The Definition Of Leadership By Daft
The definition of leadership described by Daft (2010) and Rost (1991), is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes (Puente, 2013). In a business definition, leadership is defined as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members (Leadership vs. Management, n.d.). The definition of management described by Daft (2010), is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, and controlling organizational resources (Puente, 2013). In a business definition, management is defined as the act of directing and controlling a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards accomplishing a goal (Daft, 2010). Fagiano (1997), defines management and leadership somewhat differently. He defines management as an old definition of getting things done through other people, and the new definition of leadership as helping others do the things they know need to be done to achieve the common vision. Traits and Characteristics According to Northouse (2016) and Ricketts (2009), leadership is a process that is similar to management in many ways. In a comparison of leadership and management, they involve working and motivating people; they mobilize resources,
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In society today, there is an extensive range of definitions of health and wellbeing which can be seen as both positive and negative. A Holistic view can also be identified and defined. These definitions of health have changed over time and will carry on changing within the future. According to where a family lives or their social class everyone will have different meanings and views of health and wellbeing. This may be due to what one person perceives as being healthy as another person may not. Channel 4 learning (no date) describes that a positive view of health can be seen as when a person is more likely to achieve and sustain physical fitness from exercising and are mentally stable. Therefor a negative view can be described when more content...
According to Floyd, Mimms and Yelding (2008) Webster's Dictionary defines health as "the condition of being sound in body, mind and spirit... freedom from physical disease or pain." This definition has very much taken the holistic view. Wellbeing is a term in which reflects on the positive emphasis on health and can be broken down into six aspects know as environmental, physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual. To achieve a high balance of wellbeing it is vital that a person is able to balance and take care of each aspect effectively. Underdown (2007) implies that in 1948 the World Health Organization(WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.' This definition took a holistic view as it mentions mental and social wellbeing and it was supported as it focused on a person being healthy rather than not being ill. However, this definition has been widely criticized. Seedhouse (1986) believed that for someone to be in perfect state of health is unachievable and unrealistic.
There is a wide range of major genetic, social and environmental factors which influence the health and wellbeing of children in today's society. According to The Marmot Review (2011) the more deprived the area or district which a child lives in, the more likely it is to have social and
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Essay about Health
and Wellbeing
UNIT 14 SAFEGUARDING ADULTS 1.1 There is a difference between safeguarding adults and adult protection, safeguarding is everybody's responsibility, and includes actions to stop and reduce the risk of abuse happening. Protection is a vital part of safeguarding and promoting welfare, it is the process of protecting an individual who is either at risk or a risk as a result of abuse or neglect. (The broad definition of a 'vulnerable adult' is; a vulnerable adult is a person over the age of eighteen who is, or maybe, in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness. And who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm more content...
The Mental Health Act provides a legal framework for acting and making decisions for people who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves. The Mental Health Act allows action to be taken for people with mental disorders to get the care and treatment they need for their health or the protection of others. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 aims to prevent unsuitable people from working (either paid or unpaid) with children or vulnerable adult. It does this by vetting all those who wish to do such work vulnerable groups and barring those where the information shows they pose a risk of harm. D.B.S. checks and ISA checks are done to reduce the risk of abuse by ensuring that those people who are unsuitable are not able to work with children and vulnerable adults, by checking these registers it will eliminate workers who have been
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Social Barriers To The American Dream Essay
The American Dream is a concept that in many ways defines the values of American society. There is no one specific version of the dream, but there are certain elements that are almost universally agreed–upon, most especially the link between hard work and success. That success is usually embodied in home ownership, a family and a comfortable retirement. For many Americans, however, theAmerican dream has proven elusive. Large segments of American society face tremendous economic and social barriers to the American Dream. Worse, their failure to achieve their dreams is often not for lack of trying the barriers are simply insurmountable. Several authors have discussed the barriers that many people face to the American dream, and their arguments support the idea that the American Dream is little more than a myth.
Barbara Ehrenreich discusses both social and economic barriers in Serving in Florida, where she recounts her experiences working as a waitress in the Keys for $2.15 per hour plus tips. This experience highlights one of the major economic barriers to the American Dream many jobs in America pay very little. People who for one reason or another can only find employment in the low wage sector face significant economic hardship. Most have little money saved, so any unforeseen expense is impossible. This clashes with the American Dream in both housing and health care. Most jobs in the low–wage sector do not offer health care plans, leaving workers in those jobs vulnerable
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Community has been described and interpreted in different ways. It has been explained by different people in their own understanding and views. The concept of community could be associated with the beliefs, culture and interests. In this essay, the concept of community, what it is and the different types of community will be discussed. Also, the association between community,youth and its influence on the environment will be acknowledged. In addition, in this essay, issues on ethnicity, culture, youth, racism andcrime will be discussed. The question 'what a community is' will be addressed.
The concept of community has more content...
In a society, he shares the spirit of solidarity, togetherness and social cohesion within the society.
Despite living under a locality, an individual often belong to other communities outside his or her geographical domain. On occasions, people discover that they belong to diverse groups with special interests that make them members to these communities. There are instances when a group of people who live in different land space or geographical zone. On occasions, there have been people with a collective voice in different mapped out areas of the world. This may be as a result of migration. An example is when an Asian couple migrates from their birth place in Bombay, India and decides to settle in the United Kingdom. When the family broadens with children, it encourages diversity of society in life of the younger generation. Language, food, religion and other beliefs in India are introduced to the children, even though they reside in the United Kingdom. Tyler (2003) explains that there are more to the buildings and accommodation of the society make up the society. He goes on to explain the idea that it is a notable fact that relationships are developed among the local group. It may be taken to account that the good function of every community depends on the population that resides in and within the environment.
However, the ethnicity of every individual is unique to him
Essay on The Concept of Community
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Safeguarding is define in all the policies as activities for protecting children from maltreatment; but also preventing impairment of children's health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
According to Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) child protection is an activity undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.
The Section 31 of the Children Act 1989 describes 'Significant Harm' as ill–treatment (including sexual abuse and physical abuse); impairment of health (physical and mental); impairment of development (physical, intellectual, more content...
On the case of children or young people who have already suffered some kind of abuse, school staff needs to have knowledge and skills to be able to offer a good recovery environment, supporting the harmed person on the best way and preventing the harm happening again.
Constant training is essential for professionals who work with children and young people, as the awareness has to be always high when observing them, knowing their families, cultures and the environment where they live.
There are different threats to the children and young people safety: all types of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, etc.); neglect; and other potential risks (drugs, gang bands, radicalization, etc.) Some cultural back–grounds, religion ideas, and specific ages can be determined as 'higher risk' of determined harm (for example, being from a culture where female genital mutilation is likely to happen.)
For ensuring the protection of children and young people is really important to work with the families, as they might be having difficult times or experiences, or lack of knowledge, that prevents them from offering the best possible
Why Is
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Self Concept Paper Examples
Self–concept is the fabulous picture of how you look yourself and also the way in which you have characteristics describing your type of personality. For example, my self–concepts are loyal, happy, hard worker, shy, and much more either positives or negatives. My self–concept of interact when I do not know the people around me just I will be quiet, (like no start conversation) but if someone tries to make conversation with me, I will start a conversation too. Barely, interact with people even if I would like to make conversation and it is hurt because most of the time I would like to make conversation but just I keep quiet. Self–image is how others see and evaluated your formed and transformed the image, and it could be mix with positive
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What constitutes the 'tribulations of the self' in contemporary society, according to Anthony Giddens? Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.This essay will seek an explanation of what constitutes the 'tribulations of the self' according to Anthony Giddens (1991). In the first part of this paper, I discuss some central ways language has been viewed focusing the review on social constructivist writings as well as those stemming from the study of human development.
In the second part of this paper, I discuss data that leads to the reconsideration of aspects of the language – selfhood interface. I conclude by suggesting some future avenues of research.First the essay will outline the various tribulations that Giddens describes more content... This would cause anxiety and result in the withdrawal from certain experiences/ activities to maintain the ontology.
The latter describing the sequestration of experience.One of the main threats to this is the notion of globalisation and everyone being caught up in it. Losing a sense of place and identity due to the change in lifestyle and other aspects feel beyond our control. This involves exposure to crisis situations. Giddens (1991, p 184) says that:'a "crisis" exists whenever activities concerned with important goals in life of an individual or a collectivity suddenly appear inadequate. Crises in this sense become a "normal" part of life, but by definition can not be routinised'Giddens (1991, p 184) states that it is the 'crisis prone nature of late modernity' that is causing may of the tribulations of the self and this creates a general uneasiness.
As a result many will withdraw from society in order to preserve ontological security and contain some of the forms of anxiety (Giddens, 1991). Giddens (1991) finds a close link between the sequestration of experience, trust and the search for intimacy. He argues that trust vested in abstract systems that help with day to day security is not as valid as trust vested in persons, and that the latter provides the moral satisfaction. This leads us into Giddens analysis of the pure relationship and the
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Tribulations Of The Self (sociology) Essay
Self Concept Essay
There is a lot of things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about myself and how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think.
I have learned that I am a creative and compassionate. I am a creative person because I enjoy activities that allow m to put things together. I like to let my imagination run and make things look more exciting I also think that I am a very good listener which makes me a very compassionate person. more content...
I seldom ask for help, and I don't go out of my way to talk to people. From what I have learned in this course, I think that to some people this might make me look like a jerk. Or that I think I'm better than them. When In reality I'm just a little bit of a socially awkward person. It's not that I don't like other people, I just really enjoy spending time with myself. I know a lot of people, but I only have two or three that I consider my friends. I value the quality of my relationships more than the quantity. I would rather go out and do something with one or two friends, rather than a large group. I enjoy having the close relationships with my few friends, I have no desire to fill my life with a ton of superficial friendships that come and go.
I take a lot of pride in the work that I do. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, it could be playing video games, riding my bike, or at work. When I succeed at something I give myself a lot of credit. To some people this may seem like I'm conceded, or that I like to show off. The reality of it is that rewarding myself for doing something good motivates me to continue to do good things. It's a way for me to motivate myself. The way I credit myself is not in the fashion of gloating, or showing off my success, but the opposite. I play off my successes like they're no big deal. To some people I may seem conceded when I accomplish something. For example, when I was in the Army, I was selected for airborne school. Airborne school
Self Concept Essay
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Conceptual Art Essay
Seema Vittal Serigara– z3329377
Mapping the Post Modern – SAHT1102
Essay Question 2: – Using Examples, discuss why and how Conceptual artists set out to destroy or undermine the value of physical pleasure in art's making and reception.
Conceptual Art maybe defined as a concept or art movement that came about the 1960's as a reaction towards formalism. Where in art theory, formalism is a concept where an artwork or piece's entire artistic value is based purely on its form and visual aspects. For example, American essayist/art critic, Clement Greenberg suggested the notion that art should examine its own nature and was already a potent aspect of vision of Modern art during the 1950's. However with the mergence of conceptual more content... Those elements that ran counter to this nature were to be reduced. The task of painting, for example, was to define precisely what kind of object a painting truly is: what makes it a painting and nothing else? As it is of the nature of paintings to be flat objects with canvas surfaces onto which coloured pigment is applied, such things as figuration, 3–D perspective illusion and references to external subject matter were all found to be extraneous to the essence of painting, and ought to be removed (Rorimer, 11). On the other hand, some have argued thatconceptual art continued this "dematerialization" of art by removing the need for objects altogether. Also others including many of the artists themselves saw conceptual art as a radical break with Greenberg's kind of formalist Modernism. However, by the end of the 1960s it was certainly clear that Greenberg's stipulations for art to continue within the confines of each medium and to exclude external subject matter no longer held traction (Rorimer, 12). Conceptual art also reacted against the commodification of art where it attempted to sabotage the gallery or museum as the main location and determiner of art, and the art market as the owner and distributor of art. Lawrence Weiner said and quote that "Once you know about a work of mine you own it. There's no way I can climb inside somebody's head and remove it." Many conceptual artists' work can
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Script Analysis
Self–concept which can also be considered as self–construction, self–identity, self–perspective or self–structure is an assembly of beliefs about oneself. These concepts include areas like academic performance, gender identity, sexual identity and racial identity. Usually self–concept personifies the answer to who a person really is.Self–concept is a combination of a person's self–schemas, which interacts with self–esteem, self–knowledge, and the social self to form the self as whole. The past, present, and future selves are all included. The future selves represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, or what they are afraid of becoming. Possible selves may act as motivation for certain more content...
Scripts include default standards for the actors, props, setting, and sequence of events that are expected to occur in a particular situation. A classic script example involves an individual dining at a restaurant. This script has components including the props tables, menus, food, and money, as well as roles including customers, servers, chefs, and a cashier. The sequence of expected events for this script begins with a hungry customer entering the restaurant, ordering, eating, paying and then ends with the customer exiting. People frequently follow scripts which are attained through habit, practice and simple routine. Following a script can be useful because it could help to save the time and mental effort of deciding on appropriate behavior each time a situation is encountered. Some people may have a tendency to habituate behavioral scripts in a manner that can act to limit consciousness in a subliminal way. This can negatively influence the subconsciousmind and, subsequently, can negatively affect perceptions, judgments, values, beliefs, cognition and behavior. For example, over–reliance upon behavioral scripts combined with social norms that encourage an individual to use these behavioral scripts may influence one to stereotype and develop a prejudiced attitude toward others based on socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, etc.Some applied behavior analysts even use scripts to train new skills and 20 years of research supports script use as an effective way to build new language, social, and activity routines for adults and children with developmental disabilities.With language scripts fading, efforts are being made in an attempt to help the scripts recombine in order to approximate more natural
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Questions on Oligopoly
Chapter 16 Oligopoly
1.Markets with only a few sellers, each offering a product similar or identical to the others, are typically referred to as a.competitive markets. b.monopoly markets. c.monopolistically competitive markets. d.oligopoly markets.
ANSWER: d.oligopoly markets.
2.An oligopoly is a market in which a.there are only a few sellers, each offering a product similar or identical to the others. b.firms are price takers. c.the actions of one seller in the market have no impact on the other sellers' profits. d.All of the above are correct.
ANSWER: a.there are only a few sellers, each offering more content...
11.One key difference between an oligopoly market and a competitive market is that oligopolistic firms a.are price takers while competitive firms are not. b.are interdependent while competitive firms are not. c.sell completely unrelated products while competitive firms do not. d.sell their product at a price equal to marginal cost while competitive firms do not.
ANSWER: b.are interdependent while competitive firms are not.
12.Typical firms in our economy are classified as a.perfectly competitive. b.imperfectly competitive. c.duopolists. d.oligopolists.
ANSWER: b.imperfectly competitive.
13.Given that there are approximately 12 companies currently selling cars in the United States, the car market is classified as a.perfectly competitive. b.monopolistically competitive. c.oligopolistic. d.the classification is open to debate.
ANSWER: d.the classification is open to debate.
14.When an industry has many firms, the industry is oligopoly if the firms sell differentiated products; it is monopolistically competitive if the firms sell identical products. oligopoly if the firms sell differentiated products; it is perfectly
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Introduction: What Did You Learn from the Course Content? I feel like I learned a lot from this course. I think, overall, this course was very eye–opening and made me understand, and want to better understand, issues involving gender and how they effect society. I would say the one of the most important pieces of information I learned was just how much the idea of gender and gender roles influences everyday life. I had never really thought too much about the determents of gender or traditional masculine and feminine ideals before this class, and how we as a society promote and encourage the belief that a person's gender or sex creates different innate, natural attitudes and attributes. Learning about how important society's views of gender is, and how it affects the way we learn and think, makes me look at our culture in a different way. For example, before this class I never realized how much women are objectified and put under intense Photoshop in advertisements. This better understanding of the way society is helps me take a step back and look at our culture in a different way, and allows me to become more aware of the issues surrounding gender, sex, and the ideals of masculinity and femininity.
What Class Material Did You Learn That Had the Most Effect On You? While I think most of this class effected me in a profound way, one of the most significant pieces of class material that effected me was the videos we watched and the articles we read over violence.
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What Did You Learn From The Course Content?
Design thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. It is the essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user needs and drive business success. Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking is a creative process based around the building up of ideas. There are no judgments early on the design thinking (Simon, 1969, p. 55). Design thinking includes imagination and reason, a combination of convergent and divergent thought, and creativity. Design thinking might be thought of as dialectic, or conversation. It involves design wisdom, judgment, and knowledge. Lastly, design thinking is skill (Hegeman, 2008). Design thinking process more content...
Deep understanding of the context of client and user needs is generated through analytical observation or ethnographic research that task seek to understand the fundamental use and usability needs of the customer or user and the meaning–based needs (Archer, 1984, 64). In the observation phase, data is collected to elicit the stories that help to understand culture and meaning in variety of forms: field notes, focus groups, interviews, transcripts, photographs, video and audio tapes, participant or non–participant observation, and formal ethnographic (Beckman & Barry, 2007). The second stage of design thinking is frameworks the design problem: this phase requires processing and a large amount of information –which is collected from the observation phase– but at the same time being able to see what is missing for the customers and users information. The ultimate purpose of the framing phase is to reframe the design problem, to come up with a new story to tell about how the user might solve his or her problem, or to come up with a new way of seeing problem, to identify interesting dimension, to identifying and formulation the goals, to identifying external and internal constrains (Oxman, 1997, p. 344), to create design brief –outline programme– and time lines and providing the boundaries of the design field (Archer, 1984, p. 67; Cross, 2006, p. 32).
After framing and reframing the problem, the design innovation process moves to the third stage:
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Design Thinking Essay examples
The Marketing Concept The marketing concept has evolved over the last years, marketing reflects to a key approach to doing business. An organisations objective is to make profit, to do this they have to consider the marketing concept, in order to satisfy customers. For an organisation to be successful should divert its attention away from particular products and towards the interest of the customers. Customers changing their needs and wants influence an organisations strategies and plans. Meeting customer's needs is the main key in marketing.
The chartered institute of marketing used the following more content... For Nokia to stay in the business they need to meet these basic requirement of the customer. If Nokia does not meet the customer requirements, then the customers will walk away and will use another brand such as Samsung, Erickson etc. Nokia was successful because they met the needs of the customers.
"The Marketing concept holds that the key to achieving the organisational goals lies in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than the competition"[3]. For an organisation to provide products that satisfy customers needs through a co–ordinated set of activities that also allows the organisation to achieve its goals, because customer satisfaction is the major aim of marketing concept.[4]
Organisations need to communicate effectively with their customers, outlining the benefits of its service and how they can be used to
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The Marketing Concept
A class is a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being the upper, middle, and lower classes. (Wikipedia) For instance, the image of Allie Mac portrays the face of poverty. The detailed description of the image Allie Mae has a straightforward and dispassionate style, evokes depths of emotion and character. (Murdock) She continues to mention the expression on her face carries both strength and weariness. I would like to add that she looks uncomfortable. It has been mentioned that Abraham Lincoln viewed its citizens as no fixed class definition. He's view on class were moving; however, scholars and critics today thought otherwise. Apparently, class has existed consciousness when a sermon John Winthrop justified the existence of class differences by making them crucial to God's plan of more content...
This ultimately led a complex path to class stratification historically, socially and culturally. (Lott) With that being said, he continues to dig deeper and specify that class resonates with the implications of value, quality respectability and religious virtue. I believe class should entail all the
Abraham Lincoln's Perception Of Class
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The Concept Of An Entrepreneurship
The definition of an entrepreneurship is a commonly argued point, with several definitions given by many different people. The Business in Action textbook defines entrepreneurship as the combination of innovation, initiative and willingness take risks required to create and operate new businesses and an entrepreneur as a person with positive, forward–thinking desire to create profitable, sustainable business enterprise. According to this definition, a small business owner could definitely be classed as an entrepreneur, as anyone who runs and owns their own business is taking risks with their finances every day of trading. However, this definition is not enough because it only shows one trait of the entrepreneur 's personality and behavioral patterns, which, according to most other sources, does not give the whole picture. In most cases, the person or party behind the business venture works to present something new to a prospective market. This includes a significant amount of planning and understanding the needs of your potential market. In other words, it is a competitive option that requires risk–taking, research, good resources, and detailed innovation if you expect to be successful. In today's society being an entrepreneur can take you to the next level within an industry. It is about taking an initiative to present something new or make an improvement on something already in existence. This means that you need to be a leader willing to take risks in order to see ideas
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Concept Analysis Essay
Peer–Reviewed Concept Analysis Article
Grand Canyon University
Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Roles and Practice: NUR–502
July 24, 2013
Peer–Reviewed Concept Analysis Article Woman–centered care in childbirth is the process in which a woman can make choices, be involved in, and has control over her care and relationship with her physician or midwife (Maputle & Donavon, 2013). Woman–centered care is a philosophy of care which gives priority to the wishes and needs of the female patient during labor, to improve the women's ability to make informed choices about many aspects of their care and birthing process. The aim of concept analysis is to clarify meanings of similarity and identify multiple considerations more content...
The concept should be clear and distinct, unambiguously defined and well differentiated from other concepts, and should be applicable to the world and appropriate in context. Concept analysis is applied for the refinement and definition of concepts originating from nursing practice, nursing research and nursing theory (Maputle & Donavon, 2013), which helps to differentiate between similar and dissimilar concepts. Walker and Avant assert that concept analysis and development are fundamental processes required by nurse researchers who are attempting to measure the metaphysical phenomena of nursing, or in this study the midwifery practice. The framework suggested by Walker and Avant was used for the analysis described in this research. The method of research included:
Selection of the concept Specification of the aims of analysis
Identification of uses, characteristics of the concept Determination and definition of attributes Development of model cases which exemplify the analysis
Identification of antecedents and consequences
Definition of empirical referents (McEwen & Willis, 2011 p.54)
A study 'Experiences of childbirth by mothers at the tertiary hospital in Limpopo Province' was conducted (Maputle & Nolte 2008), and experiences of the mothers during childbirth revealed the major concept 'woman–centered care'. 'Woman–centered care' emerged as a
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This chapter about Self Concept has greatly affected me. In a way that has brought up a lot of awareness, yet pain in my life. Although the chapter has brought up unwanted memories, the chapter relates to psychology and I am going to school to study psychology. I love studying psychology and because of my love for learning, I want to help other people improve their lives. Particularly, the section in the chapter about, how our self–concept develops. Last semester I took a child psychology class and we learned about the different types of attachment styles. That is when a lot of childhood memories started to reoccur and emotions that I feel. After reading this chapter it was like I was refreshing on what I already know and just how more content...
I have realized that the relationship can always change for the best, or the worst. I do know that I am not the reason or the fault for the reason that I am being treated. I know that even thought I have this pain I am going to make a change. Whether I have children, one day, I will not treat them the way my parents did to me. I have a very caring and loving boyfriend and I have changed my thinking that with the help of him I can overcome what I have been through. I do motivate myself to not give up on my dreams and I have to remind myself that the way my parents treat me is not my fault. I try to visualize my life happy and away from this house. At the moment I have to deal with living in this abusive home, however, I keep my head held up high and self–motivate myself. Sometimes I do compare myself to others. I say stuff like I wish that I have healthy relationships with my parents, but honestly I'm glad in a way, to experience what I have been through to love my future husband and children unconditionally. I know in a way, when someone truly cares about another person and I know what true love is. Even though what I have been through, it is more likely for me to do the same to my children, I reframe from what I have experienced, I want to be the change. I have developed an honest, caring, and loving relationship with my
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My Self Concept
Self–Concept is the perception we have of our skills, abilities and personality traits. The way we are to perceive ourselves and the way those around us perceive us, makes our persona, but these perceptions of ourselves continuously change throughout our lives. From a very early age we start growing an identity and traits that are periodically shaped by experiences. Although I have only lived for 20 years, I have learned a lot from past experiences, experiences involving those that surround me, good and bad.
The concept I have of myself that has been built by past experiences is an easy and relatable one, I personally consider myself to be a very strong, happy and outgoing person. From a early stage in my life, my self–esteem, more content... Nonetheless, the relative importance of each of these items for individual self–esteem varies between cultures." Additionally, they explained that participants who lived in Western Europe and certain regions of South America, are said to value ones freedom and living a stimulating life, "they are more likely to derive their self–esteem from the impression of controlling their lives". On the other hand, for those that lived in cultures that value conformity, tradition and security, such as certain parts of the Middle East, Africa and Asia, are comparatively more likely to base their self–esteem on the feeling of doing their duty. Granted this discoveries, I can hold my ground on how different ways of living, affect one's
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Self Concept Research Paper