Collide breif for assesment

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Collide Bethany Minshall U1461936

To kick start this project I wanted to look at the topic happiness focusing on it most obvious and initial response the word , I wanted to experience with the work , with colour and with light . to do this I worked in c4d to create these stills using block shapes for the word and beginning to work out ways of adding colour and texture to a shape in c4d , for initial responses I think these are interesting because of the bright yellow I think I have depicted happiness well but i have also contrasted this with a black background instead of keeping the whole image light and bright.

I have been thinking about what happiness is and decided to ask people and myself to finish the sentence happiness is… these are the replied I received Happiness is ? • A baby playing with an excited puppy • Freedom • Waking up and being able to roll over for more sleep • Being carefree • Remembering you hid Chocolate in the house • An Unexpected day off • Good • When people first see a family member arrive in the airport terminal after a long trip away

• Your bed after a long walk • A hot shower on a cold day • Finding a £5 note in an old pair of jeans • Short lived • When a cat chooses you as its seat • Happiness is being with love ones • Happiness is making the most of everything you have and enjoying it • The only thing that matters • Fleeting • A figment of your imagination • Is the best • Is love • A ice cold beer on a hot sunny day in Thailand • Enjoyable • Food • Family • Being believed • Stability

• A coffee • Dancing • Hiking through the hills • Walking the dog • Listening to music • Peace and quiet • Going on holiday • The weekend • Being retired • Finding a bargain • Watching the sunrise • Watching wildlife • Wiping the smile of a conservative face • Ice-cream • Cuddles • Warm socks • Jokes • Sunshine

i have been thinking about Happiness and what makes me happy and what i would like to have/ do in the future to be happy , because of this i want to create an animation focusing on what makes me happy to begin with i will start Researching what makes me happy and also creating images of how i Imagen my future. to begin this i have decided to represnt my flat this is a space where i can relax surounded by things that make me happy and where i can relax and have fun with brewster, my flat is the center of my happiness. its a little bit holly and a little bit damp but its mine. so using a variety of styles and techniques i have created some inital visuals of my flat and the items with in it.

graphic experimentation of images of me and brewster , i wanted to have a play around to see if there was a way i could add a representation of me and brewster into my flat

i have creating my flat in a physically 3d way , i wanted to experiemt with creating little 3d modles as it something that i have wanted to do for a long time and never had a chance to before. Creating the bed for my flat , after measuring up the sizes i started by creating a card board bed base . i then used fabric to represent the bed cover. i used folded up paper towels to create the centre of the pillow and wrapped it in fabric. Finally I created 3 more pillows and then two duvets and placed the bed into its position in the room.To finish off the bed i created my teddy panda using the same technique as the pillows , half way though i snapped the needle i was using to stitch the fabric together this means i had to come up with other ways

to fasten the panda together mainly by using thread to tie of pieces and but using sellotape to attach them , i then placed the panda on the bed. next i made the desk for my room , i was difficult to cut and fold the card board in to the correct shapes and sizes but with a lot of masking tape i manage to create the basic shape of my desk .next i created a simple box the represent the microwave and using cardboard and wire created a little desk lamp. next i paper mache the object so that it was more stable and would give me a more interesting texture to paint on to . finally i added a little storage unit on to the desk that i plan to fill with little pieces of paper. the desk was the simplest piece

to make as it was just a box that i then glued some tightly folded legs to the bottom off. Next i began to reinforce to table with paper mache i chose to use a brown paper for this as it is a wooden desk and i felt this would create a more interesting surface to paint onto as it would already have a brown as a base. using thin pieces of card board i created a shelving unit. i then created a miniature table using the same technique as i did the create the table before how ever because i wanted to have round legs for this table i have to Experiment with the best was to do this. using some old fabric i created sime simple cut outs of clothing shapes.

to start with i have begun to create my flat in c4d , i started with simple shapes to build up the basic items. Creating the sofa for my flat was tricky as it Consists of many different blocks that i had to curve and shape but i was very happy when the sofa started to look like i had planned. Another tricky part of my flat it the Unusual shelving this was a test for me I Quickly learnt how to position and Resize a shape so that multiple ones can fit together . to create the bed for my flat i had to experiment with way to manipulate the block shapes to Create the wrinkles and folds of the fabric , i think it still needs work.Another key part of my flat is my panda teddy I wanted to create a 3d version of him aswell , using multiple circles layering them up , and adding colours to different shapes to give the impression of a panda .I then placed all these items into the flat space and added details like a window and door ways. I feel for my first attempt at creating something on my own in c4d the flat has worked really well

next i Updated the texture and light in the flat and i feel it looks more representative of my flat and also more realistic . i have also added a representation of where i visualised me and brews standing in the flat though the animation of the objects moving and transforming around us, i have also found a new way to create the material on the bedding using Collided and rigid body to drop the fabric on to the bed in a more natural way. finally i added in lot of little extra details about my flat.

i really enjoyed creating my flat in c4d as i had never done anything like this befor and feel like i have learnt a lot , and managed to create a little version of my flat filled with some of my favorite things that make me happy

next i moved on to creating an ideal dream flat , i spent a lot of time looking at diffrent options and layouts and began to piece together where i would love to live, how ever as i began to do this i realised that although i was having fun and it was exploring my happiness and future self , happiness is unique so i wanted to follow that idea further

i have been focusing on what happiness is to me and the more i look into it its evident happieness is diffrent for everyone , becuase of this i want to develop my project from my life to other peoples views of what happiness is. i want to collect as many answers as i can in their own handwriting as i want it to be a personal thing , i then want to create a book or animation depicting these answers i want to book to evoke happiness and to have a whimsical feel when you read it. i have found when collecting these answers people have had a lot of fun thinking of what to write, and reading other answers becuase of this i feel the book will be a intresting and amusing read. from this list i plan to select some of the most amusing and relatable answers such as , coffee , Like the worlds best disco , with extra milkshake ,. The sound of rain on windows . 100% charged phone . Fresh bedding . Finding out you didn’t loose anything when really drunk the night before . Finding the 2nd half of a twix you thought you’d already eaten . Happiness is unique , i want to represent happiness in in simplistic and most boring form as described by others , i want to get across the idea that happiness is unique though an animation and some simple graphics , with the

idea that people should enjoy the little moments and stop looking for perfect happiness , it is all around them all they have to do is look and decide to be happy , i want to represent happiness as my home as it encapsulates everything that makes me happy and everything i have worked for

Working with “happiness is...� and also working in the same style of trying to do something I have never done before in this project I have created some images in c4d in relation to some of the happiness is .. answers , I am very proud of what I have managed to create my next step will be to add in some texture and correct

experimentation with style for the graphics of peoples happiness. i really like the style of these icons especially the little circle icons , however i have done many projects using after effects and this style so for this project i wonna mix it up a little and try and create the graphics in c4d.

a few details in each image .the quotes i decided to use were , my flat , a disco with extra milkshake, a walm coffee on a crisp winter morning, being chosen as the animal king, having 100% charge on phone , beer and ice cream.

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