a conversation

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A Conversation

social norms and expectations and there contradictions - you are expected to be confident but not to confident as then you are big headed - expected to be friendly but not to friendly because that is creepy - have knowledge but don’t always talk about it - listen to poeple - look people in the eyes - hand shakes have to be firm but not to much these are all things we are continually learning though life how to comunicate and connect in the best way. but what if you dont learn these rules ?

text talk examples 2moro - Tomorrow , 2nite - Tonight , BRB Be Right Back , BTW - By The Way , lol – laugh out loud, TTFN – tata for now , B/C - because , FB– facebook , U – you , BF, GF– boyfriend girlfriend.all abbreviations of word we use often but unless you already know the abbreviation are it could be easily deciphered from within the body of text they are useless

Ideas Dyslexia: what people with dyslexia experience and ways to fix this People with dyslexia often swap , rotate and flip letters the problem is that the letters are two similar to each other , dyslexia font makes each letter a unique shape to stop this happening. letters merge and blend , extra distance between letters to stop this happening white background breaks through the letters distorting them and making them hard to makes out clearly this give a movement or a growing and shrinking effect to the letters dyslexic people also skip the beginning of sentences beginning reading from the first word that catches there eye or is easy , and have to restart the sentence many times.

climate change-


- It is estimated that within 100 years there will be no rainforests - how will it effect the world - what can we do to stop it - what will the world be in 200 years

Accents are all about dropping letters , and adding them in, there a way of distinguishing between where we are from and is learnt from an early age . its also about set phrases that are used in everyday talk but only for that area or town - how accents effect comunication - handy dicinary of translations


initial response to a conversation

look at ways we communicate these are just quite initial ideas to get the simple ones out of the way so i can delve further into this project .

Research quick history of the creation of social media and its effects ever since the word wide web was created , new forms of network and connectivity formed such as email , online communities and web blogs , until the new millennium network media was generic services you could join but the service would not intently connect you to others , after the into of web 2.0 online services shifted from channels for network to interactive 2 way channels for communication. This spawned a explosion of social network sites. these new social networks changed the way people interact with the internet and with each other , communication became something that people fitting into there lives and ingratiated activity’s that people do day to day . our whole lives have transferred on to online . social media sights like facebook , and twitter build personal , professional and geographical connections between people and groups but these connections are shallow and weak , communication is strengthened by shared experiences but this

doesn't mean connections people made online are less then that in person but they are not as strong or long lasting because with out seeing people everyday connections and communication is harder to maintain. it would be intresting to look into the idea about what makes a relationship effective what makes a relationship last 1. shared experiences 2. understanding 3. time spent together 4. communication 5. showing appreciation 6 . trust 7. having fun together 8 . supporting each other all of these things can be done on social media but they can be harder or done in a slightly different way ie , shared experiences can now be done though sharing of videos , discussing shows you have watched ,

Development idea generation looking in to the idea of confusion in communication and difficulties


idea generation looking in to the idea of deforestation i created this graphic


while looking into dyslexia i found this very interesting image that i feel explains it very well , only after re reading this image i realised that some of the words are muddled up near the beginning for the text as my brain is constantly reshuffling words i didn't find it any different. i would like to play around with some of these concepts in my work.

Artist research : thinking about climate change and things that destroy our planet i found this artist that uses rubbish and the things we throw away to create pieces of art , this makes me think of how what we throw away isnt trash and can always be reused but because people don't think about it they don't use it , i like the idea that things can always be repurposed and this would be a good topic for my conversation brief looking at items and what people perceive them as and what they can actually be , or a more basic look into our throw away nature

Reflection as i have begun working on the idea of problems with communication , i started to focus on dyslexia and this got me thinking its not something someone can see , yes there are little warning signs and give always such as poor spelling , difficulty telling left from right, aversion to reading long texts and difficulty following a conversation. but just by looking at someone you would know what difficulties they have this got me thinking about the concept of invisible illnesses Invisible disabilities are chronic illnesses and conditions that significantly impair normal activities of daily living. In the United States, 96% of people with chronic medical conditions show no outward signs of their illness, and 10% experience symptoms that are considered disabling. having dyslexia myself and also chronic pain i know unless i tell someone the reason i am unable to achieve something or join in they can often assume im lazy or not that bright and even when you tell people they always respond with things like "give it a go" "but have you tried" " maybe you just need to focus" i don't think these are things people say with the intention of annoying you or belittling but an honest attempt to help with something they can not see or feel . my partner also has a condition called postural tachycardia syndrome (pots) and although most of the time he doesn't look sick the way he feels inwardly tells a different story and he is often confronted with the same sorts of questions "have you ever thought of just ignoring it " "aren't you better yet" even doctors who have little to no knowledge of the condition say things like " it shouldn't effect your life to much" and this angers me . when i was thinking about these types of situations i realised people don't know how to react to something they don't know about or don't see directly , a broken leg that's easy that will heal but an invisible chronic illness is different i want to explore way people view these conditions on both sides of the fence and ways i can explain what's going on.

research i have been thinking about what makes something a disability or illness and it is usually something visible combined with knowledge and understanding .

this is an image of my brother from this image most people can tell he has a disability

this is still him but bcause the disability is hidden peoples perception of him changes

i see this kind of thing a lot when we are out in public together if he has his leg on and it is covered people don't look twice at him if he has his leg on and it is visible people stare and are likely to offer him help if he looks like he is struggling , the two differences interest me as he is just as capable with his leg showing as not , he still struggles with the same things but with out visual clues people cant seem to make an intuitive leap that there might be a underlining reason for things he does . the most obvious depiction of this is disabled parking spaces he often gets dirty look or even people confronting him over parking where he is legally entitled to park and you would think simple show them your leg but he doesn't feel he has to prove anything to them which often leads to them wispering about him and pointing which when you begin to think about it is strange and unusal behaviour for a person to do to another but becuase they dont see a visual clue that explains his actions they feel they have a right and obligation to judge.

so what about people whose illnesses or disabilities are entirely invisible ?

how do they cope with this reaction day in and day out

Some examples of invisible illnesses are: Allergies and Food In-tolerances Rheumatoid Arthritis Cancer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain Depression and Mental

Illness Diabetes and other Blood Sugar Issues Digestive Disorders (such as; IBS, colitis, Celiac, etc.) Headaches, Migraines, etc. Heart Conditions Lupus

Lyme Disease Multiple Sclerosis Neurological Diseases Sjogren’s Syndrome dysautonomia learning difficulties

people often judge others by what they see, concluding that they are either capable or incapable based on the way they look. It may, therefore, be difficult to understand someone who “looks” fine, but acts incapable. All too often judgments are made that the patient cannot be ill, because they do not look sick

Research Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) Simply standing up can be a challenge for people with PoTS as their body is unable to adjust to gravity. PoTS is characterised by orthostatic intolerance (the development of symptoms when upright that are relieved by lying down). Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, palpitations, sweating, nausea, fainting and dizziness and are associated with an increase in heart rate from the lying to upright position of greater than 30 beats per minute, or a heart rate of greater than 120 beats per minute within 10 minutes of standing. and yet from a outward stance these people look perfectly healthy

primary research " Just because you might look alright, doesn't mean there's nothing wrong" "That we don't want to hear about solutions, we have researched this thing to death to try and get better. What we need is compassion and understanding and to be treated as people to are grieving a huge loss which is not a choice!" "It doesn't go away just cos its now boring you" "when you ask how we are and we say fine we dont really mean it we just dont want to bore you with the list of crap we have going on" But please, PLEASE never compare disabilities. EVER! Disabilities and the effect and impact that have on your life are like fingerprints. Also, they are totally subjective. The parts that affect me most might not be same as the

i have decided to ask the people directly effected by invisible illnesses these are some of there responces to "what do you wish you could tell people about your illness / what do you think it important to remeber"

ones that affect someone else!" "At first peeps were either trying to coddle me - be over protective when I still need to try do stuff, or others saying what I need is exercise or to eat more " "My life feels like a shaken up jigsaw puzzle thrown out of a skydiving plane with no parachute" "Don't judge by how someone looks!!!x make up, nice clothes and hair can hide a whole world of pain, exhaustion, feeling horrendous!x" "with so many people telling me "you dont look sick" sometimes i find myself believing them and then when my condition stops me doing something i really love its like getting sick all over again" "Millions of individuals with chron-

ic illnesses bear the extra burden of family, friends, coworkers, and even healthcare professionals who don’t believe these patients are ill because they don’t “look sick" "Like all the things not to say to us, "at least it's not cancer", "but you look OK?!". That in the way you wouldn't tell an amputee that by running they'd grow their leg back, you wouldn't tell us that by getting out more when we're exhausted it'll help us feel better. (I have other issues too which contribute to feeling this way)" in responce someone else replied " So true hun. I'm sick of people saying all that, I've lost 9 of my family to cancer but realistically I'd rather have cancer than all theses illnesses as with the big C you either fight it or loose the fight, ME postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome to name a few are a bloody life sentence x"

" Its like whenever you meet someone and they say "hi how are yoU"? and you want to bleat it all out, so end up lying and say "I'm fine thanks, how are you?" " I think just the fact that it is invisible. Heart attack, diabetes etc etc are all invisible. You can't see them, but you say it and people know of the impact. But there's so many people haven't heard of ours that even the names of ours are almost invisible, there's no impact. I don't know if that makes sense xx" replies - "Makes perfect sense and so very true. I've had people assume that because it's rare disorders, (i, like many of us also have other things wrong) that I am constantly being seen by the top specialists and get to trial all the latest meds and am looked after in hospital like Beyonce at The Hilton! yeah, right! Try the total opposite! " and "Yeah, I completely get that!! I had Alot of people couldn't understand why it took almost a decade to start getting answers too! Had Alot of, I'm glad you're finally doing more to get help (grr!!!) I keep having to tell

them I'm doing the same I've always done but it's hard to find doctors that even listen let alone will actually help you! Not as if I just couldn't actually be bothered to get help haha xx" " People still have issues accepting disabilities which can't be seen. And if they have a 'good' day, they are 'cured'.... I seem to spend my time answering why he can't be cured." " I might look okay but on the inside the pain is considerable (I am the Mum of a 14 year old POTIE)" " Often you give them the info and they don't listen. They only listen to well known syndromes and disabilities.... If they haven't heard of it then it doesn't exist." "You sounded ok on the phone' Or 'you sounded ok to me on the phone' [therefore you have no excuse not to accept my invitation]" "You are lazy, attention seeking a hypocrite"

"Telling people you feel awful/are in massive pain and having them just keep talking while you stand there, trying to be polite." "The lack of compassion or empathy, i personally don't want pity nor do I want to sit and moan about my symptoms but just someone acknowledging the condition and understanding it is enough. I'm extremely fortunate on bad days to have a great support network both at work and with friends and family which not many people have. If anything it's the embarrassment I struggle with the most, passing out on the tube or having to run to the loo (or even having an accident) because of the side effects from gastroparesis treatment. My main bugbear is when people assume you collapse because you haven't eaten that day as if it's self inflicted though smile emoticonlow blood pressure does not necessarily mean low sugar!! X"

"That even though I wear makeup (sometimes) and am a generally smiley and chatty doesn't mean my pain, fatigue, brain fog etc has suddenly vanished. I wear the mask for survival and to try and enjoy some kind of normal life. Just because I smile doesn't mean I'm faking being ill or it "can't be that bad". Because what I live with is 24/7 all year probably for the rest of my life, I smile regardless because that's who I am."

NOT mean we are coping right now. 2/ PLEASE don't tell us that 'so and so is disabled and she did a marathon for charity, she's SOO inspirational'. We just get on with what we can get on with even if some days that's just waking up.

3/ One of the worse, because it came from a family member, AND my ex- carer (yes, really), 'Oh but so and so, he is *properly* disabled, you know, he's a paraplegic. He has a job, a car, his 1/That just because we 'cope' own house, he goes to the gym, (and that word is open to inswims, is in a basketball team, terpretation), coping does NOT mean that we don't cry, rage, and he does everything he is amazing, and he's PROPERLY disabled, scream on the inside. It doesn't if you see what I mean!' yes, mean we are not at the end of that's what my carer said. (Not our tether, that we don't also have to deal with all the everyday t mention that she was breaking client confidentiality) Don't get me life stuff like bills, kids, spouses/ wrong, I am genuinely happy for partners/everyday illnesses and him, and yes, he still is disabled injuries, and that dropped bottle so I'm no going to say 'well, he's of milk might be the proverbial just the same as an able bodied straw. Just because we coped person then'. yesterday or an hour ago does

"When walking around I feel like I'm trying to wade chest-height through treacle. If you can imagine the stress that would put your body under - your heart races, your breathing becomes shallow and your muscles tremulous and weak at the extra effort. You might stagger about a bit or find it difficult to concentrate on conversation as the fatigue begins to set in, and that can happen very suddenly. All this while 'looking normal.' A healthy person has no idea what it feels like to be in our bodies." "The words I'm ok and a little smile hide a shed load of symptoms feelings and emotions which are not easy to share when nobody can see that there is actually something wrong!!!!"

Development quick idea creation into invisible illness

Animated experimentation

Artist research illustrator Tom Haugomat has created a new tongue-in-cheek print campaign for Volkswagen’s used cars sees parents’ white lies recast as a metaphor for untrustworthy sellers. “If they lie to their kids, what will they tell you when they sell you their car?” the adverts read.his use minimal palette as in the mostly two-tone imagery he has created for Volkswagen. Initially a print campaign for French newspapers, the images are now also being printed as poster adverts and winning examples of strong advertising that says more with less. i like his use of contrasting colours to show everything from objects to highlight and shadows you really can say more with less

Experimentation the last two days i have been working on quick idea generation while researching invisible illnesses these are the thing si have produced this image was produced of the idea of wearing a mask to hide the illness or it not being obvoius on your face something is wrong

i then started to look at peoples responces and more reseach and pieced together things that people say they think about , so i depicted them coming out of someones head and no longer being invisible.

i then begain thinking about how someone with an invisible illness looks no different to anyone else so i created these charecters just everyday so that i will be able to use them though out my project

Experimentation with the concept of people just saying they are fine instead of having to explain there illness over and over to people who don't belive them.

i then came up with the idea of a stamp that we label poeple we meet with and how doing this is one of the biggest problems for people with hidden illnesses as they dont look sick.

experimentation with the idea that people carry around there invisible illnesses. i have tried to make the illness visual and in this instance i have drawn the illness as a monster sitting on someone shoulders i have left the human looking normal trying to represent that people often don't show when there illness is weighing them down .

Animated tests

Experimentation i wanted to use the titles of invisible illnesses and add forces on to them to create the distorting and destroying aspect of invisible illnesses the 2 i chose where p,o.t.s and dyslexia i wasn't sure how to use C4D , but i wasn't to bothered how much control i had over the text as i wanted to replicate the chaotic feel these conditions can be.

Artist reserach i love the styles of these the use of textures and colours to give the impresion of a sketch book or an old scroll id like to use these types of colours and work on ways to explain invisible illnesses

Artist Research Hungarian illustrator Anna Kรถvecses makes cut out-like illustrations with warm colour palettes of greens, blues and browns combined with simply formed silhouettes she has illustrate recreated medical cases from the past in a straightforward, but creative manner. i like her simple use of basic shapes and simplistic lines to create images that are cute and graphic.

Artist Research illustrator Janne Iivonen’s has created graphics that i think perfectly sum up technology's role in our everyday life his use of , muted colour palettes give a dated feel to his work and remind me of colour newspaper cartoons from the 1950 and the 70s but that is contrasted by the modern-day escapades of his characters.

experementation working with the idea of invisible illness following you around but being un seem i have created this image , it was partially inspired by these image i found

Experimentation using quotes and saying i have collected from people with invisible illnesses i have created theses graphics i wanted to use muted colours to give an ages and fed up feel to the work . for this image i have combined the idea of using stamps to make people stop talking with this idea.

i like these people cause there is s omething confusing and unusual about the combination of text with such a plain faced character and i feel that this explains the disconect people have about invisible illness and how people with these types of conditions feel when people give them "advice"


Experimentation because i have an allergy to milk i have to look at the ingredients of all food to check it , this is something that people with out an allergy never think of doing , i thought this was similar to how people over look illnesses that they cant see so wanted to combine the idea of invisible illnesses with allergy advice and created this graphic .

looking into the idea that people are made up of pieces of there personality and for people with invisible illnesses these piece can also be symptoms

Experimentation using responses i collected earlier in this project i have created these graphics trying to give them an old book feel

Experimentation responses to invisible illnesses giving them a textures feel

development : i decided to create a font to work with on my project , i like to make everything from scratch and give it that hand made feel i took inspiration from my sketch book and produced this font

Development updated experimentation with my font

i have spent this weekend trying to sum up what its like to have an invisible illness , trying to create a visual image though my description my first idea was that of a light being swithced on signifying that once people start to get ill or struggle , something small has changed but it grows till it takes over your life this was the first draft i created invisible illness is like a light being switched on , it slowly fills the person ,the person has still the same beliefs and dreams but something new is added , it’s the same person but something extra that changes their whole outlook on life , and if people arnt looking for it all they see is the darkness i really liked this analogy but thought it would be better to describe it as a space in order to take the individual idea out of it and make it a universal concept invisible illness is like a light being switched on, it slowly fills the space. the space is still the same, same size ,same items within it but something new is added, it’s the same and yet the light changes everything, but if people don’t see the light all they see is darkness. with this quote i want to work on creating an animation around it .i have begun with creating some graphics along this idea of a light , using textures to give the hand made feel that i want to keep though out my project.

using the quote i created "invisible illness is like a light being switched on, it slowly fills the space. the space is still the same, same size ,same items within it but something new is added, it’s the same and yet the light changes everything, but if people don’t see the light all they see is darkness." i have been working on a layout and look that i want my final piece to have , i decided change the breaks i but in the animation to make it flow more . i then added a texture over the animation to carry on the old , hand made look i have been working with i like the over all look of my animation but feel that the typography needs more work

Development to acompany my animtion i have created stickers. using the charecter i created early on in my project and focusing on the invisible empahses of my project.

this is my final piece for a conversation brief , after finishing the animation i felt like it needed the quote read out so i got my partner to read out the quote , this was quite hard as he struggled to either read in time with the text or talk natural pauses when reading out the quote when faced with my animation , so i removed it from the equation and got him to read out the quote from text and got a 25s clip this clip i then placed into after effects with my final animation and edited cutting the clip and the sound up to match each other then speeding up the animation and filling the gaps with shots clips of background sound that was playing though out my sound clip. i feel that this has worked well although i know that if i had worked my animation to the recorded quote in the first place it would have been much easier. im very proud of my quote animation and feel it really gets across my idea of invisible illness with out being lecturing , our patronizing which are the two things i didn't want to be . i feel like my animation raises knowledge and awareness with out being in you face and after all that is what invisible is , effecting things without being obvious .

Final Piece

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