WELCOME TO THE FRONT Virginia’s Department of Consumer and Agriculture Services reports that agriculture remains the Commonwealth’s largest private industry, with an economic impact of more than 82 billion dollars annually, employing around 380,000 every year. We dig into the Ag world a bit in this issue to take a look at the sector on a few different levels – including agritourism and teaching this business in college. Long time area sportswriter and Hall of Famer Doug Doughty (you know the name) is back with a story on how the new ownership group for the Salem Red Sox has worked out this season. We’ve also got two terrific guest commentaries on various aspects of running a business. Caution: you might learn something new. Isn’t that what it’s always about? Happy reading.
Tom Field Gene Marrano Publisher Editor
Every minute a worker must ” “ adhere to some administrative edict from management is
a minute that worker is not providing a product or service to a customer. — Page 20
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