proof of Job & Address and Blasius Will Give You a Loan 100% Guaranteed Ask for Darrell 1 888 207-3682

Your Best Car Buying Experience. No Pressure, No Haggle, No Kidding!

CADILLAC DTS 2007 8 Cyl., FWD, Auto Stock# BH758A $15,995

DODGE Grand Caravan 2001 Sport, 4 Spd, Auto $2,988 BUY HERE - PAY HERE! (203) 269-1106

CHEVROLET IMPALA 2010 FWD, Auto, 4 Door #1495A $7,988


FORD 1999 F250 SUPER DUTY 4X4, Extended cab, XLT package, at, ac, 5.4 liter with Boss 7.5ft snoplow q. mount. Lots of new parts for $7795. 860-625-4805

Millions of people look to Marketplace everyday. It’s used news.

CHEVY CRUZE 2012 Stock #1448 $14,588 203-265-0991

The bargains to be found in Marketplace are real heart stoppers!

DODGE NEON 2003 $2,9884 Cylinder, 4 Speed, Auto BUY HERE - PAY HERE! 203-269-1106

DODGE CALIBER 2007 4 Door Hatchback, R/T AWD #3162A $7,988


FORD TAURUS LX 2001 $2,988 BUY HERE - PAY HERE! (203) 269-1106

Local. Local. Local. Your Marketplace.

CHEVY HHR LT 2009 # 13362A $7250 Dont Miss...Call Chris 203 271-2902

CHEVY CAPTIVA 2013 Stock #1443 $17,888

CHEVY CRUZE LT 2012 Was 22,895 NOW 16,995 Save $4500 off MSRP Stock # 4811L12 Proof of Job, Proof of Address and Blasius Will Give You a Loan. 100% Guaranteed Ask for Darrell 1 888 207-3682

Stock # 1379B $7,888

HYUNDAI SONATA 2001 $3,488 GLS, 4 Speed, 6 Cyl. BUY HERE - PAY HERE! 203-269-1106

A18 Thursday, February 13, 2014 Automobiles


The Berlin Citizen | Automobiles


Trucks & Vans


Help Wanted DRIVERS/CHAUFFEURS PT and FT positions avail. Flex hrs. Must have clean driving record and public service license before applying. 203-235-9200

HYUNDAI GENESIS 2011 3 Door, V8, Automatic #11-485 (203) 235-1669

KIA FORTE KOUP 2010 2 Door, Manual, SX #13-3037A (203) 235-1669

MERCURY SABLE 2000 LS PREMIUM $2,988 BUY HERE - PAY HERE! (203) 269-1106

Always a sale in Marketplace.

HYUNDAI SONATA 2009 4 Door, V6, Auto, SE #13-1945A $15,990 203 235-1669

HYUNDAI VERACRUZ 2010 AWD, 4 Door, GLS # 13-1830A $19,990 203-235-1669

SMART FOR TWO 2008 2 Door Coupe Pure Automatic #13-1999A $7,295 203 235-1669

DODGE RAM 1500 2012 4 WD, 8 Cyl. Hemi Quad Cab, 6.3 Ft Box ST # 5778A $27,995

GMC TERRAIN 2013 AWD 4 Door, SLE w/SLE-2 Stock#1444 $21,988

TOYOTA Avalon 2002, auto, good running cond, all power, cd, 150,000 mi. $3500. 203-427-7838 Dealers welcome Let Us Give You A Fresh Start Cars Starting At $199 Down 24 month/24000 Miles Warranty Tax, Title, Fees Additional Ask for Darrell 1 888 207-3682

LEXUS RX 350 2010 AWD, 6 Cyl. Auto #5818A $27,500

Need A Car Loan? Bad Credit... Good Credit... Bankruptcy... Divorced.... No Problem! Proof of Job, Proof of Address and Blasius Will Give You a Loan 100% Guaranteed Ask for Darrell 1 888 207-3682


See the great selection of used cars in Marketplace. We Accept All Trade-Ins Including Boats, Campers, Classic Cars, Motorcycles, Commercial Vehicles and More! Don’t miss... Call Chris at 203 250-5952

You name it with Marketplace, anything goes.

GMC YUKON DENALI 2011 AWD, Automatic #1438 $35,988

MACHINE OPERATOR Exp w/Broaching Machines and Inspection Tools a plus. Call Jim at 203-238-4555 or apply at 5 Cross St., Meriden, CT

SUVs Trucks & Vans

HYUNDAI SONATA 2011 4 Door, Auto, GLS #13-1482A $16,990 (203) 235-1669

/classifieds VOLVO XC90 2008 AWD, 4 Door, V8 Stock #1475 $14,988

HYUNDAI Santa Fe 2007 4 Door, Limited, Automatic #14-037A 203 235-1669

If you can’t find it in Marketplace it’s not for sale.

Mercury Grand Marquis 2003 4 Door, Auto, LS Premium #13-1532B $7,990 203 235-1669

Buying? Selling? Marketplace is the answer.

CHEVY Silverado 2004 1500, 4X4 #14342A $9,850 Don’t Miss... Call Chris NISSAN VERSA 2008 4 Cylinder 4 Door, Auto #13-1456A $8,490 (203) 235-1669

HYUNDAI Entourage 2007 GLS, 4 Door Wagon Automatic Stock# 13-1807A $7,990 203-235-1669

HR DIRECTOR MERIDEN YMCA Provides strategic leadership to attract, develop and retain best talent available and position YMCA as an “employer of choice.” Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in related field; 3-5 years experience; thorough working knowledge of labor laws, personnel policy, compensation practices, performance management, employee relations & recruiting; strong communication skills; YMCA or nonprofit experience preferred, supervisory experience a plus.; proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. Send resumes to KINDERCARE of Cheshire and Wallingford are looking for experienced toddler and preschool teachers. Please call 203-574-2892.

Honda Odyssey 1998 -7 Pass, 199,600 mi. Good tires, brakes. Remote start, HD radio. Great heat & AC. Well maintained, all svc records. Good in snow. 203 634-1732

HYUNDAI SONATA 2012 4 Door, 2.4L, Auto, GLS # 5787A $19,995

HOUSECLEANERS WANTED MAIDPRO Southington. Must be available M-F, 8-5, need Driver’s Lic, reliable car. Up to $13/hr starting wage, plus tips, gas reimb. Hours will vary. Call 203-630-2033 ext. 118. Hablamos Espanol.

203 271-2902

CHRYSLER Town & Country 2006 4 Door, LX, LWB Automatic #13-1893A 203 235-1669

CHEVY UPLANDER LS 2007 Stock #14110SB $3,850 Don’t Miss... Call Chris 203 271-2902

JEEP Grand Cherokee 2010 Limited, 4 WD, V8, Auto #1473 $17,888

Now Hiring All Shifts Great Pay and Bonus Program All Shifts Available Part or Full Time Apply at OFFICE Manager PT Ideal candidate will have excellent multi-tasking abilities and organizational skills. Individual must have exp with Quickbooks, MS Word and Excel. Min 20 hrs/week leading to 40. Email: employmentaps2014@ PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING SUPERVISOR Looking for hands-on 3rd shift supervisor with at least three years of experience in injection molding troubleshooting. Emphasis on large single cavity parts. Must be able to supervise personnel. Very clean work environment. Working hours 11:45PM-8:15AM. Competitive wages, 401K retirement, Vacation Pay, Overtime Pay. Career opportunity. All Molded Plastics Co, Inc., 3(B) Fairfield Blvd, Wallingford, CT 06492 Info@AllMolded.Com (203) 269-2440

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Help Wanted

Apartments For Rent

Rooms For Rent

Wood / Fuel & Heating Equip

POLICE OFFICER Town of Plainville Please refer to our Town Website for details EOE/M/F AA

MERIDEN - 3 BR, 2nd Fl. Hdwd Floors. Off st parking. Heat & Hot Water Included. No smoking/ pets. $1150/ Mo. 203 444-5722.

WALLINGFORD Lovely, Lge Furnished Bdrm, Rec Rm & Bath. All Utils, TV, Cable, Refrig, Freezer & Laundry Included. 203 269-8166.

COAL STOVES - 2 HaasSohn ceramic German made coal stoves. $500 each or $900/both, coal included. 203-686-0688

Pets For Sale


YORKIES, Bulldogs, Chihuahuas, Boxers, Bostons, Shih Tzus, Schnoodles, Mixed Breeds, Rescues Available. $150 plus. (860) 930-4001

ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAID Vintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment. 860 707-9350

DIRECT Mail company seeking an experienced Press Print Operator. Duties to include set up and operation of various Offset Printing Presses. Experience with Ryobi 3302 required. Hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Please send resume to Elizabeth McKay at

Medical Help Wanted RN For Busy Pediatric Office. Part Time or Full Time. Experience preferred. Fax resume to 203 265-3321

Apartments For Rent WINTER SPECIAL MERIDEN- 1BR $750/month. HEAT, HOT WATER & ELECTRIC INCLUDED. Private Balcony. 203-639-4868 MER. 2nd flr, bright, 1 BR, 2 baths, new carpet/flrs. Ht & HW incl. Off st parking, no pets. Owner occupied. $735/mo. 203-272-4279 MERIDEN. 1 BR, 3 lge rooms, 1st flr, off st parking, safe, quiet So. Meriden area. $750. 203 238-0566

MERIDEN 4 BR, 2 Bath. Must See! Just remodeled. Hdwd Flrs. Nice back yard. Off st parking. WD hookups. $1250. 203-417-1675 MERIDEN 4 BR, 2 Bath. Must See! Just remodeled. Hdwd Flrs. Nice back yard. Off st parking. WD hookups. $1250. 203-417-1675 MERIDEN Clean 1 Room Efficiency 2nd Fl. Randolph Ave. Utils included. No pets. $450. 2 mos sec. Credit check required. 203-284-0597 MERIDEN Clean 1 Room Efficiency 2nd Fl. Randolph Ave. Utils included. No pets. $450. 2 mos sec. Credit check required. 203-284-0597 MERIDEN Clean 1 Room Efficiency 2nd Fl. Randolph Ave. Utils included. No pets. $450. 2 mos sec. Credit check required. 203-284-0597 MERIDEN Large 3 Bedroom, Modern Apartment. $1000 per month + security. Call Clive 203-886-9902

MERIDEN 1 BR Appliances, Laundry, Storage, A/C & Pool. Rent Includes Heat & Hot Water $810/Mo + Security 203-264-2555 MERIDEN 2 BRS Reduced to $875 if move in by March 1. Heat & hw incl. Inquire about 1 mo. free. 203-639-8751

6 Beautiful OAK chairs for sale. 2 with arms, 4 without. $100 for all. Call 860966-9601 CHERRY Mahogany 4 post BR Set, Oak table & chairs w/hutch, couch, recliner, hutch top computer desk & chair, Queen Anne Highboy, Maple 12 drawer dresser w/ mirror, baker’s rack, glass top iron dinette, 2 stereos w/CD spinner, other desks, dressers, dining rms & much more. All items in great shape. 203-886-5934

MERIDEN Large 1 BR apt. 3rd Fl. Private, clean, safe. Off street parking. Section 8 Approved. Call 203-886-9830 MERIDEN - Large 2 bedroom, first floor. Hardwood floors. On site laundry & parking. 2 months security. No pets. Call 860-810-2941. MERIDEN Nice, Lg 2 BR, Top Fl. Balcony, Laundry facilities, off street parking. E. Main Street. 2 mos sec & credit ck. $850/ mo. No pets. 203 284-0597

MERIDEN 1023 OLD COLONY RD. 2 BR Avail. Starting $800. H/HW incl. Ask about 1 mo free. 203-886-7016

Furniture & Appliances

MERIDEN Nice, Lg 2 BR, Top Fl. Balcony, Laundry facilities, off st parking. E. Main St. 2 mos sec, credit ck. $800. No pets. 203 284-0597 Wallingford 70 Center St. 1 BR Apt, 2nd Fl - $785. Utils not included. Also - 1st Fl Studio Apt avail. Call MIke 203-376-2160 WALLINGFORD 2 Fam House 2nd Flr is available. 3 BR. Off street parking, Washer/Dryer hookup. No pets. 1st & last month sec deposit. $1225/ Mo. Call 203-687-0083. WALLINGFORD STUDIO $600 2 ROOMS $700 Call 203-265-1514

Come join our fast growing team of contracted adult carriers who earn up to $13,000.00 annually delivering newspapers for up to 2 hours in the early morning. It is a great way to subsidize your annual income without interfering with your regular job or quality time at home.

LIVING ROOM SET, 3 pieces, color green, excellent condition, asking price $300. For more information call 860-628-9762

AFFORDABLE Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators and Stoves. Appliance Repairs Will Deliver (203) 284-8986

Miscellaneous For Sale 65100D

If you are interested in being contracted on a route or being a substitute in Wallingford, Meriden, Southington or Cheshire -

Please call Record-Journal Circulation (203) 634-3933

“MUST See”. Large green living room chair with ottoman. Perfect cond. Beautiful. $85. Boom box/radio & CD, perfect cond, $14. Call 860-384-1183, local cell number.

Furniture & Appliances


Be the first to get on the list to contract a route

Cindy’s Unique Shop CONSIGNMENT 32 North Colony St Wallingford (203) 269-9341 2 levels, 1800 SF of Consigned Home Decor & Furnishings. 30 Day Layaways Available. $5 Off a purchase $25 or more. $10 off a purchase $100 or more. Check us out on Facebook. Ample Free Parking in Our Lot. Free Gift w/$15 or more purchase. Hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 9:305 Thurs 9:30-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 11-4

CEMETERY PLOTS Six in Walnut Grove Meriden Call 203 886-9036

Wanted to Buy AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, Bench Tools Hand Tools, Much More. (203) 525-0608

Cleaning Services

OLD TOOLS WANTED, always buying old, used hand tools, carpentry, machinist & engraving & workbench tools. If you have old or used tools that are no longer being used, call with confidence. Fair & friendly offers made in your home! Please call Cory 860-322-4367

Electrical Services T.E.C. ELECTRICAL SERVICE LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service SMALL JOBS WELCOME 203-237-2122

Cornerstone Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Insd. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060

Over 25 years experience. Call today for free est. Find Call 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887

Handypersons A-1 HANDYMAN PLUS CT Reg #606277. Give us a Call-WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates. 203-631-1325 A-1 HANDYMAN PLUS CT Reg #606277. Give us a Call-WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates. 203-631-1325

WANTED FISHING TACKLE Old or new! One lure or entire basement! Highest prices paid! Call Dave 860 463-4359

Home Improvement

12 Pc CB Drum Set, great cond. $500. Casio WK 200 Keyboard, perfect cond. $200. 1930’s Mendelsohn Upright Piano w/bench, $225. 860-276-8606

Music By Roberta Performance & Instruction Voice Lessons All Ages and Levels Welcome. Piano Lessons Beginner to Intermediate. (203) 630-9295

Carpentry ANTONIO SALVATORE LLC - Custom carpentry for all your carpentry needs. Free estimates. CT Reg 583428. 203-722-1507 REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT Decks, Porches, Stairs & Railing, Windows, Doors. I can fix it or replace it. Work done by owner. 40+ yrs exp. Lic & Ins. #578107 203 238-1449 www.


WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK We do all the labor. Registered and insured. Free on-site estimate. Call Ed

Roofing, Siding, Windows & More. Free Est. Fully Insured Reg #604200 Member BBB Call 860-645-8899

Kitchen & Baths


WANTED: Golf related material, articles, photos, etc & are willing to allow me to make a copy. Please contact Kevin: 203-213-9216 or

Music Instruments & Instruction

Junk Removal

CLEANING If you don’t have time to clean, call me I will do everything you wish for a good price. Good References. Fully insured call Renata 860-538-7963 or email:

Gutters DEE’S ANTIQUES Buying Collectibles, Jewelry & Silver. China, Glass, Military, Musical. Anything old & unusual. Single item to an estate. 203-235-8431


ALL Your Remodeling & Construction Needs! Kitchens, Baths, Painting, Decks, Windows, Doors. No job too small. We do it all! Free Est. 40 yrs in bus. Lic & Ins. #539493 203-530-1375

You’ll like the low cost of a Marketplace ad. Cornerstone Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203237-GATE. CT Reg #601060 FLAGGE TILE COMPANY All Phases Ceramic Tile Wood/Laminate Installations TUB/TILE GLAZING 860-302-4525 CT HIC # 0626897

House Cleaning BUSY MOM’S Cleaning Svc No job is too big/small. Free window svc w/wkly cleaning. Sr disc. 860-839-1707

C&M ConstruCtion *THE BATHROOM & REMODELING SPECIALIST* 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488

Painting & Wallpapering Edwin CordEro PAINTING Int/Exterior. Local, Established, Reliable Craftsman. Call (203) 537-2411 CT#614827

Roofing, Siding, WindoWS, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

Siding Gonzalez ConstruCtion Roofing, siding, windows, decks, gutters & remodeling. 203-639-0032 info@ Fully Lic & Ins Reg #577319

everything at our Marketplace. Plumbing CARL’S Plumbing & Heating Speak directly to the plumber, not a machine. We snake drains. Cell 203 272-1730, 860 680-2395

Find your dream home in Marketplace.

Roofing, Siding, Windows & More. Free Est. Fully Insured Reg #604200 Member BBB Call 860-645-8899

Siding, Roofing, WindoWS, deckS, Remodeling gutteRS ct Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

MEDINA Sewer & Drain Cleaning Services LLC Quality work, affordable prices. 24hr Service. Benny Medina 203 909-1099


C&M ConstruCtion *The Roofing Specialist* And Roof Snow Removal 10% off 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488

GONZALEZ CONSTRUCTION ************* Roofing, siding, windows, decks, gutters & remodeling. ************* 203-639-0032 info@ gonzalezconstructionllc. com Fully licensed/insured. Reg #HIC577319

SIDING, ROOFING, Windows, Decks, Sunrooms, Additions. CT Reg. #516790 203-237-0350

Snow Plowing CPI SNOW Cleanups including roofs & surroundings, driveways. Comm & resid. Call 203 634-6550; 203 494-2171 Salt $130 Per Yard. Sand/Salt 7:2 DOT Mix, $65 per yard, picked up. 100% Calcium Chloride Icemelt - Safest for concrete! $18.00 per 50 lb bag. Pallet prices available 24/7. 203 238-9846

Tree Services Gary Wodatch LLC TREE REMOVAL All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 Cell 860-558-5430 PROF. Arborist #S3365 75ft bucket truck. Precise Tree CT Reg #562159. Call 203272-4216

A20 Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Berlin Citizen |

Ocean State

SALE DATES: Thurs. Feb. 13 -Feb. 19, 2014


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The Pocket Hose 50 Feet


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Starter Kits

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Blocks up to 75% of outside light. White or ivory

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AA 4 Pack Battery

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