Collide brief

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Collide The Internet


The Future Self

Project synopsis : Create a physical and digital out come by combing the themes happiness , the Future self and the internet and digital age. Happiness definition : feeling or showing pleasure of contentment The future self definition : One’s self-concept is made up of self-schemas, and their past, present, and future selves. What , where or who will a person be in the future. Digital age definition : The digital age, also called the information age, is defined as the time period starting in the 1970s with the introduction of the personal computer with subsequent technology introduced Providing the ability to transfer information freely and quickly.


I have been thinking about what happiness is and decided to ask people and myself to finish the sentence happiness is… these are the replied I received

Happiness is ? • A baby playing with an excited puppy • Freedom • Waking up and being able to roll over for more sleep • Being carefree • Remembering you hid Chocolate in the house • An Unexpected day off • Good • When people first see a family member arrive in the airport terminal after a long trip away • Your bed after a long walk • A hot shower on a cold day • Finding a £5 note in an old pair of jeans • Short lived • When a cat chooses you as its seat • Happiness is being with love ones • Happiness is making the most of everything you have and enjoying it • Anna • The only thing that matters • Fleeting • A figment of your imagina-

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

tion Is the best Is love A ice cold beer on a hot sunny day in Thailand Enjoyable Food Family A memory you thought you had forgotten Being believed Stability A coffee Amber Dancing Hiking through the hills Walking the dog Listening to music Peace and quiet Going on holiday The weekend Being retired Finding a bargain Watching the sunrise Watching wildlife Wiping the smile of a conservative face Ice-cream Cuddles Warm socks Jokes Sunshine

The use of constant technology on your body and mind. I recently read an article on information is beautiful . net , with in this article you are asked to click any of the descriptions / symptoms that you associate with your use of the internet these are a list of the ones I chose Smart tick : compulsion to fill any momentary lull in stimulus or social contact with smart phone activity , i.e. when a companion briefly leaves you alone at the dinner table, you reach for you phone. Motion towards device and subsequent behaviours are often unnoticed by participant hence the term “tick”

The Internet

Hollow flow : sensation of grinding , compulsive internet activity , usually consisting of automated loops of habituated we activities i.e. check email , then face book , then twitter the repeat – this is likened to a polar bear at the zoo doing rounds. I feel like out of all the conditions listed I don’t suffer from many of these but I feel that is because I was born in 1992 I have always grown up with computers but did not own a smart phone until I was 20 , as when they started to become popular I was of the age to be buying my own technology so choose to use other peo-

ples technology once they had upgraded , I didn’t spend much time as a child on technology so although I know the basics and plenty more than people older then me I often find myself unable to understand parts of the way the internet work and the was some technology is used where as people younger than me seem to have little trouble , I am part of the digital generation but do to personality and upbringing I don’t feel like I am controlled by technology or addicted to its use , as I often let my phone die , the main symptom I feel relates to me is smart tick as I do find it hard to sit in silence or alone with out checking my phone .

The start of the internet : Notes : Americas defences advanced research project agency wanted to close the gap in tech between Russia and America - there idea was to share knowledge though large scale computer networks - “ the Arpanet” – Other key players in the creation of the internet 1: a military network by the rand corporation 2: the commercial network of the npl 3: the scientific net work of Cyclades 4: the Arpenet These for things are the foundation for the internet we know now

Not-So-Tortured Artists: Creativity Breeds Happiness

In a study of college students, “people who reported feeling happy and active were more likely to be doing something creative at the time,” What’s more, the researchers add, you don’t have to be a master poet or painter to reap the emotional rewards. Even if the results of one’s creative activity are “frivolous, amateurish or weird,” this Research suggests “the creative process that yielded them appears important to positive psychological development.” “Engaging in creative pursuits allows people to explore their identities, form new relationships, Cultivate competence, and reflect critically on the world. In turn, the new knowledge, self-insight, and relationships serve as sources of strength and resilience.” So if you’re stopping yourself from writing that song or short story for fear you’ll fall short of Brilliance—well, relax. No matter your level of talent, doing something creative contributes to your psychological growth, and increases your happiness.

Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation. To the human eye, orange is a very hot colour, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design Blue is the colour of the sky and sea. It is often Associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquillity and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.

Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this colour. When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect; it is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is seen before other colours when placed against black; this combination is often used to issue a warning. In heraldry, yellow indicates honour and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice. Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings. You can choose yellow to promote children’s products and items related to leisure. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important elements of your design. Men usually perceive yellow as a very light-hearted, ‘childish’ colour, so it is not recommended to use yellow when selling prestigious, expensive products to men Green is the colour of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. Green has great healing power. It is the most restful colour for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance.

Experimentation with happiness and c4d

To kick start this project I wanted to look at the topic happiness focusing on it most obvious and initial response the word , I wanted to experience with the work , with colour and with light . to do this I worked in c4d to create these stills using block shapes for the word and beginning to work out ways of adding colour and texture to a shape in c4d , for initial responses I think these are interesting because of the bright yellow I think I have depicted happiness well but i have also contrasted this with a black background instead of keeping the whole image light and bright.

Things that make me happy Food :

Popcorn Pizza Chocolate Steak Tiger bread hoummous

Sounds :

The sound of rain, on a window or tent.

Music Wind in the trees Allan rickmans voice

Activities :

Watching football Bus trips Jigsaws Road trips


Puppies Birds Snow Horizon The sea Looking down from mother-way bridges


Brews David breakthrough

Clop + llalanas bromance Friends Jacob

Places :

kiterriterri annas house The govs My bed The beach

i have been thinking about Happiness and what makes me happy and what i would like to have/ do in the future to be happy , because of this i want to create an animation focusing on what makes me happy to begin with i will start Researching what makes me happy and also creating images of how i Imagen my future.

i have begun by trying to represent how things our now by creating this quick sketch of my flat , i want to have this as a starting point and slowly progress though time with items changing and evolving.

Focusing on what makes me happy now and the colliding this with the idea of the future self and what i feel would make me happy in the future i have begun to think about my surrounding in particular my flat , i have always dreamed of living in a miniature home that is

beautiful and functional , i have also always wanted a dog . so using my mind maps i have considered what it is i want in the future and i plan to take myself from where i am now though creating a visual of my flat to where i want to be and what i want in the future to be happy

, i am awear most of the things i would choose would not come to fusion but i feel it would be fun to dream. to begin this i have started to draw out my flat , experimenting with different techniques and styles to created some quick ideas.

i plan to complete my idea in two different ways : 1 - using c4d as i have had limited use of the program over the last year and would like to get more used to using it 2 - creating a actual 3d miniature version of the flat , that i can film as it develops though time.

to get the ball rolling on my ideas and concept i Decided to create some simple graphics of me and Brewster that i could use for either my animation or edit to use as an image .

Creating the sofa for my flat was tricky as it Consists of many different blocks that i had to curve and shape but i was very happy when the sofa started to look like i had planned.

Another tricky part of my flat it the Unusual shelving this was a test for me I Quickly learnt how to position and Resize a shape so that multiple ones can fit together . to create the bed for my flat i had to experiment with way to manipulate the block shapes to Create the wrinkles and folds of the fabric , i think it still needs work

Another key part of my flat is my panda teddy I wanted to create a 3d version of him aswell , using multiple circles layering them up , and adding colours to different shapes to give the impression of a panda .

I then placed all these items into the flat space and added details like a window and door ways.

by using the same technique i used to create the fabric for the bed sheets i created some curtians , for the windows.

Using a simple cardboard texture that i have applied to a simple box shape i created some cardboard boxes for on top of the wardrobe.

These are a few different shots form my finished c4d flat taken from different angles , I feel for my first attempt at creating something on my own in c4d the flat has worked really well however I don’t feel like i would want to continue making more of these types of rooms

Creating the bed for my flat , after measuring up the sizes i started by creating a card board bed base . i then used fabric to represent the bed cover. i used folded up paper towels to create the centre of the pillow and wrapped it in fabric. Finally I created 3 more pillows and then two duvets and placed the bed into its position in the room.

To finish off the bed i created my teddy panda using the same technique as the pillows , half way though i snapped the needle i was using to stitch the fabric together this means i had to come up with other ways to fasten the panda together mainly by using thread to tie of pieces and but using sellotape to attach them , i then placed the panda on the bed.

next i made the desk for my room , i was difficult to cut and fold the card board in to the correct shapes and sizes but with a lot of masking tape i manage to create the basic shape of my desk .next i created a simple box the represent the microwave and using cardboard and wire created a little desk lamp. next i paper mache the object so that it was more stable and would give me a more interesting texture to paint on to . finally i added a little storage unit on to the desk that i plan to fill with little pieces of paper

the desk was the simplest piece to make as it was just a box that i then glued some tightly folded legs to the bottom off. Next i began to reinforce to table with paper mache i chose to use a brown paper for this as it is a wooden desk and i felt this would create a more interesting surface to paint onto as it would already have a brown as a base

using thin pieces of card board i created a shelving unit

curtains for my flat

small tv to be placed on the small table i have created

i then created a miniature table using the same technique as i did the create the table before how ever because i wanted to have round legs for this table i have to Experiment with the best was to do this.

using some old fabric i created sime simple cut outs of clothing shapes.

i have begun to collect images of house hold items that i like and would want in the future .

another thing that i feel will be important to my future happiness is having pets , i don’t feel like a house is a home until you have animals , so i have collected some picture of the types of dogs and cats i would want


i have looked in to some room and furniture that i like in the idea that this is what the room could develop into .

i love the creative use of storage built into these steps

i like the clean flowing style of these steps

i love the combination between design and function in these steps with a little bit of fun mixed in with the form of a slide

the unique look of the bath , with a interesting look of of the wood against the clean modern look of the room,

the modern look of this room is something i like with a combination of wood and smooth white surfaces.

i like the openness of this room with its bright ful

even though this room is small the cleaver use of gaps and negative space makes it look much larger .

Recently i have Updated the texture and light in the flat and i feel it looks more representative of my flat and also more realistic . i have also added a representation of where i visualised me and brews standing in the flat though

the animation of the objects moving and transforming around us, i have also found a new way to create the material on the bedding using Collided and rigid body to drop the fabric on to the bed in a more natural way.

my next stage was to Begin to experiment with creating a layout for my future flat/ house using c4d , i decided to use the house building tool in c4d because it allows me to create a layout quickly and experiment easily ,

i then moved on to Creating an upstairs section for my flat i know that i don’t want a Traditional flat , i am more interested in the layout of miniature house because of this i only wanted to have a small up stairs section

with just enough space for a bed room , i would Mainly have everything for day to day living down stairs. i felt this was a quick way of creating a building how ever i feel it looses its free dome and creativity when done this way ,

today i have been creating some ferniture in c4d that could go in my future home , using refrences i have collected , i love ususual shapes and , wood ferniture , creating these in c4d gave me a chance to experiemtn with sahdows and lighting and help me improve my c4d skills.

i recently began working on a mock up version of a future home in c4d combining the idea of what i want in the future with some design details and pieces that i have found during my research as i began to work on it i felt like i was no longer focusing on happiness and the brief , and is no long actully fun to create. becuase of this i think i will start looking at the brief from a brouder perspective.

i have been focusing on what happiness is to me and the more i look into it its evident happieness is diffrent for everyone , becuase of this i want to develop my project from my life to other peoples views of what happiness is. i want to collect as many answers as i can in their own handwriting as i want it to be a personal thing , i then want to create a book or animation depicting these answers i want to book to evoke happiness and to have a whimsical feel when you read it. i have found when collecting these answers people have had a lot of fun thinking of what to write, and reading other answers becuase of this i feel the book will be a intresting and amusing read.

fav answers to illustrate : . a coffee on a crisp winter morning . Long and pointless conversations on the kitchen floor . Is that you realise you didn’t do anything stupid when you were drunk . Childhood Like the worlds best disco , with extra milkshake . Fresh bedding . Finding out you didn’t loose anything when really drunk the night before . Finding the 2nd half of a twix you thought you’d already eaten .Coffee . Ice cream . Cuddles from a cat

. A good cuppa . Being chosen as the animal king . When your friend buys to much pop corn and cant finish it on their own . Knowing all the answers on pointless . Taylor gs mini . an old American car . Blue skies . The little things , like breakfast in bed . The sound of rain on windows . 100% charged phone . The cold side of the pillow . Beer . a cat in a ball pool

common themes : .love . sleep . food

Happiness is unique , i want to represent happiness in in simplistic and most boring form as described by others , i want to get across the idea that happiness is unique though an animation and some simple graphics , with the idea that people should enjoy the little moments and stop looking for perfect happiness , it is all around them all they have to do is look and decide to be happy , i want to represent happiness as my home as it encapsulates everything that makes me happy and everything i have worked for

Working with “happiness is...� and also working in the same style of trying to do something I have never done before in this project I have created some images in c4d in relation to some of the happiness is .. answers , I am very proud of what I have managed to create my next step will be to add in some texture and correct a few details in each image .

Ice cream graphics

Warm coffee on a cold winter morning

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