Leadership Donor Report – Fall 2019
“I am reminded each day of just how impactful your philanthropy is to our school.”
The Hamiltons: Cameron ’23, Lucy, Jackson ’25 , TJ ’20, and Jim
Dear Leadership Donors, The school year is officially underway on the Hilltop as students, faculty, and staff are settled into their courses, practices, lessons, and activities. It was wonderful to welcome back and see so many familiar faces and to greet new ones. I am reminded each day of just how impactful your philanthropy is to our school. You make this experience possible and I am humbled by and grateful for your partnership. I am happy to share with you this report of philanthropic highlights from the last year which illustrates both the impact and the breadth of your support. As a leadership donor, your support indicates your confidence in Berwick and your knowledge of the impact of your giving. I hope this report provides you with a deeper insight into the planning and strategy behind our fundraising programs and how we utilize and steward your investment.
• Our second annual day of giving, One Berwick, generated more than double the gifts over the first year. We are excited about that success and we will continue to work with our online giving platform, GiveCampus, to increase participation this year. • This summer we completed a number of campus projects which involved work on some of our historically significant buildings, including Fogg and Burleigh-Davidson. As I begin my second year, I am excited to continue developing our partnership. Your support is essential to achieving our shared vision of Berwick. I hope that you will join us at the Leadership Donor Reception, and I look forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely,
• We received a record-breaking $942,000 in unrestricted gifts to The Berwick Fund! • We are thankful for a $25,000 match for financial aid to The Bill & Kathryn Matthews Memorial Fund. The match was offered by generous donors Dick Shafner ‘65 and his wife, Jan Eustis, and secured with gifts from over 20 community members.
Jim Hamilton Head of School
LOOKING AHEAD FOR PHILANTHROPY Dear Leadership Donors, The 2019-20 school year will be both a year of reflection for our community and planning for our future. We will research and write our New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) accreditation report. At the same time, the Board of Trustees will embark on its next iteration of strategic planning. Knowing that this exciting time of organizational strategy will include plans for a comprehensive capital campaign, Jim Hamilton and the Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees have been thoughtful about the role that philanthropy plays in our community and its critical importance in meeting our future goals. Jim has asked us to consider how every member of the community might be ready and excited to make their most impactful gift to the School in a campaign. The core of a strong campaign is a combination of impactful leadership gifts that move the needle and enthusiasm and participation from many of our parents, alumni, and friends. Earlier this month I sent a letter to all parents outlining our fundraising philosophy, priorities, and different ways to support Berwick. As we embark on a campaign, it is important for our community to understand our philosophy of giving: each person, regardless of gift size, can make a difference. We hope to continue to grow this culture of philanthropy, to bring excitement and a sense of community participation into our future campaign. Berwick’s first and most critical philanthropic priority is The Berwick Fund. Its impact on our students is seen daily because it funds engaged faculty, financial aid, our beautiful and historic campus, and all of the programs that bring the Berwick experience to life. The Berwick Fund will launch in early October and we hope that parents and you, our leadership donors, will make a gift or pledge by the end of the calendar year. Securing commitments by the end of the calendar year has tremendous impact and allows us to better plan, anticipate, and engage with new donors who can join all of us in supporting Berwick. One of the ways that we are building participation in The Berwick Fund is through an annual day of giving. Holding a giving day is impactful for non-profits because it encourages a concentrated and focused effort in communications and excitement around the day. As is the trend in fundraising, we are using a crowdfunding partner to better engage the
community. For the past two years, Berwick has used the platform GiveCampus to host our One Berwick campaign. We held our second One Berwick in May and saw 350 gifts come in over the course of the day. This was a 117% increase from the year before. Partnering with the online mobile and social ready platform GiveCampus, we have successfully addressed the changing world of philanthropy. As we reach out to our alumni who are increasingly connected online, GiveCampus allows us to reach our donors where they are. GiveCampus reports that: • Online giving continues to grow with donors of all ages and all giving capacities • Mobile capabilities are critical – for the first time ever more people visited school’s online fundraising pages from their mobile devices than from their desktop and laptop • Peer-to-peer fundraising is as powerful online as it historically has been offline – people are more likely to give to associates and friends • Facebook has the greatest conversion of moving donors from social media to giving pages One Berwick is an exciting day for us to attract and retain new donors who we hope will continue to be excited about Berwick and giving to the school. Increasing the funds raised for and participation in The Berwick Fund are important components of campaign preparation. With the launch of the campaign we will be sharing the funding priorities for the school. The campaign will provide an opportunity for a greater range of passion projects for which you can direct your philanthropic support. As we work with you to discuss and support these exciting initiatives, we cannot lose sight of The Berwick Fund. These unrestricted gifts are the driving force behind our school, and support all of the amazing work being done on campus. As we start this exciting phase of planning and continuing to develop our vision for the future, I am thankful for your leadership support and partnership. I am excited to continue to work with you and for what lies ahead for Berwick. Sincerely,
Amy Smucker Assistant Head of School for External Affairs
CELEBRATING THE CHRISTOPHER L. LINNEY ‘84 MEMORIAL FUND Endowed gifts provide long-term sustainability for Berwick and allow donors to directly support an area of great interest. The Christopher L. Linney ‘84 Memorial Fund was established in 1984 by longtime community members and supporters, David and Becky Linney, in honor of their son. The fund supports the arts and sciences, enriching these disciplines by providing for programming that enhances our student experiences – offering opportunities that would not otherwise be possible. Each year, faculty are able to apply for funding in one of these areas. Applications are reviewed by a committee of their peers, including David and Becky’s daughter, Shanlee Linney ’87, Lower School Administrative Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator/Bookstore Manager. Past funding projects have brought artists and speakers to campus, sent students and faculty on excursions, and provided for the purchase of materials to be used in a range of classes across campus.
Sadly, David passed away this winter. A businessman and passionate bluefin tuna fisherman, his philanthropic passions centered on the environment, his community, and providing opportunities for students. Dave is survived by his wife of nearly 55 years, Becky, his daughter Shanlee ‘87, and his three granddaughters, who all attended Berwick Academy: Mikaylee ‘17, Livia ‘18, and Breckyn ‘21. We are thankful for the Linney family’s support and the opportunities and experiences it has made possible.
OPPORTUNITIES PROVIDED BY THE FUND: • Visiting educators, including artists Krisanne Baker and Tim Christensen ‘87, and Penobscot Chief Barry Dana • Lower School visual art and science field trips aboard the Gundalow sailing vessel • Middle School docent-led tours of the Portland Museum of Art, planetarium, and railroad museum • Building connector sets were purchased for aftercare in the Lower School, and aquaponics units for students to raise fish and plants and learn to test and maintain an ecosystem • This year, virtual reality equipment was purchased for use by all divisions with myriad uses including field trips to locations otherwise inaccessible, to learning, programming, and design
ESTATE PLANNING: GIFTS TO THE CHADBOURNE-THOMPSON SOCIETY The Chadbourne-Thompson Society recognizes the foresight and generosity of donors who have made plans to support Berwick Academy through deferred gifts. Estate gifts are an opportunity for community members to support programs and projects they are most passionate about. As we begin crafting our new strategic plan that will likely include a capital campaign, estate giving will be a program that provides an opportunity to impact endowment growth. Because there are many competing financial considerations for donors who have the desire to give, planned gifts can allow donors to make meaningful gift commitments during a campaign. The Chadbourne-Thompson Society already has 35 generous members that include alumni, former parents, former grandparents, and current and former faculty and staff. This past year we received three gifts from donors who included Berwick Academy in their estate plans, making a lasting impact on the school. These bequests represent an important contribution to our long-term strength and financial future, and will help to shape the Berwick of tomorrow by creating a legacy for the future.
George E. Janetos and his wife Marjorie were committed to education. George and Marjorie’s transformative planned gift of $500,000 established The George and Marjorie Janetos Fund for Global Education. This new fund will support programs that help students develop their skills for learning and thriving in a global economy. Martha “Marty” and Russell Grant ‘45 were proud community members and traveled back to campus for multiple reunions, philanthropically contributing with gifts made to The Berwick Fund and their estate gift. An estate gift from former trustee and alumni parent Robert E. Richard was used to help update the classroom furniture in Fogg Memorial to more closely align with a 21st-century teaching curriculum. We are thankful for the thoughtful planning of the Janetos, Grant, and Richard families, and the opportunities their philanthropy will provide to generations of Berwick Academy students. If you are interested in learning more about The Chadbourne-Thompson Society, please contact Stephanie Caswell (
$1,678,926 What an incredible year for Berwick. The philanthropic culture at Berwick is growing. Community members stepped forward making gifts to both endowed and restricted current-use funds. Gifts made in this way enable donors to support specific projects and programs they are passionate about. Unrestricted support of The Berwick Fund allows us to respond to immediate issues and opportunities for our students, directly impacting their lives on the Hilltop. This critical fund provides for the programs, people, and pieces that make the Berwick experience. We are grateful to you, our leadership donors, for providing essential philanthropic support each year.
• $1,089,418 The Berwick Fund – total • $942,113 The Berwick Fund – unrestricted gifts • $147,305 The Berwick Fund – restricted gifts • $865,135 Unrestricted Leadership Gifts • 92% Faculty and Staff Participation • 869 gifts to The Berwick Fund
A special thank you to The Berwick Fund parent volunteers who were crucial in helping us reach our goals
Berwick faculty & staff for 92% participation this year!
$794,754 $790,033 $658,131 {90%} $726,679 {90%} $649,383 {89%} $578,136 {88%}
$815,708 $784,365 {90%} {91%}
$865,135 {92%}
$875,070 $879,135
Berwick’s 225th Anniversary THE BERWICK FUND Unrestricted Dollars Raised LEADERSHIP Unrestricted Dollars Raised FY 20112012
FY 20122013
FY 20132014
FY 20142015
FY 20152016
FY 20162017
FY 20172018
FY 20182019
Every gift to Berwick Academy is valued and appreciated and impact not only our total funds raised but also our participation rates. Our Leadership Donors consistently account for close to 90% of The Berwick Fund. It is a priority for the school to attract and retain an increased number of Leadership Donors every year. Leadership gifts are critical for sustained growth in The Berwick Fund and help drive our success and nurture the culture of generous philanthropy at Berwick.
Academic Year
Number of TBF – Unrestricted Participants
Parent Alumni Participation Participation
Leadership Giving
Leadership Donors
Berwick’s 225th Anniversary
A MESSAGE FROM JON DOUGLAS, CFO Each year we strive to bolster the financial pillars of Berwick Academy. I am pleased to report that 2018-2019 was a year of extraordinary progress and success. Led by robust enrollment, solid endowment performance, and inspired philanthropic support, we finished the year with a balanced budget, increases in our net assets of $1.4 million, and strong endowment performance and growth. We are grateful for our exceptional alumni, parents, and friends for their financial support and enduring commitment to our mission and strategic imperatives. Strong enrollment is marked not only by number of students, but also by the caliber and diversity of the student body. Due to your generosity and support of Berwick’s steadfast belief that there cannot be excellence in education without the inclusion of students from diverse backgrounds, Berwick was able to award $4.75 million in financial assistance. Berwick Academy’s campus is among our most prized and cherished assets. Maintaining a campus as historic and expansive as ours comes with a great responsibility and expense. To that end, we invest annually to ensure that we keep up with our goals with regard to deferred and planned maintenance plan. This summer was no exception as we invested significantly into all corners of the campus, from the historic renovation to Burleigh-Davidson and Fogg Memorial, to the updating of the climate control systems in Jeppeson and the Jackson Library, to the kitchen renovation in the
Commons and the repavement of our interior walkways, Berwick Academy started the school year looking better than ever. These campus improvements are supported by our PPRRSM (Physical Plant Renewal, Replacement and Special Maintenance) fund, which is allocated for through the operational budget each year. This past year the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees engaged in a search for a new investment advisor to manage our endowment portfolio. After an extensive and thoughtful process, Vanguard stood out as an ideal partner for Berwick. In the months following, we successfully transitioned our funds.With a current value of $19 million, we are pleased with the endowment’s performance to date and look forward to a long and successful partnership with Vanguard. Looking ahead to the 2019-2020 school year, we remain committed to the diligent stewardship of the school’s many resources. On behalf of Berwick Academy, I thank you for your continued support. Sincerely,
Jonathan Douglas Chief Financial Officer
Investments: $19,200,000
Debts: $9,454,515
$0 1992
Investments & Debt
Administration and Facilities: $3,880,397
Program and Instructional: $2,211,288
Debt Service: $228,644
Other Income: $1,305,900 5%
Endowment Draw: $700,000
Contribution Revenue: $1,103,127
TOTAL Expenses
TOTAL Revenue
21% Tuition Assistance: $4,801,013
Compensation and Benefits: $11,923,283
Tuition (gross): $20,591,947
TOTAL BERWICK ASSETS & LIABILITIES: FY 18-19 Property & Equipment: $19,923,183
Payments and Accrued Expenses: $1,945,691
43% Receivables & Prepaid Expenses: $1,798,595
4% TOTAL Assets
TOTAL Liabilities
Cash & Investments: $24,357,086
Notes Payable: $9,454,515
Prepaid Revenue: $2,076,633
Average acceptance rate over the last three years
Visitors at obstacle course and STEAM
Berwick in Action visitors during the 2018-2019 school year
Students 65% receiving Average financial aid yield over the last assistance three years
SHARING THE BERWICK EXPERIENCE: A NOTE FROM JEN WING We were delighted to welcome 590 students to campus for the start of the 2019-20 school year! There is so much to be proud of here – the many ways in which our students thrive at Berwick is remarkable and is a daily testament to the thoughtful, innovative, and creative work of our faculty and staff. This year we focused on continuing to increase our reach and build the interest in Berwick. We implemented a new digital strategy that uses lead magnets and personalized automated workflows. As a result, we are excited to share that we saw a 36% increase in the number of inquiries. The use of this technology has enhanced our outreach efforts and allowed the admissions team to engage in more personal outreach with prospective students and families. Berwick’s visibility in the community is also a core component of building our reach. Partnerships with Portsmouth, NH organizations such as Strawbery Banke and Prescott Park gave us
opportunities to connect with many families at fun, child-centered events. We held new on-campus admission events which focused on connecting prospective students to our teachers. For elementary-aged children, we hosted a series of ‘Touch Tank Tuesdays’ in our Lower School science lab. For students in their middle school years, we hosted a handful of STEAM/STEM Design Challenges in our Fabrication Studio. These programmatic efforts helped to increase the number of campus visits and interviews, with 9% more than last year. Pre-Kindergarten and Middle School are important points of entry. By increasing enrollments in these grades, we build a base of students that we retain through the Upper School. This year we saw growth in interest in Middle School from not only inquiries and visits, but applicants as well. We are thrilled to have a wonderfully active Pre-Kindergarten program of 18 students this year. Having a group of this size is an incredible way for us to deepen our Lower School
enrollment, build a solid foundation, and develop a strong interest in our school at its earliest entry point. Our outreach initiatives have already started to show a growing interest in Berwick. The Upper School admission continues to be increasingly competitive. We look forward to continuing to develop creative and effective outreach programs and to build on our existing successes. We are enthusiastic about sharing the Berwick Academy experience with our prospective families and members of our local communities. On behalf of the admission team, we are so appreciative and thankful for our community’s dedication to assisting us in our enrollment efforts. Sincerely,
Jen Wing Jennifer Wing Director of Enrollment Management
The Office of Admission is excited to welcome Bob Callahan as the Assistant Director of Admission for Outreach. For the past eight years, Bob served as the Assistant Director of Athletics for Football Operations at UNH, where he directed all aspects of the recruiting process, managed the team’s budget, fundraising, scheduling, and off-season camps. Bob has a B.S. in Environmental Conservation Affairs and a M.S. in Kinesiology, both from UNH. From L to R: Colleen Meader, Haley Preston, Bob Callahan, Jen Wing, and Sonya Quinn
INDIVIDUALIZED SUCCESS AND EXPLORATION IN COLLEGE COUNSELING The College Counseling program is built on a foundation of Berwick’s core values, giving structure and challenge to students as they develop their understanding of personal academic interest and excellence. During the course of their Upper School career, every student’s experience is individualized. Director of College Counseling, Moira McManus McKinnon ‘88 and Associate Director, Lynne O’Shaughnessy guide them as they navigate their journeys. Moira and Lynne begin working with ninth graders by supporting the students’ adjustment and integration into the academic curriculum. Students then gain greater freedom to make their academic choices, own their experience, and begin to prepare for standardized testing. In their junior year, students are led through an exploration of a wide range of post secondary possibilities. They learn about the variety of courses of study in higher education as well as the types of colleges and universities. Students learn to understand the selection process and how to navigate the nuances of the application process. In their final year, applications and materials are prepared, acceptances received, and the choice of where to attend is made. Berwick continues to experience an increase in interest in international opportunities, as more students are attending Berwick from abroad and more graduates are selecting college experiences outside of the United States. Having family abroad can spur this interest, while other students
develop this focus through class and travel opportunities at Berwick. The class of 2018 had one student who chose to attend university in England, while three of our most recent graduates are studying in Scotland, England, and Ireland. As the Berwick Innovation Center (IC) celebrated a decade of programming, Moira and Lynne have noted the value of the IC coursework and individual Innovation Pursuits (IPs) in the admissions process. Colleges love that our students are developing their skills in research, collaboration, and creative problem solving, all hallmarks of the IP program that prepare our graduates well for the independence and rigors of college. IPs often become a crucial factor that distinguishes a Berwick applicant from the rest of the admissions pool, helping them earn a spot at their favorite colleges. Highlights from this year’s 83 seniors in the Class of 2019 include: • 378 acceptances to 177 different colleges and universities • Matriculations at 61 different schools, in 19 states, Washington, DC, Scotland, England, and Ireland • Seven students are the first Berwick graduate to attend their college in at least five years • Fifteen students are attending schools that haven’t had a Berwick student in over a decade, and • Berwick students posted the second highest SAT average and highest ACT average in 15 years.
Class of 2019
COLLEGE MATRICULATIONS FOR THE CLASSES OF 2014-2019 American University (3) Assumption College Babson College (3) Barnard College (2) Bates College (2) Becker College Bentley University (4) Berklee College of Music Boston College (4) Boston University (2) Bowdoin College Brandeis University Brown University (6) Bryn Mawr College Bucknell University (2) California Inst. of Technology Carnegie Mellon University (3) Castleton University Catholic University of America Champlain College (3) Chapman University Clark University (3) Colby College (4) College of Charleston (5) College of the Holy Cross (4) College of Wooster Colorado College Columbia University/Trinity Dublin Connecticut College (4) Cornell University Dartmouth College Denison University (3) Dickinson College (5) Drew University Durham University Eckerd College (2) Elms College Elon University (7) Emmanuel College (2) Endicott College (4) Fairfield University Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College Furman University (2) George Mason University (2) George Washington University (5) Georgetown University Gettysburg College (3) Gordon College Hamilton College (2) Harvard University Hawaii Pacific University High Point University (2) Hillsdale College Hobart/William Smith Colleges (11)
Indiana Univ. Purdue Fort Wayne Ithaca College (2) Keene State College Kenyon College (2) Lafayette College (4) Lawrence University Lehigh University (5) LIM College Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Lynn University Maine College of Art (2) Maine Maritime Academy (2) Massachusetts College of Art/Design Massachusetts College of P/HS Massachusetts Inst. of Technology McGill University Merrimack College Middlebury College Montana State University (2) Mount Holyoke College New England College New York University (2) North Carolina State University Northeastern University (15) Norwich University Occidental University (3) Ohio Wesleyan University Pennsylvania State University Point Loma Nazarene University Princeton University Providence College (4) Purdue University Fort Wayne Quinnipiac University (6) Rensselaer Polytechnic University Roanoke College Rochester Inst. of Technology (2) Roger Williams University (2) Rollins College (2) Rose-Hulman Inst. of Technology Sacred Heart University (2) Saint Lawrence University (10) Salve Regina University (2) School of the Visual Arts Seattle University Simmons College (4) Skidmore College Smith College (2) Stanford University (3) Stevens Inst. of Technology Stonehill University (2) Suffolk University SUNY Oneonta (2) Swarthmore College Syracuse University (4)
Texas A&M University Trinity College (2) Tufts University (10) Tulane University (4) Union College United States Coast Guard Academy Unity College (2) University College London Univ. of Alabama Univ. of the Arts - London Univ. of Chicago (2) Univ. of Colorado – Boulder (4) Univ. of Denver (3) Univ. of Edinburgh Univ. of Hartford Univ. of Kentucky Univ. of Lynchburg Univ. of Maine – Farmington Univ. of Maine – Orono (9) Univ. of Maryland College Park Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst Univ. of Miami (4) Univ. of Michigan Univ. of Mississippi Univ. of New England (3) Univ. of New Hampshire (15) Univ. of New Haven (2) Univ. of Notre Dame Univ. of Oregon Univ. of Pittsburgh (3) Univ. of Portland Univ. of Richmond Univ. of Rochester (2) Univ. of South Carolina Univ. of Southern California Univ. of St. Andrews Univ. of Tampa (2) Univ. of Toronto (2) Univ. of Vermont (5) Univ. of Washington Ursinus College Vassar College Villanova University (4) Virginia Polytechnic Institute (2) Wake Forest University (3) Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College (2) Wesleyan University Wheaton College (MA) (3) Wheelock College Williams College Wingate University Worcester Polytechnic Institute (7) Xavier University Yale University (2)
CREATING TRADITION AT THE HANCOCK HOUSE Berwick Academy purchased The Hancock House in 2017. Formerly owned by Berwick, the building was sold and became the Academic Street Inn. The investment in the building has allowed the school to pilot a small boarding program for boys. Expanding the Berwick experience beyond the catchment area of our bus routes has enabled the school to attract additional students and bring in greater diversity in the community. Reintroducing an intentionally small residential program allows Berwick to more fully explore the international market, and also provides additional revenue for the school. The school hopes that the building might allow for other revenue possibilities in the summer and looks forward to exploring those further. This past year was the first in over 50 years that Berwick was home to boarding students and we are excited to provide this snapshot into what was ultimately a very positive experience for our students. Wake-up times may have varied, but breakfast was held each weekday at 7:30 a.m. at the Hancock House for our eight Upper School boarders during the 2018-2019 school year. Three students were full-time, seven-day boarders, and five of the young men were five-day boarders, returning home Friday afternoon and coming back to campus Sunday evening. Students hailed from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, the Dominican Republic, and China. The fall began with a full weekend of orientation activities, that included trips off campus, getting to know the Berwick Academy community, and learning more about the local area. The Berwick Parent Community (BPC) hosted a barbeque in Portsmouth and the students volunteered and cheered on faculty and staff members at the Pumpkinman Triathlon in South Berwick. The week culminated with an evening by the firepit, where Hancock House residents hosted day students for a pizza party. In the fall, the house was transformed into all things Halloween. The BPC collected decorations and costumes to transform the Hancock House into a haunted house. The night of the Halloween dance, Upper School students were invited to the Hancock House for an extravaganza that included food, decorations, a movie, and a haunted house in the basement (screams were heard throughout the house!). During the second trimester all of the young men played a winter sport and would support one another by attending each other’s matches and games. Snow days were spent bonding
together; activities included donut eating contests, pick-up basketball games, and sledding. The spring offered some respite from athletics. A partnership with Director of Cultural Competency Michael Buensuesco allowed for the students to attend the New England Youth Identity Summit at Waynflete in Portland, ME – a conference run entirely by students where discussion topics focused on identity, race, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnicity. As the year came to a close, the two seniors and a post-graduate student worked on creating more usable space for the house as their senior project. Along with Residential Life Coordinator Kara Cross, the students created garden beds and a firepit, independently working through all aspects from planning and budgeting through to construction. This new space also includes a bench that was built by two day students. Looking ahead to the 2019-2020 academic year, Kara looks forward to offering more programming for the students on the weekends, including more outdoor excursions and community volunteer options. Some activities are already becoming beloved traditions: conquering the escape room, attending a conference together, hosting sleepovers at the house, dinner at the Hamilton’s home, bonfires, and the haunted house. We look forward to the continued development of this program.
A DAY IN THE LIFE 7:30 a.m.
8 a.m.
Walk to Campus
8:05 a.m.–5 p.m. On campus for classes & activities 6 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Dorm Sign-In
7:30–9:30 p.m.
Study Hours
9:30–10:30 p.m.
Free Time
10:30 p.m.
In rooms for the
“My favorite thing about being in the dorm is how close everyone in the dorm has gotten with each other. We have all developed a great relationship with one another, from the students to the faculty in the dorm. We have a family type of dynamic and the dorm truly feels like a second home.” –Xahn ‘19
BERWICK ON THE ROAD We are excited when we welcome members of the Berwick community to campus for events ranging from larger productions like Blue & White Homecoming and Grandparents & Special Friends Day, to our student-centered Innovation Celebration, theater and musical performances, art exhibits, athletic games, and hosting visitors any day or time of the year. We love these events on the Hilltop, but also seek to engage our community members where they work and live. This year we held regional events in Naples, FL, Boston, MA, and New York, NY, and visited with alumni and friends in California, Florida, and the greater New England area. On February 6, Dick Shafner ‘65 and his wife, Jan Eustis, hosted Berwick Academy alumni and grandparents at their home in Naples, FL. Jim Hamilton shared with the group his impressions and experiences of the school in his first year. Dick and Jan spoke about The Bill and Kathryn Matthews Memorial Fund, supporting students attending Berwick Academy from a partnership with The Dover Housing Authority’s Whittier Falls property in Dover, NH. Grandparents and alumni reconnected and shared stories of the Hilltop.
California alums Andrew Bear ‘08, Elyse Springer ‘94, Trestan Matel ‘11, and Michaela Eichenbaum ‘06
Breakfast events in New York and Boston were opportunities for alumni, parents, and friends to network, reconnect, and meet Jim Hamilton. Jim provoked thoughtful conversation by all in attendance as he shared initiatives he will be thinking about as he moves into his second year as head of school.
what they have been up to since graduating, and share updates from the Hilltop. We plan to be back on the West Coast in December – this time in northern California and Seattle.
In June, the Advancement Office traveled to Southern California to meet alums with graduation years ranging from 1959 to 2011. It was great to catch up with so many alums, hear
Over 35 community members attended these events this year. We look forward to growing our engagement with community members both near and far.
Berwick Academy alumni and grandparents at the home of Dick Shafner ‘65 and his wife, Jan Eustis in Naples, FL
MATCH UNLOCKED FOR THE BILL AND KATHRYN MATTHEWS MEMORIAL FUND Philanthropic support of an organization is a very personal decision that is driven by the donor’s passion for the mission of the organization. There are a variety of ways that donors can choose to direct the use of their funds. Setting a match allows the donor to support a specific program while encouraging others to get involved and give. Donors are inspired by a match because of the support and confidence that has been demonstrated by others, in addition to the ability to increase the impact of their own gift. In the 2018-2019 academic year, Dick Shafner ‘65 and his wife, Jan Eustis, put forward a $25,000 match toward The Bill and Kathryn Matthews Memorial Fund. The Fund is named after beloved faculty member, Bill Matthews, who served Berwick Academy from 1963 to
1979, and his wife, Kathryn. Both were passionate about education and the positive impact it has on children. Dick and Jan have also taken on a leadership role in helping to fund Berwick Academy’s partnership with Whittier Falls (a division of the Dover Housing Authority) through The Berwick Fund. This generous match encouraged nearly $30,000 in giving from alumni, parents, and friends which unlocked Dick and Jan’s match. Adding $55,000 to the Fund brings the balance to just over $71,000, which will support students from Whittier Falls in perpetuity. We are thrilled and thankful to all of the donors who supported this fund and look forward to continuing to build on this success.
A screenshot from the article in the Berwick Today magazine’s winter 2018 edition about the early success of the Whittier Falls program
RESTORATION & RENOVATION: Founded more than 225 years ago, Berwick’s campus has undergone many changes with updates and growth to the facilities. A recent audit found that thanks to the stewardship and care by our trustees and staff, our campus is relatively healthy and that deferred maintenance has not been allowed to accumulate in a way that is seen at many older campuses. Caring for such an expansive campus calls for careful financial and organizational planning. This summer, a long list of projects were completed that addressed functional necessity as well as a commitment to restoring and renovating our historic spaces.
Maintaining the historical characteristics of our buildings is critical. Properly updating the porch of Burleigh-Davidson (1893) and the front doors of Fogg Memorial (1894) required historical contractors that ensured period details from the late 1800s remain intact. Updating the front porch of Burleigh-Davidson has been an ongoing project that started two years ago with the south end of the porch. Initially the porch was thought to be an aesthetic project, but when the work started it was discovered that portions of the framework should also be redone. This was the second of three phases of the porch rebuild.
CAMPUS FACILITIES SUMMER PROJECTS The quad facing doors of Fogg were updated with additional locking capabilities, adding additional security to campus. This was the first of the three sets of Fogg’s historic double doors to be updated. For the hardware of the lock to be installed, the doors were removed from campus and taken to a specialist. The skins were peeled off and the doors were dismantled so that the appropriate mechanisms could be added. One of the most impactful summer projects was a complete replacement to a professional grade floor in the Commons kitchen.The project was significant and involved first
grinding the floors down to the original concrete, then skimming, leveling, and tubbing to upgrade to a professional grade kitchen floor. This major update exhibits our proactive approach to health and safety here on campus. In addition to the floors, the walls were painted and lighting was updated to LED bulbs, which is part of the full campus conversion to LED lighting. Our kitchen staff reports an immediate difference in their ability to provide an exceptional dining experience for our students.
BERWICK ACADEMY VISION STATEMENT By 2020, Berwick Academy will become a nationally recognized coeducational day school. We seek this recognition for the unique qualities of the Berwick experience. Excellence at Berwick will continue to be attained by local Seacoast day students who stretch and engage in ways that catalyze achievement of their individual potential in all areas of school life. Berwick will be further distinguished in its peer group through its synergistic relationship with the values and priorities of Seacoast families, which include quality of life, balance, perspective, and authenticity. This combination of national excellence and Seacoast values will result in Berwick being pursued by educators from across the nation and by prospective Seacoast students and families. Berwick Academy’s culture and first-rate facilities will be known
as a reason for families to relocate to our area. Our graduates will be equipped to thrive at the finest and most diverse colleges and universities in the country, but they will be grounded by the core values of our community. We will bring this vision to fruition by engaging the talent and resourcefulness of our exceptional students, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, and parent community. Together we will improve all aspects of the School with particular focus on enhancing our programs and bolstering financial durability. We will know that our vision has been realized when enrollment selectivity has increased substantially, net endowment has improved significantly, and other private day school educators routinely seek our input on teaching, finance, diversity, program, and campus development.