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a2 Milk

Create an animation educating target consumers about a2 Milk, inspiring them to try it. This one stood out to me as I am allergic to milk and already know the struggles of wanting a cup of coffee and not having the correct type of milk in also the worries people who cant consume cows milk have regarding the lack of calcium in there diets. For this brief they wanted us to create an animation explaining the complicated process of there product in a simple way Target : Women and mums particularly of young children who would like to drink cows’ milk because of health, nutrition, taste but feel they or their kids cannot

Not anti- milk

tells a story of A2 Milk

A2 Milk short animation

new kind of cow


winner meddel for the selected cow

for people who dont get on with milk

cows selected to get rid of A1 protine

super cow , special , here to save the children that cant have normal milk

Marine Stewardship Council We would like to target 18-25 year old ‘Aspirationals’. These are people who have a tendency to: • Shop for new things that excite them • Stand out by the way they look, their style • Believe in the need to consume less and preserve the environment for future generations • Encourage others to buy from socially and environmentally responsible companies

Fever-Tree Design or illustrate limited edition Bottles, in a beautiful and sophisticated style, to engage customers and raise Money for Malaria No More UK. This brief also interested me as I love Illustration and to me this brief instantly said one of illustrative designs and i thought it would be interesting to step out side of what i usually do in my work. i also liked the charity aspect to this brief and felt it would a good project to try and be involved in .


Creatively define the 2017 Walkers campaign to make it the biggest and best one yet. This brief didn’t really stand out to me Immediately but once I started thinking about ideas it was a chance to use my humour within my work in an effective and playfully way and this really enticed me.

fun make a campaign

100% potatoes

Walkers British

since 1948

if its not real walkers its not cool


new craze kids trade them at school puns about walkers document the walkers though the years since 1945

trends though out the decades related to walkers

compare them to things that are british : big bed, red busses , tellephone boxes

best pressent to get at christmas or for a birthday

A2 milk brief A short piece of film or animation that we can air online, and which delivers against our Creative Challenge. Think about how you can most effectively tell the story of a2 Milk in ways that will capture the imagination of our target audience. It should be a maximum of 90 seconds in duration. To think about : • People who don’t get on with milk • Consumers with an undiagnosed cows’ milk intolerance/sensitivity • Parents of children with digestive milk intolerances and skin issues (Nb – a2 Milk™ is not suitable for people who are medically diagnosed with lactose intolerance or children who have cows milk protein allergy.) This line will be needed as a disclaimer on any film. - What should they think: I miss having milk /my child is missing out on milk, maybe this could work for me. What should they do: Be informed and inspired to try a2 Milk™ How should they feel: How did I not know about this before! I thought there was something wrong with me… turns out it was the milk. Amazed that such a small change can make such a huge difference. What single point can change their view? a2 Milk™ is the only real fresh milk for people who don’t get on with milk. It’s the only milk with the original a2 protein and none of the A1 protein. So it’s easier to digest. People are scared to try. For example cow’s milk makes them ill or gives them unwanted side-effects. They want a cows’ milk they can drink without any of the nasty side-effects, but they know (or at least think they know) that they have no options. - Discovering a2 Milk™ helps consumers realise it’s the milk that’s different not them. For example people want to fit in and be part of the ebb and flow of life. They want to be sociable at home and out and about, they want to

The first thing that came to my mind was this was a kind of super milk the goodness of cows milk but for people who cant drink cows milk . I liked this idea and created this quick graphic to represent my initial thought

chosen brief Walkers Creatively define the 2017 Walkers campaign to make it the biggest and best one yet. Idea : make walkers cool , like a fad People asking for them for Christmas they are the coolest new craze Kids trade them , want to collect them all Gaining inspiration from a selection of fads over the years working with the idea that walkers has been around for such a long time and is the top selling snack food in the UK , i want to create a concept around them being the must have item fun intrests people wants people to be involved

s l i g ht l y cheeky

what makes a walkers campign stand out ? gets across the heart of the brand

wants to entertain as well as sell

a good talking point

past walkers campaigns and what made them popular

Walkers baked: In January 2010, Walkers Baked launched a new marketing campaign featuring Gary Lineker the campaign has led to a 17% rise in sales compared to 2009 The centrepiece of the Marketing campaign is the ‘Look Good Naked’ television advert featuring Gary Lineker which began airing on 1st January 2010 for six weeks. This advert was so effective because it was different to any other advert that had been done , it was cheeky but not offensive and it continued walkers theme of being cheeky and pushing the boundary’s but in a family friendly way.

Walkers’ ‘Do us a flavour’ : This advertising campaign which ran throughout 2009, has received widespread recognition from the advertising industry for the innovative and interactive way it reached consumers. I worked because it got people involved not only on an initial ideas bases but got them excited to try create new flavours , to buy new flavours and to try as many flavours as they could . this boosted sales and also created a hype around walkers getting people talking.


In an attempt to understand the walkers product more I have don’t a small photo-shoot around a packet of walkers and its contents , focusing on each stage of the packet , it full , then the emptied the packet , the crisps inside and finally the packet crumpled up , this has given me a deeper understanding on the style of the brand the materials and all that is involved when eating a packet of walkers crisps.

walkers history Walkers Snack Foods Ltd is a unit of PepsiCo, Inc. it is the United Kingdom’s leading manufacturer of crisps, or potato chips. Every day about 11 million people bite into one of the company’s products. Walkers grew from a regional Midlands brand to one of the biggest in the United Kingdom after being acquired by Pepsi in 1989. Walkers was begun by mr hennery walker , a butcher from Mansfield , who moved in the 1880s the run a shop in Leicester , the then began to produce meat pies and moved to Cheapside in 1912. After post war rationing made meat scarce walker was forced into starting a new side line and began frying sliced potato. Once meat rationing ended they continued to make crisps as they had become increasingly popular

colours associated with the walkers brand

as many of my ideas a very diffrent from each other i want to try and link them together with colours and i think the best colours to use are one already synonymous with the brand.

why has Gary Lineker been so popular for walkers ? Gary Lineker is a house hold name of all ages one for being a footballer and two because he has been doing walkers campaigns for 20 years he has become synonymous with the brand and because of his reputation for being a nice guy it makes people feel they can trust him and thus trust walkers . also his qwerky personality and large ears fit with the company’s humar-filled ideology walkers and Gary have become so synonymous you cant think of one without the other

Research Walkers is owned by PepsiCo and overseen by its PepsiCo International division Walkers brand is the UK market leader in crisps, followed by Pringles.


1.Mc Coy’s Crisps



How to make a good campaign . Effective campaigning means using the minimum amount of effort to achieve the maximum impact . Planning is critical to making your campaign focused and effective. . Try to predict how the external environment or the area you are working in might change . Before starting an advertising campaign, you must know your target market , You need to have a fairly good idea of the age, sex, marital status, and income bracket of your target audience Clear and single – minded. The core message regardless of the media platform – is easy to understand and based on one core message Emotional. In most cases , information alone is not inherently motivating . effective campaigns appeal to peoples emotions as much if not more then their rational side . You must also know your competition. What products are similar businesses offering and what advertising strategies are they using?

Things to consider for the walkers campaign : What , exactly , it’s the problem that I am trying to solve ? how do we get people interested into walkers crisps , how do we entwine it in to the subconscious of the populous. The audience . how do they perceive the product ? : Quick, easy , tasty , trusted. Target audience ?: British public .

quick idea generation walkers in conection with a popular fad

Idea Developent

Looking back at some of the ideas I had created on of my favourites was a tamagotchi based on the cycle from potato to walkers crisp packet , this was formed from the fact that walkers use 100% potatoes in the crisps .so i have now created a graphic to represent the life of a walkers crisp tamagotchi.

Graphic designed around the idea that walkers are the coolest thing that everyone wants to collect them all

Idea Developent

This image was based on the idea that kids who don’t have walkers are uncool and to be the coolest child you need to have walkers so children would do anything to pretend to have walkers crisps. I wanted to give the font a child like impression to stick this the theme of child hood . giving an underlining timeless feel with its colour and texture I want to give the feeling that walkers is timeless and has always been the most popular with children .

s.w.o.t analasis of walkers Opportunities 1. The huge market for environmental friendly packaged food can be used 2.Since The product is competing more on price, more focus in trade relations enhancement and increase in shelf space might lead to sales volume increase 3. Tap in the emotional connection between people and snack food – linked to school life, lunch time. Weakness – 1. Less number of chips in small packages have earned the wrath of consumers 2. Limited exploration of other markets and products

Strengths 1. Large variety of flavours, ever increasing and getting customers involved with making the flavours they want 2.Exciting Promotional campaign track record – comical and unique advertising makes the walkers brand stand out and easily recognizable 3.Large Variety of sizes easily available giving the customer more choice Treats 1. Aggressive threat from much healthier snacking competitive products

What is a fad ? Wildly popular, but short-lived. An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is Short-lived; a craze. A fad or trend is any form of behaviour that develops among a large population and is collectively followed enthusiastically for a period of time, generally as a result of the behaviour being perceived as popular by one’s peers or being deemed “cool” by social or other media A fad is said to “catch on” when the number of people adopting it begins to increase rapidly. They normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone.


: a walkers game

in the style of 90s video games

I have begun by creating some characters based on Gary lineker . I wanted to make my characters pixleated and only a few different positions so I can give that jerky animation style indicative of the era . to being with I wasn’t sure how to go about creating this look so I just began creating basic shapes and then explored different effects and options in illustrator and applied it to my images . these are what I created the first image although it doesn’t look very good was the first image I finally was please with the pixleated look combined with the yellow times though out the image reminded me of old video games . the next image was once i had found the grid tool in illustrator and I used the live paint tool to fill in each square to create the below character .

pixleated walkers logo for my video game animation . keeping with the feeling of a classic video game

Idea Development Playing with the idea that walkers have always been around and are an integral part of society and feature in holidays and celebrations . i have created these graphics one about a child wanting walkers for Christmas, and the second graphic is about how the bright colours and icon design would be used to decorate a tree at Christmas time.

Idea Development Keeping with the idea of fads and things that captivate people I have created a candy crush inspired graphic based on walkers I have chosen to do this game because it very popular and spread across all of society into all aspect of popular culture and was discussed often which is the kind of thing im trying to hint at for walkers

Quick idea generation playing with the idea that kids would want walkers because they are cool and what’s cooler to a child then a super hero so i combined these to things to make crisp man

Idea Development

Rubic cube graphic continuing on the idea of past fads , the rubics cube was a incredibly popular past time for a short period of time and re survives every few years its a stereotypical fad. I have re developed it giving it the walkers logo to like in to the brand

Idea Development

Graphics for my concept of trading cards based around the walkers brand . I have based them on top trumps a popular card game among children , the title of the flavour of crisps would be important but also the naming of the categories as you want to make the game interested but still stay try to what walkers is . because of this I came up with the sections Flavour hit , Aroma , Popularity. I have then tried to give them a numerical value in relation to each other so that the game can be played . the player would choose there top card and a section e.g. . flavour hi :12 the second player would then have to state what is on there card in the same sections , the higher number wins the card . the player that finishes with all the cards wins.

Idea Development

This concept came from the idea that walkers are so cool that they would be the thing that Children would ask for Christmas , I created this graphic in response to this in the style of a Christmas poster or Advert .

Retro Video Development screen grabs from my animation of a retro video game, the concept of the game is that the Gary Lineker charecter moves though out the levels collecting packets of walkers crisps that will pop when the charecter reaches them . i wanted ot create the feel of a retro game by having it pixleated and blocky , i also wanted to create some texture in the animation so that it would look aged. i feel that this animation has worked very well at giving the inpression i wanted to if i had more time i would be able to add more levels and more intersting movements , also a variety of crisp flavours . i would also liked to have added in a boss to beat at the end of the levels.

dress up add ons for walkers crisps , this was spawned of the idea of the childrens toy barbie , or bratz where you can dress up charecters to personilise them

walkers conkers , in oder to recreate a game of conkers i layered pva glue on the crips this made the sollid enough to threat a piece of string though , i then set up the camera to film us playing a game , unfortunetly the conkers smasked on first impact but the one being hit stayed togther , i think this experiment was sucessfull as when playing it i was reminded of playing conkers in the playground as a child and it diffinetly caused excitement between the two players.


Reflection after i had experimented with a veriety of diffrent ideas and worked on diffrent fads and crazes from a variety of years i now have to think of away this idea could be used by walkers in an effective campaign, i begain to consider what the packets would need to look like for the campaing and considering it is about linking people back to there childhood i wondered about creating packets that represented that era or year i also concidered re using the walker packets designs that are assosicated with each decade , these packets could then contain the clasic collect the all tokens that were popular though out the 80’s and 90’s once people had collected enough they would be able to send of for a retro toy of there choice i feel that this idea combines the best of walkers with the best of childhood fads and could create a buzz and talking point around the company and product in a much diffrent way then they have been doing in recent years

Reflection using walkers inspired toys - ie walkers packets yoyos , walkers candy crips games , walkers retro video games , walker crisp conkers and walkers top trumps get the public involved in coming together and sharing there memories and experiences with there own childhood fads by playing them together. this can be continued with in walkers crisps , the public can buy crisp packets bassed of designs from there childhood with in these they can collect tocons to trade in for walkers retro fads or codes to online walks games.this would create a fresh buzz around walkers focusing on the idea that walkers has been there though out peoples lives and is fun and playfull , the perfect acoumpanyment to lunch time though out your life .

Animated experimentation

Final Idea The final concept shows Gary Lineker traveling through different eras of games collecting and battling walkers crisps, In the style of each decade. This would be reinforced by Walkers packaging being a representative of the designs and styles Walkers have used in the past, within these packets the public would be able to collect tokens to trade in for walkers inspired games and memorabilia such as rubix cubes and top trumps style games. This concept is true to the walkers brand as it is fun and represents Walkers long and trusted history in British culture. This would create a buzz around Walkers throughout different generations, it fits the Walkers brief as it unites each generation in nostalgia and breaks through differences in culture, to have some fun and share in the memories together. The public would be able to relive and share their favourite childhood moments with their children and others. Children would be able to collect and play with games that their parents loved, this idea crosses over the generation’s gap and gets everybody involved together. The end result is engaging in a fun, visual and interactive way with its mix of physical and digital items to create a hype around the brand and signify that walkers have been with them throughout the generations. This idea has something for all ages and is thoroughly engaging in every way revisiting Walker’s long history in a fun and playful style by traveling through each era since walkers began, creating nostalgia for the public through memories of childhood and fun. It reminds people that walkers have been a part of the fabric of Britain for generations, the public will be able to go on a journey alongside walkers and have some fun along the way.

Final piece

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