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Volume 19, Number 10

Berlin’s Only Hometown Newspaper

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Voters reject $80.8M budget at referendum By Charles Kreutzkamp

“As a result of last week’s referendum, the Town Council will need to determine The results of the 2015 bud- what areas of the budget get referendum are in: 60.2 should be modified,” Mayor percent of voters rejected the Rachel Rochette (D) said budget, and 72.2 percent said May 3. “There will have to be rethe budget was too high. The Berlin Citizen

ductions, which the council will need to discuss and act on May 5,” said Councilor David Evans (R). “We heard from many at the public hearing that more money should be added to the education budget,” Rochette

said. The majority of public hearing speakers April 8 supported increasing funding for education. “We listened and added money back,” the mayor said. The results of the referendum vote, however, indicated

Cabaret brings Superman to stage By Charles Kreutzkamp The Berlin Citizen

Not a bird or a plane but a musical: the Connecticut Cabaret Theater on Webster Square Road is showing performances of the musical comedy “It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s Superman” about the comic-book hero. The show features ’60s-jazz style music by Charles Strouse, whose other work includes “Annie” and “Bye Bye Birdie.” “This one is really, really good,” said producer and director Kris McMurray. The audience will be able to see Superman take to the skies using the stage’s flying rig. “Another thing that’s really unique about this production is that all of the props in the show are 2-D,” giving the show “that comic strip look.” Rick Bennett, a comic fan, plays Superman. “I think it’s full of golden age glory from the ’60s, it definitely has that

to Rochette that “those who voted did not agree. Based on that vote, I recommend we look at a reduction to the proposed increase for education. However, I want to be clear See Referendum / Page 2

Advice offered to pet owners after coyote attacks By Charles Kreutzkamp The Berlin Citizen

Two-dimensional props bring a comic book feel to the stage. ’60s feel,” Bennett said. “It captures the spirit of the original Superman.” The Superman musical was chosen because McMurray was looking for a show that hadn’t

been done in the area in quite some time. With the great excitement for the Marvel comics movies and the fact that the See Cabaret / Page 3

Berlin Animal Control has been warned of two recent coyote attacks on pets in the area. Laura DAvanzo’s elderly parents have been grieving the loss of their poodle, Onslo, who was killed by a coyote. Another area dog also was attacked but survived with injuries, animal control officer Jan Lund reported. “They loved that Onslo’s grieving dog,” DAvanzo said, owners hope his sad story will help save See Coyotes / Page 4 other pets.

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A2 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Citizen poll shows split over education funding By Charles Kreutzkamp 14654-01

The Berlin Citizen

An online poll The Citizen offered found that the major spot of disagreement on the 2015 budget was over education funding. At press time, 99 participants expressed their opinion on various categories of funding, with 85 responders answering all questions, and more than 20 submitting comments. Only 19 percent were satisfied with education funding as-is, with a plurality supporting keeping funding the same in every other area. “Tough decisions have to be made,” commented one respondent. Another suggested that the town “make the BOE work within reason.” Though one said that the board of education “shows no consideration for taxpayers,” another said “education is our future. Teachers, schools, education in general, should be our biggest investment,” as


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See Budget Poll / Page 18

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that the final budget will not be one where the children of Berlin feel the most impact. I am confident that the Administration of the Board of Education can manage this budget without cutting sports or teachers.” Board of Education president Gary Brochu said during the April 8 public hearing that the exact impact of a reduction to the board’s proposed increase would be unknown until later this summer, as some sources of expenses and revenue remain unknown. However, Brochu

ISSN ISSN 1525-1780 1525-1780 USPS 017-666 USPS 017-666 Published weekly by by Published weekly Record-Journal Record-Journal at At 11 Crown St., 11 Crown Street, Meriden, CT CT 06450 06450 Meriden,


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said that the initial reduction the council made to the requested increase may force the board to lay off teachers or cut athletic programs at McGee Middle School or athletics for freshmen at Berlin High School. Brochu said the majority of the board’s budget is “people cost” and that the board faces many costs that are fixed, such as union-negotiated contracts, magnet school tuition, and special needs education costs. At the referendum, 1,514 votes were cast, a 12 percent turnout. Moderator Scott Veley said that turnout was typical for a referendum. Most voters, 1,275, answered the optional non-binding advisory question that was added to the referendum for the first time in the town’s history. This question let voters say whether the budget was too low or too high – 27.8 percent wanted to see an increase. The council is likely to speculate on the 239 voters who did not answer the advisory question. Evans believes “there appears to be a strong one to one correlation between the budget no votes and the budget too high votes.” One resident at the public hearing held at McGee Middle School indicated that he supported the budget as pre-

sented, and that he planned to vote yes and to leave the advisory question blank. Depending on the opinions of the 239 who did not answer the advisory question, the margin of voters who believe the budget is too high could range from 60.8 to 76.6 percent. In any case, the majority of voters clearly believe the budget is too high. Evans thinks it would be a “stretch” to think that many of the “no” voters were in favor of increasing the budget. “I don’t think we gained a lot from the way this advisory question is set up,” said Evans, who suspects those who voted yes on the budget also believed the budget should be higher. In the past, he pointed out, the council has always regarded a “no” vote as calling for the budget to be reduced. Evans thinks the town would be “better off without the advisory question as it is currently written.” The inclusion of advisory questions on budget referenda has been increasing in the area. In Plainville, this year’s ballot included a similar too high or too low question only for voters who voted “no” on the budget. For more on the debate over education cuts, read a breakdown of the hearing at BCApril82015.

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From Page 1

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Above: The full cast of “It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s Superman.” Above right: Lois Lane plays a major part in the show. Below: The villain of the piece is 10-time Nobel prize losing Dr. Abner Sedgwick.

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The Worthington Fire District Committee will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 5:30PM at the District Office, 1400 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, Connecticut to consider the following: 1. Extension of sanitary sewer systems in Smoky Hill Road. All interested parties, both in favor or against said sanitary sewer extension, may appear and be heard. Dated this 1 day of May, 2015.









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doing what he does best,” Bennett said. “It’s a really fun musical for the whole family,” McMurray added. The show will run at the Connecticut Cabaret Theater until May 30. For more information, visit



show had not been performed since 1992, it seemed like the perfect moment to feature a show that “gets back to the roots of how (comics) were originally.” “The music is catchy,” said Bennett, whose favorite song is Revenge, which is sung by the villains. “It’s hard not to laugh backstage,” Bennett said, slipping into character to quip, “even though it’s against everything I stand for.” The show also features the hit song “You’ve Got Possibilities” that “became a single hit that other artists recorded at the time,” McMurray said. “It’s America’s superhero

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From Page 1





A4 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Coyotes diately warned their neighbors, who have also spotted but she hopes that by shar- coyotes in the area. The family had just reing the story, others will be warned and their pets will be turned from a celebration of protected. The family imme- DAvanzo‘s father’s 86th birthFrom Page 1



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trol officer said. They often watch pets for days to learn when they will be vulnerable. “They learn times that the dogs are let out when humans are not in sight.” Lund advises owners of cats and small dogs not leave their pets outside unattended. “Don’t be fooled because it is the middle of the day. Pets have been taken even during daylight hours.” At the same time Lund said that folks should not panic. “This is not something that happens all too often. Ninety-nine percent of the time coyotes feed on rodents, rabbits, and fruit … Coyotes really don’t want to encounter humans. They are only looking for food to survive and to raise their young.” Property owners with multiple coyote sightings may want to consider coyote hazing, Lund said. Most coyotes

are naturally afraid of humans, but some become habituated to them. In these cases, it can be helpful to encourage coyotes to fear humans. The simplest method, according to the Humane Society, is to yell at them while waving your arms. If the coyote does not leave or stops some distance away, it is important to increase the intensity of the hazing until the coyote is scared off. Coyotes also may be hazed by throwing sticks or balls, using noisemakers such as banging pots and pans together, or by spraying them with garden hoses or water guns with vinegar water. For more information on coyote hazing, visit tips/hazing_guidelines.html. Lund said residents are welcome to contact animal control for more helpful tips.

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day when they let the dogs out onto the back patio. Onslo was joined by DAvanzo’s Jack Russell terrier, Bella. Bella was ready to come inside before Onslo, and just a few moments after Bella came in, the family heard a yipe as the coyote struck. The attack happened quickly, leaving no time to intervene. “It was terrible,” DAvanzo said. “It is tragic to lose your pet this way. To find your pet’s body after an attack is horrible for the pet owner,” Lund said. The family’s tragic experience illustrates just how quickly an attack can happen. “Coyotes are very smart and adaptable,” the animal con-

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Calendar Friday, May 8

Day of prayer - The National Day of Prayer will be observed Thursday, May 7, 7 to 8 p.m., at the flag pole in front of the Berlin Town Hall. All are welcome. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 24 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Community Center, 230 Kensington Road. Stop in or call Mike Neault, Scoutmaster, at (860) 828-3611. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 41 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Scoutmaster K.C. Jones at (860) 829-1148 or email jones327@comcast. net. Girls lacrosse - BHS vs. Newington, 6 p.m. Boys golf - BHS vs. Bristol Eastern, Maloney, 3 p.m. Girls golf - BHS vs. East Catholic, 3 p.m.

Racing show - Racing Action Today, hosted by Berlin native Larry Mongillo, airs every Friday, 8 p.m., on Comcast cable channel 5. Baseball - BHS vs. Bristol Central, 3:45 p.m. Softball - BHS vs. Bristol Central, 7 p.m. Boys tennis - BHS at Newington, 3:45 p.m. Girls tennis - BHS at RHAM, 3:45 p.m. Boys lacrosse - BHS vs. East Catholic, 4 p.m.

Saturday, May 9

day, May 9, 5 to 7 p.m., at the Italian Independent Political Beer, wine tasting - The Club, 16 Harding St. A fee is Berlin Lions Charities has charged. Tickets are available scheduled its seventh annual at the door; advanced ticket wine and beer tasting for Sat- purchase is encouraged. For urday, May 9, 7 to 10 p.m., at more information, call Andrea the Berlin fairgrounds. A fee is Millerd at (860) 828-9722. Historical Society - Berlin charged. Music provided by Mass-Conn-Fusion. Tickets Historical Society Museum, are available at Berlin Spirits, 188 Mill St., from any Lions member or at the door. Pasta dinner - The Berlin Republican Town Committee has scheduled its Mother’s Day pasta dinner for Satur-

305 Main St., at the corner of Peck Street, is open to the public on Saturdays, 1 to 4 p.m. Free admission. For more information, call (860) 828-5114. Track - BHS at Greater Hartford Invitational. See Calendar / Page 6


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A6 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Calendar Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, 880 Farmington Ave. For more information, call Scoutmaster Ed Alicia at (860) 828-8693. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 44 is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the

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Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Joann Sawyer at (860) 828-7767. Women’s club - The Suburban Women’s Club of New Britain is scheduled to meet Tuesday, May 12, 6:45 p.m., at Monsignor Bojnowski Manor, 50 Pulaski St., New Britain.





Girls tennis - BHS at Platt, 3:45 p.m. Boys lacrosse - BHS vs. Monday, May 11 Rockville, 6 p.m. Boys golf - BHS at PlainBaseball - BHS at Bristol ville, 3 p.m. Eastern, 3:45 p.m. Softball - BHS vs. Bristol Eastern, 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 12 Boys tennis - BHS vs. Platt, 3:45 p.m. Boy Scouts - Boy Scouts Troop 256, chartered by the From Page 5

Sunrise Rotary Club - The Sunrise Rotary Club of Kensington-Berlin is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. For more information, call Gwen Valencis at (860) 229-3787, ext. 139 or visit www.kensingtonrotary. org. TOPS - TOPS, Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, a non-profit, weight loss organization, is scheduled to meet 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, call Teresa Rook at (860) 635-7020. Relay for Life - Relay for Life has scheduled T-shirt night and captain’s meeting for Tuesday, May 12, 6:30 p.m., at the Community Center. All teams captains must attend to receive rules and schedule of events. Track - BHS vs. Maloney, 3:45 p.m. See Calendar / Page 7


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Happy Mother’s Day



The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015



Thursday, May 14

Boys golf - BHS vs. Softball - BHS vs. Hale G l a s t o n b u r y, N o r t h w e s t Ray, 7 p.m. Catholic, Wethersfield Avon Boys tennis - BHS vs. E.O. Tournament, 3 p.m. Smith, 3:45 p.m. Girls golf - BHS at Hall, Wethersfield, 3 p.m.

Track - BHS vs. Morgan, Friday, May 15 3:45 p.m. Girls tennis BHS vs. MaloVFW - The VFW Post Baseball - BHS vs. Bulke10732 is scheduled for meet ney, 3:45 p.m. ley, 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, 6:30 p.m., at the post hall on Massirio Drive. Information regarding the parade and exercises will be discussed. All members are urged to attend. Hubbard PTO - The Hubbard Elementary School PTO is scheduled to meet Wednesday, May 13, 6:30 p.m., in the school cafeteria. Flowering plants, Executive board nominations for the 2015-16 school year cut flowers or will be accepted. Parents and guardians of Hubbard arrangements are students are encouraged to attend. the perfect gift. Baseball - BHS at Platt, 3:45 p.m. Local and out of Softball - BHS vs. Platt, 3:45 p.m. town delivery! Boys tennis - BHS at Bulkeley/HMTCA Coop, 4 p.m. Chamberlain Hwy. at Corbin Ave. Girls tennis - BHS at 87 High Road, Kensington, CT We Deliver Bulkeley/HMTCA Coop, 4 Phone 223-5492 p.m. 87 High Road Chamberlain Hwy. at Corbin Ave. Boys lacrosse - BHS at St. Kensington, We Deliver CT87 High Road, Kensington, CT Bernard-Wheeler, 4 p.m.

Boys lacrosse - BHS vs. Montville, 6 p.m. Girls lacrosse - BHS at Northwest Catholic, 3:45 p.m.


Wednesday, May 13


Boys golf - BHS at Platt, 3 p.m. Girls golf - BHS vs. Choate Girls lacrosse - BHS at Rosemary Hall, 3 p.m. Windsor, 4 p.m. Girls golf - BHS vs. Newington, 3 p.m. From Page 6

FRI 5/8 3–6 SAT 5/9 & 5/16 9 - 3 SUN 5/10 & 5/17 10 - 12

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A8 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |



Religion Briefs Berlin Congregational

cation Bible Camp, for ages 4 through grade 5 is scheduled for Monday, June 29 to Tuesday, July 2, 9 a.m. to noon. Afternoon sessions, for grade one through grade eight, is scheduled for noon to 3 p.m. Registration forms are available at For more information, call (860) 8283637 or email Bethany Covenant Church Worship - 8:30 and 11 a.m. “Life Together” classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m.

Spring tag sale - Saturday, May 16, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Space is available for a fee. Provide your own table. Applications are available at the church. If raining, the tag sale moves inside. For more information, call (860) 828-6586. Concert - The Berlin Congregational Church, 878 Worthington Ridge, has scheduled Hyssongs Gospel Trio Concert for Sunday, May 17, 2 p.m. The public is welcome. A free-will offering will be accepted. For Kensington more information, call (860) Congregational 828-6586. Chelsea is a lovely, gray tabby. She is under a year and was found just days before Kensington Congrega50’s Drive-In - The Berlin having four kittens. She is spunky, loves to play and has a strong personality; very Congregational Church has tional Church has scheduled much a kitten herself. Her kittens have gone home so it’s now Chelsea’s turn to find scheduled it’s 50’s Drive-In its annual springs concert a home. In the meantime, she is also nurturing little Isabella who was separated from for Saturday, June 20, 4:30 “Music for our Moms” for her mother. Isabella will be eight weeks just in time to go home for Mother’s Day. p.m., in the church parking Friday, May 8, 7 p.m. For View the adoptable pets and find an online application at For more lot. Members of the Chris- more information, visit information, call (860) 828-5287 or email tian education department, Parent/Child Playgroup outfitted in 50’s dress, will serve food directly to the Tuesdays, 9:30 to 11:15 a.m., car. The public is welcome. on a drop-in basis, in the A fee is charged for food. Reeves Educational Center, For more information, call 185 Sheldon St. Playgroup is open to all who care for (860) 828-6586. Tot time - Thursdays, 10 children, from infants to to 11:30 a.m. Free program preschoolers. “We look forward to seeing includes play, crafts, snacks. and Juliet” that features modBy Charles Kreutzkamp Bible study - Wednesdays, The Berlin Citizen ern language, “great sword you at our show to support Drop-in. For more informa- 11 a.m., in the church parlor. fighting,” and even an al- our seniors in one of their last tion, call (860) 828-6586. For more information, call Get ready for a come- leged vampire, director Matt events,” Recore said. (860) 828-4511. The show opens Friday, Bethany Covenant dic and dramatic twist on a Recore said. Festival on the Hill - The Skyler Korn stars as Ro- May 8 at 7 p.m. with addiShakespearean classic: “Rosecond annual Festival on meo, you idiot” is coming to meo, and Daniella Sznaj as tional performances Saturday, Bethany Covenant Church the Hill is scheduled for May 9 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Early Bird Summer Camp Saturday, June 13, 11 a.m. to 6 McGee Middle School. Thirty Juliet. Also highlighted is this May 10 at 2 p.m. All shows are is accepting registration one Berlin High School seniors are performing as cast year’s Gypsy Robe recipient at the McGee Middle School through Monday, June 1. VaSee Religion / Page 9 members with the help of Kate Frederick (playing Ben- auditorium. A fee is charged, more than a dozen stage crew volio). The award recognized but on May 10 all mothers and students of all grades. This the performer who most im- grandmothers will receive Religion Puzzle play, by Tim Kochenderfer, proves their skills during half-off admission to commemorate Mother’s Day. is an adaptation of “Romeo rehearsals.

BHS seniors stage swashbuckling Shakespeare satire this weekend

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Scripture Bits

ZLKJZ NC ZMB WYLR DNZM FWW EYKL M B F L Z; R Y C Y Z R B X B C R Y C E Y K L Y D C K C R B L J Z F C R N C S. --- X L Y G B L H J 3:5 Clue: C = N Answer on Page 9

The Berlin Citizen |


Thursday, May 7, 2015



Michael Horbal

Religion From Page 8

hot dog at Eddie’s. He was famous for that cantankerous conversation with his friend Ralph Simeone about past infrastructure projects, politics and World War II. An avid Boston Red Sox fan, he was always willing to take on the other side. His green thumb consumed countless hours in his green house and gardens along with that very special blueberry patch. Michael will be fondly missed by all who knew him, especially his wife of 62 years, Gloria (Cavagna) Horbal, of Kensington; his daughter and son-in-law, Linda and David Miga, of Kensington; his son and daughter-in-law, James and Bonnie Horbal, of Berlin; his grandchildren, Ashley Miga and her fiancé, Kevin Aust, of Newington, Brian Miga, of Kensington, Gregory Horbal, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Bethany Horbal, of Farmington. Michael was predeceased by his sisters, Mary Glowacki and Anna Grabowski; and his brothers, Peter Horbal, Jr., John Horbal Z L K J Z and NC ZMB WYLR DNZM FWW EYKL George Horbal. Funeral services were held on Saturday, M B FMay L Z; 2,R Y C Y Z R B X B C R Y C E Y K L Y D C at Porters Funeral Home, 111 Chamberlain Highway, Kensington and K C at R B LHoly J Z F C R N C S. --- X L Y G B L H J 3:5 Trinity Orthodox Church, 305 Washington St., New Britain. Burial with military honors took place in the Holy Trinity Orthodox CemObituary fee etery, New Britain.

Scripture Bits

In 2013, led by St. Paul School second grade teacher Rachel Niland, through the organization “Call to Care Uganda,” the faculty and students adopted the Shalom School, an elementary and preschool in Soroti, Uganda. St. Paul students learned the village did not have water. For two years, St. Paul students, with donations from Berlin and Guilford Rotary Clubs, and the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department, worked to raise $8,000 to pay for the drilling and new water pump in Soroti (left). The drilling was completed recently and clean water was pumped in the village for the first time.

The Berlin Citizen charges $50 for an 8-inch obituary, and $5 for each additional inch. To place an obituary, call (203) 317-2240.

Saturdays, 4 p.m., and SunReligion Puzzle p.m., on the church grounds. days, at 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. and 5 Answer The event features lobster p.m. at 48 Cottage St., East rolls, strawberry shortcake, Berlin, (860) 828-0154. live music, a variety of artiScripture Bits Solution princeofpeace06037. san vendors and family en- Prince of Peace tertainment. Rain or shine. Church Trust in the Lord with all Visit www.kensingtonYour heart; do not depend Sunday service is uled for 10:15 a.m. 1103 on your own understanding. Sacred Heart Church Chamberlain Hwy. Call --- Proverbs 3:5 (860) 828-5079 or visit Puzzle on Page 8 Services are scheduled for

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BERLIN — Michael Horbal, 89, of Berlin, passed away peacefully, with his family by his side on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, at Hartf o rd Hospital after a short illness. Born on Aug. 20, 1925, in Berlin, along with his twin sister Anna, he was the son of the late Peter and Anna Horbal. Michael was a U.S. Navy Veteran serving our country during World War II, sailing aboard the cruiser USS Wilkes-Barre through the Pacific. He was part of many battles and Kamikaze strikes. Michael proudly spoke of sailing into Tokyo Bay for the Japanese surrender to end World War II. Michael, along with his brothers John and George founded and operated Horbal Brothers Construction, Road Building/Utility Contractors serving the Central CT area for over 50 years. He was a past president and sat on the Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Berlin, participating in numerous fund raising events to benefit the children of Berlin. Mike had a very active retirement, playing cards with his friends at McDonald’s in the morning and later meeting others for a

A10 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Opinion Local students lend a hand to Habitat By Jennifer Wilkosz “A Hand up, Not a Hand Out” is the motto of Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization with which the Berlin High School Chapter of Habitat for Humanity worked this April vacation. On April 11, 18 students and three chaperones from Berlin High School embarked on the trip to Maryville, Tennessee to join the Blount County, Tennessee Habitat

for Humanity. Students and teachers spent the week working on four different houses, two in Maryville and two in Alcoa. They also volunteered their time to working in the Restore as well as serving at local Welcome Dinners. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that works to give hardworking individuals who would normally have a hard time getting a home loan, a house

at a far lesser cost. Eighteen, 16- to 18-year-old students worked on various aspects of the houses including siding, roofing, installing windows, building decks and trusses. Students worked with volunteers who were mostly retired construction workers and engineers that taught students invaluable skills necessary to accomplish these building tasks. One volunteer explained to the students at the end

of the week that, Habitat for Humanity is “not only about building homes, but mostly about building relationships.” A BHS senior, Mackenzie O’Connor, echoed these sentiments when reflecting on the trip, saying that “Bonding with the students we went with and with the people that we worked with was the best part of the trip.” Berlin High School volunteers also participated

in Welcome Table dinners which are open to the community and provide dinners to anyone in need. Students were given the opportunity to help with the dinner, which fed over 326 people April 14. The group was so impressed with the students’ dedication that they invited the group to the Welcome Dinner again on April 16 where students were given

Here we go again

million dollar high school. Couple that with a possible new police building. When and where will it stop? Last but not least, when will Berlin fix our dangerously deteriorating roads? Hopefully before an accident resulting in a law suit to the town. Police Commission: take notice. Richard A. Rampone Former Berlin Town Councilor

See Habitat / Page 11

Letters to the Editor Do something kind To the editor: Today, both of my kids attending the same school each came home with a notice that the Student Council is hoping to raise $150 to purchase a banner to announce that Willard school students are kind. Maybe I missed something, but can’t $150 more wisely and actively be used in doing something over just saying something, thus proving that Willard kids are kind? And wasn’t it a bit wasteful for both kids to come home with this full page notice? Why not guide the kids

to think globally and raise money for Americares to aid the victims of the earthquake in Nepal, or think locally and put the cash towards needed school supplies in the light of the potential school budget cuts? Why not put the money to defray the cost of lunches and field trips, or musical instrument rental fees for students of struggling families? At the very least, save it for the next incoming class so that they can do away with one of those awful $9-a-roll wrapping paper fundraisers that hit at the start of every school year. I know this was proposed by the Student Council, but

even my 5-year-old thought wasting $150 on a sign saying something about the kindness of Willard students, over doing something kind, was just silly. Suzanne Helm Berlin

Lower mill rate needed To the editor: Why does the town of Berlin continuously raise the mill rate rather than lower it so as to attract more citizens and much-needed businesses? I feel as if the town wants the taxpayers to leave. Jay Ritter Berlin

Multimedia Sales Manager – Jim Mizener Advertising Sales – Lauren Villecco Press Releases – Marsha Pomponio P.O. Box 915 Meriden, CT 06450 News Editor – Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence News Reporter – Charles Kreutzkamp Sports Reporter – Nate Brown Executive Vice President and Assistant Publisher – Liz White Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer – Shawn E. Palmer Senior Vice President and Editor – Ralph Tomaselli

CONTACT US Advertising:

(203) 317-2303 Fax (203) 235-4048 News and Sports: (203) 317-2256 Fax (203) 639-0210 Marketplace: (203) 238-1953 Published every Thursday by the RecordJournal Publishing Co. Delivered by mail to all of the homes and businesses in the two ZIP codes serving Berlin – 06037 and 06023.

To the editor: Well, here we go again. Another referendum and another loss to the Democrats. I know their little budget committee probably did put in some time to form their latest fiasco, but, again, the voters showed them it could not, should not work. For those that didn’t see The Citizen showing the results, here they are: Budget too high, 920. Budget too low, 356. Those against the proposed budget, 912. Those for, 601. The sorry thing is a small percentage of voters came out. Now, what does it mean to our Democrat-controlled council? As in the past, probably nothing. They will still do whatever they want, as in the past. An yet, we continue to put the same people in charge of our town. All of this and we have not yet gotten the new tax bill for the

We’re in good hands To the editor: There are precious few things in life that can truly frighten a homeowner more than that of the potential destruction of home and property by fire. As a former New Yorker who had to rely on the expertise of firefighters who made their living See Letters / Page 11

Letters Policy The Berlin Citizen will only accept and publish letters that are 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit letters or to not publish a letter. Letters should contain contact information, including,

full name, address and phone number. Only your name and town will be published. Send letters to news@ or The Berlin Citizen, P.O. Box 915, Meriden, CT 06450.

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Habitat From Page 10

The Hospital of Central Connecticut & the Arthritis Foundation present:

and dinners throughout the week. Megan Leavenworth, president of the BHS Habitat for Humanity Chapter, mentioned “Meeting everyone from the churches was great because they showed their gratitude for the work we were doing.� All of the volunteers from Berlin High School walked away with new friends from various groups in the community of Blount County. Kamila Zielinksi, a senior at Berlin High School, sums

up the experience, saying that “It was great that we were able to help Maryville, Tennessee when we are all the way from Berlin, Connecticut.� Students and chaperones alike walked away from this amazing experience with new friends, new skills and new outlooks on life. Mackenzie O’Connor stated that an experience of this magnitude, “changes you.� The writer teaches at Berlin High School.

pertly assessed the burned area to ensure no flare-ups would occur. Many planted trees were destroyed, damaged and considerably weakened trees had to be felled, further ruining that wooded area of our property. For more than three hours, fire fighters adeptly labored at their craft to ensure that the area was fully safeguarded. Never, ever again will I doubt the capabilities of our highly-skilled and exceedingly-committed local fire fighters. The scorched area

remains the first thing I see when I leave and return home each day. While this was an incident that could have been totally avoided had Berlin’s (and the state’s) burning regulations been followed, I am confident, without question, that the engine companies managing the blaze that day could not be bested by any full time fire department. They are exemplary! Nancy M. DePalma Kensington

Letters From Page 10

from this noble profession, I must admit that the thought of a volunteer fire department made me a bit skittish when we decided to build our home in Berlin in 1995. Any fears or doubts that I may have held were immediately dispelled on Thursday, April 16. When heading home that day, I rounded the turn on Southington Road, and saw the sky filled with heavy smoke. “Dear God, please don’t let this be our house� rushed into my head. As I turned up our driveway, sure enough, the smoke thickened and a brush fire was encroaching upon the eastern perimeter of our property. By the time I ran into the house to dial 911 and returned outside, not more than a minute or two had passed. It was bone chilling to see how quickly the fire had flared up, increased in coverage, and was spreading toward our home. Within minutes, fire trucks were in our driveway and numerous firefighters were dousing the ever-expanding fire. Once the fire was contained, they ex-


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More than a dozen local students volunteered in Tennessee.



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more responsibility and actually took orders and served dinner to 250 patrons. Upon reflection, Nicole Veronesi, a junior at Berlin High School, mentioned that participating in the builds and Welcome Table “makes you appreciate what you have and the company of other people.� The 18 students and three adults also experienced their own version of assistance. Local church members and community members came together to provide the 21 volunteers a place to sleep and various meals. The New Providence Presbyterian Church of Maryville housed all 21 volunteers for six nights. Members of the church and other community members were gracious enough to provide lunches

A12 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |


engagements | weddings | anniversaries | births

Senior News Healthy Habits class

class features practical tips on healthy eating, physiThe Senior Center has cal activity and information scheduled a healthy habits regarding obesity and the class, for adults 50 and over, chronic illnesses linked to for Friday, May 8, 15 and 22, being overweight. For more information and 1 to 3 p.m. The interactive

to sign up, call Tina at (860) 828-7006.


The Berlin AARP Board of Directors is scheduled to meet Monday, May 11, 10 a.m., at the Senior Center. The annual banquet is scheduled for the May Chapter meeting, Tuesday, May 19, at noon, at San Souci Restaurant. Registration, with payment, is due to Barbara Dixon, (860) 8286295, by Thursday, May 14.

Safe driver class

The AARP Safe Driver class, for drivers 60 and over, is scheduled for Thursday, May 21, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Community Center. The class provides a certificate that entitles a discount on car insurance premium. Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, call Barbara Dixon at (860) 828-6295.

Griffo-Antunes Frank and Barbara Griffo, of Berlin, are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Victoria Griffo, to Michael Antunes, son of Jose and Maria Antunes, of Waterbury. The brideto-be is a graduate of Berlin High School. She is an occupational therapist at the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain. Her fiance’ is a graduate of Steven Holy Cross High School. He is a physical therapist at the Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Center in Watertown. A December 2015 wedding is planned.


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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Health Health Briefs Road to Recovery The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program is currently in need, statewide, for drivers. The program offers transportation to and from treatment for people who have cancer and need a ride. Volunteers offer encouragement and support to the patients. Call 1-800-227-2345.

Hospital volunteer opportunities To volunteer for the Hospital of Central Connecticut, call Volunteer Services at (860) 224-5231 or complete an online application at

The Central Connecticut Health District is offering a program called “Putting on AIRS” to give free assistance to asthma sufferers. Available to residents of Berlin, Newington, Rocky Hill and Wethersfield, an asthma educator will conduct a home visit at no cost. The expert reviews the medical provider’s asthma plan and medications with the client and provides education to help the client understand how to better

The Central Connecticut Health District is offering free dental cleanings. This service is only available to residents over the age of 65 who live in Berlin, Newington, Rocky Hill and Wethersfield. The clinics will be held May 14 and 15, 8:45 a.m. to

manage their asthma. An environmental specialist will walk through the home to help identify causes of asthma and will show the client how to minimize the asthma triggers in the home. A confidential report will be developed as part of the child or adult’s medical record to help control asthma. To refer a diagnosed asthma patient to this program, contact Betty Murphy at (860) 665-8571.

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A14 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |


Youngsters learn golf, life skills By Nate Brown The Berlin Citizen

During the recent public school’s April vacation, Timberlin Golf Course held a Junior Clinic for the youth of Berlin. Twenty-five junior golfers attended the event held April 20 through April 23. “It was a wonderful week of junior golf at Timberlin. The weather was beautiful and the kids had a great time,” said Marc Bayram, PGA head golf professional at Timberlin. “It was a very educational week for the youngsters as they not only learned golf skills, but also life skills learned through golf.” Bayram and the staff at Timberlin implemented a new Be BERLIN Proud program for the clinic that incorporated life skills, such as honesty and integrity. “Every letter in the word ‘BERLIN’

represents an important life skill to learn. It is important to teach our youth that golf is a game and must be played by the rules. Many important life skills can be learned through golf that teach youngsters how to be good citizens and be proud of the community they live in,” Bayram said. Be BERLIN Proud will be continued throughout the course’s summer clinics and the foreseeable future. “With the new program in place, parents were very happy with what their children were learning and, in my opinion, it was the best week of clinics I have experienced in five years (at Timberlin),” Bayram said. “Not too long ago, I was a junior golfer and was fortunate to have the oppor| Marc Bayram / Submitted tunity to learn the game through the A recent Junior Clinic at Timberlin drew a crowd. PGA professionals at Stanley Golf Course. I know how fortunate I was to juniors of Timberlin have that same Programs offered by Timberlin, as well have the mentors I did and I do every- opportunity.” as the new PGA Junior League team, thing in my power to make sure the For more info on the Summer Junior visit

Tralli to play for Assumption



Northwest Catholic baseball player Hunter Tralli, a senior, formalized his commitment to compete at Assumption College during a special ceremony April 28. Tralli, of Kensington, has been a member of the Northwest Catholic baseball team since his freshman year. He was named All-Academic his sophomore and junior years and all-conference in his junior year. He was named captain this season. In 52 varsity games, Tralli has a career batting average of .311 with two home runs, 31 RBI, 31 runs scored and nine doubles. In addition to baseball, Tralli played basketball during his freshman and sophomore years. Tralli is the son of Christopher and Kellie Tralli.


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Northwest Catholic’s Hunter Tralli recently signed a letter of intent to continue his baseball career at Assumption College, a NCAA Division II program. The senior is pictured with Northwest Catholic coach Cory Carlson. | Kellie Tralli / Submitted

The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Wine and beer tasting returns May 9 Toast to the health of the Berlin Lions Charities this Saturday, May 9 when the annual wine and beer tasting comes to the Berlin fairgrounds. Last year’s event drew more than 1,000 attendees despite a torrential rainstorm that resulted in a statewide flood watch. “This event has become one of the largest and most

attended events of its kind in the state,” according to Lions president Ron Bosco. The tasting will showcase some 60 wines, including vintages from local wineries. Dozens of beers will be available as well, “from select seasonals to specialty micro-brews, plus selected spirits for your sampling pleasure.” MASS-CONN-FUSION, a Motown, R&B and jazz group, will play at the event. Lion Bob Polman worked

with the group before and thought they would make a good fit. The band’s diverse offerings are sure to appeal to the broad audience at the event, Bosco said. Last year, vendors came from as far as San Diego, California. Attendees of last year’s tasting said they look forward to the event each spring. Doors open at 6:30 p.m, and pouring begins at 7 p.m. and continues until 10 p.m. Tickets are available at the door,

School board appoints new members The Berlin Board of Education recently appointed Matthew Tencza and Kari Sassu to fill the two vacancies created by the resignations of Stefanie Carbone and George Perduta. Both Tencza and Sassu will serve until the November election, when their seats will be up for election.

Tencza, a regional sales director for the Compass Group, is currently the vice-president of the BHS Athletics Boosters Association. Sassu is an assistant professor of school psychology at Southern Connecticut State University. Prior to serving as a college professor, she worked as a school

psychologist at E.O. Smith High School. Because of the resignations of the two board members, in November there will be five seats up for election. There will be three three-year positions, as well as a two-year and one-year position. — Press Release

with discounted tickets available in advance at Berlin Spirits, 118 Main St., or from any Berlin Lion. All proceeds sup-

port The Berlin Lions Charities, a 501(c)3 non-profit. For more information, call Bosco at (860) 306-0244.

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A16 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Graphic novels could be the cure for reluctant readers By Jennifer Needham Imagine a book whose colors, textures and images draw even the most reluctant reader into the story, into a reading experience unlike any other. This is the graphic novel, a hugely popular but often misunderstood type of book. A graphic novel is, by definition, a full-length story told in paneled, sequential, graphic format, different from comic strips and wordless picture books. Graphic novels are engaging, inviting and suitable for all kinds of readers. They are particularly brilliant for “reluctant readers” and children just learning to read. Because of their short bursts of text and vivid, detailed images, they help children decode and comprehend text. For

children who struggle to visualize a story, the artwork helps them create context. They reinforce left-to-right sequence, and build confidence in new readers. In fact, graphic novels give the brain more of a workout per sentence than any other type of media. As a reader gets drawn into the book they navigate panels, captions and word balloons at the same time as they are interpreting setting, characters, plot and action. The reader’s brain works to detect the nuances in the graphics as well as comprehend the story. They are particularly engaging for visual learners, although they are accessible to all types of learners. As a librarian, I see children asking for graphic novels on a daily basis. We

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have one young patron who must have read Raina Telgemeier’s Smile and Sisters (coming-of-age stories about family and friendship) at least 100 times each. Another patron asks to put the next title in the Amulet series by Kazu Kibuishi on hold for him at least six months before the book is published because he just can’t wait! The kind of excitement these books kindle in kids is powerful, especially when you consider recent research by Scholastic Corp. that suggests that children who have time to read books of their own choosing are also more likely to read frequently for pleasure. Kids who like to read tend to become better readers! If you’ve never considered checking out one of our graphic novel titles, I encourage you and your child(ren) to explore the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Children’s Department’s graphic novel section

Not sure where to start? The following titles are some staff favorites: Grades K-2 • Benny and Penny in the Big No-No!: a Toon Book by Geoffrey Hayes • Binky series by Ashley Spires • Guinea Pig, Pet Shop Private Eye series by Colleen Venable; illus. by Stephanie Yue • Little Mouse Gets Ready by Jeff Smith • Mr. Pants: It’s Go Time! by Scott McCormick; illus. by R.H. Lazzell • Owly series by Andy Runton Grades 3-5 • Amulet series by Kazu Kibuishi • Babymouse series by Jennifer and Matthew Holm • Bird and Squirrel: On the Run by James Burks • Cleopatra in Space: Target Practice by Mike Maihack • El Deafo by Cece Bell • Lunch Lady series by Jarrett J. Krosoczka • Magic Pickle series by Scott Morse together. There are outstanding titles in a variety of genres such as fantasy, science fiction, humor and even non-fiction.

The writer is Head of Children’s & Teen Services at Berlin-Peck Memorial Library.

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The Berlin Citizen |

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Berlin Lunchbox and Drain Doctor honored

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See Awards / Page 24


Berlin recognized two small businesses of the year for 2015, a relative newcomer and a veteran of more than 30 years. The awards were presented April 29 at The Baltic Restaurant. The Berlin Lunchbox opened in January 2014, and the other small business of the year, Drain Doctor, has been family owned since 1972. Ramon Rios and Jamie Lovejoy started talking about opening a restaurant together when they first started seeing each other some five years ago while attending culinary school at Johnson & Wales University. “He cooked for me once and I never let him go,” Lovejoy said. Specializing in baking and pastry, Lovejoy takes command over the sweet side of the business, including the front of the house, where she is known for friendly chatter with patrons. “Anyone that knows me knows I can talk for days,” Lovejoy said. Rios manages the savory side with signature dishes such as the taters: mashed potatoes breaded and deep fried with Gouda cheese and caramelized onions, a blue cheese burger topped with a sunny-side up egg, and unique specials such as pork shoulder served with plan-

tain chips and basil balsamic chicken. Patrons often finish their meal with Lovejoy’s succulent cupcakes, including unique flavors like red velvet, French toast, and the Nutella bombs. Rios said he felt “honored,” to receive the award. It was “so exciting,” for Lovejoy. “This means the world to us.” It was especially gratify- Above left: Economic Development Director Chris Edge presents an award to Drain ing for Lovejoy, who had just Doctor president Gary “Doc” Schmidt. Right: Ramon Rios, left, and Jamie Lovejoy receive the award from Economic Development Director Chris Edge.


By Charles Kreutzkamp

The Berlin Citizen

CT #625909

103 Hotchkiss Street, Berlin, CT | 860-828-4339

A18 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |

Office (860) 828-7877 Fax (860) 828-5797 Cell (860) 883-7091 E-mail:


“Trust the Experts”


951 Farmington Ave., Berlin, CT 06037

Derek Jutras Broker/Owner

KENSINGTON - Move in ready ranch style condo at much desired Kensington Woods. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Vaulted ceiling with skylight, freshly painted throughout. Central air. End of cul-de-sac for extra parking. $164,000 Angie Santoro 214-6384

BERLIN - Beautiful 4 bdrm 2.5 bath Colonial. Great location on a cul-de-sac. Updated Kitchen w/granite cntrs & tile floor. C/A. Open floor plan w/2 fireplaces. Large 1 acre level yard. $349,900 Dennis Phaneuf 944-0282


THANK YOU for choosing us #1 “Best Home Improvement Contractor”

Twenty percent of poll par- ipants who did not vote, 50 ticipants did not vote in the percent wanted education referendum. “I remembered funding to increase and 25 I forgot to vote at 8:15,” one commented. Of the particSee Budget Poll / Page 24


education has the best return on investment for the money. One responder who voted for budget decreases across the board wanted to see school board members affiliated with political parties. Fifty-four percent supported decreasing education funding, and 27 percent supported an increase. Of these, 20 percent supported a large increase, and 41.2 percent a large decrease. One responder suggested diverting library funding to education. Apart from education, the

ciation, more than 50 percent favored keeping funding the same. “It’s not about the dollars spent but how carefully and wisely they’re spent,” said one. “Local taxes are becoming a significant burden for seniors,” offered another. Although the poll did not require any identifying information to participate, The Citizen found only one suspected attempt at ballot stuffing. The poll may not be representative of the town as a whole, but it does contain the opinions of some Citizen readers, and, overall, results were consistent with the referendum results.


From Page 2

largest divide was found over funding for finance and economic development, with 46 percent supporting the budget as-is, 35 percent supporting a decrease, and 19 percent supporting an increase. “It’s time for layoffs” if salaries can’t be reduced, offered one participant. Another said “our roads are in dire need of repair,” suggesting that some of the money spent on education should be redirected to infrastructure and public works. When it comes to public works, police and public safety, libraries, parks and recreation, the fire departments, community services, and the Visiting Nurse Asso-


Budget Poll

BERLIN - Fabulous CORNER Location. Professional Offices/Retail/Etc. 1st floor (Presently Hair Salon) 2nd floor, residential apartment. Fantastic traffic count. Unlimited Possibilities. $259,900 Dennis Phaneuf 944-0282

BERLIN - RENTAL..Professional office suites. space available to suit any need. 500ft. to several thousand? Heat included. Great parking. Private Entry. Ready for immediate Occupancy**Also,warehouse space, and loading dock. Derek Jutras 883-7091 or Dennis Phaneuf 944-0282

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The Berlin Citizen |



LEGAL NOTICE Annual Meeting of the Kensington Fire District The legal voters and members of the Kensington Fire District are hereby warned and notified that the Annual Meeting of the Kensington Fire District will be held in the Berlin Town Hall, Council Chambers, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT on Thursday, May 21, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. for the following purposes: 1. To act on the reports of the officers and the committee for the past year. 2. The adoption of the Budget for the ensuing fiscal year. 3. The laying of the Annual Tax upon the Grand List of the District. 4. The fixing of water and sewer rates for the ensuing fiscal year. 5. To authorize the Committee to borrow a sum of money not to exceed Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars for emergency purposes. 6. The election of one (1) Committee Member for a term of three (3) years. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut, this 30th day of April, 2015. s/Joseph Pagliaruli Joseph Pagliaruli, Chairman 16796 CHRYSLER LEBARON ’94 – Conv. Needs top, new tires, runs well, emissions, ’09 TOYOTOA VENZA – passed $800. (860) 919-3071. AWD – Exc. cond., well equipped, $17,500 o.b.o. (860) 621-5146. FORD TAURUS, ’03 – Trans. 100Kmi. Recent 1982 CHRYSLER CONstarter, battery, tires. VERTIBLE - new top, $1,395.(203) 235-2250. new tires, 72,000K, ready to go, $3,500. Call 860-637-8066.



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Public / Legal Notices


Public / Legal Notices


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2010 Honda Accord EX Mdl, 4 Dr, new tires, new brakes, 1 Owner. 60K Mi. Asking $14K 203-269-0337



CONNECTICUT LEGAL NOTICE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT HAMPDEN, SS. CASE NO. 14 MISC 485051 (GHP) John D. Mitchell and Maureen E. Mitchell VS. Richard F. Scheyd, individually and doing business as Scheyd Estates, et al TO: Scheyd Estates, now or formerly having an usual place of business in Holland, Hampden County and said Commonwealth, Donald LeQuire, deceased, formerly of North Haven in the state of Connecticut, any former stockholders, officers, creditors and any other persons claiming any interest in PNC Mortgage Corp. Of America formerly known as Sears Mortgage Corporation, also known as Washington Mutual Home Loans, Inc., an Ohio corporation, formerly located in Vernon Hills in the state of Illinois or their heirs, devisees, legal representatives, successors or assigns You are hereby notified that a complaint has been filed by the above named plaintiffs in which you are named as an interested party. This complaint concerns a certain parcel of land in Holland, Hampden County, and said Commonwealth being known as and numbered 32-33 Barry Drive, plaintiff seeks judgment that reforms, nunc pro tunc, the foreclosure deed from PNC Mortgage Corp. of America formerly known as Sears Mortgage Corporation to Scheyd Estates dated June 18, 1997 and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 9921, Page 119 to identify the grantee as "Richard F. Scheyd, individually and d/b/a Scheyd Estates" and that the Plaintiffs have title to said parcel free from any interests of the defendants and such other relief as the Court deems just and proper. This complaint may be examined at the Land Court, Boston, Massachusetts, or a copy obtained from plaintiffs’ attorney. If you intend to make any defense, you are hereby required to serve upon the plaintiff’s attorney, Giles L. Krill, Esq., Law Offices of Edward A. Gottlieb whose address is 309 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 02135, an answer to the complaint on or before the eighth day of June, next, the return day, hereof, and a copy thereof must be filed in this court on or before said day. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Unless otherwise provided by Rule 13(a), your answer must state as a counterclaim any claim which you may have against the plaintiffs which arise out of the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the plaintiffs’ claim or you will thereafter be barred from making such claim in any other action. It is ORDERED that notice be given by publishing a copy of this notice once in the Journal Register, a newspaper published in Holland in the County of Hampden and said Commonwealth and by publishing a copy of this notice once in the Berlin Citizen, a newspaper published in Berlin in the State of Connecticut at least thirty days before the eighth day of June. Witness, Judith C. Cutler, Chief Justice, of the Land Court, the seventeenth day of April, 2015. Deborah J. Patterson Recorder A TRUE COPY ATTEST: DEBORAH J. PATTERSON 16695 RECORDER



Public / Legal Notices


Public / Legal Notices




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Thursday, May 7, 2015

A20 Thursday, May 7, 2015 Automobiles Wanted

The Berlin Citizen |

Campers & Trailers




Cash for any vehicle, 1986 SUNLIGHT CAMPrunning or not crashed ER - EXC. CONDIok, I’m not buying for TION, SLEEPS 6. $2,500.00. CALL 860scrap so I can pay 276-9157. more in most cases. 203-600-4431

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Help Wanted

CAREGIVERS WANTED THROUGHOUT CT Immediate Openings P/T or F/T We are actively seeking responsible, mature individuals who enjoy working with the elderly µ COMPETITIVE WAGES µ FLEXIBLE HOURS DESIGN YOUR OWN SCHEDULE µ VEHICLED NEEDED for most positions µ HEALTH/DENTAL/401k BENEFITS Apply online today at www.caregiverjobsct. com or Call 888.844.4442 DCP HCA 0000101

Landscape Construction, Maintenance & Design Firm looking for the following positions: Masons, Horticultural Expert, Lawncare, & Mowers *Pd vacation & holidays* Christensen Landscape www.christensen 203-484-0424

ELECTRIC CENTRAL KITCHEN Distribution MANAGER Superintendent 10 months per year The Town of Wallingford 37 1/2 hours per week Electric Division is The Town of Wallingford seeking a highly Board of Education technical manager with Food Service strong administrative Department is seeking skills to manage the skilled individuals with construction, considerable maintenance, and management experience operation of the utility’s in Food Service. electric transmission Applicants must have 5 and distribution years in a food service systems. The utility or related field. Must serves 23,000 have previous cooking customers in a 50+ and supervisory square mile distrubiton experience which area with a peak included the implemetation of new demand of 130 MW. The position requires a B.S. procedures and degree in electrical techniques. This to have engineering plus 8 years included an of responsible administrative position experience in electric which has included utility distribution, personnel and budget construction responsibilities, maintenance and management, at various operations which must levels and include 4 years of communication with supervisory experience, senior personnel. Must or an equivalent have previous combination of experience using education and computerized POS systems and conducted experience substituting on a year-for-year training of staff. Prefer basis. Salary: $88,179 an individual with a $112,824 plus an University degree in excellent fringe benefit one of the following package. Apply to: areas: Foods and Personnel Department, Nutrition, Business Town of Wallingford, Management, Finance, 45 South Main Street, Hotel and Restaurant Wallingford, CT 06492. Administration, orther Fax #: (203) 294-2084. related degree. Special Closing date will be Requirement: Must June 1, 2015 or the possess sanitation date the 50th certification from an application is received, approved Dept. of whichever occurs first. Education source. Prefer EOE. Servsafe. Hourly Rate of $22.25 plus an Fanuc EDM Operator excellent fringe benefit Programmer package. Apply to: Personnel Department, Town of Wallingford, Well established spring 45 South Main Street, MFG. seeks Full Time Wallingford, CT 06492. EDM Operator ProFax #: (203)294-2084. grammer to join our Closing date will be New Britain, CT facility. May 13, 2015 or the Minimum of 5-8 years date the 50th of experience. Climate application is received, controlled facility, well whichever occurs first. maintained machinery, EOE. competitive wages & an exceptional benefits package including COLLECTOR healthcare, life ins, PT position in busy 401K, Paid Time Off, medical office for Vacation. Send resume collection of past due to: Acme Monaco accounts. Prior Corp. 75 Winchell Rd, collection experience New Britain, CT Attn: required. Fax resume HR Fax: 860-827-9982 to 203-679-8282 acmecorp@acmemona Customer Service Representatives Must be organized, enthusiastic and have experience. F/T & P/T positions avail. Apply MOBILITY CENTER in person at 50 LeonarASSISTANT do Dr., North Haven PT, Easter Seals in Meriden, CT Driving DQ is looking for smil- Instructor certification ing faces to be cashpreferred; experience iers, ice cream makand comfort working ers & cooks, nights & with elderly & disabled; wknds, 5 to close. excellent organizationApply in person only al, communication and at Dairy Queen, 956 customer svc skills; Broad St., Meriden. basic computer skills; clean driving record. Resume and cover Qualified HVAC technician Mechanic with 5 letter to cflament@eswct .com Easter Seals, 22 or more years experiTompkins St., Wtby CT ence with residential 06708. E.O.E. and Commercial service. Must have strong diagnostic skills and WAITSTAFF clean driving record. (1 year exp. working in Benefits include: pizza restaurant) Health Ins, vacation DELIVERY DRIVERS and sick time. Call Apply in person at 860-793-2686 or fax Formaggios, 1244 resume to 860-793Meriden Ave. 4811. Southington.


The Berlin Citizen | Help Wanted

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Help Wanted

Summer Hires AGC, an Aerospace Component Manufacturer and FAA, NADCAP approved Repair Facility is seeking individuals who are interested in a summer maintenance position at our facility in Meriden. The duties will include general factory maintenance such as lawn care, painting, and the disposal of obsolete material, tools and equipment in support of the facilities maintenance department. Interested individuals may submit resumes to: or to AGC Incorporated, 106 Evansville Avenue, Meriden CT. 06451. AGC is an Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity/M/F/D/V

Inspector AGC, an Aerospace Component Manufacturer and FAA, NADCAP approved Repair Facility is seeking an experienced Inspector for our facility in Meriden. The successful candidate will be experienced in first piece, layout and final inspection techniques. These tasks require the ability to read and interpret blueprints, the geometric tolerance of parts, measure dimensions and characteristics using universal and dedicated gage tools and other inspection equipment. Experience using Farol Arm and CMM equipment is a plus. Seven to Ten years of experience and a background in Aerospace in an AS9100 approved facility is preferred. Interested individuals may submit resumes to: or to AGC Incorporated, 106 Evansville Avenue, Meriden CT. 06451. AGC is an Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity/M/F/D/V

Help Wanted PART-TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT - For the First Congregational Church, 111 Church Dr., Cheshire, CT, to work Monday - Friday, 9am-1pm. View job description at eshirecongregational.o rg Apply electronically by sending resume to Caroll Cyr at cedirches EOE PT - Personal Injury Paralegal needed for busy Meriden law office. Fax resume to 203-6340456.

Mulberry Gardens of Southington Assisted Living specializing in Memory Care seeking a Full Time Experienced LPN for 10:30 PM- 7:00 AM Shift. In this leadership role, you must be organized, self directed, & encourage staff to excel. Every other weekend & rotating holidays. Assisted living supervisory experience desirable. Apply in person: Mulberry Gardens of Southington, 58 Mulberry St. Plantsville, CT. We are a Hartford Healthcare Member.

Advertising Sales Representative Rare opportunity to assume a top-level outside sales territory due the retirement of a longterm team member. If you have a strong history of meeting and exceeding monthly sales goals and are savvy with digital media, then we should talk. We are The Record-Journal, Central Connecticut’s leading multimedia company and we are growing & adding to our sales team! A family-owned company, we publish The Record-Journal along with 6 community newspapers and websites that deliver the hyperlocal news that citizens want, as well as the audience that businesses need. Plus, we have partnered with the biggest names in digital and social media to offer our advertisers unmatched reach and targeting capabilities – from the very local to the national scale. The ideal candidate will have 1-2 years of successful experience selling to small businesses along with a solid understanding of digital media and how it impacts today’s business owner. We offer a base salary with unlimited commission potential, paid vacation, full medical benefits and a 401K with company match. To apply, please send resume, cover letter & salary requirements to The Record Journal Publishing Company is an EOE

Assorted Jewelry-$25; Picture Tube TV-$25. DVD Player w/ remote$25. Girls Mountain Bike-$25; 2032696432

Lost and Found

DOG TRAINING CRATE From Petco. 32 L x 19 W x 22 H. New! $40.00 Call 203-235-1154

ADULTS – PART TIME CONTRACT DELIVERY Come join our fast growing team of adult contracteddelivery carriers who earn up to $13,000.00 annually , delivering newspapers for an hour to two in the early morning. It is a great way to subsidize your annual income without interfering with your regular job or quality time at home. We also are looking for those interested in any temporary substitute opportunities in the same areas; Wallingford, Meriden, Southington or Cheshire.

LOST DOG in Wallingford. Tai is a 25 pound, 14 year old Sheltie who went missing from North Main Street Area in Wallingford. Possible sighting near Lyman Hall. May be confused. Please call with any information 203269-7932.

Special Notices

CALL TODAY 203 634-3933

or email us:


We are seeking an experienced Human Resources Manager for our multi-media publishing co. located in Meriden, CT. The candidate is important to our company leadership and will be responsible for identifying organizational, cultural and people initiatives that ensure compliance and enhance business success. Experience in personnel activities including employment, benefits, compensation, payroll, employee relations, managing company policies and procedures, governmental compliance reporting and audits, workers compensation and conflict resolution is a required. Further, a Bachelors Degree is required in Business Administrator or HR Management and 7-10 years experience in Human Resources are a must. Please send resume and cover letter to EOE


Special Notices Do you have obsessivecompulsive disorder? Willing to participate in research? (3626) Pays up to $215. Please call Yale OCD Research Clinic: 203-974-7523

Appliances AFFORDABLE Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoves. Appliance Repairs Will Deliver (203) 284-8986

Furniture & Appliances 2 ASHLEY ROCKERRECLINERS - like new, oversized, stud front, saddle brn., $600 for both. 203-265-1771 Antique 3 piece Maple Wall Unit. $40.00. Call 203-565-7355

Cindy’s Unique Shop CONSIGNMENT 32 North Colony St Wallingford, (203) 269-9341 2flrs-1800sf Consigned Home Decor, furniture, jewelry & handbags. Daily disc. given. $5 off $25 purchase, $10 off $100 purchase. 30 day layaway avail. New merchandise daily. Ample prkg in our lot. MF, 9:30-5, Sat., 10-5, Sun, 11-4 Like us on facebook


FREE Horse Manure Call Mike 203-599-8915 GOLF CLUBS Hard case travel bag. Good condition! Asking $75.00 Call 203-535-5784

FURNITURE - 2 dressers with mirrors and desk. $95.00 Call 203-235-8487 Kitchen Table with 3 Chairs. $40.00. Call 203-565-7355. New Mattress Sets Full-$140; Queen-$150 King-$300 Must Liquidate ASAP Call John 203-388-5398

TWIN SIZE TRUNDLE BED W/ MATTRESS. White. $100 OBO Call 860-778-3336 WOODEN DESK – 60l x 26w x 29.5h, $22.00 obo. For more information, call 203-6349149.

Miscellaneous For Sale 20 INCH HD Philips Flat Screen TV $65.00 Perfect Condition. Call 860-384-1183

PINE VALLEY GENERAL STORE 113 Broad St, Meriden (203) 630-1622 (between Hall & Gale) Wide variety of items in a unique, small familyowned store. Housewares, tools, salt lamps, stuffed animals, jewelry, food & more. Check out our used items too. Like us on Facebook! ONLINE PRICING! Mention this & get 15% off (restrictions apply) We buy used by appt. VIZIO 19” – Flat Screen TV or monitor, HD TV, Dolby sound, exc. cond., $50. Call (203) 443-4070.

Call to place your Marketplace ad any time



Marketplace Advertising Direct Line 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week.

A22 Thursday, May 7, 2015 Music Instruments & Instruction

The Berlin Citizen |


Vintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Music By Roberta Amps, Ham EquipPerform + Instruct ment, HiFi, Radios, Voice lessons - all ages CB, Guitars, Audio +levels,piano beginnerEquipment, Antiques. interm. (203) 630-9295. 860-707-9350


Sporting Goods & Health

Wood / Fuel & Heating Equip

Tree Length Firewood Call for Details 203-238-2149 Pets For Sale

ALWAYS Buying Costume jewelry, antiques, >ATTN PET OWNERS ? instruments. 18 S. OrPISTOL PERMIT Or chard St. Wlfd. 2 0 3 - Pet sitting & pet walking while you are at work Long Gun Certificate 631-6697 203-213-5222. or on vacation in your Required for Conhome! 203-427-7828 necticut Residents. 1 Class, Small Groups ALWAYS Buying old $110. 203 415-1144 tools. Wanted old, used and antique hand Swimming Pools tools, machinist, & Spas woodworking, engraving and work bench Pool Sand Filter, tools. Please call with 335/BTU heater, Hayconfidence. Fair offers ward pump, hoses, made in your home. vac/skim, etc. (860) Cory 860-322-4367 349-3703 B/O

MERIDEN - 1BR MERIDEN- Broad St. WALLINGFORD - 24x56 $800 mo. HEAT, HOT ft mobile home, 3 BR, 2nd Flr studio. WATER & ELECTRIC $500/mo. 2 mo. sec & 2 BA in Senior Park, INCL. Private Balcony. move in ready, Call app fee. MAIER PROP 203-639-4868. owner. 203-294-1299. MGMT 203-235-1000 MERIDEN- 1 BR apt., WALLINGFORD - 2 fl., 3 Rooms For Rent 1st flr, $750 mo. + & 4 BR, off-st. prkg., utils. 1st, last, 1 mo W/D hookups, no util., sec. No Pets. no pets, central loc., MER-Clean Safe Rms. 860-663-1229 good credit only, Incl H, HW, Elec, Kit 203-376-8418 Priv. E side. off-st prkg MERIDEN- 1 BR, Lrg $130/wk.+ sec. 12 pmrms. Heat, Hot Water, WALLINGFORD Studio 8pm, 203-630-3823. & Electric incl., Off St. & 1 BR, Judd Sq., Prkg, No smkg/pets. central air, no pets. Stores & Offices $800mo. 203.444.5722 $600.00 to $775.00. for Rent Call 203-265-3718 MERIDEN- 1 BR, Stove & fridge, H & HW Incld. 950 Sq. Ft Flex Space Lease, Sec & Refs. Available Durham, CT Garage and Storage Space 203.239.7657 or 1 Level , Ample Parking 203.314.7300 (860) 349-1121 ext 203 WLFD- Storage space or (203) 751-1977 MERIDEN - 2 BR, 2nd 1200 sq ft for rent, 14 fl., quiet area, stove, ft doors. Property Vacation & refrig., elec. heat, fenced & secure. Great Seasonal Rental $845. + sec. price. 203-272-4216 Call 203-506-1655. WESTBROOK,CT- 3 BR Mobile Homes direct waterfront cotMERIDEN- 2 BR, 3rd Flr, For Sale tage on private beach. Randolph Ave, $655 Avail: July & August mo + 2 mo. sec.& appl. M E R I D E N / W L F D 2015. Call 8608332866 fee req. Maier Prop BRAND NEW DEMgmt 203-235-1000 LUXE DOUBLE WIDE

Bulldog Puppies $650+, Boston Pugs $550, BenANTIQUES - Always gal Kittens 350+, Shots, buying old; Toys, miliwormed, vet check. tary, jewelry, art, 1,2,3 Items or an Estate 2 BR, 2 BA, C/AIR IN Tag Sales MERIDEN- 3 BR incl. 860-828-7442 ûûû CA$H ûûû watches, musical inUPSCALE PARK. FIN. Heat & Hot Water. Off struments, signs, ar203-237-3025 AVAIL. 203.799.7731 St. Prkg. No smoking/ cade games, cameras, German Shepherd pupESTATE SALE SERVICE BERLIN- Estate Sale! pets! $1,100/mo. pre 1970 sports memCostume Jewelry, pies, 100% DDR workMERIDEN/WLFD- NEW 102 Robbins Rd. Fri 203-444-5722 orabilia, plus more. Antiques, paintings, ing lines, 2F, AKC, 1st & PREOWNED 2 BR, 5/8 & Sat 5/9 8a-4p. One item or entire esMeriden-made items, shots, wormed, puppy WALLINGFORD - 4 rms, 2 BA, DELUXE Rain date- Sun 5/17. tate contents. Call toys, lamps pack, Dad is German HOMES IN UPSCALE Record albums & 45’s, 2 BRs, off st prkg, Du860-718-5132. import. Ready now. plex, no pets, $875 + PARK STARTING AT MAD mags, tools, oil 1-2 ITEMS paintings, Rockwell $1,300. 860-655-0889 utils. (203) 284-1853. $24,900. 203.799.7731 Silverware, China, Glass. figurines, Hummel Furniture, 50’s Items. bells, furn., 6 piece Apartments For Rent Apartments For Rent Whole Estates Queen & Twin bed >MINIATURE> 203 238-3499 sets, KIT Table & 4 DACHSHUND Puppies chairs, bakeware, etc. 2 females left. House FLANDERS WEST APARTMENTS 2nd Generation buys DEE’S ANTIQUES broken & paper 3 Darling Street, Southington, CT Napier & costume jew- Buying Collectibles, trained. 203-891-7084 KENSINGTON - 191 LinStudio & One Bedroom Apt. Homes elry, old lamps, coln St., MULTI FAMIJewelry & Silver. Includes Heat/Hot Water, Appliances shades, musical ins., LY tag sale. Sat., 8:00Computer & Fitness Center Winchester items, old China, Glass, Military, Apartments For Rent 3:00 pm. Something Free Meal Program & Activities Musical. Anything toys, and estates. 203for everyone! Free Shuttle Bus Service 639-1002. old & unusual. Single Affordable Apartments for Qualified Applicants item to an estate. 50 years of age of older. AARON’S BUYING MER- Furn Apts. East 203-235-8431. For more information call Old Machinist Tools, Side Incl H, HW, Elec., 860-621-3954 TTY 711 Lathes, Bench Tools 1 BR, $195wk; Studio, Hand Tools, Much $715mo+sec.Call 203EBAY Consignment More. (203) 525-0608 630-3823,12pm-8pm. Service in Berlin. We sell your valuable MERIDEN- 1 & 2 BRs ALL CASH FOR items online. starting $750. H/HW MILITARY ITEMS incld. Off st prkg. Avail immed. 203-886-7016. 860-828-4400 203-237-6575

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Attics & Basement Cleaned

Child Care

GARY Wodatch Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430

HOME DAY CARE has openings. 25 years Exp., loving home environment. 203-2696248. License # 26338.

Carpentry AFFORDABLE Repairs, decks, porches, stairs, railings, windows, doors. I can fix it or replace it. Work done by owner. 40+ yrs exp. Lic#578107+Ins. 203.238.1449

Jingle us... (203) 238-1953

SHOP LOCAL Computer Science Computer Problems? Want your PC or Mac as good as new? Onsite Service for Less. Satisfaction Guaranteed! HMB Electronics (203) 239 9422

Always a sale in Marketplace. Electrical Services All Pro Elec. Srv, LLC Electrical services, installs/repairs. Free estimates. Lic. & ins. Dan Luft 203-537-1610

T.E.C. Electrical Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome 203-237-2122

Fencing CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

Lawn and Garden

KLM Lawnmowing Srvc Res./Comm. Prof. & courteous! Wallingford, North Haven, Cheshire. 203-631-1495.

POWER WASHING Remodeling, plumbing, odd jobs. 60 yrs exp! CT #640689 Home Doctor 203.440.2692

ROTOTILLING – Garden Bill, Troy Bilt, no garden too small. (203) 294-1160. SPRING CLEANUPS Starting Now! NORM THE GARDENER (203) 265-1460

Gutters GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 4403279 Fully ins. CT# 569127

Jingle us... (203) 238-1953

GUTTERS PLUS 25+ yrs exp. Call today for free est. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887

It’s All Here! (203) 238-1953


Home Improvement

A-1 HANDYMAN PLUS CT Reg #606277. Give us a Call-WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates. 203-631-1325

CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

The Berlin Citizen |

Home Improvement

***CALL TODAY*** Yalesville Construction, LLC. Roofing, siding, kitchens, baths, additions, decks, doors windows, power washing, flooring Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kitchen & Baths CPI HOME IMPROVEMENT HIGHEST QUALITY Kitchen, Bath, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Remodeling, Decks, Gutters, Additions. BBB A+ Rated CT#632415 203-634-6550



FERRAUOLA LAWN CARE now accepting new mowing accounts at a reasonable rate. 203-804-5779 Gary Wodatch Landscaping. Hedge/tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397 860-558-5430

House Cleaning By Kathy, Professional, Thorough, Reliable, & Trustworthy. 23 years exper. Many long-term refs. 203-235-5987

20% OFF IF YOU Mention House Cleaning by This Ad Polish Women. 3rd SPRING Yard Clean-Ups cleaning $0 for regular Brush, branches, leaves, customers. Ins./bonded. storm damage 860-505-7720 **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, HOUSECLEANING Debris, etc If you are looking for an WE CAN REMOVE experienced woman ANYTHING you can trust, please Entire house to Monica 203-641-7874 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount Junk Removal LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218


CARL’S Plumbing & Heating. Speak directly to the plumber, not a machine! We snake drains, plumbing, heating. 25% Senior citizen disc. No job too small! Cell, 203-272-1730, 860-680-2395.

Power Washing

JM Lawn Care Lawn mowing, Spring cleanup, hedge trimming, junk removal, mulch & much more. 860-796-8168

A & A LAWN CARE Spring c/u, mulching, attics, bsmnts cleaned. Hedge trim, tree, shrub, debris removal. JT’s Landscaping, LLC Jim 203-237-6638 Top quality work at a reasonable price. Full ACCEPTING lawn maintenance. Commercial & Residen- #616311. Fully lic. & ins. ED’S JUNK OUT tial grounds mainte203-213-6528 WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK nance / complete lawn Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Any care. 25 yrs. exp. Sr. Questions? Ed (203) 494-1526 disc. 203-634-0211. BILL RUDOLPH LANDSCAPING Cert. Installer- Paver Walkways,Stairs,Patios Ret.Walls, Shrub Replace, Landscape Design & Reno, Mulch & Stone, Lawn Repair & Install. No Mowing Expert Drainage & Backhoe Work. In Bus. 30 + yr We’re on Angie’s List! Free Est. HIC# 0563661 2032379577

Spring Cleanups, Hedge Trimming, Wkly Mowing, Topsoil, Stone, Mulch, etc. Ashmore & B.MEDINASewer&Drain Son Landscaping 860Cleaning Services LLC 797-4046 HIC#638824 ANY CLOG ANY TIME Quality work, affordable prices, 24 Hr Service! Benny 203-909-1099

Spring to Fall Cleanups & everything in between...Mowing, Landscaping, Mulch, Trimming, Gutters, etc. Call John Gionfriddo 203-980-8756

A-1 Quality Powerwashing Hot water, low rates Call Dennis 203-630-0008

POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning ON THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279

You’ll like the low cost of a Marketplace ad.

Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937


Roofing CPI HOME IMPROVEMENT HIGHEST QUALITY Kitchen, Bath, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Remodeling, Decks, Gutters, Additions. BBB A+ Rated CT#632415 203-634-6550 Fine Work Home Improvement is a locally licensed & insured (0558904) contractor for 20 years. BBB member with a A+ rating. Free estimates! 203.265.4674

Roofing, siding, windows, decks & remodeling. 203-639-0032 info@ gonzalez

$1000 OFF Your Lowest Estimate On Roofing & Siding (203) 284-0137 CT Reg # 558927 CPI HOME IMPROVEMENT HIGHEST QUALITY Kitchen, Bath, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Remodeling, Decks, Gutters, Additions. BBB A+ Rated CT#632415 203-634-6550

Roofing. Siding. Windows. More. Free Est’s. Ins. # 604200. Member BBB. Harmony.(860)645-8899 Fully Lic & Ins Reg #577319

Masonry A&A MASONRY 20 yrs exp. Specializing Roofing. Siding. in sidewalks, stairs, Windows. More. Free patios, stonewalls, Experienced & Professional Est’s. Ins. # 604200. chimneys, fireplaces & The Powerwashing Kings Member BBB. much more! Call AnyOthers Wash - We Clean! Harmony.(860) 645-8899 time 860-462-6006! CALL FOR SPRING SPECIALS! Free Est! #HIC0616290 (203) 631 - 3777

(860) 839 - 1000 JUNK REMOVAL & W. BOOBER MASONRY Visit the MORE 25% OFF 25 Years Experience LAWN MOWING WE REMOVE All Types of Masonry Com/Res, clean-up, lot Furniture, appliances, CT #626708 sweeping, gutters, entire contents of: POWER WASHING 203 235-4139 prickers, brush removEAGLE STUMP homes, sheds, estates, al, mulch, hedge trim, GRINDING LLC attics, basements, top soil. BBB, Angie’s Painting Removal of unwanted garages & more. List. Rick’s Affordable stumps, self propelled *SPRING & Wallpapering Lawn. 203 530-4447. machine available. Call YardClean-ups* Mark (203)704-0821 A-1 Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES NOAH MOWS you Specializing in Wood/ LIC & INS. don’t have to. Aluminum siding. Low MOWING 203-535-9817 Lawn mowing, edging, rates. Reg#533474 Precision Cut Lawns or 860-575-8218 rototilling, etc. Dennis 203-630-0008 owner operated 203-232-5786 Shawn since 1982. Reliable. PETE IN THE PICKUP Fully ins. Free est. 0CEILING REPAIR1 JUNK REMOVAL SPRING Cleanups, lawn 10 Years Experience Meriden, Wlfd, EDWIN CORDERO Residential, multi family, mowing accts, mulchHIC.0640303 & Insured Southington PAINTING commercial No Job ing, hedge trim, brush, 203-715-0101 or 860.538.6127 FREE ESTIMATES! too Big or Small We Do shrub & tree removal. 860-621-6822 FlagShip Property CALL 203-537-2411 it All 860 840-8018 Don 203-235-1318


V. NANFITO, Inc. Siding, Roofing, Windows, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

Tree Services

Gary Wodatch LLC TREE REMOVAL All calls returned. CT#620397 Siding.Roofing.Windows Quick courteous service. Decks.Sunrooms.Add’ Office 203-235-7723 CT Reg#516790. Cell 860-558-5430 203-237-0350 Fiderio & Sons www. LAVIGNE’S Tree Service In busi. 35 yrs. Tree removal. Stump grinding. CraneService. Free Est. Fully insured. 203-294-1775 V. Nanfito Roofing & Siding Inc Windows, PROF. ARBORIST Decks, Remodeling 30+ yrs exp. #S3365 Gutters 75ft bucket truck. CT Reg#570192 Precise Tree CT Reg (203) 639-1634 #562159 203.272.4216

A24 Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Berlin Citizen |



Summer Weekend Getaway

in Misquamicut, Rhode Island!

Budget Poll services, and respondents who support funding for pubpercent wanted education lic works are likely to support funding reduced. Fifty per- parks and recreation and ecocent of non-voters thought nomic development. Overall, the budget was too high, and correlations in the data sug22 percent thought the bud- gested most responders fell into broad “big government” get was “just right.” The data showed that re- and “small government” spondents who support fund- camps. One respondent coming for the library are also mented, “Vote all democrats likely to support community out (before) we go broke.” From Page 18

Awards From Page 17

taken home first place at a cupcake competition at a local church days before. Gary “Doc” Schmidt cofounded Drain Doctor with his father Edward. “I’ve been doing this a long time,” he said. Many know Drain Doctor for their “‘can’t flush, we’ll rush’ slogan that keeps them ahead of the competition,” said Economic Development Director Chris Edge, who presented the award. Edge said that many in town are familiar with the Drain Doctor “world headquarters office on

Farmington Avenue, which has always been a tongue in cheek chuckle for everyone who knows Doc.” Schmidt and his eight-person “work family” offer septic, sewer and drain cleaning, video inspection and locating, sewer pump station service, complete excavation and repair services, and portable toilets. Drain Doctor keeps up with the latest technology, including pipe relining and the use of video to detect pipe problems. “Thanks for the recognition. I really appreciate it,” Schmidt said.

Presented by

2 Night Stay at Pleasant View Inn Gift Certificates to Paddy’s Beach Club Westerly Chamber Gift Certificates good at over 350 local businesses Gift Certificate to Seafood Haven Passes to Windjammer Surf Bar Tokens to Bayview Fun Park Passes to Atlantic Beach Park Gift Certificates to Dusty’s Dairy Bar

Enter now through May 14th for your chance to win.



Andrew Blasco, president of the Berlin Lions Club, presented a Berlin Lions’ banner to Bill DeMaio, director of the New Britain Parks and Recreation Department, at a recent Lions’ dinner meeting. DeMaio was the guest speaker, relating his experiences as a visually impaired person and discussing the importance of his Fidelco guide dog. He spoke about how technology and his Fidelco guide dog have helped him meet everyday challenges.

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