Charolais Silver Calves
What is a Charolais Silver Calf ? Charolais Silver Calves are quickly developing a reputation among informed beef producers as a smarter alternative and financially more rewarding way to produce beef cattle. They are the result of cross breeding Charolais sires with Brahman females. Buyers are learning that Charolais Silver Calves consistently reach target weights at a younger age and provide a higher yielding carcase.
Hybrid Vigour. That’s the silver lining. Hybrid vigour refers to the additional weight and health benefits that occur when two breeds of cattle are crossed. The progeny of a Charolais bull and Brahman female can weigh up to 21% heavier than pure Brahman progeny, which is an additional 60 kgs of carcase weight per calf. This is an advantage of more than $180 per head over purebred progeny. Charolais Sires produced calving ease scores of 99% from 490 Brahman females. Charolais cross progeny grew at a rate of 1.08 kgs per day on pastures during 2012.
Faster Growing. Excellent finish. Greater Yield.
140 Premium $ per head
Carcase weight at 700 days kgs
250 200 150 100
Silver calves breed faster returns. Simple as that. In fact, Charolais cross progeny will be ready two to three months earlier relative to purebred progeny. What’s more, the beef from Charolais cross cattle is generally younger and therefore more tender.
120 100 80 60
Santa Brahman Gertrudis
Source: Extrapolated from data in S. Newman et al 1999 Proc. Assoc. Advmt, Breed Genet. Vol. 13
Santa Brahman Gertrudis
“ We focus on weight for age and consistent quality. You can shore up your bottom line when you are doing that.” TONY PERROTT Kilkivan QLD
Charolais. Born to crossbreed. Charolais bulls are proven performers with strong structural soundness and longevity. Their even temperament means they’re safer to handle too. And because of their distinctive colouring and gentle disposition they flourish in all Australian environments. Results speak for themselves. The breed is well recorded on BREEDPLAN for birth, growth and meat quality traits.
Tony Perrett runs a Charolais/ Brahman cross herd on his 6070 ha property at Kilkivan QLD, with the aim of calving 1000 breeders & 300 heifers annually. ‘Charolais form an important part of our operation and have stood up well to the tough conditions. They have also enhanced our consistency. Charolais bulls immediately clean the colour of the herd up so you’ve got a consistent line of weaners to sell. When selecting Charolais sires I look for bulls that are soft, easy doing, well muscled and low maintenance.’
Turn Silver into Gold
YOUR CASH COW Don’t miss your golden opportunity to cross into profit with Charolais Silver Calves this season. To discover more about the benefits of cross-breeding with Charolais, call 02 6771 1666 or visit