Coleção Bernoulli Bilíngue | EF Anos Iniciais

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Learning English

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 7

18/04/2022 12:18:14

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 4

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

What makes you unique from your classmates? What do you and your classmates have in common? How can you build a strong and happy class community together? In this unit, you will find the answers to these questions through a series of experiences involving communication, collaboration, creativity, and active participation. Are you ready?

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

20/04/2022 14:23:33


Who we are

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 5

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

20/04/2022 14:25:30

Look at the pictures. Listen and read the texts.

Hi! I’m Sarah and I’m 7 years old. I have a little brother named Nicolas. We love playing video games together.

brgfx / lisegagne / Getty Images

6 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 6

Hi! My name is Leo and I’m 7 years old. I live with my dad and my sister. I love cooking with my dad. My favorite food is chocolate cake.

brgfx / Justin Paget / Getty Images

brgfx / Click&Bo

o / Getty Images

Hi! My name is Eric and I’m 6 years old. I live with my mom and my dad. I love playing sports and my favorite one is swimming.

Hey! I’m Alice. I’m 8 years old and I live with my mom and my grandparents. I have a dog named Thor and I like taking selfies with him.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


brgfx / Andersen Ross Photography Inc / Getty Images


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1


20/04/2022 14:26:33

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

what is true for each kid and for yourself. Follow the example. Alice




කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක



I like video games. I have a brother / sister. I like cooking. I have a pet. I am 7 years old. My favorite sport is swimming. My favorite food is chocolate cake. I like taking selfies. I live with my grandparents. I’m 6 years old.


Who do you identify with? Why? Tell you classmates. I identify with... because I…


Complete the box with information about yourself. Glue or draw your picture. Hi! My name is __________________ and I am ____________ years old. I like _________________________ and my favorite ____________________ is ____________________. BERNOULLI SISTEMA DE ENSINO

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 7

7 20/04/2022 14:26:35


Scan the QR Code and

02 03

Write the missing letters.

watch the video.

Make a bar graph with the initials of your classmates.

Our initials 10

Number of students

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B C D






඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1


Letters of the alphabet

8 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 8


20/04/2022 14:26:37

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

A) Circle the 3 most common initials in your class. B) Highlight the 3 least common initials in your class. C) Underline the title of the bar graph. D) Write 2 names that start with the letter __________


Look at the bar graph. Read the information.

The parts of a bar graph A bar graph uses bars to represent data.

Favorite fruits A bar graph has a


title. It tells us what


the graph is about.

8 7 6




A bar graph has numbers. They tell us about the quantity of something.

Strawberry Pineapple


A bar graph has labels. BERNOULLI SISTEMA DE ENSINO

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 9

Fabiana Signorini

5 4 3 2 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Observe the bar graph and locate the information. ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


9 20/04/2022 14:26:38

Fabiana Signorini













2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 10

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

In groups, talk to your classmates. Create a bar graph and share the


20/04/2022 14:26:44

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1



Look, think, and describe the pictures.

Fabiana Signorini


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 11

11 20/04/2022 14:26:59

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Listen to your teacher. Tick

the correct picture.

Observe the pictures and predict their correct order. How do you usually feel on the first day of school? Discuss with the class. I feel



Fabiana Signorini



12 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 12

What other feelings do you know? Scan the QR Code to play a game and identify what each little monster is feeling.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Look at the girl with red hair. How is she feeling in each picture? ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

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20/04/2022 14:27:05

Fabiana Signorini


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 13

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Listen and read the text.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

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20/04/2022 14:27:20

Fabiana Signorini

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

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What is missing in the story? Discuss with your classmates. Create a


Underline in the story:

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

title for the story.

A) The name of the main character. B) How old Beth is. C) The grade the kids are in. D) The games they like to play. Look at the pictures and match them with the games. 1. Jumping rope 2. Soccer 3. Hide and seek

JackF / Getty Images


4. Hula-hoop

FatCamera / Getty Images PeopleImages / Getty Images

andreswd / Getty Images

mixetto / Getty Images

5. Hopscotch


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඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Share your ideas about the story with a partner and complete the diagram. b Fa s: e õ

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___________________________ __________________________


Characters _________, Harry, Alice, ___________, Emma, ___________, and _________.

Problem Beth is a ________ _____________. She doesn’t


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


have any ______________. 3

16 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 16


20/04/2022 14:30:46

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Events ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

What happened?



Solution Emma and ____________ invite Beth to _______________ with them. Beth feels _______________.


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 17

17 20/04/2022 14:30:54


Go back to the “Get In” section and


Read and answer the questions

listen to the audio one more time.

about yourself.

A) Sarah is good at playing games. Are you good at playing games? Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

B) Eric is a good swimmer. Are you a good swimmer? Yes,






C) Alice is 8 years old. Are you 8 years old? Yes,


D) Leo is an older brother. Are you an older brother / sister? Yes,




Complete the table with information that is true for you. Question

Are you ______________________ _____________________________




඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Are you ______________________ _____________________________

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20/04/2022 14:30:58




I am a super-hero. I am 17 years old, I’m funny and my suit is red and blue.

I am from Colombia and a have a big magical family. I am happy and friendly. I wear glasses.

Read the profiles. Can you guess who they are?

I am brave and I like adventures. I am from an island in the Pacific Ocean. My hair is black and wavy.

I am a super-hero, and I am a king. I am brave and I always wear black.


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 19

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

19 20/04/2022 14:31:01

I am smart, and I am

two sisters. I am smart

a warrior from another

and responsible. My hair

planet. I am short and

is brown and straight.


I am brave and I like adventures. I am an astronaut. My best friend is a cowboy.


I am a princess. I am brave and I like challenges. My hair is red and curly.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

I wear glasses, and I have

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Glue the pictures in the correct profiles.

20 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 20


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Are you


wearing… glasses?

smart? Are you…


red and blue?

Are you

a warrior?

from… an island?

an astronaut? Are you…

another planet?

a sister?

Yes, I am.


No, I’m not.


>>> ON THE MEDIA We all have different feelings and emotions. Understanding each one of them can be a challenge. The movie Inside Out is a funny and interesting story of how our emotions can affect our lives. Scan the QR Code to watch the trailer.


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 21

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Follow your teacher’s instructions and play the game. Use the prompts. ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


21 20/04/2022 14:31:17

< Likes and Dislikes >


Scan the QR Code and watch the video.

I like...


What are they talking about? Label according to the video. like

don’t like

Clarice Books


22 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 22





඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1


20/04/2022 14:31:22

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Jumping rope




඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗



Watching TV

Yuri Painting



Chocolate cake

Watching TV



2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 23

23 20/04/2022 14:31:24

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1







Now, it’s your turn. Follow your teacher’s instructions and create a


Present your likes and dislikes to the class.

visual board.

pvproductions / sergiorojoes / master1305 / JGalione / Getty Images

I like...

I don’t like...

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


24 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 24

20/04/2022 14:31:40


Read this profile again: My hair is red and curly… I am brave.


Complete the avatar creator studio.



඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1



2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 25

25 20/04/2022 14:31:45

Hair color



2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 26

Eye color








කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Hair type

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1



20/04/2022 14:31:47

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Choose your characteristics in the studio.

Draw a sketch for your avatar.

Write your avatar’s profile.

Build a 3D model of your avatar using different types of materials. Be creative!

Introduce your avatar to your classmates.


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 27

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

It’s time to build your avatar. Follow the steps: ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


27 20/04/2022 14:31:48


Scan the QR Code and listen

partner about the pictures.

to the audio.

on the situations that you hear in the audio.

Peige Gahan/Corbis/VCG / Getty Images

Put a tick

Look, think, and talk to your

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images



FatCamera / Getty Images

Shout at our classmates.

Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Listen to our teacher.

Do interesting experiments.

28 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 28

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Work together.


20/04/2022 14:34:19

Eat with our friends.

Have fun.


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 29

Read new books.

Laugh at our classmates.


Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Peter Cade / Getty Images

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

andresr / Getty Images

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images

Make a mess.

Image Source / Getty Images

martinedoucet / Getty Images

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Pull someone’s hair.

What about the other situations? Discuss with your classmates.


20/04/2022 14:38:55

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

In pairs, think and register. ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


What is OK to do at school?

What is not OK to do at school?


Present your ideas to the class. Use the prompts. At school, we can…

30 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 30

At school, we can’t…


20/04/2022 14:38:55


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 31

01 Discuss with your classmates:

02 Scan the QR Code and

What is a value?

watch the video.

Label the images with the values in the box. Respect – Sharing – Cooperation – Caring


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Flashpop / Getty Images

Image Source / Getty Images


Marko Geber / Getty Images

FotoAlto / Laurence Mouton / Getty Images

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1


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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1





Follow your teacher’s instruction and make a classroom display about values.

Ok or Not Ok? GAME ON 01

Scan the QR Code to play the game.


Choose if it’s OK or not to do these actions in the classroom.

The book Our class is a family teaches us that the classroom is a safe environment where we are free to be who we are, to try and make mistakes, and where friendship is a very important value.

32 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 32



කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


In groups, think about different actions that show: ඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක



20/04/2022 14:40:16




2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 33

01 Listen and draw lines. There is

one example.

Jane Kim

Emma Nick


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

< Listening >

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Fabiana Signorini

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1



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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. There is one example. Example

P Fabiana Signorini





P l a y i n g soccer




A) rope

Fabiana Signorini



p g m





Fabiana Signorini

34 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 34



g n i



඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

< Reading and Writing >



20/04/2022 14:40:27

Fabiana Signorini

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 35





i a


i c n

R g e

g n i




D) a book


E) to music



කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗



඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Fabiana Signorini



Fabiana Signorini

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1



20/04/2022 14:40:33



My performance is great.

I can present myself saying my name and age.

I recognize and respect that we are all different people.

I can talk about what I like and what I don’t like.

I can recognize the different elements of a story.

Choose the best option.

My performance is good, but I can improve.

My performance is not so good, I need help.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

I understand the difference between right and wrong behavior.

36 2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 36


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My favorite activity:

This is how I help my class:


2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 37

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Think and draw.


20/04/2022 14:40:40



2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 7

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x_2022_EI2_V1_BIL_MC.indd 4

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Guess who

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

jpgfactory / Getty Images

Imagens: Reprodução

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B 2 | CHAPTER 1

Seção: game on


20/04/2022 15:04:56

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

x_2022_EI2_V1_BIL_MC.indd 5

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Dive.b 2 | Volume 1

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

20/04/2022 15:11:59

OVERVIEW Who are you? This is a difficult question to answer, but it’s important to think about it. As children grow, they begin to interact more and more with the world around them. They meet different people, learn different things and, little by little, begin to develop their identity. But our identity is not made of one thing, it is the result of everything there is to know about us, and it influences how we see ourselves, our likes and dislikes, our relationships and our values. With that in mind, it is essential that we provide children with opportunities to talk about themselves, to connect with others and to understand that they are individuals with unique characteristics, but they are also part of something bigger, they are part of a group of people who respect each other and the world around them.



Values and community

Letters of the alphabet

Bar graph


Likes and dislikes

Are you? Yes, I am / No, I’m not


Elements of a story

Right and wrong behavior

Appearance: hair color (brown, blond, red, black), hair type (curly, straight, wavy), eye color (blue, green, black, brown), height (tall / short);

Personality: shy / funny / friendly / smart / responsible;

Playground games: jumping rope, hide-and-seek, hula-hoop, hopscotch;

Sports: soccer, swimming, basketball;

Story elements: setting, characters, problem, events, solution;

Expressing preferences: I like…, I don’t like;

Listen carefully, work together, eat with friends, learn new things, interesting experiments, read books, have fun;

Values: sharing, caring, respect, cooperation.



Social Studies



I see…, I think…, I wonder…

Greetings: Hi, Hello, Welcome to Grade 2;

Letters of the alphabet;

Numbers 1 to 10;

Personal information: What’s your name? I’m… / How old are you? I’m… years old;


Bar graph: column, row, title, category, number, data, label, bar;

Feelings: happy / sad / calm / excited / nervous, etc.;

Comparar informações de pesquisas apresentadas por meio de tabelas de dupla entrada e em gráficos de colunas simples ou barras, para melhor compreender aspectos da realidade próxima. (BNCC–EF02MA22) Construir o sentido de histórias em quadrinhos e tirinhas, relacionando imagens e palavras e interpretando recursos gráficos (tipos de balões, de letras, onomatopeias). (BNCC–EF15LP14) Discutir e elaborar, coletivamente, regras de convívio em diferentes espaços (sala de aula, escola, etc.). (BNCC–EF01GE04)


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Act critically, responsibly, and constructively in different social situations, respecting diversity. Adopt attitudes that lead to constructive, collaborative, fair and sustainable interactions at school, at home and in your community. Develop self-knowledge by identifying elements that are part of the construction of your identity. Identify and adopt attitudes that contribute to the development of ethical and moral values, as well as the exercise of rights and duties, adopting attitudes of solidarity, respect for others, cooperation, and repudiation of injustices. Understand the importance of building individual and collective identity.


Show students the pictures the opening pages. Tell them to just look at them for a while, paying attention to all the details as well as similarities and differences between them.

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කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$


20/04/2022 15:12:00

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ Register all the assumptions on the board for which

What do you see?

they can show you evidence in the photos.

They should follow the lines of the text using their

I see (children / boys and girls / etc.).

Ask: •

What do you wonder about this unit?

Teach them the following sentence frame and invite some students to answer: •

I wonder if (we are going to work together / we are going to learn new things / we are going to play games / we are going to have fun, etc.)

This thinking routine helps students develop evidence-based reasoning. It will be used several times throughout this book.

Get In Learning outcomes: •

Describe pictures;

Deduce facts from evidence;

Identify people and actions in oral and written texts;

Understand short oral and written text with visual support.

Question 01 Show students the photos on page 6. Again, tell them to just look at the photos. Give them about 2-3 minutes to think about the following question: •

index finger as they listen to the audio. That will prevent them from getting lost while listening to the texts. Demonstrate using your book. Scan the QR Code and play the audio once or twice. Ask students if their assumptions were correct. Encourage them to find evidence of that in the texts. For example, if they said the girl with the dog has a pet, they should find the following sentence in the text: “I have a dog named Thor.” Tell students to underline the evidence. Repeat for the other 3 photos. Audio Script Locutor: You are going to hear four kids talking a little bit about themselves. Sarah: Hi! I’m Sarah and I’m 7 years old. I have a little brother named Nicolas. We love playing video games together. Eric: Hi! My name is Eric and I’m 6 years old. I live with my mom and my dad. I love playing sports and my favorite one is swimming. Alice: Hey! I’m Alice. I’m 8 years old and I live with my mom and my grandparents. I have a dog named Thor and I like taking selfies with him. Leo: Hi! My name is Leo and I’m 7 years old. I live with my dad and my sister. I love cooking with my dad. My favorite food is chocolate cake. Locutor: Now, what can you tell your classmates about yourself?

What can you tell me about each one of these kids?

Invite a few students to share their ideas about the pictures. At some point, students will start making assumptions about the kids. For example: “This girl and boy are sister and brother.” or “This boy likes swimming.” Encourage them to do the same for all 4 photos. Write key words / phrases for their assumptions on the board in the form of a word cloud. In this stage, students might still use L1 to express their ideas. Accept their contributions and write the English equivalent on the board. Model and practice the pronunciation of new vocabulary. Next, ask students: •

lines. Teach students the finger reading technique.

What makes you say that?

Encourage students to pinpoint evidence in the photos to support their ideas. For example, if someone has said that the girl and boy on the top left photo are sister and brother, they could say that they look alike.

Question 02 Tell students to look at the table. Explain that, on the left column, they have several sentences about the children in exercise 01. And on the top row, they have the names of those children and the word “me”. Explain that the last column is about themselves. Say the names of the children out loud and have students point to the corresponding photo on the previous page. Next, invite some students to read the sentences out loud. Clarify meaning if necessary. Explain that they must read each sentence carefully, refer to the texts about the children and tick what is true for each one. Make it clear that some sentences may be true for more than one kid. They should also tick all the sentences that are true for them.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

introducing themselves. They should follow their

Read the name of the unit, “Who we are” and the introduction. Scaffold language as necessary to foster comprehension.


Explain that now they will listen to the 4 kids

Teach them the following sentence frame and invite some students to answer. Encourage them to be creative in their answers.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 4

20/04/2022 15:12:01

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ Answers SARAH

I like video games. I have a brother / sister. I like cooking. I have a pet. I am 7 years old. My favorite sport is swimming. My favorite food is chocolate cake. I like taking selfies. I live with my grandparents. I’m 6 years old.

The last column will vary. Invite some students to share what is true for them.

Question 03


Ask students if they know what “identify with” means. Explain that to identify with someone means to have something in common. Ask students to look at the table and check who they identify with the most and how. For

example, if they are 7 years old, they have that in common with Sarah and Leo. If they like swimming, they have that in common with Eric. Help them model the prompt: •

I identify with [Sarah / Leo / Eric, etc.]

Because I [like swimming / like cooking / have a pet, etc.]

Instruct students to select which kid they identify with and why. They may use the information from the table or the previous texts. Then, help them use the prompt given to tell the class their answer.

Question 04

For this exercise, students will need a 3 × 4 photo of themselves. Arrange, beforehand, for the families to send a picture on the day of the class.

Tell students that they will build their own profile. Help them read and complete the sentence frame in the box: •

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Hi! My name is [name] and I am [age] years old. I like [verb or noun] and my favorite [holiday / sport / game / food to make] is [name of the holiday / sport / game / food]. Next, instruct students to glue, or draw, their picture on the box.

Pair students up. Have them share what they have written with their partner. Then, invite some students to read it to the whole class. Materials: 3 × 4 photo of students.

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2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 5


20/04/2022 15:12:01

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Listening And Speaking

O for Otávio...octopus...?

Name the letters of the alphabet;

Associate phonemes and graphemes;

Name the parts of a bar graph;

Make a bar graph;

Interpret data from a bar graph.

Q for Quitéria…queen…? R for Rafael…ruler…? S for Samuel…scissors…? T for Tati…tiger…? U for Ursula…umbrella…? V for Vanessa…vampire…? W for Will…window…? X for Xavier…X-ray…?

Question 01

Y for Yara…yellow…?

Choose a few names that share the same initial in

Z for Zoey…zebra…?

your class and write them on the board. Ask students: •

Now you know different words for every letter. Good Job! See you next time!

What do all these names have in common? (They all begin with the letter…) Tell students they will watch a video about the

letters of the alphabet. For each letter, they will hear two words and see two pictures. Pause the video after

Question 02 Ask students to look at bottom row of the graph.

the second picture of each letter and have students


say a word or a name beginning with that letter. Write their words / names on the board. Teach students the

What do you see? (The alphabet)

following sentence frame:

What do you read on the label? (Letters of the

[Letter] for [name or word]. Scan the QR Code to play the video.

alphabet) •

Which letters are missing? (A, E, G, H, I, J, K, O, Q, R, U, W) These are the letters Brazilian students most

frequently mispronounce. Model and practice their pronunciation as needed. Associate the letters with high Audio Script Hello! Are you ready for a challenge? Can you say one word for each letter of the alphabet? Here we go!

frequency words, creating chunks such as: •

Use the words elicited from students in question 01. If necessary, play the video one more time.

A for Ana…apple…? B for Beatriz…backpack…? C for Christina…crayon…? D for Daniel…doll…?

Practice the pronunciation of the entire alphabet with the class. Repeat this exercise if needed.

Question 03 Elicit the numbers on the first column of the grid.

E for Eric…eraser…? F for Felipe…fork…?


G for Gustavo…game…?

H for Helena…hippo…? I for Isabela…iceberg…? J for João…juice…? K for Karen…kitchen…? L for Luís…lollipop…? M for Manu...mirror...? N for Nathália...notebook...?


A for apple, E for egg, G for glue, etc.,

What do you read on the label? (Number of students) Show students the title of the template: “Our

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

P for Paulo...pencil case…?

Learning outcomes:

initials”. Encourage them to guess what those letters and numbers represent and what that template will be used for. Explain that you will make a bar graph about the initials of students in the class. Tell them that, first, you’ll need to collect data about the students’ names.

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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Letter A: Ana, Alberto, Amanda

Letter B: Beatriz, Bruno, Bernardo

Say each letter of the alphabet and make sure that all students have written their names. In case a student is absent, you may ask the class about them and ask for a volunteer to write their name. Show students pictures of bar graphs, including the one on question 05, and ask: •

How can we turn the data we collected into a bar graph like this one?

Encourage them to share their ideas. Welcome all suggestions and prompt them to think a little deeper if necessary. Help them realize that the bars of the graph will be formed from the correlation between the two sides of the template: letters of the alphabet (column) and number of students (row). Invite some volunteers to help you count the number of names written under each letter on the board. Ask students questions such as: •

So, how many names beginning with [letter] in this class?

How can we represent that in the graph? (By coloring the corresponding number of squares in that row.)

If necessary, demonstrate how to color the squares on the board. Have students color the squares in their books, preferably alternating colors. That will make it easier to read the graph later. Repeat the process until they have checked the results for all the letters. Ask: •

What does this graph tell us about the initials in our class?

Elicit a few ideas to motivate students to figure out how to read a bar graph. Ask: •

Are there any columns (letters) without a bar? What does that tell us? (That there are no students whose names begin with that letter.)

Which is the longest bar? What does that tell us? (That’s the most common initial in this class.)

Which is the shortest bar? What does that tell us? (That’s the least common initial among students.)

Question 04 Invite volunteers to read the instructions. Check answers with the whole class. On exercise D, choose a letter that is neither the most nor the least common in your class. Have students complete the sentence with that letter. Elicit answers. Answers will vary.

Tell students to look closely at the bar graph. Read the information from each box slowly. Provide them with any emergent language in English. Call their attention to the words in bold.

Question 06

Ask students what other types of information can be represented in bar graphs. Some possible answers: preferences of a group (favorite color, animal, sport, etc.), characteristics of people in a group (age, height, shoe size, hair color, etc.)

Divide the class into four or five groups and tell them that they are now going to create their own bar graph. Elicit from each group what kind of information they would like to ask their classmates about. At this stage of their learning, students are likely to still use L1. Accept their contributions and write the English equivalent on the board. Model the pronunciation of the new vocabulary with the class. If students have any difficulty creating themes for the bar graph, you can assign specific themes to each group. For example: favorite color, favorite sport, favorite food, favorite class, etc.

Divide the board into four or five columns (according to the number of groups) and write down the themes chosen. Explain to students that each group will need to come up with four possible answers to their themes. Call one group at a time and ask what their possible answers will be. You may help them think of different options if needed. Write the different categories for each topic on the board as well. For example: GROUP 1 FAVORITE COLOR




















Instruct each group to write their theme’s categories on the first line of their bar graph. Make sure students understand and fill in their graphs correctly. Then, tell each group that they need to come up with a title for their bar graph. Give them a few minutes to discuss their ideas and then write the title on the board. At this point, students can also use L1. Accept their ideas and write the English equivalent on the board. Model and practice pronunciation of any new vocabulary with students. Ask them to write the title of their chart in the space reserved.

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කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Question 05

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Write the letters of the alphabet on the board and explain that each time you call a letter, students whose names have that initial should come to the front of the class and write their names on the board below the specific letter. For example:


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What is your favorite sport / color / food / subject?

My favorite… is…

Tell students that for each classmate, a different member of the group should ask the question so that everyone has a chance to speak, and that all members should color one square in the corresponding column for each answer they get. Instruct them to always color from the bottom up. After the first group has done their survey, repeat the process with the other groups. Draw students’ attention to the fact that the graph in their books is already numbered from 1 to 10, but if necessary, they can add more numbers to register their classmates preferences. When all groups are finished, invite each group to come forward and present their bar graph. They should read the title and tell others what the graph shows. For example: •

Our graph shows that our favorite fruit / color / subject / sport is…

Our graph shows that [number] students prefer…

Thank the groups for submitting the results of their research.

Inside The Text Learning outcomes: •

Understand a story with the support of pictures;

Identify setting, characters, problem, main events, and solution in a story.

Pre-reading Question 01 Encourage students to observe the three pictures in detail, focusing especially on the girl with red hair. Tell students that her name is Beth. Invite some volunteers to describe each picture. Prompt them and provide any emergent language in English if necessary. Write key language that they produce about the pictures on the board. Possible answers:



Beth is all by herself. She’s sad / quiet / shy.


A boy, a girl, and Beth are walking in the playground.


The children are greeting the girl.

Encourage students to concentrate on Beth’s facial expression in each picture to make assumptions about how she is feeling. Ask them to imagine why she is feeling that way in each picture. Teach them the following sentence frame: •

She’s [quiet / happy / sad / scared / etc.] because…

Welcome all students’ ideas and write the different feelings they mention on the board.

Question 03 Tell students to pick up a colored pencil and tick the picture in which Beth looks happy. Answer: Picture 3

Question 04 Tell students that the pictures are scenes from a story they will read. Ask them in what order they think the events form the pictures happen in the story. Ask them to number from 1 to 3. After reading the story, come back to this exercise and tell them to check if they were right.

Question 05 Ask students to think about their very first day of school this year. Read the question, show them the answer box with the sentence frame and the illustrated feelings below the box. Invite some students to share how they usually feel on the first day of school. Tell them to complete the sentence with one of the feelings. If they come up with a feeling that is not in the book, provide them with the English word for that. Tell students that they will play a very fun game about feelings. If you have the necessary resources available, ask students to scan the QR Code and give them a few minutes to explore the game on their own. If not, access the game yourself and explore it together with the class. Instruct students to access the game at home and explore it with their families. Scan the QR Code to see how the game works.


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Question 02

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

After that, tell students that it’s time to conduct a survey to fill their graphs with the results. Ask group 1 to take their books, choose four colored pencil (one for each column) and ask their classmates from other groups what their preferences are. Model and practice the following prompts:

Question 01 Tell students they will learn more about Beth now. Allow them about 2 minutes to look at the story pictures. Tell them to use the pictures to imagine what is going on and what the children are talking about. They shouldn’t share their ideas yet.

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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Answers: 3

Beneath the surface

Read the story with students one more time calling their attention to the expressions and feelings the kids are showing. Repeat the give me five technique. Observe if their feedback has changed. If necessary, read the story again.

Jumping rope Soccer Hide and seek Hula-hoop Hopscotch





Imagens: Getty Images

Assess students’ comprehension by asking them for feedback. Teach them the give me five technique. If they have understood the whole story, they should show you five fingers; most of it, four fingers; a little more than half, three fingers; very little, two fingers; nothing at all, one finger. If possible, take notes of students who claim to have understood very little or nothing at all, so you can follow up on them.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ask students: •

Who are the children in the story? (Beth, Harry, Alice, Will, Emma, Maya, and Lucas)

Why is Beth sad in the beginning of the story? (She’s a new student who doesn’t have any friends.)

Why is she happy at the end? (Alice and Harry help her by introducing her to some other students. They all welcome Beth and invite her to play.)

Question 02 Read the instructions. Make it clear that a title usually brings a general idea of what the story is about. Elicit some ideas. If necessary, have students vote on their favorite title. Some possibilities:

Beneath the surface If you deem possible and valid, go back to the story and ask different volunteers to read the lines of each character. After that, divide the class into groups and organize role-playing the story. Give the groups the challenge to come up with a different game at the end.

After reading

The new student

Question 01

Beth’s first day of school

Beth and her new friends

Show students the diagram. Explain that this diagram helps identify the most important elements in a story. Go through the parts of the diagram with them. Explore the images eliciting what each one means. For example, ask students what they can see in the first image and what it represents in a story. Guide them to realize that the image shows different places and locations and that those are the setting for a story. Repeat the same process with all the images.

Have students copy the title onto their book.

Question 03 Read the instructions one by one. Elicit the color of each command. Tell students to pick up colored pencils of those four colors: blue, pink, orange, and purple. Guide them through the process of finding and underlining the information in the story.

Question 04 Tell students to look for the information they underlined in purple, which refer to the games kids like to play. Elicit the names of the games. Refer them to the box. Have students read the words out loud.

Next, explain that they will talk to a partner about the story they have read, exchanging ideas about everything they have understood concerning those five elements: the setting, the characters, the problem, the events, and the solution. Pair students up. Give them 5 to 8 minutes to exchange ideas. Walk around. Help and monitor the pairs as needed.

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කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Ask if those are the same games from the story or different ones. Encourage them to find those games in the pictures and number them 1 to 5.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Explain that you will read the story with them. Remind them of the finger reading technique. They should follow the lines of the text using their index finger. That will prevent them from getting lost while listening to the story. Demonstrate using your book.


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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Language In Context

Ask students to help you complete four parts of the

Learning outcomes:

diagram with information about the story (setting,

Understand and answer yes or no questions.

Identify information in oral texts.

characters, problem, solution). They should complete the missing information in their books. The events should be explored orally only with the whole class. Answers:

Question 01

Setting: school playground

Characters: Beth, Harry, Alice, Will, Emma, Maya,

Remind students of the kids from the “Get In” section. If necessary, have them go back to page 6 to remember who they are as well as their names. Play the audio once.

and Lucas. •

Problem: Beth is a new student. She doesn’t have

any friends.

Question 02


Explain that they will listen to the kids talking about themselves again, and that you will pause after each kid. Then, they will read a statement about the audio and answer a question about themselves, using a short answer.


Harry and Alice decide to speak to the girl who is alone in the playground.


Beth says she’s not happy because she doesn’t have any friends.


Harry and Alice decide to help. Beth follows them.


Harry and Alice introduce Beth to the other children.

5) •

The kids welcome Beth.

Solution: Emma and Will invite Beth to play with them. Beth feels happy.

Beneath the surface Ask students some follow-up questions to foster critical thinking and promote SEL (social and emotional learning): •

Why is Beth all alone in the beginning of the story? (She’s a new student and she doesn’t have any friends.)

Have you ever been in a situation like that? How did you feel? What did you decide to do? Did anyone help you? How? How did it make you feel?

How have Harry and Alice helped Beth? (They decided to talk to her and introduced her to other friends.)

Have you ever helped anyone who was in a situation like that at school, at a party, maybe in a hotel during a trip? How did you help? Why did you help? How do you feel when you help someone?

Guide students through this discussion to help them realize that helping people is not only good for the person in need, but it also makes us feel good about ourselves.


Play the audio. Pause after Sarah’s part. Read the statement and the question in the book. Do exercise A with the whole class. Elicit the two possible answers and write them on the board: •

Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

Tell students to complete the short answers and tick the one that is true for them. Repeat the other three statements / questions. Ask volunteers to share their answers.

Question 03 Show students the table and explain that they will complete it with information about themselves. In the first column, they should complete the two “Are you…?” questions. Elicit some ideas of what they would like to answer about and write them on the board. For example: •

Are you a new student?

Are you an older sister / brother?

Are you 7 years old?

Tell each student to choose two questions they would like to answer: one to which their answer is “yes” and one to which their answer is “no”. Next, they should complete the questions in the table. Show students the affirmative and negative columns and their symbols. Elicit what the two words mean (yes and no answers). Elicit the short answers for the “Are you…?” questions again. Ask students which one is the affirmative form (Yes, I am.) and which one is the negative form (No, I’m not.) Tell them to copy those into the slots and circle the answers that are true for them.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

they have discussed. Use the diagram as a reference.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

When time is up, invite some pairs to share what

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Answers: •

Game On

I am a super-hero. I am 17 years old, I’m funny and my suit is red and blue. – Spider-man (Spiderman)

I am brave and I like adventures. I am from an island in the Pacific Ocean. My hair is black and wavy. – Moana (Moana)

I am from Colombia and a have a big magical family. I am happy and friendly. I wear glasses. Mirabel (Encanto)

I am a super-hero, and I am a king. I am brave and I always wear black. – Black Panther (Black Panther)

I wear glasses, and I have two sisters. I am smart and responsible. My hair is brown and straight. – Margô (Despicable me)

I am smart, and I am a warrior from another planet. I am short and green. – Yoda (Star wars)

I am brave and I like adventures. I am an astronaut. My friend is a cowboy. – Buzz Ligthyear (Toy story)

I am a princess. I am brave and I like challenges. My hair is red and curly. – Merida (Brave)

Learning outcomes: •

Interview a partner using short and familiar questions

Answer short and familiar questions.

Question 01 Ask students to read through the characters’ profiles silently. Ask them if they know what the texts are about and if they recognize any of the vocabulary used. Then, read it out loud yourself, slowly, giving students the opportunity to access the proper pronunciation of the words in it. Explore each profile individually with students. Call their attention to the type of information that is being shared: appearance (such as hair color), personality traits, occupations, and interests. Write key information from each profile on the board. You may also ask students to underline the information on their books. For example: •

1st profile: super-hero – funny – 17 years old – red and blue suit.

3rd profile: Colombia – magical family – happy – glasses.

Encourage students to guess who each character is by asking questions. For example: •

What super-heroes do you know?

What super-hero wears red and blue?

What character do you know that has a magical family?

What character do you know that wears glasses?

Write their guesses on the board, but do not confirm if they’re right just yet. Tell students to go to the appendix where they will find pictures of the characters. Have them cut out all the pictures.

Question 02

Question 03

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Invite some students to share. Borrow the student’s book and read the question they have written, so they can answer it.

Ask students if they have ever played “Guess who”. If so, ask them to explain how the game works. In case the game is new to them, explain how it works. Ask students to form pairs, or trios depending on the number of students, and tell them that they will play the game using the characters in their book. Each student should choose one of the characters to be their “secret identity” and, in pairs, take turns asking each other questions in order to find out who their partner chose to be. Instruct students to read the profile of their characters and carefully observe their picture so they can be familiar with all their characteristics. Refer students to the sample questions that they can use to find out each other’s secret identity. Clarify meaning if necessary. Demonstrate how they can substitute parts of the question to make new questions. Call their attention to the fact that these are all “Are you…?” questions. Emphasize that only yes or no questions are allowed in this game. Elicit the two possible answers they can give:

Refer them to one profile at a time and elicit the name of the character. Ask students:

Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

What makes you think so? What is the evidence?

Have them tell you which pieces of information they have used as evidence to support their answers. Then, tell them to glue the card on the write profile. Repeat with all of them.

Demonstrate the game with a volunteer. Have the student choose a character secretly. Ask some of the questions till you guess their secret identity. Pair students up to play the game. Walk around. Help and monitor as needed.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 11

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$


20/04/2022 15:12:24

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

On the Media

Audio Script we don’t like. What does Clarisse like?

Expand the understanding of the subject seen

Clarisse: I like books, I like games, I don’t like

in class through the appreciation of different

soccer, I like my school, I like apples, I don’t like


strawberries. Narrator: What does Igor like?

Read the text about the movie. Inside out, a 2015

Igor: I like my school, I don’t like jumping rope,

animated movie that talks about our different feelings

I like biking, I like watching TV, I like swimming,

and emotions and how they impact our lives. If possible,

I don’t like drawing.

watch the trailer with students and recommend that

Narrator: What does Yuri like?

they watch the full movie with their families.

Yuri: I like painting, I like hopscotch, I don’t like biking, I like chocolate cake, I don’t like watching

Listening And Speaking

TV, I like soccer. Narrator: What does Isadora like?

Learning outcomes: •

Talk about likes and dislikes.

Create and present a visual board about

Isadora: I like dogs, I don’t like drawing, I like dancing, I like books, I like singing, I don’t like swimming.


Narrator: What about you? What are the things you like? And what are the things you don’t?

Question 01 Tell students they will watch a video with the

Question 03

Bernoulli family. Tell them to concentrate on the

Tell students they will create a visual board about

following question:

themselves (their main likes and dislikes) like the ones

they have seen in their book.

What are the kids talking about? (Likes and dislikes) Scan the QR Code and play the video once.

Hand out large sheets of paper to each student. If possible, provide them with magazines too, so they can combine drawings and cutouts. Explain that they should choose between 6 and 8 elements for their visual board. They must include likes and dislikes. They can indicate those by using a color code (like in question 02) or by creating their own

Question 02 Read the instructions. Elicit what the green and red labels mean. Ask students to pick up a green and a red pencil. Next, show students the boards for each one of the characters. Explore the images and the vocabulary with students. Ask volunteers to name the images in each board. Introduce new vocabulary if necessary and practice pronunciation. Explain to students that they will watch each character’s snippet again and they should color the labels next to the pictures green (if the character likes it) or red (if the character doesn’t like it). Pause after each sentence so students have enough time to find the corresponding box and color it. Check answers with the whole class.


codes to represent like and don’t like. They may even divide their sheets into “Like” and “Don’t like” columns. They should also try and write key words for those elements. Provide them with any emergent language in English. Remind them to write their name clearly on the visual board. Set a time limit for the activity. Walk around. Help and monitor as needed.

Question 04 Invite students to present their visual boards. Have

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Narrator: We all have things we like and things

Learning outcomes:

them use the following sentence starters: •

I like…

I don’t like… Invite students to help you display their work

around the classroom.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 12

20/04/2022 15:12:24

Learning outcomes: •

Role-play simple and familiar situations.

Write a personal profile.

Distinguish between what they have in common with their classmates and what they don’t.

In this activity, students will make use of assorted materials. Gather all kinds of materials in advance. You can request them at school or ask families to provide them in advance.

Question 01 Ask a volunteer to read the profile in the box. Elicit what kind of characteristics are in bold (hair color, hair type, and personality).

Question 02 Show students the chart. Explain that it is an avatar game studio. Ask if they know what an avatar is. If so, ask them to explain. If not, tell them that it is an image that represents the player in video games. Show students that the chart is not complete. There are two main categories (appearance and personality). And under the appearance category there are four subcategories: hair color, hair type, eye color, height. Check if students understand all of them. Then, one category at a time, refer students to the pictures / colors and elicit the missing words. Every word missing from the studio was mentioned in the “Game On” profiles. Challenge students to go back to the profiles and, based on the images and texts, find the missing words. Write them on the board so they can copy the write spelling. Tell students that they can also create a new hair and eye color by coloring the blank figures any color they want. Answers: •

Personality: happy, brave, friendly, intelligent, shy, funny.

Hair color: blond, red, brown, black.

Hair type: straight, curly, wavy.

Eye color: green, ble, brown, black.

Height: tall, short.

Once students have completed the chart, have them tick or circle their own characteristics.

Question 03 Once students have completed the chart, tell them they will now begin to plan their own avatar. First, have them tick their own characteristics on the studio.

Then, they should draw a simple sketch of their avatar (what they want it to look like) and write some key characteristics around it. They can refer to the chart while writing the words. Allow them to get creative. In case they would like to add a little fantasy to their avatars, it is fine. Set a time limit for this activity.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Have students use the characteristics they have written around the sketch to write a profile for their avatar. They can use the profiles in the “Game On” section as a reference or you can write a model for them on the board. Walk around. Help and monitor as needed.

Next, tell students they will build a model of their avatar. Make different types of materials available (for example: recyclables, plastic scraps, plastic bottles, bottle caps, colored paper scraps, wool, cardboard rolls, cardboard paper, colored glue, paint, buttons, pieces of fabric, etc.) and encourage students to use their creativity to make a 3D model of their avatar. Walk around. Help and monitor as needed. Once the 3D avatars are ready, invite students to introduce them to the class. They can read the profile they have written.

If possible, arrange for avatars to be displayed in the classroom. They will work as a visual reminder of what your class looks like and can be used at any time in pair work activities, role-plays, as game counters, etc.

Freediving Make a self-portrait shadow box This activity is based on a project done by Meri Cherry. Scan the QR Code to find more information about it. Preparation: A few days before this lesson, send families a notice asking them to send a cardboard box (approximately A4 size) and a large black and white head shot of their child (about the same size of the box or a little smaller) for a project. Students’ work will be used to make a class mural named “This is us”. Plan where and how the self-portrait shadow boxes and students’ profiles can be displayed in the classroom. Some possibilities: using reusable adhesive or hanging work on clotheslines. You may need to adapt this activity according to the materials you have available. We suggest you do the painting on one day and the rest on a different day, so the frames will have enough time to dry. Before class: Use a box cutter to cut a hole on each box. The hole should be smaller than the photo.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 13

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$


20/04/2022 15:12:24

Step 1: Show students the boxes and explain that they will turn them into frames for a self-portrait they will make soon. Divide students into small groups of 3 to 4 and hand each group a set of paints, paintbrushes, water, and paper towel. Encourage students to experiment mixing the primary colors on the inside of the box, so they can design their own new colors for the frame. Walk around. Help and monitor as needed. Show students where to leave their frames to dry. Engage everyone in clean-up time. Step 2: Students will design their self-portrait. Hand out the photos and a transparency sheet to each student. Tell them to place the photo under the transparency. Walk around and help them tape the transparency / photo set to the table, so it won’t move. Tell students to look at their photos (or faces) slowly and attentively, observing all the shapes and lines they can see on their faces. Next, tell them to use their index finger, without touching the transparency, to try and trace a self-portrait in the air. Explain that they will be given permanent markers to draw their self-portrait on the transparency. Make it very clear that they can’t be rubbed off. That means they will have to think before drawing and just be OK with the results. Explain that you are not looking for perfection, but you are looking for unique works of art. Hand out permanent markers. Walk around. Help and monitor as needed. Step 3: Pick up a box and demonstrate how students should glue the photo inside it. It should be centered behind the cutout. Help if necessary. Step 4: Walk around the classroom. Place the transparency over the cutout and tape it with clear tape. Ask students to help you set up a beautiful class mural using their self-portraits and personal profiles. Place the large poster that reads “This is us” on top of the mural. Check that students understand the name of the mural. Invite them to walk around and look closely at their work, as if they were in an art gallery. To finish the lesson, ask students for feedback on the activity. Ask: •

What did you enjoy about making these self-portraits and the mural? Why?

Was there anything that you didn’t enjoy? Why?

When you look at the whole mural, how do you feel about it?

What does it say about our class?

Finish by emphasizing that the mural represents their identity as a class (that’s why the portraits are all close together), but it also represents their unique identities as individuals with their own characteristics, personalities, preferences, and skills. Each one of them is important in this class as an individual, but the class can only grow strong and happy if everyone works together as a team.

Listening And Speaking Learning outcomes: •

Reflect about their identity as a class.

Distinguish between positive attitudes and inappropriate ones.

Question 01 Allow students about 3-4 minutes to look at the pictures attentively and try to figure out what is going on in each one. Pair students up and encourage them to share their ideas with their partner. Then, invite some pairs to share what they think is happening in each situation as well as what they think about that. Write key words on the board. Provide students with any emergent language in English necessary.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Materials: a large poster written “This is us”, black and white photos of each student, one cardboard box per student (approximately A4 size), one sheet of transparency paper per student, one permanent marker per student, one paintbrush per student, paint (yellow, red, and blue), water-filled containers, paper towel, a box cutter, glue, clear tape.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Questions 02 and 03 Tell students to listen to the audio and find the corresponding pictures. They should put a tick on all the situations they hear. Scan the QR Code and play the audio as many times as needed. You may pause after every sentence and explore the vocabulary used.


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 14

20/04/2022 15:12:24

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ Check answers with the whole class.

Hi, guys! Do you like going to school? Because I do! And let me tell you why. At school, we can listen to our teacher and learn new things. We can visit the library and read different books. We can do interesting experiments. We can work together. We can eat lunch with our friends. And we can have a lot of fun! That’s why I love going to school and I hope you love it too.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Audio Script

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Imagens: Getty Images


Question 04 Challenge students to compare the pictures with a tick and the ones without it. How are they different? Help them realize that the ones with a tick show positive attitudes / actions and the ones without it show inappropriate / disrespectful attitudes. Ask them to explain why those attitudes are inappropriate / disrespectful.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EF2_V1_BIL_MP.indd 15


20/04/2022 15:13:19

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Play mimics

Dive deeper Scan the QR Codes to read more about positive values and be prepared to guide students through this subject.

Invite six pairs of students to mime one of the six attitudes on the page. The other students should guess the attitude. They can refer to their books to remember the sentences. Prompt them if necessary.

Question 05 Divide students into pairs, or trios depending on the number of students. Read the questions. Elicit a few ideas. Explain to students that they should think of examples that are different from the ones they saw in the pictures. In case any student uses L1, accept their contribution and write the English equivalent on the board. It’s important to help students with any emergent language necessary and practice the pronunciation of new vocabulary. Tell students to think deeply about things that are OK to do at school and things that are not. Next, they should draw a picture that represents their ideas.

Question 06 Tell students that they should now present their drawings to the class. Invite each pair, one at a time, to share their pictures with the class. Model and practice the prompts given: •

At school, we can…

At school we can’t…

Help students to use these prompts and complete them with the actions they have drawn. Provide any emergent language in English necessary.

Critical Thinking Learning outcomes: •

Distinguish between positive attitudes and inappropriate ones.

Reflect about their values as a class.

Create a list of values for their class.

If time allows, play the following video to students. It’s an animation that approaches the same subject explored in this unit.

Question 02 Scan the QR Code, play the video about values and ask students their thoughts. Ask them what they saw in the video, if they were good or bad actions, and if they have ever done anything like it. Explore this subject with students. Play the video again. Audio Script Hi, guys! Do you know what Values are? A value is the same as doing the right thing and trying our best! Here are some examples of values you can practice every day: •

Caring: Caring is being kind and loving to the people around you.

Sharing: Sharing is knowing that everything is better together.

Respect: Respect is being polite, considerate and treating others with kindness.

Cooperation: Cooperation is knowing how to work together.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about values. See you next time!

Question 03 Question 01 Write the word “value” on the board. Ask students: •

What is a value?

Accept all students’ contributions and write key words on the board. Lead students to the conclusion that values are what help us choose between right and wrong.


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Beneath the surface

If we cultivate good values, we are able to do good things.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Encourage them to tell you when and why those situations happen and how people feel when they are in those situations. Tell students to put a cross on those pictures.

Ask a volunteer to read the words in the box. Then, read them aloud yourself to ensure the correct pronunciation. Explain to students that they are supposed to label each image with one of those words. Explore the images with students. Invite some volunteers to describe each picture.

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20/04/2022 15:13:19

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ Students spend many hours at school, together

Check the answers with the whole class.

with their teachers and classmates. Sometimes they





Question 04 Read the question. Ask students for other examples of actions that display caring, sharing, respect and cooperation. Write their contributions on the board. Provide any emergent language in English.

Question 05

spend more time with classmates than with siblings and parents. That is one of the reasons why Young Learner teachers do a lot more than just teaching content. They

help build positive learning environments and a sense of

community in their classrooms, so students can feel a sense of security, belonging and significance. Thus, we

can say the school is a second home to many children. The book Our class is a family is a wonderful

resource to help build and strengthen that sense of community in the classroom. It teaches children that

the classroom is a safe environment where they are

Tell students that they will turn their examples into a classroom display. Divide students into four groups. Each group will be given one of the four values explored.

free to be who they are, to try and make mistakes and

Hand out sheets of paper (one for each student) and explain that they should represent, through drawing, collages or painting (according to the materials you have available) the value of their group. They may use the actions listed on the board or think of new ones. Walk around and help as needed.

who accept you for who you are. The ones who would

After all students have finished, ask them to help you organize their work in one big display.

Exam Prep

Hang the poster on the wall and ask students why it is important to have clear values and stick to them (to have a positive classroom environment, to build trust, to build respectful relationships, to thrive, etc.)

where friendship is a very important value.

“Family isn’t always your relatives. It’s the ones do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.” – Unknown

Encourage students to scan the QR code at home and enjoy the read aloud of the story.

Learning outcomes: •

proficiency exams activities. •

Game On Learning outcomes: •

Familiarize with the format of international Practice the following skills: listening for names and descriptions; producing vocabulary at single-item level, with the support of visuals and scrambled letters.

Predict situations by observing pictures.

Listening Question 01

Question 01

Teach students the phrases “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” as well as the synonyms “OK” and “not OK”. Explain that they will see pictures of situations that happen often among children. If they think the pictures show positive attitudes, they should hit “thumbs up”. On the other hand, if it shows inappropriate ones, they should hit “thumbs down”.

This task is based on the Cambridge A1 Movers Listening part 1. Students look at the picture and pay particular attention to what the people in the picture are doing as well as their position in the picture, their physical characteristics, the color of their clothes, and any objects they are holding / carrying / using. They should also read the names above and below the picture to make sure they know how they are pronounced. Then, students listen to a dialog between two people and draw lines from the names to the correct person in the picture. Make sure to tell them that they will hear the whole audio twice. Suggest that they draw the lines the first time they hear it and check their answers as they listen a second time. Scan the QR Code and play the audio.

On The Media Learning outcomes: •

Expand the understanding of the subject seen in class through the appreciation of different media.

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කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක



20/04/2022 15:13:20

Narrator: Look at the picture. Look and listen. There is one example. Gabriela: Look, Beth, this is a photo of me and my friends in the classroom last year, in Grade 1.

How did find out that this was [Paul]?

Beth: Oh yes! I can see Emma writing on the board.

This kind of practice is very important to help students focus on evidence every time they do textbased tasks, such as this one, be it oral or written texts.

Gabriela: That’s right. Emma loves writing.




Kim is dancing. She’s near the window.


Jane is singing. She wears glasses.


Will is painting a picture.

Narrator: One.


Nick is drawing. He’s on a wheelchair.

Beth: Who’s the girl dancing?


Paul is reading a book.

Gabriela: The one near the window? That’s Kim. She’s very funny!


Alice is listening to music.

Narrator: Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and draw lines. PAUSE

PAUSE Narrator: Two.

Reading and Writing

Beth: How about the girl who’s wearing glasses?

Question 02

Gabriela: The one holding a ruler? That’s Jane. She’s pretending that the ruler is a microphone. She’s singing.

Reading and Writing part 3 with an added challenge.

Beth: I like singing too. But only at home.

left and at the jumbled letters on the right. Between

Gabriela: Me too!

the picture and the jumbled letters, they will find PAUSE

Narrator: Three. Beth: And is that Will painting a picture? Gabriela: That’s right. PAUSE Narrator: Four. Gabriela: And the boy on a wheelchair is Nick. He’s drawing. He loves drawing. Beth: Me too!

This task is based on the Cambridge Pre-A1 Movers Students should look carefully at the pictures on the

dashes. They indicate the number of letters in the word. Students should pay particular attention to what the picture shows and make sure to use all the letters given. Whereas the original exam task only uses single-item answers and pictures of objects, in this variation students will see people performing actions and unscramble the letters to write the corresponding verbs or verb phrases. Answer: 1.

playing soccer

Narrator: Five:


jumping rope

Gabriela: I love reading! Can you see the boy reading a book?





Beth: Yes, I can. What’s his name?


reading a book


listening to music


Gabriela: That’s Paul. PAUSE Narrator: Six. Gabriela: Look at the girl listening to music. Do you recognize her? Beth: I do! That’s Alice, right? Gabriela: That’s right. She loves it!


Once students are done, project the task on the board and correct answers with the whole class. Make sure to ask students to share evidence to support their answers by asking:

Once students are done, project the task on the board and correct answers with the whole class. Take advantage of this task to encourage students to look

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Audio script

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

for any spelling patterns or spelling challenges in the words given. This is also a good opportunity to foster phonemic awareness by working with the phoneme-


grapheme correspondence in the words. For example,

Narrator: Now listen again.

in this task all the words end in -ing. Show students what it sounds like.

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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B 2 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Self-Check Experiment with self-assesment.

Reflect about the work done in the unit.

Question 01 Tell students that this section aims at helping them reflect about their own learning throughout the unit. Teach them the word “self-assessment” and explain that this is when we evaluate our own progress. Emphasize the importance of being honest while answering the questions, even if their performance was not as good as expected. That is how they can start making progress towards doing a better job from now on. Explain the categories in the first column of the table and the three performance criteria: My performance is great (a little above standard), My performance is good, but I can improve (at standard), My performance is not so good, I need help (below standard). Tell students to think carefully about each category and cross out the image under their corresponding performance criteria. Invite students to share any “I need help” that they may have answered and encourage them to explain why they think they need help. If they mention something quite punctual, take advantage of this moment to revise / reinforce the structure / function. If it is something that requires more time, write it down so you can come back to it in the next few lessons.

Question 02 Have students read the first phrase, “My favorite activity”, and remember which activity they have enjoyed the most in the chapter. They should then draw a picture representing the activity. Next, have students read the second phrase, “This is how I help my class”, and think about one specific way they believe they help their class. For example: listening to others, raising hand to speak, waiting for their turn,

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Learning outcomes:

speaking quietly, picking up trash, helping classmates, etc. They should draw a picture representing that. Invite some students to share both their pictures with the class. Teach them to use “Me too” to agree and “Not me” to disagree with their classmates’ ideas.

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22/04/2022 15:11:41

Scope and sequence – Overview

Dive.b – Ensino Fundamental Anos Iniciais

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Anos Iniciais.indd 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE – OVERVIEW 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL – BOOK 1









Me and my family

• • • •

Personal information Family history Family habits and routines Family members

Science everywhere

• • • •

What is Science Scientific method Scientists Quantities: 0-10

Hygiene and routines

• • • •

Body parts and the five senses Hygiene and health Everyday habits Quantities: 0-20

Art all around

• • • •

Ideas and emotions Art and who we are Different art forms Artists Kids throughout history Toys and games: past and present Collections Patterns and sequences Wild animals Environment and habitats Preservation Quantities: 0-50

1 4





Kids in history

• • • •



Brazilian nature

• • • •



All day long

• Day and night • Parts of the day • What time is it?




• Technological evolution • Humanity's first tools • Technology today



Means of transportation


Languages and Literature

Fairy tales


Science and Geography

Sustainable Earth

• • • •

Going green Sustainability x waste Recycling Impacts on the planet




• • • •

Sightseeing Landscapes around the world Different peoples Kids and their schools

• Air, water, land • Directions • How do we get somewhere?

2 • Classic fairy tales • Fairy tales x real life • Common characters

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.


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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE – OVERVIEW 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL – BOOK 2 Chapter



History and Languages

Who we are



Animal life



Where we live

• • • •

Different neighborhoods Community Places around town Sights and landmarks



Being healthy

• • • •

Health Hygiene Eating habits Food pyramid


Language and Arts

Imagination and its wonders

• • • •

Different art forms Knowing different artists Exploring the imagination Fairy tales



Different places, different lives


History and Languages

Our history

• Families • Embracing differences • Hobbies, traditions, recipes

Science lab

• Materials • Recycling • Magnifying glass, microscope, telescope






Technology throughout time






The Sun and other stars



Life on Earth


Content • • • •

Identity Celebrating our differences Likes and dislikes Rights and responsibilities

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


• Pets, wild and farm animals • Taking care of animals • Endangered species

• Nationalities and cultures • Different customs • Tradition and heritage

• Technology in our lives • Benefits x problems • Past, present, and future technology • Characters • Children’s books • Tales, parodies, fables • Daytime routine • Nighttime routine • Telling the time • Living beings • Water, air, sun • Biodiversity

Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.

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Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Anos Iniciais.indd 3


22/04/2022 14:59:55

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE – OVERVIEW 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL – BOOK 3 Integration




Our planet




Math and Science

Our planet in space

Saving money and the planet


Content • Our planet's formation • Natural phenomena • The Earth's surface • • • • •

Planet Earth representations Earth from space The first astronauts The Moon Eclipses

• • • •

Financial literacy Money and currency Consumerism Sustainability and conscious consumption • The 3 Rs



Places around us

• • • • •

Natural landscapes Cultural landscapes Urbanization Historic cities Cities throughout time



History of professions

• • • •

Work throughout history Professions from the past From hunters to YouTubers Professions of today


Geography and Arts

Experiencing your surroundings

• • • • •

Five senses Sights, photography, paintings Sounds and music Movement: sports and dance Art around the city

• • • •

Going back in time Preserving memories Museums The evolution of cities and technologies



Historic heritage



Life and transformation

• • • •

Biological life cycles Plants and forests Forests around the world Wildlife



Community services

• • • •

Public services Health, education, and safety Problems and solutions Global goals


Languages and Literature

Reality x fantasy

• • • •

Fantastic worlds Mythical and real characters Heroes x villains Legends






Public spaces


• Different types of soil • Subterranean fauna and flora • Ancient and modern agriculture • Importance to society • Squares, parks, and beaches • Accessibility

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Anos Iniciais.indd 4

22/04/2022 14:59:55

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE – OVERVIEW 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL – BOOK 4 Integration




Life and balance

• Food chain • Predators and preys • Illegal hunting and habitat destruction • Extinct and endangered animals



How it all began

• • • •

The origin of humankind Cave paintings / carvings The Stone Age Measuring time

Reading maps

• • • • • •

Maps and cartography Cardinal points and compass Continents Brazilian borders Diversity Traditions and customs

The art world

• • • • •

Classic and modern Different ways of expression Great names of art From theater to blockbusters From classic painting to street art

• • • • •

Great navigations Mysteries of the sea Discovering new lands Different cultures Indigenous peoples










The age of discovery



The art of writing

• Poetry • Myths and folktales • Comics and graphic novels



Climate change today

• • • • •



Migrations and refugees

• • • •

Human migration Brazil has a world in it From one country to another From rural to urban cities

• • • • •

The things we use Feedstock and manufacturing Different types of materials The 6 Rs Sustainability



Today's products



The Information Era



Math in our lives



Healthy food

Planet Earth Atmosphere Greenhouse effect Climate change Global warming

• News • The press and the Internet • Communication tools evolution • Numbers all over • Numeral systems • Solving our problems • • • •

Food we eat Food preservatives Ingredients and recipes Organic x junk food

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Anos Iniciais.indd 5


22/04/2022 14:59:56

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE – OVERVIEW 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL – BOOK 5 Integration





Water and life

• • • • •



Our patrimony

• • • •

World heritage Natural patrimony Cultural patrimony World Wonders


Science and Geography

Weather forecast

• • • • •

Four seasons Weather Climate and climate change Global warming Natural and man-made disasters



The circle of life

• • • •

Life cycles Plants and animals Life stages Generations


The art and the world of today

• • • • •

Pop culture Pop music Art in the digital world Anime and manga Art and sustainability Solar System and its planets The Milky Way Galileo Galilei Nicolaus Copernicus Exploring space today



The origin of water Different states of water Water and life Oceans and rivers Pollution and preservation



Science and space

• • • • •


Geography and Science

Nature matters

• • • •

What's ecology? Brazilian ecosystems, fauna, and flora Endangered species Biodiversity and preservation



Food and health

• • • •

Eating well Nutrition Different eating habits Dietary restrictions


Languages and Arts

Reading and writing

• • • •

Intertextuality Literary influences Connected artforms Adaptations and parody



Health technology


• e-Health • The human body • Biomedicine and biotechnology


Geography and History

Civilizations throughout history

• • • • •


Languages and History

Taking a stand

• • • •

Cities in the past, present, and future The evolution of cities Modern cities: urban and rural Globalization Secure, sustainable, smart cities Human rights Great leaders and personalities Current movements Debates and speeches

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Anos Iniciais.indd 6

22/04/2022 14:59:56



2022_EF2_V1_BIL_BOOK.indb 7

18/04/2022 12:18:14

Capa_DiveB_EF.indd 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

06/04/2022 17:40:38

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