Antigone face a potential death of being stoned to death for going against her uncle's law, which has never been brought on any woman before. When Antigone buries her brother Polyneices, she jeopardizes her life because the law of Creon goes against the laws of the gods. Her motives for her disobeying actions are religious morals, genuine love, and caution for her country.
Having morals shape how an individual comprehends and believes, but it is sometimes hard to decide between what is right and what is law. "Zeus did not announce those laws to me. And justice living with the gods below sent no such laws for men. I did not think anything which you proclaimed strong enough to let a mortal override the gods and their unwritten and unchanging laws" (Sophocles lines 508–513). Antigone confronts Creon about how the laws made by man are only temporary, but the laws of the gods are everlasting. "I arranged your corpse and at the grave mound poured out libations. But now, more content... She is determined to finally create peace and justice in her country after many unfortunate events. " . . . do you have any sense of all the troubles Zeus keeps bringing on the two of us, as long as we're alive? All that misery which stems fromOedipus? There's no suffering, no shame, no ruin –not one dishonour – which I have not seen in all the troubles you and I go through" (Sophocles lines 2–8). Antigone and her family's fates are tragedies that are continued into following generations which explains why Antigone has so much emotional distress. "Now there you touch on my most painful thought – my father's destiny – always on my mind, along with that whole fate which sticks to us. . ." (Sophocles lines 965–967). Oedipus's fate has brought Thebes into the circumstances that it is in the now and Antigone hopes that her fate will shape Thebes into a country that will have justice and
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Antigone Analysis
Antigone Literary Analysis
Antigone Literary Analysis Essay Love can drive a person to do things that may seem honorable but can lead to dire consequences. In the play, Antigone, Sophocles creates Antigone to have an irrational one. There is a way she could have saved herself but, she choses not to pursue it because she felt it was more honorable to die with her brother rather than to stay on earth and help her grieving sister. Antigone shows an irrational position in many ways. She shows this position towards her sister and Creon. When the play opens Ismene begs Antigone not to go and to grieve in the only lawful way they can. "I will dishonor no one. But I cannot resist the rule of law. I cannot."(Rudall/ Sophocles 14) Ismene shows ration and respects the law. Although
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Antigone Analysis
Tragedies long ago were defined as a drama that contains a powerful person or character on top of the social ladder that exhibit some type of event that leads to their downfall. Antigone by Sophocles is a Greek tragedy of that of Creon, King of Thebes. The whole issue that presents itself in Antigone is thatCreon is forbidding anyone from burying Polyneices, a traitor that fought against the city but also happens to be the brother of Antigone. Antigone goes against this law, leading to Creon deciding to sentence Antigone and Ismene, Antigone's sister, to death. Within scene three of Antigone bySophocles contains an important conversation between Creon, Haemon, and in some instances the Chorus regarding the death of Antigone in order more content...
Scene three a contributes to the overall rising action of the tragedy because it further backs Creon into a corner, in which will later contribute to his downfall. This scene shows that even though Antigone is the woman that Haemon is going to marry, he is unrelenting to change the law that he set forth in the beginning, that anyone who was to bury Polyneices will be stoned to death due to Polyneices being a traitor of the city. It also changes Creon's mind on the fact to kill Ismene as well, but only to say that she will be locked up and starved instead until she dies. The plot moves on because we see that Haemon, although still respecting his father, decides to show his support towards Antigone and to also illustrate how Creon is the only one to see Antigone as a threat because of the act she committed. It shows that Creon is not respecting his citizen's views and is acting only in his self–interest rather than for the good of the Get more content
Antigone is a very interesting play that was enjoyable to read. This play is somewhat long but reads quickly as the characters in the play are interesting to learn about and understand. Antigone is a strong female character that is rare as she holds the position of a heroine in a time when heroes were more common.
The exposition of this play, that is spoken through the chorus right after Ismene andAntigone first dialogue at the beginning of the play, is that a civil war went on lead by their two brothers Polyneices and Eteocles. The war has now ended with both of the brother's deaths and Creon in charge. The death and tragedy of KingOedipus also marks as a part of the exposition. The inciting incident in Antigone is when Creon orders that Polyneices is not to be buried. This happens right before the play begins and is addressed along with the exposition at the start of the play. This incident triggers Antigone to make a decision that provides the plot of the story. Antigone decides to disobey Creon's orders and makes a plan to bury her brother Polyneices anyways. From this point in the play, foreshadowing is made through Ismene's warning for Antigone of the repercussions of her decision. Later, Teiresias, also foreshadows this play, while Antigone is in prison, when he has a prophecy proclaiming that Creon's fate is that of tragedy, that the gods are angry with him for his decrees and his actions. This comes true at the end when the tragedy of Antigone, Haemon and Creon's wife occurs.
As the inciting incident affects the actions and decision of Antigone, she declared as the protagonist of this play. She is also recognized as the heroine that is not only following the laws of the gods and fighting against Creon's tyranny, she is also beloved by the people. This is told through the chorus and Haemon right after her arrest. Through Antigone, the point of attack is when she goes to bury her brother against Creon's laws. This happens during the time that Creon is speaking with the chorus after Antigone and Ismene's talk. Complications then arise when it is noticed that someone has been burying Polyneices, this then leads to the complication that Antigone is caught committing the crime. Then Creon's Get
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Antigone Antagonist Analysis
Sushma Karki Professor Jacqueline Bradley
English 1302
October 10, 2017
Protagonist and Antagonist of Antigone Antigone is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles. This story is about a young girl who has trouble by breaks king's command. For example, she is penalized for yielding the gods law. In the tragedy model of dramatic play, two different personality move the action of the play from starting to end of the show to resolution with their disagreement. One of these characters is the protagonist, and the other is the antagonist. The antagonist is the bad guy and protagonist is a good guy. InSophocles' play Antigone, the dash between protagonist and antagonist are obscure. According to the Greek tradition, the title character is the protagonist, and the supposed antagonist is Creon. Protagonist is a personality, who budge the story further. Antigone is the main character and tragic hero. Antigone is manifestly an important character in the play, but this play is not so much about her as it is about the results of her activity. Antigone becomes the tragic hero and protagonist in play she is the one who seeks impartiality in a world that devoid of it. She is the protagonist because she involves in the conflict against Creon. She will risk death to bury her brother and she cruses her timorous sister– so she is far from perfect; But she is a sympathetic character. She claims to be moderated by religious duty: "It is hard to fault someone who is just following their tradition." (page 635). Antigone begins the action and the Creon simply re–acts. Antigone has a argument with Creon the antagonist, and Creon has disputation with Antigone the protagonist. The Greek audience, however, would have supported her and dreaded Creon's fault. I think that another reason is title, there is a reason the play not called Creon.
However, the antagonist Creon's pleasure and stubbornness are related. He does not want to confess to himself or other people that he could be wrong, so he makes the same mistakes over again. He could have pardoned Antigone, or reticent his edict after his point was made clear, but no, he does not. Perhaps he fears confess that he is capable of making mistakes in light of his less than perfect
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In Antigone, Antigone braves through all of her hardships and decisions with her morals and set of values. She dies with pride and no regret for she died because she acted doing what was morally right. Many Greek writers disagree with these traits that Sophocles has given her but it is appropriate because she needed these traits to show defiance and be able to stand up for what is right. Antigone is a tragic heroine who believes in her duty to her family and is willing to sacrifice all things to do what is morally right.
Antigone's powerful foundation of her morals and values keep all who try to stray her away from her task powerless. When Ismene tries to persuade her sister into staying away from burying polynices more content...
However she earlier did not feel a lot of regret for what she did because she was doing what she was obligated to do. It was to her "meaningful" because she had given up her life for what her brother deserved and was the will of the gods.
Such strong emotions create a sense of feminism, which in respects to the time of this play was outrageous and not accepted. The image of women in plays and stories at the time were weak and powerless girls. Antigone's representation of feminists broke all the images of play writers in Greece and her strong characteristics defy the inappropriateness of her nature.Her boldness, bravery and , unyielding morals are all extremely important to her role in the play. Antigone has been given strong characteristics in her story and because of this she does not stand around while and Creon's unjust law insults Polynices. Her death was preferred because it was glorious and stoic. She was buried for doing what was right and what she was obligated to do. She not only prefers this but her bravery, obstinacy and other traits destroy the image of the weak girl who is powerless to everything. Antigone's strong characteristics and representation of the current day feminists were all necessary to her role as
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Antigone Character Analysis Essay
In Auburn University's production of the play Antigone by Jean Anouilh, the cast depicts the story of the young and spirited girl, Antigone, and her journey to death. While the story line of the famous Antigone is an intriguing one, I am here to talk about the concepts and ideas I found behind this particular production. Some of the aspects that made a memorable performance include the settings, design, and dialogue. The first thing I noticed when I entered the theater was the light that shone through the crack in the walls of the set design. Asthe play continued, the colors and value of the light changed, sometimes dependent on the time of day and other times dependent on a mood or a particular event. For instance, when the more content...
Another thing I want to touch base on is the dialogue in this play. Most of the scenes are lengthy and filled with strong dialogue. The performance that stuck out to me the most was Creon. The acting, expressions and tones all acted out by Creon was very powerful to watch. He marvelously flowed through his dialogue showing his reign as king but also his vulnerability when it came to his niece, Antigone and his son, Haemon. One of the things that stuck out to me the most was the long scene between Creon and Antigone. She was brought to him by the guards and they have a talk, going back and forth, about what the other should do and what they believe is right. First, I honestly am just amazed and the amount of dialogue that Creon went through durning this scene and the mind I know it has to take to get across his point as well as he could. Next, I really enjoyed seeing someone that I thought was going to be an awful character, at least try to get that point across to Antigone whether or not you can agree with him or not. The actor successfully showed the sides of Creon that you need to see to understand his character. Lastly, when the pay ended I began to think about why it was relevant. What did this play have to do with me or today's society? I personally found this as just a relation to Antigone herself. You see this girl going through this tragic time knowing she is about to end her short life. She is leaving behind someone she loves as well as a sister and Get more content
Antigone Analysis
Antigone Analysis
Britney Dardar
Debra Renfrow
26 July 2015
Antigone by Sophocles After the ridiculous attack of Thebes by Polynices and his partners, the city stands unconquered. Polynices and his sibling Eteocles, on the other hand, are both dead, murdered by one another, as indicated by the condemnation of Oedipus, their dad. Outside the city entryways, Antigone tells Ismene thatCreon has requested that Eteocles, who kicked the bucket shielding the city, is to be covered with full respects, while the group of Polynices, the intruder, is left to spoil. Besides, Creon has proclaimed that anybody endeavoring to cover Polynices should be openly stoned to death. Offended, Antigone uncovers to Ismene an arrangement to cover Polynices in mystery, in more content...
He feels that all ought to comply with the laws put forward by him, regardless of the possibility that different convictions, good or religious, state generally. Antigone, then again, hold the convictions of the divine beings in high worship. She feels that the laws of the divine beings ought to be obeyed most importantly others, particularly when in admiration to gang. Creon has an extremely solid feeling about the laws of the city and the laws went by him. His system for implementing them is exceptionally strict. In "Antigone" Creon orders that Polyneices won't be covered in light of his shame towards Thebes. Moreover, in the event that anybody is discovered covering him they will be executed for ignoring his request. Polonieces is Antigone's sibling. He is being rebuffed on the grounds that he assaulted Thebes and sold out Creon and the populace of Thebes. Creon's cruel discipline on the individuals who resist the law makes numerous trepidation him and challenge not to conflict with
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Antigone Character Analysis Essay
Antigone Character Analysis
In Ancient Greek tragedies, women often had to go out of their way to stand out and stand up for what they believed in. In the play Antigone, Antigone's way of doing this is not completely out of the ordinary. Antigone wanted to give her brother, Polyneices, a proper burial after his wrongful death. Proper burials have just been made illegal by the king, Creon. Antigone wants to prove that giving her brother a proper burial is right. Through her actions, Antigone proves that she is strong willed and will sacrifice herself to prove what she knows is right. Antigone is determined to prove herself right in her "wrongful actions", as king Creon believes. Antigone kept trying to prove her point of being just in her actions even when other people were against her. For example, when Creon is quick to jump to conclusions when he hears rumors of Antigone giving her brother a proper burial. Antigone then says, "Go thine own way, myself will bury him, how sweet to die in such empathy.". Antigone was determined to give her brother a proper burial even though it was illegal. Antigone would do whatever more content... While trying to give her brother what any family member would want, Antigone was always put down for her actions of trying to do what was right for her now dead brother, Polyneices. Antigone always tried to stand her ground even when odds were not in her favor. For example, when Creon was quick to take Antigone's life because of what she has done antigone stands her ground and says, "Then I beg you, kill me". Antigone did not see any reason to make Creon any more mad so she lead him to believe he was right to kill her until the end when she proves her point in her unorderly fashion of killing herself. Antigone was always willing to take any risk, no matter the how extreme to prove her point. Antigone was willing to do this because she knew God's law was in her
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Tyrant of Thebes Antigone, a play written by Sophocles, a writer of close to 123 plays, was written sometime between the years 496–406 B.C.E. A reoccurring theme in this play is the theme of rules. Throughout it's many lines, a common conflict is portrayed as to whether to follow the rules of the gods, or to follow the rules of the state. Creon, being the King, feels that his say is final and everyone should respect and follow it, thus wishing to follow only the rules of the state. This ultimately leads to Creon ruling as a tyrant and only wishing to follow the irrational rules of man, which he put forth, as opposed to following the more rational rules of the gods. This essay will be discussing why Creon rules as a tyrant and how his excessive pride is what stands in his way of heeding the warnings and pleas of both Teiresias and Chorus before it was too late. Due to his inflated pride, best portrayed in the scene when Teiresias is first introduced, Creon shows how severely his pride gets in the way of his judgment, which ultimately leads to the destruction of everything which makes him happy. Creon, King of Thebes in Antigone, may be best known to the reader as a tyrant who refuses to recognize the familial bond that Antigone has with her fallen brother. The reader is able to truly see how much of a tyrant he is by his most obvious character flaw, his pride. Though Creon may be the strict ruler that Thebes needs after they have just recently started to overcome a state of Get
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Structure And Form In Sophocles Antigone
"Tragedy , then is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions" (Aristotle VI). When one reads a tragedy, a series of emotions are conducted throughout ones' body and those emotions are the connection between literature and art. If one were to look at a group of seemingly meaningless words manifested on a piece of paper it would give the thought of confusion, but when the words are naturally streamed together the sense of unity embraces a beautiful arrangement of parts. The necessity of structure and form in literature and art are necessary for the success of the work. A piece of fabric will never become a beautiful dress without the outline therefore, the structure and form give the literature and art a place to grow and flourish. The needed structure and form allows the focal point of the piece to be listened to. In Antigone, Sophocles exercises "the soul of a tragedy"(Aristotle IV), plot, by seductively piecing events in an appealing way, chronologically. The chronologic ability inpoetry is essential, however when a plot becomes episodic, "acts succeed one another without probable or necessary sequence" (Aristotle IX) it grows foreseeable. In poetry it is not the poet's responsibility to tell what has Get more
The play Antigone revolves around Antigone and how she defies the laws Creon implemented to prevent anyone from burying Polyneices. Did Antigone actually do the right thing to justify her decisions against Creon's laws, or was Creon's laws perfectly fine and he was correct in the decisions he made throughout the play. Antigone made the correct choice in burying her brother, because she would rather disobey the laws of a man than rejecting the laws of the gods, and a man in charge isn't always correct especially if they just filled in the shoes of a king. Creon's laws were very wrong and his jurisdiction over the city was terrible. One of the main reasons i am supporting Antigone is that she doesn't want to upset the gods by not burying her brother, so that's why Antigone broke the unjust laws to give the right burial. That is why Antigone realized that she must risk her life to bury her brother so he can make it to the underworld. This statement made in the play shows why Antigone must bury her brother "It is the dead Not the living, who make the longest demands: We die for ever... You may do as you like Since apparently the laws of the god mean nothing to you."(Sophocles,4). As stated in the play, Antigone wanted to bury her brother because we die forever and the dead demand to be buried and the gods too. If Antigone didn't do this the gods would have been upset and Creon would have ruled in fear just like he was before. That is why i support Antigone because the gods come first before man, and Creon was brought down because of that. If Antigone didn't do the things she had done, Creon would have ruled over the city with fear, by using his political jurisdiction to keep order. Creon's pride was too big for his own good, and that is what brought him down. Even though Antigone's pride was big Creon's was worse since he always viewed himself as the correct one or more important than others."We keep the laws then, and the lawmakers, And no woman shall seduce us. If we must lose, Let's lose to a man, at least! Is a woman stronger than we?" (Sophocles,21). In this quote Creon states that women aren't better than men and men are the strongest, so only lose to another man. This is why Antigone was the one who made
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Antigone Analysis
Antigone Analysis
Sophocles, a tragedy play writer from Ancient Greece incorporates suspense, drama, inexplicable and constant situations in the play to illustrate an appalling form of the era. Most of his work is a reflection of a society and major events happening at the time. Excessive power in the government causes discord in citizen because people are afraid of retaliations from the government. The play Antigone is part of TheOedipus Cycle by Sophocles. The Theban Plays are about the king and queen of Thebes and their family. The last sequel Antigone is about the daughter of Oedipus, who was the son of King Lalos and Queen Jocasta of Thebes. The last play picks up when Antigone, one of Oedipus daughter returns to Thebes with her sister Ismene. In their return, they found out that their brothers, Eteocles and Polynices killed each other in a battle for the throne of Thebes. Creon who was Queen Jocasta's brother inherited the throne and became the new king of Thebes. Creon was married to Eurydice and had two sons Megarus and Haimon. Haimon was engaged to be married to Antigone. One of the new rules as a king, he banned the burial of Polynices, who he thought was a traitor. Antigone with her moral and values disobeyed the law and gets caught burred the body. Furthermore Creon sends her to prison because she was rebelling against his new set of rules. After Antigone was incarcerated, she hung herself with the wedding gown she was wearing. When her fiancГ© finds out that his father send her
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Title Goes Here In the play Antigone, Sophocles creates the complex character of Antigone, who does what is morally right and tries to be the hero but messes itu p with hubris, hatefulness, and selfishness. She causes her sister, boyfriend, and Creon to suffer which adds to the tragedy that good deeds don't always make the best heroes. Antigone can almost be called a hero except she doesn't do the heroic deed gracefully. She is loud, proud, and does not care if she gets caught when she buries her brother. This causes her sister pain because her sister did not want Antigone to be caught or killed. Another way Antigone hurt her sister is when she refuses any help. All she wants to do is to help but Antigone blows up in her face and tells her that she would never want to be helped by her sister. Again, when Antigone is caught, her sister tries to take the blame because se cares for Antigone. Antigone hates the idea of sharing the responsibility or even death with her sister because she is full of selfish pride. She wants to more content...
In exile, she causes further pain. At the end of the storyCreon and his son go to Antigone with intentions to let her go. When they finally reach her, they find her already dead–she had hanged herself. She couldn't risk her pride by dying of starvation and at the hands of others so she stubbornly chose her own way of death. When she decided to hang herself, she didn't care to consider how her death would affect anybody else. When Creon's son found Antigone, he was overwhelmed with grief and killed himself too. This deeply affected and pained Creon to see his son and Antigone both dead, knowing that he couldn't do a thing to fix it. Antigone left all of the suffering to Creon in the end, as he finally tried to do good by freeing her and making things right but he was too late. He never got to fix his
Antigone Analysis
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At the very beginning it starts off having Antigone and her sister talking about how she had heard they had a new rule that was going around. They are trying to talk in private with each other because her sister hasn't heard anything yet. After Antigone has told her sister everything that she has heard she then tells her to tell everyone in the streets and to spread the news out to everyone because they needed to be warned. Antigone tells her sister that King Creon has decided that only one of their brothers are getting a proper burial. Outraged, Antigone starts talking about how she was going to get her brothers both a traditional burial because that is what she believes is right. In doing so, Antigone and her sister will be honoring her father by doing this. Her sister is afraid of the repercussions and refuses to have any part of this decision. If you were not to abide by King Creon's law, you will be stoned to death. The scene continues and Antigone is still trying to convince her sister to help move their brother's body because he is too more content... She then has a, "drunk poison" made and drinks it to commit suicide. After all of this unfolding in one day, King Creon has lost his whole entire family and he is left with no one. Personally, I think karma got the best of him and what goes around can and will come around. He is then pretty much paralyzed, unable to speak or move. I think this story show multiple things; never give up on your faith and what you believe in like Antigone. Don't ever let your level of ranking get the better of you and blur your thinking. Then last but not least, whether you believe in karma or not, if you do wrong, something will most likely happen to you in the end. In this case, stoning people to death for not following a law and not doing the right thing especially with his
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Act 1 Analysis
Teenagers In 'Creon By
Sophocles' Antigone
When a teenager rebels they do so because they are under minded by authority. One example is illustrated in Persepolis, Mrs. Nasrine, Marjane's maid, is distraught over her son's life having a worth of a plastic key (Satrapi 99). Mrs. Nasrine's son is promised luxuries in the afterlife if they die in war (Satrapi 100). This simple view of a teenager's life and their usage leads teenagers to rebel. Marjane's cousin, Shahab also recalls seeing the teenagers being thrown into the field and faced with immediate death (Satrapi 101,102). Iranian teenage boys are shown to be simply fodder to the Iran Iraqi War and while they hold the future of a nation, the regime only sees them as pawns. The idea of teenagers being the minds to manipulate and more content...
In Persepolis, Marjane's teacher claims since the Islamic Republic has been found there has been no political prisoners. Marjane calls out her teacher in lying to the whole class and dispenses her experience with her Uncle Anoosh, a prisoner under the Shah but executed by the Islamic Republic (Satrapi 144). Marajane was faced with immediate applause from her classmates and praise from her father (Satrapi 144, 145). Support is shown as a symbol of agreement and thus her classmates and father supporting her depicts her rebellion as justified. Primarily, more necessary in the case of her classmates as they would have been lied to from authority which can be noted as brainwashing. Support of a teenager's rebellion can be shown again with Joshua Wong's activism. Joshua's parents, Grace and Roger Wong, praise their son's efforts to change Hong Kong, "...we are very proud of all that he is doing to make Hong Kong a better place for his generation and our generation." (Branigan). Not only is Joshua supported by his parents, but the citizens of Hong Kong through social media, claiming him to be a "hero" of the whole pro–democracy movement (Branigan). The support Joshua Wong is offered is an example of a teenager representing a whole body of people. Joshua Wong's efforts and rebellion is deemed justifiable and necessary as he is not just representing his views and his want for Get more content
Antigone Essay In my opinion, Antigone is a brave, confident and independent woman who accepts consequences, shows great love for her family and respects the gods. But she also has some negative personalities like being aggressive, a rule breaker, overdramatic, a risk taker and having a bad reputation in her family. Over all Antigone made much better decisions than Creon did by having a less serious tragic flaw, being a determined young women and not letting her curse on her family affect her decision making. Antigone's tragic flaw is being an aggressive risk taker. She proved that she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants and she won't stop until she gets it. Her risk was going against the law and burying her beloved brother in honor of his death. She knew the consequence of this action was going to be death, making it her tragic flaw. She states, "Then I beg you: kill me." Now that she's gotten her wish by burying her brother, she is accepting her punishment of death. This flaw has affected Creon greatly because Antigone is now his enemy and an enemy that will never give up is indomitable. In Ancient Greece, women were meant to be treated like slaves and men were always meant to boss them around. Antigone proved she was a strong and an independent woman by standing up to Creon for what she did. She says, "I do. I deny nothing." This proves that Antigone is not ashamed for claiming her guilt to Creon. I feel like Creon should of taken consideration that it was Get
Analytical Essay On Antigone
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Antigone Character Analysis
Antigone, the final play in a series including Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, discusses the ideas of leadership, family, and choices. It features two central characters: Antigone, a girl who chooses to illegally bury her brother, and Creon, a king who decrees the burial of the brother to be illegal. Upon the first encounter of the text, it appears that Antigone is the "hero" of the play, but on further analysis, one realizes that the tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle, is actuallyCreon. The idea of a tragic hero involves several factors. One such factor is the hamartia or tragic flaw of the character. Creon and Antigone are similar in this factor because they share a similar flaw in the play: stubbornness. Antigone refuses to listen to her more content...
Along with the idea of hamartia comes the idea of anagnorisis, or recognition. This is a key part of defining the tragic hero, and only Creon comes upon more knowledge. Antigone, however, dies in a similar state to how she began the play. She is still stubborn and learns nothing about right and wrong beyond what she claimed to know, "the wise will know my choice was right" (Sophocles 224.904). Even her choice to take her own life instead of waiting to die shows her stubbornness because she would rather die at her own hand than by that of another person, in this case, Creon. He, however, has the chance to learn from the series of events and change his view of the world. After his son and wife die as a result of Antigone's death, he finally acknowledges "the doom he brought on himself" (Sophocles 236.1260). Prior to his kin's deaths, he learns that what he has done is wrong and goes to release Antigone, only to find her dead with his son dead also next to her, "I can fight necessity no more" (Sophocles 231.1106). Creon's learning and changing because of this statement is a reason why he is the tragic hero of the play; his stubbornness caused the fall, and he subsequently was forced to learn a lesson. This ending to the play helps develop the catharsis that both the audience and characters feel after the events have occurred. The idea of the play raising "emotions of pity Get more content
Antigone Conflict Analysis
In the play Antigone, originally written by Sophocles, conflict is revealed when the two sisters, Antigone and Ismene, witness the death of their two brothers within an hour of each other. Creon, the king of Thebes, gives Eteocles a soldierЕ› funeral with military honors, but Polyneices will have to die in a field without even being buried. Although Polyneices broke laws in his life,Antigone believes he still deserves a funeral. Creon should allow Antigone to bury Polyneices by the law of God. Creon's laws are going against the Lord's teachings where every man should be forgiven for his sins. Antigone asks Creon "what do you want more than my death", Creon responds,"Nothing. That gives me everythingВЁ. At that point Antigone tells Creon to take her life because their conversation isn't going anywhere, and she does not want to live on an evil earth. There is a turning point in the argument when Creon tells Antigone she is the only who believes his laws are unfair, Antigone responds that the others more content...
At the end of the day we are all people, and not all people are given the same opportunities you have to think about the decisions that those criminals had to make. A lot of bad people do not have an option on what to do because of their circumstances. Antigone realizes this and accepts her brother when she says ВЁIt is in my nature to love, not hateВЁ. Also, it may be argued that Antigone just wants everyone to realize this, and wouldn't actually die for it. But, Ismene later agrees to join her in death just to be refused by Antigone because ВЁYou shall not lessen my death by sharing itВЁ, if Ismene dies with her it would lessen her death because Ismene would not help her in the beginning, therefore she is not truly willing to die instead of living on an unrightful
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Antigone: Play Analysis
In the play Antigone, if they were to eliminate Ismene from the story, the effect it would cause on the play would drastically change the entire story.
For in the play, at the beginning, Antigone and Ismene were talking of how Antigone wants revenge for the death of their brothers. While, Ismene is expressing sorrow she is pleading that Antigone doesn't do something so drastic. As said in the story by Ismene "I, for one, I'll beg the dead to forgive me– I'm forced, I have no choice–I must obey the ones who stand in power. Why rush to extremes? 80 It's madness, madness." Even with saying this, she does help Antigone, and if she were not in the story then Antigone would have had to do this on her own, most definitely failing ruining the introduction of the story.
Later in the play, Antigone sacrifices herself so Ismene can live, Antigone saying to Ismene, "Courage! Live your life. I gave myself to death, long ago, so I might serve the dead." Though, without Ismene here in the play, Antigone would have no one to fight for, or to sacrifice herself for. Making her death seem less dramatic, and or more content...
You'dkill your own son's bride? CREON: Absolutely: there are other fields for him to plow....ISMENE: Creon–you're really going to rob your son of Antigone? CREON: Death will do it for me–break their marriage off." He is expressing the rage and selfishness he feels, as he is on board with killing his son's bride with significant ease. Without Ismene, this revelation would have been never revealed leaving less of a character to
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