Coleção Bernoulli Bilíngue | Educação Infantil (Manual)

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Teacher’s Guide

Dive.b | 3 | Volume 1

2022_EI5_V1_BIL_MP.indd 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

22/04/2022 15:58:22

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

In this unit, children learn to: •

understand and name wild animals;

understand about the eating habits of wild animals;

understand the concepts: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores;

sort wild animals according to their eating habits;

sort wild animals according to: color, size, patterns / textures;

understand a story with the support of pictures and gestures;

retell a story with the support of pictures;

retell a story using finger puppets;

experiment with process-art.


O eu, o outro e o nós •

Agir de maneira independente, com confiança em suas capacidades, reconhecendo suas conquistas e limitações. (BNCC–EI03EO02)

Ampliar as relações interpessoais, desenvolvendo atitudes de participação e cooperação. (BNCC–EI03EO03)

Comunicar suas ideias e sentimentos a pessoas e grupos diversos. (BNCC–EI03EO04)

Corpo, gestos e movimentos •

Criar movimentos, gestos, olhares e mímicas em brincadeiras, jogos e atividades artísticas como dança, teatro e música. (BNCC–EI03CG03)

Demonstrar controle e adequação do uso de seu corpo em brincadeiras e jogos, escuta e reconto de histórias, atividades artísticas, entre outras possibilidades. (BNCC–EI03CG02)

Traços, sons, cores e formas •

Expressar–se livremente por meio de desenho, pintura, colagem, dobradura e escultura, criando produções bidimensionais e tridimensionais. (BNCC–EI03TS02)

Escuta, fala, pensamento e imaginação •

Identificar e criar diferentes sons e reconhecer rimas e aliterações em cantigas de roda e textos poéticos. (BNCC–EI02EF02)

Expressar ideias, desejos e sentimentos sobre suas vivências, por meio da linguagem oral e escrita (escrita espontânea), de fotos, desenhos e outras formas de expressão. (BNCC -EI03EF01)

Recontar histórias ouvidas e planejar coletivamente roteiros de vídeos e de encenações, definindo os contextos, os personagens, a estrutura da história. (BNCC–EI03EF04)

Produzir suas próprias histórias orais e escritas (escrita espontânea), em situações com função social significativa. (BNCC -EI03EF06)

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


Espaços, tempos, quantidades, relações e transformações •

Identificar e selecionar fontes de informações, para responder a questões sobre a natureza, seus fenômenos, sua conservação. (BNCC–EI03ET03)

Registrar observações, manipulações e medidas, usando múltiplas linguagens (desenho, registro por números ou escrita espontânea), em diferentes suportes. (BNCC–EI03ET04)


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EI5_V1_BIL_MP.indd 24

22/04/2022 15:58:22

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

In this lesson, children will: understand the concepts of “herbivore”, “carnivore” and “omnivore”; name and categorize wild animals according to their eating habits. New language: alligator, koala, ostrich, deer, capybara, jaguar, meat, plants, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore. Recycled language: elephant, bear, monkey, flamingo, I see… Materials: flashcards, realia (toy animals).

STEP BY STEP Animal eating habits Before starting this chapter, watch this short video for a definition of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores:

Wild animals greetings At the very beginning of the class, introduce yourself as if you had become a wild animal. For example: •

Hi! I’m teacher (Joana Souza). Today I’m a (giraffe). How about you?

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Encourage children to introduce themselves using their full names and then to choose how they would like to

greet you. This time, challenge children to come up with some wild animal-inspired greetings. You can show them some flashcards to make it easier for them to choose from. Provide them with any emergent language.

It is very important to incorporate this stage of the lesson as part of your routine. After a few classes, you

can invite students to greet each other instead of greeting you, challenge students to come up with their own creative greetings, etc.

Introduction of the topic

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


Display a toy elephant, a bear and a jaguar (or flashcards if realia is not available) in the classroom before children arrive. Challenge children to guess why you have brought these animals today. Next, elicit the names, colors and sizes of the animals. Ask them if it would be possible to have these animals as pets. Guide them through the process of figuring out that these are wild animals that we can sometimes see at the zoo but that actually live in the wild. Next, ask children where they think our energy comes from (food) and where animals get their energy from. Ask the ones who have pets to share what their pets normally eat. Ask them where zoo animals get their food from. Elicit how they thinks animals survive in the wild, where there is no one to feed them. Let them use their imagination and welcome their hypotheses.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EI5_V1_BIL_MP.indd 25


22/04/2022 15:58:24

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Book activity Help children to open their books and point to the pictures of the wild animals in the Venn diagram. Ask children: •

What animals do you see? Challenge children to tell you the names of the animals that they can see, using the chunk:

I see a / an (elephant, bear, jaguar).

This is also a good opportunity to elicit other animals that they remember from previous chapters, such as fish, cat, dog, bird, turtle, etc. Ask children if they know why the animals are separated into those circles: the elephant and the jaguar on the edges and the bear right in the middle. Elicit what types of food each animal eats. Guide them through the process of figuring out that the animals are sorted according to their eating habits. Ask children what other wild animals they think could be included in each group. Let them hypothesize freely. Draw a large Venn diagram on the board and stick the flashcards of the elephant, bear and jaguar in each part of the diagram. Tell children they will now add three more animals to each group in their books. Help children to find the animal stickers in the end of the book. For each animal, show them the corresponding flashcard and ask: •

What does a (zebra) eat? Plants, meat or both plants and meat?

Ok, so a (zebra) is a (herbivore) because it eats (plants).

Then, ask children to stick the animal in the designated area of their books for herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. Repeat the same exploration process for all the other animals. As you guide learners through the activity, ask volunteers to come to the board and stick the flashcards in the correct areas there as well.


Herbivores: koala, deer, capybara.

Carnivores: alligator, snake, fox.

Omnivores: monkey, flamingo, ostrich.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Visit the following page for a mini-science lesson that can be used to expand on the topic of animal eating habits.



඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Tell them animals can be categorized according to their eating habits. Teach them the words “herbivore”, “carnivore” and “omnivore”. Take some time to help them with the pronunciation. Then, ask them what kind of animals they are. Explain that humans are omnivores because we can eat both plants and meat.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Show them the flashcards of plants, meat and both (plants and meat) and challenge them to guess which of the three animals only eats plants, which only eats meat and which can eat both.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EI5_V1_BIL_MP.indd 26

22/04/2022 15:58:27

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

New language: cookie, panda, I’m a (zebra), I eat (plants). Recycled language: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, rabbit, elephant, lion, bear, kangaroo, monkey, zebra, flamingo, penguin, alligator. Materials: flashcards, realia (toy animals), loose parts, an empty cookie jar, a bag, colored pencils, crayons, markers, a set of mini-cards written “not me” and one mini-card with a picture of a cookie. You can do them manually or scan the QR Code for the printable props.

STEP BY STEP Sorting animals Before beginning this section, display the flashcards of all the animals introduced in the previous section plus the panda, penguin, kangaroo, and the rabbit on the floor. Ask children if they can help you sort the animals into three groups, according to their eating habits: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Show them each flashcard in turn and ask: •

What does a (zebra) eat? Plants, meat or both plants and meat?

Ok, so a (zebra) is a (herbivore) because it eats (plants). Then, ask them:

Which is of these animals can be a pet? (the rabbit).

“Who took the cookie?” Display all the flashcards on the board. Tell children they will see five of those animals in a video. After the video, they should tell you which of those animals they have seen. Show them an empty cookie jar and elicit what is it. Tell them there was one last cookie in the jar, but one of the animals in the video ate it and now they are all trying to find out who did. Play the video of the song “Who took the cookie?” Scan the QR Code to watch the video.

Game time

Tell children that you will play a game called “Who took the cookie?” Ask them to make a circle on the floor. Show them your bag and the two types of mini-cards: one written “not me” and one with a picture of a cookie in it. Explain that they will secretly take one mini-card from your bag, look at it and hide it from their classmates. Next, you will sing the song “Who took the cookie?” together and they will do like the animals in the video. They will “accuse” one of their classmates to have taken the cookie. If that child has got a “not me” mini-card, they will sing accordingly and nominate another child. The game goes on until they find out who has taken the cookie. That child should sing the kangaroo’s lines.

Book activity

Wrap up the activity by asking them to draw the story of the song in their books. Make colored pencils, crayons, markers and other materials available and allow their creativity to flow.

Animals and what they eat

On the next page, ask children to look at the pictures of the five animals from the song. Elicit the names of the animals. Ask them if they think those animals can eat cookies in the wild. Elicit the types of food that they can see and encourage them to think about what those animals eat. Ask: •

What does a (panda) eat? Plants, meat or both plants and meat?

Ok, a (panda) eats plants, so it is a (herbivore).

As they answer your questions, tell them to draw lines using different colors and match the animals to the type of food they eat.

Pretend play

Make the flashcards, toy animals and some loose parts available. Invite children to pretend they are one of those wild animals and that they are starving. Demonstrate with one child first. Ask: •

What animal are you?

How can you pretend to be this animal?

How will you move?

What kind of food do you eat?

How will you find the right food for you? Teach them to answer using the chunks:

I’m a (zebra). I eat (plants).

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

In this lesson, children will: sing a song about wild animals and talk about what they eat.

Then, tell children they will now learn how to sing the song and play a game. Play the video one more time, pausing at certain points to allow children time to replicate each part of the song.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Encourage them to pick up realia or loose parts that could represent their food. Repeat the same process with all the children.

Free play Ask children if they can remember the five animals that were in the video and which one took the cookie.

Tell children to imagine they are all together in the wild now, looking for food. Let them play freely for a while.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

• •

Sorting animals –

Herbivores: elephant, koala, capybara, deer, kangaroo, panda, rabbit.

Carnivores: jaguar, penguin, alligator, snake, fox.

Omnivores: bear, monkey, flamingo, ostrich.

Animals from the video: panda, rabbit, bear, penguin, kangaroo. The kangaroo took the cookie. Animals and what they eat –

Panda: bamboo.

Rabbit: vegetables (green leaves and carrot).

Kangaroo: plants in general (such as grass and leaves).

Penguin: meat (fish), krill (small crustaceans).

Brown bear: plants, berries, smaller mammals (illustrated by the red meat), honey, fish and bees.


LEARNING OUTCOMES In this lesson, children will: understand a story about animals, sequence a story, compare animals. New language: tusks, teeth, claws, knees, toes, nose, eyes, tongue, prickles, story chunks. Recycled language: mouse, fox, owl, snake. Materials: flashcards, realia (toy animals), loose parts, The Gruffalo shadow puppets, shadow theatre, a big flashlight or lamp, The Gruffalo book (or video). Scan the QR Codes to learn how to make a shadow theatre.


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Walk around and observe how children are interacting with each other, with the visuals and with the toys. Do not direct their play. Use this moment to interact with children in English and collect evidence of learning.

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson In case you do not have the book The Gruffalo, you can scan the QR Code to watch a video of it. Sing the “story time” chant. Make sure children are sitting comfortably to listen to the story and that all of them will be able to see your shadow theatre well. Make your room as dark as it can be. That will make your shadow story even more appealing.


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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Look! What is this? Let children try to guess. Turn on your flashlight

or lamp behind the shadow theatre and make shadows with your hands. Tell children they will now listen to a shadow story called The Gruffalo. In case you have the book, show them the cover. If not, project it on the board / wall and encourage them to make guesses about what the story is about. Tell the story using your shadow puppets. Give children space to share their initial thoughts on the story. Which parts they liked the most and why. Ask them comprehension questions such as: •

Who are the characters in the story?

What is the story about?

How does little brown mouse escape all the other animals that are bigger than him?

Retelling of the story Use the book (or the video if you do not have the book) for the retelling of the story. Tell children you need their help remembering all the parts of the story. This will work as practice for the finger puppet storytelling moment they will have with their families. Invite individual children to help you retell the story using the book or the video. Exaggerate your gestures, facial expressions and use different voices for the different animals. Encourage children to copy your gestures as you retell each part of the story. That will help them associate the words to their meaning. Teach them the following chunks, which all the animals say to the mouse throughout the story: •

Where are you going to, little brown mouse?

Where are you meeting him?

A Grufallo? What’s a Gruffalo? And the mouse’s reply:

Silly old (fox)! Doesn’t he know? There’s no such a

Book activity Ask children to open their books and look at the pictures from the story. Ask them if the pictures are in the correct order according to the story they have just listened to. Explain that they will number the pictures, according to the order of the events in the story.

Shadow play

Pick up the shadow theatre, the puppets and the flashlight / lamp again and invite children to come and create other shadow creatures using the props, their own hands or other objects. Let them experiment with creating shadows for a while. Prompt them to say what they are making and what they can see. Challenge them to make a few specific animals by asking: •

Can you try to make a (rabbit)?

What can you use to make a shadow (rabbit)? Your hands, objects?

Make the shadow theatre and puppets available as well as some loose parts. Challenge children to make up other shadow creatures. Let them play freely for a while. Walk around and observe how children are interacting with each other, with shadow theatre and story props and with the other objects. Do not direct their play. Use this moment to interact with children in English and collect evidence of learning.

Rhyme detectives

Propose a game in which you work together recognizing rhymes. Say, for example, the words “house / mouse” and ask children how they are similar. Explain that the last part of these two words sounds similar, so we say that they rhyme. Tell children that all along the story The Gruffalo there are several words that rhyme. Tell them you will play the story video and they will have to spot the rhyming words. Whenever they hear a pair of rhyming words, they should clap their hands. It is OK if they cannot spot all of them. In that case, focus on the pairs of words that carry the most meaning. They are in bold in the answer key.


thing as a Gruffalo!



Ask them further comprehension questions, such as: •

What happened when little brown mouse came across the Grufallo?

How did he manage to scare the Gruffalo?

Imagine you were little brown mouse. What would you do?

Imagine you were the Gruffalo. What would you do?

Rhyming detectives: wood – good / mouse – house / know, no – Gruffalo / claws – jaws / rocks – fox / said – sped / toes – nose / stream – ice cream / too, who – flew / black – back / lake – snake / hid – slid

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කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Pick up your shadow theatre. Say:


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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Begin by showing them the elephant flashcard. Ask: •


Is an elephant big, medium or small?

Tell children that there are many ways we can group animals. In the beginning of this unit, they categorized them according to their eating habits. Now, you will help them to group animals according to three other categories: size, color and patterns / textures. Next, tell them you will play a game called “Stop”. You will show them a series of animal flashcards. As soon as they spot a big animal, they must shout “Stop!” As they do so, display the big animals somewhere they can all see. Repeat the process for medium and small animals. Now, challenge children to look at the groups of small, medium and big animals that they have made and try to regroup the animals according to their colors. Explain that they can include different shades of a color in the same group. Finally, ask them to group only those animals that have some kind of pattern on their body, like stripes or spots. Keep all of the animal flashcards displayed somewhere children can see.

LEARNING OUTCOMES In lesson, children will: understand and experiment with the concept of animal patterns; create artwork for an exhibition. New language: stripes, spots, feathers, fur, skin, rough, smooth, big, medium, small. Recycled language: colors, wild animals, prickles. Materials: flashcards, paint, paintbrushes, waterfilled tubs, paper towel, A3 sheets (for painting), thick marker pens, bottle tops, popsicle sticks and any other materials you consider useful for making textures (for example: pieces of sandpaper, old tools that don’t have sharp edges, pen caps, toilet paper rolls), newspaper to cover the whole floor. *Because this section involves process-art and the use of paint, it is advisable to send families a notice in advance asking them to send a large old T-shirt for children to wear during the activity. The T-shirt of an adult is the ideal size because it is large enough to cover the child’s whole body.

STEP BY STEP Guessing the animals Show children the pictures. Ask them what they can see. Tell them that those are close-ups of six animals that they already know. Challenge them to guess the animals. As they guess each animal, show them the corresponding flashcard for them to confirm their answers.


Animal-inspired process-art Ask children to help you cover the floor with newspaper. Make a big circle with them on the floor and show the materials they will have available for this activity: A3 sheets (one per child), paint, paintbrushes (one per child), thick marker pens (in case they would like to draw before painting), bottle tops, popsicle sticks and any other materials you have arranged to be used to make textures. Explain that they will create art works for an exhibition called “In the wild”. They can create anything that reminds them of what we can see in the wild. Show them the flashcards you have displayed, remind them of the activities they have already done in this unit (the song, the story, the book activities), but do not tell them what to paint. Show them the materials that can be used to create textures. Demonstrate with some of them with a little paint on a piece of paper to inspire them, but make it very clear that they will use the materials as they wish. Give them clear guidelines about how to use paint wisely and how to clean and dry their brushes to avoid making their paper wet.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

For extra ideas on how to expand the work with the story, scan the QR Codes.

Next, ask them about the characteristics of those animals: whether they have patterns like stripes or spots, fur, feathers, rough or smooth skin, the color of their skin or fur, and if they are big, medium or small.

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 children and give each group their set of materials. Ask them to write their full name on the back of the paper. It is a good idea to play some background music as children work.

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are encouraged to use creative and critical thinking skills.

will gain confidence to realize their own ideas.

are motivated to ask questions and experiment.

will embrace experimentation and mistakes as part of the learning process.

Art exhibition

RACHELLE. A complete guide to process art for kids (with illustrations). In: TinkerLab. Available at: Accessed on: Nov. 26, 2021. [Excerpt]

In advance, display the wild animals’ flashcards around the classroom. Ask children to make a circle on the floor and explain that they will now present their artwork to their classmates and then they will organize an open exhibition for everyone else at school as well as their families.


Invite children to share their work with their classmates. Suggest that they talk about what has inspired them and the colors and materials they have used. Encourage children to ask their classmates questions about their paintings. Provide them with any language that emerges during this circle time moment. Repeat the process until all children have had a go. Next, tell children they will get an invitation to take home, so they can invite their families to visit their exhibition. If time allows, let children help you display their paintings in the designated area for the open exhibition. This does not have to be a formal moment. Families can see the works when they bring students to school or during pickup time.



In this lesson, children will: follow instructions from a video; retell a story, roleplay the story The Gruffalo.

Giraffe – fur, white / beige with brownish spots, big animal.

New language: gorilla.

Recycled language: wild animals, bird, story chunks.

Alligator – rough skin with spikes on the back, colors vary (green, grey, brown), big animal.

Materials: wild animals’ flashcards, paintings, The Grufallo book (or video).

Jaguar – caramel fur with black spots, medium animal. Penguin – feathers, black and white, small / medium animal. Zebra – fur, black and white stripes, big animal. Elephant – rough skin, grey, big animal.

DIVE DEEPER What is process art? Process art is art that is child-directed, choicedriven, and celebrates the experience of discovery. In process art, the final product is always unique and the focus lies in the creation of the work, not the outcome. What are the benefits of process art? There are so many benefits to process art! Process art is developmentally appropriate for young children because meets them where they are as sensory explorers. Through process art, children •

will think creatively, independently, and imaginatively.

will learn about the physical limitations and possibilities of materials.


STEP BY STEP Fun animals

Show children pictures (or flashcards) of animals of different sizes and elicit from them the words we use to describe the size of each animal: big, medium and small. Ask them •

Is the elephant big, medium or small?

Is the penguin big, medium or small?

Repeat the same question with different animals.

Then tell children that they are going to explore a very fun interactive animation called “Fun Animals”. Scan the QR Code, locate the animation and show children its different features. Explore the interactive animation for a while. Start with the animal’s sizes. Ask children to name the animals that appear on the screen and repeat the phrases they hear.

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඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

Walk around and observe how children are creating their work. Interact with them in English, show real interest in what they are creating, but do not direct their work. Use this moment to collect evidence of learning. Once they are done, show them where to put their work to dry.

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$


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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

Ask children to sit on the floor, keeping a distance between each other so they can do the yoga poses in the video. Explain that they will learn some animal poses and that you will all do the poses together. Scan the QR Code and play the video until 3’50’’. After the video, ask children which animal poses they have learned and which one they have liked the best (lion, bird, monkey, gorilla).

Story roleplay Invite children to sit on the floor. Do a brief retelling of the story The Gruffalo. Do this as collaboratively as possible, by eliciting the parts of the story from children. In case you are using the video, pause to give them time to answer. Practice the following chunks again, which all the animals say to the mouse throughout the story: •

Where are you going to, little brown mouse?

Where are you meeting him?

A Grufallo? What’s a Gruffalo? And the mouse’s reply:

Silly old (fox)! Doesn’t he know? There’s no such a thing as a Gruffalo!

Free play Tell children to imagine they are all in that forest from the story. They can be any animals they want, including animals that are not in the story. Let them play freely for a while. Walk around and observe how children are interacting with each other, if they are using any objects as props, if they are reproducing or recreating parts of the story. Do not direct their play. Use this moment to interact with children in English and collect evidence of learning.] Find your pair Tell children that you are going to play a game called “Find your pair”. Ask children to sit in a circle and explain how the game works. Write the names of different animals on pieces of paper. You will need two of each animal, so be sure to choose the number of animals according to the number of children in the class. Put the names inside a bow (or a hat, or a box, etc.) and ask children to take a paper to see what animal they are. Tell them they should then try to find their pair by mimicking and making the sounds of their particular animal. If you have an odd number of students, take a piece of paper yourself and play with them.


Give children some time to play and interact with each other. Afterwards, ask children to open their books and to share their favorite activity. If possible, you may take pictures of children during the activities and instruct them to glue their pictures on their books. If not, you may ask them to draw, paint or make a collage (according to the materials and time you have available) related to their favorite activity.

DIVE DEEPER Pretend play and interpretive reproduction William Corsaro, a researcher from the field of Sociology of Childhood, came up with the term “interpretive reproduction” to describe what happens to children during imaginative (or pretend) play. According to his extensive research, when children engage in this kind of play and perform roles that are known to them, they do not simply reproduce those roles, but they embellish them by adding their own twists and creativity to it. Plus, this kind of play helps them learn and make sense of social relationships. These are just some of the reasons why (free) pretend play is so important for children’s development. According to Corsaro (2012): Role play involves more than learning specific social knowledge: it also involves learning about the relationship between context and behavior. As the anthropologist Gregory Bateson (1956) argued, when a child plays a role, she or he not only learns something about the role’s specific social position but “also learns that there is such a thing as a role” (148). CORSARO, William A. Interpretative reproduction in children’s play. American Journal of Play, v. 4, n. 4, p. 488504, 2012. Available at: EJ985602.pdf. Accessed on: Nov. 26, 2021. [Excerpt]


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

Yoga time!

Book activity

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

If you have the necessary resources available, give the kids a few minutes to explore the animation on their own. If not, show them the other resources about colors and numbers and tell them this interactive animation is available on the platform and they can explore it at home with their families.

LEARNING OUTCOMES In this lesson, children will: retell a story to their families using finger puppets. Recycled language: story animals; story chunks.

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Retelling of The Gruffalo Explain that this is an activity for children to do at home with their families. Tell them that the QR Code gives access to the instructions for the activity. Point to your book and show them all the animals from the story. Elicit the names of the animals. Tell children that they will use the press-outs to make finger puppets and retell the story The Gruffalo to their families. They do not have to worry about remembering everything, but only the most important parts. They should also either take a photo of them telling the story or draw a picture of that moment. Allow them some time to do it at home and set a date for them to bring either the photo or the drawing to share with their classmates during circle time.


I did it! This is focused on the development of soft skills. Guide children by reading each one of the sentences and providing them with some examples of attitudes connected to those skills. Explain that they will need to think back about everything you did together along this unit. They should colour the emoji that best represents their overall attitudes regarding each aspect. Talk to them about the importance of being honest and that this is the first step for them to keep developing those skills.

SONG LYRICS Who took the cookie? Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Panda took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who? Rabbit! Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Rabbit took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who? Bear! Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Bear took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who? Penguin!

LEARNING OUTCOMES In this section, children will: revise animal eating habits and answer some self-assessment questions with the support of the teacher. Recycled language: wild animals, carnivore, omnivore, plants, meat.


STEP BY STEP Self-check I can do it! Show children the pictures of the three groups of animals on page 31 of their book. Elicit the names of the animals from children. Ask them why the animals have been split into those 3 groups. They should be able to remember that group A shows carnivores, group B shows herbivores and group C shows omnivores. They can also say simply that they eat plants, meat and both, respectively. Next, they should color the emoji that best represents how much they could remember.

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Penguin took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes, you! Not me! Then who? Kangaroo! Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Kangaroo took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes, you! Okay, okay… I took the cookie. I took the cookie from the cookie jar. The yummy, yummy cookie from the cookie jar. Are you hungry? Uh-huh. Let’s share! Okay! Who wants some cookie? I do! Me, me, me! Cookie, please! Here you go! Thank you. I want some cookie! Thank you.

WHO took the cookie? Performed by Matt Stamm and Ingrid DuMosch DeHaan. In: DO YOU like broccoli ice cream? & more kids songs. Performed by Super Simple Songs. Ontario: Skyship Entertainment, 2017.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

2022_EI5_V1_BIL_MP.indd 33

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 DIVE.B | 3 | TEACHER’S GUIDE 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$


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18/04/2022 12:18:14

Scope and sequence – Overview

Dive.b – Educação Infantil

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Infantil.indd 1

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗

඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක

9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$

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9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL – BOOK 1 Integration



• • • • •

Greetings Classmates and teacher Respecting differences The first letter of one's name Numbers 1-3


Social sciences

All about me


Socialemotional learning

My body, my emotions


Arts and Numeracy

Colors everywhere


Social sciences

Family and fun


Natural sciences

Nature explorers

• • • •

Fauna and flora Garden critters Nature loose parts Life cycle


Physical education

Our senses

• • • •

The five senses Collaborative graphs Sounds Inspired art

Play-based learning

Physical education

Play games and have fun

• Recognizing and identifying body parts • Recognizing and expressing emotions

• • • •

Lines, shapes, primary colors Expanding the imagination Exploring sounds Numbers 1-6

• Families • Toys and shapes • Sense of community

• Revisiting: – Numbers 1-6 – Primary colors – Recognizing and expressing emotions – The five senses – Sense of community

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗



඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Infantil.indd 2

19/04/2022 13:25:27


9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL – BOOK 1 Integration




Make believe


Natural sciences

Animals, animals, animals


Natural sciences

How's the weather?


Physical education

Fun is the sun


Socialemotional learning

I can do it!


Music and Arts

Songs, shapes and senses

• • • •


Physical education

Play games and have fun

• Revisiting: – Outdoor activities – Animals – Fairy tales – "I can do": movements



• Fairy tales • Free play • Theater: role-play

• Pets and farm animals • Artistic representations of animals • Kinesthetic activities

• Weather and emotions • The cycle of the seasons

• Outdoor activities • Collaborative picnic • Crafts: a happy sun

• Parts of the body and feelings: review • "I can do" list • Collaborative dynamics • Height chart

Matching games Senses: review Kinesthetic activities Numbers 1-9

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Infantil.indd 3


19/04/2022 13:25:27


9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL – BOOK 2 Integration


Socialemotional learning




All about us

• • • •

Greetings Introductions Numbers 1-6 Feelings

Social sciences

Making friends

• • • •

Friends Counting in the classroom Favorite games Family and friendship


Social sciences

Where I live


Physical education

Time to explore our school



Books everywhere

• Places where people live • Houses: types, rooms, and items

• Favorite places and activities in school • School objects and organization


• Story elements • Characters • Feelings and emotions

• • • •

Everyday / sometimes activities Hygiene and good habits Day and night Numbers 1-9


Social sciences

What do you do every day?


Socialemotional learning

What do you like?

• Likes / dislikes: food • Meals


Physical education

At the playground

• Likes / dislikes: play • Hobbies • Playground manners

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Infantil.indd 4

19/04/2022 13:25:27


9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL – BOOK 2 Integration



Social-emotional learning

Who is in my classroom?


Natural sciences and Numeracy

Growing up healthy


Social and natural sciences

Where do we live?


• My colleagues' stories • Pets: living beings and their needs • Healthy relationships

• • • •

Food, exercise, and sleep Hygiene and good habits Timeline and height chart Numbers 1-10

• Planet Earth • Brazil • Forests, beaches, cities

• City, neighborhood • Squares, parks, and fun around the school • Communities, houses, apartments • Spatial understanding and connection to the world


Social sciences

Our cities


Social sciences and Physical education

Kids from everywhere

• Different kids and their plays • Kids with disabilities • Embracing our differences


Social sciences and Arts

Indigenous peoples

• Arts from different peoples • Shapes in the world and their relation to one another • Ways of living


Natural sciences

Brazilian animals


Natural sciences

Protecting the environment


• Day and night • Nocturnal animals

• Means of transportation • Materials and their uses • Reduce, reuse, and recycle

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.

Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Infantil.indd 5


19/04/2022 13:25:27


9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL – BOOK 3 Integration



Social and natural sciences

We love our pets


Natural sciences

The world of animals


Natural sciences

In the wild


Natural sciences

Caring for the wild


Natural sciences

A trip around the Solar System


Natural sciences

Weather watchers


Natural sciences

Water and life


Natural sciences

Our planet


• Pets I own / like • Alphabet • Pet sounds

• Pets, farm / wild animals • Habitats and camouflage

• What animals eat • Types of animals

• • • •

Endangered animals Biodiversity Sorting waste Respecting animals


• The Solar System • Earth • Day x night

• Weather • Days of the week • Artistic representations of weather

• Water in our lives • Flower parts • Planting trees

• Environmental awareness • Protecting our planet • Sustainability

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


Conteúdo Programático sujeito a alteração sem prévia comunicação.


Bernoulli Sistema de Ensino

Conteúdo Programático - Dive b_Infantil.indd 6

19/04/2022 13:25:27


9(56­2 35(/,0,1$5 68- (,7$ $ 5(9,6­2 '( &217(Ò'2 '( /Ë1*8$ ( '( /$<287 9(56­2 '(021675$7,9$ DIVE.B – EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL – BOOK 3 Integration




Physical education and Social sciences

Back to school: vacations


Social sciences

Places all around Brazil


Social sciences, Arts and Music

Festivals and fun


Natural sciences

Protecting our animals


Natural sciences

Growing plants


Natural sciences and Socialemotional learning

Plants we eat

• Where vegetables come from • Healthy eating • Food preferences


Natural and social sciences

Brazilian foods

• Brazilian kids and their meals • Avoiding food waste • Cooking

• Traveling • Family traditions • Favorite activities

• Brazilian regions: nature • Kids and their stories • Arts and music

• Brazilian festivities • Theater and museum exhibitions • Birthday celebrations

• Animals x species • Human actions • Protecting animal life



Social sciences

Our families’ histories

• Plants and their needs • Plants in our lives • Edible plants

• • • •

Tracking our origins Communities Types of family Family portraits

කඍ඘ක඗ඌඝජඑඌඉ ඗ඝ ගකඉඖඛඕඑගඑඌඉ ඘඗ක ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඎ඗කඕඉ ඍ ඖඍඖඐඝඕ ඕඍඑ඗ ඛඍඒඉ ඕඍඋඬඖඑඋ඗ ඍඔඍගක඼ඖඑඋ඗ ඗ඝ ඙ඝඉඔ඙ඝඍක ඗ඝගක඗ ඛඍඕ ඘ක඲ඞඑඉ ඉඝග඗කඑජඉධත඗ ඘඗ක ඍඛඋකඑග඗ ඘ඍඔ඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ ඛඑඛගඍඕඉ ඌඍ ඍඖඛඑඖ඗


඘ක඗එඊඑඌඉ ඉ එඕ඘කඍඛඛත඗ ඝඛ඗ ඍචඋඔඝඛඑඞ඗ ඌ඗ ඏකඝ඘඗ ඊඍකඖ඗ඝඔඔඑ. ඖඍඖඐඝඕඉ ඘ඉකගඍ ඌඍඛගඉ ඘ඝඊඔඑඋඉධත඗ ඘඗ඌඍ ඛඍක


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