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Volume 19, Number 11

Berlin’s Only Hometown Newspaper

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Epic trek finished, local Search is on to man aids quake victims replace Public Works director

By Charles Kreutzkamp The Berlin Citizen

By Charles Kreutzkamp

ing, since he is a big part of everything we do in town,” McNair said. The search for The town has been left a new candidate has already with “big shoes to fill,” said begun. The town may not Town Manager Denise Mc- have a new town engineer Nair, with the resignation of on board immediately, but the town engineer and direc- may find someone to serve in the interim or may tor of Public Works. spread the duties Arthur Simonian will among other staff. be leaving the town “It’s a big hole to fill.” at the end of May to Simonian’s mabecome the new Exjor accomplishments ecutive Director of during his tenure inMattabassett District clude implementain Cromwell. The tion of automated district processes refuse and recycling wastewater from BerSimonian containers, construclin, Newington, New Britain, Middletown, and tion of an infiltration inflow Rocky Hill. A recent upgrade sewer lining project, manhas made the plant the third agement of the $80 million largest wastewater facility in high school renovation and the state, according to a press other school projects includrelease. “We’re sad that he is leavSee Simonian / Page 3

Berlin native adventurer Brian Ford has completed his trek for charity across southeast Asia, but he isn’t finished yet. Immediately after the trek, Ford headed to Nepal to assist in disaster relief following the April 25 earthquake. The earthquake was widely reported as the worst in the region since 1934. Reports say the earthquake flattened villages and killed some 8,000 people, injuring many more. Ford is volunteering with his girlfriend Alina Brugal, who is raising money to help relief efforts at http://www.gofundme. com/Saveruralnepal. With the $6,500 raised at press time, the group was able to respond to a food shortage with 3,600 pounds of potatoes, 1,900 pounds of rice, and hundreds of pounds of other items. “The beauty of Brian Ford with a load of supplies for Nepal earthquake survivors. |

Vote for police station unanimous after debate By Charles Kreutzkamp The Berlin Citizen

Members of the Berlin Town Council debated the police station project twice this week at the regular meeting May 5 and a special meeting May 7. After much dissent,

the council unanimously approved the new statement of needs that will send the police station project from the police commission to the public building commission, after which a proposal will return to the council. Republicans opposed the Farming-

ton avenue site and wanted to see expanding the town hall station remain on the table, while Democrats and the Deputy Mayor, citing two studies that showed renovating the town hall site to be See Station / Page 2

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See Ford / Page 4

The Berlin Citizen

A2 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |


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and on May 7 wanted all lan- problems with the town hall guage relating to the site re- site. “Actions speak louder than moved from the motion. “I want a police station,” Evans said, but the site should See Station / Page 3 not be “limited.” He said he believes there are still “locations out there.” REMOVAL OF BATS & Paonessa said he was not in ALL OTHER WILDLIFE favor of the Farmington Avenue site and that the chief Suburban Wildlife Solutions was very informative on the Humane nuisance wildlife removal in CT for your home or business


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(R). “The chief has made many good points,” said Councilor Charles Paonessa (R). However, Paonessa thinks the project “needs voter support” and does not have it. “I want the project to go forward.” Paonessa and Luddy both advocated for looking into additional sites. Rochette said that council members are elected to make hard decisions, and to do the best they can for the town. “We have to be the ones that go out to them and say, we have done our due diligence. I don’t know why you are stuck on the town hall when two independent parties have come in to say it is not a good idea.” Rochette said it is the council members’ responsibility to better inform voters. “The reason we went to Farmington Avenue is because it was available and we got it for a cut price... if you don’t want a police station, say so.” Rochette and Deputy Mayor William Rasmussen both accused Republicans of engaging in stall tactics, referencing a Feb. 3 vote on conducting the $20,000 study of the town hall site that Republicans opposed, as they did not want to re-hire Jacunski-Humes. Republicans also questioned whether the study was unnecessary, as Jacunski-Humes had previously stated they did not believe the town hall would be a feasible site. At the time Rochette said that because the statement of needs had changed, it made sense to re-examine the town hall site. Rasmussen said that Republicans were stalling when they voted against that proposal, saying “until the Republicans have gone on record to say how much they are willing to spend, they are going to engage in stall tactics. They are going to kick this can so far down the road it is in Newington.” Republican council members pointed out that the council has long been controlled by Democrats. “I think the council took a step back this evening,” said Councilor David Evans (R) who May 5 proposed an amendment to the motion stating that the town hall site should be considered as well as Farmington Avenue,


more costly, accused them of stall tactics. Council Republicans offered amendments to the resolution during both meetings to ensure that the town hall site remained on the table for the project. Both amendments were rejected, and Republicans voted against passing the police station to the public building commission May 5, causing the resolution to fail in a 3-3 vote as one council member was absent. Mayor Rachel Rochette (D) called two special meetings of the council May 7 to re-vote on the budget and the police station with the full seven-member council. At the special meeting the Republican amendment was again rejected, but Republicans then decided to support the resolution, resulting in a unanimous council sending the project to the public building commission. Police Chief Paul Fitzgerald spoke during public comment May 7. He said all council members already seemed to agree that the police were in need of more space. “I’m a numbers guy,” Fitzgerald said. Berlin Police have solved all of the recent robbery cases, and Fitzgerald thinks that the Berlin police do an exceptional job when compared with other area towns. Fitzgerald said he was “very disappointed” May 5 when the vote to pass the police station to the building commission failed. He referenced an independent $20,000 study con-

ducted earlier this year that concluded that the town hall site would be more expensive than building a new station on Farmington Avenue. By state law, Fitzgerald added, renovations at the police station would also require code updates of the entire town hall building, forcing a costly town hall renovation to be conducted simultaneously. Parking is already an issue, and one that would only get worse, Fitzgerald added. “The elected board of police commissioners should get some respect for the work they did,” Fitzgerald said. “A council member said that residents are concerned about the Farmington avenue site.” The police chief said that council members know more about the project than the average resident. “I think it is your responsibility to educate residents.” Fitzgerald said that continuing to investigate the town hall would be putting “good money after bad” as consultants concluded it would not be less expensive. “We will work with you on price,” Fitzgerald said. The chief has already agreed to many reductions in working with the police commission, including some items he was reluctant to remove. “They’re my boss, they made the decision.” Ten years ago, Fitzgerald and then-economic development director Jim Mahoney researched more than 15 potential sites for the police station. The land on Farmington Avenue was purchased for the express purpose of building a police station, and that vote was unanimous on the site. Fitzgerald said that elected police commission thoroughly examined pros and cons of the town hall site versus Farmington Avenue and resoundingly concluded Farmington Avenue to be the superior site for public safety. “I am asking you for your support. You know who I’m talking to. I really need your support to make this happen,” Fitzgerald said, and when it comes time for the referendum “please speak to the citizens.” “I am concerned that it still only has one location,” said Councilor Brendan Luddy


From Page 1

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Living with coyotes Living with coyotes in your backyard, a program to learn how to keep coyotes our of your backyard and keep pets safe, is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Road.



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The Berlin Police Department has scheduled a DUI sobriety checkpoint for the evening of Friday, May 15, on Farmington Avenue, (Route 372) west of Porter’s Pass.

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ing roofing, indoor air quality, and drainage. “Many of his successes came from his leadership in the Public Works department of 39 people while challenged with tighter budgets and more responsibility with less staff,” the press release said. A p rofe ss i o n a l e n g i neer registered in multiple states with a civil engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a finance MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Simonian lives in Farmington with his wife Sylvia and two children, Megan and Lauren.


The program is presented by the Humane Society of the United Stated and sponsored by Berlin Animal Control and Friends of Berlin Animal Control. For more information, call (860) 828-7055.



DUI checkpoint set

From Page 1


words,” Rochette said. Town Attorney Robert Weber said that he has participated in many executive sessions that some current council members were not privy to. Other sites, such as the Saturn dealership, were dismissed. “The structure was bad or the price was too high. There was a real vetting process, probably more than on any project I have seen in this town,” Weber said. “The public needs to know this... we have been talking about this since before Denise was Town Manager.” Weber said that the charter is silent on providing the public building commission with a location before a project is sent to them, but that he has never seen a project referred

to them without a location. Town officials said that instructing the public building commission to look into the town hall site as well as the Farmington Avenue site would require the commission to prepare two construction plans, doubling the cost. Evans said he disagreed, saying that there are members of the building commission who believe the town could use a design-build process to hear proposals on the police station for various sites. Evans said that if Democrats did defeat his proposed amendment “which I suspect you will, I will go forward with this.” After the amendement failed 4-3, the council approved the motion unanimously.











From Page 2





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A4 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Ford From Page 1

buying these products in a country like Nepal is that it all only cost us $1,300,” the group posted on GoFundMe. The focus on fundraising efforts now is rebuilding homes and schools. Homes cost some $1,000 to build, and schools some $5,000-$10,000, extremely inexpensive when compared with the United States. The most difficult part of relief efforts is “mobilization,” Ford said, as mountainous terrain is very difficult to traverse. Immediately after the di-

saster the group was focused on providing medical supplies to help save the lives of the injured. The group rented jeeps that were used as ambulances transporting multiple people “with compound fractures to surgical centers hours away from their villages,” Ford said. Fo rd r a i s e d $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 through his Trek for Education ( that supports the International Brothers and Sisters House, an Australian charity that helps orphans in Southeast Asia get through college. It was a “massive relief the walk is over,” for Ford, who

A special evening of Pinot & Prevention Enjoy a dose of laughter and learn about heart disease in women.

spent 75 days walking 1,500 miles across Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. “The last few weeks of the walk by myself were definitely the most mentally and physically challenging of my life,” Ford said by email. The impressive response to Ford’s fundraising efforts did not surprise IBSH founder Josh Porteous, who first met the recent college graduate while they were volunteering in Tanzania. “If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Brian, you would know him to be a highly infectious person, intelligent and inquisitive with a high sense of

adventure,” Porteous said as the trek was beginning. Ford began the trek just after graduating college. During the journey Ford had a chance to meet several of the young men and women that IBSH is sponsoring, including 18-year-old Phanna, a Cambodian orphan who “comes from a very abusive background and came to the Child Rescue Center outside of Phnom Penh… a few years ago with his younger sister and older brother after their mother tragically passed away.” Ford said that the young man is “a confident and driven kid at the top

30 years after his death, BDP still mourns Casner The Berlin Police Department Honor Guard plans to lay a wreath on the grave of Officer Jeffery Casner to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death in the line

of duty. Casner was struck and killed by a drunk driver who went off the roadway on the Berlin Turnpike on Feb. 2, 1985. The ceremony is held annually to pay respects to

BERLIN FARMERS MARKET Berlin Farmer’s Market on Farmington Avenue in Berlin is looking for vendors to join us for the upcoming Summer season: June 13 to September 30. The hours are 9am–1pm every Saturday.

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With Heather Swales, M.D., cardiologist Director, Women’s Heart Wellness Center And Sarah Cody of FOX CT TV, emcee

It’s a public market offering farm fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition we have vendors specializing in an assortment of honey, flowers, syrups, hand crafted soap, jewelry and much more. Come join us. To participate either weekly or occasionally, contact We can email you all the necessary details. Check us out on Facebook!


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Casner and his family. The ceremony is scheduled for graveside at Maple Cemetery, Wednesday, May 20, at 9 a.m. Following the ceremony, the recipients of the 2014 “Jeffery Casner Award” for excellence in DUI enforcement, will be presented with the award. The recipients are Officer Jeffrey Veach and Officer Brandon Lagueux with 10 DUI arrests each. Together, these represent 30 percent of the total DUI arrests made by the Berlin Police Department in 2014. The public is welcome to attend.


6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 3

Wine and desserts included


Humorist Gina Barreca, Ph.D.

of his class at his local high school,” who enjoys math and chemistry. Phanna volunteers to hold tutoring sessions Saturday and Sunday with his friend Dav, who is also being sponsorted by IBSH. “Phanna and Dav are what this walk is all about,” Ford wrote. Ford said he is extremely grateful for all the support the fundraiser has received, but the effort is still not yet done for him – he plans to speak at local rotary clubs when he returns to the states to continue the fundraising efforts. Donations can be made at trekforeducation. com.

Perennials Annuals Raffle Prizes

Birdhouses Fairy Gardens

This event is generously sponsored by

Running with Scissors



SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 • 9AM–1PM VFW - 152 Massirio Drive, Berlin

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015


The Berlin Athletic Hall of Fame Congratulates this Year’s Inductees:

Left to Right: Top Row- Steve Gentile for Scott Gentile 1989, Richard Baccaro for Katie Baccaro 1993, Elizabeth Capson 2000, Jim Bryers (Coach), Bob Zipadelli (Contributor). Row Two- George Kanupka 1936, Francis Rio 1956, Dan Blanchette 1969, James Cromleigh 1971, Derrick Sanderson 1985. Front Row- 1998 Girl’s Soccer Team.

We Would Also Like to Thank our Program Sponsors: Joe Aresimowicz State Representative Adam Salina Absolute Auto Care Academy Printing Alan’s Landscaping Amco Precision Tool Amenta’s Barber Shop Aqua Turf A.S. Labieniec Grain And Feed Average Joe’s Baretta Provision Beacon Prescriptions Bella’s - Bill Prevalla BHS Boosters Berlin Fire Department Berlin Memorial Funeral Home Berlin Police Association Berlin Police Union Berlin Polish Club Berlin Spirits Berlin Vfw Post 10732 BHS Boosters Athletic Department Big Z Dry Cleaners

Bill’s Pizza Bostrom And Sons Tree Farm C. Scott Buoanno DMD Dunkin Donuts Berlin Cambridge Specialty Carlson Funeral Home Cathy Abercrombie State Representative Central Ct Lawn Care Chris Benson Rose Creative Clay Spot Dairy Queen Berlin Dattco Delicious Dogs Denise And Jim Mcnair Dental Associates Of Kensington Drain Doctor Erickson-Hanson Funeral Home Farmington Bank Berlin Farrell Funeral Home Fred Jortner Family Gary Waslewski Greater New Britain Chamber Of Commerce I.P.I.C. Italian Club

Imperial Trophy Kensington Auto Service Kensington Market Kensington Opticians Kervorkian Family Liberty Bank- Berlin Luddy’s Funeral Home M&M Discount Wines And Liquors MAC Equipment/TNT Motor Sports Manafort Brothers Marc Bayram- Timberlin Matson Rugs Mayor Rachel Rochette MBA Engineering Mcdonalds Berlin Orlowsky-Finn Family PMG Insurance Paul Shaker Funeral Home Porters Funeral Home Portofino’s Powerhouse Gym Powers Bolles Houlihan Hartline Ins Pralines

Ratchford Eye Center Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu R.m. Kiniry Travel Rich Pentore Attorney Roy Early Family Royal Machine And Tool Ryan T. Lee Memorial Foundation Sans Souci Restaurant Schaller Subaru Select Physical Therapy Simeone Mobil And Shell Stop And Shop Berlin Subway Berlin Terry Gerrantana State Senator U.S. Insulation Uncle D’s Diner Vacuum Appliance Center Vinci Family Concessions Webster Bank Berlin Wollman Realty Zipadelli Property Management


Also a Special Thank You to George Synnott, Paul Salina, Joe Aresimowicz, Rachel Rochette and our Charter Donors.

Calendar or email jones327@comcast. net. Track - BHS vs. Morgan, 3:45 p.m. Girls tennis - BHS vs. Maloney, 3:45 p.m. Boys golf - BHS vs. G l a s t o n b u r y, N o r t h w e s t Catholic, Wethersfield Avon Tournament, 3 p.m. Girls golf - BHS at Hall, Wethersfield, 3 p.m.

Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 24 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Community Center, 230 Kensington Road. Stop in or call Mike Neault, Scoutmaster, at (860) 828-3611. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 41 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Bethany Covenant Church, Friday, May 15 785 Mill St. For more information, call Scoutmaster Racing show - Racing AcK.C. Jones at (860) 829-1148 tion Today, hosted by Berlin



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native Larry Mongillo, airs every Friday, 8 p.m., on Comcast cable channel 5. Baseball - BHS vs. Bulkeley, 6 p.m. Softball - BHS vs. Hale Ray, 7 p.m. Boys tennis - BHS vs. E.O. Smith, 3:45 p.m. Boys lacrosse - BHS vs. Montville, 6 p.m. Girls lacrosse - BHS at Northwest Catholic, 3:45 p.m.

Saturday, May 16

the public on Saturdays, 1 to 4 p.m. Free admission. For more information, call (860) 828-5114. Relay for Life - Berlin Relay for Life is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. at the Berlin fairgrounds. The public is welcome. Marrow registration drive - The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library has scheduled a marrow donor registry drive, to raise awareness about the need for marrow donations, on Saturday, May 16, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the library, 234 Kensington Road. Registration requires paperwork and a check swab. Most donations, done later if a match for a patient, are done through an automated blood donation. For more information, call the library at (860) 828-7125 or visit

Plant sale - The Kensington Garden Club has scheduled a plant sale for Saturday, May 16, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the V.F.W., 152 Massirio Drive. Items for sale include perennials, annuals, Fairy Gardens, birdhouses and raffle prizes. Proceeds benefit community projects including a yearly Sunday, May 17 scholarship. Historical Society - Berlin Pet adoption - Friends Historical Society Museum, of Berlin Animal Control has 305 Main St., at the corner scheduled a pet adoption of Peck Street, is open to event for Sunday, May 17, 1 to 3 p.m., at PetSmart, 278 new Britain Ave., Plainville. The friendly, beautiful cat rescues and Joe the Bunny will be featured. For more information and an online ap-

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plication, visit or call (860) 828-5287.

Monday, May 18 Baseball - BHS at Maloney, 3:45 p.m. Softball - BHS at Maloney, 7 p.m. Boys tennis - BHS at Middletown, 3:45 p.m. Girls tennis - BHS vs. Middletown, 3:45 p.m. Boys lacrosse - BHS at Watertown, 4 p.m. Girls lacrosse - BHS vs. Bunnell, 6 p.m.

Tuesday, May 19 Boy Scouts - Boy Scouts Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, 880 Farmington Ave. For more information, call Scoutmaster Ed Alicia at (860) 828-8693. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 44 is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Joann Sawyer at (860) 828-7767. See Calendar / Page 7




Thursday, May 14


Wednesday, May 20 Historical Society - The Berlin Historical Society Museum, 305 Main St., has scheduled an evening story sharing program “Remembering More of Downtown� for Wednesday, May 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call (860) 828-5114.


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Baseball - BHS vs. Middletown, 6 p.m. Softball - BHS at Middletown, 7 p.m. Boys tennis - BHS vs. Brookfield, 5:30 p.m. Boys lacrosse - BHS at RHAM, 4:15 p.m. Girls lacrosse - BHS vs. South Windsor, 6 p.m.



(860) 828-8895

2015 at 5:30PM at the District Office, 1400 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, Connecticut to consider the following: 1. Extension of sanitary sewer systems in Smoky Hill Road. All interested parties, both in favor or against said sanitary sewer extension, may appear and be heard.

Thursday, May 21




Dated this 1 day of May, 2015. Arthur Powers Chairperson Worthington Fire District THE WORTHINGTON FIRE DISTRICT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER AND EMPLOYER


Garden Club - The Kensington Garden Club is scheduled to meet Thursday, May 21. Members will be visiting Winterberry Garden Center, Southington. Sebby Milano is scheduled to discuss “Sustainable Vegetable Gardening & Plant Use in Containers.� Members may tour the greenhouses. Bring a bag lunch. Meet at 9:30 am, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, to car pool. A business meeting will following the program.


Women’s club - The Suburban Women’s Club of New Britain is scheduled to meet Tuesday, May 12, 6:45 p.m., at Monsignor Bojnowski Manor, 50 Pulaski St., New Britain. Sunrise Rotary Club - The Sunrise Rotary Club of Kensington-Berlin is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. For more information, call Gwen Valencis at (860) 229-3787, ext. 139 or visit www.kensingtonrotary. org. TOPS - TOPS, Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, a non-profit, weight loss organization, is scheduled to meet 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, call Teresa Rook at (860) 635-7020. Boys golf - BHS vs. Bulkeley/HMTCA Coop, Bristol Central, 3 p.m. Girls golf - BHS at Middletown, 3 p.m.

Girls tennis - BHS vs. Avon, to3 p.m. For more informaMonday, May 25 Saturday, May 30 3:45 p.m. tion, call (860) 828-5114. Girls lacrosse - BHS vs. Parade - The Berlin MemoPig roast - SVEA Social Bristol Coop, 6 p.m. rial Day parade is scheduled Club, 999 Kensington Road, Boys golf - BHS at Chappa for Monday, May 25, 9 a.m. scheduled the 110th Thursday, May 28 has Tournament, 3 p.m. down Farmington Avenue. Sweden Day and pig roast Girls golf - BHS vs. New Upbeat picnic - The Ber- for Saturday, May 30. A fee is Britain, 3 p.m. lin Upbeat picnic is sched- charged. Swedish music by Tuesday, May 26 uled for Thursday, May 28, 5 Ed Hendela. For more inforSoftball - BHS at Plainville, to 8 p.m., at the Berlin Fair- mation, (860) 828-9447. Friday, May 22 grounds. The event is free. All 6 p.m. Girls tennis - BHS at North- town residents are welcome. Baseball - BHS vs. PlainSee Calendar / Page 8 west Catholic, 3:45 p.m. ville, 6 p.m. Boys golf - BHS at New Softball - BHS at CoginBritain, Goodwin Tech, 3 p.m. chaug, 7 p.m. Girls golf - BHS at New Premium Landscape & Construction Materials Boys tennis - BHS at PlaBritain, 11:30 p.m. inville, 3:45 p.m. Girls tennis - BHS vs. Plain• High Quality ville, 3:45 p.m. Organic Topsoil Wednesday, May 27 Boys lacrosse - BHS at Rocky Hill, 4 p.m. Boys golf - BHS at Wethers• Great Selection field, Simsbury, 3 p.m. of Mulch Girls golf - BHS at PlainSaturday, May 23 ville, 3 p.m. • Assortment of Coyote program - Living 510 Christian Lane, Berlin Decorative with coyotes in your backWednesday, May 27 Stones yard, a program to learn how to keep coyotes our of your Historical Society - The CALL FOR PICK-UP OR DELIVERY INSTALLATION AVAILABLE backyard and keep pets Berlin Historical Society Musafe, is scheduled for Tuesseum, 305 Main St., has day, June 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m., scheduled an evening story at the Berlin-Peck Memosharing program “Rememrial Library, 234 Kensington bering More of Downtownâ€? Road. For more information, for Wednesday, May 27, 1 call (860) 828-7055. WORTHINGTON FIRE DISTRICT Car wash - Berlin High 1400 BERLIN TURNPIKE School band has scheduled a car wash fundraiser for SaturBERLIN, CT 06037 day, May 23, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Outback Steakhouse, 3210 The Worthington Fire District Committee will Berlin Turnpike, Newington. A fee is charged per vehicle. hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 20, 14654-01

From Page 6

A8 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Calendar Saturday, June 6 Boys golf - BHS at East Catholic, Norwich Free AcadJazz with Pizzazz - The emy, 2:30 p.m. Berlin High School concert and jazz bands are scheduled to perform at Jazz with Tuesday, June 2 Pizzazz, Saturday, June 6, 7 Boys golf - BHS vs. Farm- p.m., at Berlin High School. A fee is charged. The public ington, Middletown, 3 p.m. is welcome. The event in-

cludes desserts, a silent auction, and performances by the Berlin High School concert and jazz bands, as well as the Berlin All Star Band, comprised of school staff and alumni. For more information and tickets, email Berlin High School Band Parents Association at bhsbandparents@ Limited tickets may be available at the door. Rabies clinic - Berlin Animal Control has scheduled a rabies clinic for Saturday, June 6, noon to 2 p.m., at 600 Christian Lane. All dogs must be leashed; all cats must be in carriers. Cash only. For more information, call (860) 828-7055. Singles event - Social Connections, a social club for sin-

gles, has scheduled a singles miniature golf outing for Saturday, June 6, 7 p.m., at Safari Golf, 2340 Wilbur Cross Highway. A fee is charged. Play for fun, meet afterward for refreshments. For more information and to reserve a spot, call Gail (860) 582-8229.

News deadlines

Saturday, June 13 Festival - The Kensington Congregational Church. 312 Percival Ave., has scheduled its second annual Lobster Roll/ Strawberry Shortcake Festival for Saturday, June 13, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., rain or shine. Proceeds benefit the youth group mission trip. The event features food, music and more. For more information, visit

Advertise in The Citizen – Call 203-317-2303

• • • •

Berlin Animal Control has scheduled a rabies clinic for Saturday, June 6, noon to 2 p.m., at 600 Christian Lane. All dogs must be leashed, all cats must be in carriers. Cash only. For more information, call (860) 828-7055.

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Deadline for news submissions to The Berlin Citizen is Friday, by 5 p.m., for consideration for the following edition. Email submissions to news@theberlincitizen. com or by mail to: The Berlin Citizen, 11 Crown St., Meriden, CT 06450. Call (203) 317-2256.

Become a firefighter The Berlin, East Berlin, Kensington and South Kensington Fire Departments are looking for volunteer firefighters. Volunteers must be at least 18, of good moral character, reside or work in Berlin and be physically capable of performing the duties of a firefighter. Stop by a fire house Monday evenings, speak with a member, or contact Assistant Chief Mike Blais at or (860) 329-7738.

Jazz with Pizzazz scheduled for June 6

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The Berlin High School concert and jazz bands are scheduled to perform at Jazz with Pizzazz, Saturday, June 6, 7 p.m., at Berlin High School. A fee is charged. The public is welcome. The event includes desserts, a silent auction, and performances by the Berlin High School concert and jazz bands, as well as the Berlin All Star Band, comprised of school staff and alumni. For more information and tickets, email Berlin High School Band Parents Association at Limited tickets may be available at the door. Residential • Commercial • Industrial

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Monday, June 1

Girls golf - BHS vs. East Catholic, 3 p.m.


From Page 7

Rabies clinic

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015


$80.5M budget adopted for 2015 ans included increases to education compared with the budget presented at the public hearing, which many residents criticized. The adopted budget gives the Board of Education a 1.5 percent increase, less than the some 2.7 percent increase the board originally requested, but more than the 1 percent increase the town included on the budget offered at the public hearing. Board of Education president Gary Brochu previously stated some 85 percent of the education budget is “people cost,� that most salaries are union-negotiated contracts, and that the $400,000 reduction from the original request could force the board to place teachers or some athletic programs such as freshman football on the chopping block. Both Democrat and Republican council members have said they think the Board of Education would be able to cope with reductions without threatening teachers or athletics. The Board of Education is non-partisan, unlike the town council. Rasmussen and Councilor Margaret Morelli both referenced the budget in 2000, when cuts to education “divided the town,� Morelli said. “The last time the threat was

made and followed through it divided the town. Whether you think it was appropriate or not... it caused a lot of hostility. I will be supporting a slight increase� in education funding “so that students are not hurt,� Morelli said. “I believed the original amount was sufficient, but I am not going to take the risk,� Rasmussen said. “1.5 percent two years in a row is a lot less than the BOE has been traditionally getting.� “If we don’t stop the growth at some level, where do we stop?� Paonessa said. “I want the children to have

sports. Education is a big priority,� he added, suggesting the board of education needs “better leadership to control these costs.� Paonessa said May 5 that the council should not “hand over a blank check every time the BOE says we won’t let your kids play soccer.� By state law, the Board of Education makes its budget decisions with complete autonomy, and the town council is only permitted to determine the dollar amount. “We have a very tough economic situation,� Rochette said.

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The Town Council passed a $80,594,668 budget in a 4-3 vote along party lines, with Deputy Mayor William Rasmussen (I) breaking the tie that caused the budget to fail during the regular council meeting May 5. After the budget failed while Rasmussen was absent, Mayor Rachel Rochette called a special meeting May 7. Rasmussen is an independent who ran on the Democratic ticket. The new budget’s mill rate is 30.35, up from 28.92, a 4.7 percent increase. On a $250,000 home, this represents some $350 in additional taxes for one year. The biggest driver for the increase was the bill coming due for the Berlin High School project at a cost of $2.2 million, equivalent to 1.07 mills, about two-thirds of the tax increase. Rochette has said that although the budget for the high school renovation is updated with change-orders that affect the amount in contingency, the high school project is not over budget. The disagreement among councilors concerned additional cuts to the town side of the budget, as well as a nominal amount (some 30,000) of additional reductions to the proposed Board of Education budget. The passed budget reduced the increase to the Board of Education budget by $200,000. Councilor David Evans (R) said he wanted to see $30,000 in additional reductions from the Board of Education as well as and another some $200,000 reductions to town budget items, including some in capital projects. Rochette said she did not support reducing capital items and building maintenance, as neglect of these projects could lead to greater expenses down the road. Among the reductions Evans suggested were supplies and operating materials, and cutting in half some capital projects. One of Evan’s suggestions was to replace six ventilators at Willard school this year instead of 12. “I went back and I looked at how we could appease lots of differ-

ent people. That is what we are elected to do, the best for the town of Berlin.� “I am very uncomfortable taking more money from the town,� Rochette said. “I think the town has looked at as many efficiencies as possible.� Rasmussen said that he supported the proposed budget, but that the town should not consider reductions to capital items. If the town needed to make more cuts, he said, they should look at services, like the community pool or the libraries before considering reductions that would affect building maintenance, which are too important to cut. Democrats said that it would be impractical to complete only half of some capital improvement projects, and that the final cost of breaking up the projects into multiple phases would be greater than completing them all at once. Councilor Paonessa said that the council should not offer a “blank check� to the Board of Education, and that administrators should not be getting raises, as some salaries already exceed $100,000. Both the passed budget supported by Democrats and the budget proposed by Ev-


By Charles Kreutzkamp

The Berlin Citizen

A10 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Faith Religion Briefs Berlin Congregational Spring tag sale - Saturday, May 16, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If raining, the tag sale moves inside. For more information, call (860) 828-6586. Concert - The Berlin Congregational Church, 878 Worthington Ridge, has scheduled Hyssongs Gospel Trio Concert for Sunday, May 17, 2 p.m. The public is welcome. A free-will offering will be accepted. For more information, call (860) 828-6586. 50’s Drive-In - The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled it’s 50’s Drive-In for Saturday, June 20, 4:30 p.m., in the church parking lot. Members of the Christian education department, outfitted in 50’s dress, will serve food directly to the car. The public is welcome. A fee is charged for food. For more information, call (860) 828-6586. Tot time - Thursdays, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Free program includes play, crafts, snacks. Drop-in. For more information, call (860) 828-6586.

Bethany Covenant

Bethany Covenant Church Early Bird Summer Camp is accepting registration through Monday, June 1. Vacation Bible Camp, for ages 4 through grade 5 is scheduled for Monday, June 29 to Tuesday, July 2, 9 a.m. to noon. Afternoon sessions, for grade one through grade eight, is scheduled for noon


to 3 p.m. Registration forms are available at For more information, call (860) 8283637 or email Bethany Covenant Church Worship - 8:30 and 11 a.m. “Life Together” classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m.

Kensington Congregational Festival on the Hill The second annual Festival on the Hill is scheduled for Saturday, June 13, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., on the church grounds. The event features lobster rolls, strawberry shortcake, live music, a variety of artisan vendors and family entertainment. Rain or shine. Visit www.kensingtoncong. org. Bible study - Wednesdays, 11 a.m., in the church parlor. For more information, call (860) 828-4511.

Sacred Heart Church

Services are scheduled for Saturdays, 4 p.m., and Sundays, at 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 48 Cottage St., East Berlin, (860) 828-0154.

Prince of Peace Church

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Scripture Bits Solution Clue: K=O See puzzle’s solution on Page 15

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James Casso, Director

Z A C A A B B A, K D K Z C, G S C T G X A B A Z W F

G E E A B M D F. --- N E G D B 26

Berlin Memorial

96 MAIN STREET Kensington, CT 06037

Religion Puzzle

Scripture Bits

Sunday service is scheduled for 10:15 a.m. 1103 Chamberlain Hwy. Call (860) 828-5079 or visit princeofpeace06037.

Carolyn Smith, Owner

Julia Gdovin holds up a paddle as the Rev. Mark Pilletere, pastor and auctioneer, asks for a bid during the recent pasta dinner/auction at Berlin Congregational Church. The money raised from the event benefits Berlin Congregational Church Christian Education program.

Phone (860) 828-4730 FAX (860) 829-6509

Redeem me, O Lord, and Have mercy on me. My FootFind stands onthe level us on Web: ground; I will bless the Lord In the assembly. - Psalm 26

Follow us on Twitter: @Berlin_Citizen

In Brief Insurance offered The Berlin Water Control Commission has contracted with Safety Valve to offer customers the opportunity to purchase insurance to cover possible issues for water and sewer service outside their home. Safety Valve has been providing the service to Kensington Fire District and Worthington Fire District customers for more than five years, recently extending both contracts. Questions regarding the coverage of insurance should be addressed to Safety Valve, directly. For general service questions, contact the Berlin Water Control Commission at (860) 828-7065.

Like us on Facebook: Berlin Citizen

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015




Holly (Russell) Hutchinson

High honors Grade 12 - Alexa Beisel, Sarah Bosco, Patrick Carroll, Elise Catan, Kayla Cervoni, Benjamin Cichowski, Cameron Criniti, Ashley D’Attilio, Sara Davis, Katherine Frederick, Sharon Goiz, Jacob Guart, Julia Kemmling, Megan Leavenworth, Emily Lombardo, Philip Mader, Victoria Marino, Bryce Martin, Olivia Martino, Courtney Nelson, Tiffany Nguyen, Alec Norton, Alexander Ott, Daniel Paszkowski, Kirsten Petry, Jonathan Platosz, Adam Rustico, Kayla Sagan, James Sanders, Alexandra Schulz, Arian Silas, Anthony Sisti, Kaylee Soderburg, Theodora Tomasitis, Abigail Underwood, Danielle Varley, Zachary Varley, Robert Veneziano. Grade 11 - Rachael Aresco, Andrew Bosco, Christian Brennan, Nicole Carey, Evan Cornwall, Michaela Dehm, Jody DiCicco, Charles Esposito, Nicole Flaherty, Emily Gombotz, Michelle Grieco, Ethan Hansen, Christopher Hauptfeld, Livia Hendrickson, Jamie Kasulis, Alexander Ladas, Connor Ladd, Julia Lagace, John Long, Samantha Lynes, Kyle Mahoney,

Efrosini Makris, Alexa Miano, Lauren Negri, Gregory Parisi, Julia Perrelli, Alexandria Perrone, McKenna Quigley, Ashley Rutledge, Jacob Salee, Mia Salgado, Courtney Scalaro, Allison Souza, Nicole Veronesi, Samantha Whitehill, Sara Zliczewski. Grade 10 - Lucia Addamo, Tess Atkinson, Julie Barlow, Eve Betterini, Kara Boninsegna, Steven Bordonaro, Andrew Burr, Olivia Cialfi, Sarah Ciscar, Emily Cooney, Alex Curtin, Nicole Cyr, Nina D’Amato, Danielle D’Angelone, Sarah Daddario, Darien DiValentino, Spencer Duke, Kelly Giana, Cara Gileau, Lisa Grieco, Nickolaos Halkias, Stephanie Humen, Brendan Jaouen, Jessica Jha, Sania Khan, Kevin Klotz, Angelica Kopacz, Kiara Landeo, Hannah Lavoie, Amanda Lee, Kelly Lin, Jaclyn Lombardo, Mitchel Maslowski, Brett McGrath, Caitlee McNamara, Steven Miano, Ricky Nappi, Meghan Oates, Michael Paszczuk, Aniket Patel, Dhruvi Patel, Pooja Patel, Sohum Patel, Daniel Pirruccio, Gregory Platosz, Brittany Puzio, Theodore Reed, Jared Reimer,

See Honors / Page 19

Berlin High School concert band, jazz band and color guard students recently traveled to Williamsburg, Virginia for a trip that combined music, history and competition. The students visited Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens, attended the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and performed in the Festival of Music competition. In addition to the competition, the students participated in band and color guard workshops with guest

clinicians. The concert band placed first in the High School Concert Band Division and earned superior ratings from all judges. The Berlin High School Jazz Ensemble placed third in the High School Jazz Ensemble Division and also earned superior ratings from all judges. In addition, Berlin High School was awarded the Esprit de Corps Award. The Festivals of Music Esprit de Corps is awarded to organizations which display an ex-

emplary attitude of positive support and outstanding personal behavior. Unlike other trophies that focus on musical achievement, the prize spotlights the performance of the students throughout the festival. Personal integrity, quality character values, a desire for excellence and a spirit of cooperation serve as the cornerstone qualities of the Esprit de Corps Award. Berlin High School was the only organization to receive the Esprit de Corps Award.

School Briefs St. Paul School St. Paul School third quarter honor roll. High honors Grade 8 - Patrick Kennedy, Nell Kordalski, Eric Myskowski, Aiden Stevens. Grade 7 - Michael Bevilacqua, Carissa Civitello, Gabrielle Grant, Madison Hubert, Kristen Newman, Ashely Plochocki. Grade 6 - Holly Gustavsen, Madelyn Hooks, Cameron Kuselias, Felicia

Link, Macklin Stevens. Honors Grade 8 - Grayson Barnes, Nicholas DiPietro, Serena Esposito, Brian Houle, Garrett Prushinski. Grade 7 - Hannah Couillard, Joseph Gaffney, Isabela Miani, Sarah Olson, Amanda Pernerewski, Olivia Smith, Lily Sokolowski. Grade 6 - Logan Barnes. (Berlin students are noted in bold.) See School / Page 13

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Berlin High School Third Quarter Honor Roll

Local musicians shine in Virginia

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Paul Roy, of New Hampshire; four grandchildren, Kyra and Kyle Stickles, and Maggie and Lyla Roy; and two sisters and a brotherin-law, Gail and Ray Backus of Maine, and Jane Cayer of Berlin. Friends and relatives are invited to call at Porter’s Funeral Home, 111 Chamberlain Highway, Berlin, on Saturday from 1 to 3 pm. Private services and burial will be at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Holly Hutchinson Foundation, c/o TD Bank, 921 Meriden Waterbury Turnpike, Plantsville, CT 06479, where donations will be used for the recreational services for children and the elderly. Directions to the funeral home can be found at


SOUTHINGTON — Holly (Russell) Hutchinson, 62, of Southington and Sun City Center, Florida, loving wife of Robert Hutchinson, died Friday, May 1, 2015, in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, while on vacation with her family. Born in New Britain, the daughter of Annie (Richardson) Shirley and the late James Russell, she graduated from Berlin High School, and was employed at Ledgecrest Health Care. In addition to her husband and her mother, she is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Jamie and Todd Stickles, of New York, and Heather and

A12 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |


Above left: The Kensington Diner, now the site of the Berlin Animal Hospital. Above right: The coffee shop and cleaners at Upson’s Corner.

Oral history project puts focus on downtown By Lorraine Stub The program begins with vintage black and white photos projected on a screen and soon hands are shooting up and the microphone is passing through a crowd of more than 50 longtime Berlin residents. They are participating in the town’s first group oral history project. The setting is the Berlin Senior Center, and for some taking a seat, this is a rare visit to the center. According to Tina Doyle, director, history programs are a big draw. The event has the feel of a class reunion for residents whose only connection may be the shared experiences of a time and place unique to us. In Berlin,

we can still remember when just about everyone knew each other, if only by name. It was a time of locally owned businesses, vibrant social clubs, pastural farms and community service on a scale we do not see today. The historical society has long recognized that knowledge of local history fosters community pride. Much as a grandparent’s legacy is passed down by retelling family stories, sharing images and stories of Berlin’s past honors the contributions and experiences of those who preceded us. Sponsored by Berlin Historical Society, these sessions will continue on a regular bi-monthly schedule with most being held at the

Senior Center. Over the next year, topics will cover different neighborhoods, agriculture, industries and social groups. Inspiration comes from the Historical Society’s photo archive, a rapidly expanding town resource that would not be possible without the generosity of residents willing to share. The fun part is that we can all participate. Even those new to town can learn from what others remember. You will never take your town for granted once you can picture where we came from. After the first session, many expressed interest in further exploring downtown history. Concentrating on See Downtown / Page 13

Multimedia Sales Manager – Jim Mizener Advertising Sales – Lauren Villecco Press Releases – Marsha Pomponio P.O. Box 915 Meriden, CT 06450 News Editor – Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence News Reporter – Charles Kreutzkamp Sports Reporter – Nate Brown Executive Vice President and Assistant Publisher – Liz White Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer – Shawn E. Palmer Senior Vice President and Editor – Ralph Tomaselli

CONTACT US Advertising:

(203) 317-2303 Fax (203) 235-4048 News and Sports: (203) 317-2447 Fax (203) 639-0210 Marketplace: (203) 238-1953 Published every Thursday by the RecordJournal Publishing Co. Delivered by mail to all of the homes and businesses in the two ZIP codes serving Berlin – 06037 and 06023.

The fire at the Berlin Cinema and Woolworth’s at Webster Square. | Photos courtesy of the Berlin Historical Society

Letters to the Editor What to cut

ministrative costs available? Is there no duplication of administrative duties that could To the editor: How is it that anytime a be cut or decreased? Maybe budget cut is required that an independent study would the only words out of coun- be in order to cut the fat cilmen’s mouths is to cut rather than punish the kids! Peter Swittlinger teachers or sports programs Berlin for the kids? Are there no ad-

Letters Policy The Berlin Citizen will only accept and publish letters that are 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit letters or to not publish a letter. Letters should contain contact information, including,

full name, address and phone number. Only your name and town will be published. Send letters to news@ or The Berlin Citizen, P.O. Box 915, Meriden, CT 06450.

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Downtown the immediate Main Street area – the group shared stories of businesses and personalities including multiple grocery, shoe and furniture stores, diners and restaurants. The May 27 session, 1 to 3 p.m., at the Senior Center expands the discussion to New Britain Road, Farmington Avenue, Mill Street and Webster Square. There will also be an evening session on May 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Historical Society’s Museum, 305 Main St. The evening session will cover the entire downtown area. Participants are urged to bring photos and memorabilia for scanning. To register for the May 27 daytime session, please call the Berlin Senior Center at (860) 828-7006. No registration is required for the evening session, but if you have questions, you may call the museum at (860) 828-5114. The writer is secretary of the Berlin Historical Society.


From Page 12

School From Page 11

Mercy High School Local students named to the third marking period honor roll at Mercy High School. High honors - Michelle Reinert, Cynthia Reinert of Kensington; Madeline Jenkins of Berlin. First honors - Jessica Gaetgens, Kristen Gaetgens, Leila Gallupe, Kamilah Mohammad, Shamaila Mohammad of Berlin. Second honors - Lauren Veronneau of Berlin.

Trafford Underwood of Kensington has been inducted into Alpha Upsilon Chi, the honor society that recognizes academic excellence and professional involvement in the disciplines of health, physical education, recreation and sport at Eastern Connecticut State University.


Scholastic achievements

A14 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |



Health Briefs

Senior News

Gluten Free 101

ical staff members and orthopedic surgeons Drs. Robert The Central CT Celiac J. Carangelo and Robert M. Support Group has scheduled Belniak. The physicians will Gluten Free 101, a chat group, discuss what you can do to for Monday, May 18, 7 p.m., at prevent or control your arthritis. Registration is rethe Community Center. Are you gluten sensitive or quired. For more information have celiac disease? Do you and to RSVP, 1-800-321-6244. need to know what you can eat and where you can buy it? For more information, call Road to Recovery Nancy at (203) 634-0530. The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery proJoint pain relief gram is currently in need, The Hospital of Central statewide, for drivers. The proConnecticut and the Arthritis gram offers transportation to Foundation have scheduled and from treatment for people a free educational seminar, who have cancer and need a Keep Moving: Finding Relief ride. Volunteers offer encourfrom Joint Pain on Tuesday, agement and support to the May 19, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the patients. Call 1-800-227-2345. Calendar House, 388 Pleasant St., Southington. Presenters are HOCC medSee Health / Page 15



Healthy Habits class The Senior Center has scheduled a healthy habits class, for adults 50 and over, for Friday, May 15 and 22, 1 to 3 p.m. The interactive class features practical tips on healthy eating, physical activity and information regarding obesity and the chronic illnesses linked to being overweight. For more information and to sign up, call Tina at (860) 828-7006.

Older Americans Month May is Older Americans Month. The 2015 theme is “Get into the Act.” The Senior Center has scheduled the following activities. Tuesday, May 19 - Beading Class, 1 p.m. Make a crystal bead bracelet. Class if limited to 15 participants. A fee is charged. For more information a and to sign up, call (860) 828-7006. Tuesday, May 19 - Tuesday movies, 1 p.m. Rogers & Hammerstein’s “State Fair.” Not rated. No sign up required. Thursday, May 21 - Spring Bingo, 1 p.m. No sign up

required. Tuesday, May 26 - Free ladies manicures, 10 a.m. to noon at Newington Health Care Center. Appointments are required. Call the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006. Tuesday, May 26 - Lunch with a Librarian, noon. Librarian Carrie Tyska is scheduled to present new services and program offered at the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. Lunch provided by the Senior Center. For more information and to sign up, call (860) 828-7006. Wednesday, May 27 - Share a story, 1 p.m. The Berlin Historical Society has scheduled its Story Share program. Discussion includes memories of Farmington avenue, Mill Street and New Britain Road. For more information and to sign up, call the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006. Friday, May 29 - Lunch Bunch trip to Manor Inn. Bus leaves the Senior Center at 11:30 a.m. A fee is charged. Trip is limited to 12 people. Sign up is required.

Renter Rebate program The Connecticut Renter Rebate program is scheduled See Seniors / Page 15

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The AARP Safe Driver class, for drivers 60 and over, is scheduled for Thursday, May 21, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Community Center. The class provides a certificate that entitles a discount on car insurance premium. Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, call Barbara Dixon at (860) 828-6295.

vegetables, pumpernickel bread, peaches. Wednesday, May 20: All beef long hot dog with sauerkraut and onions, macaroni salad, marinated cucumbers, watermelon slice. Thursday, May 21: Pulled pork with BBQ sauce, cornbread stuffing, garden salad, cantaloupe. Friday, May 22: Turkey Tetrazzini over wide egg noodles, peas and carrots, dinner roll.



Safe driver class

Senior meals are provided by CW Resources. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance by calling Doretha Dixon at (860) 670-8546, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. A donation is requested. Monday, May 18: Chicken marsala with sauce, buttered, noodles, steamed broccoli, oatmeal bread, apricots. Tuesday, May 19: Cranberry juice, Lazyman stuffed pepper, mashed potatoes, Tuscany blend



The Berlin AARP May Chapter meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, at noon, at San Souci Restaurant. Registration, with payment, is due to Barbara Dixon, (860) 828-6295, by Thursday, May 14.

Senior Menu

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Strikette Bowling, April 28: Barb Patterson, 157; Jo Panico, 156; Irene Willametz, 150. May 5: Barb Patterson, 165; Irene Willametz, 159. Senior Bowling, May 1: Joe Sytulek, 204; Rockwell Roberts, 179; Al Bolduc, 171; Irene Williametz, 150. May 10: Chickie Saraceno, 187; Rockwell Roberts, 180; Irene Willametz, 160; Al Bolduc, 159; Joe Sytulek, 153.

The Berlin Citizen |

From Page 14

Economic development awards handed out By Charles Kreutzkamp

The Berlin Citizen


Scripture Bits

35% OFF



Y Z K H S C; L J L D D M D A E E R T A D K Z C L S R T A

See Awards / Page 18

Rogers Tree Service Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953


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Scripture Bits Solution Redeem me, O Lord, and Have mercy on me. My Foot stands on level ground; I will bless the Lord In the assembly. - Psalm 26



Puzzle on Page 10

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Line. “To say that CIL faced many challenges with the Depot Crossing project is an understatement.” The unfinished building sat idle for five years, and the developers had to arrange a land swap with both the neighboring Kensington Volunteer Fire Department and the Berlin Land Trust to meet acreage requirements. The swap also allowed the fire department to complete its 9/11 memorial park. “This is truly a win-winwin project,” McNair said.


G E EReligion A B M D F. ---Puzzle N E G D B 26

building across from the Berlin Train Station went into foreclosure unfinished in 2008 and then was acquired by the Berlin Land Trust in March of 2013. CIL landed a development agreement that July, with a plan to transform the office space on the second floor into 16 apartments, with four as affordable housing for residents at 60 percent of the median income. “Depot Crossing is Berlin’s first new mixed use, transit-oriented project,” McNair said, complementing the upcoming New Haven Hartford-Springfield


ticipants in the project. CIL was named Developer of the Year for the second time to Nearly a dozen awards honor the progress made at To volunteer for the Hos- were presented at the an- the long-vacant building on pital of Central Connecticut, nual economic development Farmington Avenue that was call Volunteer Services at awards ceremony at the Bal- rapidly transformed in 2014. Town Manager Denise Mc(860) 224-5231 or complete tic Restaurant April 29. Rean online application at Hos- cipients included Sirois Tool, Nair said that the “high qualSportika Export Inc., Tasca ity” project broadens the Automotive Group, CIL, the town’s tax base. A non-profit Connecticut Housing Finance developer, CIL received the Authority, the Connecticut same award in 2012 for the Housing Investment Fund, Lofts at Sherwood Falls. As From Page 14 with that project, CIL transand DWB Enterprises. Depot Crossing was a hot formed a vacant property into to run through Oct. 1. Appointments may be scheduled topic at the annual economic “an asset for the community” with Jayme Miller, Berlin’s development awards, with with Depot Crossing. The 23,900 square foot social worker. Appointments two awards honoring parZ A C A A B B A, K D K Z C, G S C T G X A B A Z W F are required. For more information, a list of required documentaK S B A. B F U K K R E R G S C E K S D A X A D tion and to schedule an appointment, call Jane at (860) 828-7006.

Hospital volunteer opportunities



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A16 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Sports Cubbies, Powerhouse playing strong Major League Bill’s Pizza Cubs 13, Beacon Mets 1 The Cubs opened there season with a victory over the Mets. The final score was 13 - 1. In their first experience at Petit Field, Eric Folta and AJ Guzardi (fill in player from the Rangers) collected their first Major League hits. Nick Melville was able to claim the first homer of the year as he hit a blast that never seemed to land. Pitching well were Kyle Daley, Treavor Miano, Eric Folta and Ryan Stec. Kevin Daley had a SportsCenter worthy catch at second base while on defense. Great job to the new additions to

larini and Melville. Lukaszewski had an RBI single in his first at bat of the season. Jamie Palmese collected the league! two solid hits including a Bill’s Pizza Cubs 19, Had- first pitch leadoff double to the left center field fence. field’s Red Sox 4 The Cubs bats more than Nate Orde was able to leg made up for some defensive out two singles while Garrett lapses en route to a big 19-4 Fallon put in a nice effort at win. Camden Murphy and shortstop. Kyle Daley each connected for their first home runs of the 2015 campaign while Eric Junior League Folta belted a bases-clearing triple. Collecting three hits Berlin Powerhouse Gym each for the Cubbies were 18, Southington North Murphy and Daley, while Rockies 7 Melville, Miano, Stec and Berlin continued to pile up Canzellarini all collected two the runs for their third win hits each. Mike Lukaszewski of the season, scoring four did a fine job behind the dish, runs in the seventh inning, on catching for Murphy, Canzel- their way to an 18-7 win over

BLL roundup

Southington North at Massarelli Field. Berlin took the lead in the second inning and held on for the victory. AJ DelGiorno boosted his batting average thanks to a perfect 3-for-3 day at the plate to pace Powerhouse Gym. He walked twice, doubled in the second inning and singled in the third and sixth innings. Matt Lewis got the win for Berlin. Lewis struck out nine, walked two and gave up six hits. Berlin grabbed an early 2-0 lead in the first inning. Gianni Fanelli started the rally with the first of his three hits on the day, hitting a single and later scoring on a sacrifice fly by Adam Bilinsky. Other players with hits

were: Nick Halkias, Lewis, Jack Kurnik (two), Adam Bilinskhy and Noah Reed. Berlin Powerhouse Gym 23, Southington North Braves 5 Berlin Powerhouse Gym continued to pile up the runs, scoring nine in the seventh inning en route to a 23-5 win over the Southington Braves at Massarelli Field. Jack Kurnik racked up six RBIs on three hits, Matt Lewis contributed with five RBIs on three hits and Adam Bilinsky added four RBIs on three hits. Also with hits in the game were Nick Halkias, Joshua Wood, Gianni Finelli See Little / Page 22

Lady Coats look formidable once more By Nate Brown The Berlin Citizen

Kensington resident and Mitchell senior Tyler Kradas earned NECC all-conference honors for his strong play this season. | Photo courtesy of Mitchell Athletics

Five Mariners earn NECC honors ATTLEBORO, Mass. – Five members of the Mitchell College men’s lacrosse program were recently recognized by the New England Collegiate Conference, including Kensington resident and Mariner senior Tyler Kradas. Senior Jordan Cook (Groton, Conn./ Fitch) was named NECC Player of the Year while sophomore JD LeMay (Lagrangeville,

N.Y./John Jay) was a repeat selection as NECC Goalkeeper of the Year. Freshman Chevy Perry (Ledyard, Conn./Ledyard) gave the Mariners a sweep of the major player awards as he was tabbed NECC Rookie of the Year. Cook and LeMay also garnered all-conSee Lacrosse / Page 17

Despite losing more than its fair share of talent from last season, the Berlin softball team is still going strong and now sits at 10-3 on the year. So much for taking a step back. The Lady Redcoats have made back to back appearances in the Class L state semifinals, yet look like a much different group from those tournament runs. Most of the players involved in Berlin’s recent success have moved on to college, leaving holes all over the roster. “We replaced six graduates from last year, including our pitcher and catcher so we didn’t know what we were going to get when the season started,” said coach Jason Pires. “We have a very young team.” Yet being deemed “young” hasn’t deterred the team from

their stellar start, which included three wins last week and a clinched spot in the postseason with a Tuesday, May 5 win over Tolland, 6-3. “We have four kids who have significant experience,” Pires said. “My designated player is a freshman, my pitcher is a junior, and the rest are a blend of sophomores and seniors. So we have a nice mix of grades which is always a positive because it kind of builds for the future while you still get to compete for today.” The push to compete for today has been led by Pires’ three seniors, Kelsie Anderson, Kaitlyn Guild and Alyssa Germano. All three are batting well above the team’s average of .377 (.465 for Anderson, .487 for Guild, .421 for Germano) and have collectively added 45 RBI, 46 runs and 14 extra base hits. See Coats / Page 17

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Coats From Page 16

“What we have here, which is a great thing, are three starting seniors who have been to two state semifinals in a row. So they bring to the table all of that experience and desire, and they want to taste that one more time and they’re trying to push that on the younger generation that this is who we are as a team and this is what we expect: we don’t expect to be 8-12 and barely make the tournament, we are a team that expects to compete,” Pires said. Berlin has done just that, with a now constant lineup that Pires and his staff settled on this past week against Tolland. Prior to the game against the Eagles, the Redcoats featured a different lineup while trying to find the perfect balance. The team also searched long and hard for an ace pitcher, using four players before deciding on junior Julia Legace. Legace (5-0) has allowed only seven runs in 30.1




innings of work while recording 26 strikeouts, six walks and only four extra base hits. “Julia has pitched the last few games and she’s done a nice job, so she’s taken the spot for now, but we have sort of a rotation going and everybody needs to be ready. It’s been a total team effort,” Pires said. Team effort, indeed, as seven players have recorded 10-plus hits and six players Britt is a large, handsome orange tabby. He is good-natured and easygoing. Britt have scored 10-plus runs. is reserved at first but warms up quickly. Sunset is a lovely calico that has been The Coats have also been searching for a home for a while. She is social and friendly, yet independent. She dangerous on the base paths, is stressed at adoption events so a private appointment in her foster home works totaling 21 stolen bases in 22 chances, as sophomore Vabest. View all of the adoptable pets and find an online application at nessa Reimer has led the way For more information, call (860) 828-5287 or email Meet the with 13. adoptable pets at the adoption event on Sunday, May 17, 1 to 3 p.m., at PetSmart, “We’re still trying to com278 New Britain Ave., Plainville. pete in the CCC South so that’s a goal of ours,” said Pires of his team that boasts a 7-2 conference record. “And we’re trying to make sure that we’re at our best in late May when the tournament starts.” letes – one boy and one girl Three hundred forty-four day, May 3. With all the pieces now in senior student-athletes were Alexandra Schulz and Dan- – from each member high place, it’s hard to see Berlin honored as CIAC Scholar iel Paskowski were this year’s school whose academic and playing any other way. Athletes at the 32nd Annual Berlin High School recipients. athletic careers have been The Scholar Athlete pro- exemplary, whose personal CAS-CIAC Scholar Athlete Banquet at the Aqua Turf gram recognizes two high Club in Southington on Sun- school senior student-athSee Redcoats / Page 19

Redcoat student-athletes honored

a Bachelor of Science Degree the third straight season. The in Sport Fitness Management Mariners were the top seed in the NECC Championship ference status along with & Health Fitness. Mitchell (7-9 overall) went but lost to Becker College by junior Maximilian Crowley (Seal Beach, Calif./Los undefeated in NECC play for a 12-8 final in the title game. Alamitos) and Kradas. All awards were determined by a vote of the conference’s head coaches. Kradas capped a four-year career with the Mariners with his first all-conference honNO NEED to be without Teeth! ors. The midfielder played in all 16 games and recorded a 5 Styles starting at $250* career-high 15 goals with one DENTURES UPPER OR LOWER Dentures assist. Six of his goals came available in league play, including a caExtractions and Relines and in 24 reer-high four in a win over Dentures at same Repairs while hours. Regis College that clinched appointment! you wait. the regular season title for Call Now For Call Now For Complete Affordable the Mariners. A A FREE FREE The strong week of play Family Dental Care! Consultation also led to the Kensington Consultation • Fillings • Crowns resident being named the • Cleanings • Bridges • Teeth Whitening • Cosmetic Dentistry Mariner of the Week, given to Mitchell’s top varsity athlete Payment Options Available. across all collegiate sports Most Insurance Plans Are Accepted. teams. MERIDEN Kradas finished his career 533 S. Broad St., Townline Sq. Plaza with 27 points in 52 games 203.238-7968 and a 57.1-percentage in shots ORANGE on goal over his four years 501 Boston Post Rd., Liberty Sq. Plaza with the Mariners. Kradas is 203.799.3311 set to graduate from *Offer expires on 6/30/15 *Must coupon to receive special offer. ell on Saturday, May 16 with *Offerpresent expires on 4/30/14 All Denture Material ADA Approved From Page 16

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A18 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Awards The Regional Economic Development Partnership Award went to the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) and the Connecticut Housing Investment Fund (CHIF). Both organizations helped to finance Depot Crossing through underwriting and by offering a $1 million loan. Depot Crossing “is a model we want to see replicated throughout the state,” said Norbert Deslauriers, vice president of the Connecticut The recipients of the 2015 economic development awards. Housing Finance Authority. | Charles Kreutzkamp / The Berlin Citizen Deslauriers thanked the town and the state housing authority employees. “We wouldn’t updating the façade of the “Sirois Tool places a high building at 1224 Farmington importance on keeping its be here without them.” Connecticut Housing In- Ave., which many residents skilled workforce,” Rochette vestment Fund president and will know as the location of said, with the company planCEO Calvin Vinal praised the Subway. New siding, porches, ning to add more than five project for “giving homes to railing, and lighting has trans- jobs on top of its 50 current people who work here” in formed “the look of the build- employees. A sports nutrition distributown. He looks forward to ing,” Edge said. Mayor Rachel Rochette tor that does business in more seeing the commercial space said that “it was a great year than 140 countries, Sporleased. “We want to have a town for Berlin,” so the town was tika Exports, also located on center Berlin is very proud recognizing two businesses White Oak Drive, relocated to of,” said Economic Develop- each for Business of the Year a building three times larger ment Director Chris Edge, and Small Business of the on Episcopal Road, now occupying 150,000 square feet who recognized former direc- Year. Sirois Tool was recognized of space. Sportika employs tor Jim Mahoney for his contributions. “Jim is still very for the investment in the some 40 people locally. The Tasca Automotive town it made by constructinvolved,” Edge said. Please call for corrections 203-317-2308 - after 5 pmGroup call 203-317-2282 was named New Busiing aat5,000 square foot addiThe Beautification Award Ad#:1286004 Pub:RJ Date:05/23/13 Size:3X4 Cust:HOUSE Edited the Year. Last Tasca not tionDay:THU to its 20,000 square foot nessADofACCOUNT recognized DWB Enterprises on 5/20/13made 12:24 in AM. facility Salesperson:200 RUNkept FLIP the CAMCORDER former Moon White Tag OakLine:MUST Drive. only forBy:PAG the investment WINNER Color Info:FULL 1286004 - Composite

rande Ford alive, purchasing the business in January of 2014, but also expanded, adding 16 additional jobs and now employing some 65. The group also purchased

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From Page 15

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Honors From Page 11 Vanessa Reimer, Hannah Schulz, Ashley Skinner, John Skowronek, Julia Swiatek, Rocky Trinh, Michelle Tsun, Gabriella Vasi, Nicole Vasil, Audra Veach, Matthew Vernacatola, Max Weiss, Caylie Whiteside, Maya Wolanin, Zoe Zimber, Claudia Zovich. Grade 9 - Lejla Abidovic, Jillian Balaban, Calli Beatman, Sara Bengiovanni, Domenic Biello, Ashley Bryant, Gregory Carson, Claire Christiana, Mariel Christiana, James Christodlous, Michelle Cohen, Jacqueline Cooper, Haley Cox, Ryan Cyr, Caroline Daigle, Andrew DelGiorno, Gabriel Dombrowski, Samantha Fasciano, Christian Figueroa, Thomas Fijalkowski, Rachel Foertsch, Casey Foster, Jacob Giuliano, Sarah Giuliano, William Hagmeier, Olivia Hartel, Emma Hinchcliffe, Jeffrey Juarez, Patrick Ladas, Ashley LaFrance, Alexa Lanteri, Dominic Lattarulo, Brianna Lennehan, Madison Marolda, Divya Patel, Hetal Patel, Jaymin Patel, Marissa Pettinelli, Jilian Price, Gabriel Ramsey, Matthew Reilly, Lauren Salee, Amanda Santoro, Noah Seguljic, Julia Sisti, Kelly Sparmer, Nicholas Sznaj, Danielle Taglucop, Anthony Veneziano, James Wi-


Redcoats cander, Nicole Xiarhos. Honors Grade 12 - Jessenia Alves, Emma Atkinson, Matthew Austin, Suleyman Bozal, Melissa Calderone, Rebecca Carriere, Megan Carroll, Holly Chirico, Francis Cirullo, Matthew Cohen, Caitlyn DiCioccio, Julia Ferraguto, Kenneth Fisette, Travis Frisk, Briana Gorneault, Kaitlyn Guild, Jason Heineman, Sarah Hoag, Alexander Humen, Cara Johnson, Matthew Kaczynski, Kelsey Kozikowski, Kade Lamontagne, Megan Leary, Stephanie Lesmes, Kristen Madeia, Victoria Mancini, Kayla Maslowski, Sarah Mogielnicki, Landon Murphy, Jake Parise, Mitchell Pitkin, Evan Psillas, Hope Reed, Devon Reilly, Kyle Sawyer, Abby Simmone, Melissa Stanton, Dylan Stetson, Daniela Sznaj, Jordyn Tabury, Logan Taricani, Lauren Trzasko, Allison Walsh, Syeda Zehra. Grade 11 - Anthony Allocca, Matthew Beckman, Madison Blake, Ashley Braga, Lindsey Brochu, Taylor Budney, Paul Choma, Jordan Chyra, Jaclyn Colossale, Alexander Dastoli, Francesca DiMaio, Shawn Drain, Emily Dymczyk, Nicole Foertsch, Trevor Gagnon, Mikayla Giana, Samantha Giardina,

Noah Gilbert, Cole Johnson, Michael Lauria-Errico, Athena Lawrence, James Lynch, Alyssa Marin, Jacob McCarthy, Sophia Morell, Vincenzo Pappalardo, Devangkumar Patel, Karen Peralta-Lopez, Angelique Perrone, Megan Pskowski, Sarah Pskowski, Lucas Radek, Alec Rich, Christopher Robitaille, Kevin Rose, Jillian Ruscito, Connor Ruszczyk, Sidrah Saleem, Kelli Salimeno, Noah Skinner, Casey Spilka, Rachael Steck, Haley Stites, Kimberly Tencza, Tishaya Thompson, Nina Urso, Alyssa Vasil, Erica Veley, Emma Wade, Hayley Wilhelm, Nicole Zieba, Jared Zima. Grade 10 - Sumara Ali, Brad Bednarczyk, Samantha Bengiovanni, Quinlan Burns, Alexa Crowley, Olivia Curtin, Julia DelVecchio, Emily Desroches, Connor Giudice, Alex Glabau, Alyssa Grant, Jack Hamel, Haley Hauptfeld, Troy Haynes, Evan Hilbie, Amanda Johnson, Sandra Jones, Sebastian Kajda, Kamil Karwowski, Benjamin Kennure, Jared Kozak, Matthew Luddy, Michael Luu, Jack Lynch, Katarzyna Midura, Kyle Mogielnicki, Matthew Morelli, Jeffrey Moss, Arya Patel, Zachary Philippon, Amanda Richard, Cody Ruszczyk, Taylor Sagan,

Stephanie Sanders, Drew Sapko, Amanda Scalzi, Alexander Siembab, Danielle Skates, Taylor Smolicz, Kamryn Sokolowski, Brooke Strobino, Heather Sullivan, Tyrise Thompson, Darby Trowbridge, Karlena Tyburski, Noah Villella, Thomas Wejda, Emma Wilcox, Catherine Wilson, Austin Withycombe. Grade 9 - Peter Albert, Curtis Arcari, Elizabeth Aroian, Cailin Barnes, Emily Beisel, Amanda Boice, Gabriella Bonfiglio, Sahnserae Brownlee, Nicholas Carroll, Macy Cohen, Tyler Cohen, Sarah Crabtree, Lauren Ferraguto, Dylan Forauer, Dylan Frisk, Juliana Giannone, John Goodwin, Toni Grant, Ryan Jenkins, Calvin Johnson, Natalie Kiczuk, Patricia Kiniry, Alena Kittleman, Emily Kozon, Victoria Lucco, Morgan Luciani, John Mayette, James Mazzarella, Makayla Miano, Cameron Michalek, Jasmine Nappi, Morgan O’Connor, Sofia Oakes, Shiv Patel, Joseph Pettinelli, Rebecca Soderburg, Kevin Stafstrom, Melanie Sullivan, Jada Tardif, Lori Telke, Haley Tralli, Julia Vieira, Destiny Waas, Cara Wade, Matthew Wojciechowski, Margaret Yacovino.

From Page 17

standards and achievement are a model to others, and who possess high levels of integrity, self-discipline and courage. The honorees are chosen by the member schools and are submitted to the CIAC. More than 1,700 students, family members, school administrators and coaches were on hand to salute the Scholar Athletes and recognize their achievements. ESPN anchor Bob Picozzi served as the host for the event, and CAS-CIAC Executive Director Karissa Niehoff provided the keynote address.

Got news? We’d love to print it, along with your photos The Berlin Citizen P.O. Box 915 Meriden, CT 06450


Meet the volunteer of the year



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Berlin Veterans Commission member Peter Galgano was named volunteer of the year at the annual economic development awards April 29 at The Baltic Restaurant. “It’s humbling,” said Galgano, whose initial reaction was to avoid recognition. Helping veterans is a passion for him, and one that brings him great enjoyment. He serves as media associate and veteran’s outreach coordinator at Middlesex Community College. When he returned from Vietnam, he “hung up” his uniform for years. Later, he started to dedicate much of his time to making things better for other returning vets. “I don’t want them to lose the time I did,” he said. Veterans coming back from war need “all need support,” Galgano said. “They go and do what they are told to do with pride and honor,” and they are worthy of “our honor and respect.” “Peter has an extensive record of volunteering to recognize and assist veterans of military service,” said Town Manager Denise McNair.

study or seek assistance.” Galgano “has once again gone above and beyond the call of duty” in the work he put into planning the recently-dedicated Veterans Memorial Park near Stop & Shop and The American Legion, McNair said. Galgano “saved the town thousands of dollars in sign design fees” and “added a personal touch to the project that we will all appreciate,” she added. Galgano and his student Elena Sanchez designed signs for an “American Wars Walkway” recognizing veterans from each of America’s 12 wars, including QR codes with educational information.

Galgano established a website for Iraq-stationed Marines to communicate with their Connecticut families and co-organized Charlie Company’s Homecoming from Iraq. McNair said he served as public relations chairman for the effort that brought the largest traveling Vietnam Wall to Rentschler Field in East Hartford, and he helped bring up the Marine Corps Silent Drill Team and the Drum and Bugle Corps, and he also brought a Marine Corps Color Guard to Middlesex for the dedication of its Veterans’ OASIS Center, “a place where veteran students can congregate, relax, talk,


By Charles Kreutzkamp

The Berlin Citizen

Peter Galgano accepts an award from Town Manager Denise McNair and Mayor Rachel Rochette.

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A22 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Little League From Page 16

(three), Jeff Kuzoian, and AJ DelGiorno.

Adam Bilinsky recorded out five batters. the win for Berlin PowerBerlin Powerhouse Gym house Gym giving up five 5, Plainville Blue 4 runs on six hits and striking Powerhouse scored a run

in the final inning of play to Field. come away with a victory Berlin’s strong defense led over Plainville in five innings the throughout the contest, on Saturday, May 9 at Percival as the boys turned a double play in the second inning and another double play with the bases loaded in the third to hold Plainville scoreless through three frames. The bottom of the second saw Berlin take a 1-0. After Joshua Wood doubled, Noah Located in Historical section of Berlin Reed singled, plating Wood. Off-street parking Jack Kurnik went a perfect Washer & dryer included 2-for-2 at the plate for Berlin. He singled in the first inning $700 a month and doubled in the third. Plainville scored four runs in the fourth inning to take a Contact 860-505-7438 4-3 lead. Berlin tied the game in the bottom of the inning when Nick Halkias scored Total Home Improvement on a ground ball by Gianni Finelli. AJ DelGiorno scored the winning run in the fifth inWet Basements • Roofing ning after working a leadoff Siding • Patios • Steps • Sidewalks walk, stealing second base, Brick Pavers • Hatchway Doors and scoring on a line drive Kitchens • Bathrooms • Tile Work single to center field by Ryan Dal Pozzol. Jeff Kuzoian got the win for Berlin, allowing two runs over two innings. Licensed • Insured • Lic. #HIC0634577 • Senior Discount • Free Estimates He struck out two and surrendered three hits. Also with hits in the game were Jeff Kuzoian, Halkias, FiHouseWashed Washed• Decks • Decks Stained nelli, and DelGiorno. House Refinished



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Berlin Powerhouse Gym 17, Southington Giants 7 Berlin Powerhouse Gym jumped out to an early lead on the Southington Giants and captured a 17-7 victory on Sunday at Percival Field. With 13 runs in the first three innings, Berlin left no doubt about the eventual outcome. An RBI single by Jeff Kuzoian, an RBI single by Jack Kurnik, an RBI single by Joshua Wood, and a two-run single by Noah Reed during the first inning fueld Berlin’s offense early. The team kept the onslaught going with a two-run single by AJ DelGiorno and an RBI single by Kyle Krupa in the second. Nick Halkias recorded the win for Berlin pitching 3-2/3 innings in the five inning shortened game. He struck out six and surrendered three hits. Also with hits in the game were Gianni Fanelli, Ryan Dal Pozzol and Paul D’Amore as Berlin finished with 16 hits and seven walks.

The Berlin Citizen |


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A24 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

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FOUND: Adult long Cash for any vehicle, running or not crashed haired white cat w/ ok, I’m not buying for gray spot on head. Light gray on end of scrap so I can pay tail. No collar. Found in more in most cases. 203-600-4431 vicinity of Mulberry & Deckert Dr. 860-9194595

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BASS Tender Boat 9’4"; Good Condition with ’09 TOYOTOA VENZA – seats. (Free motor, no trailer) $350 or B/O. AWD – Exc. cond., well 203-634-8768 equipped, $17,500 o.b.o. (860) 621-5146. 1982 CHRYSLER CON- Campers & Trailers VERTIBLE - new top, new tires, 72,000K, 1986 SUNLIGHT CAMPready to go, $3,500. ER - EXC. CONDICall 860-637-8066. TION, SLEEPS 6. $2,500.00. CALL 860276-9157.

Classic 1986 Cougar w/ sunroof/luggage rack. 2 dr sport, excellence condition. 8,000/best offer. (860) 349-3703

It’s All Here! Marketplace Ads

Jingle us... (203) 238-1953

(203) 238-1953



22K Miles, Stk #19642

106K Miles, Stk #14060SB

Don’t Miss... Call Chris 203-271-2902

Don’t Miss... Call Chris 203-271-2902






16K Miles, Stock #19674

XX Miles, Stk #15386SSA





Don’t Miss... Call Chris 203-271-2902 8637-02


Don’t Miss... Call Chris 203-271-2902

Help Wanted

ADULTS – PART TIME CONTRACT DELIVERY Come join our fast growing team of adult contracteddelivery carriers who earn up to $13,000.00 annually , delivering newspapers for an hour to two in the early morning. It is a great way to subsidize your annual income without interfering with your regular job or quality time at home. We also are looking for those interested in any temporary substitute opportunities in the same areas; Wallingford, Meriden, Southington or Cheshire.

CALL TODAY 203 634-3933

or email us:

HOUSECLEANING BARTENDER Are your hours this Apartments For Rent Experience a must! good? Mon.-Fri., No Apply in person at Violis nights or wkds. Fun, MER- Furn Apts. East Restaurant at 688 friendly work enviro. Westfield Rd, Meriden. Side Incl H, HW, Elec., Paid vaca., holidays, & 1 BR, $195wk; Studio, training. Registered & $715mo+sec.Call 203insured vehicle, valid 630-3823,12pm-8pm. driver’s license a must. Background check & MERIDEN - 1 BR, 2nd CAREGIVERS WANTED fl., renov., mt. view, drug screening req. THROUGHOUT CT near hgwy., inc. HT, Call 203-439-7025 Immediate Openings HW, prkg., $745. + fiP/T or F/T nancial refs., no pets, We are actively seeking owner on premises. Landscape Construcresponsible, mature P. O. Box 931, 06450 tion, Maintenance & individuals who enjoy Design Firm looking for working with the MERIDEN - 1BR elderly the following positions: $800 mo. HEAT, HOT µ COMPETITIVE WAGES Masons, Horticultural µ FLEXIBLE HOURS WATER & ELECTRIC Expert, Lawncare, DESIGN YOUR OWN INCL. Private Balcony. & Mowers SCHEDULE 203-639-4868. *Pd vacation & holidays* µ VEHICLED NEEDED Christensen for most positions MERIDEN- 1 BR, Stove Landscape µ HEALTH/DENTAL/401k & fridge, H & HW Incld. www.christensen BENEFITS Lease, Sec & Refs. Apply online today at 203.239.7657 or 203-484-0424 www.caregiverjobsct. 203.314.7300 com or Call 888.844.4442 DCP HCA 0000101

Advertising Sales Representative Rare opportunity to assume a top-level outside sales territory due the retirement of a longterm team member. If you have a strong history of meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals and are savvy with digital media, then we should talk. We are The Record-Journal, Central Connecticut’s leading multimedia company and we are growing & adding to our sales team! A family-owned company, we publish The Record-Journal along with 6 community newspapers and websites that deliver the hyperlocal news that citizens want, as well as the audience that businesses need. Plus, we have partnered with the biggest names in digital and social media to offer our advertisers unmatched reach and targeting capabilities – from the very local to the national scale. The ideal candidate will have 1-2 years of successful experience selling to small businesses along with a solid understanding of digital media and how it impacts today’s business owner. We offer a base salary with unlimited commission potential, paid vacation, full medical benefits and a 401K with company match. To apply, please send resume, cover letter & salary requirements to The Record Journal Publishing Company is an EOE




Help Wanted


We are seeking an experienced Human Resources Manager for our multi-media publishing co. located in Meriden, CT. The candidate is important to our company leadership and will be responsible for identifying organizational, cultural and people initiatives that ensure compliance and enhance business success. Experience in personnel activities including employment, benefits, compensation, payroll, employee relations, managing company policies and procedures, governmental compliance reporting and audits, workers compensation and conflict resolution is a required. Further, a Bachelors Degree is required in Business Administrator or HR Management and 7-10 years experience in Human Resources are a must. Please send resume and cover letter to EOE

Local. Local. Local. Your Marketplace.

Find everything at our Marketplace.

DRIVER – Class A, FT, position for qualified person for a fast paced construction supply company. Loading, unloading and customer service. Send resume to: posullivan@superior or fax (860) 378-3965.

MERIDEN - 2 BR, 2nd Plastic Injection fl., quiet area, stove, Molding Facility refrig., elec. heat, Looking For $845. + sec. General Factory Call 203-506-1655. Maintenance Personnel Has Experience in one MERIDEN- 2 BR, 3rd Flr, or more of the Randolph Ave, $655 following: mo + 2 mo. sec.& appl. . Hydraulic Maintefee req. Maier Prop nance & Repair Mgmt 203-235-1000 . Electrical (460V 3 Phase) MERIDEN- 3 BR incl. . General Factory Heat & Hot Water. Off Maintenance St. Prkg. No smoking/ Opportunity For Training pets! $1,100/mo. and Advancement 203-444-5722 Please Apply: All Molded MERIDEN- Broad St. Plastics Co., INC 2nd Flr studio. 3 (B) Fairfield Boulevard $500/mo. 2 mo. sec & Wallingford, CT 06492 app fee. MAIER PROP From 10:00AM-3:00PM MGMT 203-235-1000 Mon-Fri MERIDEN- Lrg 1 BR, 1 1/2 BA, off st. prkg, 25 Prince St. $795/mo. + sec. H & HW incl. 203-886-8808 PROGRESSIVE TOOL & DIE MAKER (2nd Shift) Bridgeport Fittings, in MERIDEN- Modern 1 business since 1925, is BR, 1st Flr, Off st. a leading manufacturer prkg, appls incl. 91 of conduit and cable Lincoln St. $650/mo.+ fittings. Reqs: (5)-(10) sec. Judy203.927.8215 years’ of exp; must be

E D U C A T I O N A L PLAYCARE - Is seeking to fill several positions at its childcare center in Wallingford. Positions include fulltime teachers and two part time positions: caring for young children from 6:309:30am, M-F, and assisting with cleaning responsibilities from 36 pm, M-F. Ideally, teaching candidates have coursework or degrees in Early Childhood Education or a related field. Childcare experience is a valuable asset, however, we will consider persons without either for the part-time positions. Applicants must be able to construct or happy, enthusiastic, Southington-1BR, 4rm, make major alterations hard-working, flexible 2nd flr, near hosp. or repairs to and must possess a C/air, stove,fridge, WD progressive stamping true love for working hkp, util. not incl. refs dies; and knowledge of with young children. & sec req. 8606212693 CNC, CAD, Wire and We work toward proSinker EDM is a plus. WALLINGFORD - 2 fl., 3 viding the highest Contact Jim Connor, & 4 BR, off-st. prkg., quality work environDirector, H/R, W/D hookups, no util., ment and we provide no pets, central loc., our employees with the Bridgeport Fittings, 705 Lordship Blvd., good credit only, resources they need to Stratford, CT 06615, 203-376-8418 succeed. Full-time emFax: 203-378-9818, ployees receive vacaE-mail: jimc@bptfittings. WALLINGFORD - Studio tion time, subsidized com EOE & 1 BR, Judd Sq., health and dental central air, no pets. plans, company paid $600.00 to $775.00. life insurance, a Qualified HVAC techniCall 203-265-3718 matching 401k, an Emcian Mechanic with 5 ployee Assistance or more years experiPlan, tuition reimburseence with residential Garage and Storage Space ment for courses in and Commercial servECE and subsidized ice. Must have strong childcare. For the right diagnostic skills and WLFD- Storage space 1200 sq ft for rent, 14 people, we expect to clean driving record. ft doors. Property pay at the top of the Benefits include: fenced & secure. Great scale for private sector Health Ins, vacation price. 203-272-4216 childcare centers. To and sick time. Call apply, please visit ww 860-793-2686 or fax w.educationalplaycare. resume to 860-793Houses For Rent com/careers 4811. MAIDPRO Southington is NOW HIRING house cleaners. Up to $13/hr, travel & benefits, plus tips. No nights or weekends. No experience required. Call 203-630-2033 ext. 118. Hablamos Espanol.

SLIDERS Grill & Bar Seeks experienced bartenders,cooks & servers. Must be avail. wknds. Stop in person/ apply online at or send resume to

MIDDLEFIELD- Waterfront, clean, bright & beautiful. 3 BR, 3 BA, jacuzzi. All appls & W/D. Deck, dock. Feel like your on vaca all yr round! Boating summer, Ice fishing & skating winter. $1850/mo + util. 860-716-6663 info

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015 Apartments For Rent

Your #1 Source for Local News.

FLANDERS WEST APARTMENTS 3 Darling Street, Southington, CT Studio & One Bedroom Apt. Homes Includes Heat/Hot Water, Appliances Computer & Fitness Center Free Meal Program & Activities Free Shuttle Bus Service Affordable Apartments for Qualified Applicants 50 years of age of older. For more information call 860-621-3954 TTY 711

Mobile Homes For Sale

NEWS: 203-235-1661


Furniture & Appliances


MER-Clean Safe Rms. Incl H, HW, Elec, Kit Priv. E side. off-st prkg $130/wk.+ sec. 12 pm8pm, 203-630-3823.

Stores & Offices for Rent 950 Sq. Ft Flex Space Available Durham, CT 1 Level , Ample Parking (860) 349-1121 ext 203 or (203) 751-1977

Vacation & Seasonal Rental

Window Air Conditoners ÇKenmore-8,000 BTU $135. ÇKenmore-5,000 BTU $100. Cash only. 203.265.5025 evening

Music Instruments & Instruction Cindy’s Unique Shop CONSIGNMENT 32 North Colony St Wallingford, (203) 269-9341 Music By Roberta 2flrs-1800sf Consigned Home Perform + Instruct Decor, furniture, jewelry & Voice lessons - all ages handbags. Daily disc. given. $5 +levels,piano beginneroff $25 purchase, $10 off interm. (203) 630-9295. $100 purchase. 30 day layaway avail. New merchandise Sporting Goods daily. Ample prkg in our lot. M& Health F, 9:30-5, Sat., 10-5, Sun, 11-4 Like us on facebook PISTOL PERMIT Or



WESTBROOK,CT- 3 BR New Rubbermaid Stock direct waterfront cotTank. 70 Gallon tage on private beach. Capacity. $50.00 Avail: July & August Call 860-349-8739 2015. Call 8608332866

Antiques & Collectibles Vintage Annalee Dolls. Made in USA. Pre 2000. Mint condition. 203-599-0011

Appliances AFFORDABLE Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoves. Appliance Repairs Will Deliver (203) 284-8986

Computers & Office Equipment PRINTER - brand new printer for computer. $30.00 Please all 203294-1897 or cell 203317-7648.


(203) 238-1953

PINE VALLEY GENERAL STORE 113 Broad St, Meriden (203) 630-1622 (between Hall & Gale) Wide variety of items in a unique, small familyowned store. Housewares, tools, salt lamps, stuffed animals, jewelry, food & more. Check out our used items too. Like us on Facebook! ONLINE PRICING! Mention this & get 15% off (restrictions apply) We buy used by appt. PORTABLE KEY ENTRY SAFE. Like new. $20.00. Call 860-384-1183

Rooms For Rent

Since 1867

Pets For Sale


ADVERTISE: 203-317-2312

CLASSIFIED: 203-235-1953


Apartments For Rent


Long Gun Certificate Required for Connecticut Residents. 1 Class, Small Groups $110. 203 415-1144

Swimming Pools & Spas

Miscellaneous For Sale

Pool Sand Filter, 335/BTU heater, Hayward pump, hoses, vac/skim, etc. (860) 4 person INTEX Portable 349-3703 B/O Massage Hot Tub/Spa. Like new, used 1 mth. $250 incl. start up Wanted to Buy chem. 203-927-7282

FREE Horse Manure Call Mike 203-599-8915 MINNEKOTA 55 Trolling Motor. Like New. Asking $100. Call 203-623-6460

1,2,3 Items or an Estate ûûû CA$H ûûû 203-237-3025 ESTATE SALE SERVICE Costume Jewelry, Antiques, paintings, Meriden-made items, toys, lamps

>ATTN PET OWNERS ? Vintage Electronics, Mu- Pet sitting & pet walking while you are at work sical Instruments, or on vacation in your Amps, Ham Equiphome! 203-427-7828 ment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment, Antiques. 860-707-9350 ALWAYS Buying Costume jewelry, antiques, instruments. 18 S. Orchard St. Wlfd. 2 0 3 631-6697 203-213-5222.

FOUND ADS ARE FREE Find something that belongs to someone else? Find the owner with a Marketplace ad.

Make someones day. Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us: (203) 238-1953

Bulldog Puppies $650+, Boston Pugs $550, Bengal Kittens 350+, Shots, wormed, vet check. 860-828-7442 German Shepherd puppies, 100% DDR working lines, 2F, AKC, 1st shots, wormed, puppy pack, Dad is German import. Ready now. $1,300. 860-655-0889 >MINIATURE> DACHSHUND Puppies 2 females left. House broken & paper trained. 203-891-7084

Tag Sales

BERLIN - 27 Highview Terr., Sat., 5/16, 8-1, Moving, everything ALWAYS Buying old must go! Garage & tools. Wanted old, yard tools, HH, clothused and antique hand ing, Milk glass coll., tools, machinist, hospital bed, stairlift, woodworking, engravmuch more! ing and work bench tools. Please call with confidence. Fair offers BERLIN-709 Lower Ln. made in your home. Sat 5/16 & Sun 5/17 Cory 860-322-4367 9a-5p. MOVING SALE! ANTIQUES - Always 3 generations of HH, buying old; Toys, milifurn., old records, tary, jewelry, art, books, wood working watches, musical intools, & sheet music. struments, signs, arcade games, cameras, BERLIN/KENSINGTONpre 1970 sports memHuge Sale. 5/16 & 17, orabilia, plus more. 8-3, 1519 Orchard Rd. One item or entire esEverything from Estate tate contents. Call clean out. Furn., glass, 860-718-5132. kitchenware, more!


KENSINGTON - 26 Parish Dr., Sat., May 16, Sun., May 17, 9-2, Multi-family, electronics, tools, HH goods.

Buying Collectibles, KENSINGTON- 76 Misty Jewelry & Silver. Mountain Rd., Sat 5/16 China, Glass, Military, 8a-5p. Rain date Sun Musical. Anything 5/17 12p-5. Various old & unusual. Single HH, all seasons handitem to an estate. made crafts, craft kits & supplies, tools, furn. 203-235-8431.

EBAY Consignment Service in Berlin. 1-2 ITEMS We sell your valuable Silverware, China, Glass. items online. Furniture, 50’s Items. MOVING SALE! Whole Estates 860-828-4400 µHale table, 2 leafs, 4 203 238-3499 chairs $200 Wood / Fuel µ2 Swivel bar stools 2nd Generation buys & Heating Equip $100 Napier & costume jewµBroyhill Queen sleeper elry, old lamps, CLEANEST FIREWOOD sofa, chair, ottoman, & shades, musical ins., in the state! recliner, coffee & end Winchester items, old Pre-season sale $220 tables. $1200 as a set full cord delivered. toys, and estates. 203µ2 Desks, lamps, Discounts over 2, 639-1002. pictures, & many other over 4 and picked up. items! South Meriden. AARON’S BUYING All Items in superior Mike 203 631-2211 Old Machinist Tools, condition! Call for info: Lathes, Bench Tools 203-271-0780 Hand Tools, Much Tree Length More. (203) 525-0608 Window Air Conditioner Firewood TWO GE CARRY COOL ALL CASH FOR 5,000 BTU. $45.00 Call for Details MILITARY ITEMS each. Cash Only. Call 203-238-2149 203.265.5025 evening 203-237-6575

It’s so easy Pay for your Record-Journal subscription with your credit card. For your convenience we accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Call (203) 634-3933 to order your subscription today.

A26 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

#1 source for local news.


Attics & Basement Cleaned

GARY Wodatch Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430 GUTTERS PLUS 25+ yrs

Child Care HOME DAY CARE has openings. 25 years Exp., loving home environment. 203-2696248. License # 26338.

Cleaning Services Don’t have time to clean? Will do everything you wish! Good prices! Good Refs. Fully Ins. Renata 860.538.7963

Computer Science Computer Problems? Want your PC or Mac as good as new? Onsite Service for Less. Satisfaction Guaranteed! HMB Electronics (203) 239 9422

Electrical Services All Pro Elec. Srv, LLC Electrical services, installs/repairs. Free estimates. Lic. & ins. Dan Luft 203-537-1610 T.E.C. Electrical Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome 203-237-2122

Fencing CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

Lawn and Garden ROTOTILLING Troy Bilt - NO GARDEN TOO SMALL! Call Garden Bill (203) 294-1160 WE WE GARDENS NORM THE GARDENER (203) 265-1460


GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 4403279 Fully ins. CT# 569127

exp. Call today for free est. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887

Handypersons A-1 HANDYMAN PLUS CT Reg #606277. Give us a Call-WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates. 203-631-1325 POWER WASHING Remodeling, plumbing, odd jobs. 60 yrs exp! CT #640689 Home Doctor 203.440.2692

Home Improvement

***CALL TODAY*** Yalesville Construction, LLC. Roofing, siding, kitchens, baths, additions, decks, doors windows, power washing, flooring Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937 CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

JUNK REMOVAL & MORE 25% OFF WE REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more. *SPRING YardClean-ups*

FREE ESTIMATES LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218 PETE IN THE PICKUP JUNK REMOVAL Residential, multi family, commercial No Job too Big or Small We Do it All 860 840-8018

The bargains to be found in Marketplace are real heart stoppers!


House Cleaning House Cleaning by Polish Women. 3rd cleaning $0 for regular customers. Ins./bonded. 860-505-7720 HOUSECLEANING If you are looking for an experienced woman you can trust, please Monica 203-641-7874

Junk Removal

20% OFF IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRING Yard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218 ACCEPTING Commercial & Residential grounds maintenance / complete lawn care. 25 yrs. exp. Sr. disc. 203-634-0211. JRM MOWING SERVICE

ED’S JUNK OUT Cleanup, mowing, year WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK round srv. Great prices! Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Any Free est. 203 715Questions? Ed (203) 494-1526 9734 or 860 719-9875

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Landscaping BILL RUDOLPH LANDSCAPING Cert. Installer- Paver Walkways,Stairs,Patios Ret.Walls, Shrub Replace, Landscape Design & Reno, Mulch & Stone, Lawn Repair & Install. No Mowing Expert Drainage & Backhoe Work. In Bus. 30 + yr We’re on Angie’s List! Free Est. HIC# 0563661 2032379577 EAGLE STUMP GRINDING LLC Removal of unwanted stumps, self propelled machine available. Call Mark (203)704-0821

FERRAUOLA LAWN CARE now accepting new mowing accounts at a reasonable rate. 203-804-5779 Gary Wodatch Landscaping. Hedge/tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397 860-558-5430

JT’s Landscaping, LLC Top quality work at a reasonable price. Full lawn maint. Grass Cutting. #616311.Fully lic. & ins. 203-213-6528 MOWING Precision Cut Lawns owner operated since 1982. Reliable. Fully ins. Free est. Meriden, Wlfd, Southington 203-715-0101 or 860-621-6822

Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Marketplace ad can help track it. Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us: (203) 238-1953 NOAH MOWS you don’t have to. Lawn mowing, edging, rototilling, etc. 203-232-5786 Shawn

Spring to Fall Cleanups & everything in between...Mowing, Landscaping, Mulch, Hedge Trimming, etc. Call John Gionfriddo 203-980-8756


Looking for a friend? Find litters of critters in Marketplace.

Spring Cleanups, Hedge Trimming, Wkly Mowing, Topsoil, Stone, Mulch, etc. Ashmore & Son Landscaping 860797-4046 HIC#638824

W. BOOBER MASONRY 25 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT #626708 203 235-4139


CARL’S Plumbing & Heating. Speak directly to the plumber, not a machine! We snake drains, plumbing, heating. 25% Senior citizen disc. No job too small! Cell, 203-272-1730, 860-680-2395.

Power Washing


A-1 Quality Powerwashing Hot water, low rates Call Dennis 203-630-0008 POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning ON THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279

Stepping up to a bigger bike? Sell the smaller one with a Marketplace ad. Paving

Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us: (203) 238-1953


A&A MASONRY 20 yrs exp. Specializing in sidewalks, stairs, patios, stonewalls, chimneys, fireplaces & much more! Call Anytime 860-462-6006! George J Mack & Sons 10 Years Experience Free Est! #HIC0616290 Servicing the Meriden HIC.0640303 & Insured area since 1922. Toilet, 860.538.6127 PAUL’S MASONRY faucet, sink & drain reFlagShip Property New & Repairs. pairs. Water heater reStonewalls, arches, placements. 25% Sr chimneys, sidewalks, citizen disc. Member fireplaces. Free est. of BBB. 203-238-2820 203-706-9281 A Marketplace

JM Lawn Care Lawn mowing, Spring cleanup, hedge trimming, junk removal, mulch & much more. 860-796-8168

B.MEDINASewer&Drain Cleaning Services LLC ANY CLOG ANY TIME Quality work, affordable prices, 24 Hr Service! Benny 203-909-1099

Experienced & Professional The Powerwashing Kings Others Wash - We Clean! CALL FOR SPRING SPECIALS! (203) 631 - 3777 (860) 839 - 1000 Visit the

D & G PAVING Over 25 yrs exp. Paving, Seal Coating, Concrete Work CT Reg#0577005 203-237-6058

ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too. Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us: (203) 238-1953

Roofing CPI HOME IMPROVEMENT HIGHEST QUALITY Kitchen, Bath, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Remodeling, Decks, Gutters, Additions. BBB A+ Rated CT#632415 203-634-6550

Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Marketplace ad can help track it. Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us: (203) 238-1953

Roofing, siding, windows, decks & remodeling. 203-639-0032 info@ gonzalez Fully Lic & Ins Reg #577319

Roofing. Siding. Windows. More. Free Est’s. Ins. # 604200. Member BBB. Harmony.(860) 645-8899

Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937


$1000 OFF Your Lowest Estimate On Roofing & Siding (203) 284-0137 CT Reg # 558927 CPI HOME IMPROVEMENT HIGHEST QUALITY Kitchen, Bath, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Remodeling, Decks, Gutters, Additions. BBB A+ Rated CT#632415 203 634-6550

You’ll like the low cost of a Marketplace ad.

Roofing. Siding. Windows. More. Free Est’s. Ins. # 604200. Member BBB. Harmony.(860)645-8899

Public / Legal Notices Tree Services

Gary Wodatch LLC Siding.Roofing.Windows TREE REMOVAL Decks.Sunrooms.Add’ All calls returned. CT Reg#516790. CT#620397 203-237-0350 Fiderio & Quick courteous service. Sons www. Office 203-235-7723 Cell 860-558-5430

V. Nanfito Roofing & Siding Inc Windows, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634


Stepping up to a bigger bike? Sell the smaller one with a Marketplace ad.


V. NANFITO, Inc. Siding, Roofing, Windows, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

YARDLEYTREESERVICE .com Fair, Reasonable Rates 203-440-0402 860-438-7359

Looking for a friend? Find litters of critters in Marketplace. Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us: (203) 238-1953

A28 Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Ocean State

Birdbaths Comp. $120

Assorted colors & prints. Selection varies by store.



Hiback Chair Comp. $39.99



Comp. $59.99


Wicker Chair Cushion....................$12 Wicker Settee Cushion...................$25

9’ Aluminum Wind Resistant Patio Umbrella

Auto Tilt


Comp. $200



1 Lb. Powdered Shock Your Choice






Your Choice

5 Piece Patio Set



13’x13’ Pop-up Gazebo


Regency II 10’x12’ Gazebo

Straight legs, polyester vented cover. Powder coated steel frame. Includes rollaway bag.


A.I.M set-up, includes 4 corner shelves, 2 tracks & center hanging hook. Includes mosquito netting.



Comp. $199.99

Double roof construction. Powder coated steel frame.


Total 60,000 BTUs Comp. $199

Your Choice

Propane Gas Firepit


with 30”x30” mantel Uses 20 Gal. tank * NOT INCLUDED Comp. $199-$249


Coldwater Creek

10 Compare $30-$100


Performance Yoga Bottoms Capris or Pants You'll Love The Quality!




3 lb. Sun & Shade Grass Seed Our Reg. $6

Sleeveless Polos

Perfect for Spring!

Cotton pique

Comp. $30



Zip Front Sweater

Lightweight hoody 100% Cotton Petite only. S-XL

Comp. $20

Garment Dyed Capris





Includes: board, seat, pump, oar, pressure gauge, repair kit & travel bag.

8 Pockets, elastic back, durable fabric

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Asst. colors & varieties



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Comp. $8-$17



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Assorted varieties


Espoma® Holly-Tone® 4-3-4 For all acid loving plants

1 Cu. Ft. - Feeds up to 4 months Moisture release

8 Lbs

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6 $ 3


Soilite 16 Qt Potting Soil




27 Lbs

54" Heavy Duty Tomato Cage




46" Heavy Duty Folding Cage

99 Gallon Resin Wicker Deck Box






Premium Reversible Outdoor Rugs

Shorty Wetsuits Assorted colors & sizes



Kayak Paddle

Butterfly Bush Perennial Bulbs


Your Choice

8 Lb Espoma Tomato-Tone Plant Food


Smoke Bush

Assorted varieties

Perfect Landscape Container Mix with Fertilizer

Comp. $899.99

8’6” Adventure Kayak


Your Choice



Follow us on Facebook


2.2 Cu. Ft. Canadian Peat Moss


Blue Hydrangea

Summer Flowering & Perennial Bulbs

15 lb. Landscaper Grass Seed Our Reg. $22



Inflatable Paddleboard

Sub Zero Lilac

Your Choice

Scotts® Turf Builder® Lawn Soil 1 cu. ft.

Available in most stores

Inflatable stand-up paddleboard 9’4”, durable double-wall construction, non-slip traction pad.


Save mfg. rebate -details in store

Cedar Mulch 2 cu. ft.

Colors: Lime & Yellow Comp. $319

Famous Outdoor Retailer Cargo Hiker Shorts



All are available in most stores 40 lb Pelletized Lawn & Garden Lime

Stable multi-channel hull. Adjustable step lock footrest system. Bow and stern carry handles. 102" length. Weighs 39 lbs. Capacity 295 lbs.



3 Lbs Turf Builder Northeast Mix Grass Seed

Available in Ct, Ma & RI only

Pkgd. Perennials & Flowering Shrubs


Comp. $24



Your Choice

Cotton sheeting




3 Lbs. URI #2 Grass Seed Selling locally for $14

Oldcastle Organic Garden Soil 1 cu. ft.



1999 $


Famous Maker

SAVE 70%



Covers 5,000 sq. ft







Peony or Clematis

Turf Builder® Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer

#1 Fancy Grade Rose Bushes

Your Choice

Your Choice

75 ft. Rubber Vinyl All Weather Hose OR 2 pack 50 ft. Flex-Able Hose



Gro Fine™ Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer 30-0-3


Wicking 90% Polyester 10% Spandex.



1999 $5-$23


mfg. rebate available details in store

Comp. $90

3 Famous Labels!


Weather-resistant striped fabric. Durable aluminum frame with angle adjustment. Includes mounting hardware & brackets.

Comp. $389.99



5 lb Nut ‘N Berry........


10’x8’ Manual Awning


Comp. $24


Comp. $20-$30




7 lb Cardinal Blend....

Selection varies by store


Scoop Neck Krinkle Maxi





Print Dress




Landscape Fabric Anchor Staples 25 pk...

Weather-resistant striped fabric. Durable aluminum frame with angle adjustment, quick, quiet & smooth open & retracting manual override. Includes mounting hardware & brackets.

Our Reg. $19.88

Wicks Moisture!

Sports Bra


Treats 5,000 sq. ft.

SAVE 75%

6 $ 15 $


Not available on LI, NY

Short Sleeve Tops, Capris or Pants!

18 Year Warranty Stronger & thicker; use around all plantings; Under stone, brick & block


13’x10’ Motorized Awning

Comp. $899

7 9 9 $ Suet Cakes................... 1 $

8 lb Premium Blend...

Pro-grade Weed Barrier & Landscape Fabric


Vented hardtop for all season use. Mosquito netting included. Durable powder coated steel & aluminum frame.

Bayer Advanced® Season Long Grub Control w/ Turf Revitalizer

Tops & Bottoms!

Famous Label



20 lb Country Mix 50 Wild Bird Food.........8

29.99 59.99 79.99

10 Year Warranty

Chatham 10’x12’ Gazebo

Hampton 10’x12’ Gazebo

25 lb Signature $ Blend Bird Food..... 23

4 lbs

7 lbs 15 lbs 25 lbs

Comp. $299.99



4-Burner Gas Grill

25 lb Nyjer $ Thistle Seed.............. 25

$ .................................. $ .................................. $ ..................................

Landscape Fabric



50 lb Black Oil $ Sunflower Seed....... 25


Includes mosquito netting and privacy panels.

Rust resistant steel frame Cushions sold separately

Wild Bird Seed

3” Jumbo Tabs • Quick Tabs • Sticks




Concentrated Stabilized Chlorines

4 Chairs & 66”x 40” Rectangular table Our Reg. $220

All Weather Resin Wicker 4 Pc Seating Group

Your Choice


Comp. $90

Comp. $89



8’ Wood Shaft Patio Umbrella

Zero Gravity Multi Position Recliner

All weather textilene fabric


Portable or Window

with remote control. Comp. $449


Oversize Zero Gravity MultiPosition Recliner with Canopy Your Choice

12,000 BTU Electronic Air Conditioners

1 Gal.

Liquid Shock


Chaise Lounge

35 - 39


STORE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-9pm; Sunday 9am-8pm


All Weather Outdoor Cushions Fits most patio furniture!


100% Polypropylene Easy to Clean!

4'x6'......... 12 $


Durable & lightweight. $ Comp. $39.99.................

50” Steel Park Bench

100% Olefin Flatweave Indoor/Outdoor Rugs with Jute-back

5'x6'6"...... 13

5'3" x 7'4" Comp. $80




Bestway Tropical Breeze Island 153"x108"



Includes: Removeable sun shade, mesh bottom, 6 cup holders, 2 backrests, cooler bag.

Dynasty or Vienna Area Rugs



1.5 Million points per sq. meter

25 60 $ 3'3 x 5'4" 60 5'3 x 7'10" $150 $ 6'7 x 9'6" 200 7'10" x 10'10" $300 $

2' x 4'


Bestway Coolerz™ Rapid Rider X4 Island 101"x101"


2'2 x 7'10"



4 backrests. Two built-in coolers. 4 cup holders.


20 30





Made in Turkey



6'8" x 9'

Comp. $130



Ant & Roach OR Wasp & Hornet Killer Our Reg. $2 ea.



2015 Vegetable & Flower Seeds

50% OFF * *Off MFG suggested retails

We now accept Cash Benefit EBT Cards & All Major Credit Cards


We warmly welcome



SALE DATES: Thurs. May 14- May 20, 2015

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