BI366 Human Physiology in Health and Disease
4 hours A survey of human physiology using a systems approach. Common pathological conditions and their physiological basis will be discussed. Extensive use of case studies will be made in this course. 3 lecture sessions and 1 lab session per week. Normally offered every fall. Prerequisites: BI121 and BI122, junior standing, Biology major, or permission of instructor.
BI370 Embryology
4 hours A study of the development of representative chordates beginning with the zygote formation. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Prerequisite: BI125 3 lecture sessions and 1 lab session per week. Offered by arrangement.
BUSINESS Powers, Rogers *Alternate year course
BU100 Introduction to Business
3 hours This course is an introduction to business, emphasizing critical issues impacting the business world, such as globalization, technology, ethics, and diversity. This course provides an overview of the various functional areas of business and how they fit together. Experiential learning and developing team-building skills are stressed. This course provides an introduction to career opportunities and curriculum choices in business and economics. Course is offered only in the fall and is open only to Bethany College freshmen. This course is required for all freshman business majors.
BU101* Business Math
2 hours The course is designed to prepare students for today’s jobs by teaching fundamental business math concepts and basic computer spreadsheet techniques. Traditional calculation methods will be emphasized and spreadsheet formulas, calculations and math/statistical functions will be practiced.
BU202 Leadership
3 hours The overall purpose of this course is to encourage you to carefully analyze your responsibilities and commitment in the context of leadership for the common good and for purposeful change. The course is more than the study of leadership, it is designed to help you develop your own leadership potential. In this course, you will be asked to think about the ethical responsibilities of leadership and to learn how leaders and participants mutually shape the environment of an organization or community.
BU221 Principles of Management
3 hours. This course introduces the student to the field of management and explores in depth the five functions of management: planning, organizing, influencing, leading, and controlling. This course also presents the evolution of management theory, relates this theory to practical situations, and emphasizes the importance of management skills and knowledge. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and acceptance that business professionals will deal with people of different cultural, religious, ethnic, and socio economic world views.
BU225 Business Finance
3 hours A study of the principles and methods of how finances of a business enterprise should be managed. The three principal tasks are to assess a business enterprise’s financial needs, to acquire the funds the enterprise requires, and to allocate these funds in the business in the most profitable and economical way. Includes a study of financial performance characteristics underlying investment and financing policies and international financial policies. Prerequisites: AC202 or concurrent enrollment in AC202.
BU240 Business Communication
3 hours Communication by and for all levels of management. Includes dynamics, strategies, and practices of written and oral methods, with appropriate techniques for clear and effective communication in today’s business environment. Writing is emphasized, and word processing is used to help students gain communication skills.
BU245 Small Business Management
3 hours This course focuses on problems, skills, and techniques involved in (1) getting a small business started, including such topics as buying a going concern, selecting location, financing and organizing the business, and (2) operating the business, including such topics as staff relations, insurance, supplies, pricing, advertising, credit, inventory control, profit and cost control, taxes, and record systems.