Scholarship directory 2014

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MARCH 2014


ACE is committed to providing on-the-job learning and development experiences to students within its Bermuda-based business operations. ACE has supported hundreds of Bermudian students professionally and academically through initiatives such as:

Robert Clements/ACE Scholarship Since its establishment in 1996 the Robert Clements/ ACE Scholarship has provided financial support to 24 Bermudian university students, enabling them JayLynn Hines to complete their studies 2013 Scholarship Recipient in insurance related degree programmes and to pursue careers in international insurance. The fully-funded scholarship is awarded to qualified students studying full-time towards an undergraduate or graduate degree in insurance, risk management, actuarial science or other disciplines related to the insurance industry. Students are also offered holiday employment to provide them with relevant work experience. A condition of the scholarship is that recipients must be willing to return to Bermuda on completion of their studies to pursue their career.


ACE/Bermuda College Education Award The ACE/Bermuda College Education Award was launched in 2008. It is one component of a partnership formed between ACE and the Eden Richardson Bermuda College with 2013 Scholarship Recipient the goal of helping students prepare for the workplace. The award is offered annually to a qualified graduate of Bermuda College, enrolled in at least the third (junior) year of a 4-year (or the second year of a 3-year UK) degree at an accredited university. The Education Award of $15,000 per year covers tuition and fees for up to two years immediately following Bermuda College graduation. Since inception, six Bermudian students have received the Education Award.


Š 2014 The ACE Group of insurance and reinsurance companies.

For more information and application forms: or

The opportunity of a lifetime 2014 Peter Mitchell Scholar Award

Are you a Bermudian student looking to jumpstart your professional career? PwC’s Peter Mitchell Scholarship could be the right opportunity for you. As part of our HeadStart programme, the renewable scholarship provides Bermudian students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate programme with $20,000 a year in financial assistance. Most importantly, as a recipient, the award will give you valuable work experience as well as ongoing career coaching and support. If you’re a Bermudian student enrolled at an accredited university or college with a minimum GPA of 3.2 or its equivalent, apply for this scholarship at: Deadline for applications is 31 May, 2014. © 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. (a Bermuda limited company). All rights reserved.

Celebrating Over

Reach for the stars with the help of an

ABIC Scholarship

35 years

Available to students pursuing studies related to international business in Bermuda. Selection based on financial need and academic merit.

of investing in education.

Scholarships are valued at $15,000 per year for up to two years.


APRIL 10, 2014

Please apply directly online at For more information on the scholarship please contact Velina Wheatley at 441-295-4201.


3/3/14 2:28 PM

reading STEP INTO


BEYOND THE HEADLINES | w w w . b e r m u d a s u n . b m


Pursue your dreams BY ROBYN BARDGETT

You’re determined to pursue your dreams but how do you afford to make those dreams a reality? There is an incredible amount of help out there just waiting for you to take the opportunity. So where to start?

Future First, it’s important to decide what interests you and where you’d like to see your career head in the future. Our Scholarship Listings, starting on page 14, includes areas of study in which the scholarship is available. From finance to the performing arts there is a scholarship, award or bursary that can take you to new heights. Throughout the pages of this supplement you will

also find articles about scholarships, as well as stories from past winners and where the funding they received, along with their hard work and dedication, has taken them. Take for instance Tyka Edness. You can read about her journey to become a physiotherapist on page 22 after she was awarded a two-year bursary from the Bermuda Hospitals Board. There’s also stories about accountants, engineers, dancers and lawyers. Then, once you’ve picked out the awards that best suit your interests, it’s time to fight your case. On page 30, Rachael Barritt, head of the Student Committee at Marshall Diel & Myers Limited gives advice on how can prepare your scholarship application and plan for an interview to make you the best candiate. n


TURN TO PAGE 30 to learn ways to approach applying for a scholarship like a lawyer prepares for court.

Inside this supplement A unique resource for scholarship advice Page 2-3 Range of options within arm’s reach Pages 4 PwC Award mentors students to success Page 6 Opportunities for young dancers Page 8-9 Advice for submitting applications Page 11 Scholarship assists students in field of health Page 12 Garden Club of Bermuda award benefits both students and the environment Pages 13 A-Z scholarships directory Pages 14-21 Career in physiotherapy has special appeal to BHB scholarship recipient Pages 22-23 Committed to awarding the best recipients Pages 24 BELCO opens up opportunity for student Page 26

Bermuda Sun 19 Elliott Street, Hamilton, Bermuda HM 10 Tel 295-3902 Fax 292-5597 E-mail This special supplement is produced and published by Bermuda Sun Limited and printed in Bermuda by Island Press Limited.

Publisher Randy French President Lisa Beauchamp Editorial Robyn Bardgett Layout Robyn Bardgett Advertising Sales Carlita Burgess (Deputy Advertising Manager) Larissa French, Diane Gilbert, Claire James, Trikeita Outerbridge Creative Services Christina White, Colby Medeiros Circulation & Distribution Michelle Furbert

Clean up your social media profile Page 27 Grades only part of the college equation Pages 28 You are your own best advocate Pages 30-31 MDM legal scholarship opportunity Page 32

The Bermuda Sun publishes twice weekly and is a subsidiary of MediaHouse Limited. We are members of the Inland Press Association, International Newspaper Marketing Association and the Newspaper Association of America. We are located at: 19 Elliott Street, Hamilton HM 10; P.O. Box HM 1241, Hamilton HM FX Tel: 295-3902 Fax: 292-5597. Visit our website:

2 n MARCH 14, 2014



A unique resource for scholarship advice SUBMITTED BY BERMUDASCHOLARSHIPS.COM Each year millions of dollars in scholarships are awarded to Bermuda’s students to assist them in pursuing their dreams through further education, and they can all be found in one place, on one website –– www.bermudascholarships. com. BermudaScholarships. com, a not-for-profit service to the Bermuda community, is Bermuda’s online resource that not only lists all the scholarships available in any one year with all their information and requirements, but also enables students to apply online through the website to the scholarships they select. Students can browse the site to review the many options available to them and when they have selected the scholarships that meet their educational criteria, they can register online to apply.

Apply online To apply, students need to complete their profile form where they can input infor-


COMPREHENSIVE: The website is a great resource for students. mation about their education, scholastic achievements, extracurricular activities and community service. They then upload more specific files such as their references, essays, tuition costs, etc. If students are at school in

Bermuda, then their school office will upload their official transcripts directly to their profiles. This ensures that the entire process is confidential and that each student’s private information will only be shared with the award providers that they

have selected. If they are overseas at school or university, they have their transcripts sent directly to the BermudaScholarships administrators for secure uploading. See SCHOLARSHIP, page 3




to Bermuda’s students are fully utilized.

Continued from page 2


When the student has completed everything that is needed, they can apply for each scholarship they have selected with just a click of the mouse.

BermudaScholarships. com is the culmination of many hours of hard work and commitment on the part of the sponsors and award providers. The website is administered by the Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies and sponsored by ABIC, ACE, Bank of Bermuda Foundation, OIL Group of Companies, Renaissance Re and XL Insurance.

Resources The site also features many helpful resources for students, including tips on interviewing, how to choose the best educational path and dispelling myths about why students don’t apply for scholarships. It also houses important information for parents and educators to help them understand not only the scholarship process but also how to apply and budget for a college education. With such a wide variety of scholarship opportunities in Bermuda, the site acts as a focal point for those pursuing further education and as a practical tool for ensuring that the funds available

Deadlines The first award deadlines (mid-March) are fast approaching for the September 2014 school year so students interested in applying should visit www. without delay! n

TURN TO page 14 to find a comprehensive list of the scholarships offered.

MARCH 14, 2014 n 3

4 n MARCH 14, 2014



offering parallel content the world over. In measurable terms, Bermuda College classes are exactly the same as what you’d get overseas, save one very important distinction: cost. A full semester of Bermuda College classes for students who qualify for discounted tuition, will cost less than $2,000. This is about the cost of a single class at an average US university and about one tenth of a year’s tuition at an average Canadian university. So, if money is tight, considering Bermuda College just makes sense.


Range of options in arm’s reach Real, genuine priorities aren’t conditional –– they will always matter more than the circumstances they’re surrounded by. This is precisely why taking advantage of the opportunities available at Bermuda College and the scholarships that can help you access the space is so very important. Times are tight, every dollar is stretched further and further across a list of needs that never really seems to shrink. Despite that, in order to maximize the likelihood of making your way into a successful life, you need some level of post-secondary education. Put another way, you’re probably looking for a way to protect your unconditional priority from the impact of changing conditions. The good news is that you don’t have to worry. You’ve got options –– a range of real, legitimate resources that can ease the financial burden attached to your college/university experience that isn’t terribly difficult to access. To start, Bermuda College’s NEASC accreditation means that credits earned here will be transferrable to any institution

Global You’re getting access to globally applicable academic currency with a fraction of the financial burden and associated pressures/ distractions that come along with that weight. For many, it’s the difference between being able to go to college and being successful or not. Bermuda College is here to make the former that much more possible for you. Beyond that, Bermuda College has a wide range of internal scholarships available for students to help cover the cost of tuition and supplies here on the island. There are specific pools


OPPORTUNITY: The library, above, at Bermuda College, and, below, past graduates make their way to commencement. of resources available for folks focused on disciplines as wide-ranging as science to business to culinary arts and more, which means there’s almost certainly a scholarship that is in sync with your academic accomplishments and future goals. The accessibility of these resources can’t be overstated, particularly since year after year we don’t even get applicants for these scholarships. To be clear: there’s money to cover your school fees sitting on the shelf that isn’t too difficult to earn. These resources exist to make your life here at Bermuda College a little easier, and we can’t wait for you to earn them and use them to get closer to the success you’re looking for.

Your priorities will always matter, no matter the conditions they’re surrounded by. Bermuda College is here to help you honour those priorities, and our scholarships can be your ticket out of the financial circumstances that are keeping genuine progress just out of your reach. n

TO FIND out more about how Bermuda College can help you find your way into the life you want, call 2394099 or email tdill@college. bm. Follow the link below to read more about all the specific scholarships that are available for BC students: bm/services/Counselling/ Financial_Assistance_and_ Awards.aspx.



MARCH 14, 2014 n 5

Scholarships Bermuda Hospitals Board invites students to apply for 2014 Scholarships • Applicants must have completed at least two years of post-secondary education, have been accepted into a core programme and be pursuing a career in healthcare. • Scholarships are valued at BD$10,000 per annum for a maximum period of four (4) years. • GlaxoSmithKline Scholarship valued at BD$15,000 per annum for a period of two (2) years will be awarded to an outstanding student. This scholarship is funded by GlaxoSmithKline Insurance Ltd., a Bermuda based subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline plc. • Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited educational institution approved by a relevant licensing council and maintain at least a 3.0 grade-point average or equivalent. • Successful applicants are required to work for BHB two (2) years for each year the scholarship is awarded.

• Deadline is Wednesday, 30 April 2014.

Only applications received through will be considered Tel: 239-2134 Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.

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PwC award mentors students to success SUPPLIED BY PWC BERMUDA Our Peter Mitchell Scholarship award is a key component of HeadStart, a PwC Bermuda initiative, which provides career opportunities to Bermudian students at the graduate or undergraduate level. The $20,000-a-year renewable scholarship is awarded to well-rounded students who show academic strength, good character and leadership abilities. It is awarded to students who have completed at least one year of university in areas of study including accounting, business, economics, actuarial science or mathematics. In 2013, the scholarship was awarded to Joshua Alvera, a graduate of Gordon College. He majored in accounting and finance at Gordon and his next step is to complete his MBA at Boston College where he is currently enrolled. Mr Alvera attended Saltus Grammar School and continued high school in Long Island. He hopes to qualify as a CPA and CFA upon completion of his MBA in 2015.

Support “This award not only provides financial support, but a wonderful network of PwC professionals who will provide me with the type of support, new work opportunities and coaching that I need to continue building my professional experience,” says Mr Alvera. Last year Mr Alvera was one of 16 interns and co-op students at PwC Bermuda. Outside of the classroom and work, he is passionate about contributing to the community. He volunteers at the Tax Workshop in Boston, an initiative that assists lowincome families with filing tax. He also finds the time for a volunteer programme through Boston College called Invest In Kids. “We help students from the Brookline public middle


NETWORK: Peter Mitchell Scholarship award winner Joshua Alvera and PwC’s HeadStart programme director David Gibbons. school come with their homework and also play games,” Mr Alvera says. “I was paired with a boy named Jacob and had an amazing time getting to know him and am looking forward to continuing working with him this coming semester.” Married with two children, Mr Alvera is also an active member of the Evangelical Church. “Our firm is committed to developing talented and ambitious young Bermudians by supporting them with a range of work experience, mentoring and real on-the-job learning experiences that meet their

needs both in skill development and interests,” says Darren Johnston, CEO, PwC Bermuda. Scholarship recipients receive guidance and support from their PwC mentors and the opportunity to participate in the firm’s Summer and Associates programmes upon graduation. David Gibbons, PwC’s HeadStart programme director, says: “As part of our HeadStart programme, we have the opportunity to mentor many very talented and driven young Bermudians. This mentorship spans from the time they are at high school

deciding what university to go to and what courses to take, to when they are managers within the firm deciding which global opportunity suits their career path the best. “We are very honoured to be part of their development and proud of their success, whether that’s winning scholarships, obtaining their accounting designation or promotion through to manager and beyond.” n

FOR MORE INFORMATION about the PwC HeadStart Programme and scholarship opportunities, please visit



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BFIS Scholarships 2014 The Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies scholarships are open to undergraduate and post-graduate students focused on careers in the insurance industry. - Up to 10 scholarships are awarded annually. - Awards range from $10,000 to $30,000 a year. - Preferred majors include Insurance, Risk Management, Finance, Math, Actuarial Science, Accounting, Economics, Corporate Law and Computer Science. Other subjects relevant to insurance may also be considered. - Students must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA or above. - Applications only accepted on-line through - Deadline: April 30th BERMUDA COLLEGE: BFIS also offers scholarships to fulltime students taking their Associates Degree in relevant subjects, and to students enrolled in the Mount Saint Vincent and Georgia State universities undergraduate programmes.

BFIS provides scholarships, mentoring, internships and career advice to students interested in careers in Bermuda’s insurance industry.

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Opportunities for young dancers SUBMITTED BY NATIONAL DANCE FOUNDATION OF BERMUDA Now entering its eleventh year of operation, the National Dance Foundation of Bermuda is proud of the impact it has had on the development of Bermuda’s dancers through its Scholarship Programme. Dozens of young Bermudian men and women have benefited from scholarships and bursaries the Foundation has granted to support their study in Bermuda and abroad. The Scholarship Programme, offering four prestigious awards, is the cornerstone of the National Dance Foundation’s activities. Now in its tenth year, this initiative supplements the excellent training provided by Bermuda’s dance schools by funding study at accredited schools and companies overseas.


RECIPIENTS of the 2013 Bermuda Ballet Commemorative Awards and National Dance Foundation of Bermuda Scholarships and Bursaries with Brian O’Hara, vice-chairman. Missing from the picture is Dawnita Smith. The programme represents a commitment to the scholarship legacy estab-

lished by the Bermuda Ballet Association before it merged with the National

Dance Foundation in 2005. More than 60 Bermudians have received scholarships for study abroad. Combined with bursaries also offered by the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, more than $800,000 has been awarded since 2004. Scholarship and bursary recipients such as Eric Bean Jr, Genesis Edwards, Anna Clifford, Courtney Lopes, Krystal Lowe, Karissa Roberts, SierraRenae DeSilva, Rikkai Scott, Jelani Veney, Tsilala Graham-Haynes, James Waddell and Jacqueline Mayor are a few of the talented students who are currently completing their studies or have gone on to establish careers in dance in Bermuda and overseas. Many of these young people have been able to take advantage of the partnerSee DANCE, page 9



MARCH 14, 2014 n 9

DANCE Continued from page 8 ships the National Dance Foundation has established with acclaimed dance schools, companies and choreographers.

World-class These dancers have either trained, been taught or have performed with a worldclass roster of talent representing American Ballet Theatre, The Ailey School, the Debbie Allen Dance Academy, the Juilliard School, Divine Rhythm Productions, the Dizzy Feet Foundation, So You Think You Can Dance choreographer Stacey Tookey, and tap masters Jason Samuels Smith and Dormeisha Sumbry-Edwards. The application process for these awards is a rigorous one; candidates must demonstrate commitment and discipline as well as talent –– necessary components for achieving success in dance. More information about these scholarships and the application process is available at www.dancebermuda. org or The deadline for application is May 30, 2014. The Board of Directors of the National Dance Foundation believe dance opens young people to opportunities for personal growth and development that benefit them through every stage of their lives. Whether or not they pursue a career in dance, these students learn discipline, commitment, dedication, partnership and self reliance in the dance studio, emerging as productive members of our community. n

FOR MORE INFORMATION about the programmes of the National Dance Foundation of Bermuda, please contact Shari-Lynn Pringle at 2363319 or by email at ndfb@ You can also follow the Foundation on Facebook at or on its Twitter account at @ NDFBermuda.


DEDICATED: National Dance Foundation bursary recipient Alexis Richens.

National Dance Foundation Scholarships and Awards In 2014, the National Dance Foundation will be granting the following awards: The Patricia Calnan Commemorative Award, with a value of $15,000 — in 2013, this award was given to Malachi Simmons to support his study at Edge Hill University in the UK. The Montpelier Re Foundation Scholarship in Honour of Georgine Mary Russell Hill, with a value of $7,500 — this award was given to Dezjuan Thomas to support his study at Ryerson University in Toronto. The Montpelier Re Foundation Scholarship in Honour of Madame Ana Roje, with a value of $7,500 — in 2013, this award was given to Fredrika Hill to support her study at the Boston Conservatory in Boston. The BF&M Scholarship in Honour of L John Profit, with a value of $7,500 — in 2013, this award was given to Dawnita Smith to support her study at Bird College in the UK.

10 n MARCH 14, 2014





MARCH 14, 2014 n 11

Advice for submitting applications SUBMITTED BY BUTTERFIELD BANK Butterfield is committed to helping young Bermudians reach their potential through higher education. That’s why, on a yearly basis, we provide scholarships to assist students who are pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at overseas colleges and universities. Reviewing the many applications during the shortlist process can be a time-consuming and tedious process for any scholarship committee. It’s important that applicants take the time to review the instructions and terms and conditions for each scholarship they apply for. See below for some important tips to note when applying for a Butterfield scholarship: n All applications for Butterfield scholarships will be processed using only the Bermuda Scholarship’s website at Hardcopy applications are no longer accepted. n Applicants must be


INTEREST: Make sure to display positive body language and prepare in advance for a scholarship interview. Bermudian (PRC students are not eligible). n Applicants must have had five years of schooling in Bermuda. n The Bermuda Scholarships’ online “Student Profile” should be

Interview tips Here are a few tips to consider if you are shortlisted to be interviewed for a Butterfield Scholarship: n Be confident. Take the time to clearly think about your responses. If you are unsure of a question, ask that it be repeated again. n Display good body language — be friendly and positive while displaying controlled energy. Offer a firm handshake (before and after!) and maintain eye contact. n Research the company or the scholarship you are applying for. Showing that you are well-versed on the company exhibits that you took the time to research. n Show real passion and interest in your area of study. This will help you to truly stand out from the other applicants. n Communicate your strengths to the employer. Exhibit pride in your past performances and display sound ideas. n Be prepared to ask a question of the scholarship committee; you want to leave a lasting impression! n Be yourself! A genuine delivery of your true self is always more effective than an act.

completed in full. Note: “see resume” is not acceptable. n The parents/guardians of all applicants (or applicant if self-sufficient), must complete the Confidential Statement of Expenditure. n The Bermuda Scholarships’ online application must be accompanied by all the required documents as stated in the Butterfield Scholarship Terms and Conditions. Allow yourself sufficient time to collect the various documents required. Failure to provide the required documents might render you ineligible. n Be honest at all times! Don’t claim to be in the top 5 per cent of your class if you were not. n When presenting your information, be clear and concise. How clearly you communicate is as important as what you communicate. n Separate yourself from the other candidates –– show passion and genuine interest in your writing. n Pay special attention to the presentation and proofreading of your application.

Be aware of sentence structure, spelling and grammar. n Responsibility for the submission of the required documents, on or before the stated deadline, rests entirely with each applicant. Butterfield will not follow up with applicants to obtain missing documentation. The Application deadline is the last Friday in March. Provide yourself with enough time to troubleshoot or contact the Bermuda Scholarships help desk in the event that you experience difficulty uploading, inputting or forwarding your application details, as applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. To view the full Butterfield scholarship requirements and terms and conditions, visit the Bermuda Scholarships website at n

FOR FURTHER information, contact Simone Gibbons, AVP, Account Manager on (441) 299 3821 or e-mail


12 n MARCH 14, 2014


Scholarship assists students in field of health SUBMITTED BY BERMUDA HEALTH FOUNDATION On June 21, 2013, at their 11th Annual Salute to Service Awards Luncheon, the Bermuda Health Foundation presented three scholarships to Bermudians studying for careers in the medical field. The three students who received scholarships were as follows: Kiara Baxter who is a graduate of the Berkeley Institute and is presently studying paediatric nursing studies at De Montford University in Leicester in the United Kingdom. Prior to entering De Montford, Ms Baxter spent two years at United World College in Costa Rica. During her studies at De Montford, Ms Baxter has worked with children with

Steinhoff/BZS Scholarship for Environmental Sciences

See HEALTH, page 21


LAST YEAR’S AWARD WINNERS with Bermuda Health Foundation founders Dr Ewart Brown, Vincent Hollinsid and Philip Butterfield.

We are now accepting applications for the 2014 Steinhoff/BZS Scholarship for Environmental Sciences This award is worth $10,000 per year and is for students in the final two years of a Bachelor’s degree, or entering a Master’s or Doctorate degree, in Environmental Sciences at an accredited overseas institution.

2013 Scholar Taylor Gorham

Application forms are available online at and at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo reception. Application deadline: April 30, 2014



MARCH 14, 2014 n 13

Award benefits students, environment Well-known Bermuda names assisted by Garden Club scholarship SUBMITTED BY THE GARDEN CLUB OF BERMUDA The Garden Club of Bermuda was started in 1921 to stimulate interest in horticulture, floral design and related subjects and to aid in the conservation of natural resources on the island. Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month, with Floral Art Workshops, Garden Workshops and competitive Bench Exhibits usually taking place at the Horticultural Hall in the Botanical Gardens. There is also a library for members, and Garden Club members are most actively engaged in fundraising projects to benefit the scholarship programme and environmental concerns via their House and Gardens Programme, Garden Tours and the sale of sundry garden supplies. Persons interested in becoming members are invited to access the Membership page on our website for further information.

Some well-known Bermuda names have benefitted from our scholarship programme, and in turn, the welfare of Bermuda’s environment: n Ed Manuel, former Director of Agriculture and Fisheries. n Senator Walwyn Hughes, former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment. n Jeremy Madeiros, Conservation Officer. n Tom Wadson and Carlos Amaral, Farmers. n Claire Jessey, Entomologist at the Department of Environmental Protection. n Vanese Flood Gordon, Waste Education & Enforcement Officer. n Stuart Hayward, Co-Founder, Bermuda Environmental & Sustainability Taskforce (BEST). n Andrew Pettit, Director of Conservation Services. n Lisa Dawn Johnson, Director of Parks Department. For a full list of scholarship recipients, please access our website.


NATURAL: Recipients of the 2013 Garden Club of Bermuda Scholarship, above, and below award winners from 2010. At the 2010 Scholarship presentation Garden Club chairman Sally Godet said: “You are following in the footsteps of some very interesting people who have received Garden Club scholarships in the past: Stuart Hayward of BEST, a marvelous environmentalist; Tom

Wadson, the biggest organic farmer on the island; Claire Jessey and TerryLynn Thompson, scientists at the Plant Protection Lab; Fiona Doe, tree surgeon; Vanese Flood Gordon, manager of the recycling plant; See ENVIRONMENT, page 21

Name Type of award Area of study Academic level Amount ABIC Education Awards Scholarship Information Technology, Business, Undergraduate $15,000 Legal Studies, Economics, Accounting, Actuarial Science, Insurance & RM, Finance, Mathematics ABIC Education Awards - Post Graduate Scholarship Scholarship Actuarial Science, Economics, Post Graduate $20,000 Finance, Insurance & RM, Information Technology, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Accounting ABIC/Georgia State - Post Graduate Scholarship Scholarship Insurance & RM Post Graduate $14,988 ACE/Bermuda College Education Award Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $15,000 Adam Goodwin Mariner/Mentor Scholarship Scholarship Environmental Sciences, Teacher Non-specific $5,000 Training, Marine, Engineering Allan Gray Orbis Fellowship to Harvard Business School Scholarship Business Post Graduate $50,000 Bacardi Limited Education Award - Bursary Bursary Economics, Accounting Undergraduate $5,000 Finance Bacardi Limited Education Award - Scholarship Scholarship Accounting, Economics, Undergraduate $20,000 Finance Bacardi Mature Student Undergraduate Bursary Award Bursary Accounting, Economics Undergraduate $5,000 Finance Bank of Bermuda Foundation Centennial Trust Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate, Associates/ Diploma $12,000 Bank of Bermuda Foundation Eldon H. Trimingham Scholarship Grant Business Post Graduate $30,000 Bank of Bermuda Foundation Financial Services Scholarship Scholarship Finance, Actuarial Science, Undergraduate $20,000 Accounting, Business Bank of Bermuda Foundation IT Scholarship Scholarship Information Technology Associates/ $12,000 Diploma, Undergraduate Bank of Bermuda Foundation John D. Campbell Arts Scholarship Scholarship Visual Arts, Performing Arts Undergraduate $30,000 Bank of Bermuda Foundation President’s Awards for Scholastic Grant Non-specific Undergraduate $10,000 Achievement Bank of Bermuda Foundation Sir Henry Tucker University Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $30,000 Bank of Bermuda Foundation Sir John W Cox Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Post Graduate $30,000

1 1


1 6


1 1 1



1 2

1 1 2


Number of awards per year 16

A to Z Guide to finding the scholarship that suits you 14 n MARCH 14, 2014 THE BERMUDA SUN

$25,000 (up to) 1 $25,000 (up to) 1

Associates/ varies 2 Diploma Associates/ $2,000 2 Diploma Undergraduate $35,000 (up to) 8 Associates/ $10,000 (up to) 1 Diploma, Undergraduate

Associates/ varies 3 Diploma, Undergraduate, Post Graduate Undergraduate, varies 3 Associates/ Diploma, Post Graduate Post Graduate Varies 1 Undergraduate, $5,000 1 Associates/ Diploma, Post Graduate Post Graduate $15,000 varies Associates/ Diploma Undergraduate Associates/ $2,400 2 Diploma Associates/ varies varies Diploma Associates/ $5,000 1 Diploma Associates/ $2,500 2 Diploma Associates/ varies 1 Diploma

Undergraduate $25,000 (up to) 1

Post Graduate Post Graduate


Bermuda College: Starr Foundation Entry Scholarship Scholarship Business Bermuda College: Sir William Stephenson Entry Scholarship Scholarship Business Bermuda Government Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Bermuda Health Foundation Scholarship Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine

BELCO A.T. Oughton Post Graduate Scholarship Scholarship Business BELCO C. Eugene Cox Post Graduate Engineering Scholarship Scholarship Engineering, Environmental Sciences BELCO Llewellyn Vorley Engineering Scholarship and Educational Scholarship Engineering, Environmental Awards Sciences Bermuda Arts Council Student Grant Grant Visual Arts, Performing Arts Bermuda Arts Council Student Grant Grant Performing Arts, Visual Arts Bermuda Bar Dame Lois Browne Evans Pupillage Award Scholarship Legal studies Bermuda Botanical Society Scholarship Scholarship Horticulture, Environmental Sciences Bermuda Cancer & Health Scholarship Scholarship Health Sciences Bermuda College: MEF Scholar of Excellence Entry Scholarship Scholarship Culinary Arts Bermuda College: Finacial Aid Grant Non-specific Bermuda College: Bermuda Commercial Bank (Gold) Scholarship Finance, Business Bermuda College: Bermuda Commercial Bank (Silver) Scholarship Finance, Construction, Business Bermuda College: Corange Scholarship Scholarship Environmental Sciences Mathematics, Health Sciences, Marine THE BERMUDA SUN MARCH 14, 2014 n 15

Bermuda Hospitals Board Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific, Nursing, Undergraduate, $10,000 6 Accounting, Engineering, Finance, Health Sciences Bermuda Pharmaceutical Association Scholarship Scholarship Health Sciences Undergraduate $2,500 1 Bermuda Rhodes Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $45,000 1 Bermuda Shakespeare Schools Festival Scholarship Scholarship Performing Arts Pre-High school, varies varies High school Undergraduate Associates/ Diploma BFIS / Bermuda College: MSVU and GSU Degree Scholarships Scholarship Business, Insurance & RM, Undergraduate $10,000 1 Finance, Accounting BFIS / Bermuda College Scholarship Scholarship Actuarial Science, Insurance & RM, Associates/ $2,000 2 Accounting, Mathematics, Diploma Economics, IT, Legal Studies Business, Finance BFIS Postgraduate Scholarship Scholarship Finance, Business, Economics, Postgraduate $25,000 (up to) 1 Information Technology, Actuarial Science, Legal Studies, Insurance & RM, Accounting, Mathematics BFIS Intro-to-Insurance Summer Intern Programme Internship Finance, Business, Economics, Undergraduate/ varies 16 IT, Actuarial Science, Legal Studies Post Graduate Insurance & RM, Accounting Mathematics BFIS Undergraduate Scholarships Scholarship Finance, Business, Economics, Undergraduate $25,000 (up to) varies Information Technology, Actuarial Science, Legal Studies, Insurance & RM, Accounting, Mathematics BFIS Signature Scholarship Scholarship Finance, Business, Economics, Undergraduate $30,000 (up to) 1 Information Technology, Actuarial Science, Legal Studies, Insurance & RM, Accounting, Mathematics BHA Overseas Scholarship Scholarship Culinary Arts, Accounting, Hotel Undergraduate, $15,000 (up to) 1 Management Post Graduate BIOS Bermuda Program Scholarship Internship Environmental Sciences High School, varies 5 Associates/ Diploma, Undergraduate

n A TO Z GUIDE / Bermuda Hospitals Board to Continental Society

16 n MARCH 14, 2014


XL Group Insurance Reinsurance

That’s what XL Scholars are working on doing and we are proud of them for it. They are pursuing education in computer science and artificial intelligence, actuarial science, accountancy, finance, economics and more… all with the intent of coming up with solutions to the world’s most complex problems. If you have similar aspirations and are interested in a career in the insurance and reinsurance industry, consider applying for an XL Scholarship. • Visit to apply • Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2014 • For further information or questions, please contact Selina Mouchette at 294-7190 or

Rowan Border 2011 Recipient

Ryan Whiting 2012 Recipient

Edinburgh University UK Studying Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

New York University US Studying Finance and Economics

Eligibility • Bermudian or PRC Holder • Grade Point Average of 3.0 • Acceptance into university or college Criteria • Academic excellence • Community commitment • Strong character and leadership skills • Cultural, athletic or other interests Scholarship • Full tuition, room, board and related expenses at an accredited institution for a maximum of 4 years

Keiran Hamilton 2013 Recipient University of Warwick UK Studying Accounting and Finance

Bermuda British Virgin islands Cayman islands mauritius For decades, the Conyers Dill & Pearman Legal Scholarship program has offered educational support to talented Bermudian students intending to enter the legal profession. Legal Education Scholarship • Valued at $30,000 and renewable for up to two further years • Applicants must be accepted to an accredited law program leading to a Commonwealth legal qualification and subsequent admission to the Bermuda Bar. Deadline for application: 15 July 2014 to apply or learn more, please visit the “Careers” page at www. Pictured left to right, 2013 Legal Scholarship award Winners: tomas amaral (bursary winner), Cathryn minors (bursary winner), Shannon Cann (bursary winner), hayley Joy (bursary winner), Catherine outerbridge (2013 Scholarship Winner), marcus Bean (bursary winner)

the SearCh For our 2014 SChoLarShiP Winner BeginS BermuDa BritiSh virgin iSLanDS Cayman iSLanDS DuBai

hong kong LonDon mauritiuS SingaPore

BCB offers three scholarships to Bermuda College Business Administration or the Financial Service Industry Award amount: $5,000 Business Administration or the Financial Service Industry Award amount: $2,500 Vocational / Trade Award amount: $2,500

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Bermuda Commercial Bank is dedicated to helping Bermudian students achieve educational goals and future professional success both locally and abroad. Bermuda College students studying in the following areas are encouraged to apply to the scholarship program. Apply online today at

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Get help $20,000 $5,000 LIMITED BACARDI LIMITED with your BACARDI UNDERGRADUATE UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATIONAL education SCHOLARSHIP AWARD OVERSEAS BURSARIES and a whole lot more! We are now accepting applications for this prestigious award, valued at $20,000 per annum, and renewable for up to four years. Open to students pursuing studies in Finance, Economics and Accounting, at a recognized overseas institution.

Applications are invited for this prestigious award. All applications will be made through website. Applicants will need to complete Bacardi’s financial need form, and Scholarship and Bursaries are open to Bermudians and PRC holders. Applicants must be submitted by May 15, 2014

Get a whole lot more! Award winners are offered valuable work experience with Bacardi through a paid summer training programme and further training with a professional service provider, KPMG in Bermuda.

Applications are also invited for bursaries worth up to $5,000 per annum* and renewable for up to two years. Open to students studying Finance, Economics and Accounting. Mature students (over the age of 25) studying for a first degree are eligible to apply. *Bursary not to exceed value of tuition.


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accelerateyourdreams oil group Scholarship Awards provide an opportunity for Bermuda’s outstanding students to pursue their dreams of higher education abroad. Applications are invited from students who possess a minimum gpA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) and have completed at least two years of full time undergraduate studies at an overseas accredited university for one of two available scholarships at $20,000 each.

Application closing date: June 30th Full details are available at: |


The Partners of Appleby have proudly awarded scholarships and bursaries to qualified Bermudian applicants since 1977.

Legal Education Scholarship ■ ■ ■

Valued at $30,000 and renewable for up to two years For students intending to return to Bermuda to practice law Applicants must be accepted to an accredited law programme leading to Commonwealth legal qualification and Bermuda Bar admission

Deadline for applications: 15 July 2014 To apply or learn more, visit Catherine Campbell 2013 Legal Education Scholarship recipient

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Don’t miss the BERMUDA SUN’S Scholarship Recipients

Directory 2014 Publishing

Friday 12th September 2014

w w w. b e r m u d a s u n . b m

BMDS Kate Huntington Memorial Bursary Bursary Performaing Arts Associates/ $5,000 2 Diploma Undergraduate Post Graduate BPSU Local Awards Grant Non-specific Undergraduate, $1,000 6 Associates/ Diploma Post Graduate BPSU Overseas Awards Grant Non-specific Undergraduate $3,000 6 Brown Family Scholarship Scholarship Health Sciences, Dentistry, Nursing, Undergraduate $5,000 1 Medicine Post Graduate BSoA Further Education Bursary Bursary Visual Arts, Architecture Associates/ $5,000 1 Diploma, Post Graduate, Undergraduate BTC Sir John W. Cox Career Development Award Scholarship Business, Accounting, Undergraduate $20,000 1 Information Technology, Finance, Economics, Engineering Butterfield Sir Dudley Spurling Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Post Graduate $25,000 1 Butterfield Sir Harry D. Butterfield Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $25,000 1 CAOB Scholarship Scholarship Construction, Engineering Undergraduate, $15,000 1 Associates/ Diploma Post Graduate CAPITAL G ‘Inspiration’ Scholarship Scholarship Performing and Visual Arts High school/ $22,500 6 pre-high school CAPITAL G Scholarship and Bursary Bursary Accounting, Finance, IT Undergraduate $3,500 2 CAPITAL G Scholarship Awards Scholarship Finance, IT, Accounting Undergraduate, $10,000 1 Post Graduate Caron Assan Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Assoicates/ $5,000 1 Diploma Undergraduate Post Graduate Casualty Actuaries of Bermuda (CABER) Grants Grant Actuarial Science Non-specific 750 varies CCRIF Extra-Regional Scholarship Scholarship Insurance & RM Post Graduate $40,000 varies CHW Legal Scholarship Award Scholarship Legal Studies Undergraduate, $25,000 1 Post Graduate Commonwealth Scholarships Scholarship Non-specific Post Graduate varies varies Continental Society Scholarship Bursary Non-specific Undergraduate, $4,000 1 Associates/ Diploma THE BERMUDA SUN


Conyers Dill & Pearman Legal Scholarship Award Scholarship Legal Studies Undergraduate $30,000 1 Post Graduate CTO Scholarship Programme Scholarship Hotel management Undergraduate, $12,000 1 Post Graduate Cummings V. Zuill Award Scholarship Third Sector Associates/ varies varies Diploma, Undergraduate Post Graduate Deloitte Scholarship (The) Scholarship Business, Accounting. Post Graduate, $15,000 1 Actuarial Science Undergraduate Dr Barbara Ball Public Health Scholarship Scholarship Nursing, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Post Graduate, varies varies Medicine Undergraduate Dr Kathy-Ann Louise White Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $10,000 1 Dudley & Deborah Butterfield Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $9,000 1 Duperreault Fellowship Scholarship Health Sciences Undergraduate, varies 1 Post Graduate, Associates/ Diploma Ensemble Singers Annual Music Scholarships (The) Scholarship Performing Arts Associates/ $1,000 2 Diploma High School Pre-High School Post Graduate Undergraduate Environmental Education Grant Scholarship Horticulture, Environmental Undergraduate / $5,000 1 Sciences Post Graduate Ernst & Young Ltd. Scholarship Scholarship Accounting, Actuarial Science, Post Graduate, $30,000 1 Finance, Business Undergraduate Ewan Sampson Scholarship Trust Scholarship Information Technology Undergraduate $12,500 1 Fessenden-Trott Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Post Graduate, $12,000 4 Undergraduate G & S Theatre Arts Scholarship Scholarship Performing Arts Post Graduate, $5,000 4 Undergraduate Garden Club of Bermuda Scholarships Scholarship Horticulture, Environmental Associates/ varies varies Sciences Diploma, Undergraduate, Post Graduate George E. Wardman Agronomy (Turf mt.) Scholarship Fund Scholarship Non-specific, Horticulture Undergraduate, varies 1 Associates/ Diploma

n A TO Z GUIDE / Conyers Dill & Pearman to National Dance Foundation 18 n MARCH 14, 2014


Georgia State University Bermuda Scholarship Fund Scholarship Insurance & RM, Acturial Science Undergraduate $10,000 6 Green Family Scholarship Scholarship Finance, Legal Studies, IT Undergraduate, $5,000 10 Architecture, Business, Medicine Associates/ Construction, Insurance & RM, Diploma Environmental Sciences...and more Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda Educational Award Scholarship Non-specific Associates/ $5,000 1 Diploma IBA Paul Lepercq Architectural Scholarship Scholarship Architecture Post Graduate, $15,000 1 Undergraduate, Associates/ Diploma IBA Stanley G. Kennedy Architectural Award Scholarship Architecture Undergraduate, $8,000 1 Associates/ Diploma, Post Graduate Jardine Foundation Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate varies 1 Knowledge Quest Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate, varies varies Associates/ Diploma KPMG Scholarship Scholarship Accounting, Finance, Business Undergraduate $20,000 1 Actuarial Science Marshall Diel & Myers Legal Scholarship Award Scholarship Legal Studies Post Graduate, $15,000 (up to) 1 Undergraduate Mazars Scholarship Scholarship Finance, Accounting Undergraduate $6,000 1 McGill Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate varies 1 Ministry of Education Further Education Awards Grant Undergraduate varies varies Ministry of Education Interest Free Student Loans Loan Undergraduate, varies varies Post Graduate Ministry of Education Mature Student Award Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $15,000 10 Ministry of Education Teacher Training Awards Grant Non-specific Undergraduate $15,000 10 Montpelier Re Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $15,000 1 National Dance Fndtn. Georgine Mary Russell Hill Award Scholarship Performing Arts Undergraduate, $7,500 1 Associates/ Diploma, Post Graduate National Dance Fndtn. L. John Profit Commemorative Award Scholarship Performing Arts Undergraduate, $7,500 1 Post Graduate Associates/Diploma National Dance Fndtn. Madame Ana Roje Commemorative Award Scholarship Performing Arts Undergraduate, $7,500 1 Post Graduate, Associates/ Diploma National Dance Fndtn. Patricia Calnan Commemorative Award Scholarship Performing Arts Undergraduate $15,000 1 THE BERMUDA SUN


PwC Peter Mitchell Scholarship Scholarship Accounting, Actuarial Science, Undergraduate $20,000 1 Business, Economics, Mathematics RenaissanceRe Undergraduate Scholarships Scholarship Economics, Insurance & RM, IT Undergraduate $25,000 1 Finance, Engineering, Business, Legal Studies, Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Accounting Richard Eve Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate varies varies Associates/Diploma Robert Clements/ACE Scholarship Scholarship Economics, Finance, Legal Studies, Undergraduate, varies 1 Insurance & RM, Mathematics Accounting, Engineering, Actuarial Science, Business Sedgwick Chudleigh Legal Education Award Scholarship Legal Studies Undergraduate $10,000 1 St John’s Trust Company Scholarship Health Sciences (Psychology/ Post Graduate $10,000 (up to) 2 Social Work/Counselling) St John's Trust Company Information Technology Scholarship Scholarship Information Technology Associates/ up to $10,000 1 Dip./Under & Postgraduate

National Dance Foundation of Bermuda Bursary Performing Arts Undergraduate, $750 50 Post Graduate Associates/Diploma High School, Pre-High School National Dance Foundation of Bermuda Bursary/ Bursary Performing Arts Post Graduate $750 2 Professional Development Award Undergraduate, Associates/Diploma Nicholl Scholarships Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate, $25,000 4 Post Graduate OIL Group Scholarship Awards Scholarship Non-specific Post Graduate, $20,000 2 Undergraduate Paget Lions Club Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate, $1,000 varies Paget Parish Undergraduate Scholarship (Overseas) Scholarship Non-specific Undergraduate $5,000 1 Partner Re Undergraduate Scholarship Award Scholarship Business, Accounting, Undergraduate $25,000 1 Actuarial Science, Finance Insurance & RM, Legal Studies Economics Peter Leitner Arts Scholarship (The) Scholarship Visual Arts Undergraduate varies varies PHC Foundation Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Pre-high school, $4,000 8 High School, Undergraduate, Post Graduate Associates/Diploma

n A TO Z GUIDE / National Dance Foundation to XL 20 n MARCH 14, 2014


Stanley & May Ashworth Jones University Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Starr Foundation Awards Scholarship Non-specific Steinhoff / BZS Scholarship for Environmental Sciences Scholarship Environmental Sciences The Robert J. Wright Scholarship at Bermuda College Scholarship Tom Davies Bursary Bursary United World College Scholarship Scholarship Non-specific Trott & Duncan Shirley D. Simmons Education Award Scholarship Legal Studies XL Scholarship Scholarship Accounting, Information Technology, Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Business, Insurance & RM, Economics, Finance

n SOURCE: The Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies (BFIS)


Undergraduate $2,000 1 Undergraduate varies varies Post Graduate varies 1 Undergraduate Associates/ $3,200 1 Diploma Undergraduate, $3,000 1 Post Graduate, Associates/Diploma Associates/ Diploma varies 1 Undergraduate $10,000 1 Undergraduate Varies 1


MARCH 14, 2014 n 21

HEALTH Continued from page 12 special needs, epilepsy and other neurological disorders. Jasmin Caines, a 2010 graduate of McGill University, is currently studying medicine at Ross University School of Medicine in Dominica in the West Indies. Ms Caines’ dream is to return to Bermuda to work at King Edward Memorial VII Memorial Hospital specializing in Internal Medicine and Cardiology. Chantae Hollis, a 2012 graduate of Bermuda College, where she received an award as the Most Outstanding Arts Graduate, is presently studying Psychiatry at Bangor University in the United Kingdom. Prior to travelling to the UK to begin her studies, Ms Hollis gained work experience in the field of mental healthcare at both Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute and the King Edward Memorial VII Memorial Hospital.

Salute to Service Last year, the Bermuda Health Foundation honoured Bermudian Dr Malcolm Brock, Associate Professor of Surgery and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, at the 11th Annual Salute to Service Award Luncheon. Dr Brock is also an Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Since its inception in 2002, the Bermuda Health Foundation has provided over 35 scholarships to Bermudians of all ages. Many of the scholarship winners have graduated and are now practising in their various fields of endeavour, including nursing, public health, forensic science and, of course, there are several medical doctors now practising in Bermuda. The Bermuda Health Foundation was founded by brothers Philip Butterfield, Vincent Hollinsid and Dr Ewart Brown. n

BERMUDIANS interested in applying for Bermuda Health Foundation scholarships next year should contact LaVerne Furbert at Deadline for scholarship applications will be April 30, 2013.

ENVIRONMENT Continued from page 13 Stephen Furbert and Clark Tear, who went as mature students to do a sandwich course at Writtle College in the UK and are now Parks superintendents. “And finally, Sam Fraser Smith, University of Queensland, who may well save the lives of many people in Africa and the Far East with his scientific work on staple banana production.” The Garden Club will be holding their major scholarship fundraiser for this year on May 10, through the Open Houses and Gardens programme. Entitled A May Wedding,

Christ Church in Warwick, “Kirkdale” and “The Cocoon” will be open to the public. A full day’s activities are being planned including a wedding-themed fashion show, garden tours, crafts and bake sale, flower stall, plant sale, children’s secret garden, and more. The church and houses will be beautifully decorated by the Garden Club’s award winning floral designers. Proceeds from this event will go towards the Garden Club’s Scholarship Programme and environmental concerns. n

PLEASE REFER to The Garden Club website www. for more details.

22 n MARCH 14, 2014



‘I have never valued life so much’

Physiotherapy has special appeal to BHB scholarship recipient SUBMITTED BY BERMUDA HOSPITALS BOARD Ask Tyka Edness why she chose the field of physiotherapy as a career path and without hesitating, she will tell you: “I’m in love with having the knowledge to cure. I love how it requires you to be a detective, to find and probe and try again until you get the answer for the greater purpose of your patient.” Ms Edness attended Mount Saint Agnes and Dellwood before doing her undergraduate studies at Clark Atlanta University and the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. She says she knew physiotherapy would become her passion once she started understanding herself and where her energy should be spent. “I was inspired to choose a career where I could be of service and heal people physically.” Ms Edness received a twoyear bursary from Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) and will complete her Bachelor’s of Science in Physiotherapy this summer.

Eye-opening As a young adult, Ms Edness volunteered at the hospital where she assisted with feeding residents on the Continuing Care Units. This experience exposed her to the field of healthcare and opened her eyes to a range of career possibilities available at BHB. Physiotherapy had a special appeal to her. “I had no idea how varied one profession could be,” she says. “I knew I wanted to be a specialist of movement. After meeting and shadowing physiotherapist Raina Steer, I realized she was the blueprint of what I wanted my career to look like. Talk about finesse, skill, intelligence and beauty –– she had it all!


SPECIALIST OF MOVEMENT: Tyka Edness working with a physiotherapy patient. “After meeting Raina, there was no application I wouldn’t fill out to get into physiotherapy school.” During her time at university, Ms Edness also served as a Student Employee during summer holidays in the Physiotherapy Department at King Edward VII

Memorial Hospital. She says it’s a field she’d highly recommend to Bermudian students. “If there is one thing I hope to get across, it is that young Bermudian hunger is welcomed in this field,” Ms Edness explains. “Physiotherapy is always

challenging, continuous with rewards and gives you a new lens to look out of when defining quality of life. I have never valued life so much. It has helped me to put away things that are not fruitful and to recognize the See PHYSIOTHERAPY, page 23




gives me an opportunity to learn from each discipline. It’s like this medical potluck dinner where you can fill up from each expertise –– how yummy!” As much as Ms Edness loves her work, she says if would not be fair if she didn’t also mention some of the challenges she faces. “Sometimes, physiotherapy is not afforded the stature it deserves in the medical field,” she adds. “We may be seen as only helping people recover from a broken wrist or using massage therapy to treat patients. What people may not realize is that we are required to sit over 20 exams per semester and we have to know the anatomy of the brain for the purposes of treating our stroke survivors.

Continued from page 22 things that make me passionate.” Ms Ednss goes on to explain that physiotherapy has a wide range of applications and is used to treat patients suffering from various illnesses or recovering from injuries. “This can include rehabilitation following a stroke or EDNESS cardiac event or working with children in paediatric care.

Potluck “Another plus for me is getting to work with other healthcare providers, such as occupational therapists, physicians or speech and language pathologists. We work as a team and this

MARCH 14, 2014 n 23

‘Our patients depend on our expertise and it is incredibly rewarding to witness their remarkable recovery from a life-changing illness or debilitating injury.’ “When someone does not understand the depth and breadth of how we impact patient care, it is easy to underestimate the value we bring to medicine. “Our patients depend on our expertise and it is incredibly rewarding to witness their remarkable recovery from a life-changing illness or debilitating injury.” Ms Edness greatly appreciates the support she has received from her mother, Robin, and her boyfriend, Andrew, who have been

there for her, especially during the toughest times. “I also thank God for his investment in me –– I plan to be great at what I do and always maintain my passion for physiotherapy. Above all, this field is rewarding because it involves healing real people and patients and their families value that so highly.” n

FOR MORE INFORMATION on scholarships offered by the Bermuda Hospitals Board, visit their website at

24 n MARCH 14, 2014



Award is committed to finding the best KPMG Scholarship offers full-time future career opportunity SUBMITTED BY KPMG KPMG in Bermuda is very selective when choosing Scholarship recipients who will ultimately join our Graduate training programme. We are very committed to developing young Bermudians through our annual Scholarship and Graduate programmes. Our KPMG Scholarship is awarded annually by our Managing Directors to a Bermudian undergraduate student pursuing a career in accounting, finance or an equivalent business-related subject.

Invest in the best The KPMG Scholarship has a value of $20,000 annually and is renewable for a total of three years, provid-

ed that the student meets all the academic requirements. The scholarship also allows recipients to work at KPMG during breaks and co-op periods from university or college. Upon successful completion of an undergraduate degree, scholarship recipients are given the opportunity to join KPMG full-time as staff accountants where the firm provides financial and educational support to assist with becoming a qualified accountant. The Graduate programme offers graduates paid, onthe-job training, mentoring and financial assistance for their professional examinations as they embark on their elected accountancy designations. Christine Terceira, one of our 2011 Scholarship recipi-

ents states: “I am going into my final year at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, studying for a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in accounting. I plan on pursuing the Canadian CPA designation after graduation. “Being awarded the KPMG Scholarship has not only assisted me with university expenses, but has also allowed me the opportunity to complete my co-op work terms with them as part of my undergraduate degree. In January of 2012, I first joined the firm and subsequently returned for my second and third work terms with them. This was an easy decision as I enjoyed working in their student-friendly environment. I was assigned meaningful work with qualified

professionals readily available for assistance when needed. “Overall, KPMG has been a great place to work. In addition to gaining valuable work experience, there are plenty of opportunities to socialise with staff, and various, firm-sponsored, sporting teams. I have especially enjoyed playing on KPMG’s volleyball team while completing my co-op placement. “I would definitely recommend any student interested in accounting, to consider a career with KPMG and apply for their scholarship.” n

THE KPMG SCHOLARSHIP is much more than just a number –– it is an invitation to an exciting career and a future full of possibilities.



MARCH 14, 2014 n 25

Llewellyn Vorley Engineering Scholarship & Educational Awards The annual $25,000 Scholarship is granted to a qualified Bermudian candidate who is working toward an engineering degree and has completed one year of his/her degree or university education. The annual Educational Awards, which vary in amount, are also granted to Bermudian engineering students.

C. Eugene Cox Postgraduate Engineering Scholarship This annual $25,000 Scholarship will be granted to a qualified Bermudian candidate who is studying for a postgraduate degree in Mechanical, Electrical or a related Engineering field relevant to our operation.

A.T. Oughton Postgraduate Scholarship This annual $25,000 Scholarship will be granted to a qualified Bermudian candidate who is studying for a postgraduate degree in a business or social science discipline. Summer Employment / Internship Option Available for Successful Applicants DATE:




Visit BELCO Human Resources, 299 2803 Pick up at BELCO headquarters, 27 Serpentine Road, Hamilton



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26 n MARCH 14, 2014



supported financially by BELCO, the educational award presented the work experience that I needed to further and focus my education. Along with the award, I was offered a summer student position at BELCO. During my initial studies I wanted to become a computer engineer because my older brother is a networking engineer and has experience with computers. This was, of sorts, an uneducated decision simply because I did not know the opportunities available. However, at BELCO during my time as a summer student, the company’s many practising engineers gave me their advice. I decided that electrical engineering was the career path I wanted to pursue. The summer student posi-


BELCO opens up plenty of opportunities Energy Delivery, Engineer in Training, Bermuda Electric Light Company Limited

During high school, keen interests in sciences and mathematics led to a teacher’s recommendation that I pursue engineering as a career. Before that, I had never thought of how electrical systems work or even how we get electrical energy. Upon further PEDRO research into engineering, I made a decision to further my post-high school education in the engineering field. My parents learned about BELCO’s educational awards that can help to fund undergraduate students who are studying engineering. Becoming the recipient of an educational award from BELCO opened more opportunities than I was aware were possible. Beyond obviously being

tion helped tremendously with giving me direction in my studies by giving me first-hand experience in the engineering industry. This led to knowledge of industry requirements and the opportunities available after graduation.

Enhanced As my education progressed, I found that the different summer student positions I was put in throughout the company aided greatly with understanding how to apply the concepts that I was learning during my studies. This enhanced my development in becoming an engineer. After receiving my undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, I decided to further my education in the field by studying for my Master’s degree. The decision was spurred on by my work experience at BELCO and wanting to increase my knowledge of the power systems field of energy generation and delivery. As I worked toward my Master’s, I became exposed

to the future of energy and how much effort was being put into it throughout the world, including Bermuda. Using my familiarity with Bermuda’s energy requirements thanks to my experience at BELCO, I researched power grid optimization during my Master’s, and how this could impact Bermuda’s energy future. BELCO’s financial support and work placement throughout my studies was invaluable in my development, understanding of engineering and its practical applications. The BELCO educational award has been one of the main driving factors to get me where I am today, working as a power systems engineer. n

JONATHAN PEDRO is participating in Ascendant Group Limited’s Professional Development Programme for Graduate Engineers. Chartered Engineer status is earned upon completion of the programme. BELCO is an operating company of Ascendant Group Limited.

Questions to ask yourself when choosing a college BY LEE BIERER The Charlotte Observer (MCT)

You may think you know exactly what you want out of your college experience –– or you may be clueless. The following questions will ask you to examine your priorities and preferences, your likes and dislikes and help you define what will make your college experience as fulfilling as possible.

Guide Responding to many of these questions will guide your family to create a more meaningful and realistic college list. n Do you have thoughts on a possible college major? If so, name a few. If you don’t, don’t worry. Most colleges don’t ask students to declare their majors until the end of sophomore year. But if you do have a focused inter-

est in engineering, theatre or fashion design, there are colleges that specialize in those programmes or are particularly noted for their strong departments. n What activities have you participated in during high school that you’d like to continue doing in college? Were there activities that you weren’t able to participate in during high school that you’d like to pursue during college? If so, name them. n If you chose to take a year off before heading to college, what would you love to do? n Are there careers or places you’d love to explore? n Assess your need for diversity. Do you like being surrounded by people who look like you or would you thrive in a more diverse environment? n Do you consider yourself a good advocate for your own academic needs? Do you think you might fall through

the cracks at a larger university? n Do you want to “start fresh” and go to a college where you don’t know anyone? Or will you feel more comfortable being somewhere closer to home? n Would you enjoy seeing many of the same people often or would you prefer being in an environment where you can be anonymous? Do you think you’d be happier being a “big fish in a small pond” or a “small fish in a big pond”? n Do you feel ready to move away from home and be completely independent? n What degree of challenge makes you feel most comfortable? Do stronger students push you to try harder or do you enjoy the confidence of comfortably sitting at the top of the class? n Would you describe your need for culture (museums, restaurants, events), shopping, big athletics, etc. as high, medium or low? n



MARCH 14, 2014 n 27

Clean up your social media profile BY LEE BIERER McClatchy Newspapers (MCT)

Can a student’s social media presence influence their chances in the college admissions process? Hundreds of articles have been written to alert students that colleges are researching applicants online as part of the application process. Kaplan Test Prep surveyed 381 admissions officers this year and found that 31 per cent of them check out social media sites when evaluating applicants. This is the highest number Kaplan has received since initiating this research in 2008. Most parents have hammered home the importance of cleaning up the “digital DNA” with their own children, and yet students continue to post comprising

photos and questionable tweets. One student learned the hard way. She tweeted that she had been rejected from Columbia, her first choice, but that she was accepted at NYU with an exceptionally generous scholarship.

Revoked That was innocent enough until the follow-up tweet blurted out that she planned to attend NYU and then transfer to Columbia. NYU got wind of the tweets and revoked her acceptance. Careerbuilder (www. research determined that 37 per cent of employers check out Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter and that 1 in 3 job applicants are “fired before hired” because of what they’ve posted online; half

due to provocative or inappropriate photos and 45 per cent due to drinking or drug use. Apparently young people aren’t as aware of the consequences of what they’re sharing on social media as we thought. So you might think the right response to all this is to eliminate all involvement in social media, to wipe clean the Facebook page, kill the Twitter account, no Snapchats, etc. But colleges now say that this “stealth” activity looks like the student is trying to hide something. Colleges expect students to have some social media presence, and if they can’t find anything, they may become suspicious. You can make social media work in your favour in the college admissions process.

This is a new concept. While the alarm bells keep ringing telling students and parents to beware of what you post, I see opportunity. For the savvy student, Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets can be a way to add personality and colour to what may otherwise be a bland application. Photos of family or community service activities, events attended with friends, awards received, travels to interesting places can all help bring a student to life and enhance their appeal. It’s important for students to be proactive in managing their online image. n

LEE BIERER is an independent college adviser based in Charlotte, NC.

28 n MARCH 14, 2014



Grades just part of the college equation BY DAVE SCOTT The Akron Beacon Journal (MCT)

Kali Deem’s academic future was on the line. A recruiter from the Ohiobased College of Wooster wanted to know about the classes she was taking at Wadsworth High School, her participation in sports and extracurricular activities and what she found inspiring. But he didn’t ask about her grades. As the college admissions process begins in earnest, Ms Deem and thousands of other high school seniors are learning the grades they have been working to improve are still important, but to educators, those grades are nuanced and difficult if not impossible to compare. Parents and students need to know that an A or B in science is just part of the equation. Results of standardized tests like the ACT don’t tell the whole story, either.



FUTURE: Rachelle Brenner (left) leads a campus tour for Kali Deem, 18, (right) of Wadsworth, Ohio, and her mother, Sharon Deem, at the College of Wooster.

Sports, participation in clubs, volunteer work, leadership skills and how they spend their spare time can also influence their future, even in elementary school. And some of the factors are out of their control, including the academic rigour and reputation of their school. Students not going to college must be aware that employers also may have an interest in grades, but character, punctuality and certification for trades might make the difference. In elementary grades, some pupils don’t even get letter grades. Instead their parents hear descriptions of how they’re doing, such as “meeting expectations” or “needs work”. Also important are highstakes tests for children as young as 9, to determine whether they will move up the academic ladder. Trying to make sense

of it all are parents who experienced a vastly different education environment that might have led them to believe –– falsely –– that good grades were all that mattered. T David Garcia, associate vice president for enrollment management at Kent State, says his department translates into a revised GPA the points from advanced placement and other rigorous classes and also takes into account the strength and reputation of the schools. For him, the GPA is king. “The number one predictor of student success in college will be the courses they have taken in high school and the grades in those courses,” he said. Additionally, while encouraging extracurricular activities, he warns about excess. “Students will get so

involved in extracurricular activities that it impacts their high school performance, which does not send a positive message to colleges and universities,” he said. By the time students apply to colleges, they have taken the SAT or the ACT. Because those tests are standardized across the country, they level the playing field more than grades.

Prestigious Good grades and a good test score will be all a student needs to get into many colleges. But if they are seeking a prestigious school or if they have deficient grades or test scores, their experiences and all the other things they do can make a difference. Diane Raybuck, University of Akron’s director of admissions, said students on the borderline

of the school’s standards might still get in if they can show social skills and work ethics that are suitable to an environment more difficult than they might expect. “They don’t realize that they can’t sort of sit out the first month and enjoy themselves and then hit it in October. They can’t catch up,” she said. The College of Wooster, which receives 5,600 applications for 560 spots, insists on superior scores. W Scott Friedhoff, vice president for enrollment, says a student who got good grades but didn’t take the toughest classes, might have trouble getting accepted. “Slackers need not apply,” he said. On the other hand, students with blemishes on their transcripts still have See COLLEGE, page 29




pete in college. Overall, he was okay with her list of extracurricular activities but did say she could have had more. They both parted, thinking she has a chance to study in Wooster. That decision will come later.

Continued from page 28 a chance if they can explain the poor performance in an essay or interview. Illness or a relative’s death are examples, he said. David Yokley, the interviewer for Ms Deem, found no blemishes on her record in their admissions talk. He was pleased with her 29 on the ACT, which she hopes to raise to a 30 when she takes the test again. He noted she played high school tennis and encouraged her to continue to com-

Constructively Bad grades are no reason for parents to get upset, multiple educators insisted. “By the time you see the grade, the performance event is over, so yelling or creating negative emotions is not productive. It



does not move the children forward,” said Matthew Deevers, senior research associate for the Summit Education Initiative (SEI), an Ohio-based research organization. Mr Deevers and SEI Executive Director Derran Wimer said parents should respond constructively. “I think parents reflect on their own experience and use that as their primary source of information with their own children,” Mr Wimer said. “If [a poor grade] has been their own experience then that will be what they share with

MARCH 14, 2014 n 29

their kids: ‘I’m not good at math so you won’t be good at math.’ Those types of conversations are not helpful.” The key, they said, is to look forward to progress rather than backward to failure. “I think that’s the beauty of school. Every year is a new start, a rebirth and so the teachers each year have higher expectations for your kids,” Mr Wimer said. “So if you are asking: ‘Is there an opportunity for a student to break the previous mould that he has set for himself?’ I think, yes there is.” n



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30 n MARCH 14, 2014



You are your own best advocate Prepare applications and interviews as if you are in court BY RACHAEL BARRITT Head of the Student Committee, Marshall Diel & Myers Limited

Advocate: One who assists, defends, or pleads for another, one who renders legal advice and aid and pleads the cause of another. From preparing your application to appearing for an interview, as a scholarship candidate, you must step into the role of an advocate. When preparing a case for trial, a lawyer begins with the end in mind, that is, the result desired by his client, and she pursues that end

result in every step of the litigation. Preparing a case for trial and preparing your application materials are remarkably similar, but instead of persuading a judge, you are persuading a Scholarship Committee that you are the best candidate to receive their scholarship. Ab Initio (Latin): from the first act or from the start. Often when preparing a case, lawyers develop a theme around which they will present the case and during the course of the litigation, they build on that theme. That theme goes

PERSUASION: Approach your scholarship application and interview like a lawyer would approach a court case.

hand-in-hand with the case strategy, which is, figuring out what needs to be done to win at trial. By developing a stepby-step plan, a lawyer can ensure that everything she does has a purpose. The same approach can be applied to scholarship applications and the starting point is simple: do your research. Everything you need is available online where you can visit the organization’s website, review their mission statement and history, and explore their products and services. Analyze what the organization is seeking in a candidate. Make a list of the skills, knowledge, experience, qualifications and qualities that are required by the organization. Then make a list of your assets and qualifications, and match them to the award requirements. These preparations will help you develop your theme and strategy for each application, and they should be individualized for each application to truly set yourself apart. Affidavit: Written statement of facts, made voluntarily and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it. An affidavit is the document that sets out the important facts which a person intends to rely on to prove their case. It is read by the judge in advance of any hearing and often creates the first impression of the case being tried. Your CV or resume serves the same purpose for your application. Do not make the mistake of relying on a generic CV or resume. Take the time to tailor this document so that each entry matches up with the award’s criteria and ties in to your overall theme and

strategy. You need to make sure that the decision-makers have all of the relevant facts about you. Expert: a person who possesses particular skills and knowledge upon the subject matter that he is required to give an opinion on. Expert witnesses are called upon to provide the court with specialized knowledge on a particular aspect of the case in order to assist the court when making its determination. Your expert witness will be your references and these letters will provide an objective opinion about you and provide personal knowledge about your strengths and talents. Choose references carefully and consider using specialized references for particular applications. Consider the difference between a generic reference from a past employer versus one from one of your law school professors that outlines your involvement in class discussions and projects. Or a letter from the head of the volunteer group that you recently assisted discussing your efforts and initiative versus a general letter from one of your high school teachers, which may be too historical. The quality of your “experts” could really set you apart from the other candidates. Pleadings: the formal allegations by the parties of their respective claims and defences, for the judgment of the court. A pleading is a formal written statement of a party’s claims or defences, and they define the issues to be adjudicated in the action. Your covering letter serves that purpose in your application materials. See ADVOCATE, page 31



MARCH 14, 2014 n 31


PREPARATION: Your interview is the best time to present your case to the Scholarship Committee.

ADVOCATE Continued from page 30 It summarizes the main reasons why you are the best candidate for the award, and it should do so in a persuasive and compelling manner. This is where you outline your theme to the Scholarship Committee and capture their interest. Use clear, concise and simple language. Try to state your accomplishments without coming across as if you are bragging. Ensure that the application materials are complete and have someone you trust look over the materials for errors. A missing document or spelling mistake could land your application in the “no” pile. Final Submissions: This is the time when all details of the defendant’s and the plaintiff’s cases are submitted to court for a verdict.

Your interview is the opportunity to present your case to the Committee. Do all that you can to know your audience in advance by asking who will be interviewing you and research them. A good advocate knows the law, but a great advocate knows the judge. Prior to the interview, review the award criteria and the list that you made above in order to remind yourself of the theme that you want to communicate. You should also consider any weaknesses in your application, and be prepared to explain them in a way that is honest and direct. It is impossible to predict exactly what questions you may be asked in a scholarship interview, but a quick Internet search can provide you with a list of the most commonly asked interview questions. These are the basics and your prepared answers should be flawless. Take the time to practise

‘A good advocate knows the law, but a great advocate knows the judge.’ answering these questions with a family member or friend. Listen to the questions being asked. Take a few seconds to consider your answer, and speak clearly and confidently. Be concise and stay focused. Always come back to what you are trying to prove to the Committee in terms of your suitability. Success at trial is not an accident. It takes preparation and commitment and the efforts start at the inception of the case and must continue all the way to the final verdict. There are no shortcuts. You should approach your applications in the same way. Think through your case, come up with a theme and

strategy and commit all of your energies to achieving your verdict. If you can’t effectively argue that you are the best candidate for the award, chances are you will not be the successful candidate, particularly in the case of a legal scholarship. Don’t rest your case until you know that you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the right candidate for the award. n

RACHAEL BARRITT is a director and member of the Matrimonial and Family Team and is Head of the Student Committee at Marshall Diel & Myers Limited. A copy of this article can be found at the firm’s website at

32 n MARCH 14, 2014



Building legal career success together Marshall, Diel and Myers offers scholarship and opportunities BY RACHAEL BARRITT Head of Student Committee, Marshall, Diel & Myers Limited

Ridicule of the legal profession is a widespread cultural phenomenon. Everyone’s heard all of the old jokes including, “What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.” And then there is the infamous Shakespeare quote: “The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.” Despite this bad rap, there are increasing numbers of students attending law school with the view of joining the legal profession. However, for some students in Bermuda the costs of doing so, as well as the lack of training opportunities, are real obstacles in reaching the goal of practising law.

Committed Marshall Diel & Myers Limited is a full-service litigation firm that is committed to developing the future of the Bermuda Bar. Our goal is to work with students to assist in their development as the next generation of lawyers, not only to benefit the Firm but also the Bermuda Bar. The Directors of Marshall Diel & Myers Limited are offering an annual scholarship to encourage and support Bermudian students interested in studying the law while our student programmes provide us with further opportunities to lay the foundation for students’ future legal careers. The student experience is meant to be rewarding and positive, as well as challenging, and we foster and maintain an open, respectful, inclusive and team-oriented workplace where students are recognized, and treated, as valued professionals. We seek to support and hire outstanding students who will continue with the Firm as associates. We are committed to

KEVIN TAYLOR and Rachael Barritt of Marshal, Diel & Myers Limited. providing the best possible training for our students and we want all our students to become highly capable professionals, ready and able to commence practice. Because we strive to support and hire students who will remain with the Firm as associates, we look for candidates who will share the Firm's commitment to the highest standards of practice, professionalism, and client service. We seek candidates who have achieved strong academic performance, and who demonstrate initiative, effective communication skills, leadership capability, willingness to be involved in the community, and the ability to work well as part of a team. All candidates must be committed to returning to Bermuda to practise law and contribute in the on-going development of the Bermuda Bar. “Our aim is to provide a worthy applicant with the opportunity to achieve his or her goal of becoming an attorney and member of the Bermuda Bar. We are seeking to make an investment today to assist in developing tomorrow’s leaders of Bermuda’s legal community,” confirmed Kevin Taylor, managing director. “As the award winner may be given the opportunity to pupil and start their legal career with us, the Committee is seeking a bright, driven and personable young law student who

is on the path to becoming a solid contributor to the legal fraternity in Bermuda. “As an advocacy Firm, we will also be looking for a candidate that is wellspoken, confident and able to convey their views in

a clear and effective manner.” n

APPLICATIONS are to be made on the relevant forms, which can be downloaded from our website at www.


SUCCESS: MDM’s 2013 scholarship winner Samantha Saunders.

Building Success Together Knowledge



Legal Scholarship Award Marshall Diel & Myers Limited strongly believes in the importance of supporting Bermudians who aspire to a career in the legal profession and are committed to developing the future of the Bermuda Bar. We will work with you to lay the foundation for your successful legal career.

• Annual award up to $15,000

• Application Deadline is 1 July 2014 This scholarship is only available to Bermudians who intend to return to Bermuda to practice law. For more information, please contact Ms Rachael Barritt at or visit our website at

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Undergraduate Scholarship Award

“It is my belief that dedication, persistence, and initiative are key ingredients in the recipe for success in life. Thank you PartnerRe, for recognizing these qualities in me and making the commitment to invest in my future.” - Deshun Dill 2013 PartnerRe Scholarship Award recipient

The PartnerRe Undergraduate Scholarship Award is available to Bermudian students who are pursuing a first undergraduate degree and interested in a career in business. Study must be undertaken at an accredited university or college overseas. Applicants must have completed at least one year of post-secondary study or equivalent at an accredited institution. Scholarship Benefits: – 25,000 USD (or equivalent) per annum over a period of up to three years – A summer placement in an overseas PartnerRe office

Deadline for applications: 5pm on Friday May 30, 2014 Application forms are available on: For further details, contact: Scholarship Application Administrator Email: Tel: (441) 292-0888

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Sch olarsh ips of Ch oice Akeila Richardson and Kevin Minors, the 2013 Butterfield Scholarship Recipients

At Butterfield, we are committed to supporting our local community and investing in its future. Our scholarships provide financial assistance to students with proven potential who are pursuing a college or university degree.

Scholarship Opportunities Undergraduate Scholarship

Postgraduate Scholarship

In honour of Sir Harry D. Butterfield, this scholarship is valid for up to four years of study abroad at an approved college or university. The award has an annual value of BM $25,000.

In honour of Sir A. Dudley Spurling, this scholarship is valid for up to four years of study abroad at an approved college or university. The award has an annual value of BM $25,000.

All Butterfield scholarship applications will be processed using ONLY the Bermuda Scholarships website. For full details regarding the scholarship requirements, go to THE APPLICATION DEADLINE IS THE LAST FRIDAY IN MARCH. Hardcopy applications will NOT be accepted. If you require additional information, please contact: Simone Gibbons, AVP Account Manager Tel: 441 299 3821 | E-mail:

Pursuing Excellence

RenaissanceRe is committed to supporting Bermudians in their academic and career development.

Nicholas Hall is the 2013 RenaissanceRe Undergraduate Scholarship Award recipient. He graduated from the International Baccalaureate programme at the Bermuda High School and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at Western University in Canada, majoring in Actuarial Science.

For more information about our scholarship, email

RenaissanceRe is a leading provider of catastrophe and specialty reinsurance. Some of the careers we offer include: • • • • •

Claims & Underwriting Support Facilities & Office Management Finance & Accounting Human Resources Information Technology

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• • • • •

Investments Legal Marketing & Communications Software Development Underwriting & Modeling

3/3/14 4:45 PM

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