It's a simple enough idea, write an essay about a topic for credit. I'll admit I've written good essays in the past, I just have one issue with this topic; I am not a persuasive person. I don't have a passion to write about, or an idea in my head. Even if I was passionate about something, I doubt I have the skill to convince you. My arguments would consist of why I like the topic (or hate it) with an extreme bias, and I doubt that you would be moved. I couldn't convince you that the long hours of school take a toll on the students. Even if others agree with me, the way I word things, the lack of passion and my lack of being able to be assertive is the reason why I can't write this essay. First things first, the way I word my thoughts. more content...
You'll get this definition: "The writer takes a stand on an issue–either "for" or "against"–and builds the strongest possible argument to win over the reader. In a persuasive essay, it's the writer's job to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action." Along with a bunch of How Tos. I've have taken a stand that is very passive–aggressive, on why I can't write this essay. I know what you're thinking, this is ridiculous. Just think of it like this, as you sit there reading me ramble on and give excuses. You're starting to listen. Yes, you have been in my spot before, lack of passion words don't form right and you're just not clear enough. I see the irony here, this very essay, it contradicts itself. A persuasive essay on why I can't write a persuasive essay. In the end it's genius, I'm not faking an opinion or sing someone's thoughts. You might have considered this option before but it seemed too stupid. You looked up prompt after prompt. Nothing. When you finally settle you know it's not your best work and the grade shows. Or you did it last minute, reworded someone else's essay. You've even considered turning in nothing, I mean what's the point
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Goals, something every human being on this planet has and to reach those goals you must be successful. We set goals to fulfill our purpose in life, but to do that, you must be successful in meeting and completing those goals. "How Bad Do You Want It?" is a motivational speech that highlights the requirements of being successful. This speech is important to study because success is so vital and important for our survival as human beings, it changes the world. No matter your race, religion, culture, etc., you want to be successful and that will have a different definition for everyone, because only you can define what success means to you. "How Bad Do You Want It" encourages itsaudience to think differently about wanting to be successful and how to make it happen. This speech holds all the components Aristotle says a speech needs to be effective which include, persuasive, decorative, and informational, also meaning motivational, actionable, and fun (Morgan, 2016). While watching the football player perform each exercise repeatedly, I witnessed the effort and dedication he exerted through each set– this commitment resonated with me, as I am also an athlete who is expected to elicit these qualities. Not only hay, the video serves as confirmation that success is only attainable for those who want it bad enough and are willing to work for it. Even the background music playing provoked an internal motivation to be proactive.
By delivering Eric Thomas's speech in his unique hipGet more content
Noor Douglah
November 28, 2017
Communication Research Methods
Donald Trump has suggested that a contest should be held as to which television network covers him in the most "dishonest, corrupt and or /distorted" way, as he has again labeled many of the outlets "fake news." It is one of some attacks by the president against the press coverage he receives, with the most vitriolic coming back in August when he referred the assembled journalists as "truly dishonest" and "sick people."Mr. Trump also used the term "your favorite president," a moniker he has used recently– that is despite his approval ratings telling a different story."
Literature Review The press is basic to vote based system, and popularity based race is comprehensibly deprived of the press. An open and sensible contest is not only about the prospect of voting and the culture the way to make a selection, yet around a hands–on process where the electorates participate in the open verbal confrontation and provide adequate information on the meetings, approaches, competitors and the verdict process on the situation with a precise aim of settling on sophisticated choices. Besides, the press drives around as a critical watch to popularity founded decisions, defending the frankness in the procedure.
During the 2005 gathering to commemorate World Press Freedom Dayworldwide, an affirmation was formed which concentrated on "independent and mixed press are rudimentary for assuring forthrightness,
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Everyday decisions are made by everyone and every intelligent living being. Small or large every person must decide what to do in their own lives and consider how it will affect others. Their comes a time in all of our lives when we will make a decision that will change the course of our lives and possibly the lives of those around you. New York City Thursday, The fifteenth of January. This day a routine flight to intended for Charlotte, North Carolina would soon turn into one of the most significant and popular flights of the 21st century. Less than 3 minutes after leaving the ground and only being 3200 feet above ground level a flock of geese was sucked into the engine of the Airbus (Air Documentaries 6 /27/14). Captain Chesley Sullenberger had to make the split second decision to conduct an emergency landing of flight 1549 in the Hudson River without proper training or prior preparation. People have questioned whether or not Captain Sullenberger mad the right decision. I believe that Captain Chesley Sullenberger did in fact make the correct decision to land the 66–ton Airbus in the Hudson River. Less than 3 minutes after leaving the ground and only being 3200 feet above ground level a flock of geese was sucked into the engine of the Airbus (Air Documentaries 6 /27/14). The 66–ton air plane's engine was so heavily damaged that intense flames surrounded the right and left wing. The plane began to lose 16ft of altitude per second while soaring over Bronx, New York(Air
101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics should be a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to today's society, but I believe I am happy with the results. I appreciate any and all comments or feedback.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
48. Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools? Should students have to wear uniforms? Should college athletes be more content... Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television? Should owners be legally accountable for clearing snow from sidewalks on their property? Should sexual education be taught in public schools? Should students be able to get free condoms at school? Should students who commit cyberbullying be suspended from school? Should corporations be allowed to advertise in schools? Should students be allowed to eat during class? Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? Is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook? Should students have open campus lunch periods? Should abortions be legal? Should abortions be legal in cases of rape and incest? Should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals? Should students learn about world religions in public schools? Should schools start later in the morning? Should the USA end overseas military operations? Should politicians be allowed to accept campaign contributions from corporate lobbyists? Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor assisted suicides? Should Puerto Rico become a state? Should stem cell researchers be able to use the stem cells from aborted babies to cure diseases? 71. Should school athletes have to take drug tests? 72. Should professional athletes have to take drug tests? 73. Should America convert to the metric system? 74. Should high school students have to complete community service hours to graduate? 75. Should teens over 13
Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of language has been used to communicate with one another. Language and the ability to speak to one another to get things done is what I believe makes humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years, one language in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With several hundred, or maybe even thousands of languages being spoken by nearly seven billion people today, English has become the method of communication across several different countries and cultures. If, for example, English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would make communicating with other cultures very difficult. Don't get more content...
Whether we are trying to communicate across several countries or simplifying documents and dialects locally, there needs to be some form of legislation when it comes to language, and I believe instilling a global language can help us achieve all of the above. Both my mother's and my father's side of the family migrated from Cuba to Miami in the late 50's, early 60's. When I was born my parents had to work during the day, so my grandmother, Aba, used to always take care of me, and since she migrated from Cuba, she mainly spoke Spanish with knowledge in only a few English words. When Aba passed away in 2001, I went to a family friend who also prominently spoke Spanish. Today, at the age of 18, I can proudly say that those five first years of life did not prepare me enough for Spanish, since I am mostly an English–bred Hispanic. Sure, I can start a simple conversation and maybe talk Spanish for a little, but overall, I am known as the family "gringo," which is a harsh way of saying I can't speak Spanish. This hasn't just happened to me. Phillip M. Carter, a professor of linguistics at the FIU Department of English, has found that Miami is undergoing what is known as a "language shift." The shift means that Miami is becoming less in touch with its Spanish–speaking roots and is turning to more English–based communication. Carter's own research indicates that "Miami–born Latinos even
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Why should anyone care about someone's life beyond their own? It seems like common sense. People should value human life just like they value their own but with the rate of suicide, it's clear they don't. Suicide is the act or instance of taking one's own life voluntarily (Merriam–Webster, n/a.) Suicide prevention has not been viewed as something valuable to fund and that's contributing to the rate ofsuicide today. People need to care simply because people are dying. People are taking their own lives because the value place on mental health is not considered as high as the value placed on physical health. Not many people are ending their own lives because of a broken leg, but because their mental health is so invasive and painful they can no longer deal with the burden of living with it. Humanity can move forward in helping the mentally ill by looking at the statistics and providing active methods to help them. Each year 34,598 people die by suicide. That balances out to an average of 94 suicides a day. (Suicide Statistics, n/a.) Those are just completed suicides, where it ends in death. 864,960 suicides are attempted a year. This means that every 38 seconds, one person attempts suicide. (Suicide Statistics, n/a.) People are attempting to end their lives at an alarming high rate each and every day. Because of this, suicide ranks as the eleventh leading cause of death across all ages (Suicide Statistics, n/a.) In fact, more people are dying from suicide than homicide. So each year 34,598 completed suicides take place. In comparison to that, only 18,361 homicides take place each year (Suicide Statistics, n/a.) Both are absolutely devastating but only one can possibly be prevented. Homicides tend to be isolated, unpredictable events with nothing visible leading up to them so there's no method of preventing them. However, with suicide, occasionally there are warning signs and when noticed, preventive action can take place. Suicide on college campuses is a growing issue. The rate of suicide of college campuses is .5 and 7.5 per 100,000 among college students (Suicide Statistics, n/a.) There are more than 1,000 completed suicides per year on college campuses. (Suicide Statistics, n/a) Suicide may only be the
Schools have been using the same learning techniques for a long time. Since technology has been evolving, there are changes that have made schooling harder, and some changes that have made schooling easier. For example, instead of using paper and pencil students now have iPads and their own laptops to do their school work on. Are these more advanced changes for the better, and make learning more convenient, or are they unfavorable and make schooling complicated and more problematic? Most examples lead to the conclusion that laptops are more convenient. for the reason, that they make school work easier and generate easy access to sites for research.
During the beginning of my Highschool career everybody was given an iPad; grade six to grade twelve. However not everybody is fond of the iPads. Many students, throughout the long school days, have come up to the library to check out a laptop because they either "lost" their iPad, or they just don't want to use it. Many students have tried to check out laptops even when they have their fully functioning iPads, so now whenever you want to check out a laptop you have to leave your phone for collaboration. In almost every class teachers use the iPads, but not all teachers are fond of the iPads either. Some teachers continue to use paper and pencil because it's more of a convenience to them. Laptops are more convenient for me to use because of the classes I'm currently taking. Such as my CIS comp, CIS world history, and my
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Persuasive Communication and Effective Negotiations
In business the most vital skill is communication. In a setting where ideas are the business, it is imperative to be able to communicate those ideas effectively. The most important part of communication is the persuasive message. Communication is defined as a process by which we give and express meaning in an effort to create shared understanding. This process requires a huge range of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, speaking, listening, questioning, analyzing, observing, and evaluating[1]. Use of these processes is developmental and transfers to all areas of life: home, school, community, work, and beyond. It is through communication more content...
Before people buy into a suggestion they want to see that the persuader is flexible enough to respond to their concerns. Compromises can often become better, more sustainable, shared solutions.
3. Thinking the secret of persuasion lies in presenting great arguments. Great arguments matter, but they are only one part. Other factors matter just as much, such as credibility and their ability to create an equally beneficial position for themselves and their audience, (a win win situation), to connect on the correct emotional level and to communicate through words that makes arguments come alive.
4. Assuming persuasion is a one–time effort. Persuasion is a process. Common solutions are rarely reached on the first try.
Effective Negotiations
Effective negotiations are a method of working a compromise or agreement in which the parties to the negotiations try to achieve their goals in reasonable and practical manner through the process of give and take using effective communication.
Negotiation is a central activity of our lives. Knowingly or unknowingly we negotiate every day, with our colleagues, and bosses, family members, friends, strangers, and some times even with our–selves. We use negotiation to realize our expectations, to achieve goals, work out a problem or simply to avoid trouble. Sometimes we negotiate to assist others in resolving their problems. Negotiation is a problem solving
ATTENTION:I. Think of four important people in your life. One of these four people will be diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or depression in the course of their life, which may eventually cause death. Imagine if that person had simply exercised for 30 minutes, 4–5 times a week. They would most likely not be suffering from the disease, and living a happy healthy life.
II. Depression, Heart Disease and Diabetes are all major life threatening diseases that affect over 860,000 people combined in America every year.
III. Obesity is also a leading cause of death in America, causing approximately 300,000 deaths each year in America. It is now considered an epidemic.
IV (EXPERIENCE). I more content...
The number one way to prevent these diseases from occurring in the first place is to regularly exercise. By getting your heart rate up and releasing endorphins into your body naturally at least 5 times a week, you can reduce your risk of by diabetes by 34%, heart disease by 20%, can help you lose weight to avoid obesity and instantly boots your mood to help partially treat or prevent depression.
a. Exercising can become a habit, and something you carry on with your through the rest of your life. The earlier you start to exercise, the better your health will be when you're older. However, it's also never too late to get active! Not only can a 5 year old exercise and have fun by joining a youth soccer team, or playing Frisbee in the yard, but even an 80 year old can be active by joining an aerobics class or going on an easy walk down the street for light exercise to get their heart pumping and promote blood flow.
b. Now you may be thinking, "I'm way too busy to work out during the day!" or "I'm too tired to fit in exercising along with everything else I have to do." To avoid these roadblocks, utilize time you don't even realize you have. If you have 10 minutes between each class, use those to walk the long way to the cafeteria, or make a detour to
Persuasive Speech Outline
Topic: Organ Donation
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate.
Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die.
A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn't live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when he found out he needed a new kidney. He went on the organ waiting list right away. He was called twice during a six month span that they had a kidney available only more content...
2) The reason is that there are only on the average 6,000 donors nationally per year (Life Source: Statistics).
c. You can choose to donate any needed organs or you can specify which organs or tissues you wish to donate.
2. Organ donation is very important.
a. The following poem by Robert Test entitled, "To Remember Me," shows the importance of organ donation. "Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain... Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk...Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday, a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window
b. Not only is this a problem nationally but also it is a big problem right here at home in Colorado.
1) Nationally, there are over 120,000 people waiting as of November 1, 2011. As of November 7, 2011, there are 1,142 people from Colorado that are on the organ waiting list (Life Source: Statistics).
2) The sad part is that there have only been 137 donors in Colorado so far from January 2011 through November 2011 (Life Source: Newsnotes). [Transition: I'm sure that you can see the need for people like you to donate your organs. But you might be asking, well, how can I make sure
my organs are donated after I die? Let me tell you.] B. This
Lately everyone is seeing school shootings and robberies on the news and how most of these crimes are done with the the gun known as the ar–15 also known as an assault rifle.A lot of people jumped on board to ban these guns.But will that really fix our shooting problem? A strong majority of vote in 2017 voted for the banning of the ar 15 after the school shooting in florida killing multiply students.61 percent of the adults in Florida say that the ar 15 should be banned.39 percent of the adults say that background checks and looking into there history is necessary to buy in gun.The reasons for banning ar's are not to get the weapons away from normal and mentally stable people but to keep the guns of the streets and out of the reach of the kids that are capable and mentally unstable.
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When I began this class, I loved to write persuasive essays. I loved to write about my own opinions and I was quite good at convincing people to agree with my stand points. To convince others to agree on my point of view was an extraordinary feeling. I am very good at getting my point across and giving my reasons on why I feel the way I do about a certain situation. I loved writing persuasive essays because I love to read them as well. I love how persuasive essays have a call–to–action; giving the readers a chance to do something about the situation. I am all for protest and rights for others, if I believe someone is wrong I will stand my ground and prove that it is wrong. I loved to write persuasive essays because, I am a persuasive person in life. My opinions matter just as much as everyone else. Writing persuasive essays, is like writing from the soul. To be able to put my all into a piece and show why it means so much to me. By taking this class, I have come to enjoy the research paper. I feel now as I writer I still love persuasive writing; just know I include research to help strengthen my opinions. I am an organized writer as well as a descriptive writer, being able to write things in logical order and having things well explained for a reader. I now understand the meaning and how to write about things I may not always agree with. Being able to describe my writing, giving more detail is something taking this class has taught me. Giving my readers a better visual is
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The object we use twice a day, and neglect quite a bit has proven to be one of the most successful devices to prevent gum disease if used. 7 in 10 Americans use it daily, and in a world with a population of 7.5 billion people, only 4.2 billion people own them, while 5.1 billion own a phone.(Hopkins Jeanne) Each one of them costs around 2 dollars, while the electric ones cost up to 4,000 dollars. (Green, Dennis)This device was voted as the number–one invention that most Americans could not live without. In fact, the average person spends 2,920 dollars a year on this.(How much could you potentially spend on toothbrushes?) While the average American spends 38.5 days of their life using it.( Hygiene, Oral) The toothbrush has to be one of most magnificent devices ever created, from whitening your teeth to making sure you have good hygiene, the toothbrush has made the impossible possible. To understand and learn about this miracle. We will first brush our way through it's interesting and unique history. Second, we will rinse through why we should only use our brushes and not anyone else's. Third, we learn about Ordontalophobia. Lastly, we will learn how to pick the perfect brush for us and how an old invention as the brush is still thriving. While, the first modern toothbrush, with nylon bristles, was created in 1938 by the company, Dupont de Nemours, was called Doctor West's Miracle Toothbrush. However, toothbrushes have been mentioned as early as around 3000 BC, when Egyptians
"Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay and present it to the class in a week. You will be graded based on how convincing it is. Today we will be choosing topics," announced Mr. Bowerbank, my 7th grade English teacher and ruler of classroom 110. My class simultaneously groaned at the prospect of work. I simply lifted my head with intrigue as it was already May and about time we had our first essay. He then proceeded to give examples of topics we could choose and gave us some time to think before we had to tell him our topic. My classmates were already rushing to tell the teacher their idea lest someone else steal it. That meant the usual abortion, death penalty, or drug use topics were out. I really couldn't think of anything and the teacher was slowly making his way through the remaining students like an executioner beheading criminals in a line. I have always thought that he would make a marvelous supervillain if he had a curly mustache, a tophat, and a cape. Eventually my name was called. I slowly dragged myself over to his desk. Even sitting down, he still seemed to tower over me. "What is your topic Cindy?" As usual in such desperate times, my mind turned to food. "Waffles are better than pancakes." I figured that awaffle was just a differently shaped pancake with a nicer texture. "Hmm. Excellent topic. I look forward to your essay!" I survived to live yet another day. As I walked to lunch, I went around and asked everyone the age old question: "Do you like
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"And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you'll need an education to do it." (Barack Obama) College is needed for many careers, whether you want to be a doctor, teacher, or vet, it will be required to obtain a college education. College has many benefits in the long run, from earning more money, increased job security, better health and much more. Going to college opens up a door of endless possibilities, which is why everyone should go to college. First and foremost, achieving a college education is definitely more work, but it also helps college graduates earn more money than the average high school graduate or a high school dropout. According to the video, "Five Ways Ed Pays" developed by the College Board it explains that college graduates earn an average of 22,000 dollars more per year than high school graduates. Now considering that the average person needs to earn around 50,000 dollars a year to live comfortably, $22,000 is a generous portion of money. College Board also explained another statistic for college graduates, "A average of 63% more in hourly wages, than the average high school graduate." Meaning a college grad will have less stress due to them being more financially stable. Some may be thinking or saying that they are going to be rich without going to college, but our 44th president Barack Obama says something different. According to his speech, "America's Schoolchildren" he explains, "I know that you get that sense from TV that Get more content
Parents always put their children first, most of the things parents do are for the sakes of their children. Whether to flee and cross the border into another country, it is for their children; and in this case we'll use Mexico and the border between the United States as an example. Women are almost always put in charge of children no matter the situation. The struggles of immigrant parents suffer and are willing to do anything for their children to live; as well as being children willing to do anything to see and live with their parents if they crossed the border leaving them behind for example. Continuing with that example the parents will leave their country to make more than they would, in their home so it's enough to support their family. No one wants to volunteeringly leave their home, unless it is made almost impossible to live even live there. Children need their parents and as that desire grows, so does the chance of those children crossing the border too, to see their parents. Grande writes a memoir behind why she decided to write her story out to the public in the first place. Grande discusses her story because she couldn't find other stories like hers, she wanted to feel like others did when their stories had been written. This provides a broader point of view not only focusing on the adults, but the children as well. Adelman and Salcido write a research paper that provides great evidence, but isn't as sentimental as Grande's writing. Salcido and Adelman discuss Get more content
In today's society, suicide can be a multifaceted issue, sometimes an act of heroism, selfishness, love, or a brave choice. I am arguing against suicide because it is not a solution to a problem, it should not even be included as an option. Suicide is simply defined as "the deliberate taking of one's own life, usually the result of a psychiatric disorder, although sometimes deliberated in the face of life–threatening physical illness, significant interpersonal stress, or when under the influence of one or more substances of abuse" (Piotrowski). This topic interests me because of the fact that the rates are increasing year after year and it can happen to someone close to me at any moment. This topic should interest you too because someone close to you can show warning signs, which can be subtle or more discernible. Also if you are reading this as a parent, you should know "suicide is the third leading cause of death for those between the ages of ten and fourteen, and it is the second leading cause of death for those ages fifteen to thirty–four" (Goff). Yet the factors that play into a someone's decision is anything but simple. The most obvious and severe effect of suicide is the loss of a meaningful, valuable human life. "In the United States in 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41,149 individuals committed suicide and approximately 494,169 received medical treatment for self–inflicted injuries. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported an estimated 800,000 suicides worldwide in 2016, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among fifteen– to twenty–nine–year–olds worldwide. Women attempt suicide more often than men, but men complete suicide more often than women because men tend to use more lethal means, such as a firearm" (Piotrowski). With suicide rates on a continuous rise in America, society must ask what can be done to save lives. The main argument against suicide is that it is selfish, which is true. By you killing yourself, it causes a lot of pain to those left behind, like your family, loved ones, friends, etc. They tend to blame themselves for your death. Even if you feel like nobody in the whole world cares about you, you are wrong. When you think
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LLA 201
Essay Assignment #2 The LGBT community in the United States has always had massive difficulty fitting into our society. For many years they put up with constant mistreatment and other forms of abuse coming from the those who do not agree with their lifestyle. They have for long advocated for the acceptance of their existence and punishment for crimes committed against them. One of the hardest battles the community has had to face was the right to marry in a society that still holds the values of a traditional relationship which is between a male and female. The struggle was quite harsh but it all paid off by 2015 when the supreme court granted gay couples the right to marry. This historical decision did not go without outcry and criticisms. Most of the dissatisfaction came from those who hold very religious values and beliefs that claims homosexuality is a sin. Religion has always been a part of the American way of life since the nation's founding and with that homosexuality has been demonized throughout our society. Now that gay couple possess the legal rights to have a marriage license, religious companies and/or stores are now denying service to LGBT couples as they believe it sinful on their behalf to even take part. Many people gay or straight who fought for gay rights believe these is pure discrimination and that stores should not have the right to deny service for any customer for any reason. However, this belief is unconstitutional and goes
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As we are nearing our destination our bus driver yells out "I am going to stop at this gas station and fill up." When our bus driver came back onto the bus he exclaimed "The gas station is out of gasoline so we will stay here overnight." Then, everyone in the bus started grunting and moaning. "But guys we can make this fun if we tell stories to pass the time, Here, I will start." I said. And we began telling each other our stories. "Can we please adopt this one, Mom? Pretty please, he is so cute! With his bright green eyes and his pink little nose," said Jacob, a thirteen year old boy with red hair. "After this we will be pretty much bankrupt," said Jacob's mom, with her deep blue eyes staring into Jacob's "Please just this one thats all," said Jacob "Ok but promise me that you will take responsibility of him by taking care of him," said Jacob's mom. And they strutted to the individual behind the counter. When they got back home with their new puppy they decided to name him Spot due to a cinnamon–colored spot on his back. The next morning, when Jacob woke up he noticed that Spot's nose is not the same shade of pink. In fact, it is quite pale. "Mom we need to take spot to the vet now!" screamed Jacob wistfully. "Ok, I will get Spot while you get in the car," replied Mom. When they got to their destination, Jacob sprinted out of the car and went to the vet's office and almost immediately the vet said "Spot is going to need surgery, do you have insurance?" "No, how much
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