Works on Paper & Editions, December 9 2021

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All sizes: mm, excl. frame. Lots with ‘*’ are illustrated in the catalogue. Estimations below €100 not mentioned.

1. Auction Date The public sale of the goods listed here will take place on Thursday December 9 at 10 am, 2 pm and 8 pm at Bernaerts Auctioneers, Verlatstraat 18, 2000 Antwerp

2. Viewing dates Verlatstraat 18, 2000 Antwerp Thursday December 2 Friday December 3 Saturday December 4 Sunday December 5 Monday December 6 from 10 am to 6 pm

3. Collection dates Immediately after the sale or from Monday December 13 until Friday December 24 by appointment. Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 5 pm (on Saturday December 18 from 10 am to 1 pm) via Verlatstraat 18

4. Buyers’ premium and other charges 22% in the room 28% via WebCast (registration Wednesday December 8 at 6 pm at the latest) 30% for After Sale €2/ lot administration fee

5. Telephone bids Not accepted for bids below €500

BERNAERTS AUCTIONEERS Verlatstraat 18, 2000 Antwerp T +32 (0)3 248 19 21 - F +32 (0)3 248 15 93 -



Thursday December 9

10 am, 2 pm and 7pm

Viewing days:

Thursday 2 - December 6 from 10 am - 6 pm

Experts: Elias Leytens & Peter Bernaerts Bailiff's Office Jan Weyns-Birgit De Troij (WDT bv) © SABAM/ © Digital photo, layout & prepress: Studio Bernaerts ILL. cover p1. lot 1439


Works on Paper & Editions

Order of the Sale Thursday December 9 10 am

Session 1 (1000 - 1151) Arts & Literature

2 pm

Session 2 (1200 - 1502) Modern Prints & Drawings Post War drawings, prints & editions

8 pm

Session 3 (1503 - 1569) Post War drawings, prints & editions

detail lot 1349

Works on Paper Session 1





(rareté) Auteurs divers, Annulaire agathopédique et saucial. Bruxelles, chez A. Labroue et co., s.d. (1849). In-8°. 150pp.num. Avec dédicace mss. 'A mon ami Charles Gréboux/ Clootboom'. Demi-mar. brun foncé à coins, dos à cinq nerfs. De toute rareté. (€ 300-400)


(Rickets/ Shannon) Christopher Marlowe & George Chapman, Hero and Leander. London/ Edinburgh, The Ballantyne Press, 1894. In-8°. 112 numb.pp. One of the 220 unnumbered copies. Orig. full decorated gilt vellum, flat spine. (€ 600-800)


(Van de Velde) Van Nu & Straks. Volledige set van de eerste jaargang. 10 nrs in 8 vol. in-4°. 1896 - 1898. Alle ingenaaid onder orig. omslagen. Zeldzaam geheel. De illustratie op het kaft is bij de eerste uitgave van het eerste nummer in rood gedrukt, en het frontispice is van Xavier Mellery. In de tweede uitgave werd die frontispice vervangen door een van Jan Toorop (deze tweede uitgave niet aanwezig). Deze eerste jaargang mag gerekend worden tot een van de belangrijkste initiatieven en realisaties in de Nederlandstalige literatuur in België. De oprichting ervan door Cyriel Buysse, Prosper van Langendonck, Emmanuel de Bom en August Vermeylen was dé wake up call die onze zachtjes soezende letteren nodig hadden. Hierop volgde de gouden generatie met ondermeer Stijn Streuvels en Karel van de Woestijne. De illustraties waren van de groten op dat moment, zoals Georges Lemmen, Theo van Rysselberghe, Thorn Prikker, Vincent van Gogh, Lucien Pissarro en last but not least Henry van de Velde .... Verbluffend mooie set, met het eerste nummer, dat meestal gebruind of gehavend is, in quasi nieuwstaat. Bijgevoegd: zeer zeldzame prospectus/ omzendbrief, mét wikkel, op dubbel blad in-4°. Zowel op brief als op wikkel de hoofding door Henry van de Velde. En: twee aankondigingsvellen voor Van de Veldes 'Déblaiement d'Art' en 'The Queen of the Fishes', de laatste met houtsneden door Lucien Pissarro. En: Aankondigingsvel tot aankoop van de 'Portefeuille' om de eerste jaargang in op te bergen, die verkrijgbaar was bij 'De Nederlandsche Boekhandel'. En: Henry van de Velde, 7 ex-librissen (alle in verschillende kleur) ontworpen voor zijn beste vriend Max Elskamp. Uitzonderlijk geheel, schitterende staat.


(Khnopff) Émile Verhaeren, Les Débâcles. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1888. In-8°. 68 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 50 ex. sur Hollande sans frontispice, nr. 54. Avec quatre ornementations par Fernand Khnopff. Rel. en demi-mar. brun foncé à coins, dos lisse doré, tête dorée, couverture (S. David). (€ 350-500) Lit.: Fontainas/ Van Balberghe, Publications de la Librairie Deman, nr. 3/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur (1857 - 1978), pp. 107-109.


(Khnopff) Émile Verhaeren, Les Flambeaux Noirs. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1891. In-8°. 79 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 50 ex. sur Hollande sans frontispice, nr. 56. Ornements de Fernand Khnopff. Édition originale. Rel. en demi-perc. rouge à coins, sertie de filets dorés, plats de perc. noire avec auteur et titre en or au prem. plat, dos lisse, couverture. Plats lég. et part. déteints sinon en bonne cond., dans une reliure qui ressemble à une rel. d'édition. (€ 300-400) Lit.: Fontainas/ Van Balberghe, Publications de la Librairie Deman, nr. 9/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur (1857 - 1918), pp. 109-110.

(€ 1500-2000) ILL p. 8-9





(Minne) Émile Verhaeren, Les Villages Illusoires. Ornés de quatre images par Georges Minne. Collection du 'Réveil'. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1895. In-12°. 73 pp.num. Un des 350 ex. non num. sur vélin teinté. Avec déd. aut. signée à Guillaume de Greef sur le faux-titre. Br. sous couv. orig. ill. Un coin avec pli. On y joint du même: Petites Légendes. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1900. In-8°. Ex. sur Hollande (20 ex.), non num. Br. sous couv. orig. Et: Les Villes Tentaculaires/ Les Aubes. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1895/98. 2 vol. in-8°. Ex. du tir. courant sur vélin teinté. 'Les Villes Tentaculaires' dans son rare cart. d'éd. (€ 200-250) Lit.: Fontainas/ Van Balberghe, Publications de la Librairie Deman, nr. 17/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur (1857 - 1918), pp. 183-85.


(Van Rysselberghe) Émile Verhaeren, Almanach. Cahier de vers ornementé par Théo Van Rysselberghe. Bruxelles, Dietrich & Cie, 1895. In-8° carré. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 50 ex. de tête sur Japon, nr. 2. Signé par l'auteur et paraphé par l'artiste. Édition originale. Les célèbres ornementations de Van Rysselberghe (la couv., les titres des poèmes, les lettrines, les fleurons...) tirés en orange, seule couleur du tirage sur Japon. Rel. (postérieure) en plein vélin, prem. plat orné 'd'une composition originale non signée à l'aquarelle, lavis d'encre de Chine et crayon préparatoire avec rehauts d'or sur la carapace du coléoptère', dos lisse, couverture. Étui moderne. Pascal De Sadeleer, en 1996, dans son catalogue 'La Sphinge' pense pouvoir attribuer l'aquarelle du prem. plat à Théo Van Rysselberghe et la date vers 1900-1920 'suivant en cela une mode qui s'était développée pendant toute la fin du 19ième siècle'. On y joint: Idem. Ex. du tirage de 250 ex. non num. sur Ingres en mauve. Br. sous couv. orig. ill. Légèrm. décol. (€ 800-1200) Lit.: P. de Sadeleer, La Sphinge. Vente publique, 11 mars 1996, cat. nr. 281, ill. en noir/ A. et L. Fontainas, Théo Van Rysselberghe, L'ornement du livre. Catalogue raisonné. Anvers, Pandora, 1997. P. 58-62.




(Verhaeren) Emile Verhaeren, 1883-1896. Pour les amis du poète. (Bruxelles, Edmond Deman], 1896. Gr. in-8° (285 x 190 mm). 44 pp.num. Un des 20 ex. sur Hollande, nr. 6 (écart des pontuseaux est de 31 mm). Titre de Georges Lemmen, potrait-frontispice par Théo van Rysselberghe. Ornements du même et de Fernand Khnopff. Décharge du frontispice sur la page de titre. Broché sous couv. orig., non rogné. De toute fraîcheur. (€ 200-250) Lit.: Fontainas/ van Balberghe, Puclications de Librairie Deman, nr. 25/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur (1857 1918), pp. 190-92.


(Lemmen) Gustave Kahn, Limbes de Lumières. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1897. In-8°. 89 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 10 ex. sur Hollande, nr. 12. Edition originale illustrée par G. Lemmen de nombreuses vignettes et frises gravées sur bois en jaune. Broché sous couv. orig., bords renf. et rest., dos ab., non rogné. De toute fraîcheur à l'interieur. Très rare en tirage de tête. Fontainas ne récense qu'un ex. sur Hollande (nr. 9). 'Des ornementations de M. George Lemmen arrêtent à chaque pièce. Elles sont aussi décoratives qu'il se peut et d'une ordonnance très personelle.' (Albert Arnay, Chronique Littéraire, in Le Réveil, 6e année, t. VIII, nrs 35-36). (€ 400-600) ILL p. 13 Lit.: Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur, p. 203/ Fontainas/ Van Balberghe, Publications de la librairie Deman, nr. 27/ Cardon p. 162-169.


(Van de Velde) Max Elskamp, Salutations dont d'angéliques. Rehaussées à la couverture d'une ornementation par Henry van de Velde. Bruxelles, Paul Lacomblez, (1893). Gr. in-8° carré. 76 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 200 sur vergé Van Gelder, nr. 184.Br. sous couv. orig. ill., quasiment non coupé. De la plus grande fraîcheur à l'intérieur. On y joint: Chansons d'Amures. Anvers, J.-E. Buschmann, 1923. In-8°. 76 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 50 ex. sur Hollande, nr. 35. Br. sous couv. orig. ill. De toute fraîcheur. Et: Sous les Tentes de l'Exode. Bruxelles, Les Éditions Robert Sand, 1921. In-8°. 112 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 220 ex. sur papier Vélin, nr. 207. Br. sous couv. orig. (€ 200-300) Lit.: P. de Sadeleer nrs 5, 54 et 37. 1008


(Van Rysselberghe) Robert de Souza, Modulations sur La Mer et La Nuit. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1899. In-8°. Tir. lim. et num. à la main, un des 150 ex., nr. 120, paraphé par l'éditeur. Broché sous couv. orig. ill. Non coupé. Couverture et ornements de Théo Van Rysselberghe. De la plus grande fraîcheur. (€ 150-250) Lit.: Fontainas/ Van Balberghe, Publications de la Librairie Deman, nr. 38/ Fontainas, Théo Van Rysselberghe, L'ornement du livre, p. 83/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur (1857 - 1918), pp. 263-64.


(Lemmen) Thomas Braun, Fumée d'Ardenne. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1912. In-8°. 80 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 20 ex. de tête sur Hollande, nr. 17, paraphé par l'éditeur. Couverture et page de titre ornées par Georges Lemmen. Un encadrement de Théo Van Rysselberghe. Broché sous couv. orig. ill. De toute fraîcheur. On y joint: Louis Delattre. Le jeu des petites gens. Illustrations par Georges Lemmen. Édition orig. (Liège) Aug. Bernard, (1908). In-12°. Br. sous couv. orig. (€ 100-150) Lit.: Fontainas/ van Balberghe, Publications de la Librairie Edmond Deman, nr. 55/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur (1857 - 1918), pp. 318-19/ Cardon p. 305, ill./ p. 276.

(Rassenfosse) Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, Le Rideau cramoisi. Eauxfortes en couleurs de A. Rassenfosse. Bruxelles, Edmond Deman, 1907. In-8°. 66 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num., un des 125 ex., nr. 122. Ex. nom. de A. Bénard. Un des 10 ex. réservés aux ayants droit et collaborateurs. Avec déd. aut. signée de Rassenfosse à Auguste Bénard, l'imprimeur liégeois, sur la deux. page de garde. Avec le prospectus br. avec. Br. sous couv. orig. ill. (€ 600-800) Lit.: Fontainas/ Van Balberghe, Publications de Librairie Deman, nr. 49/ Fontainas, Edmond Deman éditeur pp. 303-308.


(Art Nouveau) L'Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs Modernes à Turin 1902. Directeur: Alexander Koch. Texte par Georg Fuchs et F.H. Newbery. Darmstadt, Alexander Koch/ Librairie des Arts Décoratifs, (1902). In-4°. 340 numb.pp. Orig. full. vellum binding, guilt At Nouveau decoration on the front, flat spine decorated. Binding somewhat soiled, otherwise very good copy of this legendary catalogue. (€ 150-250)


(Marinetti) F.T. Marinetti, Il Futurismo. Poesia N. 3, 4, 5, 6 April, May, June, July - Year V - 1909. In-4° obl. 92 numb. pp. Orig. covers, stapled. We join: F.v.d. Berghe, Cahier 12. Sélection. In-8°. Orig. cover.

(Berchmans) Lucien de Samosate. Dialogues des Courtisanes. Paris, Édition Boudet, (1902). In-4°. 136 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, ex. nom. (non num.) sur Japon impérial, impr. pour 'Monsieur Gustave Boudet'. Avec une aquarelle originale monogrammée par Berchmans sur le faux-titre et comprenant une suite sur papier de Chine du trait de toutes les compositions (qqs rousseurs), et relié avec le prospectus. Rel. d'époque en demi-mar. rouge à coins, serti d'un filet doré, dos lisse doré, tête dorée, couverture et dos.

(€ 250-350)

(€ 350-500)

Provenance (pour Th. Braun): Léon Le Febve de Vivy (ex-libris sur 2ième page de garde).





(Van de Velde) L'Art Décoratif. Revue Internationale d'Art Industriel et de Décoration. J. Meier-Graefe, Directeur. 1898-1907. 9 vol. in-4. Demi-reliures de l’époque en mar. bordeaux dos lisses à nerfs. Ensemble exceptionnel comprenant la tête de série de ce périodique Art Nouveau: les 63 premiers numéros mensuels (du n° 1, octobre 1898 au décembre 1907). Très abondamment illustrées en noir et en couleurs, dans et hors-texte. Fondé par l’écrivain et critique d’art allemand, Julius Meier-Graefe, le premier numéro de l’Art décoratif paraît en octobre 1898. Il est entièrement consacré à l’artiste belge Henry Van de Velde, (Victor Horta d’abord pressenti n’a pas donné suite à la demande du rédacteur en chef). (€ 800-1000)


(Boutens) P.C. Boutens, Aischylos Doodenoffer/ Eumeniden/ Smeekelingen. Rotterdam, W.L. &J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1919/ 1923/ 1930. In-8°. 35/ 53/ 61 gen.pp. Alledrie met handgeschreven opdracht van de auteur aan W.A. van Konijnenburg. Orig.zwarte/ grijze buckram banden met vergulde versiering op voorplat en rug. Bijgevoegd van dezelfde: Praeludiën. 's Gravenhage, Maison Blok, 1902. Kl. in-8°. Orig. verguld perkamenten band. En: Drie Gedichten. Haarlem, Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Kerstmis 1938. Met handgeschreven opdracht door auteur op eerste schutblad: 'Gelukkig Nieuwjaar P.C.B.'. Recent volle perk. band, orig. omslag. (€ 200-300)





(Boutens) P.C. Boutens, Platoons Drinkgelag. S.l., s.n. (Zelfbeheer), (1901). In-4°. 78 gen.pp. Een van de 40 op de pers gen. ex., nr. 1. Orig. volle soepele perkamenten band, vlakke rug met vergulde titel, sluitlinten. Kneep met twee kleine barstjes. In moderne schuifdoos. Roest op vooren achterplat door ex-libris. Bijgevoegd van dezelfde: Prometheus Geboeid. ('s Gravenhage), (P.C. Boutens), 1914. In-4°. 53 gen.pp. Een van de 70 niet gen. ex. Orig. volle soepele perkamenten band. Onberispelijk. (€ 100-200) Herkomst (Platoons Drinkgelag): Henri de Brauw (ex-libris, op verso voor- en achterplat).


(Franken Pzn) P.C. Boutens, OudPerzische Kwatrijnen. 's Gravenhage, (A.A.M. Stols), 1926. In-8°. 107 gen.pp. Een van de 45 met de hand gen. ex. op simili-Japans (en niet keizerlijk, zoals in colophon), nr. 44 (Arabisch genummerd, en niet Romeins, zoals vermeld in colophon). Met portret door J. Franken Pzn als frontispice. Dit ex. heeft extra afdruk van het portret op fijn Japans papier, los bijgevoegd. Getekend en gedateerd in potlood 'J Franken Pzn/ 26' en met annotatie '2e Proef (handdruk). Het ex. is niet afgesneden (ca. 27,8 x 18,5 cm). Ingenaaid onder orig. omslag, rug beschadigd (stukjes ontbreken). (€ 250-350) Lit.: Van Dijk 65.


FELIX TIMMERMANS (1886-1947) 'De Pelgrim', 1927. Affiche met illustratie door Felix Timmermans. In kader. 720 x 350 mm (810 x 435 mm) (€ 400-600)


FELIX TIMMERMANS (1886-1947) Twee illustraties voor 'Boudewijn'. Oost-Indische inkt, aquarel en gouache. Beide getekend en gedateerd. Beide in kader. 95 x 90 mm/ 60 x 180 mm (165 x 145 mm/ 145 x 265 mm) (€ 800-1000)


FELIX TIMMERMANS (1886-1947) Zelfportret. Potlood. Gemonogrammeerd 'ft'. In kader. 200 x 160 mm (320 x 255 mm) (€ 1250-1500)


EDGAR BARBAIX XX Karel van de Woestijne. Originele zwart-witfoto. Getekend in potlood 'Barbaix'. Ongetwijfeld het meest beroemde portret van Van de Woestijne. In kader (niet geopend). 290 x 230 mm (375 x 280 mm) (€ 150-200) Herkomst: A. Herckenrath, Gent.


(Van de Woestyne) Gustave van de Woestyne. Bruxelles, Édition du Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1929. In-8°. Préface de Karel van de Woestijne. Un des 65 ex. de tête sur simili Japon Van Gelder, contenant une lithographie originale, ex. nr. 7 et signée et datée 'Gustave van de Woestyne/ 2 - 3 - 29'. Broché sous couv. orig. Prem. plat de la couv. insolée, infimes rousseurs sur certaines pages. (€ 250-350)


(Streuvels) Stijn Streuvels, Lenteleven. Zesde druk. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen Uitgever, s.d. In-8°. 216 gen.pp. Een van de 100 met de hand gen. en getekend ex. op Oud-Hollandsch, nr. 78. Orig. halve groen mar. uitgeversband, rug op vijf ribben, kopsnede verguld (rug verbleekt). (€ 200-250)


(Masereel) Stijn Streuvels, Kerstwake. Houtsneden van Frans Masereel. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, (1928). In-8°. 68 gen.pp. Een van de 200 op de pers gen. ex., nr. 64. Ingenaaid onder orig. omslag. Bijgevoegd van dezelfde: Land en Leven in Vlaanderen. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, s.d. In-8°. 359 gen.pp. Orig. geïll. linnen band. En: Op de Vlaamsche Binnenwateren. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, s.d. In-8°. Orig. geïll. linnen band. En: Herinneringen uit het verleden. Amsterdam, L.J. Veen, s.d. In-8°. Orig. geïll. linnen band. (€ 300-400) Herkomst (Kerstwake): Henri Dirkx (ex-libris).


(Cantré) Hendrik Marsman, De Vliegende Hollander. De Dom-Serie 1. Utrecht, De Gemeenschap, 1927. In-8°. 14 pp. Een van de 30 romeins gen. ex., nr. XXIV, gereserveerd voor Kemink en Zoon's Boekhandel. Ingenaaid onder orig. geïll. omslag (rug beschadigd). Bijgevoegd van dezelfde: 'Het Instrument'. Orig. handschrift. 1 vel in-4°, recto, zwarte inkt. gesigneerd. Volgens aantekening niet opgenomen in de 'Verzamelde Werken', maar met lichte wijziging wel verschenen in 'De Stem', mei 1937. (€ 200-300)


(Bloem) J.C. Bloem, Het Verlangen. Tweede druk. Amsterdam, P.N. Van Kampen, 1926. In-8°. 119 gen.pp. Met handgeschreven opdracht aan Pop Ensink op het eerste schutblad: 'Aan Pop/ van/ Jacques/ Kijkduin./ 19 September 1934'. 'Pop' Ensink was de vrouw van De Telegraaf journalist en auteur J.F. Werumeus Buning, en een vroegere geliefde van ondermeer Adriaan Roland-Holst. Orig. bordeaux linnen band. Bijgevoegd: A. Roland Holst. Vier uitgaven: Een winter aan zee. Vier druk; Bezielde Dorpen; Tusschen vuur en maan. Tweede druk; Het verbeurde lot; De twee planeten. (€ 100-200)

(Buckland-Wright) Jan Greshoff, Gedichten 1907-1934. (Met een voorrede van J.C. Bloem en een bibliografie met inleiding van G.H. ‘s-Gravesande.) (Met een originele houtsnede van John Buckland Wright). Den Haag, (L.J.C. Boucher), 1934.In-8°. XXIV, 282 p. Een van de 15 genummerde en gesigneerde luxe-exemplaren, gedrukt op handgeschept Ciconia-papier uit de molen van Miliani te Fabriano en gebonden in sober zwart leder. Dit ex. is echter geletterd 'A' en gesigneerd door Greshoff. Orig. uitgeversband in vol zwart marokijn, rug op vier ribben, kopsnede verguld, gewolkt foedraal. Rug gebleekt. (€ 200-250)


(Bloem) J.C. Bloem, Sintels. 's-Gravenhage, A.A.M. Stols, 1945. In-8°. 16 gen.pp. Met handgeschreven opdracht aan Bertus Aafjes op eerste blanco schutblad, en tweeregelig vers. Orig. half linnen bandje. Bijgevoegd van dezelfde: Over Het Verlangen. Rijswijk, A.A.M. Stols, 1941. In-8°. Orig. gekartonneerd bandje. En: J.W.F. Werumeus Buning, Afscheid (epiloog In Memoriam)/ Triomf van den Dood en Andere Gedichten. Haarlem, Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1929. In-8°. Een van de 115 niet gen. ex. Orig. blauw linnen band. (€ 100-200)


(Cantré) Marcel Arland, Cinq Contes. Ornés de six planches hors texte dessinées par Jozef Cantré. (Bruxelles), Aux dépens des Éditions Lumière, (1944). In-8° en-ff. 102 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 60 ex. de tête sur papier vergé de Valeyre, avec suite et un dessin original, nr. 6. Sous couv. orig. et emb. (€ 300-350)





(Roland Holst - Aafjes) Adriaan Roland-Holst, Helena’s inkeer. Een fragment. (Amsterdam), (Balkema), 1944. In-8°. 16 p. Een van de 50 niet gen. ex. Typografische verzorging J. van Krimpen. Eerste druk. Met handgeschreven opdracht aan Bertus Aafjes en 11-regelig vers, gedateerd 'A'dam/ 12.V.44'. Ingenaaid onder orig. omslag. Roestzweem. (€ 300-350)


(handschrift) Hans Andreus, 'Lied om te leven'. Orig. handschrift. 1p. in-4° recto, groene inkt, gedateerd en getekend '28 Maart 1949/ Hans Andreus'. Onder passe-partout in groen linnen doos. Bijgevoegd van dezelfde: Klein boek om het licht heen. Haarlem, Uitgeversmaatschappij Holland, (1964). (€ 400-600)


(Reve) Gerard Reve, 'Sacrament', 1974. Origineel manuscript. Bruine inkt. Met handgeschreven opdracht aan uitgeefster Angèle Manteau: 'Met de kroontjespen uitgeschreven voor/ Angèle Manteau, te Weert, op het/ Feest van Maria van de Rozenkrans, 1974.'. In koker, geadresseerd aan G.K. van het Reve. (€ 400-600)


(De Bruycker) Jules de Bruycker. Correspondentie met R. de Smet. Verzameling van negen brieven. 9 ff. in-4°, bruine inkt, alle gesigneerd. Vier enveloppen bewaard. Bijgevoegd: enkele handgeschreven lijsten, in potlood en zwarte inkt, ondermeer m.b.t. beschikbare etsen. De Smet was een van de behandelende artsen van Jules de Bruycker. Bijgevoegd: Grégoire Le Roy, L'Oeuvre Gravé de Jules de Bruycker. Bruxelles, Nouvelle Société d'Éditions, 1933. Een van de 350 op de pers gen. ex. op simili-Japon, nr. 145. Met originele ets, gesigneerd in potlood. Losbladig, zonder rug. (€ 800-1000)



391. Paris, edited by Francis Picabia, number 14 of November 1920. 59 x 31 cm, 4 sheets printed on both sides. Texts by Francis Picabia, Tristan Tzara, Ribemont-Dessaignes, etc. Illustrations by Picabia, Crotti, Man Ray, etc... The 'gérant' of this issue was Ribemont-Dessaignes, the 'dépositaire': Au Sans Pareil. Last Dadaist issue, extraordinary layout. This issue is generally when it is found - in poor condition. Profesionally restored, back reinforced. (€ 500-750) ILL p.22-23


(surrealism) 'MARIE. Journal bimensuel pour la belle jeunesse'. Nos.1,2-3. Bruxelles, June 1926 - early 1927. 32,5 x 25 cm, 4 pp; 8 pp. Two issues, Directed by E.L.T. Mesens. First issue with small tear. In modern customised cloth covered box. Dada-inspired magazine with texts by Arp, Van Ostaijen, Mesens, Magritte, Tzara, Nougé, Goemans ...; and illustrations by Klee, Magritte, Man Ray, Picabia. (€ 400-600) Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p. 117-128.


(Magritte) Clarisse Juranville/ Paul Nougé, Quelques écrits et quelques dessins de Clarisse Juranville. Bruxelles, René Henriquez, 1927. Petit in-4°. 31 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la main, nr. 53. Cinq illustrations par René Magritte, avec l’errata. Broché sous couv. ill. Pages un peu détachées du dos. Emb. moderne. (€ 500-750) Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p.147-48.





(Baugniet) E. Van Tonderen/ M. Baugniet, Quelques mises au point de l'art contemporain. Août, 1927. Blad in-4°. Recto, zwart & groen. Manifest waarin de Belgische kunstenaars Van Tonderen en Baugniet hun geloof in het modernisme en het functionalisme belijden in de vorm van acht stellingen. Beide kunstenaars hadden korte tijd een winkel in Brussel en importeerden o.a. lampen van Gispen. (€ 100-200)


(surréalisme) Robert de Geynst. Deux cartes postales. Bruxelles, Édition du 25 janvier, (1925). Deux cartes postales illustrées par Robert de Geynst et éditées par E.L.T Mesens. R. de G. numéro 1: Balbutiement local. R. de G. numéro 2: La jeune morte. Le nom de la maison d'édition se réfère au tract des surréalistes français rédigé par Antonin Artaud: Déclaration du 27 janvier 1925. (€ 100-200)


(surrealism) Camille Goemans, Correspondance Jaune 8/ Blanc 20. 31 janvier/ 30 mai 1925. Set of two pamphlets on yellowish and brown paper. From a series of 22 published and signed by Camille Goemans, Marcel Lecomte and Paul Nougé. Handling traces and one with small tears and pieces missing along the edges. (€ 100-200)


(surréalisme) Violette Nozières. Bruxelles, Nicolas Flamel, 1933. In-8°. 41 pp.num. Édition originale de cette publication collective avec des textes de Breton, Char, Eluard, Mesens, Moro, Peret et Rosay, illustrés par Dali, Tanguy, Ernst, Brauner, Magritte, Jean, Arp, Giacometti et Bellmer. Exemplaire sur vélin. Brochée, couverture illustrée. Non coupé. À l'état de neuf. On y joint: Paul Nougé, La conférence de Charleroi. Bruxelles, Le Miroir Infidèle, 1946. In-12°. 76 pp.num. Br. sous couv. orig. Non coupé. (€ 200-250)


Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p. 221-230.


(surréalisme) Documents, Bruxelles, 1934. Broché. Nouvelle série n°1, juin 1934. In-4, broché. Éd. orig. de ce numéro spécial consacré au surréalisme parisien et bruxellois, établi sous la direction de E.L.T Mesens. Textes de Eluard, Magritte, Breton, Dali, Péret, Crevel, Tzara, Scutenaire, Nombreuses illustrations de Tanguy, Brauner, Duchamp, Ernst, Magritte, Man Ray, Tirage unique sur papier couché blanc. Broché sous couv. orig., dos ab. On y joint: Louis Scutenaire, René Magritte. Bruxelles, Librairie Sélection, (1947). In-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. Et: Marcel Mariën, Les corrections naturelles. Bruxelles, Libriarie Sélection, 1947. In-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. Et: René Magritte, La destination. Un livre de lettres. (Bruxelles), Les Lèvres Nues, 1977. In-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. Et: Louis Scutenaire, Mes inscriptions. (Paris), Gallimard, (1945). Pet. in-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. Et: Marcel Mariën, La radeau de la mémoire. Édition de l'auteur, (1988). In-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. (€ 150-200)


(surrealism) Bulletin International du Surréalisme. N° 3. Bruxelles, 1935. Gr. in-8°. 8 p. Illustration on the cover by Magritte. Stapled. We join: L'Invention Collective. N°1. Février 1940. Orig. covers, back slightly damaged. And: Three cards/ invitations 'Visitez l'exposition surréaliste' (La Louvière, 1935), '4pour l'édition prochaine de 'Le Savoir Vivre', 'Au Miroir d'Élisabeth'. (€ 150-250) Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, pp.261-268.


(surrealism) E.L.T. Mesens, Trois Peintres Surréalistes. René Magritte/ Man Ray/ Yves Tanguy. Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1937. In-4°. Pages printed in different colours. Orig. cover., some discolouration. With several annotations in pencil by Georges Marlier (according to note former owner). We join: E.L.T. Mesens, 125 collages é objets/ voorwerpen. Knokke, 1963. Catalogue. With aut. signed dedictation by Mesens to Adrien Daems. Orig. cover. And: Three smaal exh. catalogues of works by Mesens. And: The Cubist Spirit in its Time. London Gallery Editions, 1947. In-8°. Orig. covers. And: Les Compagnons de l'Art. Exposition d'Art Belge Contemporain. Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux Arts, 1938. In-12°. Broché sous couv. orig. (€ 150-200)


(surréalisme) Hommage du Groupe Surréaliste de Belgique à Saint-Just. Herenthout, Marcel Mariën, (Décembre 1945). In-8° (220 x 140 mm). 4 pp., deux ill. en noir et blanc. Un des 25 ex. de luxe sur carton ivoire, nr. 3. Selon Mariën ce tract '... répondait à l'agitation provoquée par la question royale qui allait aboutir, six ans plus tard, à l'abdication de Léopold III'. Sur l'instigation de Magritte, l'exécution de Louis XVI est illustrée par un paysage marin et le Christ crucifié confronté à une photographie érotique de Man Ray. Le pamphlet demande l'élimination du pape, "le provocateur suprême de tous les crimes contre l'émancipation de l'homme, (...) Pie, douzième porc de ce nom (...)" ; et cite Saint-Just : "Un roi, quel qu'il soit, est condamné par la nature. On ne peut régner innocemment.' (€ 300-400) Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p.356.


(surrealism) Enrique Gomez-Correa, El espectro de René Magritte. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Mandragora, (1948). In-8°. Unnumbered copy (from an edition of 500). Orig. ill. covers. We join by the same: Carta Elegia a Jorge Caceres. Santiago de Chile, La Grabuge, 1952. In-fol. Loose sheets. From an unnumbered edition of 195 copies. Some handling traces. And: En Pleno Dia. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Mandragora, (1949). In-8°. orig. ill. covers. And: Lo Descondo Liberado. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Mandragora, 1952. In-8°. Orig. ill. covers. And: Cataclismo en Los Ojos. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Mandragora, 1942. In-12°. Orig. covers. (€ 200-300) ILL det p. 7



(Ubac) Affichez vos poèmes - Affichez vos images. Poster/ leaflet. (Paris), (Editions René Debresse, (1935). With a poem by Camille Bryen and an image by Raoul Michelet (pseudonym of Raoul Ubac). Some imperfections 260 x 330 mm (€ 100-200)


(surréalisme) Les Lèvres Nues N° 1-12. Collection complète de cette 1ère série, avril 1954 à sept. 1958. 12 n° en 10 vol. in-8, agrafés, 450 pp. de texte, 80 illustrations. Dir.: Marcel Mariën. Textes et illustrations de Marcel Mariën, Paul Nougé, Louis Scutenaire, Gilbert Senecaut, André Souris, Gérard Van Bruaene, Gil J. Wolman, Michèle Bernstein, Paul Bourgoignie, Guy-Ernest Debord, André de Rache, Léo Dohmen, Jacques Fillon, Ganchina, Jane Graverol, etc.

(Magritte) René Magritte et Marcel Mariën. L'Imbécile. S.l.n.d. (Brux., Magritte et Mariën, 1946), 1 f. de 195 x 150 mm, imprimé en noir au recto. Pamphlet provocateur dirigé contre le contentement qui enveloppait la population des pays libérés après 1945.

(€ 250-300)

(€ 200-300)

(€ 100-200)

Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p. 368.



(Magritte) Comte de Lautréamont, Les Chants de Maldoror. Illustrations de René Magritte. Bruxelles, Éditions La Boétie, (1948). In-8°. 190 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 4000 ex. du tirage courant, ex. nr. 109. Broché sous couv. orig. ill.


(Magritte) René Magritte, Word vs Image. New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, 1954. Small accordeon catalogue. White imprint on black paper.

(Magritte) A set of four exhibition catalogues: Magritte, The 8 Sculptures. Alexandre Iolas, 1968. In-8°. Orig. covers; Idem. London, Hanover Gallery, 1968. In-8°. Orig. covers; Magritte, Le Sens Propre. Alexandre Iolas, 1964. In-8°. Orig. covers; Grosvenor Gallerty. Magritte, 1961.


(surréalisme) (Nougé) Paul Nougé, Subversion des Images. (Bruxelles), Les Lèvres Nues, (1968). In-8°. 47 pp.num. Un des 205 ex. non numéroté. Broché sous couv. orig. Qqs taches. On y joint: Paul Nougé, Journal (1941 - 1950). (Bruxelles), Les Lèvres Nues, (1968). In-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. (€ 250-350) Lit.: M. Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p. 184.


(Magritte) Marcel Mariën, La Grande Baisse. Bruxelles, 1962. Avec photomontage de Leo Dohmen. Quand Magritte exposa au casino de Knokke-le-Zoute, en 1962, Mariën fit paraître ce tract fameux, qui mit fin à vingt-cinq ans d'amitié entre Mariën et Magritte. 340 x 165 mm (€ 100-150)


(correspondance) Dossier PBA (Palais des Beaux-Arts): a collection of letters to Robert Giron and/ or Robert De Smet: Jean Milo, Henry Moore (Betty Tinsley as his secretary), Jean Piaubert, Pinshas Shaar, Claude Spaak, Moshe Tamir, Guy Vandenbranden, Armand Vanderlick, Gaston Bertarnd, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Jan Cox, Roberto Crippa, Pierre Alechinsky, Jean Dewasne, Alice Frey, Jean-Jacques Gailliard, George Grard, Hans Hartung a.o. (€ 350-500)

(€ 100-200)

(€ 150-250) Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'activité surréaliste en Belgique, p. 437.

detail lot 1061




detail lot 1061


(correspondance) E.L.T. Mesens. Trois lettres aut. à Robert Giron. Londres 1958/ 59/ 60. Trois feuilles in-4°, encre brune et noire, recto, signées. Dans les lettres, Mesens parle du tableau, 'Annonciation', de René Magritte, qui mériterait un meilleur cadre et du tableau du même artiste "La Magie Noire", qu'il aimerait avoir lors d'une exposition à Paris chez Daniel Cordier et pour lequel Giron devrait servir de médiateur. Dans la dernière lettre, il demande à Giron d'envoyer le dernier numéro de "Quadrum" à Londres. (€ 150-250)


(Ernst) Max Ernst. Works from 1919 to 1936. Paris, Cahiers d'art, 1937. Large in-4°. 119 pages. First edition of this issue entirely devoted to Max Ernst. Text by Max Ernst - André Breton – Paul Eluard – Benjamin Péret – Joe Bousquet – Jacques Viot – René Crevel – Georges Hugnet – Louis Aragon – Tristan Tzara – Robert Desnos. Portrait of Max Ernst by Man Ray, 120 plates, 126 illustration, 1 plate in colours. Orig. ill. covers. (€ 100-200)


(Max Ernst) Collection of six original black & white photographs of collages and paintings formerly in the posession of E.L.T. Mesens and/ or his wife Sibylle: 'Femme à l'ombrelle'; 'La fleur du désert'; 'Tremblement de terre'; 'Couple étroitement enlacé dans les flammes' a.o. With inscriptions on the back by Mesens, one by André de Ridder. (€ 100-150)


(Dubuffet) André Martel/ Jean Dubuffet, Les Mirvis des Narturgies. Collège de Pataphysique, s.d. Small in-8°. One of the 159 copies with the seal. Orig. ill. wrapeprs. Back cover and edges stained. We join: Lorenza Trucchi, Jean Dubuffet. Stefano de Luca, 1965. In-4°. 372 numb.pp. First edition. Complete with the record. Orig. red linen and ill. dust jacket. Without slipcase. And: catalogue Grand Palais, september-december 1973. And: Jaime Sabertés-Wilhelm Boeck, Picasso. Paris, Flammarion, 1955. Orig. ill. dust jacket. And catalogue Picasso-Guernica, Brussel/ Amsterdam, 1956. (€ 200-300)


(Dubuffet) Jean Dubuffet, Ler dla canpane par DubufeJ. (Paris), Art Brut, Noël, 1948. In-8°. 22 pp. Stapled under orig. cover. First edition. One of 150 copies. Mimeographed autograph text by the artist, illustrated with six original engravings: three b/w linocuts and three b/w woodcuts on lids of camembertboxes. Printed on newspaper stock, this book - in its brilliant simplicity - perfectly evokes the aims of the 'art brut' movement. Fine condition, except for light sunning at lower edge of front-cover. (€ 2200-2500) ILL p.24-25 Lit.: Lebel nr. 105-123.


(Dubuffet) Jean Paulhan - Jean Dubuffet, La Métromanie ou Les Dessous de la Capitale. Paris, (Edmond et Jacques Desjobert), (1949). In-8° carré. 46 pp. One of the 125 copies on 'papier de chiffon gris souris', nr. 36. Orig. blue cloth binding with title in gilt on the cover. Very slight traces of wear. We join: Orig. announcement, 4 pp. in-8°. (€ 2000-2500) ILL p. 24



(philosphy) Martin Heidegger, Gelassenheit. Pfullingen, Verlag Günther Neske, 1959. In-8°. 24 numb.pp. With handwritten dedication: 'Für/ Robert Desmeth (sic)/ Freiburg... 17. Febr. 1967/ Martin Heidegger'. Orig. cover (some slight wear). We join: orig. photographic postcard of Heidegger. Signed in black marker. (€ 250-350)


(Alechinsky) Marcel Lecomte, Le Sens des Tarots. Deux illustrations de Pierre Alechinsky. Bruxelles, E.N.S.A.A.D., 1948. In-8°. 8pp. Un des 100 ex. num. à la mine de plomb, nr. 39. Broché sous couv. originale, légèrement défraîchie. (€ 400-600) Lit.: Ceuleers & Van de Velde nr. 7/ Rivière nrs 31-33.


(Cobra) Corneille, Galerie Colette Allendy. Paris, 1954. In-12°. One of the 1000 numb. copies, this one being nr. 716. Orig. covers. We join: Pierre Alechinsky. New York, Lefebre Gallery, 1962. Orig. covers with four orig. lithographs. And: Pierre Alechinsky. 7e biennale de Sao Paolo, 1963: participation belge. Orig. catalogue with covers and hors texte by Pierre Alechinksy. And: Cobra. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1962. Orig. cover ill. by Karel Appel. And: Lucebert. Apocrief. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 1952. Nr. 315 van de 50 gen. ex. Orig. geïll. cover. En: drie andere uitgaven met ill. door Corneille (een met handgeschreven opdracht door kunstenaar). (€ 100-200)


(Bury) Pol Bury, Ponctuations. Brussels, Galerie Saint Laurent, 1960. Orig. cover with punched hole. We join by the same: Multiplans. Brussels, Galerie Saint Laurent, 1958. Stapled under orig. covers. And: Points de Repère N°2. Charleroi, Galerie Le Parc, 1950. Orig. cover. Uncut. And: Présence de l'imperceptible. Ponctuations par Pol Bury (Châtelet, Impr. Franz Jacob, ca 1960), In-12 oblong. Stapled under orig. covers. (€ 100-200)


(kinetic art) Bewogen beweging. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1961. Tall catalogue. 25 numb.pp. Orig. cover. We join: Rörelse i konsten. Moderna Museet, Stockholm 17 maj - 3 september 1961. Idem. Swedish version. Orig. covers. (€ 100-150)


(Vasarely) Le Mouvement. Paris, Galerie Denise René, 1955. Feuillet in-fol. sur papier jaune plié en quatre. Rare brochure publiée à l’occasion de l’exposition ' Le Mouvement ' qui présentait des œuvres d’Agam, Bury, Calder, Marcel Duchamp, Jacobsen, Soto, Tinguely et Vasarely. Elle comprend cinq textes dont les 'Notes pour un manifeste' de Vasarely, aussi appelé 'Le Manifeste Jaune'. Cette brochure, ainsi que l’exposition qu’elle accompagnait, marque le début officiel du mouvement de l’art cinétique. On y joint: Lumière Mouvement et Optique. Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1965. Catalogue. Agr. sous couv. orig. (€ 300-350) ILL p. 28


(G58) Motion in vision / Vision in motion. Antwerpen, G58-Hessenhuis, 21 March-3 May 1959. (42)pp. Stapled in original wrappers (front cover and first page aluminum paper), b/w and colour ill. Catalogue of the legendary group exhibition with contributions by the participating artists (cut-outs, fold-out texts etc.): Breer, Bury, Yves Klein, Mack, Mari, Munari, Piene, Rot, Soto, Spoerri, Tinguely, Uecker, Van Hoeydonck. (Yves Klein presented his 'Immatériel', offering it for sale for one kilogram of gold). Complete with the often lacking text 'Double Vue' by Jean Séaux on loose sheet. We join: The extremely rare invitation card. Design by Paul van Hoeydonck. Some handling traces. 210 x 100 mm (€ 1200-1400) ILL p. 29 Lit.: J. Pas - Artist's Publications: The Belgian Connection, nr. 83.


(Zero) 'Monochrome Malerei'. Udo Kultermann, Naum Gabo, Endrico Castellani, Hans-Peter Verberg a.o. Städtisches Museum Leverkusen Schloss Morsbroich, 1960. In-4°. 54 pp. Orig. ill. cover (slightly damaged). Rare.


(Van Velde) Bram Van Velde. Genève, Galerie Krugier, 1962. In-4 en feuilles de [4] pages sur papier calque imprimé et entre lesquelles les planches sont glissées, couverture lithographiée en couleurs. Dos et tête de la couv. légèrm. abimé. Avec sept lithographies originales de Bram van Velde, dont cinq à double page, trois en couleurs, dont celle de couverture. Catalogue de l'exposition Bram van Velde à la Galerie Krugier à Genève en 1962. Brève biographie et liste des oeuvres exposées. (€ 150-200)


(Cobra) 'Plus', n° 1-3. Complete set. Bruxelles, 1957-60. Ed. J. Dypreau, T. Koenig, S. Vandercam, J. Verbruggen, P. d'Arschot. Three issues in-4 and in-8. Cov. ill. by K. Appel (orig. lithograph) and Cy Twombly. Illustrations by Alechinsky, Corneille, Van Anderlecht, S. Vandercam, Fautrier, etc. (€ 400-600) Lit.: Le Fonds Paul Destribats p. 234, nr. 605.


(Soto) Soto, Galerie Denise René, Paris, 1967. Catalogue. 16 pp. Signed in black marker on the last page. Orig. cover. We join: Pol Mara. Catalogue. Antwerpen, Campo, 1971. Orig. cover.

SPUR IM EXIL. München, Gruppe Spur, 1961. In-4°. Stapled under orig. cover. Helmut Sturm, Heimrad Prem, Hans-Peter Zimmer, Dieter Kunzelmann, Katja and Jørgen Nash. First edition of 1500 unnumbered copies. Printed in various colors on brown paper. Unpaginated (20 pp.) Text in German, Swedish, and Danish. Orig. cover.

(€ 100-150)

(€ 150-200)

(€ 200-250)



(Chagall) Fernand Mourlot, Chagall lithograph II, 1957-1962. Monte Carlo, Verlag André Sauret, 1963. Complete with 11 original lithographs (including 6 in colour) and numerous reproductions. Dustwrapper in colour lithograph, cloth binding. (€ 300-500)






(Chagall) Dessins pour la Bible. Paris, Editions de la revue Verve, 1960. Vol. X, numéros 37 et 38. Complet de 24 lithographies en couleurs tirées par Mourlot et 96 reproductions en noir. Couv. ill. orig. Dos en bas légèrement défraîchi. On joint: deux lithographies en couleurs, légèrement endommagées. 360 x 260 mm (x 2)

(Miró) Jacques Dupin, miró engraver - I. 1928-1960/ II. 1961-1973/ III. 1974-1975. Ediciones Poligrafa, 1989-1992. Each with two original woodcuts. Grey cardboard cover, ill. dust jacket. Two with orig. box. Immaculate copies. (€ 300-400)


(Iris Clert) 'Iris. Time'. Journal, 39 issues, October 1967-April 1975. Almost complete collection of this ephemeral magazine. 39 issues in-8°, each 4p. Missing: nrs. 3, 22-25, 41, 45. With: invitation Grand Bal 13 juillet 1967. And: four handwritten letters, 21.08.62 t.e. 25.11.69, addressed to Frans Defour, journalist-designer (1927-2006). 6).

(€ 600-800)


(Chagall-Miró) XXe siècle. Nouvelle série. XXVIII-XXXIe année, nrs. 26-33, 1966-69. 4°. 1966: 4 Thèmes: Chagall, Portes d'Afrique, la ville. 1967: Bilan d'art abstrait dans le monde. 1968: Panorama 68. 1969: Panorama 69. Avec 2 lithographies originales à double-page de Marc Chagall, Giuseppe Capogrossi, quatre à pleine page de Vieira da Silva, Marino Marini, Serge Poliakoff, Maurice Estève et une dépliante de Joan Miró. Cart. ill. d'éd.

(€ 400-600)


(Paul Ibou) Een lot van uitgaven, verzorgd of uitgegeven door Paul Ibou: -Metamorphosis (illegible color variation book). Postface d'Ivo Michiels. Anvers, Monas, 1968. In-4° carré. Ex. num. 999/1000. Met opdracht 'met mijn hart ook voor het boek aan Robert De Smet/ zijn boek 8-3-1975'. In étui. -12 owl variations. Antwerp, Multi Art Press, 1970. Getekend ex. -Typographical errors ? Iboubook (3). Uitgegeven in eigen beheer, 1975. Gen. ex. 37/150, getekend 'Paul Ibou', met stempel 'verzonden 3 nov. 1975'. Bijgevoegd: This is not a book. Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1971. Inleiding door Frank Popper. Gen.ex. 728/1000, gesigneerd door de kunstenaar. Box met o.a. een poster (de kunstenaar op ware grootte), een single, een fotoboekje, diverse pop-ups etc. Losbladig in witte plexi doos. En: Cesar Bailleux, (24 x 24) original drawings. En ander.

(€ 150-250)

(€ 200-300)


(Fluxus) Jean-Claude Moineau. Novel. P., Agentza, "MetaArt", s.d. (1972). 52 cut-out cards printed in red and black. In a small softback folder with flaps (folder browned, slightly damaged). Original edition. Artist's book. Art theorist, member of the Fluxus group. We join: Raymond Queneau. Cent mille milliards de poèmes. Afterword by François Le Lionnais. (Paris), Gallimard, (1961). In-4°. One of 2200 copies, nr. 4591. Original white cloth. Foxing. (€ 150-200)





(Lebel) No. 2: Emilio Vila. La Liberté et la mort. Loose leaves in a cardboard folder. Broadsides and mimeographs, folded, by: Emilio Villa, Adriano Spatola, Jean Jacques Lebel, Antonin Artaud, Patricia Vicinelli, Paolo Lionni, a.o. 14 folded items plus titlepage. Good condition. Orig. cardboard folder, with imprint. (€ 400-600) ILL p. 6


(Hansjörg Mayer) 2 sammelband futura 14 bis 26. Edition Hansjörg Mayer 1966. Collection 13 fold outs with texts/ visual poetry by Robert Filliou, Andre Thomkins, herman de vries, Wolf Vostell, Dick Higgins a.o. Edited and printed by Hansjörg Mayer in the Futura typeface. Orig. wrapper slightly damaged and spotted. Internally very clean. Rare. (€ 300-400)


(eroticism) Raymond Abigeo & Jean-Claude Peretz, Érotoscope. Paris, Marie Concorde, 1970. In-4°. 38 pp. Photographs of three female models, each depicted with twelve different hairstyles and outfits. The pages are divided into four horizontal sections (head, breasts, midriff, legs) enabling the viewer to create 26,568 different combinations and states of dress and undress. Orig. spiral bound and ill. hardcover. Some foxing. (€ 150-250)


(artist's book) Tom Phillips, A Humument. London, Tetrad Press, 1970. One of the 125 numbered and signed copies, this one being nr. 93. This volume contains ten screenprints, all with initials in pencil. In orig. folder. With the original announcement folder and one extra leaf (on lighter paper than the other prints). Orig. green cardboard box. Upper lid and back discoloured. (€ 400-600)


(Ruscha) Ed Ruscha, Various Small Fires and Milk. Self published, 1970. Second edition. One of 3000 unnumbered copies. Orig. covers, glassine jacket (small defects). (€ 200-300) Lit.: Engberg & Phillpot nr. B2.


(Fluxus) Toeval. Studium Generale 1972 Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Ringbinder containing appr. 300 pp. On coincidence in art, biology, literature, music, psychology, mathematics etc. With contributions by artists such as Vito Acconci, George Brecht, John Cage, Douglas Huebler, David Medalla, Dieter Roth and herman de vries. Also includes the extra items (loose in envelope) that are often missing: the pamphlet 'Chance Imagery' by George Brecht, two red dice, cards by Ben Vautier to be pasted in, and a signed sheet by Morellet. (€ 100-200)


detail lot 1088


(Documenta) Documenta 5. Befragung der Realität. Bildwelten heute. Kassel, 1972. Booklet consisting of 80 pp., 8 introd. lvs. and 25 index leaves on thicker paper, numbered from 1 to 25, followed by a varying number of pages (except after the numbers 19-25 where no text follows, as often). Prof. illustr., partly in colour. Large in-4°. Bound in or. plastic document filing binder with a design by Ed Ruscha on front cover. Some traces of use. We join: Original poster. Colour screenprint. Corners damaged (840 x 600 mm). And: Hans Baumann. Documenta 5. Colour screenprint. Some defects in the corners. This poster was made as a protest against the expensive Documenta 5 catalogue with the famous Ruscha design (860 x 620 mm). (€ 200-300)



(conceptual art) Kynaston L. McShine (ed.), Information. Summer 1970. New York, MoMA, 1970. In-4°. 207 numb.pp. Orig. ill. wrappers. Little wear around the borders and spine. Good copy of this seminal catalogue, abundantly illustrated. We join: Germano Celant (ed.), Art Povera. Conceptual, Actual or Impossible Art? London, Studio Vista, 1969. In-8°. 240 numb.pp. Orig. ill. wrappers. Some faint stains, otherwise very good copy. (€ 100-200)


(conceptual art) January 5 - 31, 1969. Barry Huebler Kosuth Weiner. New York, Seth Siegelaub, 1969. 12 bound sheets, some blank (24) pages with text and black & white photographs/ illustrations. Plastic spiral bound thick card covers with printed title in center. Traces of wear. (€ 150-200) Lit.: Seth Siegelaub, Beyond Conceptual Art. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 2016. P.130-131.


(Jasper Johns) Riva Castleman, Technics And Creativity II Gemini Gel. New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1971. Enclosed in a white plastic box is a catalogue with 364 illustrations, an essay by Rita Castleman, and a catalogue raisonné of Gemini. There is also a multiple by Jasper Johns 'Target 1970' specially commissioned for this item and a lithograph with a collage of watercolor pads and a brush for the budding artist. First Edition. Complete with the very often lacking small leaflet/ insert with a short explanation of the catalogue/ edition. From the edition of 22,500, printed by Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, published by the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Box has some traces uf use/ minor soiling. Otherwise very good copy. (€ 100-200)


(Richter) Gerhard Richter, Atlas van foto's en schetsen. Utrecht, Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst, 1972. Small in-8°. With extra leaflet announcing the exhibition. Orig. covers, somewhat unfresh, spine slightly rubbed. (€ 150-200)


(Christo) Christo, 'Wrapped Coast', 1971. Originele affiche. Milaan, februari 1971. Gevouwen en verstuurd (label met adres, afgestempeld). Sporen van tape. 685 x 485 mm (€ 100-200)


Christo, 'Valley curtain 1970-72', 1974. Tentoonstellingsaffiche Louisiana, 23 februari - 24 maart 1974. Zeer goede staat (AA), miniem scheurtje. Bijgevoegd: -'Maus Museum/ Claes Oldenburg. Objects collected by Claes Oldenburg in a museum of his own design', Kassel, Documenta 5, 1972. Goede staat (A), gerafelde rechterkant. 840 x 595 mm -'Joseph Beuys', Gent, MSK, 1977. Goede staat (A), plooi rechtsonder. 1000 x 545 mm Tot.: 3 ex. 840 x 600 mm (€ 150-250)


(invitations) A various set of invitation cards: Lawrence Weiner (Konrad Fischer, 1970; 'Ten Work, Yvon Lambert, 1971); Daniel Buren (Yvon Lambert, 1979, on orange stock); A.R. Penck (Galerie Michaël Werner, 1971 (x2)/ 1972; Galerie Heiner Friedrich, 1974); Georg Baselitz (WWS, 1970); Carl Andre (The John Weber Gallery, 1974); Joseph Beuys (Galerie Schmela, 1972); Ed Kienholz, set of seven WWS postcards (few doubles/ triplets); Videogalerie Gerry Schum (Gilbert & George, 1972; Joseph Beuys, 1970). And: Lawrence Weiner, Left of the center/ Middle of the center/ Right of the center/ As if it were. Four leaflets. (€ 300-400)


(Buren) Daniel Buren, 'Travail in situ – Outside the exhibition'. Invitation/ Poster. Wide White Space. Antwerpen, 1973. Printed on both sides, with on one side the blue 'Buren' stripe and on the other side the information of the current exhibition and that of the former ones. This was the fourth show, after the Green, Yellow and Red one, with only the Brown one left to come. We join: Mise en garde. (Antwerpen), A379089, (1969). In-4°. 13 numb.pp. Covers, glued. And: Invitation card on green stock 'À l'endroit/ À l'envers/ Troisième Partie'. Paris, Yvon Lambert, 1980. (€ 200-300) Lit.: Wide White Space, Behind the Museum, p. 308, nr. 70.


(A379089) A collection ephemera regarding the A379089 exhibition/ happening space: Small poster; 'At A379089'/ Labris group/ Labris Jazz Suite. Mimeographed hand-out; two envelopes and four blank sheets with the 'A37' letterhead. (€ 100-150)


(Byars) James Lee Byars, ’This is the Ghost of James Lee Byars Calling./ 615 N. La Cieneqa Blvd./ Los Angeles, California U.S.A.'. Red imprint on gold card. Set of three identical copies (of which one with pin holes). (€ 150-200)

detail lot 1091

Marcel Broodthaers Lots 1099-1114




'Pas de Quartiers dans le Révolution' (Bruxelles, 7 juin 1947). Tract. 4 pp. in-4°, printed in black. Tract written by Christian Dotremont and Jean Seeger which sanctions the notion of revolutionary surrealism. Also signed by Marcel Broodthaers. Rare. (€ 100-200) Lit.: Marcel Mariën, L'Activité surréaliste en Belgique, p. 406.



'Reportage'. Interuniversitaire tentoonstelling/Exposition interuniversitaire. Brussels; Leuven; Gent; Liège; Antwerpen, October 30, 1967 - 1968. Edited by Roland Van den Berghe. In-8° pp.(54), original wrappers, b/w ill. Broodthaers wrote a programmatic text for the catalogue of the group exhibition which included work by the Belgian artists De Bruyne, Bertozzi, Christiaens, Van Roosmaelen, Charlier, Broodthaers, Panamarenko and Van den Berghe. Broodthaers participated with seven works, three of which ill. We join: Invitation card with text by Heere Heersma. (€ 150-200)

Minuit. Poème avec une illustration de Serge Vandercam. Bruxelles, George Houyoux, Editeur (Editions des Artistes), 1960. In-8°. 24 pp. Original wrappers. Unnumbered and uncut copy, but with the double title imprint.


(€ 400-600)

(€ 100-200)

Lit.: Ceuleers & Van de Velde nr. 28.



Minuit. Bruxelles, George Hoyoux, 1960. In-8°. 22pp. One of the 210 regular copies, nr. 80, with the original frontispice by Vandercam. Orig. cover, uncut. Remarkably fresh copy. (€ 1000-1200) ILL p. 41 Lit.: Ceuleers - Van de Velde nr. 28.


La Bête Noire. Gravures Jan Sanders. (Bruxelles), Chez l'Auteur, (1961). In-8° obl. 8 pp. One of the 700 regular copies, this one being nr. 441. With aut. signed ded. on the title page to Armand Vereecke. Stapled under orig. ill. cover. (€ 800-1000) Lit.: Ceuleers & Van de Velde nr. 29.

'Journal des arts plastiques'. N° 30. Brux., Palais des Beaux-Arts, janvier 1967. Plaquette in-8°, 24 p. Agrafé. Interview imaginaire de René Magritte par Marcel Broodthaers. Photographies de Maria Gillissen. Rare.

Le corbeau et le renard. Wide White Space, Antwerp, 1968. Folding invitation card for the first edition of which only seven boxes were produced. With the extra leaflet. We join: Le Corbeau et le Renard. Antwerp, Wide White Space, 1972. Invitation card. Reproduction of drawing by MB on front and back cover. Printed in red and black. The first version, announced on 40 copies, appeared in 1968. This second version appeared on 33 copies. And: 'Das Manuskript in der Flasche. The Manuscript found in a bottle. Le Manuscrit trouvé dans une bouteille'. 1833/1974. Berlin, Galerie René Block, 12 October-2 November 1974. Card, printed recto-verso in black and blue. Exhibition on the occasion of the publication of the edition with the same title. (€ 200-300) Lit.: Wide White Space, Behind the Museum nrs 18, 57/ Susanne Pfeffer (Ed.) - Marcel Broodthaers: Exhibitions and Works. P. 231 - 233/ 377.



A collection of 12 open letters: 1. 'Une cube, une sphère' Kassel, 27 June 1968. 2. 'Mon cher Beuys' Bruxelles, 14 July 1968. 3. 'J'ai d'abord mis en scène ...' Lignano, 27 August 1968. 4. 'Cabinet des Ministres de la Culture. Ouverture' Ostende, 7 September 1968. 5. 'Département des Aigles. Museum. Un directeur rectangle.' Düsseldorf, 19 September 1968. 6. 'J'ai trop à vous dire, chers amis, ...' Anvers, 11 October 1968. 7. 'Duchamp-Mexico, octobre 68. Multiplié inimitable illimité MB' Librairie St Germain des Prés, Paris, 29 October 1968. 8. 'Chers Amis, Mes caisses sont vides.' Paris, 29 November 1968. 9. 'Chers amis, De Bruxelles à Anvers' Antwerpen, 10 May 1969. 10. 'Museum voor Moderne Kunsten. Département des Aigles. Mon cher Immendorf' Antwerpen, 29 September 1969. 11. 'Museum voor Moderne Kunsten. Département des Aigles. Remettre à Immendorf, la caisse ' (Antwerpen, September 1969.) 12. 'Musée d'Art Moderne. Section littéraire. Département des Aigles. Mon cher Claura' Bruxelles, 1 January 1970. Alle brieven in-4°, behalve n° 8, in-8°; alle in 'mimeografie', behalve nrs. 8 en 13 in offset. Uitzonderlijk geheel van de 'open brieven' die Broodthaers in kleine oplage publiceerde en rondstuurde naar mensen in het kunstmilieu met nadruk op de sociale context van de kunst. De ironie en ambiguïteit schuilt in het schrijven van een persoonlijke brief in pamfletvorm en het gebruik van een ouderwets typemachine in tijden van de 'nieuwe media'. Deze eenmansactie is een typische Broodthaers-bevraging van de zelfgenoegzame kunstscene.


La porte est ouverte. Köln, Michaël Werner, 1972. Loose in-8°. 8 pp. Unnumbered and unsigned copy. The regular edition was of 50 copies. Orig. covers. Custome made clam shell box. (€ 1200-1400) Lit.: Ceuleers & Van de Velde nr. 36/ Susanne Pfeffer (Ed.) Marcel Broodthaers: Exhibitions and Works. P. 402-403.


'Fig. 1/ programme', 1973. Originele affiche. Gevouwen. 650 x 500 mm (€ 150-250) Lit.: Wide White Space, Behind the Museum, p. 301, nr. 63/ Susanne Pfeffer (Ed.) - Marcel Broodthaers: Exhibitions and Works. P. 418-19.


Magie. Art et Politique. Paris, Multiplicata, 1973. In-8°. 24 numb.pp. Offset printed. Edition of 400 unnumbered copies. Initialled in red ink 'M.B.' on the last page. Orig. covers. (€ 800-1000) Lit.: Ceuleers & Van de Velde nr. 37.


Eloge du Sujet. Basel, Kunstmuseum, 1974. In-16°. 16 p. Stapled under orig. covers.

(€ 800-1000)

(€ 100-200)


Lit.: Susanne Pfeffer (ed.), Marcel Broodthaers, Exhibitions and Works. Fridericianum/ Koenig Books, 2021. P. 498, ill.

Carl Andre, Marcel Broodthaers, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Gilbert & George, On Kawara, Richard Long, Gerhard Richter. Brussel, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, 1974. Square in-8°. Orig. wrappers. Clean copy. We join: Bilder - Objekte - Filme - Konzepte. Catalogue. München, Städtisches Galerie im Lehnbachhaus, 1973. In-8°. Orig. covers. Slightly damaged. (€ 100-150)


Der Spiegel. 22 März 1971, nr. 13. In-4°. 210 numb.pp. With the Brodthaers - Van Laack advertising on p. 166. Stapled. (€ 100-200)


Défense de photographier. (Oxford/ Berlin), (The Museum of Modern Art)/ (DAAD), (1975). In-8° obl. Orig. cover. (€ 150-200) Lit.: Susanne Pfeffer (ed.), Marcel Broodthaers, Exhibitions and Works. Fridericianum/ Koenig Books, 2021. P. 578, ill.


Paris, Galerie National du Jeu de Paume, 1991. Catalogue. Orig. covers. With postcard. We join: 11 exhibition catalogues and publications on work and life of Marcel Broodthaers (Köln, 1980; Tate Gallery, 1980. Together with separate catalogue of text by Michael Compton; Rotterdam, 1981; Galerie Michael Werner, 1980 a.o.). (€ 100-200)





(de vries) herman de vries, the dust of some roads & a leaf from a tree. Published by the artist, 1977. Contents loose as issued in white card envelope. Due to the organic nature of the contents, the folder has speckled staining as is usual. Volume 9 of the series 'the eschenau summer press publications & temporary travelling press publications’. Consists of four sheets of card (20.2 × 14.7 cm): on the front of three of them are fixed cellophane bags, each with a different sample of sandy soil; the fourth card has the dried leaf of an apple tree pasted to it. On the reverse of each card is printed the dates and location of each sample: “collected: shapora 20.12.1976”, “collected: trivandrum 18.1.1977”, “collected: eschenau 5.6.1977” and “collected: gorinchem 22.9.1976” (leaf). Published in an edition of 150 numbered copies. (€ 500-750) Lit.: Anne Moeglin-Delcroix & Didier Mathieu - herman de vries. Les livres et les publications. Catalogue raisonné, nr. 45.




(de vries) herman de vries, vijf manifesten over taal - fünf manifeste über sprache - five language manifests - / - en een gedicht. - und ein gedicht. - and a poem. Verlag artists press. 1975. Original wrappers, stapled. Artist’s book consisting of short texts on language in chronological order, followed by two blank pages. Published in an edition of 185 copies, this is copy no. 1, signed in pencil by herman de vries on the stamped colophon. Dried grass is taped to a final page, identified in the title of the book as a “poem". “A manifest reappears in this collection, first published in 1973, entitled ‘my poetry is the world’. It is the artist's most important manifest, contemplated since 1971. It is his definitive manifest, recapitulative, the one that henceforth would inspire his future work and be taken up in different ways. It says that it is not the poet who writes poetry but the world; that the poet is a poet not because he writes in a specific way, but because he is part of the world; that such poetry is therefore not limited to writing … in short, that poetry is life itself. Consequently, an element taken from nature, such as the grass in this collection, is an extract of the poetic work of the world, and hence a natural 'poem', a living poem.” (Anne Moeglin-Delcroix). (€ 500-750) Lit.: Anne Moeglin-Delcroix & Didier Mathieu - herman de vries. Les livres et les publications. Catalogue raisonné, nr. 29a-b.




(Morellet) François Morellet, ‘90° deux trames'. Edition multi art points, 1976. Publisher’s white wrappers, with the title handwritten in pencil by the artist on the front cover. Morellet was inspired by the mathematical principles behind the early geometric abstractions of the Dutch Neo-plastic artists (Mondrian, van Doesburg, Vantongerloo). He used regular grids and repetition in an attempt to reduce the role of the artist’s individual sensibility to a minimum. With this artist’s book, Morellet begins with a series of horizontal lines covering the first page, and then systematically rotates every other line through 90° until the final page has a perfect geometric grid pattern. Published in an edition of 750 copies, numbered and signed in pencil by Morellet on the book’s inner flap. (€ 400-600)




(Anselmo) Giovanni Anselmo, '116 Particolari visibile e misurabili in INFINITO'. Torino, Sperone Editore, 1975. In-8° square. 236 pp. Edition of 1000 unnumbered copies. Orig. white card wrappers (some slight soiling). “116 pages are 116 visible and measurable parts of INFINITO, conceived as an enlarged written word. The sequence order of the pages is, from top left in a clockwise direction for each of the first seven letters, a corner, a part of a side, a corner, a part of a side, and so on, finishing with the centre. Where the inner corners of the letters are concave, their relative convex corners are considered. The last nine pages are respectively the four extreme parts (top, bottom, right, left) of the outer circumference, the same four parts of the inner circumference and the centre of the letter O.” (from artist’s introductory text). The second and last of Anselmo's artist's books. (€ 800-1000)


(naoorlogse kunst-Roth) Een lot van 10 uitgaven: -Dieter Roth, Gesammelte Werke Band 20. Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 1972. Met bijgevoegd: 'complete lijst van boeken', A'dam, Stedelijk Museum, expocataloogje 31 januari - 16 maart 1975. -) Dieter Roth, Boeken. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1975. Catalogus. Geniet. -L'art brut 3, 4 en 9. Paris, Publications de la Compagnie de l'Art Brut, 1965-73. 3 vol. in-4°. -VH 101. Revue trimestrielle. Numéros 1, 3. 1970. 2 vol. in-4°. Handelend over: Hahn Otto, Handke Peter, Warhol Andy, Raysse Martial, Ligeti Gyðrgy, Lamelas David, Buren Daniel, Andre Carl, Heizer Michael en Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, David Lamelas, Victor Burgin, Lawrence Weiner, Alain Kirili, Mel Bochner, Joseph Kosuth, Marcel Duchamp, Yve-Alain Bois, Jasper Johns, Otto Hahn, De la Villeglé, Emile Coppermann, Victor García -Geert van Beijeren, Sonsbeek buiten de perken. Catalogus 1 & 2. Arnhem, 1971. 2 vol. in-4°. Zeldzaam. - expocatalogus Lens Fine Art, Antwerpen: Groepstentoonstelling Peter Struycken, Ad Dekkers, Jan Schoonhoven en Carel Visser, 1972. (€ 150-200)


(conceptual art) Sol LeWitt, Lines & Color. Annemarie Verna/ Marieta Bonomo/ Rolf Preisig, Zürich/ Bari/ Basel, Switzerland/ Italy/ Switzerland, 1975. In-8°. Edition size unknown; unsigned and unnumbered; offset-printed in three parts. Some handling traces. We join: Sol LeWitt, Wall Drawings 1968 - 1984. Amsterdam/ Eindhoven/ Hartford, Stedelijk Museum/ Van Abbemuseum/ Wadsworth Atheneum, 1984. In-8° obl. 206 numb.pp. Orig. covers. (€ 200-300) Lit.: Sol LeWitt: Artist's Books" by Sol LeWitt, Giorgio Maffei, Emanuele De Donno, Didi Bozzini, Cecilia Metelli, Marilena Bonomo. Sant'Eraclio di Foligno, Italy : Edizioni Viaindustrie, 2009, pp. 62-63. "Esthétique du Livre d'Artiste 1960 / 1980" by Anne Moeglin-Delcroix. Paris, France : Jean-Michel Place / Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 1997, pp. 237.





(conceptual art) On Kawara. A set of five catalogues: -) continuity/ discontinuity 1963 - 1979. Moderna Museet, Stockholm/ 1980, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 1981. In-4°. 110 numb.pp. Orig. ill. softcover. -) Date Paintings in 89 Cities. In-4°. 256 pp. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, 1992. Hardcover. -) Whole and Parts 1964 - 1995. Les presses du Réel, 1996. In-4°. 708 numb.pp. Orig. ill. hardcover. -) le consortium, dijon, 11 mars - 18 avril 1985. In-8°. Orig. cardboard cover. Traces of use. (€ 150-200)


(Pérec) Georges Pérec, Ulcérations. Paris, Bibliothèque Oulipienne n° 1, 1974. In-8°. 22 pp.num. Tir. lim. et num. à la presse, un des 150 ex. hors commerce, nr. 141. Br. sous couv. orig. Infimes rousseurs. On y joint: André Breton, Anthologie de l'humour noir. Paris, Éditions du Sagittaire, (1950). In-8°. Br. sous couv. orig. ill. Et deux autres ouvrages. (€ 150-200)


(dessin) Folon, La mort d'un arbre. 24 aquarelles et un texte de l'auteur. Milan, Alice Editions, 1974. In-oblong. Avec dédicace à Robert De Smet, 'avec amitié de JeanMichel' et enrichi d'un dessin au crayon (280 x 350 mm), daté avril 1975. Couv. d'éd. ill. (petites rousseurs). (€ 500-700)


(Dali) Salvador Dalí en Robert De Smet. Reeks van vier originele zwart-witfoto's. 125 x 90/ 105 x 80 (x3) mm (€ 200-300)


(Cox) Jan Cox/ Marnix Gijsen, 'Orpheus' (1970). Album met 36 reproducties. Met inleiding en biografische nota's door Marnix Gijsen. Een van de 120 met de hand gen. Nederlandstalige editie, nr. 80. In orig. zilverkleurige map, opbergdoos. Bijgevoegd: Guy Vandenbranden (1926-2014)/ Marcel Van Maele 'Medgar Evers te Jackson vermoord' (1964). Sint-Niklaas, Paradox-Press, 1964. Met drie zeefdrukken. Een van de 40 Duitstalige ex., nr. XXXII. Gesigneerd door kunstenaar, auteur en uitgever. In orig. kaft. En: Wout Vercammen/ Tony Rombouts 'Stella Magnolia'. Antwerpen, Uitgave Stuip, 1963. Losbladig in-4°. Een van de 100 ex., ongenummerd. Uitgave met negen linosneden van Wout Vercammen bij acht gedichten van Tony Rombouts. In kartonnen map. (€ 200-300)


(Claus) Hugo Claus/ Roel D'Haese, Jan de Lichte. (Antwerpen), Ziggurat, (1981). In-8°. Een van de 100 met de hand in potlood gen. ex., nr. 56, gesigneerd. Met bijgevoegde lithografie. Met handgeschreven opdracht op Franse titel: 'Voor Robert/ zoals altijd./ con amore/ Hugo Claus'. Eveneens gesigneerd door D'Haese. Ingenaaid onder orig. cover, linnen uitvouwbare cover (roest). Bijgevoegd: Sonnetten. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 1987. Kl. in-8°. 35 gen.pp. Een van de 475 reguliere met de hand gen. ex., nr. 426. Orig. rood linnen. Bijgevoegd: een uitgebreide verzameling uitgaven, waarvan enkele met handgeschreven opdracht aan Robert of Suzy De Smet. (€ 200-300)


(Hugo Claus) Een lot uitgaven, getekend of met handgeschreven opdracht aan Robert De Smet: -63 kwatta-rijmen voor gans België. Europalia '80. Xerografie PSK, 1980. Gen. ex. 2/60. Licht bevuild. -Evergreens. Amstelveen, Amo, 1986. Met opdracht 'Voor Robert/ académicien/ Hugo Claus'. -Een huis dat tussen nacht en morgen staat. Gedichten. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1953. Frontispice door Jan Cox. Eén van de 400 ex., nr. 142. Met opdracht 'met genoegen/ voor Robert d'Usmeth/ Hugo Claus'. -Het hooglied van Salomo. Het lied der liederen. Gent, Snoeck-Ducaju, 1982. Eén van de 500 gen.ex. (n°14) met handtekening. Groen linnen. -De vluchtende Atalanta. Antwerpen, Pink Editions & Productions, 1977. Met handgeschreven opdracht: 'voor Robert/ Con amore/ Hugo.'. Een van de 750 reguliere op de pers gen. ex., nr. 31. Zwart linnen. (€ 150-250)


(Claus) Hugo Claus, Claustrum. 222 knittelverzen. (Antwerpen), Pink Editions & Productions, (1980). Tweede druk. In-8°. 139 gen.pp. Een van de 25 met de hand gen. luxe-ex., nr. 15. Orig. geïll. gekartonneerde band, rug heel licht verkleurd. Bijgevoegd: Hugo Claus/ Maurice Wyckaert, Het Landschap. (Deinze), (Galerij M.A.S.), 1965. In-8°. 6pp. Een van de 175 reguliere ex., nr. 1, na 25 bijgewerkte ex. Met handgeschreven opdracht op titelblad: 'met genoegen/ voor Karel (Geirlandt)/ Hugo Claus'. Eveneens met handtekening in blauwe inkt door Wyckaert. Geniet onder orig. omslag, voorplat deels verkleurd (zoals vaak). (€ 200-250) Lit.: Voor twaalf lezers nrs 49 en 110.2.




(€ 500-750)

(€ 700-900) ILL p. 46


Lit.: E. Van Balberghe & Yves Gevaert - Rodney Graham, Catalogue Raisonné, nr

(Raveel) Guy Prieels/ Roger Raveel, Oscar en de blijde dood. S.l., Octave de Achtste, 2010. In-fol. Een van de 48 reguliere met de hand in potlood gen. ex., nr. 22. Met ets en suite met zwart-witafdruk en gehoogde ets. Alle prenten getekend en genummerd in potlood. In orig. kaft en schuifdoos.

(Duchamp) Box Marcel Duchamp. Editie Ronny Van de Velde 1991. Luxury exhibition catalogue with loose objects in a wooden box. The box consists of the following items: a list of the exhibits, a portfolio with faithful reproductions of works by Duchamp, also including a copy of H. Vuibert, Les Anaglyphes geometriques (Librarie Vuibert : Paris 1912) (with 3D-glasses) and a reproduction of a page from The Blind Man No. 2 (P.B.T.); a book with articles on Duchamp by Andre Breton and Arturo Schwarz (inserted, on a separate sheet, a reproduction of Le Grand Verre); an audiocassette of Duchamp speaking; a single photograph of ‘Marcel Duchamp at the Age of Eighty-Five’ for View’s special Marcel Duchamp number. All of these items are packed in a wooden box, the top and bottom of which being reproductions of Duchamp’s ‘mental’ Chess Board. Edition of 1000 numbered copies. (€ 150-200)


(Man Ray) Man Ray 1890-1976. (Antwerp), Ronny Van de Velde, (1994). Deluxe copy of the catalogue to the exhibition. One of the 220 numbered copies, nr. 80, containing portfolio with 'Fashion photograph' (1930) and 'A view of the artist's studio' (1934), printed from the original negatives. Colt-covered box, slipcase. Front of the box is a trompel'oeil replica of 'Pêchage'. (€ 250-350)


(conceptual art) Bart De Baere, Danny Matthys. (Gent), Imschoot Uitgevers, 1989. Gr. in-obl. 321 numb.pp. One of the 750 unnumbered copies. Orig. blue suede covered binding. Some minor wear. We join: Diagarmas & Drawings. Otterlo, Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, 1972. Loose leafs in orig. plastic holder. And: Geluid - Kijken. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1971. With the orig. recordings. Orig. cover. And: Mark Di Suvero. C.R.A.C.A.P., 1975. Catalogue. Orig. cover. (€ 100-200)

(Graham) Rodney Graham, The System of Landor's Cottage. Brussels/ Ontario, Yves Gevaert/ The Art Gallery of Ontario, 1987. In-8°. 308 numb.pp. One of the 250 numbered copies, this one being nr. 42. Numbered on a tipped in paper with drawing by Jeff Wall. Orig. cover.


(Graham) Rodney Graham, Freud Supplement (170a - 170d). Christine Burgin Gallery, New York/ Yves Gevaert Éditeur, Brussels/ Galerie Johnen & Schöttle, Cologne/ Galerie Nelson, Paris; 1989. In-8°. 14 pp. One of the 100 numbered and signed cpies in pencil on the inside of the back cover. This copy being nr. 79. Orig. full dark blue leather binding, flat spine with gilt stars, ill. wrappers (some shelf wear). We join: Oeuvres Wagnériennes/ Oeuvres Freudiennes. Yves Gevaert Éditeur/ Musée départemental de Rochechouart. In-8°. 33/ 22 numb.pp. With the CD. Black linen binding, orig. ill. wrapper. And: Jeff Wall, Dans la forêt. Deux ébauches d'étude sur l'oeuvre de Rodney Graham. Suivi de Lenz par Rodney Graham. Bruxelles, Yves Gevaert Éditeur/ Émile van Balberghe Libraire, (1996). In-8°. 22/ 16 numb.pp. Orig. cover. Two copies. (€ 500-750) Lit.: E. Van Balberghe & Yves Gevaert - Rodney Graham, Catalogue Raisonné, nr


(Imschoot) A collection of seven Imschoot-editions: John Baldessari, The Telephone Book; Lawrence Weiner, Ducks on a Pond; Robert Barry, Untitled; Hanne Darboven, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Peter Downsborough, Prospectus; Albert Merz, "Cinema"; Christoph Williams, Angola to Vietnam. Orig. covers. Good to very good condition. (€ 200-300)



(Weiner) Lawrence Weiner, Ducks on a pond. Gent, Imschoot Uitgevers/ For IC, (1988). In-8°. 28pp. One of the 25 hardbound deluxe copies, this being nr. 9. Signed and dated in ink. Orig. grey cloth, dust jacket. Mint copy. (€ 200-300) Lit.: Schwarz nr. 31.


(Mosset) Olivier Mosset. Neuchâtel, Editions Média, 1996. Original grey cloth-backed boards. Artist’s book with the eight original linocuts accompanied by poetry by Jean-Christophe Bailly. Published in an edition of 50 copies, numbered, dated and signed in pencil by Mosset on the final blank leaf, and further inscribed by Bailly “pour savoir-vivre!”. Olivier Mosset’s work is rooted in conceptual abstraction. In the 1960s he was a member of the BMPT collective along with Daniel Buren, Michel Parmentier, and Niele Toroni. The group suppressed subjectivity and expressiveness favouring instead practical systems like the utilisation of neutral, repetitive patterns. Pinnacle to the group’s philosophy were the 200 or more identical oil paintings that Mosset produced between 1966 and 1974, of a small black circle at the centre of a square white canvas. Here in this artist’s book Mosset uses the repeating octagonal shape, but with each linocut printed in a different colour. (€ 500-750)


(Richter) Gerhard Richter, Katalog Der Ausstellung (Exhibition Catalogue); Werkübersicht (Catalogue Raisonné) 1962-1993; Texte. Paris/ Bonn/ Stockholm/ Madrid 1993-94. 3 vol. in-4°, slipcase. We join by the same artist: 23 catalogues, highlighting different aspects of his practice and life. (€ 200-300)


(Panamarenko) Hans Theys, Panamarenko. Frank VanHaecke & Isy Brachot, 1992. Large in-fol. 288 pp. Orig. green cloth binding, jacket. We join: two similar copies. (€ 100-200)



(Pop art) A collection of catalogues on Pop art: -) Andy Warhol, A Retrospective. New York, MoMa, 1988. Large in-4°. Orig. ill. cardboard cover with acetate jacket with black print and copy. Small tear in the jacket, upper left corner. -) David Bourdon, Warhol. New York, harry N. Abrams Inc., 1989. In-4°. Orig. white cloth binding, ill. jacket. -) Andy Warhol, Giant Size. Phaidon. Large in-fol. Hardcover. -) Egoiste No. 10. Warhol. And 14 others. (€ 100-200)


(Gonzalez-Torres) Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Untitled (strange bird), 1993. Offset. Poster, folded. We join by the same: Untitled (Passport III), 1993. Booklet. In-12°. 6 pp. Stapled. And: Felix Gonzelz-Torres. Catalogue. Published on the occasion of the traveling exhibition Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Traveling at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. April 24 – June 19, 1994. Co-organized by Amanda Cruz, Ann Goldstein and Suzanne Ghez; The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. June 16 – Sept. 11, 1994.; The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, IL., Oct. 2 – 6 Nov. 6, 1994. And: Catalogue. Interview with the artist by Tim Rollins. Text by Susan Cahan. Short story by Jan Avgikos. 1993, A.R.T. Press. Softcover. And: A Reinhardt J Kosuth F Gonzalez-Torres: Symptoms of Interference, Conditions of Possibility. 1994: Camden Arts Center. Softcover. And two others (Parkett issue a.o.). (€ 150-250)


(Gonzalez-Torers) Felix Gonzalez-Torres/ Dietmar Elger, Catalogue Raisonné. Vol. 1 and 2. Ostfieldern-Ruit, Cantz Verlag, 1997. 2 vol. in-4°. 167/ 110 numb.pp. Orig. ill. cardboard covers. (€ 200-300)


(Delvoye) Wim Delvoye, a set seven catalogues: -) Early Works (1968 - 1971). Rectapublishers, 2002. With handwritten dedication.Orig. ill. cardboard cover. -) Studies for Cloaca (1997 - 2006). Rectapublishers, 2007. With handwritten dedication. Orig. ill. cardboard cover. -) Art Farming. Rectapublishers, 2007. With handwritten dedication.Orig. ill. cardboard cover. -) Wim Delvoye, Cloaca. rectapublishers, 2001. Orig. ill. cardboard cover. -) Pigs. Selfpublished (?), 1999. Orig. half cloth cover. -) Drawing & Scale Models (200 - 2005). Sperone Westawater/ rectapublishers, 2005. Orig. ill. soft cover. -) Sept propos sur le sexe, les rayons X et les cochons. Galerie Guy Bärtschi, 2003. Orig. ill. soft cover. (€ 150-200)


(Conceptual art) On Kawara, ‘247 mois / 247 jours'. Bordeaux, CPAC, 1993. In-4° loose sheets. One of the 247 numbered copies, this one being nr. 150. Orig. cardboard box. (€ 350-500)


(Conceptual art) On Kawara, ‘One Million Years [Past] and [Future]', 2000. Boxed set of 10 compact discs. Five Past compact discs; Five Future compact discs. 74 minutes each. New York, David Zwirner, 2000. One of the 250 numbered copies, this one being nr. 67. Three cd's have been unwrapepd.


(De Cordier) Thierry Zondag, Mijn handen (Twee Probeersels). (Brussel), Hayen, (1994). In-8°. 6 pp. Een van de 10 'artiestenproeven' met de hand gen. op Arches, nr. C, voor de 40 reguliere exemplaren. Titel in blauwe inkt op tweede blad 'Mijn Handen'. Met annotatie in blauwe inkt, onder de nummer, '(van plezier)'/ Thierry Zondag/ Schoorisse op 10 april 1994'. Daaronder handgeschreven opdracht in zwarte inkt 'aan mijn vriend Jan De Wilde/ en als dank voor de correcties/ t.a.v. mijn handen, te Schoorisse, 20 febr. '95'. Ingenaaid onder orig. omslag. Zeer zeldzaam. Bijgevoegd: Adreskaartje van Thierry & Carine de Cordier. In env., met kopie van brief aan 'Geachte Heer Juwet'. (€ 1000-1200) ILL p. 3

(€ 400-600)


(Panamarenko) Panamarenko, Multiples 1966 - 1994. Antwerpen, Galerij Jamar. Een van de 100 luxe-ex., nr. 53. Orig. bordeaux linnen. (€ 40-60)



(Vandenberg) Philippe Vandenberg, Pelgrims Keel. Literarte, 2003. 32 pp. In-4°. Een van de 190 met de hand in potlood gen. ex., nr. 62. Gesigneerd. Orig. gekartonneerde band, rug in geel linnen. (€ 150-200)

(Bellmer) Hugo Claus, Een vrouw. Origineel manuscript. Bruine inkt. 15 losse bladen. Onder omslag. Bijgevoegd in: Hugo Claus, Een vrouw. Veertien gedichten. Twintig prenten van Hans Bellmer. Antwerpen, uitgeverij Jef Meert, 2001. Eén van de 35 gen. ex. (n°1) volledig met de ets (getekend in potlood, 240 x 355 mm), koperen etsplaat (140 x 150 mm) én originele potloodtekening van Hans Bellmer (145 x 225 mm). 'Magistraal diepblauw' kartonnen foedraal. 'In diverse geschriften en interviews verwijst Hugo Claus naar het werk van de Duits-Franse surrealist Hans Bellmer (1902-1975) als een inspiratiebron voor zijn eigen werk en vorming tijdens de voor hem zo cruciale adolescentiejaren. Deze referenties zijn eveneens in deze uitgave als appendix opgenomen. Het samenbrengen in één uitgave van deze uitzonderlijke gedichtencyclus van Hugo Claus met een aantal prenten uit de rijkste periode van het grafisch werk van Hans Bellmer leek mij dan ook gepast' (citaat Jef Meert, op prospectus, bijgevoegd). (€ 2000-3000)


(Baudelaire) Charles Baudelaire, Au Lecteur. Les pièces condamnées I. Gent, De Prentenier, 1997. Eén van de drie luxe-exemplaren (C/C). Volledig met drie etsen van Ronald Ergo met telkens wisselende serpente waarin blaadjes en suite van de prenten. Rood linnen uitgeversband met origineel beschilderde platten. 690 x 500 mm (€ 150-250) 1144



(Chambres d'Amis) A large archive comprising of hundreds of news paper clippings (or copies), from both national and international press, regarding the infamous exhibition Jan Hoet held in more than 50 private residences in Ghent during the summer of 1986. The archive also includes some letters and photographs regarding the Bruce Nauman installation in the home of the Serweytens family. We join some rare ephemera such as stickers, leaflets and special newspaper issues and a page from the guestbook at the Serweytens residence, signed by some towering figures from the art world such as Germano Celant, Harald Szeeman and Juan Muñoz a.o. (€ 200-300)

Works on Paper Session 2





THEODORE HANNON (1851-1916) 'Spa', 1893. Watercolour and Indian ink, washed. Signed and dated in black pencil. Title and date also on the reverse. Under passe-partout. We join by the same: Flülen. Watercolour. Signed. Framed. 355 x 255 mm (€ 250-300)


JEF VANDE FACKERE (1879-1946) Elderly lady with samovar, 1911. Pastel. Signed and dated. Framed. 900 x 700 mm (1010 x 810 mm) (€ 500-600)


WILLY SLUITER (1873-1949) 'Florenze', 1899. Watercolour, gouache and crayon. Signed and dated. We join by the same: Michel-Angeloplein Florence', 1899. Crayon. Both mounted on support. We join: H.P. Groen. Goat in the meadow. Trees. Two drawings. Both signed. One mounted in passe-partout. And: Monogram. Castle view. Charcoal. With initials. Mounted on support. And: Karl Rang. City views. Four drawings. Pencil and watercolour. All signed. All mounted on support. 245 x 167/ 120 x 175 mm

ANNE DE WEERT (1867-1950) Girl in the backyard. Pastel. Signed. Framed. (€ 2200-2500)


JULES PIERRE VAN BIESBROECK (1873-1965) Female woodchopper with child in winter. Oil and watercolour on paper. Signed. 350 x 250 mm (545 x 450 mm) (€ 300-400)


FIRMIN BAES (1874-1945) Still life with a terrine and daisies. Soft pastel. Signed. Framed. 490 x 590 mm (580 x 690 mm) (€ 1500-1800)


VICTOR HAGEMAN (1868-1940) 'Le Dijeau', 1938. Charcoal. Signed. Title on the reverse. Framed. 720 x 980 mm (870 x 1130 mm) (€ 400-600) Expo: Brussels, Société royale des Beauxarts, Salon de printemps, March-April 1938.


MAURICE HAGEMANS (1852-1917) Evening. Watercolour. Signed. Framed. 570 x 580 mm (710 x 725 mm)

(€ 300-400)

(€ 300-400)



MAURICE LANGASKENS (1884-1946) 'Munster ?', 1915. Graphite and watercolour. Signed. With annotation 'Munster, ... sept 1915'. Framed. 155 x 240 mm (250 x 355 mm) (€ 300-400)



ALFRED BASTIEN (1873-1955) Kneeled nude. Mixed media (browne ink, charcoal and wash). Framed. 280 x 200 mm (515 x 455 mm) (€ 150-200) Provenance: Auction estate A. Bastien, Galerie Moderne, Brussels, 1973.


EMILE GASTEMANS (1883-1956) Blankenberge. Watercolour. Signed. Framed. 800 x 900 mm (1020 x 1110 mm) (€ 2000-3000)


VICTOR HAGEMAN (1868-1940) Family portrait. Pastel on paper. In four separate gilt frames. 1060 x 355 mm (x 2); 1060 x 500 mm (x 2) (1060 x 500 mm (x 2); 1100 x 530 mm (x 2)) (€ 1000-1500)


MEDARD TIJTGAT (1871-1948) Oriental patio scene with lounging nude, 1922. Pen in Indian ink, watercolour. Signed and dated. Framed. (€ 250-350)


ALFRED OST (1884-1945) The proposition, 1920. Watercolour and charcoal. Dated. Framed. 770 x 585 mm (1010 x 830 mm) (€ 600-700)


ALFRED OST (1884-1945) City view, 1943. Indian ink. Framed. 500 x 700 mm (765 x 970 mm) (€ 500-600) Certificate of authenticity by cousin Fernand Ost from 1963 on the reverse.


GEORGES LEMMEN (1865-1916) Woman knitting, sketches and preliminary drawings. Black and red crayon. Two sheets. One dated, other with annotations. Both taken from a sketch book. 340 x 250 mm (x2) (€ 500-750) 1222



GEORGES LEMMEN (1865-1916) Untitled ('Aline Maréchal'). Black and red crayon. Not signed. Taken from a sketchbook. Mounted on support. 340 x 250 mm (€ 350-500)


GEORGES LEMMEN (1865-1916) Untitled ('Knitting woman'), 1891. Black pencil. Dated. Taken from a sketch book. 340 x 250 mm (€ 300-400)


GEORGES LEMMEN (1865-1916) Untitled ('Lady with hat'). Black pencil. Not signed. Taken from a sketch book. 340 x 250 mm (€ 300-400)


WILLIAM DEGOUVE DE NUNCQUES (1867-1935) Untitled (Family at the farmhouse). 'Env. de Bussum'. Untitled. (Pigs in the woods). Charcoal, crayon and grey pencil. With initials. All mounted on support and in passe-partout. 268 x 365/ 270 x 370/ 235 x 367 mm (€ 250-350)


HENRI CASSIERS (1858-1944) Untitled (City view in Holland). Gouache. Signed. Mounted as brooch. Diam.: 43 mm (€ 350-500)


JEAN DELVILLE (1867-1953) Woman's head, 1925. Brown crayon. Signed and dated. Framed. 345 x 260 mm (535 x 430 mm) (€ 200-300)


FRITS VAN DEN BERGHE (1883-1939) 'Improvisatie'. Oil on board. Not signed. Inscriptions on the reverse. Framed. 305 x 265 mm (340 x 300 mm) (€ 1500-1800) ILL p. 57





ANONIEM / ANONYME ART DECO PERIODE, Holland The conversation. In the pub. Pencil, charcoal, watercolour, light touch of gouache. A pair. With inscription on the lower left. Both framed. 310 x 240 mm (470 x 390 mm) (€ 200-300)


ONLEESBAAR / ILLISIBLE Compounds. Charcoal. Illegibly signed. Framed. 290 x 420 mm (x2) (580 x 780 mm (x2)) (€ 400-500)


ALBERT SERVAES (1883-1966) Portrait of a man with hat in profile, 1931. Charcoal. Signed and dated. Framed. 580 x 480 mm (705 x 610 mm) (€ 400-500)


EUGEEN VAN MIEGHEM (1875-1930) Girl on the shore. Pencil. Initials 'EVM'. Framed. 110 x 160 mm (260 x 310 mm) (€ 400-500)


EUGEEN VAN MIEGHEM (1875-1930) German officers, ca. 1915. Black pencil. Initialed. Framed. 340 x 270 mm (540 x 460 mm) (€ 700-900)


EUGEEN VAN MIEGHEM (1875-1930) People on their way to estaminet 'Het Blokhuis'. Charcoal. Initals 'EVM'. Framed. 100 x 120 mm (315 x 255 mm) (€ 600-800)


EUGEEN VAN MIEGHEM (1875-1930) Ladies talking. Red chalk. On paper with drystamp 'Atelier Eug. Van Mieghem'. Framed. 120 x 180 mm (265 x 320 mm) (€ 800-1200) ILL p. 58-59


EUGEEN VAN MIEGHEM (1875-1930) Jews in Antwerp at dusk. Colour chalk and charcoal. Signed. Framed. 230 x 295 mm (510 x 570 mm) (€ 11000-13000)


FLORIS JESPERS (1889-1965) Shells. Oil and soft pastel on paper. Signed. 19th-century gilt frame. 485 x 610 mm (610 x 740 mm) (€ 300-400)



ONLEESBAAR / ILLISIBLE 1920-1930 Untitled. Indian ink. Initialed. Some spotting. Framed. 440 x 320 mm (620 x 500 mm) (€ 200-300)


JEANNE TERCAFS (1898-1944) Head of an African woman, 1938. Charcoal. Signed. Framed. 555 x 740 mm (950 x 840 mm) (€ 1000-1500)


PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Poezeloeze. Girl with cape. Pencil. A lot of two. One initialed and dated. The other one signed. We join: reprint 'Les Mollusques, 1925', complete with six prints after original lithographs, numbered 61/100, by gallery Ronny Van de Velde. 190 x 155 mm (200 x 175 mm)

FERNAND LEGER (1881-1955) 'Morceau de viande'. Fine black marker and pencil. Not signed. With annotation on the reverse 'Authentique/ F. Leger/ N. Leger'. Title and number in blue ballpoint. Mounted on support. 320 x 240 mm

(€ 100-200)

(€ 2000-2500)

(€ 200-300)



ERICH HECKEL (1883-1970) Dunes. Watercolour and colour crayon. Signed and dated in pencil. Framed. 540 x 680 mm (780 x 915 mm) (€ 3000-4000)


GEORGE MINNE (1866-1941) Christ. Pencil. Signed. Sheet somewhat toned. Framed. 320 x 205 mm (605 x 455 mm) (€ 600-800)


PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Untitled, 1945. Grey and blue pencil. Signed and dated. Framed. 230 x 150 mm (360 x 265 mm)

PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Untitled. Indian ink and pencil. Signed. Framed. 190 x 133 mm (385 x 295 mm) (€ 250-350)


PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Untitled. Pencil. With studio stamp. Framed. 180 x 200 mm (385 x 400 mm) (€ 250-300) detail lot 1242







PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Untitled. Pencil. Not signed. Framed. 230 x 150 mm (385 x 300 mm) (€ 200-300)


PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Untitled. Indian ink and oil on slate (?). With studio mark. 325 x 250 mm (€ 1200-1400) ILL det. p.65 Provenance: Rudy Rommens, Antwerp.


PAUL JOOSTENS (1889-1960) Untitled, 1918. Indian ink, washed and charcoal. Signed and dated in brown ink. 470 x 560 mm (€ 600-800) ILL p.64-65


PIERRE-LOUIS FLOUQUET (1900-1967) 'Homme a la fenêtre', 1921-22. Pencil. Signed and dated. Study for the painting bearing the same name. Framed. 355 x 265 mm (580 x 490 mm) (€ 1000-1500) Lit.: Goyens de Heusch - Pierre Louis Flouquet, p. 33, ill. of the painting.


PETER ALMA (1886-1969) Portrait. Pen in Indian ink. Signed and dated. With annotation 'No 157 (B)'. Framed. 290 x 230 mm (535 x 435 mm) (€ 250-350)


MARC EEMANS (1907-1998) Untitled, 1933. Indian ink. dated and signed in pencil. With handwritten dedication. Spotted. We join: reproduction on Van Gelder of the same drawing. With long annotation and handwritten dedication. And: Untitled, 1959. Brown ink. Signed and dated. And: Untitled, 1937. Indian ink. Signed and dated. 200 x 160 mm (x2)/ 320 x 250/ 170 x 140 mm (€ 350-500)


JOSEPH LACASSE (1894-1975) 'Les carrières', 1930. Coloured pencil and crayon. Dated, initialed and titled in pencil. Framed. 167 x 230 mm (380 x 480 mm) (€ 1200-1600) Provenance: J.P. Grimar collection (label by Bram Bogart).


CONSTANT PERMEKE (1886-1952) 'De verzoeking van Sint-Antonius', 1947. Oil and gouache on paper. Signed. Framed. 1200 x 900 mm (1400 x 1110 mm) (€ 10000-12000) Provenance: B. Devos-Permeke, Oudenaarde; Foundation Veranneman, Kruishoutem. Expo: Oostende, Retrospectieve Permeke, 1986-87; Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.



FELICIEN ROPS (1833-1898) 'Le Calvaire I', 1882. Colour engraving. Signed in the plate. Numbered in pencil 116/150. With red printer's mark of Gustave Pellet. Framed. 260 x 180 mm (580 x 450 mm) (€ 2000-3000) Lit.: Ramiro nr. 928.


HENRI EVENEPOEL (1872-1899) 'Au square', 1897. Chromolithograph on paper with dry stamp of 'L'Estampe Moderne' (Lugt 2790). Signed in the stone. With orig. folder with 'L'Estampe Originale' imprint (Paris, 1897). 335 x 230 mm (Blad: 405 x 305 mm) (€ 800-1000) Lit.: Derrey-Capon nr. 31.


FELICIEN ROPS (1833-1898) 'Eritis similis Deo', 1896 (?) Heliogravure. Signed in the plate. Some staining. Mounted. 315 x 200 mm (€ 200-300)


FELIX BUHOT (1847-1898) 'Lettres de mon moulin', 1880-82. Suite of prints (etching, dry point). Some signed in the plate. After the eponymous novel by Alphonse Daudet. Mounted in one frame. 175 x 115 mm (x 5) (565 x 595 mm) (€ 1250-1500) Lit.: Bourcard - Goodfriend nrs 190-113.


XAVIER MELLERY (1845-1921) 'Affiche pour la fédération des avocats' Print. Signed. Nine sheets mounted on canvas. Framed. 1470 x 1320 mm (1560 x 1410 mm) (€ 500-600)


HENRI EVENEPOEL (1872-1899) 'Le dragon ou Le cuirassier', 1899. Etching and aquatint. 113 x 114 mm (Blad: 280 x 220 mm) (€ 300-400) Lit.: Derrey-Capon, nr. 52.



JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'Sentier à Groenendael', 1888. Etching and dry point on simili Japan paper. Signed and dated in pencil. Framed. 135 x 95 mm (Blad: 290 x 240 mm/ Kader: 473 x 430 mm) (€ 800-1200) ILL p. 68 Lit.: Taevernier nr. 48, II/II


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'Van Iseghemlaan Oostende', 1889. Etching on simili Japan paper. Dated and signed in the plate. 132 x 93 mm (Blad: 200 x 144 mm) (€ 800-1200) Lit.: Taevernier nr. 66, III/III.


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'Gezicht op Oostende in het oosten', 1888. Etching on simili Japan paper. Dated, titled and signed in the plate. Signed and dated in pencil. 85 x 135 mm (Blad: 240 x 300 mm) (€ 1000-1200) Lit.: Taevernier nr. 40, II/II.



1255 & 1258


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'De kermis bij de molen', 1889. Etching on simili Japan. Signed and dated in pencil. Only state. 135 x 174 mm (Blad: 230 x 270 mm) (€ 2200-2500) ILL p.69 Lit.: Taevernier nr. 72. Provenance: Ernest Rousseau (according to annotation on back of print).


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'Ernest Rousseau', 1887. Etching, dry point on (laid) Japan paper. Signed and dated in the plate. With paper tape along the borders on the reverse. Framed (opened). 240 x 180 mm (410 x 345 mm) (€ 400-600) Lit.: Taevernier nr. 11, III/IV.


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'La Paresse', 1903. Etching. Signed in the plate. Framed. 96 x 136 mm (275 x 335 mm) (€ 1000-1500) Lit.: Taevernier nr. 119, II/II.


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'La gamme d'amour', 1919-1929 Colour lithograph. A series of fifteen. All signed and dated in the stone, two signed in pencil. Various dimensions. All framed. (€ 2000-2500) Lit.: Taevernier nr. 140.


JAMES ENSOR (1860-1949) 'Scènes de la vie du Christ', 1921 Brussels, Galerie Georges Giroux, 1921. In-4° in-oblong. Numbered 79/250 Van Gelder, with signature of the artist on justification. Contains only 17 (out of 32) colour lithographs: With frontispice, Le Massacre des Innocents (III), La Circoncision (VI), Le Baptême du Christ (VII), Le Christ et les docteurs (VIII), Le dénier de César (IX), Le Christ chassant le Démon du corps d'un possédé (XI), La Pêche miraculeuse (XIII), Le Christ marchant sur la mer (XIV), La Cène (XVI), Le baiser de Judas (XVII), Le Christ aux outrages (XVIII), La montée au Calvaire (XXI), L'Elévation en croix (XXII), Le Christ entre les larrons (XXIII), Le Saint Esprit éclairant les Apôtres (XXIX) en L'Assomption (XXX). All prints separate in farde, except plate XXIX, framed. The latter also numbered in pencil. Original publisher's portfolio, torn, with all protective sheets of the missing prints. 251 x 317 mm (x 17) (€ 1500-2000) Lit.: Taevernier nr. 139.


WILLEM MATTHIJS MARIS (1872-1929) The three Maris brothers. Lithograph on simili Japan paper. Signed and numbered. Sheet toned. Mounted. We join: Theo van Hoytema, Butterflies etc. Colour lithograph on chine appliqué. Signed in pencil. Part of the poster 'Biologische Tentoonstelling in den Dierentuin te 's Gravenhage...'. 213 x 290 mm


FRANZ M.MELCHERS (1868-1944) 'L'An'. Set of 12 chromolithographs. Missing four plates. All framed. (€ 400-600)


FLORIS JESPERS (1889-1965) Standing nude, backside down. Woodcut on fine oriental paper. From the '6 Linos' portfolio. We join from the same: - 'Clown assis'. Etching. Signed in the plate. 268 x 208 mm (sheet: 500 x 350 mm); - 'Paysage à la mer'. Dry point. Signed and dated in the plate. 119 x 179 mm (sheet: 325 x 500 mm), minor tear in the border. Tot.: 3 245 x 185 mm (€ 150-200) Lit.: Lebeer nrs 8 & 60.


FLORIS JESPERS (1889-1965) Untitled, 1919. Linocut. Intialed and dated in black ink. From the '6 Linos' portfolio. Framed. 355 x 630 mm (490 x 660 mm) (€ 200-300)


EUGEEN VAN MIEGHEM (1875-1930) Harbour Boy. Etching. Signed. Framed. 60 x 50 mm (295 x 240 mm) (€ 400-500)

(€ 200-300)


detail lot 1261



RAYMOND DELAHAYE (1882-1914) 'Oud Lier', 1912. Etsen en penteekeningen door R. De la Haye. Tekst van M. Cordemans. Lier, printed for the authors by P. Van Rooy & A. De Brabander, 1912. Loose in-fol. Contains 6 lithographs (of which 2 single-page and 4 in-text) and 4 etchings (De Nethe, De Brug (2), De Kerk), all signed and dated in pencil 'R. De La Haye 1912' and numbered. The print 'The Beguinage' is missing and was replaced by 'The Bridge'. We join: 2 etchings (in a larger format) published by Société Royale des Aquafortistes Belges (La Meule and Le Passé). Pages somewhat soured. And: M. Cordemans, Raymond de la Haye. Memoirs. Leuven, Ceuterick, 1956. In-8°. Gen. ex. 4/150. Cloth binding. And monograph by Ward Peinen, 1997. To.: 3 ex. (€ 200-300)


EDGARD TYTGAT (1879-1957) 'Carrousels et baraques', 1919. Complete series of seven colour woodcuts on on fine oriental paper. Title page and original folder missing. All framed. 180 x 230 mm (340 x 390 mm) (€ 1250-1500) Lit.: Taillaert nr. 40.


CHARLES DOUDELET (1861-1938) 'Scène nocturne à Londres'. Lithograph (or zincograph). Signed and titled in pencil. We join by the same: Symbolistic scene with angels. Lithograph (or zincograph). Signed in pencil. 250 x 320/ 285 x 380 mm (Blad: 405 x 460/ 455 x 540 mm) (€ 400-600)


ALBERT PAUL GUILLAUME (1873-1942) 'Rallye Volière: Noailles, Gramont, Neuflize', 1911. Series of four chromolithographs: -Le rendez-vous. 600 x 3450 mm -Le laisser courre. 600 x 2785 mm -Les égarés. 600 x 2385 mm -Le rapport. 600 x 2385 mm All mounted on linen. (€ 1000-1500)


ANONIEM / ANONYME 1/2 XX 'Cirque Mogador'. Poster. Colour lithograph by Atelier Florit, Vitry. C 1930. Very good condition (AA), folds and minor perforations. 1600 x 1185 mm (€ 150-250)


ANONIEM / ANONYME 1/2 XX 'Harold présente: Le coupeur de têtes. Véritable réincarnation du bourreau de Paris. La plus terrifiante des expériences'. Poster. Colour lithograph designed and published by Harfort. Mint condition (AAA), folds. (€ 200-250)


ANONIEM / ANONYME 1/2 XX 'Karlini the Great Magician'. Poster. Colour lithograph. C 1930. Design by Atelier Mezey, printed by Piller Druck, Vienna. Mint condition. (AAA) 1240 x 880 mm (€ 350-500)


MARCELLO NIZZOLI (1887-1960) 'FN' (Fabrique Nationale), 1925. Poster. Colour lithograph. Printed in Geneva, by Publivox. Signed in the stone, bottom left, stamped 'Fabrique Nationale d'armes de guerre', nr. '4M199942'. Condition: B- (small tear (4 cm) and tiny perforation at bottom, stain and crease in left margin, folds). Mounted on oriental paper. Nizzoli's arresting Art Deco design with a phantom-like motorcycle rider emphasizes both power and comfort, as the fashionable passenger can easily put on her lipstick during the ride. Nizzoli was a most versatile artist: painter, decorator, textile designer, and posterist. Many of his posters were for automobile companies. In 1938 he joined Olivettig and was responsible for some of their finest designers in the 1940s and 1950s. He produced a monograph on the firm in 1968. 1200 x 800 mm (sheet) (€ 800-1200)


WASSILY KANDINSKY (1866-1944) Collection of eight printing plates in metal, used as illustrations for 'Cahier 14', the Sélection issue dedicated to Kandinsky (1933). We join: one plate for illustration of work Marc Chagall and six to illustrate work by James Ensor. Various dimensions. (€ 800-1000) Provenance: André de Ridder (Director of the series).



(€ 300-400)

(€ 300-400)

JOHN HASSALL (1868-1948) 'The Wild Rabbit', 1899. Colour lithograph. Signed in the stone, published by David Allen & Sons. Mint condition (AAA). We join: the same. Very good condition (AA), stained in the margin. 735 x 510 mm (x 2)

JOZEF CANTRE (1890-1957) 'Rêve', 1926. Woodcut. Initials and date in the block. Signed and dated in pencil. Numbered 39/40, titled, with annotation. Framed. 320 x 240 mm (730 x 535 mm)

detail lot 1269

detail lot 1281

detail lot 1289


ANDRE LHOTE (1885-1962) 'Grand Largue'. 6 original woodcuts. Antwerp/Paris. Editions Lumière/André Delpeuch, 1925. Complete with the six woodcuts. In edition box. (€ 500-750)


ALBERT GLEIZES (1881-1953) Untitled, 1923. Stencil. Signed and dated. Sheet with faint foxing in the borders. With stamp on the reverse 'Editions/ moly-sabata'. 400 x 270 mm (Blad: 650 x 500 mm) (€ 400-600)


CONRAD FELIXMULLER (1897-1977) 'Tänzerin und Zeichner', 1920. Woodcut. Initials in the block. Signed, dated and with annotation. Titled at the bottom of the sheet. Broad margins, slightly damaged. Mounted on support. Framed. 248 x 248 mm (Blad: 425 x 345 mm/ Kader: 660 x 575 mm) (€ 1200-1400) ILL det. p. 76 Lit.: Söhn nr. 240.


JOZEF CANTRE (1890-1957) Eugène De Bock, The history of Grisostomo and Marcela. Antwerp, De Sikkel, s.d. (1921). One of the 150 regular copies, this one being nr. 100. Orig. ill. cover. (€ 100-150)


detail lot 1287


JACQUES VILLON (1875-1963) Untitled. Colour etching on simili Japan paper. Signed in pencil and numbered 8/60 (in other handwriting). Framed. 255 x 455 mm (395 x 585 mm) (€ 200-250)


JAAK BOONEN (1911-1968) 'Karnaval' Etching. Signed and titled. Framed. 700 x 850 mm (980 x1140 mm) (€ 300-500)


BERNARD BUFFET (1928-1999) 'La Passion du Christ', 1954. S.l. (Paris), Henri Creuzevault publisher, 1954. Large folio in sheets. One of the twenty nominative copies reserved for the artist and collaborators, nr. 2. Complete with 21 drypoints printed on one side only, inside the fold. Bernard Buffet also designed the layout, architecture and presentation of the book. In anthracite cover, anthracite slipcase, half black cloth spine, title in palladium. Box: 505 x 305 x 40 mm (€ 1000-1500)


HENRI VAN STRATEN (1892-1944) 'Stepdansers', 1925. 'Kantiek'. 'Java'. Set of three linocuts on oriental/ Japan paper. All three with the 'VS' mark on the reverse, applied by the son of the artist after his disappearance/ death. So most probably, these are prints, pulled by the artist, but never used and left aside in his studio. 348 x 242/ 269 x 219/ 281 x 180 mm (€ 400-600) Lit.: Raskin nrs 66, 81 en 78.


MAURICE FELBIER (1903-1991) Untitled (Balloons), 1930. Colour woodcut. Signed and dated in black pencil. Framed. 320 x 245 mm (470 x 355 mm) (€ 150-200)


FRANS MASEREEL (1889-1972) Souvenir de mon pays. Seize images dessinées et gravées sur bois par Frans Masereel. (Genève), Éditions de Sablier, 1921. Small in-4°. One of the 150 copies on Van Gelder, this one being nr. 116, signed. Orig. covers, front cover partially discoloured, otherwise very fine copy. (€ 250-350)


EDMOND VAN DOOREN (1895-1965) 'Map'. Antwerpen, uitgave 'Het Overzicht', 1921. Complete set of eight linocuts on handmade paper. With text leaflet. Orig. folder. (€ 1500-2000) ILL det. p. 77


ROBERT DE SMET (1906-1982) 'G. Bernard Shaw'. Orig. black & white photograph, mounted by the upper side on support. Signed and titled in black crayon. Framed (opened). 235 x 175 mm (300 x 240 mm) (€ 200-300) Provenance: A. Herckenrath, Ghent.


AUGUST SANDER (1876-1964) 'Malerpaar' (Marta Hegemann and Anton Räderscheidt), ca. 1925/ 1990. Gelatin silver print on Agfa paper, printed from the original negavtive. Galerie Bodo Niemann edition stamp, numbered 60/80 and signed by Gerd Sander in pencil on the verso. In orig. envelope (numbered in pencil as well). 135 x 90 mm (€ 300-400)


GABRIEL LEKEGIAN (1853-1920) A collection of 14 late 19th century black and white photographs, including views of Egypt (Karnak, Luxor, etc.). Mounted on black cardboard. Attached: 32 original late 19th century black and white photographs (Anonymous) with views of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, Zion, Bethlehem and others.). Different sizes. (€ 500-750)


ARTHUR JAMES ILES (1870-1943) A collection of 20 late 19th/early 20th century original photographs depicting various scenes in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, North Africa, including the Middle East, including by photographers Arthur James Iles (1870-1943) and Frank Denton: 'Vieux bedouin', 'Juif de Jérusalem', 'Juive riche', and others. We join: three views of architecture in New Zealand and 'Tunis souc el trouk'. (€ 600-800) ILL p. 81


ROBERT DE SMET (1906-1982) A set of ten orig. black and white photographic portraits of Robert Vivier, Auguste Vermeylen a.o. Various dimensions. Most signed in pencil. (€ 400-600) ILL p. 80


detail lot 1293

detail lot 1294



JAMES THIRIAR (1889-1965) Historic scenes. Set of 10 drawings. Gouache. All signed. Framed. (€ 500-700)


ARMAND MASSONET (1892-1979) Making up. Watercolour. Signed. Framed. 435 x 390 mm (700 x 650 mm) (€ 400-500)


PHILIBERT COCKX (1879-1949) Nude. Charcoal, watercolour. Signed. Framed. 580 x 480 mm (855 x 725 mm) (€ 600-800)


ARMAND VANDERLICK (1897-1985) 'La femme rousse', 1943. Oil on cardboard. Dated and signed. Framed. 465 x 340 mm (530 x 400 mm)


MARCEL COCKX (1930-2007) Untitled, 1959. Gouache on cardboard. Signed and dated. Mounted. We join by the same: Untitled. Gouache on cardboard. Not signed. Mounted. 450 x 300/ 455 x 310 mm (€ 250-350)


JAN COBBAERT (1909-1995) Untitled. Watercolour. Signed. Framed. 350 x 260 mm (500 x 405 mm) (€ 150-200)


PAUL VAN HOEYDONCK (°1925) Untitled, 1957. Indian ink. Signed and dated. Framed. 355 x 270 mm (520 x 435 mm) (€ 2000-3000) ILL det. p. 80


MARK VERSTOCKT (1930-2014) Untitled, 1957. Indian ink, washed. Signed and dated. Framed. 610 x 385 mm (810 x 640 mm)

(€ 800-1200)

(€ 500-750)

Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Joannes van Bockxelaere, previously acquired directly from the Vanderlick archives.



VICTOR SERVRANCKX (1897-1965) Untitled, 1941. Pencil, red pencil on paper with dry stamp. Initials and date 'VS-41'. Framed. 210 x 270 mm (415 x 475 mm) (€ 300-350)

POL MARA (1920-1998) Figure of a saint (Franciscus?) Watercolour, gouache. Signed and illegibly dated. Framed. 720 x 540 mm (950 x 715 mm) (€ 300-400) ILL p. 81


EDOUARDO FRANCESCHINI (1928-2006) Untitled, 1957. Mixed media on paper (oil, ink). Signed and dated. Framed. 700 x 500 mm (730 x 530 mm) (€ 200-300)


detail lot 1300




GASTON CHAISSAC (1910-1964) Untitled (figure), 1956. Black ballpoint pen. Signed and dated. Dedication on the reverse. We join: Three handwriten letters in blue ballpoint. And: Catalogue Galerie Krugier, 1970. 270 x 210 mm (€ 1000-1500) Provenance: Frans Defour, journalist.



(€ 150-250)

(€ 600-800)


Provenance: Zimmer Gallery, Lier.

FRANS MASEREEL (1889-1972) 'Sed non satiata'. Indian ink. Initials 'FM'. Framed. 190 x 130 mm (425 x 325 mm)

FRANS MASEREEL (1889-1972) Two figures. Indian ink. Initials 'FM'. Framed. 150 x 165 mm (425 x 325 mm)

EDGARD TYTGAT (1879-1957) Untitled, 1954. Indian ink, grey wash. Signed and dated. We join from the same: 'La fortune de la Roulotte', 1954. Woodcut. Signed in the block. Numbered 35/450. Both framed. 215 x 275 mm/ 150 x 200 mm (405 x 455 mm/ 405 x 515 mm)

(€ 150-250)

(€ 500-600)

ALBERT SAVERIJS (1886-1964) Winter landscape. Watercolour and gouache. Signed. Framed. 440 x 550 mm (730 x 830 mm)


FLORIS JESPERS (1889-1965) Untitled, 1955. Pencil and red watercolour. Signed and dated. Framed. 275 x 355 mm (330 x 410 mm) (€ 150-200)


FLORIS JESPERS (1889-1965) 'Kamina - Belgisch Congo', 1953. Charcoal. Dated and signed. Framed. 175 x 225 mm (350 x 380 mm) (€ 150-250)


FLORIS JESPERS (1889-1965) Congolese women. Charcoal, pencil, pastel. Signed. Framed. 210 x 270 mm (350 x 410 mm) (€ 700-900)



detail lot 1302


JOZEF VAN RUYSSEVELT (19411985) Landscape in the evening sun. Watercolour. Framed. 214 x 323 mm (400 x 505 mm)


(€ 400-500)


LEO BERVOETS (1892-1978) Untitled. Indian ink, washed, black and red ball-point pen. Signed. Framed. 265 x 350 mm (400 x 490 mm) (€ 200-250)


WILLEM VAN HECKE (1893-1976) Untitled, 1970. Oil on paper, mounted on support. Signed and dated. Framed. 370 x 275 mm (525 x 440 mm) (€ 800-1200)

EMILE GILIOLI (1891-1977) 'Tête'. Charcoal. Framed. 620 x 480 mm (920 x 765 mm)


ROGER SOMVILLE (1923-2014) Untitled, 1964. Ink, washed. Signed and dated. Framed. 720 x 540 mm (955 x 770 mm) (€ 500-600)


KARL KORAB (°1937) 'Haüserseite', 1974. Charcoal. Signed and dated. Framed. 315 x 465 mm (520 x 665 mm) (€ 800-1200) Provenance: Gallery Jan Krugier, Geneva, inv. nr. 742122.


HENRY HEERUP (1907-1993) 'Rümmanden', 1967. 'Sirene'. A set of two drawings: Chalk, signed and dated. Colour crayon, signed. Both framed. 295 x 350/ 235 x 470 mm (475 x 630/ 475 x 630 mm) (€ 300-400)


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1976. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 360 x 290 mm (630 x 545 mm) (€ 2500-3000) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.




JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1977. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 355 x 455 mm (615 x 735 mm) (€ 2500-3000) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1977. Gouache. Signed and dated. Mounted behind glass. 350 x 280 mm (570 x 500 mm) (€ 2000-2500) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1975. Gouache. Signed and dated. Slightly rubbed. Mounted behind glass. 360 x 260 mm (560 x 460 mm) (€ 1800-2200) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1977. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 260 x 330 mm (530 x 600 mm) (€ 2000-2500) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1976. Gouache. Signed and dated. Mounted behind glass. 285 x 360 mm (510 x 580 mm) (€ 2000-2500) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


detail lot 1324







(€ 150-250)

(€ 800-1200)



(€ 200-300)

(€ 600-800)



(€ 600-800)

(€ 800-1200)



LUC CLAUS (1930-2006) Untitled. Pen and Indian ink. Signed and dated. Framed. 240 x 190 mm (415 x 325 mm)

JEAN TINGUELY (1925-1991) 'Métamatic n°7', 1972. Blue marker. From the 'Moderna Museet' catalogue, 1972. Framed. 275 x 215 mm (385 x 310 mm)

POL MARA (1920-1998) 'Lonely walker', 1964. Watercolour. Signed and dated. Framed. 750 x 560 mm (905 x 705 mm)

PAUL SNOEK (1933-1981) 'Hoogvlieger'. 'Vliegend paard', 1973. A pair of gouaches. Signed and dated. Mounted in one frame. 175 x 120 mm (x2) (345 x 445 mm) (€ 150-200)


EUGENE DODEIGNE (1923-2015) Sitting figure, 1972. Charcoal. Signed and dated. Framed. 1060 x 570 mm (1280 x 790 mm)

FRANK MAIEU (°1952) 'reanimatie van een defectgeraakt auto-abortief wezen', 1972. Grey pencil and green and blue gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 525 x 730 mm (740 x 940 mm)

MAURICE WYCKAERT (1923-1996) Untitled, 1971. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 530 x 610 mm (745 x 820 mm)

MAURICE WYCKAERT (1923-1996) 'Groen landschap', 1973. Gouache. Signed. Title, date and signature on the reverse. Framed. 540 x 590 mm (790 x 850 mm) (€ 800-1200)

GILBERT SWIMBERGHE (1927-2015) Untitled, 1967. Pencil and colour pen. Framed. 705 x 745 mm (815 x 860 mm)


(€ 400-600)

(€ 300-400)



ANDRE BOGAERT (1920-1986) Untitled. Acrylic on cardboard on board. Signed and dated. Framed. 720 x 550 mm (940 x 650 x 50 mm)

KAREL DIERICKX (1940-2014) Untitled, 1965. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 600 x 500 mm (850 x 750 mm)

MARK TOBEY (1890-1976) Untitled, 1967. Watercolour and pencil. Signed and dated. Framed. (€ 5000-6000)

(€ 200-300)

detail lot 1337



detail lot 1339


CARLO DE ROOVER (1900-1986) Untitled. Indian ink, watercolour and gouache. Signed. Framed. 535 x 710 mm (610 x 780 mm) (€ 500-750)



MAURICE WYCKAERT (1923-1996) Untitled. Gouache. Signed. Framed. 500 x 645 mm (680 x 830 mm) (€ 1500-2000)


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1975. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 410 x 320 mm (690 x 620 mm)

GUY VANDENBRANDEN (1926-2014) Untitled. Gouache. Signed in pencil. Framed. 500 x 500 mm (560 x 560 mm)

(€ 3000-4000)

(€ 800-1000)

Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.



JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 460 x 360 mm (730 x 620 mm) (€ 3000-4000) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1976. Gouache. Signed and dated. Mounted behind glass. 255 x 180 mm (450 x 380 mm) (€ 1800-2200 Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.


JOSE DE GUIMARAES (°1939) Untitled, 1977. Gouache. Signed and dated. Mounted behind glass. 230 x 290 mm (445 x 520 mm) (€ 1800-2200) Provenance: Donald Barry Woodrow, acquired via Marcel van Jole.

detail lot 1340


JEAN TINGUELY (1925-1991) K.G. Pontus Hultén, Jean Tinguely "Méta". (Paris), Pierre Horay Éditieur, (1973). In-4°. 363 numb.pp. Mythical 'suitcase' catalogue containing an original 'Meta' drawing, signed in full by Tinguely and with the record 'Sounds belonging to Pontus Hultén's book on Jean Tinguely work Méta'. This copy with original collage and handwritten dedication on the titlepage 'pour Herman Soetaert/ Tinguely'. Orig. ill. linen cover with lock and handle. (€ 800-1000) ILL det. p. 5

GUY VANDENBRANDEN (1926-2014) Untitled, 1975. Gouache. Signed and dated in pencil. Framed. 330 x 330 mm (560 x 560 mm)


(€ 800-1000)

(€ 1200-1500)


Provenance: Zimmer Gallery, Lier.

GUY VANDENBRANDEN (1926-2014) Untitled. Black marker and gouache. Signed. Framed. 460 x 370 mm (760 x 650 mm)

SERGE CHARCHOUNE (1888-1975) 'Rectangles'. Watercolour, gouache. Not sigend. Framed. 220 x 180 mm (415 x 360 mm)


ROBERTO MATTA (1911-2002) 'Espace de l'espèce', 1965. Crayon, pencil and pastel. Signed and dated '65'. Titled. Framed

(€ 2000-3000)

(€ 5000-6000)


Provenance: Christie's Paris, 2009. Certficate: Archives de l'oeuvre de Matta, 2 avril 2009.

GUY VANDENBRANDEN (1926-2014) Untitled. Gouache. Signed in pencil. Some spotting in the margins. Framed. 430 x 330 mm (730 x 560 mm) (€ 2000-3000)


PAUL SNOEK (1933-1981) 'De heilige geest vliegt boven de heilige stad', 1973 Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 400 x 295 mm (655 x 460 mm) (€ 300-500) Provenance: former collection baron Maurice Velge.



POL MARA (1920-1998) 'Trying to shape a head', 1977. Watercolour and crayon. Signed and dated. Framed. 1070 x 690 mm (1110 x 730 mm) (€ 600-800)


DANNY MATTHYS (°1947) Untitled. Black marker, blue ballpoint pen and collage. Signed in black marker. Framed. 290 x 210 mm (750 x 550 mm) (€ 500-750)


MARCEL COCKX (1930-2007) Silhouette. Oil on paper. Not signed. 285 x 195/ 215 x 275 mm (€ 350-500)


LUC PEIRE (1916-1994) Untitled, 1980. Oil on paper. Signed and dated in pencil. 246 x 316 mm (€ 1500-2000)


EMILE GILIOLI (1891-1977) 'Figure abstraite', 1965. Charcoal. Signed and dated. Tears without loss at the bottom. Framed. 640 x 490 mm (960 x 810 mm) (€ 500-600) Provenance: Galerie Veranneman, Brussels.


EMILE GILIOLI (1891-1977) 'Abstrait'. Charcoal. Framed. 485 x 625 mm (770 x 910 mm) (€ 500-600) Provenance: Veranneman Foundation, Kruishoutem.


detail lot 1358



PIER PAOLO CALZOLARI (°1943) 'Appunti Appunto', 1978. Set of two drawings. Pencil on thick paper. Both signed in pencil. Both framed. This lot includes two large-scale original drawings documenting one of the most significant Arte Povera performances 'Appunti Appunto', which took place in October 1978 at Galleria Salvatore Ala in Milan. It gives an insight into many of Pier Paolo Calzolari’s signature concepts and ongoing interest in light, matter, time and the activation of space. The work marks the changing performance aesthetics since the 1970s, in which the gallery space is explicitly used for drawing the audience into the role of performing and thinking participants. Objects and people are activated (a large canvas, stools, candles, a brick wall, a curtain, a spiral staircase, a telephone, a dripping water bowl, an old man, a roller skater, and violin player) and spectators are actively participating. The artist decomposed the gallery space into spatial and temporal intervals by asking the audience to move freely and call the gallery’s phone at undefined time intervals. The performance was repeated three times on October 4, 12 and 19, 1978, forcefully inscribing its action and structure into the gallery. The materials and actions are based on two unique drawings that sketch the actions that occur during the repetitions of the performance. At each repetition, the artist collaborates with a photographer (Paolo Mussat Sartor and Giorgio Colombo) to construct a photographic image that would be capable of conveying the work. 1070 x 780 mm (x2) (1120 x 835 mm (x2)) (€ 12000-14000) Lit.: Pier Paolo Calzolari, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, und Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Milan 1994, p.181/182. Provenance: Galleria Salvatore Ala, Milan; Private collection, Italy: Private collection, Brussels.


detail lot 1359





(€ 2000-2500)

(€ 1250-1500)



DAN VAN SEVEREN (1927-2009) Untitled, 1970-80. Pencil. Diptych. Both signed and dated in pencil on the reverse. Both framed. 295 x 210 mm (x2) (460 x 370 mm (x2))

DAN VAN SEVEREN (1927-2009) Untitled, 1970-80. Pencil. Diptych. Both signed and dated in pencil on the reverse. Both framed. 295 x 210 mm (x2) (460 x 370 mm (x2)) (€ 2000-2500)


DAN VAN SEVEREN (1927-2009) Untitled, 1987. Indian ink on cardboard. Signed and dated in pencil on the reverse. Framed. 300 x 300 mm (455 x 455 mm) (€ 1500-2000)


ONLEESBAAR / ILLISIBLE 'Der Tot und das Mädchen', 1988. Mixed media. Title, signature and date in pencil. Framed. 1040 x 740 mm (1210 x 900 mm) (€ 300-400)


PATRICK VERELST (°1948) '... Tube', 1988. Mixed media on paper. Title, signature and date at the bottom. Framed. 560 x 780 mm (750 x 970 mm)

EUGENE LEROY (1910-2000) Untitled, 1980. Watercolour, Indian ink and gouache. Signed and dated. With handwritten dedication. Framed. 630 x 490 mm (840 x 695 mm)

RADOVAN KRAGULY (°1935) Untitled. Grey and black pencil. Signed and dated in pencil on the reverse. 720 x 1005 mm (870 x 1150 mm) (€ 250-350)


ROGER SOMVILLE (1923-2014) Untitled, 1984. Pastel. Signed and dated. Framed. 720 x 540 mm (940 x 750 mm) (€ 1200-1500)


JAN COBBAERT (1909-1995) 'Poppenwinkel'. Watercolour on paper. Signed. Framed. 710 x 580 mm (970 x 570 mm) (€ 1500-2000)


LUCEBERT (1924-1994) 'prisma van't verdriet', 1970. Colour crayon. Signed and dated in pencil. Titled in pencil (?). Mounted on support. 270 x 210 mm (€ 600-800)

(€ 100-150)



(€ 200-300)

(€ 300-400)

HUGO DE CLERCQ (1930-1996) Untitled, 1986. Acrylic on paper. Signed and dated in pencil. Framed. 535 x 715 mm (590 x 775 mm)


detail lot 1364

LUCEBERT (1924-1994) Untitled. Oil and pencil on paper.Signed and dated. Framed. 240 x 340 mm (490 x 580 mm)




PHILIPPE VANDENBERG (1952-2009) 'Zonder titel', 1984. Mixed media (ink, charcoal, gouache, collage). Signed and dated. 850 x 990 mm (995 x 1135 mm) (€ 4000-6000) Provenance: Richard Foncke Gallery, Gent, 1984; former collection baron Maurice Velge. Expo: Brussels, 9° actuele kunstmarkt, PSK, 1985.


PHILIPPE VANDENBERG (1952-2009) 'Zonder titel', 1984 Mixed media (ink, charcoal, gouache, collage). Signed and dated. 850 x 990 mm (995 x 1135 mm) (€ 4000-5000) Provenance: Richard Foncke Gallery, Gent, 1984; former collection baron Maurice Velge. Expo: Brussels, 9° actuele kunstmarkt, PSK, 1985.


PHILIPPE VANDENBERG (1952-2009) Untitled, 1982. Oil on paper, collage. Signed and dated.Framed. 2240 x 1560 mm (2470 x 1790 mm) (€ 7000-9000) Provenance: Richard Foncke Gallery, Gent.


SERGE VANDERCAM (1924-2005) Untitled, 1984. Collage, mixed media. Signed and dated.Framed. 102 x 145 mm (270 x 310 mm) (€ 150-200)


JOZEF VAN RUYSSEVELT (1941-1985) Still life. Signed and dated '11/81'. Framed. 56 x 76 cm (88 x 107 cm)


(€ 300-500)

detail lot 1372




BERNARD BUFFET (1928-1999) Untitled, 1954. Colour lithograph. Signed and dated in the stone. Numbered in pencil 1/300. Framed. 580 x 430 mm (840 x 680 mm) (€ 200-300)


LEONARD FOUJITA (1886-1968) Untitled. Lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil 211/250. Framed. 540 x 375 mm (825 x 670 mm) (€ 1000-1500)


LEONARD FOUJITA (1886-1968) Untitled. Lithograph. Signed and with annotation in pencil 'E.A'. Framed. 510 x 655 mm (690 x 840 mm) (€ 300-500)


ZAO WOU-KI (1921-2013) 'Les baigneuses', 1953. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil 18/95. Framed. 440 x 585 mm (650 x 785 mm) (€ 4000-5000) Lit.: Ågerup nr. 83.


PIERRE ALECHINSKY (°1927) 'Écriture', 1952. Etching. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil 1/10 (?). Framed. 150 x 345 mm (455 x 590 mm) (€ 400-600) Lit.: Rivière nr. 90.



(€ 500-750)

(€ 500-750)

GUILLAUME CORNEILLE (1922-2010) 'Mer du Sud', 1958 Colour lithograph. Signed titled and dated in pencil, numbered 12/12. Mounted in one passe-partout. Framed. 260 x 365 mm (450 x 540 mm) Lit.: Donkersloot-van Den Berghe, Corneille: Het complete grafische werk 1948-1975, nr. 55, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1972


JOAN MIRO (1893-1983) 'Estudio de reserva III', 1950. Lithograph. Signed in pencil and numbered 'HC IX/IX'. Framed. 300 x 450 mm (505 x 650 mm)

LEO DOHMEN (1929-1999) 'La chute', 1956. Original black & white photographic montage. With handwritten dedication and title on the reverse. Framed. 145 x 130 mm (320 x 310 mm)

Lit.: Op cit. Ill.


ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Three parts. Mounted on board. 1160 x 295 mm (€ 400-600)


Provenance: Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona (with certificate).

ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Two parts. Mounted in one frame. 240 x 305 (x2) (505 x 405 mm)



(€ 2000-2200)

LEO DOHMEN (1929-1999) 'Les vases communicants', 1956. Gelatin silver print. Signed and dated in ink on the reverse. With stamp 'Les Lèvres Nues'. 120 x 80 mm (€ 600-800) ILL det. p.143 Lit.: Jan Ceuleers, Leo Dohmen 1929 1999. Kijken! Denken! Winnen!, ill. (ex. uit dezelfde reeks).


LEO DOHMEN (1929-1999) 'Le ludion', 1956. Orig. black & white photograph. Stamp on the reverse and titled by hand. Framed. 190 x 165 mm (370 x 340 mm)

(€ 350-500)

ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Silver gelatinprint. Three photographs. Mounted on one frame. 300 x 240 mm (x3) (605 x 505 mm) (€ 400-600)


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'Eve', 1968. Etching. dated in the plate. Signed and numbered in pencil X/XX. Framed. 400 x 280 mm (640 x 520 mm) (€ 800-1200) Lit.: Jacob nr. 24.

(€ 600-800) Lit.: Op cit. Ill.


detail lot 1380






(€ 1500-2000)

(€ 400-600)

Lit.: Jacob nr. 27.


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'La dispute', 1969. Etching on Rives. Dated in the plate. Signed and numbered in pencil 44/50. Framed. 383 x 515 mm (710 x 830 mm)


BERNARD BUFFET (1928-1999) 'Le pont des arts', 1962 Colour lithograph. Signed in pencil and numbered 94/150. Framed. 530 x 685 mm (735 x 880 mm) (€ 500-750)


SALVADOR DALI (1904-1989) 'Eléphants', 1965 Colour etching. Signed in pencil and numbered 143/175. Framed. 365 x 525 mm (615 x 705 mm) (€ 600-800)


E.L.T. MESENS (1903-1971) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed and with annotation in pencil 'H.C.'. 365 x 480 mm (515 x 620 mm) (€ 200-300)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated and numbered 32/50. Framed. 240 x 185 mm (550 x 420 mm) (€ 300-400)

CORNEILLE (1922-2010) 'L'aurore rouge', 1967. Colour lithograph on paper with drystamp 'Michel Cassé/ litho Paris'. Signed, dated, titled and numbered 182/190. 660 x 475 mm (760 x 565 mm)

JO DELAHAUT (1911-1992) 'Jaune-vert', 1968 Colour screenprint. Signed, dated, titled and numbered in pencil 22/65. Framed. 445 x 440 mm (720 x 520 mm) (€ 200-300)


RAOUL DE KEYSER (1930-2012) 'Raamklink en wolk', 1968. Colour screenprint. Signed, dated and numbered 27/90. Framed. 555 x 510 mm (810 x 610 mm) (€ 800-1200) Lit.: Jacobs & De Vleeschouwer nr. 3.


JIM DINE (°1935) 'Marlboro', 1965. Colour screenprint. Signed, dated and numbered XL in pencil. One of the 200 copies. Some staining. Framed. 605 x 500 mm (640 x 540 mm) (€ 300-500)


FERNANDEZ ARMAN (1928-2005) 'Les Perles', 1965. Lithograph and pearls in resin, mounted on wood. One of the 35 copies, according to label on the back. Cracks. 480 x 320 mm (560 x 395 mm) (€ 800-1200) Provenance: Sammlung Reinhard Onnasch, Berlin/ Munich.

detail lot 1397



GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963) 'Les citrons', 1954. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered 88/100 in pencil. Full margins. 370 x 505 mm (€ 800-1000)


MARC MENDELSON (1915-2013) Untitled. Orig. black and white photograph. Signed in black marker. Name artist and annotation 'Unieke foto' (unique photograph) in pencil on the reverse. Corners bumped. 300 x 245 mm


FILIP TAS (1918-1997) Collection of 11 orig. black & white photographs. All with the copyright stamp on the reverse. Some with annotation. Various dimensions. (€ 250-350)

(€ 200-250) ILL p. 102




WALTER DE MULDER (°1933) Untitled, ca. 1960. Two orig. black & white photographs (gelatin silver print). One with artist's stamp on the reverse, one mounted on cardboard. Handling traces, one with folded corner. 275 x 395/ 380 x 365 mm (€ 200-300)



(€ 200-300)

(€ 200-300)

ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Three parts. Mounted in one frame. 170 x 115 mm (x3) (305 x 405 mm)

ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Three parts. Mounted in one frame. 175 x 240 mm (x3) (405 x 505 mm)


ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Mounted on fiber board. 400 x 255 mm (€ 150-200)




PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'Les Rideaux Mauves', 1967. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered 17/100 in pencil. From one of the 130 deluxe copies of 'Les Dessins de Paul Delvaux' (Paris, Denoël, 1967) (present). Orig. pink linen cover and box. 380 x 280 mm


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'La Dispute', 1969. Etching on Chinese laid paper. Dated in the plate. Small tear in the lower border. The numbered edition on this paper consisted of five prints. 383 x 515 mm (540 x 655 mm sheet) (€ 2000-2500) Lit.: Jacob nr. 27.

Lit.: Jacob nr. 15.


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'Prométhée', 1969. 'Confidences', 1972. Set of two lithographs (proof prints?). Both dated in the stone and with annotations in pencil. 310 x 235/ 315 x 240 mm (455 x 360/ 385 x 550 mm) (€ 300-400) Lit.: Jacob nrs. 30, 58.


ROY LICHENSTEIN (1923-1997) 'As i opened fire'. Screenprint. Triptych. Edition Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1966. 640 x 640 mm (x 3) (€ 400-600)


GUILLAUME CORNEILLE (19222010) 'Un été à la Havanne', 1968 Colour lithograph. Signed, dated, titled and numbered 162/200. 660 x 505 mm (€ 200-300)


JO DELAHAUT (1911-1992) 'Orange-jaune', 1969 Colour screenprint. Signed, dated and numbered 42/50. Titled. 560 x 435 mm (€ 150-250)


JOSEPH LACASSE (1894-1975) Untitled. Etching. Signed. 260 x 215 mm (Blad: 325 x 255 mm ) (€ 200-250)


detail lot 1423


ALBERTO MAGNELLI (1888-1971) Untitled. Colour screenprint. Signed and numbered 63/100. Slightly damaged. Framed (glass broken). 400 x 595 mm (590 x 750 mm) (€ 300-500)


JEF VERHEYEN (1932-1984) Set of four colour lithographs. All signed in pencil and numbered 68/82. All framed. 455 x 285 mm/ 310 x 455 mm (x3) (625 x 440 mm/ 475 x 605 mm (x3)) (€ 400-600)


DICK BRUNA (1927-2017) 'Europalia 71 Holland', 1971. Poster. Colour lithograph. Signed in the stone. Set of nine identical copies. Very good condition (AAA). 645 x 450 mm (x 9) (€ 200-250)


RICHARD HAMILTON (1922-2011) Exhibition poster. Londen, The Tate Gallery, 12 march - 19 april 1970. Very good condition (AA), tiny pin holes. 760 x 510 mm (€ 300-400)


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Automobile und Flugmaschinen'. Offsetlitho. Düsseldorf, Städtische Kunsthalle, 30 january - 4 march 1973. Good condition (A), wrinkles and traces of tape. We join: seven exhibition posters Krefeld, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum & Haus Lange, 1962-75: Detlef Orlopp Photographien, Rudolf Englert Radierungen, Wolfgang Nestler Plastik als variables System, Robert Rotar Rotationen, Franz Erhard Walther, Hans Arp Skulpturen, Joseph Beuys Zeichnungen. And four more: 'Transformer. Aspekte der Travestie' (Bochum, 1975), 'Assignments Snowdon', Hans Richter en Sorel Etrog (Galleria del Naviglio, 1973). Tot.: 12 ex.


SOL LEWITT (1928-2007) Exhibition poster Bern, Kunsthalle, 7.10 - 19.11 1972. Very good condition (AA), small tear without loss in the lower right corner. Enclosed, two other exhibition posters: -Dieter Roth. Grafik + Bücher. BadenBaden, 29.9-12.11 1972. Good condition (A), tear with loss. 860 x 610 mm. -Robert Morris. New York, CastelliSonnabend, 6.4-27.4 1974. Very good condition (AAA). 935 x 605 mm -Will Insley. Pläne für eine andere Welt. Krefeld, Museum Haus Lange, 7.10 - 25.11 1973. Very good condition (AAA). 840 x 600 mm -François Morellet. Milan, Studio Marconi. April 1975. Very good condition (AAA). 995 x 700 mm Tot.: 5 ex. 610 x 610 mm (1010 x 700 mm)

(€ 150-250)

(€ 400-600)

Lit.: Panamarenko Posters nr. 13.



PIERRE SOULAGES (°1919) 'VIe Festival International de la Peinture', 1974. Exhibition poster Cagnes-sur-Mer, 6 july - 30 september 1974. Colour lithograph. Very good condition (AA), minor tear in the bottom left. 695 x 500 mm (€ 200-300)


MARK ROTHKO (1903-1970) Colour lithograph. Exhibition poster. Rome, Marlborough Galleria d'arte, s.d. (1971). Some traces of use. Good condition (AA). 980 x 650 mm (€ 500-800)

GERARD RICHTER (°1932) 'Graue Bilder', 1974-75. Exhibition poster Mönchengladbach, Städtisches Museum, 4.12.197412.1.1975. Condition: Tear (approx. 40 cm) in lowerd fold, without loss. Very rare. 995 x 685 mm (€ 600-800)


PATRICK CAULFIELD (1936-2005) 'Europalia 73-Great Britain. Arts festival in Belgium'. Screenprint. Perfect condition. (AAA). We join: Original design. Collage and pencil. Folded. With numerous annotations regarding the design and execution of the poster. With extra leaflet containing additional information. Tot.: 4 ex. 760 x 560 mm. And: Two proof prints. 670 x 560 mm (€ 400-500)


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) A set of three posters: 'Introductie van een elektrisch vliegtuig' (Gent, 1976); 'Ikarus' (Paderborn, 1978); 'Panama/ Spitsbergen - Nova Zemblaya' (Antwerpen, 1996). and titlepage: 'Panamarenko/ Graphics' (Marzona, 1975). Various dimensions. Tot.: 3 ex. (€ 200-300) Lit.: Posters nrs 17, 22 en 59.


KAREL APPEL (1921-2006) 'Karel Appel Grafiek'. Exhibition poster 'International art gallery Kunstforum', 1 december 1974 - 12 january 1975. Colour lithograph. Very good condition (AA), traces of tape in the upper corners. Stamps on the reverse. 800 x 550 mm (€ 200-300)


ROY LICHTENSTEIN (1923-1997) 'Hommage à Picasso'. Exhibition poster Hannover, Kestner-Gesellschaft, 1973-74. Very good condition (AA), minor tear (without loss) on the right side. We join: 'Druckgraphik seit 1945'. Exhibition poster Museum Haus Lange Krefeld blattkunste, 1973. Very good condition (AA), tear at the bottom. Tot.: 2 ex. 900 x 600 mm 840 x 595 mm (€ 200-300)


JEAN-JACQUES STIEFENHOFER (1943-2013) 'studio herman teirlinck'. Colour screenprint. Pinholes in each corner. 840 x 600 mm (€ 100-200)


SERGE VANDERCAM (1924-2005) 'Images inventées'. Poster.Framed. 430 x 285 mm (640 x 500 mm) (€ 300-350)






SERGE VANDERCAM (1924-2005) Untitled. Photogram. Marked on the reverse. Framed. 180 x 240 mm (630 x 530 mm) (€ 500-750)


CORNEILLE HANNOSET (1926-1997) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Printed from the original negative. Framed. 400 x 400 mm (730 x 630 mm) (€ 200-250)


CORNEILLE HANNOSET (1926-1997) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Printed from the original negative. Framed. 400 x 400 mm (730 x 630 mm) (€ 350-500) ILL p. 106


SERGE VANDERCAM (1924-2005) Untitled. Silver gelatinprint. Studio stamp on the reverse. Framed. 300 x 240 mm (630 x 530 mm) (€ 500-750)


CORNEILLE HANNOSET (1926-1997) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Printed from the original negative. Framed. 400 x 400 mm (730 x 630 mm) (€ 200-300)


CORNEILLE HANNOSET (1926-1997) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Printed from the original negative. Framed. 400 x 400 mm (730 x 630 mm) (€ 200-250)


(€ 200-250)


JOHN CHAMBERLAIN (1927-2011) Untitled, 1990. Colour screenprint on BFK Rives with dry stamp. Signed and numbered in pencil 8/50. Some faint staining. 520 x 260 mm (Sheet: 760 x 560 mm)

(€ 200-250)

(€ 400-600)



WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. 146 x 63 mm (€ 200-250)


WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) 'création spaciale', 1955. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. 143 x 68 mm (€ 200-250)


WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. 180 x 130 mm


WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. 200 x 40 mm (€ 200-250) ILL p. 107 detail lot 1448

WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. 180 x 46 mm

CORNEILLE HANNOSET (1926-1997) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Printed from the original negative. Framed. 400 x 400 mm (730 x 630 mm)

(€ 250-350)



JOHN CHAMBERLAIN (1927-2011) 'Famous Last Words', 1990. Untitled, 1990. Colour screenprint on BFK Rives with dry stamp. Signed and numbered in pencil 8/50. Some faint staining. 490 x 410 mm (Sheet: 760 x 560 mm) (€ 400-600)


JOHN CHAMBERLAIN (1927-2011) Untitled, 1990. Colour screenprint on BFK Rives with dry stamp. Signed and numbered in pencil 8/50. 475 x 405 mm (Sheet: 760 x 560 mm) (€ 400-600)


ROBERT MOTHERWELL (1915-1991) 'Summer Light Series: Pauillac 2', 1973. Lithograph, screenprint, pochoir, and collage. Signed and numbered in pencil 32/55. With two dry stamps, one of Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, who edited the print. Framed. 750 x 300 mm (Sheet: 914 x 457 mm/ Frame: 1035 x 590 mm) (€ 1800-2400) Lit.: C.R. nr. 149 (online catalogue raisonné through the Dedalus Foundation); NGA 34.10




(€ 150-250)

(€ 400-600)



MARK VERSTOCKT (1930-2014) Untitled, ca. 1970. Screen print on black glossy paper. Signed in pencil 'Verstockt' and numbered 37/50. Framed. 510 x 510 mm (630 x 630 mm)

FRANCOIS MORELLET (1926-2016) 'Trois cubes imbriques', 1977. Three entangled cubes in stainless steel. Signed on label 'Morellet' and numbered 5/50. Publisher: Plura Edizioni, Milan. 165 x 165 x 165 mm (x3) (€ 2500-3000) ILL p. 114


ANTONIO CALDERARA (1903-1978) Untitled, 1973. Set of six colour screenprints. All intialled and dated '1973' in pencil. Edited by Lens Fine Art, Antwerp in light of the exhibition of the artist at the gallery. Orig. folder (some light traces of wear). We join: orig. invitation to the exhibition. (€ 400-600)


BRAM VAN VELDE (1895-1981) 'Impulsion', 1974. Colour lithograph. Initials 'BVV' and numbered 31/100. Framed. 960 x 620 mm (1135 x 780 cm) (€ 600-800)

BRAM VAN VELDE (1895-1981) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil 150/300. Framed. 580 x 410 mm (720 x 550 mm)

BRAM VAN VELDE (1895-1981) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Initialed and annotated in pencil. Framed. 520 x 720 mm (690 x 890 mm) (€ 300-500)


KAREL APPEL (1921-2006) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil 72/160. Framed. 560 x 750 mm (790 x 970 mm) (€ 500-800)


KAREL APPEL (1921-2006) 'Monday', 1977. Colour screenprint. Signed and dated in pencil, numbered XXVIII/XL. Framed. 750 x 600 mm (1010 x 810 mm) (€ 400-600)


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'La lune', 'La construction', 1968. Two etchings. Both dated in the plate. Both signed and numbered 8/150 in pencil. Framed. 295 x 215 mm (x 2) (490 x 400 mm (x 2)) (€ 1000-1500) Lit.: Jacob nrs. 76,77.


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'Coup de Théatre', 1973. Etching on Vélin d'Auvergne du Moulin Richard de Bas. Dated in the plate. Signed and numbered 25/40 in pencil. Sheet somewhat toned. Framed. 315 x 450 mm (660 x 800 mm) (€ 700-900) Lit.: Jacob nr. 90.


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'La Forêt', 1971. Lithograph on Arches. Dated in the stone. Signed and numbered in pencil 50/50. 410 x 300 mm (Blad: 605 x 425 mm) (€ 400-600) Lit.: Jacob nr. 43.


PAUL DELVAUX (1894-1994) 'Le joueur de flûte', 1972. Lithograph on Arches. Dated in the stone. Signed and numbered 46/75 in pencil. 580 x 385 mm (Blad: 715 x 510 mm) (€ 800-1200) Lit.: Jacob nr. 56.


detail lot 1449


ROGER RAVEEL (1921-2013) 'Ontmoeting', 1974. Colour screenprint. Signed in pencil and numbered 91/100. Framed. 680 x 485 mm (850 x 650 mm) (€ 600-800) Lit.: O. Scheire, Roger Raveel. Het garfische oeuvre, nr. 44.


GUNTHER UECKER (°1930) 'Venice', 1970. Embossed print. Signed, dated and titled in brown ink. 360 x 215 mm (€ 400-600)


LUC PEIRE (1916-1994) 'Redecca', 1968. Colour screenprint. Signed and numbered in pencil 25/75. Some stains. We join by the same: Untitled. Colour screenprint. Both framed. 600 x 440 mm / 220 x 140 mm (835 x 640 mm / 355 x 270 mm) (€ 400-600) Lit.: Luc Peire in multiple. Volledige catalogus, nr. M22.


LUC PEIRE (1916-1994) 'Gramexi', 1969-70. Colour screenprint. Signed and numbered in pencil 94/125. Framed. 656 x 465 mm (1040 x 745 mm) (€ 500-750) Lit.: Luc Peire in multiple. Volledige catalogus, nr. M37.


BRUCE NAUMAN (°1941) 'Body Pressure', 1974. Offset on pink paper. Poster. Published by Friedrich Christian Flick. Framed. 630 x 410 mm (770 x 550 mm) (€ 150-200) detail lot 1458





ENRICO BAJ (1924-2003) 'Femme'. Colour etching. Signed in pencil. Numbered XIII/XXX. Framed. 290 x 240 mm (560 x 460 mm) (€ 300-400) Provenance: Studio Marconi, Milan.


HUGO CLAUS (1929-2008) 'De wangebeden'. Antwerp, Pink Editions, 1973. Numbered 12/75. Complete with the six lithographs from the poet. One signed and one with initials 'hc'. Orig. box. 570 x 400 mm (€ 250-350)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) 'Eté baroque', 1973. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated and numbered 128/190. 505 x 655 mm (€ 400-600)


JEF VERHEYEN (1932-1984) Untitled. Colour lithograph on paper with dry stamp Erker Press St. Gallen. A set of six. All signed and numbered in pencil 50/82. We join by the same: Untitled. Colour lithograph on Steinbach. Signed and with annotation 'XX'. Tot.: 7 ex. 370 x 370 mm (Blad: 655 x 500 mm) (€ 200-300)


POL MARA (1920-1998) 'Les Marie de Mara', 1976. Box with print on silk, four colour lithographs, two colour lithographs on tracing paper and three orig. photographs. One of the 77 regular numbered copies. All prints signed and numbered. Orig. box. (€ 250-350) 1472





AMEDEE CORTIER (1921-1976) Untitled. Colour screenprint. Signed and numbered 28/100. 690 x 510 mm (€ 100-150)


AMEDEE CORTIER (1921-1976) Untitled. Colour screenprint. Signed and numbered in pencil 3/125. 550 x 545 mm (€ 100-150)


JO DELAHAUT (1911-1992) 'Boréal', 1970. Colour screenprint. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil 9/50. 695 x 500 mm (€ 150-250)


GUY VANDENBRANDEN (1926-2014) Untitled. Colour screenprint on cardboard. Signed in pencil and numbered 7/30. 1040 x 755 mm (€ 150-250)


JESUS-RAPHAEL SOTO (1923-2005) 'Permutation', 1955-78. Multiple (plexiglass, chromed copper). Signed on label on the reverse and numbered XXV/CXX. 210 x 150 x 90 mm


ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) 'Zon VII'. Gelatin silver print. Mounted on fiber board. Signed and titled on the reverse. 615 x 935 mm (€ 350-500)


ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Two parts. Mounted on fiber board. Framed. 840 x 730 mm (€ 200-300)


WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. Minor damage on the corner. 91 x 63 mm (€ 200-250)


WILLY KESSELS (1898-1974) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Studio stamp on the reverse. Mounted. 80 x 40 mm (€ 200-250)

(€ 2000-2500) ILL p. 115


LEO DOHMEN (1929-1999) 'Faut pas, faux pas'. Orig. colour photograph on cardboard. With stamp on the reverse. Traces of tape on the front. Framed. 400 x 300 mm (410 x 305 mm) (€ 350-500)


ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) 'Vorm en materie'. Gelatin silver print. Mounted on fiber board. Signed and titled on the reverse. 725 x 640 mm (€ 350-500) 1478


ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Two parts. Mounted in frame, without glass. 230 x 295 mm (x2) (605 x 605 mm) (€ 350-500)


JAN VERCRUYSSE (1948-2018) 'Schöne sentimenten', 1986-88. Letterpress on Arches. Dated and numbered 41/50 on the reverse. Framed. 490 x 630 mm (540 x 680 mm) (€ 400-600)

ANTOON DRIES (1910-2004) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Three parts. Mounted in one frame. 300 x 240 mm (x3) (605 x 805 mm)


(€ 350-500)

(€ 100-150)



WILLY ANTHOONS (1911-1983) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Stamp on the reverse. Framed. 410 x 305 mm (550 x 430 mm) (€ 500-750)


FILIP TAS (1918-1997) Untitled. Orig. black & white photograph. With copyright stamp and annotation on the reverse. 235 x 155 mm (€ 200-300)


GUILLAUME BIJL (°1946) 'Installation: Lustrerie Média', 1984. Offset lithograph. Signed, dated and numbered AP 6/16 in black marker on the reverse. 630 x 900 mm (€ 150-200) Lit.: Guillaume Bijl, Multiples & Editions, p. 30-31.


JAN VERCRUYSSE (1948-2018) 'Spleen', 1987. Screenprint on copper coloured paper. Signed, dated and numbered HC VI in pencil. From the portfolio 'België, juni 87', published by the gallery 'De Lege Ruimte', which contained editions by other artists such as Thierry de Cordier, Guillaume Bijl, Guy Rombouts, Bernd Lohaus, Mark Luyten, Bruna Hautman, Narcisse Tordoir, Franky Deconinck, Willy Van Sompel. 630 x 900 mm (€ 150-200)



JOSEPH BEUYS (1921-1986) Untitled (Kassel). Postcard. Signed. Framed. 150 x 105 mm (250 x 190 mm)

BENGT LINDSTROM (1925-2008) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil. With dry stamp of Michel Vokaer. Spot in upper right corner. 645 x 485 mm (810 x 665 mm) (€ 300-400)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) 'La belle allongée', 1980. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated, titled and numbered in pencil 90/100. Framed. 540 x 740 mm (685 x 890 mm) (€ 300-400)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) 'La belle allongée', 1980. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated, titled and numbered in pencil 91/100. Framed. 540 x 740 mm (685 x 890 mm) (€ 300-400)


KAREL APPEL (1921-2006) 'Spaceman', 1969. Colour lithograph on BFK Rives with dry stamp 'Galleria La Medusa Roma'. Signed and numbered 23/60 in pencil. 630 x 465 mm (Blad: 760 x 560 mm) (€ 500-750)







(€ 600-800)

(€ 400-600)

Lit.: O. Scheire - Roger Raveel, Het grafische oeuvre nr. 136.


ROGER RAVEEL (1921-2013) 'Een moeilijke relatie', 1983. Woodcut. Signed in pencil and numbered 12/30. 630 x 900 mm


JEAN-PIERRE PINCEMIN (1944-2005) Untitled, 1984. 'Soleil noir'. Two aquatints, heightened with white gouache. Both signed, dated and numbered in pencil. Both mounted on support. 620 x 480/ 750 x 550 mm (€ 700-900)


FRED BERVOETS (°1942) Untitled, 1989. Colour screenprint. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil 37/40. Framed. 1000 x 1400 mm (1050 x 1440 mm) (€ 700-1000)

ROBERTO MATTA (1911-2002) Untitled. Colour aquatint. A set of three. All signed and numbered. 205 x 135/ 235 x 175/ 300 x 240 mm

HILDE VAN SUMERE (1932-2013) 'Kruisweg', 1989. Portfolio with 14 screenprints. In orig. linen box. (€ 200-300)


RAOUL DE KEYSER (1930-2012) 'Drieghe - vierkantig', 1981. Linocut. Signed, dated and numbered 31/75 in pencil on the reverse. Some staining and water damage. From the eponymous portfolio published by Galerie Drieghe, containing editions by Bram Bogart, Raf Buedts, Wybrand Ganzevoort, René Heyvaert, Roger Raveel and Dan Van Severen. 300 x 300 mm (€ 350-500) Lit.: Jacobs & De Vleeschouwer nr. 25.


MAURICE WYCKAERT (1923-1996) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil 11/200. 380 x 535 mm (Blad: 540 x 760 mm) (€ 150-250)


GILBERT SWIMBERGHE (1927-2015) Untitled. Colour screenprint. Signed and numbered in pencil 1/5. 455 x 450 mm (Blad: 680 x 525 mm) (€ 300-400)





(€ 400-600)

(€ 350-500)

Lit.: O. Scheire - Roger Raveel, Het grafische oeuvre nr. 171.

Lit.: Guillaume Bijl - Multiples & Editions, p. 68-69.



ROGER RAVEEL (1921-2013) 'La Côte d'Azur', 1988. Woodcut. Signed in pencil with annotation 'h.c.'. Framed. 500 x 700 mm (720 x 940 mm)

GUILLAUME BIJL (°1946) 'Sorry', 2016. Multiple (multi coloroured plaster). One of the three Artist's Proofs, nr. 2. Signed and numbered on certificate. In orig. box. (€ 350-500) ILL p.121 Lit.: Guillaume Bijl - Multiples & Editions, p.138-139.

GUILLAUME BIJL (°1946) 'Composition trouvée' , 1989. Multiple. One of the ten numb. copies, this one being nr 8. With signed certificate. In orig. box. Some pieces damaged.

DANIEL SPOERRI (°1930) 'Zehn bis Zwölf Hirnrezepte', 1987. Portfolio comprising 13 facsimile serigraphs after handwritten recipes by Daniel Spoerri and 13 serigraphs in colors (thereof 3 worked over by hand), one colour photograph and one offset print by Bernhard Johannes Blume as well as two facsimile letters and title/Justification on 13 folded double sheets of wove paper. The recipes and one letter each signed ‘Daniel Spoerri’ in pencil or color crayon, the serigraphs and the offset print each signed ‘Blume’ and partly inscribed in pencil, the justification signed ‘Daniel Spoerri and numbered ‘22/75’ in colour crayon and signed ‘Blume’ in pencil. Published by Francesco Conz, Verona. In green cloth-covered clamshell box. 620 x 450 mm (bladen/ sheets) (475 x 325 x 42 mm (box)) (€ 600-800)




Works 3 Session

on Paper Session 3

detail lot 1513

detail lot 1549


ANGELE ETOUNDI ESSAMBA (°1962) 'Cobra', 1986. Silver gelatin print. Artist's proof. Signed and numbered 1/3. Mounted. 470 x 320 mm

PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Museum voor Actuele Kunst Gent', 1999. Poster. Screenprint. We join: 'Panamarenko 13/917/11/'90'. Antwerp, Ronny Van de Velde Gallery. Poster. Colour screenprint. 1000 x 700 mm; 550 x 475 mm (€ 200-300)


BORIS BECKER (°1961) 'Feld 1362 (Trekckerspuren auf acker)', 1996. Chromogenic print. Signed and dated at the reverse. Numbered 1/3. Framed. 1610 x 2010 mm (€ 4000-5000)

Lit.: Posters, nrs 64, 43.

Provenance: former collection baron Maurice Velge.




(€ 400-500)

(€ 300-500)


Lit.: Panamarenko - Multiples Deel 2, nr. 77.

(€ 300-400)

WILLIAM ROPP (°1960) Untitled. Gelatin silver print. Signed and numbered 9/15. With dry stamp. Mounted. 470 x 295 mm

WILLIAM ROPP (°1960) 'Chess player', 1991. Gelatin silver print. Signed and numbered 8/15. With dry stamp. Mounted. 440 x 300 mm (€ 400-500)


GUILLAUME BIJL (°1946) 'Neuer Supermarkt', 1990. Offset print. Poster. 810 x 715 mm (€ 150-200) Lit.: Guillaume Bijl - Multiples & Editions, p. 162-63.


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Knikkebeen', 1998. Offset lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil 45/100. Framed. 570 x 450 mm (690 x 570 mm) (€ 300-500) Lit.: Panamarenko - Multiples Deel 2, nr. 77.



PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Pepto Bismo', 1998. Colour print, heightened. Signed and numbered in pencil 45/100. Framed. 570 x 450 mm (690 x 570 mm)


JAN VERCRUYSSE (1948-2018) 'Gay nineties'. Offset lithograph. Presumably signed and numbered 42/60 on the back. Framed. 245 x 485 mm (€ 200-250)


MICHEL FRANCOIS (°1956) 'Saut à Cuba', 1996. Original black & white photograph. Signed and numbered on the reverse 3/5. Framed. 300 x 400 mm (415 x 545 mm) (€ 1500-2000) ILL det. p. 130 Provenance: Lumen Travo Gallery, Amsterdam; Private collection, Amsterdam.

THOMAS RUFF (°1958) 'Sterne (Stars)', 1990. Grano lithograph on Ikonorex paper. Signed and numbered 13/40 on the reverse. Intrusive traces of water. From a series of eight prints. Edited by Edition Schellmann. Framed. 675 x 450 mm (920 x 680 mm) (€ 400-600) ILL det. p. 124 Lit.: Jörg Schellmann, ed., Forty Are Better Than One, Munich/ New York, 200p, pp. 291-293.


THOMAS STRUTH (°1954) 'Rose, Winterthur', 1991 Grano lithograph on rag paper. Signed, dated, titled and numbered 31/40 in pencil. From the 'Pflanze' series . Framed. 500 x 385 mm (685 x 560 mm) (€ 800-1200) ILL p. 131


KUMI SUGAI (1919-1996) Untitled. Screenprint. Signed and numbered. Framed. 940 x 940 mm (1040 x 1040 mm) (€ 250-400)


JOHN CHAMBERLAIN (1927-2011) Untitled, 1990. Colour screenprint on BFK Rives with dry stamp. Signed and numbered 8/50. Some faint staining. 465 x 405 mm (Blad: 760 x 560 mm) (€ 400-600)


JOHN CHAMBERLAIN (1927-2011) Untitled, 1990. Colour screenprint on BFK Rives with dry stamp. Signed and numbered 8/50. 510 x 385 mm (Blad: 760 x 560 mm) (€ 400-600)


JOHN CHAMBERLAIN (1927-2011) Untitled, 1990. Colour screenprint on BFK Rives with dry stamp. Signed and numbered 8/50. Some faint staining. 505 x 360 mm (Blad: 760 x 560 mm) (€ 400-500)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) Untitled, 1995. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil 168/250. Framed. 430 x 330 mm (585 x 400 mm) (€ 300-350)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) Untitled, 1995. Colour lithograph. Signed, dated and numbered 52/250. With dry stamp 'Editions Suède'. Framed. 210 x 350 mm (435 x 600 mm) (€ 200-300)


CORNEILLE (1922-2010) Untitled, 1995. Colour screenprint. Signed and dated in pencil. Numbered 65/150 (other handwriting). From the box 'Cobra', published by Jaski Art Gallery, Amsterdam. In box with another print and art book (480x 520 mm). 450 x 500 mm (510 x 510 mm) (€ 400-600)


PHILIPPE VANDENBERG (1952-2009) Untitled, 1995. Screenprint, heightened with watercolour. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil 14/17. With handwritten dedication. Framed. 760 x 565 mm (910 x 700 mm) (€ 500-750)


PIET STOCKMANS (°1940) 'Waterschei Winterslag Zwartberg', 1993. Three plaques in porcelain. Signed, dated, numbered and titled. In wooden box. 175 x 125 mm (x3) (200 x 170 x 60 mm) (€ 350-500)


PIERRE ALECHINSKY (°1927) Untitled. Aquatint on Chine-appliqué. Signed in pencil. With annotation (other handwriting). Framed. 415 x 335 mm (450 x 470 mm) (€ 400-600)


KOEN VAN DEN BROEK (°1973) 'Agrippina', 2016. Colour lithograph. Signed and dated in pencil. Numbered 4/100. Edition Gallery Greta Meert. In orig. publisher's box. 430 x 660 mm (€ 600-800)


SERGIO DE BEUKELAER (°1971) 'The Monochrome Museum'. Offset lithograph. Diptych. Both signed and numbered in pencil 66/75. From the box 'Museum to Scale'. In orig. folder. 500 x 350 mm (x2) (€ 150-200)



KATI HECK (°1979) 'Der Sähmann', 2016. Colour lithograph, heightened with pencil. Initials and dated in pencil 'KH 2016'. Titled, numbered 36/65. On paper with dry stamp. 295 x 385 mm (€ 150-200)


ANN VERONICA JANSSENS (°1956) Untitled. Four-panel print. Signed in pencil on the reverse. All numbered 26/75. From the box 'Museum to Scale'. In orig. folder. 350 x 500 mm (x3) (€ 400-600)


BOY & ERIK STAPPAERTS 'Conflict painting on blackboard', 2013. Print on cardboard, double sided. A pair. Signed and numbered in pencil on certificate 26/75. In orig. folder. From the box 'Museum to Scale'. 350 x 710 mm (x2)


LAWRENCE WEINER (°1942) & LIAM GILLICK (°1964) 'A Syntax of Dependency:Een syntaxis van afhankelijkheid:Une syntaxe' Cardboard box with elastic band in black, yellow and red (the colours of the Belgian flag), stamped, numbered 47/250, signed by both artists in black felt-tip pen. Contains black board with cut-out in the same colours, with the title of the project in English, Dutch and French. 240 x 510 x 20 mm (€ 150-250)


PAUL VAN HOEYDONCK (°1925) Untitled. Colour photograph. Signed and numbered 5/75. In orig. folder. 310 x 400 mm (€ 200-250)


MARC LAGRANGE (1957-2015) ‘Parmigiano’ Photo print. 700 x 1000 mm (€ 2000-2200)


DIRK BRAECKMAN (°1958) 'R.E.-R.A.-08-2008'. Carbon Piezo print on Hahnemühle fine art paper. Signed in black marker on label on the reverse, copy nr 5/5. Framed. 307 x 230 mm (720 x 630 mm) (€ 2200-2400)



detail lot 1511




detail lot 1536


THIERRY DE CORDIER (°1954) 'Affiche poire', 2009. Pigment print on prisma paper. Signed and numbered in blue pencil 2/8. Made for the expo 'Verdures 1996 2009' at Xavier Hufkens. 1900 x 1340 mm (€ 8000-10000) Provenance: Xavier Hufkens, Brussels.


LUC TUYMANS (°1958) 'Heart', 2011. Screenprint on canvas, recto/ verso. Signed and numbered in black marker 22/100. Published by Handicap International, Paris. 700 x 800 mm (€ 1700-2000) Lit.: Sellink & Simoens nr. 59.


LUC TUYMANS (°1958) 'Isabel, Diorama, Scramble, Twenty Seventeen', 2017. A portfolio of four original color etchings printed on Hahnemühle Bright White 300 g. One of the six Artist's Proofs, this one being nr. 4. Two prints signed and numbered 'AP 4/6' in pencil. Printed by Atelier Hans Van Dijck, Antwerp. Edited by Ludion. Orig. blue cloth folder. 235 × 198 mm (Isabel),270 × 200 mm (Diorama),235 × 200 mm (Scramble),204 × 204 mm(Twenty Seventeen) (800 x 665 mm) (€ 9000-10000)

detail lot 1536



PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Panamarenko luchtballon vaarder'. Print. Signed in black marker. Framed. 410 x 290 mm (575 x 455 mm) (€ 500-750)


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Alles leren alles kunnen alles doen', 2003. Poster. Signed. Framed. 1170 x 825 mm (1230 x 885 mm) (€ 600-800) Lit.: Panamarenko - Posters nr. 83.


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Thermo Photovoltaic Energy Convertor', 2001. Object - car - Painted wood, plexiglass, styrofoam, electric engine, lamps and solar panels Sculpture. Signed at the bottom and numbered 6/25. 135 x 670 x 320 mm (€ 5000-7000) Lit.: Panamarenko - Multiples Deel 2, nr. 91.


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'Ping of the Ferro Lusto', 2000. Poster. Signed. Framed. 1500 x 9850 mm (1570 x 1050 mm) (€ 800-1000) Lit.: Panamarenko - Posters nr. 67.


PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) 'alles leren alles kunnen alles doen', 2003. Multiples 1966-2003. Poster. Signed. Framed. 1175 x 805 mm (1230 x 870 mm) (€ 400-600) Lit.: Panamarenko - Posters nr. 84.


detail lot 1539



KASPER BOSMANS (°1990) Untitled, 2015. Offset print and collage. Signed, dated and numbered in pencil. Framed. 390 x 270 mm (470 x 345 mm)


WIM DELVOYE (°1965) 'Wim Delvoye Action Doll *2', 2008. Action Figure of Wim Delvoye with scale model of the Cloaca and tattooed pig. In orig. box. 365 x 350 x 100 mm (box) (€ 200-300)



(€ 200-300)

(€ 700-900)



DENNIS TYFUS (°1979) Untitled. Colour lithograph. Signed and numbered in pencil 19/50. Framed. 940 x 660 mm (1035 x 735 mm)

WOUT VERCAMMEN (1938-2018) 'Van Gogh'. Screenprint on paper mounted on canvas. Signed and numbered I/X in red marker on the reverse. 500 x 500 mm (€ 500-750)


WOUT VERCAMMEN (1938-2018) 'Les menteurs d'abords'. Screenprint in colours on paper, mounted on canvas. Signed, titled and numbered I/VI on the reverse. 500 x 500 mm (€ 500-750)


DAMIEN HIRST (°1965) 'Renewal', 2009. Colour etching. Signed and numbered in pencil 38/45. Edited by 'Other Criteria', London. Full margins. Framed (not opened). 300 x 250 mm (470 x 395 mm (sheet)/ 540 x 460 mm) (€ 3000-4000) Provenance: Kenneth Friedman & Co, USA (with certificate).

PANAMARENKO (1940-2019) Study of 'Archaeoptrix'. Ballpoint pen on napkin. Signed. Executed in ca. 2000 at the Antwerp restaurant 'De Gulden Beer'. 190 x 200 mm

MAURICE WYCKAERT (1923-1996) Untitled. Ink, black chalk. Signed. Framed. 490 x 630 mm (660 x 810 mm) (€ 2000-3000) ILL det. p. 125


GUY VANDENBRANDEN (1926-2014) Untitled, 1993. Gouache and ink with dry stamp 'Schoellershammer Schutzmarke/ Hammer T.'. Signed and dated. Framed. (€ 1000-1500)


GILBERT DECOCK (1928-2007) Untitled, 1995. Gouache. Signed and dated. Framed. 150 x 150 mm (270 x 270 mm) (€ 200-300)


GILBERT DECOCK (1928-2007) Untitled, 1998. Cut out. Signed and dated. Framed. 150 x 150 mm (270 x 270 mm) (€ 200-300)


GILBERT DECOCK (1928-2007) Untitled. Gouache. Signed. Framed. 150 x 150 mm (270 x 270 mm) (€ 200-300)


KOENRAAD TINEL (°1934) Untitled, 1996/ 1994. Yellow ink. Indian ink, washed. Both initialed and dated. One framed. 250 x 170/ 240 x 160 mm (€ 200-300)


HUGO CLAUS (1929-2008) Untitled. Watercolour and red chalk. Signed. Framed. 375 x 480 mm (640 x 730 mm) (€ 700-900)


HUGO CLAUS (1929-2008) Untitled. Oil, paint brush. Not signed. Framed. 120 x 130 cm (126 x 135.5 cm) (€ 1000-1500) Provenance: Paul vanden Bosch Hilderson, friend of Claus.


MARIO DE BRABANDERE (°1963) 'Die Mutte im Kerker', 1995 Watercolour. Signed. Framed. 340 x 270 mm (570 x 490 mm) (€ 150-200) Provenance: Galerie William Wauters.


MARIO DE BRABANDERE (°1963) 'Der Vater im Kerker', 1995 Watercolour and oil on paper. Title, signature and date at the lower left. 270 x 185 mm (575 x 490 mm) (€ 100-150)


MARIO DE BRABANDERE (°1963) 'Die Mutte im Kerker - de handen', 1995 Ink and gouache. Signature and date at the lower left. Framed. 265 x 340 mm (510 x 600 mm) (€ 200-300)


WERNER MANNAERS (°1954) 'Afternoon Painting (after A.G)', 2019 Watercolour, gouache and ink. Signed and dated. Framed. 350 x 255 mm (405 x 325 mm) (€ 300-400)


WERNER MANNAERS (°1954) 'Eau & Gaz à tous les étages (after Duchamp)', 2019-20. Gouache. Signed, dated and with handwritten dedication. Mounted on cardboard support. 300 x 380 mm (€ 200-250)


WERNER MANNAERS (°1954) 'Alles komt goe', 2020. Oil, watercolour and collage. Dated and signed. In orig. folder. 700 x 500 mm (€ 200-400)


WERNER MANNAERS (°1954) Untitled, 2001-03. Gouache, black marker and felt tip pen. Signed, dated (twice stamped) and with dedication. 297 x 210 mm


WERNER MANNAERS (°1954) 'Why Not?'. Collage, gouache and pencil. Signed and with annotations. Framed. 310 x 230 mm (405 x 325 mm) (€ 250-350)


DAMIEN DE LEPELEIRE (°1965) 'Dirty Mind', 2008. Washed ink and watercolour. Signed and dated on the reverse. Framed. 550 x 745 mm (665 x 850 mm) (€ 200-400)


SAM DILLEMANS (°1965) Nude seen from the back next to a statue. Coloured crayon and acrylic. Framed. 210 x 400 mm (420 x 520 mm) (€ 1400-1800)


ROBERT COMBAS (°1957) Untitled (portrait). Black marker. With dedication 'De la part de Robert Combas 2006'. In catalogue Venice, Galerie Guy Pieters, 2005. 305 x 250 mm (€ 300-400)


BRUNEAU (BRUNO) SCHNIEDERS (°1957) Untitled. Set of five gouaches. All signed and dated in pencil. Various dimensions. (€ 250-350)

(€ 200-300)


WALTER SWENNEN (°1946) Untitled, 2010. Indian ink and watercolour. Initialed and dated. Framed. 215 x 155 mm (420 x 320 mm) (€ 1200-1500)


detail lot 1569



Abramovic M.

1619, 1637

Charlier J.

Alechinsky P.

1381, 1524

Christo 1616

Alma P. Anoniem / Anonyme 1/2 XX


Claus H.

1464, 1555, 1556

1272, 1273, 1274

Claus L.


Anoniem / Anonyme Art Deco Periode


Cobbaert J.

1301, 1369

Anselmo G.


Cockx M.

1300, 1355

Anthoons W.


Cockx P.


1426, 1452, 1453, 1490

Combas R.


Appelt D.


Corneille G.

1382, 1396, 1412, 1465, 1488, 1489, 1573

Arman F.


Cortier A.

Baes F.


Dali S.


Baj E.


De Beukelaer S.


Barbaix Xx E.


De Brabandere M.

Barney M.


De Clercq H.

1365, 1579

Bastien A.


De Cordier T.

1534, 1631

Becker B.


De Guimaraes J.

Bervoets F.



De Keyser R.

Appel K.

Bervoets L.

1468, 1469

1557, 1558, 1559

1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343 1398, 1496, 1575, 1598, 1638, 1639

Beuys J.

1486, 1592, 1593, 1594

De Lepeleire D.



1395, 1519, 1520, 1521

De Mulder W.


1483, 1500, 1501, 1506, 1599, 1600

De Roover C.


Bijl G. Bogaert A.


De Smet R.

1290, 1291

Boltanski C.


de vries h.

1115, 1116

Boonen J.


De Weert A.

Borremans M.


Decock G.

Bosmans K.


Degouve De Nuncques W.

Braeckman D.


Delahaut J.

Braque G.


Delahaye R.


Delrue R.


Broodthaers M.

1551, 1552, 1553 1219 1397, 1413, 1470


Buffet B.

1285, 1377, 1392

Buhot F.


Delville J.

Buthe M.


Delvoye W.

1547, 1604, 1606

Calderara A.


Diamond J.


Calzolari P.P.


Dierickx K.


Dillemans S.


1278, 1282

Delvaux P.


Bruna D.

Cantre J.



1390, 1391, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1454, 1455, 1456, 1457 1221

Cassiers H.


Dimitrijevic B.


Caulfield P.


Dine J.


Chaissac G.


Dodeigne E.


Chamberlain J.

1442, 1443, 1444, 1516, 1517, 1518

Dohmen L.

1384, 1385, 1386, 1473

Charchoune S.


Doudelet C.


Dries A.

1387, 1388, 1389, 1405,

Kawara O.

1144, 1145

1406, 1407, 1474, 1475,1476, 1479, 1480

Kessels W.

1437, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1477, 1478

Durham J.


Korab K.


Eemans M.


Kosuth J.

1577, 1610

Ensor J.

1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262

Essamba A.E.


Evenepoel H.

1253, 1254

Kraguly R.


Lacasse J.

1247, 1414

Lagrange M.


Fabre J.


Langaskens M.


Fabro L.


Le Gac J.


Felbier M.


Lee Byars J.

Felixmuller C.


Leger F.


Flouquet P.


Lekegian G.


1378, 1379

Lemmen G.

1215, 1216, 1217, 1218

Foujita L.

1596, 1603

Franceschini E.


Mesens E.L.T.


Francois M.


Leroy E.


Förg G.


Lewitt S.


Gastemans E.


Lhote A.


Geys J.


Lichenstein R.


Gilioli E.

1317, 1357, 1358

Lichtenstein R.

1427 1487

Gleizes A.


Lindstrom B.

Gubbels K.




M.Melchers F.


Maet M.


Guillaume A.P. Hageman V.

1207, 1211

1370, 1371

Hagemans M.


Magnelli A.


Hamilton R.


Maieu F.



Mannaers W.

Hannon T. Hannoset C.

1431, 1432, 1434, 1435, 1436

Mara P.

1560, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1564 1304, 1329, 1353, 1467

Hassall J.


Masereel F.

Heck K.


Massonet A.

Heckel E.


Matta R.

Heerup H.


Matthijs Maris W.


­Heirman R.


Matthys D.


Hendryckx M.


Mellery X.


Heyvaert R.


Mendelson M.


Hirst D.


Minne G.


Hoet J.


Miro J.


Iles A.J.


Morellet F.

1117, 1447


Mosset O.


Motherwell R.


Janssens A.V. Jespers F. Joostens P. Kandinsky W.

1231, 1265, 1266, 1308, 1309, 1310 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243 1277

Nauman B. Nizzoli M.

1288, 1311, 1312 1296 1351, 1494

1462, 1609 1276


Onleesbaar / Illisible Ost A.

1213, 1214

Tijtgat M. Timmermans F.


1419, 1425, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1537, 1538,

Tinel K.

1539, 1540, 1541, 1548, 1581, 1620, 1626

Tinguely J.

Paolini G. Peire L.

1607 1356, 1460, 1461

Tobey M. Tuymans L.

1212 1020, 1021, 1022 1554 1328, 1349 1338 1535, 1536

Permeke C.


Tyfus D.


Pincemin J.


Tytgat E.

1269, 1307

Poirier A.P.


Uecker G.


Raveel R.


1224, 1235, 1363

Van Biesbroeck J.P.


Ray M.

1129, 1458, 1491, 1499, 1580, 1595 1131

Van Den Berghe F.


Rhoades J.


Van Den Broek K.


Richter G.


Van Dooren E.


Ropp W.

1504, 1505

Van Hecke W.

Rops F.

1249, 1250

Van Hoeydonck P.

1302, 1531


Rothko M.


Van Imschoot J.

1621, 1635

Ruff T.


Van Mieghem E.

1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1267

Sander A.


Van Ruyssevelt J.

Saverijs A.


Van Severen D.

Schnieders B.


Van Straten H.


Schutte T.


Van Sumere H.


Schwind J.


Van Velde B.

Servaes A.


Vande Fackere J.

Servranckx V.


Vandenberg P.

Sluiter W.


Snoek P.

1330, 1352

Vandenbranden G.

Somville R.

1318, 1368

Vandercam S.

1313, 1376 1360, 1361, 1362

1449, 1450, 1451 1201 1372, 1373, 1374, 1522, 1612, 1615, 1625, 1628 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1471, 1550 1375, 1429, 1430, 1433

Soto J.


Vanderlick A.


Soulages P.


Vanfleteren S.


Spaletti E.


Vercammen W.

Spoerri D.


Vercruysse J.

Stappaerts B.E.


Verelst P.

Stiefenhofer J.


Verheyen J.

1416, 1466

Stockmans P.


Verstockt M.

1303, 1446

Struth Th.


Villon J.


Sugai K.


Vostell W.


Swennen W.


Weiner L.


1544, 1545 1484, 1485, 1510 1364

Swimberghe G.

1331, 1498

Wery M.

Tahon J.

1613, 1614

West F.


Tas F.

1403, 1482

Wou-Ki Z.


Tercafs J.


Wyckaert M.

Thiriar J.


Zorio G.

1589, 1591

1335, 1336, 1344, 1497, 1549 1590

detail lot 1384


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Sunday December 5 3 pm (lots 1 - 249)


Tuesday December 7 2 pm (lots 250 - 440)

OBJECTS OF VERTU Tuesday December 7 7 pm (lots 450 - 673)


Wednesday December 8 2 pm (lots 700 - 949)


Thursday December 9 1O am (lots 1000 - 1151) 2 pm (lots 1200 - 1502) 8 pm (lots 1503 - 1640)


VIEWING DAYS December 2 - 6 10 am - 6 pm

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SPRING AUCTION Consignments until March 1


WORKS ON PAPER & EDITIONS ALEXANDER CALDER (1898-1976) 'Presenza Grafica', 1972. Colour aquatint and etching on Fabriano Rosaspina paper. Initialed in the plate. Signed and numbered in pencil XXIII/XXV. Published and printed by 2RC Edizioni d’Arte, Rome, with their blindstamp.


948 x 948 mm (€ 4000-5000)


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