Proposal Essay Topics List

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Project Proposal Essay

Project Proposal INTRODUCTION

Topic and Purpose

This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus.

There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content...

The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear. Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order.


This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined.



The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.


Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline

The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments.

Description of Business

Type of Service the Business will provide

Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure
and General Operations
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Research Proposal E-Procurement



1.2 Background to the Study

E–Procurement is one of the technology advancement in the purchasing and supply departments in the public sectors. Confusion exists in defining the term e–Procurement (Vaidya, Yu, Soar & Turner, 2003). While the terms "e–Procurement" and "e–Purchasing" have been used synonymously in many jurisdictions in an attempt to prove their involvement in the e–Commerce revolution (MacManus, 2002), the term "purchasing" has a narrower scope.

Procurement refers to the use of Internet–based (integrated) information and communication technologies (ICTs) to carry out individual or all stages of the procurement process including search, sourcing, negotiation, ordering, receipt, more content... For example, Electronic Data Interchange has been providing automated purchasing transactions between buyers and their suppliers since it was launched in the 1960s. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) followed in the 1970s, and then came the commercial use of the Internet in 1980s. It was only in the 1990s that the World Wide Web– the multimedia capability of the Internet – became widely enabled and provided the essential resource for the automation of procurement (OGC, 2002).

According to Koorn, Smith and Mueller (2001), there are three types of e–Procurement Systems: Buyer e–Procurement Systems, Seller e–Procurement Systems and Online Intermediaries. This study shall focus predominantly on Buyer e–Procurement Systems, which typically demonstrate one of two systems philosophies in regard to e–Procurement: Enterprise Portal and Enterprise Application. While various e–Marketplaces have been launched based on the Enterprise Portal philosophy, the implementation of e–Procurement systems usually consists of two technologies within the Enterprise Application philosophy: a workflow system integrated with an e–Procurement application that supports requisition to payment; and the electronic catalogue that lists suppliers' items and prices over the Internet. The impact of implementing e–procurement in purchasing and supplies in public sector is great because there shall be total satisfaction to the user and

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Police Brutality Proposal

Proposal for the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) Policing Project

For many decades, the New York Police Department (NYPD) has practiced overzealous patrolling techniques while on the job. In fact, the culture in the police force has become so aggressive, as a result adversely harms society, but more than often, victimizes people from underrepresented communities. Police brutality dates back to the 1960's, (e.g. Harlem Riots, Tenderloin Riots, and Stonewall Riots) an era when the civil rights movement pioneered. During this period, social justice advocates came across treacherous obstacles, as many advocates were perceived as deviant for bringing awareness on social inequality. As a prospective research assistant, I would like to be able to identify the following question: Did the civil rights movement of 1964 create an aggressive and oppressive, as well as an institutional backlash in the NYPD among minority groups? The reason why I would like to analyze this potential question is because police brutality in present day society is such a rampant issue, therefore should be a topic to closely more content...

One way to gather data on the problem is through online journal databases, and other related academic publications. Another method I would use for this project would be ethnographic research on victims of police misconduct/brutality in predominately, Black and Hispanic demographic neighborhoods. A third possible approach that can be useful, is to borrow reports located on the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) to be able to identify updated data on the types of police assaults. For accountability purposes, it would also be wise to upload any of the collected data on: dropbox, microsoft office (access, word, excel), and possibly even a coding software, called Atlas.ti to analyzes qualitative

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Different leadership organisations have different leadership styles that they have adopted in their operations. However it is up to an organization to make sure that the leadership style it uses contributes to the commitment of different stakeholders in an organization. Organizational commitment is one of the salient on going organizational issues faced by managers. Past literature has highlighted the importance of retaining committed employees as an aspect of survival for organization hence many forward thinking are striving to create a positive organizational climate in order to keep those good employees through various human resource initiative (Chew, J, & more content...

2.Which leadership style qualifies to be the best?

3.What qualifies it to be the best leadership style


There are various different leadership styles that organizations normally adopts & each one of them have different impact on the organizational commitment on stakeholders. This includes

a)Laissez Faire Leadership

b)Transactional Leadership

c)Transformational Leadership


Laissez faire is the absence of effective leadership (Yukl G, 2010). Laissez faire leaders ignore problems and follower (Yukl G, 2010) and they do not contribute to the growth of the follower ( (Northouse, 2007). Feedback, rewards and leader involvement are totally absent in this type of leadership hence reduced organisational commitment.


A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER is a person who stimulates and inspires followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes (Robbins, 2007)It has been shown to influence organisational members by transforming their values and priorities while motivating them to perform beyond their expectations (Rowold, 2007)Increased levels of job satisfaction & reduced turnover intentions are consequences of transformational leadership. It

is all about leadership that creates positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other's interests and act in the interestsof the groupas a whole (Warrilow, 2012)

There are four components of transformation style (Warrilow, 2012) a)

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My New Proposal for a New System Jamelia Hamilton Axia College of University of Phoenix Health care is one of the most important benefits to the people of the United States. Everybody needs health care and some people need more medical attention than others and some people do not even need health care, except for their yearly exams. Today health care has many strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. I have come up with a new exam that will hopefully benefit everybody in some way. My vision for the new health care system is to one, make it more affordable for everybody in the United States. Two, to make sure that everybody receives the medical attention they need and deserve. The new health care plan I have come up with is called, more content...

Health care plan 1a would be the cheapest plan and would benefit most people. Now the health care plans cost would go up each plan. The more on the plan, the more you pay. It is the same way with thefamily plan. My health care proposal also really benefits elders. Today, elders have a really hard time paying for health care when they are on a fixed income. I believe that health care should a lot cheaper for elders. I believe that elders should receive discounts on their prescriptions and this proposal would take care of that. This health care proposal would make health care cheaper for elders by reducing the cost of prescriptions and doctor visits. This health care plan also eliminates health care for the people who do not need and gives medical attention to the ones who do need it. For example, the people who have long–term illnesses, but cannot pay for it because they cannot afford it or it is not in their current health care plan. The people who do have long–term illnesses in their health care plan, but do have a long–term illness would no longer have to pay for it, unless they became ill. This would help people realize what they are paying for and what they are not paying for. This proposal also proposes that kids who are suffering from long–term illnesses get paid so much money a year for health care expenses, well their parents or guardians would receive the money and the money could be used for bills or health

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Health Care Proposal

Oil and Gas Proposal

Perfect International LTD (PIL) "Oil & Gas"

Limited is a privately owned company incorporated under the Companies Act Cap.486 of the laws of Kenya. The Company is licensed to procure and market petroleum products in the domestic Kenyan market as well as for export to the neighbouring Great Lakes region in Africa. The full range of petroleum products are marketed by the Company, these include

Petrol (PMS)

Refinery margin system (RMS)

Dual purpose kerosene (DPK)

Diesel (AGO)

Industrial diesel (IDO)

Jet engine fuel (A1)

Fuel oil


Perfect International Limited commenced her operations in (year) and became a signatory to the Kenya Petroleum refinery ltd Agreement in (year), and at the same time became a signatory more content... This would result in an even playing field, more competition, and hence lower prices to consumers. This is the case in Western Kenya where retail prices are lower than in Nairobi. Opening up of similar facilities for LPG would reduce the cost of supplying the same to the consumers, which would, in turn, encourage wider usage of Gas for domestic use and hence reduce environmental damage by limiting use of charcoal and firewood. This would go a long way in the preservation of our forests and water catchment areas.

2. Kenya Railways

We would propose a railway maintenance levy from the oil companies to assist in the restoration of the Railways. This would benefit our road network by reducing traffic and over loading.

An improved railway system would increase trade within the East Africa region resulting in job preservation and increased government revenue.

3. Protection Of The Environment

In order to halt the chronic deforestation being experienced in the country (Kenya has only 1.7% forest cover and a country requires a minimum of 10% to be able to sustain its environment) Dalbit would like to see duty on Kerosene drastically reduced in order to encourage its use instead of charcoal.

Issuance of stock certificates for line fill would free up capital, which is currently 'dead

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4. Kenya Pipeline Corporation

How To Write A Community Teaching Proposal

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:


2)Environmental Issues

3)Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

4)Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population Planning Before Teaching: Name and Credentials of Teacher

Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 30minsLocation of Teaching: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish

Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Paper handoutsEstimated Cost: None

Community and Target Aggregate: Catholic community, CCD class of 5th graders and 2 adults to monitor discussion

Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion,Hand washing more content...

If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals. The Healthy People 2020 has two over riding goals: Prevent, reduce, and ultimately eliminate healthcare–associated infections (HAIs), and promote respiratory health through better prevention, detection, treatment, and education efforts. Controlling spread of infection is the key for the individual or the health care provider and washing hands is the first step. Hand washing is the

most single most important strategy for preventing infection transmission. HAIs are the most common complication of hospital care. However, recent studies suggest that implementing existing prevention practices can lead to up to a 70 percent reduction in certain HAIs. The financial benefit of using these prevention practices is estimated to be $25.0 billion to $31.5 billion in medical cost savings ( 2020).

How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata's Health for All Global Initiatives (See page 116 in the textbook)? Declaration of Alma–Ata International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma–Ata, USSR, 6–12 September 1978

The Conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is a state of complete physical, mental And social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or

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A Sample Group Counseling Project Proposal

A group Counseling Project Proposal– sample INTRODUCTION

What is Group Counseling?

Purpose of the group counseling varies from group to group. It can be therapeutic, educational, or helping people to make fundamental changes in their way of thinking, feeling and behaving (Corey, 2004, p. 7). Group counseling/therapy has the advantage of being more effective than individual therapy because, it more closely stimulates social interactions and interpersonal communication patterns than does individual counseling (Kottler, 2004, p. 260). The techniques and strategies use in group counseling are to help resolve members' interpersonal conflict, promote greater self–awareness and insight, and help them work to eliminate their self– more content...

The Centre has conducted more than fifty group–counseling programs in twenty schools in this community, both public and private, during the last four years. It also has conducted a variety of group counseling programs for the families, youth, college students, teacher training institutes, army, senior citizens and tourist resorts. Individual counseling service is also proceeding on a daily basis.


The following are a brief description of the type of group, the target population, basic purposes of the group, rationale for this group, requirements to join the group, and the theoretical approaches.

Type of Group: This proposal is aimed to conduct a short– term, "personal–growth type group".

Population: The counseling group will be conducted for the adolescent male students of the Public Secondary Boy's School. This is achieved through realistic goal setting by the group members with the guidance of the group leader. Purpose: The purpose of this group is to facilitate personal growth by enhancing self–esteem and developing a positive self–image, so that the members will gain self–awareness of their own feelings, personal values and needs. They also will increase self–understanding and self–acceptance for better functioning and leading a better life in the future.

Rational for the Group: The need for conducting a group counseling program for adolescents is crucial because they are in a very critical stage in

Group couselling for Get more content

Inquiry Question How do self–chosen study strategies affect students' retention of spelling patterns. Action Plan 1.Conduct spelling survey: How do kids feel about spelling? Do they practice? How do they practice? Are they interested in learning new spelling study strategies? Collect and review data. 2.Begin retention spelling tests: Administer tests prior to introduction of strategy instruction options. Retention tests will be given two weeks after their initial test date. I will analyse three weeks of spelling data by comparing initial test scores to retention tests scores. I will calculating the cumulative average percentage of loss for the class. I will also analyze data for three individuals. 3. Meet with students to present more content...

By far, this article seemed to take into account many of the factors that influencing my ideas about my inquiry project. I have been asking myself. Are texted spelling lists best for every student? In what way is spelling important being that digital devices have auto correct? Does negative feedback from spelling tests create reluctant writers? How much of individually studied spelling words carry over into writing? Can children develop adequate proficiency in spelling simply through engaging in a great deal of daily writing with constructive feedback from the teacher and peers? The result of the study showed. Students who are instructed in the PI technique performed best, students instructed in the D technique performed next best and students who did not receive any particular strategy mastered the least amount of spelling words. This study leads me to think that students who get some kind of spelling study strategy instruction perform better than those who receive none. I also think it's interesting that the students who performed best in this study were students who were taught how to study spelling words by connecting them to things that were of personal importance to Get

Self Study Proposal Essay
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Research Proposal The Climate changing, this has been a well–known issue. Air Pollution is killing the environment, creating damage that cannot be reversed. Our social media will attempt to tell you different and make it out to be not as bad or serious as it really is. My research proposal will explain what the effects we have on our beautiful little planet in a global scale, and I will point out how the internet can try and argue the facts to make global warming a hoax. I will layout the facts and statistics about the subject matter, then explain why their argumentation is false. A good quote for the article to start it off is one from Hawkins, "How did global warming discussions end up hinging on what's happening with polar bears, unverifiable predictions of what will happen in a hundred years and whether people are 'climate deniers' or 'global warming cultists?' wouldn't this be considered a scientific topic? We should be spending more time discussing the science involved?" (Hawkins). I believe that nature in part along with humans are causing damage to the environment. Our planet is moving closer to the sun; we know that but that alone would not be the cause of the planets warming as fast as it is. I also believe that social media is not telling it how it really is by not using the facts and evidence. I will then bring forth the prevalence of the ice age and talk about facts disproving global warming (which is the theory that the world is slowly rising in temperature

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Research Proposal On Global Warming

project topic proposal



A Guide for Students in the Business & Leadership Program

Leading to the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management

©2008 Nyack College

Nyack, NY 10960


Michael Scales, Ed.D. President


Anita Underwood Dean


Copyright 1991, 1998, 2003, 2008 by Nyack College. All rights reserved. No part of this work protected by the copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by more content... In addition, exposure to numerous organizational, management, and personnel concepts, as well as to the major theorists representing those fields of study, will help you to better understand the nature of the problem or concern under study.

The next several pages are intended to give you a look at the "big picture" of the AppliedResearch Project Proposal. You then will receive a detailed explanation of each element of the Project in the subsequent sections of the Handbook. As you read, keep in mind that there are class sessions in both first and second semester devoted to increasing your understanding of the requirements for the Applied Research Project Proposal.

Saturday Session Semester One

The session in the first semester will provide guidance in identifying an organizational problem appropriate for the project, developing your problem statement, and doing the research and writing of a comprehensive literature review.

Saturday Session Semester Two (or via Primary Instructors Guidance)

The session(s) in the second semester will provide guidance on developing a mixed–methodology (both quantitative & qualitative) research plan, including the development of research protocols, informed consent, actual research questionnaires and on preparing your business–oriented executive summary / abstract.

The model used for the

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A Proposal For Waste Recycling

A proposal for waste paper recycling in IIST campus.

Project as part of CH311

Environmental Science and Engineering

Aashish Lamba SC12B001

Aditya Duhan SC12B005

Mohit Singh Malik SC12B032

Shakti Bhim Bhan Singh SC12B048

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology


September 2014


Made from vegetable fibres called cellulose, paper as we know it today was first created in China more than two thousand years ago. Since the advent of the printing press in the 15th century, its use has spread across all continents to the extent that, currently, it is hard to imagine the world without this versatile material. More than 400 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are produced worldwide every year, with more than half coming from recovered sources.

Thus recycling of paper plays an important role in meeting the demand for increasing paper use. Recycling used paper and cardboard has significant advantages over other disposal options – namely landfill and incineration.


Since a lot of waste paper is produced in IIST,paper recycling can serve as an economical way to reduce waste and reuse the recovered paper. Since most of the waste in IIST comes from papers (mostly printed A4 sheets and newspapers), recycling of this waste on small

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Do you know the similarities and differences between a funding proposal and a research proposal? According to the website /proposal, writing a funding proposal was created to help empower people to be successful in gaining funds for projects that provide worthwhile social service. Aresearch proposal considers your overall topic ideas, your research question, your research process, and your sources and scaffolds what the next steps will be for the project. There are similarities and differences between writing a funding proposal and a research proposal.

A research proposal is most often written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or it's the first step in getting approval to write a doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a course assignment, the introduction is the initial pitch of an idea or a thorough examination of the significance of a research problem. After reading the introduction, readers should not only understand what is being proposed. Most proposals do not include an abstract before the introduction. Background and Significance, this section can be melded into your introduction or you can create a separate section to help with the organization and narrative flow of your proposal. This is where you explain the context of your proposal and describe in detail why it's important. Approach writing this section with the thought that you can't assume your readers will know as much about the research problem as you do. Note Get

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Masters in Project Management Research Proposal

Department of Business Information Technology Faculty of Management

Research Project Proposal

To complete this research project proposal process, learners must locate a supervisor and submit a research proposal detailing the proposed research project to be undertaken before registering. The purpose of this research proposal is to help the learner design and plan a research project which the learner is interested in undertaking and to explain this project to other people. The proposal should include: what you plan to do in your research why this work is necessary or desirable specifications for how you will do it a persuasive argument that you are the right person for the position Your Supervisor will more content...

What benefits would there be to solving this problem? What value would it have to the specific research community, the industry, society, South Africa or the world? What will be the contribution or significance of your research if it is successful? How will it contribute to the existing body of knowledge in this field? Why should anyone be interested in your research? p. 3

In this section you should motivate why this would be a good research project.

3. Review of Literature

In this section you should show where in current literature the problem was first recognised as well as what serves as the foundation for your

research proposal. The more references you can find that relate to the given problem statement, the more credibility it will have. This will give the reader an idea whether you have done your "homework" and know enough about the topic to start with the research project. A basic understanding of the field is required. Any fundamental theories relating to your research proposal should also be stated, for example, if your research topic is project management, reference should be made to current standards, best practices and any de facto documents.

4. Project Description

This part of your proposal may include the following:

a. Problem statement

What is the problem for which a solution is being sought? It is very important that a real–world problem must exists for which there is currently no effective solution.

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Unit 8 Learning Assignment Research paper University of the People term 4 (2015–2016) Phil 1404: Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice May 30, 2016 Andy Stanford (Instructor) This will be my paper research proposal on behave of the unit 8 Learning assignment as per requested; The Brief summary of my topic will be An environmental Justice / Environmental Racism. This ethical concern is our biggest generation issues that critically affected the human life around the globe. To limit global warming as necessary and needed to the required labels is a big challenge, and to avoid worst effects of climate change has many issues because of it's on Justice and racism around the matter. Additional pay attention to the matter will be very important in my ethical understanding. I have attached three link list in order to support my paper research.

Title: Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice: Environmental Racism and Environmental justice is one of the biggest global issues that the world has facing and dealing with and critically hits the world as a result inconsistency

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Choosing Research Proposal



On reading this chapter you should:

understand the importance of choosing a research topic that lends itself to a 'do–able' project; be able to evaluate potential topics; be able to

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formulate a valid research question (and hypothesis); understand the importance of creativity, and its relationship to innovation in formulating your research question; understand the integral role played by the research question; understand the vital role of the research proposal; be aware of the common pitfalls to be avoided in writing a successful proposal; and be able to write a logical more content...

2. Is the topic worthwhile?

It is very important that you pick a topic that is worthwhile. As already noted in Chapter 2, poor science is unethical. It is unethical to ask people to participate


1. Interest and Curiosity? Figure 3.1

2. Worthwhile?

3. Do–Able?

Three simple strategies for evaluating a potential research topic

in your study if it has little or no likelihood, because of poor conceptualisation and design, of producing meaningful results or furthering scientific knowledge.

If your topic is not worthwhile, not only is it unethical, but you are also failing to satisfy the requirements of meaningful results with theoretical and practical implications. Hence, you will fail to meet the full requirements for an undergraduate project in psychology, and you will ultimately loose precious marks. If the examiner of your project reads your project and thinks 'well so what', then you have not met the full requirements of

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your psychology project. It is important to note that it is your responsibility to come up with valid topics that are worthwhile. Your supervisor's role is to guide you through the research process, not to generate topics for you.

3. Is Get more content

Mental Health Proposal

What health issue is being addressed by this expo?

Mental health has always been identified as one of the main areas for action in the National Health Priority Areas (National Health and Medical Research Council 2016), and depression is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions amongst the young Australians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2017). Depression is a debilitating condition that substantially impairs individuals' ability to function and cope with their daily life due to the experience of negative feelings (NHMRC 2016). Also, depression and suicidality have a close correlation as eighty percent of reported suicide incident was due to the burden of depression (World Health Organization 2017), and suicide is the second leading cause of death in youths in Australia (Reddy 2010). Moreover, depression can be inherited in a family through either biological or psychological way (Rahman et al. 2008); hence, youths who have the family with depression history tend to be more vulnerable and have a higher chance to get depression comparing with children from healthy family (Rice 2010). Therefore, this expo is set up for raising community awareness in the burden of depression and reducing the growth of emotional and developmental dysfunction in youths and their families through providing a comprehensive research study in related the health problem and proven intervention strategies.

Who is the target audience?

This activity will target on students from

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ENGL 112 Topic Selection Prewriting with Perspective Summary

Week 5

This week's goal is to begin collecting information and planning for the final Commentary essay by reading, thinking, and engaging with your topic. As you determine your topic, you'll want to be sure it's viable by understanding the perspectives within it and determining what unique angle you can offer to the conversation. Under each prompt or question below, provide detailed information that shares information about your topic.

1. What is your chosen topic, and how did you come across it? Why is it interesting to you? What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic?

My chosen topic is teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is very common more content...

It also shows that there are more African American and Latina teen births than any other race. It's shown that most teen parents end up parenting alone because the males aren't mature enough. Teens that live in a house with multiple generations are more likely to succeed because they have parental support. Some may suggest that the reason for so many teen births is because of the reality show 16 & pregnant and the media. This could be true because of the way that they glamourize being pregnant. Young girls will look up to them and want to become like them. Another source shows that the show is a form of birth control to some girls. Some believe that what they see the moms go through is just another indication of why they shouldn't become pregnant. Some things shown on the show will make you not want to become pregnant at such a young age. Still having to go through high school and deal with pregnancy hormones is a lot to handle. Then, having to deal with the baby's father walking out is very stressful. Most young men who get young girls pregnant flee when they're told the news. The Parents Television Council criticizes the show and believe they're intent is wrong. Huang, C., Costeines, J., Kaufman, J., & Ayala, C. (2014). Parenting Stress, Social Support, and Depression for Ethnic Minority Adolescent Mothers: Impact on Child Development. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 23(2), 255–262. Doi: 10.1007/s10826–013–9807–1 Kim, P., @KimPainter, & Special for USA, T.

Topic Proposal Essay
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Proposal Essay Do you feel like you are doing enough to help the special needs community? A person with special needs is someone that may require extra assistance because they may struggle with physical, mental or medical issues ( Most people have heard of, or encountered someone in their lifetime that has special needs, but not many people will actually take time to research about it. "One out of every 10 children under the age of 14 has some type of special need, which includes any physical, cognitive, or medical disability, or chronic or life–threatening illness." (Lin). Special needs is something you can find anywhere around the world. This is a worldwide problem and there is so much that can be done to help! more content...

The same applies to you, you will gain so much joy from experiencing something like this. You never know, you might also create a friendship with someone that you never thought you would! Many would choose to argue that those who have a certain mental illness or learning disability are not considered a special needs child. These people only consider those who may have physical abnormalities to be special needs. Because many think this way, they may notwant to help the special needs community because they are afraid of it being "awkward". "About 70 percent of babies prenatally diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted." says Becker, Writer and mother of a daughter with Down Syndrome (Garrison). Many people choose not to be involved with special needs because they don't want to be put in that situation or won't know how to interact with them. So for those of you who are afraid to be involved with special needs because you are afraid or worried that it might be awkward, that doesn't mean you should run from the situation. I suggest you do some research and look up some helpful tips that can help you be at ease when confronting someone with special needs. Every person with special needs is a gift and should be treated like so. Gene Rudd, president of the Christian Medical and Dental associations mentions "If we look at the statistics or surveys that come from families that have raised a Downs Get more content


Proposal On Gender Inequality

Research Proposal

Anna Ford


SOC 210 Section 4102

Section 1

Gender Inequality has been a problem for centuries, and is still a huge problem today, which is why I am choosing to write about it. The basic definition for gender inequality is simple. The textbook says that gender inequality "takes the form of patriarchy, or male dominance" (Ferris, Stein, pg 246). This form of gender inequality can be explained by taking a look at some of the earliest societies. Hunting and weapon making were needed for survival. Men were expected to do that job, because women didn't have the same physical stature as men did. What the women were expected to do was cooking the food the men brought back home, cleaning, and bearing/taking care of the children. Patriarchy doesn't just affect women, it affects everyone. For example, since women are seen as the emotional ones, and the ones that need to be taken care of and need protection, if a guy gets emotional, he is told to "man up", and "quit acting like a baby". Society thinks that it is wrong for men to show emotions and cry. The negative effects of patriarchy on women also negatively effects the men just as much. The past societies saw men being the protectors and women being the stay at home and nurturing figures. The textbook tells us that here are two roles in a family setting. One of those roles is the instrumental role. The instrumental role is "the position of the family member who provides the family's Material support and is

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