3 minute read
Special topics include public relations, legal and insurance aspects of the three programs, selecting, purchasing, maintaining facilities, equipment, and supplies. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
EX375 Seminar in Health Agencies and Services 1 hour
A seminar for providing experience in developing knowledge and working relationships with voluntary, community, and other health agencies. The course will allow for individual project selection and work.
EX387 Practicum in Sports Management 12 hours
A beginning professional sports management practice experience under the supervision of the practicum instructor and an approved sports related agency. Students will gain an in-depth practical work experience using skills acquired during previous coursework. Practicum is graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Approval of sports management faculty. EX387 may be taken for variable credit of 1-12 hours. It may be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.
EX390 Nutrition 3 hours
This course is designed to introduce the student to general nutrition concepts and controversies. General nutritional standards and guidelines will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on practical nutrition for professionals in health, fitness, and wellness as well as athletic related fields.
Mullen, Smith, Moore, Pryor
EB297/397 Experience-Based Education
Experience-Based Education (EBE) is an academic program of Bethany College that enables students to earn college credit while doing hands-on research in professional experiences outside the classroom. The EBE program is housed within Bethany College’s Path to Your Purpose office and is directed by the Director of Path to Your Purpose. EBE is an intentionally flexible program. As such, there are many different types of EBEs: internships; practicums; observing/shadowing a professional in the field; completing a service learning project throughout the semester; conducting undergraduate research; and/or studying abroad. EBEs are evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis, and students must submit and EBE Application to the Director of Path to Your Purpose to have their registration in the EBE program confirmed. Contact the Director of Path to Your Purpose to learn more about the EBE program, deadlines, and how to apply. See Off-Campus Opportunities earlier in this section for more information.
GO101 Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture (Moore) Variable Credit
An institutional affiliation by Bethany College with the Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture has been established. Bethany students may enroll for Chicago Center credit during regular semester, Interterm and Summer sessions. An Interterm course involves students in three weeks of living and learning at the Center. See Section VI, Chicago Center, for further details.
GO299/399 Washington Center Seminars/Program (Smith) Variable Credit
An institutional affiliation by Bethany College with the Washington Center, Washington, D.C., has been established. The Center’s mission is to utilize the resources of the nation’s capital to provide participatory learning experiences in order to enhance students’ academic, civic and professional development. See Section VI, Washington Center, for further details.
SA300 Study Abroad (Moore) Variable Credit
Bethany College offers students several opportunities to study abroad through agreements with organizations such as AIFS (American Institute of Foreign Studies) and SACI (Studio Arts Centers International) or at Karlstad University or Linnaeus University in Sweden, both which have mutual exchange agreements with Bethany College. Students can pick up a Study Abroad Intent form from Linda Ball in the Chief Academic Officer’s Office to learn about the above mentioned and other options for studying abroad. Students interested in studying abroad during the spring semester or summer session need to make certain the Director of Financial Aid is aware of this so the aid can be properly awarded for the whole academic year. Federal financial aid and (nonperformance-related) institutional scholarships may be applied to tuition fees for approved course work for students who return to Bethany for at least one semester after their semester/semester/year abroad. Applicants for study abroad must be a college sophomore, junior or senior while abroad and be in good academic standing as well as in good standing with the student conduct system. Students must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative grade point average at the time of application and throughout the study abroad program. Study abroad programs provided by other organizations, such as those mentioned above, may have higher minimum GPA requirements. See Section VI, Study Abroad, for further details.