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BI366 Human Physiology in Health and Disease 4 hours

A survey of human physiology using a systems approach. Common pathological conditions and their physiological basis will be discussed. Extensive use of case studies will be made in this course. 3 lecture sessions and 1 lab session per week. Normally offered every fall. Prerequisites: BI121 and BI122, junior standing, Biology major, or permission of instructor.

BI370 Embryology 4 hours

A study of the development of representative chordates beginning with the zygote formation. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Prerequisite: BI125 3 lecture sessions and 1 lab session per week. Offered by arrangement.

Powers, Rogers *Alternate year course

BU100 Introduction to Business

3 hours

This course is an introduction to business, emphasizing critical issues impacting the business world, such as globalization, technology, ethics, and diversity. This course provides an overview of the various functional areas of business and how they fit together. Experiential learning and developing team-building skills are stressed. This course provides an introduction to career opportunities and curriculum choices in business and economics. Course is offered only in the fall and is open only to Bethany College freshmen. This course is required for all freshman business majors.

BU101* Business Math 2 hours

The course is designed to prepare students for today’s jobs by teaching fundamental business math concepts and basic computer spreadsheet techniques. Traditional calculation methods will be emphasized and spreadsheet formulas, calculations and math/statistical functions will be practiced.

BU202 Leadership 3 hours

The overall purpose of this course is to encourage you to carefully analyze your responsibilities and commitment in the context of leadership for the common good and for purposeful change. The course is more than the study of leadership, it is designed to help you develop your own leadership potential. In this course, you will be asked to think about the ethical responsibilities of leadership and to learn how leaders and participants mutually shape the environment of an organization or community.

BU221 Principles of Management 3 hours.

This course introduces the student to the field of management and explores in depth the five functions of management: planning, organizing, influencing, leading, and controlling. This course also presents the evolution of management theory, relates this theory to practical situations, and emphasizes the importance of management skills and knowledge. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and acceptance that business professionals will deal with people of different cultural, religious, ethnic, and socio economic world views.

BU225 Business Finance 3 hours

A study of the principles and methods of how finances of a business enterprise should be managed. The three principal tasks are to assess a business enterprise’s financial needs, to acquire the funds the enterprise requires, and to allocate these funds in the business in the most profitable and economical way. Includes a study of financial performance characteristics underlying investment and financing policies and international financial policies. Prerequisites: AC202 or concurrent enrollment in AC202.

BU240 Business Communication 3 hours

Communication by and for all levels of management. Includes dynamics, strategies, and practices of written and oral methods, with appropriate techniques for clear and effective communication in today’s business environment. Writing is emphasized, and word processing is used to help students gain communication skills.

BU245 Small Business Management 3 hours

This course focuses on problems, skills, and techniques involved in (1) getting a small business started, including such topics as buying a going concern, selecting location, financing and organizing the business, and (2) operating the business, including such topics as staff relations, insurance, supplies, pricing, advertising, credit, inventory control, profit and cost control, taxes, and record systems.

BU260* Creative Selling

3 hours

An in-depth study of the art of selling, including the salesperson, customer behavior, and techniques and procedures for effectiveness. The course will include readings, lectures, class demonstrations, case analyses, practice sales demonstrations, and a product research report. No prerequisites.

BU270 Network Marketing 3 hours

This course focuses on developing an understanding of the leadership skills, processes and techniques involved in becoming successful in a Network Marketing company, including such topics as selling, distribution, advertising, referral marketing, personal sales organizations, legal environment and compensation plans.

BU300 Management Decision Making Applications 3 hours

This course will focus upon the design and use of business applications for problem-solving and decision-making in a broad range of business settings. It will enable the student to become proficient in the use of spreadsheets, graphics and database management to perform microcomputer business management operations. The use of windows, program integration, add-in applications, and the writing of simple and complex macros will be introduced. Emphasis will be on problem-solving and developing the structure necessary to design program applications to perform actual business related tasks unique to the students’ own interests. Program problem assignments will be used to develop knowledge of perfect use of applications in spreadsheets, graphics and database management. Prerequisite: EC200 and EC201. Recommended: BU380.

BU302 Profiles in Leadership 3 hours

This course is designed for students in any major who have completed the prerequisites. It will focus on ten key leadership characteristics including charisma, communications, ethics and values, leadership development, leadership failure, leadership styles, leadership traits, power and authority, strategy, and vision. This course will involve students in examining leadership behaviors as represented through classic and modern literature and some films, in developing conclusions about effective and ineffective leadership behavior, and in self-assessment of their individual leadership profiles. The course will require a comprehensive research paper examining strengths and weaknesses of a significant historical leader. Prerequisites: BU202 and junior standing.

BU310 Basic Marketing Research 3 hours

This is an introductory course on Marketing Research employing innovations in evolving technology resources to design, test and evaluate marketing research. Students will employ efficient statistical procedures used in marketing research, and conduct a sequential exercise following recognized steps and techniques in marketing research, as well as complete a marketing research project that provides insight for the business decision-making process. Quizzes, written assignments, and classroom participation will serve as the basis for evaluation of performance. Prerequisite: BU385 Marketing.

BU311 Advertising 3 hours

This course is an introductory course on the role of advertising and other marketing communication (MC) functions in business and society and how they can be used by organizations to further their marketing objectives. Emphasis will be divided between the theoretical, strategic and tactical functions of advertising and other MC functions. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and acceptance that advertising must address people of different cultural, religious, ethnic, and socio economic world views.

BU313 E-Commerce 3 hours

The rapid commercialization of the World-Wide-Web has brought with it the need for managers who understand the special requirements of successfully doing business via this important electronic medium. E-Commerce has entered the mainstream of American and international business. Those who understand issues of web site and web page design, business planning and management via the web, and serving customers and running a web business will be able to lead organizations into successful electronic business ventures. This course is designed to be a hands-on learning experience in which students will develop key elements essential to a successful electronic business venture and will also work with business process redesign (BPR) concepts applicable to existing organizations wishing to upgrade or establish their e-business capabilities. Issues of ethics and security of electronic transactions will also be examined. Major topics include user information requirements, system design approaches, database development and control, and organization for information systems. Prerequisites: BU285 and EC200.

BU330* Retailing Management 3 hours

This course provides an in-depth introduction into the world of retailing and its organization. The retailing functions covered are the following: operations, sales promotion, selling, customer service, financial control, and research. Course activities will include field trips, lectures, reading, quizzes and exams, class discussion, guest speakers, and a course project. Prerequisite: BU285.

BU340 Management Information Systems 3 hours

A comprehensive view of the organization’s information requirements and the role of computer information systems in gathering and producing information. The course deals with both the technological and managerial aspects of information systems and their integration into an organizational setting. Emphasis is on the managerial aspects and includes design, analysis, development and implementation of management information systems. Major topics include user information requirements, system design approaches, database development and control, and organization for information systems. Prerequisites: BU221 and EC200.

BU341 Data Analytics 3 hours

This course focuses upon the acquisition and analysis of data in the business world thought the use of Excel, Tableau, BI, and other data analytic programs. It emphasizes hands-on practice using real-world data from the Lending Club, Dillard’s, the SEC, and other business entities. Prerequisite: EC200 and AC202. Recommended: BU300.

BU350 Business Law I 3 hours

This course is designed to introduce the student to basic legal concepts regarding common business transactions and activities. It will be based upon the rules of common law, as developed through court decisions. Topics covered will include the concepts and functions of law, courts and procedures, torts, contracts, personal property, real property, bailments, landlord and tenant, estates and trusts, and agency. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

BU351* Business Law II 3 hours

This course addresses those business transactions and organizations which are regulated by statutory law, as opposed to common law. Topics covered will include the Uniform Commercial Code sections on sales, secured transactions and commercial paper, corporations, partnerships, creditor’s rights and bankruptcy. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

BU360 Entrepreneurial Mindset 3 hours

The entrepreneurial spirit drives the nation’s economy, and provides career prospects for students. The entrepreneurial mindset is developed through modalities created to foster innovation, discover/create entrepreneurial opportunities, and locate options to fund new enterprises. Legal challenges and solutions, marketing research, developing new business plans, and effective business strategies are reviewed from an entrepreneurial perspective.

BU361 Law for Entrepreneurs 3 hours

Students will learn the initial steps to start a business, including navigating the laws, rules, and regulations as an entrepreneur. The numerous risks of business ownership are considered from an entrepreneurial perspective. Incorporating a new venture, buying/selling a business, structuring ownership, intellectual property, investor relations, employment requirements, tax liabilities, insurance, sources of financing, contracts, and other regulatory requirements are considered by the entrepreneurial student.

BU362 Launching Entrepreneurial Ventures

3 hours

Preparation for an entrepreneurial venture requires developing an understanding of the opportunities, risks, trends, and uncertainty of the business environment. Creating opportunity and validating that creation encompasses the ideations of entrepreneurs. Students will learn the feasibility of new ventures, test new business models, and create a start-up plan for a new venture. Research, case studies, and contemporary literature are essential course components. This capstone course will include application for first-round funding of the new venture. Prerequisites: BU360, BU361.

BU370* International Business

3 hours

This course focuses upon emerging global business opportunities and covers the practical aspects of doing business internationally, such as letters of credit, joint ventures, international ethics, business protocol, international negotiations, and assimilation of customs of host countries.

BU380 Operations Management 3 hours

This course focuses on systems theory and will review the applications of probability theory and simulation to problems of inventory control, queuing scheduling and resources application. Production techniques studied may include PERT, Queuing Theory, Linear Pi programming, and Learning Curves. Prerequisite: BU221, EC201 and junior standing.

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