Water Report 2013

Page 1

MAY 2013



Check the health of your water tank



How clean is your tank and how safe is your water? It’s not something that concerns most of us as we go about our daily lives, but it may be worth you taking a closer look. According to Bermuda law (The Public Health (Water Storage) Regulations 1951), a water tank on a residential property must be

cleaned “not less often than once in every six years”. Under this timescale, Government’s Department of Health recommends the tank is disinfected.


If you are a tenant, your landlord is obligated to follow the law and should disclose the date on which the tank was last cleaned. At my rental apartment, I was concerned about a

build-up of what appeared to be dirt in the bottom of my tank. It was also disconcerting to watch cockroaches swimming around in the water. I try to drink bottled water when I can but it’s expensive and not environmentally-friendly, so I wanted to know how safe my water was to drink. I contacted Environmental Health to ask their advice and to get

the water tested. The results actually showed that faecal contamination and E.coli present were 10 times higher than the accepted international standard. A Government water test is free of charge. An environmental health officer examined my tank and water on March 26, 2013. On her initial viewing she See CHECKS, page 2

Inside this supplement Check the health of your water Pages 1-3 What’s in your tank? Rats, frogs and birds have all been found in some people’s storage units Page 3-4 How to keep your water clean and safe Page 4-6 What should your daily water consumption be? By Andrew Mackay of Liquid Group Page 7 Bermuda Waterworks explains the advantages of its piped and bottled water Pages 8-9 Why you should avoid getting dehydrated, by Colin Ayliffe Pages 9-10 Fill up at Greenrock’s hydration stations Pages 10-11 What’s the difference between the bottles of water at your grocery store? Pages 11 and 14

Bermuda Sun 19 Elliott Street, Hamilton, Bermuda HM 10 Tel 295-3902 Fax 292-5597 E-mail feedback@bermudasun.bm This special supplement is produced and published by Bermuda Sun Limited and printed in Bermuda by Island Press Limited.

Publisher Randy French President Lisa Beauchamp Editorial Amanda Dale Layout Amanda Dale Advertising Sales Carlita Burgess (Deputy Advertising Manager), Olga French, Diane Gilbert, Claire James Creative Services Christina White, Colby Medeiros, Bakari Smith Circulation & Distribution Michelle Furbert

Get ready for the summer with Renew’s pressure washing and restoration services Pages 14-16 How to test the pressure of your plumbing, by Darren De Silva of Water Now Page 16

The Bermuda Sun publishes twice weekly and is a subsidiary of MediaHouse Limited. We are members of the Inland Press Association, International Newspaper Marketing Association and the Newspaper Association of America. We are located at: 19 Elliott Street, Hamilton HM 10; P.O. Box HM 1241, Hamilton HM FX Tel: 295-3902 Fax: 292-5597. Visit our website: www.bermudasun.bm

kick the expensive bottled water habit and start saving today

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2 ■ MAY 10, 2013


CHECKS: Your tank must be cleaned every six years Continued from page 1 suggested the wire screen on the overflow pipe should be refitted and that the roof screens (‘pineapples’) were also checked, to prevent any debris falling into the water supply. I received my water results just over a week later, on April 4, and the report was also forwarded to my landlord. It stated: “The water analysis report found the drinking water to be unacceptable.”


The bacteriological results were: Faecal coliforms/100 ml = 10 E.coli/100 ml = 10 Total coliforms/100 ml = Confluent growth with coliforms Following any tests, the Department of Health supplies documents detailing the breakdown of bacteriological matter and chemicals in your water. It states: “We test for a group of bacteria called coliforms that indicate whether the water is safe according


CLEANING: The tank being cleaned by Andersons Water. to international standards. “Faecal coliforms and E.coli are types of coliforms that are found in animal faeces (eg. bird droppings). “An acceptable sample result would be: Total coliforms <4 (less than 4); Faecal coliforms <1 (less than 1); E.coli <1 (less than 1).

“Any result other than the above will indicate that coliforms were found in the water and it is considered unsafe. “The higher the numbers, the more bacteria was found. High levels of E.coli indicate contamination from faecal matter. If a result is recorded as ‘conflu-

Drink it. Wash with it. Flush it. Clean with it. Swim in it. So much you can do with Bermuda Water!

Bermuda Waterworks is here to meet all of your water needs with our distillation and desalination techniques. Check to see if our pipelines are available in your area. Contact us today. 32 Parsons Lane, Devonshire Tel: 236-1288 Fax: 236-7784/299-2837 E-mail: water@bwl.bm

ent growth’, this means that other bacteria interfered with the counting of coliforms and is considered unacceptable.” The document also asks the question most of us want to know: “Will you get sick from drinking water that is found to be unacceptable?” It states: “There is always a risk of illness if you consume water that contains coliforms. Although the coliform group does not cause illness, their presence indicates that disease-causing bacteria such as Salmonella may also be present.” It also asks: “What can you do to make your water safe? “If your water is not continuously disinfected, then the bacteriological quality will fluctuate. This is due to rain that washes contamination from the roof into the tank. “For this reason, drinking untreated tank water is not recommended. To ensure that your water meets drinking water standards at all times, the water must be continuously disinfected.” See CHECKS, page 3



MAY 10, 2013 ■ 3

Just how safe is your water supply?

Frogs, rats and birds have been found decaying in tanks

BY AMANDA DALE adale@bermudasun.bm

Dead birds and even rats — these are some of the things that could be decaying at the bottom of your water tank if you haven’t screened your overflow and roof pipes properly.


Delton Outerbridge, owner of Darby’s Water Service Ltd., said over the years, his workers have discovered all matter of debris. “We’ve found dead rats, birds and frogs. One tank even had a foot-and-a-half of black slurry at the bottom, containing lots of little red worms,” he said.

“Homeowners need to check their overflow pipes to make sure nothing can get into their tank, and also, the screens on their roof.” Each hole in a Bermuda limestone roof will have a rainwater leader, or pipe, heading down into the tank. Each of these holes should have a ‘pineapple’ wire or plastic screen over it, to prevent matter from reaching the water supply. A two-bedroom home will typically have five leaders, said Mr Outerbridge. Dirty tanks can contaminate your water supply but not everyone is diligent about cleaning them. See DIRTY TANKS, page 4


DEBRIS: A dead frog found in someone’s tank. For chlorination, there is a table on the ratio of recommended bleach to water quantity. There is also information on ultraviolet light, distillation and boiling techniques, and the pros and cons of each method. My landlord arranged for my water tank to be cleaned on April 17, by Andersons Water. The company said the sludge in the bottom was the result of a build-up of foliage, most likely from trees bordering the property. “It was a lot of foliage that we typically find in a tank that hasn’t been cleaned for a while. Because you live among trees, some leaves have made their way to the tank,” they told me. There are however cases when dead birds and animals are found in people’s tanks. Maybe it is time to ask yourself this question, ‘How safe is my water?’ ■


Continued from page 2 It also explains why Government tests for chlorides (salts), hardness (calcium carbonate), nitrates (a chemical pollutant found in well water) and pH (measure of alkalinity/acidity). This helps to determine the source of the water — whether rain, well or piped, and any roof paint contamination. The pH of your water should be between 6.5 and 8.5. Mine was 7.6. My water report also advised: “If the water tank has not been emptied and cleaned within the last six (6) years, you must do so. If it has, please use a disinfection method to address the tank.” Once a tank has been cleaned, an environmental health officer will return to take a further sample, to ensure the water meets Government and international standards. It’s a thorough and informative service. Together with your report, the Department of Health also includes documents on ‘Improving the quality of your tank water’, detailing disinfecting pro-


REPORT: What a Water Analysis Form looks like. cedures and three methods suitable for house water treatment — chlorination, ozonation and ultraviolet

light (UV). There is also a document on ‘Safe tank water’, detailing preventive maintenance techniques.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on getting your water tested or advice on water supply issues, contact Environmental Health on 278-4976/77 or e-mail envhealth@gov.bm. Website www.health.gov.bm


4 ■ MAY 10, 2013


Continued from page 3 “People should clean their tanks every five to six years but people can, and do, live with a dirty tank,” he said. “It’s only when it becomes apparent that dirty water is coming through the taps that some people will go ahead and get it cleaned. “Some people are avoiding getting their tank cleaned at the moment because of the recession — it’s one less bill to pay. “Old-timers may say, ‘If it was good enough for

my grandmother, it’s good enough for me’, and become accustomed to a dirty tank, but in today’s society we also have vehicle soot to deal with. “This is especially true for people living around BELCO and the Tynes Bay Waste Treatment Facility. So residents in those areas should have their tanks cleaned more regularly.” He added: “A clean roof also means a clean tank and clean water. Your roof should be cleaned every two to three years, and given a fresh coat of paint. “A lot of people are

neglecting this now because of the recession. But birds leave small amounts of nitrates. Their droppings can run into the water, leaving faecal matter. “Leaf foliage can also get into the tank and gets stuck on the bottom, creating a slurry over time. That’s where you can get bacteria growing, and whenever your tank runs low and you add more water, then this stirs all of this up.” ■

DARBY’S WATER SERVICE LTD offers free estimates for tank repairs and cleaning, plus roofs. Call 236-6815.

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PAGET SERVICE STATION 65 Middle Road, Paget Tel 236-1691




Salmonella and E.coli have been found in the tank water of many Bermuda homes. As water is clear and odourless, and contains no visible signs of bacteria, you may be unaware it is present. Therefore it is necessary to take preventive measures. Tank and roof catchment maintenance are essential to keep your water safe, clean and fresh. Filtration and disinfection of drinking water are also recommended. The Department of Health says: “Contamination of tank water is primarily a result of our simple roof collection system. “Dust, dirt, bird droppings, leaves, etc. that fall on the catchment may wash into the tank every time it rains... “The organic matter will decompose and mix with other settled solids to form sludge.”


Government issues the following advice to ensure the safety of your water supply.

Roof catchment ■ Trim overhanging trees and cover open rainwater leaders with wire screens (‘pineapples’), to prevent leaves and other debris from going into your tank. ■ Keep your roof and gutters clean and free of fungal growth. ■ Roofs should be powerwashed or wire-brushed when dirty, no later than every two years. They should be washed with bleach before being repainted (50 per cent bleach, 50 per cent water). Repair hairline cracks. ■ Tightly seal all rainwater leaders when cleaning and painting the water catchment. Do not remove until after the first rain shower.



MAY 10, 2013 ■ 5

keep your water clean and safe

■ Block gutters and downpipes whenever roof cleaning is carried out to prevent dirty water from such operations seeping into the tank. This can also be done before approaching hurricanes, to try to limit debris entering the tank.

Water tank ■ All overflow pipes should be above ground and screened with fine mesh wire. Ensure that the tank top is tight-fitting and kept free of sources of contamination ■ Clean your water tank as often as necessary to prevent sediment accumulation. Studies show that most contamination settles out of the water into the sludge. ■ The suction valve should be located at least 18 inches above the tank bottom and as far as possible away from the sump where sludge collects. ■ Avoid refilling tanks that are low in water and high in sediment. The water may become unsafe to drink because contaminants contained in the sludge can be reintroduced into the water. ■ Disinfect your tank supply every three to four months using regular household bleach (4 ounces per 1,000 gallons) to kill germs. Chlorination should only be performed if the water is clear and the tank relatively free of sludge. Organic matter contained


COLLECTION: Bermuda has a unique way of harvesting rainwater, with grooved bleached limestone roofs to direct water down to storage tanks built underneath each building. in the sludge inhibits disinfection and may result in the formation of potentially harmful by-products. ■ Aeration (adding oxygen) should be performed if there is very little turnover or if the water tastes flat. Aerate bad smelling water by running your garden hose to the top of your roof and allowing the water to drain back into the tank. Or dunk a bucket repeatedly into the tank.

Alternatively, set your garden hose nozzle on fine spray and direct it onto the surface of the water in your tank. Allow at least a few hours for ample turnover. If the tank is clean, aeration followed by chlorination should improve water quality. ■ If the water in your tank is cloudy and tastes objectionable, it should be discarded.

■ Prevent mosquitoes or fly larvae from entering the tank by screening vents or overflows with mesh wire. Check gutters for standing water. ■ If your tap water is rustcoloured, this may mean deterioration of the galvanized water supply components (pipes or pressure tank). Replace as needed. ■ Your water tank should be cleaned at least every six years. Disinfect the water using two to four ounces of bleach for every 1,000 gallons in the tank. ¼ cup of household bleach to every 1,000 gallons. Use the formula: Tank length x width x depth x 6.25 = tank capacity in gallons. Consider using a qualified contractor to clean it. ■ When buying water from a trucker only buy enough to fill it to half so that you leave space for rainwater collection.


Susan Hill Davidson, environmental health officer, said: “We do find indicators of bacteriological contamination in many domestic water samples where there is no treatment carried out or insufficient treatment. “If tanks are clean, regular chlorination may be used to prevent/treat this bacterial contamination, which can occur from birds, small animals (such as lizards and insects), leaves, dirt and dust accumulations See SAFETY, page 6

no waste water | no storage tank | no chemicals

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6 ■ MAY 10, 2013


Continued from page 5 on our roofs. “Alternatively water may be boiled for drinking and food preparation purposes. “In times of little rain, there is a temptation for some to consider using their well water to top up their tanks. “This practice is illegal and also involves many potential health risks, that people may not be aware of including: Possible high salt levels; pesticides; chemicals; detergents; pharmaceuticals and sewage contaminants, all of which seep into our groundwater from what people put on gardens, golf courses, into cesspits and so on. “Many contaminants settle out onto the base of the tank and form sediment where contamination is concentrated. “Hence, one reason tanks should be regularly cleaned out.” Although less than one per cent of household water

WATER REPORT: A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT is used for drinking, disinfecting only the water used for drinking is less costly than treating all water in the house. Methods include boiling, ultraviolet light and distillers. Boiling water is recommended for tank water used for babies, young children, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals. Ultraviolet light systems can treat water at a single tap.


They are normally combined with carbon and sediment filters to remove particulates and improve the taste of water. Distillers on counter tops kill pathogenic microorganisms but must be maintained to prevent re-growth in the chamber. Government says: “Without some form of disinfection, tank water will typically contain bacteria that are found in the natural environment and pose

no health concern. “However, bacteria found in the faeces of warm blooded animals (eg. E. coli) are frequently present to some degree which is considered unsatisfactory. “As some disease organisms from animals can be transmitted to humans through faecal contamination of water, it is important that drinking water contains no bacteria associated with intestinal flora. “Recent testing of tank waters has found Salmonella, a bacteria that causes diarrheal illness. “It is important to know that the smell, taste and appearance of water cannot provide an accurate indication of bacteriological quality or safety. “The best approach to ensure complete disinfection of your drinking water is to collect water from the cleanest possible source, followed by filtration and disinfection.” ■

FOR MORE INFORMATION contact the Department


Well water ■A

well can provide a supplementary water supply and is good to use for flushing. ■ Determine the quality and depth of water in your area. Talk to neighbours who have wells or to a licensed well driller. ■ Obtain a Water Right Application Form from the Department of Environmental Protection, for $65. ■ Get quotes from licensed well drillers for all costs including the plumbing. ■ It is unlawful to pipe water from wells to a home faucet where it can be used for drinking, cooking or to top up your water tank. ■ Well water can be contaminated from many sources including your cesspit. ■

of Health on 278-4976/77. The Department of Environmental Protection can be contacted on 2364201/239-2318.



MAY 10, 2013 ■ 7

How much water should you drink each day? BY ANDREW MACKAY Liquid Group of Companies

Just like the folks at every other ‘beverage’ company, all of us at ClearWater Systems want you to drink as much of our product — safely-filtered, purified, clean, crystal clear water — as is healthy for you. That ‘right amount’ of water is not a magic number and it’s not the same for everyone. It has everything to do with your lifestyle, diet, body type and health. Water is the second-most essential ingredient of life, after air. The generally-accepted rule of thumb is that you should drink eight eightounce glasses of water per day, but according to the Mayo Clinic (www.mayoclinic.com), “the ‘eight by eight’ rule isn’t supported by hard evidence”.


“It remains popular because it’s easy to remember,” according to the Clinic. If you haven’t had much luck getting those 64 ounces a day of H20, drink smaller glasses more frequently. Make water more interesting by adding a squeeze of lemon or a Vitamin C tablet. Keep a glass on your desk at work; or follow a routine like drinking a glass before and after each meal, and before and after exercise. The good news is that coffee, tea, soup and juice (although the first two are also diuretics) can also reduce your daily hydration frustrations. The ice cubes in your after-work cock-


REFRESHING: There are other sources of water to replenish your system, not just from the kitchen tap. This graph, right, shows the percentage of water in fruit and vegetables. tail... not so much. The University of Pennsylvania’s Dr Stanley Goldfarb suggests that “drinking coffee will count towards your total water intake for the day”, and despite the notion that it’s important to “drink eight glasses of eight ounces of water” a day, “there’s no evidence that benefits health in any real way”. After reviewing research claims about drinking eight glasses of water and studying how the kidneys handle that volume of water, Dr Goldfarb concluded that, “there’s no evidence you need to drink more water than what thirst dictates”. As beverages other than water contribute to your total daily water intake, so do fruit and vegetables. Some example percentages are shown in the adjacent chart. Nobody’s perfect. The Mayo Clinic also says that: “Generally if you drink

enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 litres (6.3 cups or 50 US ounces) or more of colourless or light yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.” While we might not manage to get eight to 10 glasses of water into our bodies every day we should do our best to make sure the drinking water we are consuming is safe from bacteria, viruses and toxins. We should protect our fresh water resources and reduce our use of water bottles as much as possible. You can take a step toward all three goals by booking an appointment for a ClearWater Systems water quality evaluation, with a call to 236-3388 or e-mail service@clearwater.bm. Water is Life. Make the best of both. ■

THE INFORMATION contained in this article should

not be treated as a substitute for medical advice. If you are concerned about your fluid intake or any of the sources referenced in this article, consult your doctor or a dietitian. Andrew Mackay is group marketing counsel for Bermuda’s Own Liquid Group of Companies. Call 236-3388 or see http://liquidgroup.bm

up to 800 gals/day from salt or brackish water

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8 ■ MAY 10, 2013


Piped water can save you a bucketload of cash SUPPLIED BY BERMUDA WATERWORKS As summer approaches, the demand for water increases and its impact on our daily lives becomes more important. Bermuda Waterworks is a leading provider of bottled water and piped drinking water on the island. We supply water to homes, businesses, hotels, cruise ships and the occasional ship or resident requiring water for specialized equipment.


In Bermuda, water is a valued resource. In the absence of natural rivers, the settlers constructed tanks for water catchment and storage. It is a practice that is carried out to this day. Necessity was the mother of invention for our forefathers and they excelled in their ingenuity. Early in our company’s history, brackish water was the order of the day. Several decades later we are using advanced Reverse Osmosis and desalination


HEALTHY LIVING: Bermuda Waterworks also produces bottled water under the Pure Water brand. techniques to extract and treat our source water. Approximately two-thirds of our piped water comes from treated sea water. The remaining one-third comes from desalting brackish groundwater extracted from our underground lenses. The abundance of sea water has made Reverse Osmosis a natural fit for our company’s operations. The piped water supply is chlorinated after rigorous treatment so that it meets

local and international quality standards. In 2010 Bermuda Waterworks entered into an agreement with the Bermuda Government to expand its distribution to the western part of the island. The second phase up to Somerset Bridge has been completed and clients are benefiting from the new water service. The long-term goal is to extend the pipeline into

Somerset Village. This expansion will help to alleviate the temporary crisis that can result from a long spell of dry weather. The cost of the company’s piped water is quite competitive. A truckload of water now costs $90 on average and holds 1,000 Imperial gallons (1,200 US gallons). Bermuda Waterworks’ base rate is $24.33 once the early payment discount is applied. This entitles the customer to 1,000 Imperial gallons of water. In these changing economic times, not having a piped water connection in an area that we serve is an unnecessary expense on the household budget.

Bottled water

The company also manufactures bottled water under the Pure Water brand. It is packaged in three and five gallon containers. Bottled water is a healthy, convenient product that residents use because of its refreshing taste, and it is a good way to stay hydrated. It is also a healthy alternative to other beverages in See SAVINGS, page 9

Great Reasons to buy Pure Water Customers can buy water in bulk to save money. Our bottles are reusable when returned in good condition. Pure Water is tested daily in house. However filtered water is not. Pure Water is tested weekly by a local approved laboratory. Pure Water is tested annually by a U.S. laboratory. Did you know Pure Water costs less when collected at our plant! 32 Parsons Lane, Devonshire Tel: 236-1288 Fax: 236-7784/299-2837 E-mail: purewater@bwl.bm




MAY 10, 2013 ■ 9

Drink up to prevent chronic dehydration BY COLIN AYLIFFE

Living on an island surrounded by water, you would not think that most of us in Bermuda are actually chronically dehydrated. Yet we are. We’re all told to drink lots of water and to cut down on the coffee, soda and alcohol. But the question is, why should we drink water and how much do we really need? Let’s start with the physiology. Humans are composed of about 75 per cent water and it plays many important roles in our bodily functions.



ESSENTIAL: We all need to consume water to survive.

It is the most important nutrient that humans need as we would die without it. Life as we know it would not exist! The main function of water is to maintain a stable environment inside and around our cells, allowing us to get nutrition into our cells and eliminate waste from them. Even the brain is made up of 80 per cent water. It is an essential part of our survival.

Our body is only designed to drink water and nothing else but water. When we drink anything else it is simply drying out the body. Drinking liquids that are not water are ‘displacing agents’ or diuretics. Each time you drink any other source you are displacing the intake of a health-giving fluid and consuming empty calories, which will eventually lead to weight gain. This means if you drink one cup of coffee a day you

will need to drink the equivalent quantity in water just to balance it out. If you drink two cups of coffee then you need to drink an extra two cups of water, and so on. Most people are in a chronic state of dehydration. A dry mouth and bright yellow urine are clear indications that you are already dehydrated. As water is so important to the survival of the body, the body will scavenge


approved laboratory. Bottled water in reusable containers has been a green alternative long before it became popular. Our bottles can be reused several times, once our customers do their part. Bottles are rejected if there are any leaks or if they have been contaminated with other liquids eg. drink mix or dirty bottles.

Schools and organizations often have coin drives or other fundraising activities. The company is quite happy to donate reject bottles to these events. Just give us a call and save a good bottle from going bad. For the last 80 years, Bermuda Waterworks has manufactured water to meet the island’s growing needs. Our daily mission is to

Continued from page 8 helping to combat the obesity epidemic. Annually, our water is subject to a detailed chemical analysis by a US-based laboratory. Locally, our bottled water is tested daily in-house and weekly by an external-

water from any system in the body just to stay alive, mainly the digestive and musculoskeletal systems. Most causes of back pain are caused by dehydration. The discs in our spine are filled with water and when dehydrated, these discs become deflated, placing more pressure on the nerves. In fact, 75 per cent of the weight of the upper body is supported by the water volume that is stored in the core of our discs. If we are dehydrated then all parts of the body begin to suffer, starting with the spinal discs and joints, with disc L5 affected in 95 per cent of all cases. Common pain complaints can also be associated with a lack of water. Our nerves are surrounded by a fatty and fluid cover called the myelin sheath. When we are dehydrated, this fatty sheath is dried out, creating a greater pain response to the brain. So, if you have ever had a sprained ankle or knee, then this can flare up just from being dehydrated. See DEHYDRATION, page 10

provide the island with a high-quality potable piped drinking water supply and internationally-approved bottled water products. We are here to meet all of your water needs. ■

BERMUDA WATERWORKS LTD, 32 Parsons Lane, Devonshire. Contact 2997873. E-mail water@bwl.bm

PURA brand ultraviolet water purification

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10 ■ MAY 10, 2013



How to refill your water bottle for free BY DR JUDITH LANDSBERG Greenrock

Imagine a plastic water bottle filled a quarter of the way up with oil — that is roughly the amount of oil it takes to manufacture and transport a bottle of water. Bottled water not only takes a lot of resources to produce but there is also increasing concern about the chemicals that can leach into it from the plastic. That water may taste great straight from the convenience store or fridge, but maybe it came here in a hot shipping container or sat on a sunny dock. What impact did that have?



FILLING STATION: Dr Judith Landsberg, Greenrock president, and Tim Madeiros, owner of AES Ltd, at the ferry terminal hydration station.

Some plastics contain chemicals that can have an impact on our hormonal system, and these chemicals can leach into the water. The environmental cost and health concerns associated with bottled water led Greenrock to partner with solar energy company AES (Alternative Energy Systems) Ltd last year, to

provide five ‘hydration stations’ in Hamilton. These water-bottle filling stations were installed free of charge by the City of Hamilton; they are connected to City water and provide clean drinking water to refill bottles. There are hydration stations next to the ferry terminal, the entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park in

Queen Street, by the bus terminal in Church Street, across from Liberty Theatre in Union Street, and by the Cavendish parking lot in Reid Street. A sixth station is ready to be installed at Victoria Park, pending approval from Bermuda Waterworks. To ensure the water is completely safe, the hydration stations have anti-bac-


body weight in kilograms and times that by 0.033. This is how much you need to drink in litres. For example, I weigh 80kg so I need to drink 2.7 litres a day. As we live in a hot climate we should all increase this figure slightly to accommodate for sweating. Try to drink filtered or bottled spring water and avoid cloudy plastic containers as they are prone to leaching chemicals into the water. Remember that anything apart from water is displacing it and you need to drink the same quantity just to reach status quo. Drink up and enjoy the benefits of a fully-hydrated body. The worst that will happen is a few more toilet breaks. ■

Dehydration — the facts

Continued from page 9 The digestive system is also heavily compromised from a lack of water. One of the most common over-the-counter medications today is to deal with constipation. The body is a very intelligent system and will draw water from wherever it can. In this case, water is absorbed from the mucus in the stomach and colon, making it dry and hindering our digestion of foods. Also, the lower intestine and colon will drain water away from any faecal matter lying in there. All the toxins from this waste will be drawn back into the body, leading to a host of problems including pain in that region. So, how much should we drink? To ensure you stay hydrated, calculate your

COLIN AYLIFFE is a certified personal trainer and holistic lifestyle coach. E-mail cayliffe@courthouse.

terial nozzles and carbon filters which BAC (Bermuda Air Conditioning) replaces every three months. As an additional precaution, the Department of Health regularly tests the water for chlorine and any particulate or bacterial contamination. Bermudians and visitors alike are certainly taking advantage of the stations. Since their installation people have used approximately 24,000 litres per month. Even allowing for some wastage, that is a lot of plastic water bottles that are not being purchased and discarded. The stations near the ferry and bus terminals are the most popular. There have been some teething problems. Last year the hydration station near the ferry terminal on Front Street was apparently damaged by a car. It was removed and replaced, and has since been repaired. A different kind of problem arose in early April See HYDRATION, page 11

Feeling tired? Not drinking enough water can suck your energy dry. It is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. Even moderate dehydration (which results in the loss of three per cent of your body weight) can make you feel mentally sluggish and mess with your concentration. Just a two per cent drop in body water can trigger short-term memory loss and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page. ■ Even mild dehydration can slow down your metabolism by as much as 30 per cent. ■ Up to 75 per cent of Americans are thought to be chronically dehydrated. In 37 per cent of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak it is mistaken for hunger. ■ The next time you’re feeling foggy or lightheaded, don’t just assume you’re in need of food. Drink a glass or two of water. ■ A University of Washington study found that one glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100 per cent of dieters surveyed. ■ Preliminary research suggests that eight to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80 per cent of sufferers. ■ Drinking five glasses of water a day decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45 per cent. It can also decrease the risk of breast cancer and bladder cancer. ■



MAY 10, 2013 ■ 11

Drinking, distilled, purified or spring? BY CHANIE KIRSCHNER Mother Nature Network / (MCT)

Just a couple years ago, when Hurricane Irene flooded our nearby water purification plant, our tap water was no longer safe for drinking, cooking — basically anything besides showering. I had a newborn baby in the house drinking a bottle of formula every three hours. Needless to say, I quickly got acquainted with the water sold in the grocery store. But the choices were overwhelming. Where were the days of simply picking up a few gallons of bottled water? Why did I now have to choose whether I wanted drinking or purified water? And what was the differ-


Continued from page 10 when a caller to a radio chat show claimed the hydration station by the bus terminal was making people sick. The Department of Health and Greenrock immediately followed up on the claim and tested all the hydration stations. The results came back saying there were no health concerns. Greenrock believes that simple, innovative solutions like the hydration stations will lessen our collective impact on the environment. The hydration stations in Hamilton are a pilot project that has proven to be helpful in sorting out some of the issues.

ence anyway — wasn’t all bottled water the same? I did what any mother would do in my situation: I bought half a dozen gallons of each kind and lugged them home. Something was bound to be good enough for my baby and the rest would have to be good enough for me. The EPA’s (US Environmental Protection Agency) website finally answered my questions — after a few clicks, I was a water connoisseur. Now I pass that wisdom on:

Drinking water Drinking water is just that — water intended for drinking. It is safe for human consumption and comes from a municipal We have also had interest from some organizations that want to put hydration stations on running and cycling routes. There is also a need on the Railway Trail and at other ferry terminals. We would like to install more, but for the moment will continue to monitor the stations in Hamilton before we extend the project. Next time you reach for a plastic bottle, maybe you will change your mind and fill your water bottle instead. ■

DR JUDITH LANDSBERG is president of Greenrock. Call 747-7625 or e-mail info@ greenrock.org. See www. greenrock.org

source. There are no added ingredients besides what is considered usual and safe for any tap water, such as fluoride (a mineral for growing teeth and gums).

Distilled water Distilled water is a type of purified water. It’s water that has gone through a rigorous filtration process to strip it not only of contaminants, but any natural minerals as well. This water is best for use in small appliances — like hot water urns, or steam irons, because if you use it, you won’t have that mineral build-up that you often get when you use tap water. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, this water is not necessarily the best for

human consumption, since all of the water’s natural, and often beneficial, minerals are absent.

Purified water Purified water is water that comes from any source, but has been purified to remove any chemicals or contaminants. Types of purification include distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, and carbon filtration. Like distilled water, it has advantages and disadvantages, the advantages being that potentially-harmful chemicals may be taken out, and the disadvantage being that beneficial minerals may be taken out as well. See CHOICES, page 14

Factfile: Plastic water bottles ■ Sales

of bottled water (distilled, mineral, spring, purified and well water) have more than quadrupled since the early 1990’s. The US is the biggest consumer, purchasing a quarter of the estimated 200 billion bottles consumed annually globally. ■ If you filled a third of a plastic water bottle with oil, you would be looking at the amount of oil used to produce and transport that bottle. ■ At least 90 per cent of the price of a bottle of water is for things other than the water itself, such as bottling, packaging, marketing and shipping. ■ It takes more than 450 years for a plastic water bottle to degrade in the natural environment. ■ In Bermuda, up to 17 litres of imported bottled water are consumed every minute. ■ It takes up to 2,000 times as much energy to produce and transport the average bottle of water as it does to produce the same amount of tap water. ■ Plastic water bottles may pose a health risk if chemical contaminants from the bottle show up in the water. There has been controversy over the potential effects of BPA — bisphenol A, a chemical in polycarbonate. ■

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12 ■ MAY 10, 2013


Safe Tank Water Regular maintenance of your roof water catchment and tank is important to keep your water safe, clean and fresh. Conduct a survey of your water system and check the following: ROOF CATCHMENT UÊ /À Ê > ÞÊ ÛiÀ > } }Ê ÌÀiiÊ LÀ> V iÃÊ > `Ê V ÛiÀÊ «i Ê À> Ü>ÌiÀÊ ` Ü Ê pipes with wire screens. UÊ ii«ÊÞ ÕÀÊÀ vÊ> `Ê}ÕÌÌiÀÃÊV i> Ê> `ÊvÀiiÊ vÊvÕ }> Ê}À ÜÌ ° UÊ / } Ì ÞÊÃi> Ê> ÊÀ> ÊÜ>ÌiÀÊ` Ü Ê« «iÃÊÜ i ÊV i> }Ê> `Ê«> Ì }ÊÌ iÊ water catchment. Do not remove until after the first rain shower. WATER TANK UÊ i> ÊÞ ÕÀÊÌ> Ê>ÃÊ vÌi Ê>ÃÊ iViÃÃ>ÀÞÊÌ Ê«ÀiÛi ÌÊÃi` i ÌÊ>VVÕ Õ >Ì Ê (by law every six years). UÊ Ã viVÌÊÞ ÕÀÊÌ> ÊÃÕ«« ÞÊÕà }Ê iÊ vÊÌ iÊv Ü }Ê iÌ `Ã\ o Chlorination o Boiling (for at least five minutes) o Distillation o Filtration/UV light treatment Ê ÛiÀy ÜÊ « «iÃÊ Ã Õ `Ê LiÊ >L ÛiÊ }À Õ `Ê > `Ê ÃVÀii i`Ê Ü Ì Ê w iÊ iÃ Ê wire. Ensure that the tank top is tight fitting and kept free of sources of contamination. Û `ÊÀiw }ÊÌ> ÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÀiÊ ÜÊ ÊÜ>ÌiÀÊ> `Ê } Ê ÊÃi` i Ì°Ê/ iÊÜ>ÌiÀÊ >ÞÊ LiV iÊ Õ Ã>viÊ Ì Ê `À Ê LiV>ÕÃiÊ V Ì> >ÌiÃÊ V Ì> i`Ê Ê Ì iÊ Ã Õ`}iÊV> ÊLiÊÀi ÌÀ `ÕVi`Ê Ì ÊÌ iÊÜ>ÌiÀ° For more information contact Environmental Health 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire FL 02 Phone: 278-5333

GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA Ministry of Health and Seniors Department of Health Environmental Health



MAY 10, 2013 ■ 13

STOP! don’t drink well water Protect your health. Did you know it is illegal to ơOO D WDQN ZLWK XQWUHDWHG well water?

know the facts… an average of 15% of sewage waste gets back to ground water if you suspect that you might be drinking well water, contact Environmental Health 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire FL 02 Phone: 278-5333 GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA Ministry of Health and Seniors Department of Health Environmental Health

14 ■ MAY 10, 2013



Get Renew’d ready for the summer BY CORY POWELL Renew Ltd

In 2006 Renew Ltd became Bermuda’s first exclusive mobile pressure washing company. We aim to provide the highest standards of customer service and care. We also provide multiple restoration services. This

includes being the island’s exclusive distributors, certified installers and technical service providers for the world’s leading crystalline waterproofing brand, XYPEX. We also provide plastering and Bermuda stone restoration, water tank and roofing services, non-slip

treatments, and abrasive blasting. Here are some answers to some of the many questions clients have asked us over the years, in the hope this may help others with challenges they too are facing.

Waterproofing services Q: We have efflorescence,

dampness and peeling paint in our home and it constantly blisters our walls, what can we do and how can we fix this? A: This is the number one question being asked of us. First of all you need to locate the source of your See RESTORATION, page 15

CHOICES: What’s the difference between the bottles? Continued from page 11

Spring water This is what you often find in bottled water. It’s from an underground source and may or may not have been treated and purified. Though spring water sounds more appealing (I imagine my spring water coming from a rushing fresh spring at the base of a mountain), it’s not necessarily the best water for drinking. Studies done by the Natural Resources Defense Council have found contaminants such as coliform, arsenic and phthalates in bottled water. Much of bottled water is labelled as spring water, when in fact it is coming from a municipal source and is nothing more than glorified tap water. This topic has been a popular one in recent years, sparking much controversy. So what did I, the ecoexpert, choose when faced


BIG BUSINESS: Today’s consumers face an overwhelming choice of products. with the myriad choices? For my family, I chose drinking water, but depending on where you live, you may choose differently.

To check the water quality of your products, see the Environmental Working Group’s report on bottled water. ■

SEE WWW.EWG.ORG or www.epa.gov for more information. Mother Nature Network’s website is at www.mnn.com.

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MAY 10, 2013 ■ 15

RESTORATION: Waterproofing, pressure washing, coating ing walls, to sewage treatment plants, tunnels and pretty much anywhere you have cement and concrete, you should use XYPEX. In Bermuda we encounter extreme weather and concrete erosion conditions. XYPEX can halt this attack and create a longer life for your structure, and thus a more sustainable one.

Continued from page 15 problem and how is moisture getting into your home? Is it getting in through a window frame, a roof drain or an AC line? Or is it a below grade structure or the exterior walls may not have been waterproofed correctly? Or is your water tank leaking into your space? This isn’t always easy to determine and can often take time to locate, but when you do find the root of the problem your remedy to solve the problem can then be planned. Remember, fixing the problem isn’t the problem; finding the problem is the problem. Unfortunately in most cases, even with a solution and repair to the underlying cause/s there is often further work needed to repair and reinstate interior damages. The severity of the damage and whether the subsurface is Bermuda stone or concrete (block or poured) will determine if a simple coating of XYPEX products is sufficient, or a re-rendering and restoration of the surface is required. Whether it’s Bermuda stone, concrete block or poured concrete, all of the above can be affected by moisture presence leading to peeling and blistering of paint, mould, efflorescence and in some cases, structural damage. Anyone looking to build, considering remodelling or renovating should sit with their general contractor,

Pressure washing services


ACCESSIBILITY: Renew Ltd provides multiple services. architect and/or engineer to consider all the options available and to ensure their home is sealed tight from expensive water-related problems further down the road. With the use of carefullyplaced products like XYPEX installed by our certified team you can spend a little money in the beginning to avoid these problems and a lot of money fixing them later. Q: What is XYPEX and how does it work? A: The short answer is that XYPEX is a non-soluble and non-toxic crystalline product that travels through new or existing poured concrete or plastered surfaces to plug and close the open pours and capillaries that are left behind as cement and concrete cures. When XYPEX is added to concrete both new and old it becomes a permanent part of the structure and does

not deteriorate over time. Even at extreme hydrostatic pressures XYPEX will restrict the flow of water from any direction. XYPEX will also continually seal hairline cracks as they form when moisture is present, long after it is installed. Q: Is XYPEX Safe? A: Yes XYPEX is safe. In fact XYPEX is NSF61 approved for use in potable water holding structures worldwide. No other crystalline waterproofing product on the market today carries more credible test data and approvals than XYPEX, or is used in more countries. XYPEX contains no VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) and also carries LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)-certified ratings. Q: What other areas can I use XYPEX in? A: From pools, patios, Bermuda stone and retain-

Q: Why would I want to pressure wash my building or home? A: Pollutants, carbon emissions and general debris can all break down the original finish or coating on a building structure, causing a dingy appearance. By simply applying fresh water at the right pressure and temperature with safe solutions, you can remove these pollutants and extend the look and protective qualities of your painted, coated or plastered surface. This will result in less money spent over the long term. But don’t wait — the longer these pollutants sit, the more they will stain the surface. Once this happens you’ll find it very difficult to bring it back to its original look. A well-maintained structure provides a clean and attractive appearance all year round, every year, helping to ‘keep Bermuda beautiful’! Q: Why should I seal my patio after it’s been cleaned? A: Most surfaces used for patios, pool decks and walkSee RESTORATION, page 16

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16 ■ MAY 10, 2013



How to test the pressure of your plumbing BY DARREN DE SILVA Water Now

Testing the pressure side of your plumbing system is an easy test anyone can do. First of all, find your pressure gauge — it is usually mounted on your pump, or pressure tank. This is a simple test — if you have no leaks on the pressure side, and no taps open, toilets or washing machines running, etc. the gauge needle should remain on the same point. Watch the gauge straight on for a minute or two. If you don’t see it dropping, this is a good sign. Be sure to make a note of the exact reading and come back 15 minutes later to check. The pump should not kick on during this time. If it does not move, this


Continued from page 15 ways are either concrete, tile, brick or wood, or a combination. As these surfaces are cleaned, the pores of the exterior are opened to the elements, allowing salts, mould and other debris to enter and cause issues with the integral nature of the products. This can lead to damage and a limited lifespan. By applying specific sealers you’re restricting entry to these particles and in turn protecting your investment. A similarity would be the application of undercoating on your car. Without this in

indicates no (substantial) leak on the pressure side, but may not rule out a small, slow drip. If it moves downwards this indicates you have a leak in the plumbing, running toilet, or a tap/garden hose, for example. In more than half of situations, a running toilet is the culprit and usually the flapper valve is at fault. This is an easy and inexpensive fix, with parts available at plumbing or hardware stores. Look or listen for slow running water on the inside of the bowl.

Test the tank Some people may recommend table tennis balls but these are not sensitive or accurate enough, and can be affected by wind blowing down the gutters. Bermuda, cars would last half their lifespan. Sealers act in the same way to provide simple protection from the elements. When salt gets into a surface it dries and expands, potentially causing cracks or rusting of the rod works within. It must be noted that sealers will not stop mould growth but can slow it down and limit it to growing only on the surface, so cleaning and removal of the mould is made easier.

Water / tank maintenance Q: Why should I coat my water tank? A: Coating is necessary to help protect the original plaster finish of the tank

If you have at least two sides to your tank this will make testing easier as it does not require shutting down the pump/consumption, which you must do to test a single section tank. Remember which side of the tank you are switched to, because you are testing the other side. To get accurate results, this must be done when no water is being drawn from that side, and when there is no rain. Take a careful measurement with a wooden pole. Ensure this is in the same spot/level every time. Do not start it, otherwise the level will look higher than it is. You can test 12 hours later but testing after 24 hours may be recommended to determine whether a tank from water abrasion and attack. Over time constant water in contact with an unprotected plaster finish will erode the surface, thus reducing the lifespan of the finish itself. This then leads to leaks and issues. Not all tanks need to be coated, and if they have a good coating on the original surface and are not leaking, then you are fine. By coating a tank you also reduce the amount of bacteria that can form within the pores of open plaster finishes. As XYPEX becomes an integral part of the substrate when applied, as well as remaining on the surface as a protective barrier, it

has a smaller leak.

Tank repair Attempt spot repairs at your own risk. When we do tank repairs, if a spot repair is needed, we will also barrier coat the entire tank with two coats of Thoroseal (waterproof coating). We have seen many cases where a crack is not visible, but a barrier coat will solve the problem. We do not recommend a cement wash as a barrier coat because far too often, we have seen this fail. Thoroseal or equivalent is a better solution. ■

WATER NOW offers a full line of services including water delivery 365 days a year, tank cleaning/repair, and water quality/safety concerns. Call 504-5555 or visit www.waternow.bm. is a perfect solution to the problems faced in Bermuda water tanks. XYPEX will also self-heal hairline cracks as they form, reducing the risks of leaking in the future. I hope this information has helped and if you’re in the market for a Renew service don’t hesitate to call, e-mail or visit our website to complete an ‘Estimate Report’. We can have you Renew’d today. Remember — ‘Don’t re-do it, Renew it!’. ■

CORY POWELL is the owner of Renew Ltd, 12 Harvey Road, Paget. Call 238-3639 or e-mail renew@northrock. bm. Website www.renewbermuda.com

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