September 2022 Bulletin

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Erev RH: 6:20 pm (Sanctuary only)

Rosh Hashanah Day 1: (Sanctuary and Tent) Morning: 8 am

Tashlich: 4 pm (Paine Lake and Pinebrook Park) Mincha/Maariv: 6:20 pm (Sanctuary only)

Rosh Hashanah Day 2: (Sanctuary and Tent) Morning: 8 am

Mincha, Learning, and Maariv (Sanctuary only): 6:30 pm Shiur: 6:50 pm Maariv: 7:20 pm


Erev Yom Kippur Mincha: 1 pm (Sanctuary only)

Kol Nidrei (Tent): 6:00 pm (Sanctuary): 6:20 pm

Yom Kippur Morning (Sanctuary and Tent): 9 am Mincha (Sanctuary and Tent): 4:40 pm Neilah (Sanctuary and Tent): 5:55 pm including a magic show on the Upper Terrace

Final Shofar blast (Sanctuary and Tent): 7:13 pm Maariv/Havdalah (Sanctuary and Tent): 7:15 pm


Tots Service: Rosh Hashanah days 1 & 2/Yom Kippur day from 9:45-10:30 am Babysitting available for children 2-6 years old following the service.

Family Service: Rosh Hashanah days 1 & 2 and Yom Kippur Day from 10:30-12:15 pm Kol Nidre 6:20 pm-8:00 pm

Teen service: Rosh Hashanah days 1 & 2 and Yom Kippur Day at 10:00 am 6:20 pm Kol Nidre

All sanctuary services will be livestreamed




Dear Friends,

As we gather back together this fall, I want to highlight the important work of our Child Safety Team. Mental health professionals, educators, synagogue staff and other health professionals have been working all year on updating our child safety policies to reflect best practices. This is a critical task for the synagogue that reflects our deepest commitment to the health and well-being of all our children.

This process has been facilitated by a Sacred Spaces initiative called Aleinu which is funded by UJA Federation of NY. It “provides Jewish youth-serving organizations with the education and practical tools they need to prevent child maltreatment and take responsible action should instances or suspicions of maltreatment emerge.”

Is anything more important for a shul than protecting our children?

With the revelations of child maltreatment throughout the Jewish community, some of which impacted organizations with which we closely affiliate, these efforts have become even more critical. I want to thank our COO Mia Mandel who has been leading these efforts, as well as the task force that is examining, developing and updating our policies, procedures and training.

We want this issue to become a cultural touchpoint for the community, not just a policy that is stored away somewhere. We aim to create a culture in which parents, educators, children and all members of our community discuss child

safety and the safety of all people. We strive to be a community in which each person who walks through our doors feels at home and safe. To achieve this we must work to raise awareness, provide educational opportunities and communal engagement around these issues.

As such, we will have a dedicated space on our new website dedicated to Child Safety at Beth El. On that site, our policies will be transparent and the procedures for getting support or making claims of maltreatment will be clearly conveyed. The process of implementing best practices around policies and training is iterative. As such, our committee will continuously ensure that our approach reflects the everchanging conclusions of research and best practices and this will be reflected on our website.

We will also offer educational programs targeted toward specific demographics in the synagogue as well as communitywide programs that share best practices and reinforce our policies for creating a safe community, including a Child Safety Shabbat on February 11, 2023.

I am very proud of our community for investing time, energy and money in building this culture. Please look out for future updates about our progress.


The Bulletin September 2022 2
Rabbi David A. Schuck


The High Holidays at Beth El are uniquely special. One need only think about the Yom Kippur Neilah service to conjure up warm memories of High Holidays past, surrounded by dear family and friends. As the hour draws near, our congregants join together in one voice as the sun sets behind the tent, and is simultaneously reflected through the stained glass behind the bima in the main sanctuary. Awe-inspiring moments such as this sustain us as Jews, and keep us attached to our faith and to our synagogue.

By the time you receive this issue of The Bulletin, the Beth El team - clergy, staff and lay leadership - will be putting the finishing touches on months of planning for this year’s High Holidays. One might think that planning for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is no big deal; after all, Jews have been celebrating these holidays for thousands of years, and we’ve been doing it at Beth El for well over over 100. However, a great amount of thought goes into preparing for the High Holidays at Beth El each year. This includes mundane matters such as what the physical setup will look like, what our security plan is, and what to do in case inclement weather makes it impossible to have any outdoor services. It also includes planning those sublime elements of the services that for our congregants are truly meaningful, whether touching us through song or through a poem, story or words of Torah.

It is somewhat ironic that the arrival of the High Holidays is a culmination of all of these months of preparation. In reality, it marks a beginning - of the Jewish year, and hopefully of the journey we each individually embark on after having taken, on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the time to reflect on where we are in our lives and where we are going - “the Work,” as Rabbi Schuck calls it. Many of us strive during this time to recommit to our relationships with family members, friends, and most importantly, ourselves. This year, I hope the High Holidays will also be a time for us to turn over a new leaf in our relationship with Beth El. After two and one-half years

since the pandemic struck, it is time for us to truly repopulate our services and programs, and for each and every one of us to make our voices heard and our presence felt. We have come a long way since the pandemic began, but we still have some distance to travel.

This year’s High Holidays are an ideal time for us to commit to rejoining our fellow congregants in person. In 2020, most of us observed the High Holidays from home, or perhaps in someone’s backyard. Last year, we planned for a mostly in-person experience, but the Delta variant crept up in August and caused a substantial number of congregants to stay home and watch our livestreamed main sanctuary service. It has been too long since we were all together. I truly hope that 5783 will be the year that we have a full contingent of congregants on the Beth El grounds. In fact, while we will once again livestream the main sanctuary service for anyone who prefers to worship from home, a team of volunteers in consultation with our clergy is planning a variety of initiatives to make the in-person experience this year particularly compelling, some as part of the service and some separate. For example, we plan to offer, among many other things, lay-led learning sessions, opportunities to engage in silent meditation, group aliyot honoring people who experienced various milestones or life-cycle events this year, and even coffee and donuts (not on Yom Kippur!). We hope you will be there to engage in these exciting opportunities.

One of my predecessors as Beth El President had a practice of welcoming new members to our community by saying to them “Welcome Home.” My wish for 5783 is that all of us, new members or long-standing, will “return home” for the High Holidays, and that as we embark on this new year will discover, or rediscover, all of the wonderful things Beth El has to offer.

My best wishes for a Happy New Year - Shana Tovah u’metukah!

The High Holiday season coincides with the launch of our annual B’Yachad campaign, which is so vital to Beth El’s operations. Please be on the lookout for an email communication with a link that will enable you to make your donation in one of several giving categories.

Contributions will be recognized in the next issue of The Bulletin. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

The Bulletin September 2022 3

Keruv Korner

On June 15, the Let’s Talk About It discussion group met for its last meeting of the 2021-2022 year. Facilitated by Shari Baum, LCSW, this group is organized by the Keruv Committee and its members include parents, grandparents and other relatives of someone in an interfaith relationship. It is also open to ANYONE who is interested in discussing issues related to intermarriage and interdating.

Our group, which usually meets weekday evenings several times a year in people’s homes (and has been meeting via zoom for the past 2 years) discusses issues that arise with interfaith relationships in a comforting, safe and non-judgmental environment where people are free to share their feelings, concerns, joys and disappointments.

Our last meeting centered around a May 10, 2022 article in the Forward written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen which highlighted a crucial issue amongst Conservative rabbis and their struggle with performing interfaith marriages. Currently, there is a growing number of Conservative rabbis, members of the Rabbinical Assembly (RA), who are deciding to preside at interfaith weddings despite the RA’s prohibition on Conservative rabbis performing interfaith marriages.

Up until now, the Conservative movement has increased its efforts to welcome interfaith couples and families into their synagogues and become active members, but the prohibition on performing interfaith marriages has stood. The Nussbaum article states that rabbis on either side of the debate about officiating at interfaith marriage agree that its outcome will be consequential for the Conservative movement, which represents about 20% of American Jews and is shrinking.

According to the 2020 Pew Research Survey, 61% of the Jews who married since 2010 wed out of the Jewish faith. Those who oppose the ban feel that it alienates Jews who want to intermarry and their families, while those who support the ban feel that lifting the prohibition would signal that Jews are free to bend Judaism to fit personal preferences and may result in a weakened commitment to Jewish traditions.

Our next “Let’s Talk About It” will be held on September 15 at 7:30 pm. We are hoping to be able to meet in person once again for this meeting and for subsequent meetings which will take place on December 12, March 15, and May 8. Further information concerning topic and location will be announced as we get closer to the dates.

The Keruv Committee continues to work diligently to promote diversity and inclusion for all Beth El congregants and visitors, including people who identify as LGBTQ+, persons with physical or mental disabilities, Jews of color and those in interfaith partnerships. We work on a variety of programs and projects throughout the year and our committee meetings are open to all and listed on the Beth El upcoming events page. To learn more about the Keruv Committee and how you can get involved, please contact Carrie Fox at

Please join us as we celebrate our diversity and inclusiveness in the new year! May 5783 be a year of health, peace and prosperity for all.

New Shabbat Service Time

In July 2020, when we first returned to in-person Shabbat morning services, we created a shortened service that would limit our exposure to one another while still fulfilling the halakhically (legally) mandated parts of the service. Some of the changes we made to accomplish this mandate included: a shortened pesukei d’zimra, the elimination of the Torah processional both before and after the Torah reading, and eliminating the repetition of the Amidah during both Shacharit and Musaf.

Our vision for Shabbat remains the creation of a traditional and soulful service, filled with heart and meaning. In order to reintegrate some of the elements of the service that we

removed in July 2020, we will begin our Shabbat morning service again at 9:00 am, beginning September 3, 2022.

We are excited to reconnect to the parts of our service that so many have missed. As part of our larger effort to encourage people to return to services in-person, we hope that some of these changes will inspire you to share again in the spiritual richness of communal prayer. Though this letter is about a new start time for our service, we will greet you with enthusiasm whether you walk into the sanctuary at 9am or 11:30am. Your presence matters more than anything else, so come as you are! We look forward to sharing moments of prayer, silence, and friendship together in our spiritual home.

The Bulletin September 2022 4

Day Camp Update

Beth El Day Camp enjoyed another summer of the Best Days Ever! Offering 8 weeks of fun to children ages 2-8, we welcomed 240 campers to see what the ‘shul with a pool’ is all about.

The BEAT, Beth El Arts and Theater, is a new program for children ages 9-12. Fine and performing arts such as Improv, Yoga, Creative Writing and Acrylic Painting were offered. Some children enjoyed 4 weeks, while others stayed for the full 8 week experience. Each session culminated with a showcase, which highlighted our budding artists’ portfolios featuring their self-captured photography, hand-made jewelry and hip-hop dancing.

A Kindness Curriculum was integral to camp, as we focused on ways to be kind to ourselves, our friends, and the environment. Through our Cooking Connections activity, we were able to introduce new foods, safe kitchen practices

recipe that was healthy, delicious, and new for many campers! Another way we were able to implement our kindness strategies was to think of others and on our Sandwich Making Day where we made over 200 sandwiches and collected over 300 boxes of breakfast cereal, which were donated to the HOPE Community Kitchen. Our commitment to sustainability allowed us to teach the importance of compostability and we are proud to have been 95% sustainable.

Every day was special at Beth El Day Camp! Among our favorite themed days were Tie-Dye Day, Carnival Day, Israel Days and Truck Day! We offered our classic activities like Sports, Nature and Art and were able to provide even more like Karate, Sports Ninja, Drumming and Tennis.

The Bulletin September 2022 5

Nursery School News

The excitement is already in the air for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year! We are kicking off our programming with a very special event on Friday, September 9, at 4 pm, the first Shabbat before the beginning of school.

We will begin with a Classroom Peek, an individualized time for each family to visit their child’s classroom, say hello to their teachers and pick a cubby. This will be followed by outdoor time in our playgrounds. Afterwards we will all gather together for a communal musical Shabbat experience, bringing in our first Shabbat together with the clergy and musical staff of Beth El. And finally, there will be an option for families to join us in our outdoor tent for a wonderful Shabbat meal, where we can begin the process of building community by getting to know one another as the new school year unfolds.

The Bulletin September 2022 6

I have always loved Judaism, and I decided in 4th grade that I wanted to be a teacher. As “practice” for teaching, I was a Teen Madricha (assistant in my synagogue’s religious school), camp counselor, religious school teacher, and USY (teen youth group) advisor. Eventually, I put the pieces together that maybe I should focus on combining my love of education and my love of Judaism, instead of trying to separate them. I haven’t looked back since!

I was very active in my synagogue growing up, and I viewed it as a second home with my second family. I love helping our youth and families feel comfortable, loved, and valued in their synagogue community. I also love the variety–no two days, classes or programs are the same, and I get to constantly be thoughtfully creative as I help families enjoy being Jewish.

What are you most excited about in your new role at Beth

I am excited to work with our community of learners, educators and families to make Judaism special and meaningful for everyone. I am even more excited to get to know this

What do you like to do in

I love to craft, bake, read, and play with my cat, Tux! I also love taking walks and exploring Westchester.

Our New Director of Youth and Family Engagement, Alyssa Schwager Come

How can our congregation support you in your new role as Director of Youth & Family Engagement?

Come say “hi!” I am eager to get to know everybody, so come visit me if you’re in the neighborhood!

You can contact Alyssa at or (914) 235-2700

The Bulletin September 2022 7
1. What made you decide to work in Jewish education?
2. What do you like most about working with youth and families in a synagogue setting?
say “hi!” I am eager to get to know everybody...

SMART Group Update

Our Senior, Mature, Adult Retired Together group (“SMART”), led by Shari Baum, MSW, continues to meet on Zoom on Mondays from 11am - 12 noon. Join us weekly for a discussion on Current Events. Join us on Monday, September 19, from 11 am-noon in the tent for an in person schmooze. RSVP to

Beginning in November, we will be offering a Zoom class entitled, Famous Women Artists, sponsored by Westchester Community College.

Professor Courtney-Weissman will lead us in an exploration of the art, personal life, and artistic expression of four famous women artists. Professor Courtney is a Professor of Theater at WCC as well as an actress and playwright. She has written a play about Mary Cassatt “Girl in Blue Armchair” that was produced in Westchester.

November 7: Mary Cassatt (1844-1926)

November 14: Berthe Morisot (1841-1895)

November 21: Camille Claudel (1864- 1943)

November 28: Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)

Please join us for this new class!

This online class will include Powerpoint images of each artist’s work as well as that of artists’ who influenced each of them. Reading material will include: Quotes by the artist, relevant articles, and excerpts from a play.

To register, contact Julie at 914.235.2700 x256, or


The only show in town!

The Beth El Gift Shop is located in the far-right area of the entrance lobby of the synagogue.

We carry a full line of beautiful Judaic items such as mezuzah cases and klafs (parchments); challah and matzah covers; challah boards; kiddush cups; candlesticks and candles; Havdalah sets; tallitot; kippot and head coverings; holiday items such as chanukiot and dreidels, as well as assorted giftware!

We are available most days and invite you to contact us to make an appointment to see the lovely items in our store. Please note that all profits are donated to Beth El, so your purchase helps to support your synagogue.

Also, note that we can only accept checks and cash!

Carole Graham:; 914-576-6617

Ellen Hollander:; 914-632-4658

The Bulletin September 2022 8
Painting By Berthe Morisot, A Woman Seated at a Bench on the Avenue du Bois Photo of Frida Kahlo

Exciting News from

Shoresh Halev Center for Jewish Music at Beth El

Dear friends,

Hello! I hope you had a good summer and a chance to recharge and enjoy relaxed time with loved ones. I’m so excited to enter into another year of music and prayer and learning and, above all, a year of community. Our goal is to allow everyone to develop a deeper connection to our sacred community through music - members and neighbors; regional friends and beyond; tots to seniors; experienced musicians and, of course, all of you who are singing with us and making music for the first time. It’s never too late to have music become an integral part of your spiritual life. We hope you’ll join our activities!

We have been working hard to develop exciting musical offerings for our Religious and Nursery School students, for Shiratenu – Beth El’s new children’s choir - and for our growing Prayer Team. If you like to sing, or if you play an instrument, or if you’d like to even just dip your toes into the musical waters, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me directly or come to one of our special events and say hello. I promise, your voice and your neshama (spirit) will be welcome.

I’m also excited to give you an update on our Shirei Neshama Project. In this project, we invite renowned guest artists to

join our community around Jewish holidays and, as part of their residency, they premiere a new song inspired by the holiday, which we perform together and film and record. By the time you read this, I’m hopeful that we will have launched new videos that highlight past spring’s premieres. One of the videos is Nava Tehila’s performance on Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day), of their gorgeous new song based on the ancient text, “Lo Yisa Goy”. Another video is of Rabbi Josh Warshawsky premiering his beautiful new melody for Ein Kamocha in honor of Shavuot.

As many of you remember, Shoresh Halev had its official launch during Yom Ha’atzmaut, and we are working on a video which will capture that special moment, including the moving and inspiring Hallel that we shared that evening.

Please support our musical efforts however you can! I wish you a year of peace and love and I’m looking forward to singing and praying and playing with you.

Shana tova u’metuka, Jack

The Bulletin September 2022 9

Beth El Security Update

The Security Committee continues to take measures to maintain the safety of our community as we engage in prayer, ritual, and learning. We want to make you aware of some of the actions we have taken over the past few months.

First, as you may be aware, we conducted two training sessions on civilian response to active shooter events in conjunction with the New Rochelle Police Department (NRPD) and our security consultants. The course provided strategies, guidance, and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. We will be conducting additional sessions in the fall as well as an awareness drill during a Shabbat morning service, which will be announced in advance. We welcome your participation–awareness and best practices are important components of preparation.

We have also installed four alert strobe/sirens in high traffic areas. In the event of an emergency, the system will sound to alert occupants and the NRPD. In addition, we will be installing the Gabriel System, an additional emergency alert system which uses smart technology to instantly and discreetly give first responders eyes and ears on the scene for early intervention and resolution. As a part of this system, there will be two physical Gabriel Shields estimated to be installed in October. The Gabriel program is funded by a national donor for installation at Jewish institutions.

In addition, we retrofitted numerous doors, including all sanctuary and ballroom doors, to allow for locking from the inside–effectively preventing an intruder when a lockdown is considered the safest means of protection. We have also ensured that emergency medical

bags are located in the Main Office, Sanctuary bimah closet, Religious School Director’s office and Nursery School Director’s office.

With the High Holidays fast approaching, our committee has made additional preparations which will be communicated in a separate High Holiday announcement.

Please contact Michael Dorfman, chair of the Security Committee, with further questions at, or if you would like to get involved in our continuing effort to create a secure but welcoming environment at Beth El.

V O L U N T E E R A T B E T H E L !

Beth El is looking for volunteers to help lead our efforts to expand Beth El’s involvement in the following areas: social action, chesed, and community building/social programming.

If you are looking to get more involved please contact Stephanie Lederman at

The Bulletin September 2022 10

Volunteer Spotlight

Shayna Klopott

Introducing our new series where we spotlight volunteers in the Beth El community that make our community so wonderful. Want to nominate someone to spotlight? Email Morgan at

What inspired you to get involved with HOPE Community Services & Food Pantry?

HOPE fills an extraordinary need in our local community. During the Pandemic, I was inspired by the work that HOPE was doing to meet the community’s growing needs, including their addition of a kosher food pantry. At the same time, I was looking for a way to involve families with children in community service projects. It’s often hard to find a consistent project that will allow young children to participate. Having discussed this idea with Rabbi Sitkin, I was thrilled when he reached out and said that HOPE was looking for volunteers to cook for their soup kitchen. My hope was that we could inspire families with children to come to shop, cook and deliver meals for the soup kitchen.

Shayna Klopott

What do you most enjoy about volunteering with HOPE?

Shopping at Costco for giant containers of tomato sauce! I’m only sort of kidding. During a busy week last spring, I took an hour out of my day to go shopping with a fellow congregant and had a lovely conversation about Beth El’s families and how great it is to see all the little kids, including her grandchildren,

in shul. I also love hanging out with the other volunteers while we cook. It’s a great way to get to know people (better) and to do some good at the same time.

What would you say to anyone thinking about getting involved?

There is a lot of flexibility in this project. You can volunteer to cook monthly, or come once. We would love to have your children participate and will find an ageappropriate job for them in the kitchen. If cooking isn’t your thing, we can use volunteers to shop and deliver the food to HOPE.

What have you personally gained from this experience?

I’ve gained a greater appreciation of the needs that members of the New Rochelle community face and built some great relationships with other Beth El families looking to make a difference!

What kind of impact do you hope to have on the community?

I think that participating in cooking for HOPE not only helps Beth El members contribute to the wider community, but also strengthens the bonds of our community.

If you are interested in volunteering for the HOPE project, please contact Shayna Klopott at

If you are looking for more ways to volunteer, please email

The Bulletin September 2022 11
Shayna coordinates Beth El volunteers to shop for food, cook, and deliver food with HOPE Community Services & Food Pantry to those most in need in the New Rochelle community.

A Message from Sisterhood

Greetings! My, has the summer flown by! I hope you were able to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, recharge and connect with family and friends.

I would like to introduce myself as the new President of the Beth El Sisterhood. Despite the limitations placed on us the past couple of years by the pandemic, Sisterhood was able to deliver a full schedule of virtual programs for all members of Beth El, under the leadership of our outgoing President Sandy Gruenberg, and our creative Program Committee.

This year, we plan to deliver in-person, engaging programs and virtual ones when appropriate.

I want to emphasize that Sisterhood’s mission is to enrich the lives of Beth El women and their families through Jewish-themed experiences, educational programs and community social action.

We are committed to supporting Beth El and the greater Beth El community through our fundraising efforts.

Here are just a few examples.


• provides financial support to the synagogue with an annual gift

• runs the Baum Judaica gift shop

• funds youth and adult education programs

• contributes to the Green Team initiative

• delivers shiva meals to bereaved families

• supports the HOPE soup kitchen

I hope you will join us.

Sisterhood’s 2022-2023

Chazak v’Ematz Campaign –Be Strong and Courageous

“…eighty, the age of strength”…Pirkei Avot 5:23

Each year Beth El Sisterhood members participate in the Torah Fund Campaign under the direction of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. The theme for this year’s campaign is Chazak v’Ematz – Be Strong and Courageous.

We summon strength and fortitude in these changing times to continue to make an important impact at our global Conservative/Masorti Institutes of higher education: Jewish Theological Seminary, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, Schechter Institutes, Seminario Rabinico Latinamericano, and Zacharias Frankel College.

Your donation to the Torah Fund helps provide essential scholarships and programs to train future leaders of the Jewish community. It helps develop future rabbis, cantors, educators, synagogue administrators, social workers, scholars, researchers and lay leaders.

Refugee Update

Dear Friends,

As you may know, as part of ICNAW (a refugee resettlement organization) Beth El has welcomed and supported five refugee families. Our most recent refugees are three young adult siblings from Afghanistan. The oldest, a 24-year-old young woman, is pursuing a career in web design. Her 19-year-old brother works at White Plains Hospital and hopes to become a nurse. Their 18-year-old sister will work at Target as she studies to improve her English. She, too, wants to be a nurse.

Our new Afghani friends are warm, grateful, and always want to feed us. (Maybe they’re really Jewish.)

There continue to be ways in which you can volunteer and connect with these loving people. Our refugees often need rides and support to medical appointments. They may need guidance negotiating “the system.” Although on their arrival, they were set up in furnished apartments, there are occasionally items that are still needed. You can put your name on a list to help get and/or deliver these items.

A fun way to volunteer is to have an adventure with a

Every Torah Fund donation of $180 or more will be recognized with this year’s Torah Fund pin, Chazak -80 (the 80 is for 80 years of Torah Fund).

The best way to make your donation is to go to www. This is a safe, secure donation site set up by Women’s League-Torah Fund for this purpose. Be sure to enter Beth El New Rochelle when they ask for your affiliation. If you prefer to donate by check please contact: Sheila Cohen Risë Stern 914-576-1078 914-761-5645

family. It can be as simple as a picnic or a hike or a swim or a visit to an interesting location of your choice. They are definitely fun to be with.

ICNAW is hoping to welcome a new family but does not have a specific date yet. You may have furniture you would like to donate for them but can’t store it until we need it. Until we know details about our furniture needs, you can donate it to Furniture Sharehouse, a Westchester non-profit that invites donors to provide furniture, in good condition, for people newly living in their own apartments. They’ve come from shelters, hospitals, and other dire circumstances. Your furniture gifts help people create a secure and comfortable life.

Please take this opportunity to do tzedakah in a profoundly meaningful way.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Joyce Wechsler: 914 629-8731

Susan Wolman: 914 980-5050

Furniture Sharehouse: 914-834-1294

The Bulletin September 2022 13

Purchase a Lulav & Etrog

Sukkot begins Monday, October 10. Order your Lulav and Etrog by Friday, September 23, at the low cost of just $43 per set!

Place Your Order: Visit or email Cantor Gaby at

Make your check payable to Beth El Synagogue Center. Payment in full is required in advance.

There will not be extra sets available past the payment deadline.

Pick up schedule is listed at

Doyouhavea comingSimchaup?

Are you celebrating a birthday or other milestone? Do you just love spending time with your community after Shabbat services? Sponsoring a kiddush on Shabbat is a wonderful way to share your special day with your Beth El community.

To learn more about the details of sponsoring a kiddush and to help you make a choice that is right for you and your family please reach out to Alise Liquorie at or (914) 235-2700 x223.

High Holiday Food Drive 5783

Please bring in non-perishable food items for this year's High Holiday food drives. Collection bins are located outside the front office and food can be delivered during Beth El open hours Sunday, September 11-Sunday, October 2

The Bulletin September 2022 14


Mazal tov to:

Shireen and Matthew Lewis on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Juliette Lewis; Barbara and Lawrence Orans on the marriage of their son, Mark Orans to Alix Samuel; to Tami and Michael Novoseller on the Bar Mitzvah of their sons, Corey Novoseller and Jordan Novoseller; Risë Stern on being honored at Beth El Sisterhood’s Annual Gala; David and Gitta Silberstein on the recent marriage of their son, Jacob Silberstein to Dara Feigelson; Libi Palefski and her family on her first time reading Torah; Ellen and Merill Resnick on the marriage of their son David Resnick to Allison Cohen, daughter of Bruce & Susan Cohen; our Gala honorees: Mark Silver & Alan and Allison Kellman; Zoe and Robert Raynes on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Lucy Raynes; Simcha and Ross Bergman on the birth of their son, Ethan Avi Bergman, and to big sister Lana; Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; all the children and teens who participated in our Youth Shabbat service; Eberle Schultz and Matthew Beatu on the birth of their daughter Golda Tudor, and to big brother Ziggy and big sisters Ardie and Lolo; Andrew Wasson and Libby Herbert-Wasson on the birth of their daughter Isabella Bina Wasson, and to big sisters Addy and Charlotte; Marty Keltz and Lynn Buckvar Keltz and also to Mark and Mindy Badash on the recent marriage of their children Sarah Keltz and Jesse Badash; Debbie & Steven Young on the marriage of their daughter Becky Young to Jake Orbach Smith and to Jake’s parents, Vivien Orbach Smith and Richard Smith; Julie Rockowitz on the marriage of her daughter, Shira to Dan Badiak; Matt and Mandy Grabina on the birth of their son, Noah Daniel Grabina, and also to big sister Abigail; Joyce and Michael Wechsler on their 55th wedding anniversary; Alan Greenberg on the marriage of his daughter Lauren to Aaron Steinberg-Medow; Avinoam and

Gabrielle Shefa on the baby naming of their daughter, Tamar Sylvie Shefa, and to all of the Shefa and Aufgang families; Remy Elbez and Emily Liftman on the birth of their son, and also to big brother, Aaron Elbez; Jonathan Ravski and Andrea Fleishaker on the birth of their daughter, Dana Juliet. And also to big brother, Noah Ravski, grandparents Aaron and Sheryl Fleishaker, and great grandfather Donald Fleishaker; Rabbi and Lenore Sirner on the birth of their grandson, Kobi Shai, and also to parents, Ari and Rachel Sirner and big brother Rafi; Dr. Gabriel Klein, son of Sandy & Samuel Klein, upon the completion of a fellowship in reconstructive microsurgery at the Cleveland Clinic; Leonora Loewentheil on the birth of her great grandson Levi Hunter Price. Mazal tov also to grandparents, Barbara and Peter Murray and parents, Jana and Ray Price; Bernie Katz on the birth of a great-granddaughter, born to his grandchildren Tova and Alex Katz of Jerusalem. Mazal tov to grandparents, Gila & Richie Katz and the entire family; and Tanya Diona Graham, daughter-in-law of Carole and Jeff Graham, for her Induction into the 2022 Buffalo Music Hall of Fame. Jonathan and Lori Zung on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Dylan Zung, Julie Rockowitz on the birth of her granddaughter, Aviva Navit, daughter of Leora and Ben Yardenay; Michael and Roni Schiffres on the birth of their granddaughter, Rachel Winnie Gale.

A warm Beth El mazal tov to one and all!


Welcome to the Beth El Community:

Elana Castle & Grant Smuts

Jason & Lauren Friedlander

Kiddush Sponsors

The Kiddush of June 18th was sponsored by Lynn and Marty Keltz in honor of the marriage of their daughter Sarah Keltz to Jesse Badash.

The Kiddush of June 25th was sponsored by Debbie and Steve Young in honor of the marriage of their daughter Becky Young to Jake Orbach-Smith.

The Kiddush of July 2nd was sponsored by Joyce and Michael Wechsler in honor of their wedding anniversary.

The Kiddush of July 9th was sponsored by Gabrielle and Avinoam Shefa in honor of the babynaming of their daughter Tamar.

Eric Garfinkle & Shana Elbaum Kenneth Honig

Julie Kattan & Milton Kreppel

Jessica & Jeffrey Klein

Jeremy & Gila Levinson

Michael Lewis & Frieda Zarembski-Lewis

Daniel Mailick & Lydia Read

Elliot Meiteles & Alana Chill

Seth Mosner & Michelle Paredes

Andrew & Jennifer Obus

Meri-Jane Rochelson & Joel Mintz

Andrew Salama & Rachel Barbanel-Fried Avi & Lauren Sussman Allison & Alex Wohl

The Bulletin September 2022 15


Condolences to:

Gillian (Ken) Katz on the passing of her mother, Adele Bagg z”l; Scott (Alicia) Talmadge on the passing of his father, Leonard Talmadge z”l; Robert (Jodi) Scheinfeld on the passing of his mother, Elaine Scheinfeld z”l. Condolences also to Jeremy z”l, Sarah, Daniel (Elyssa), Zachary, Corey, and Maya Scheinfeld on the passing of their grandmother; Gwen

(Ari) Abramowitz on the loss of her mother, Alaine Gorfinkle z”l; Aliza and Joshua Raffel on the loss of their mother, Rivka Raffel z”l; Associate Cantor Emeritus Uri Aqua on the passing of his father, Sa’adya Aqua z”l; Joshua (Deena) Davis on the passing of his brother, Abe Davis z”l; and David (Desiree) Miller on the passing of his father, Steven Miller z”l.



General Fund:

For the good health of Lisa Jacobs (Leah Shandel bat Hana), from Lisa Jacobs.

In Honor


Darren Peister, for the recognition of his volunteer work on behalf of Westchester Jewish Council at the Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Services Awards Ceremony, from Bob and Barbara Cohen, and Shari & Marvin Chinitz.

Michael Wechsler, for his most deserving honor at the 2022 Annual Minyan Breakfast, from Bob and Barbara Cohen, and Mark & Marjorie Seidenfeld, and Joshua & Deena Davis, and Barry Josephs.

The Orans family for the Auf Ruf and recent marriage of Mark Orans & Alix Samuel, from Sol & Linda Haber. Robert Sussman on his milestone birthday, from the ROMEO Group.

Allison & Alan Kellman, recipients of the President’s Ne’emanim Service Award, from Marvin Medow, and Carolyn Hirsch.

Corey & Jordan Novoseller on their Bar Mitzvah, from Shari & Marvin Chinitz.

The marriage of David Resnick and Allison Cohen, from Joyce & Michael Wechsler.

The marriage of Becky Young and Jake Orbach-Smith, from Bob & Barbara Cohen.

In Memory of:

Dr. Allen H. Simon z”l and Richard S. Simon z”l, from David Simon.

Joan Jacobs z”l, Myron Jacobs z”l, Alex Lefkovic z”l and Olga Lefkovic z”l for Yizkor, from Lisa Jacobs.

My sister Marilyn Schultz z”l on her yahrzeit, from Jay & Barbara Lerman.

The yahrzeit of J. Y. Marcus z”l and Lillie Marcus z”l, from Irvine David Marcus.

Elaine Scheinfeld z”l, beloved mother of Robert Scheinfeld, from Liz & Eric Alderman, and Bob & Barbara Cohen.

Fay Binstok z”l, beloved mother and grandmother. May her memory be a blessing, from Liz & Eric Alderman, and Paul Adler, and Paul Piccininni, and Joe Griminger & Amy Doberman.

My dad Avi Karkowsky z”l, who we miss terribly, and who would have been the happiest zeyde, from Chavi Karkowsky & Josh Greenfield.

Capital Improvement Fund

In Honor of:

The birth of Isabella Bina Wasson, daughter of Andrew Wasson and Libby Herbert-Wasson, from Howard Steinman and Barbara Birshstein.

Day Camp Fund

In Honor of:

The marriage of Shira Rockowitz to Dan Badiak, from Larry & Erica Epstein, and Tom & Pearl Sullivan, and Liz & Eric Alderman.

The marriage of Lauren Greenberg, daughter of Alan Greenberg, from Larry & Erica Epstein.

The birth of a granddaughter to Julie Rockowitz, from Larry & Erica Epstein.

Dorothy Fleishaker Religious School Enrichment Fund

In Honor of:

Jeff Mittleman for tutoring Lucy with Hebrew reading and helping her to learn her Haftarah. Thank you so much, from Zoe, Robert & Lucy Raynes.

Cantor Gaby for working with Lucy and teaching her Haftarah. Thank you so much, from Zoe, Robert & Lucy Raynes.

Rabbi Jessica Fisher for helping Lucy to write her D’var Torah. Thank you so much, from Zoe, Robert & Lucy Raynes.

Lucy Raynes on her Bat Mitzvah, from Judi Schmeidler.

Andrea Fleishaker and Noah Ravski on the birth of Dana Juliet, from Lauren Freeman Bosworth & Brian Bosworth, and Abbe Fleishaker.

Aaron & Sheryl Fleishaker on the birth of their granddaughter, from Steven & Maria Kessler.

The Bulletin September 2022 16
We record the losses suffered by our members and friends and extend to them our deepest sympathies.

Share your milestone events with us!

If you experience a milestone or a loss in your family, contact Alise at or 914-235-2700, ext. 223

Sylvia and Robert Scher Chesed Community Fund

In Honor of:

Michael Wechsler on the occasion of your minyan honor, from Phyllis & Harvey Jay.

In Memory of:

Herb Fox z”l, beloved husband of Dorothy Fox, from Gerry & Shulamith Erenberg.

My beloved brother, Bernie Siegel z”l, and my beloved mother, Goldie Siegel z”l, from Sheila Tanenbaum.

The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs

In Honor of:

Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation, from Fred & Shelley Klein.

Allison & Alan Kellman, recipients of the President’s Ne’emanim Service Award, from Ron & Beth Cohen.

Michelle Moseley, daughter of Laura Lewis, and Shaun Elhai on their upcoming marriage. Michelle, mazal tov and when I think of you, I think of the Kasakove and also baking birthday cakes for you, from Judi Schmeidler.

Rae Corwin’s 1st birthday and Zoe Corwin’s 4th birthday, from Ellen & Jason Wirchin.

The marriage of Becky Young and Jake Orbach-Smith, from Ellen & Jason Wirchin.

In Memory of:

Alphonse A. Liquorie z”l, beloved father of Alise Liquorie, from Nora Klion Wolloch.

Ethel Wasson z”l, beloved mother of Barbara Horowitz, from Barbara & David Horowitz.

Loretta’s mother, Musia Wick Yadgaroff z”l, from Loretta & Arthur Holland.

Loretta’s grandmother, Elizabeth Brohman z”l, from Loretta & Arthur Holland.

Fay Binstok z”l, from David Futter.

Sam Wick z”l, from Loretta & Arthur Holland.

Shoresh Halev Music Fund

In Memory of:

Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation and in honor of Rabbi Fisher on her installation, from Esther Mildner.

Tris Berger, for all she has done for the Jewish Community, The Leffell School and UJA. You are a leader, a mensch and a friend, from Susan Solow Dubin.

The marriage of Becky Young and Jake Orbach-Smith, from Laura Lewis, and Marc Suvall & Harriet Kaplan Suvall.

The marriage of Shira Rockowitz and Dan Badiak, from Laura Lewis.

The birth of a granddaughter, Dana Juliet to Aaron and Sheryl Fleishaker and mazal tov also to Donald Fleishaker on the birth of his great granddaughter, from Marc Suvall & Harriet Kaplan Suvall.

In Memory of:

My loving father, Alfred Lewis z”l, a kind and gentle man, from Laura Lewis.

Elaine Scheinfeld z”l, beloved mother of Robert Scheinfeld, from Marc Suvall & Harriet Kaplan Suvall.

Youth Activities Fund

In Honor of:

All the outstanding educators who taught and supported Max along the way to his Bar Mitzvah, from Sharon Brown & Max Straussberg.

In Memory of:

Ber nard Resnik z”l and Florence Kaplan z”l, from Mitchel Kaplan.

David Gingold Memorial Nursery School Fund

In Honor of: Olg a Lefkovic z”l, my beloved mom on her yahrzeit, from Lisa Jacobs.

Bernice Feldman Nursery Fund

In Honor of: Ronnie Becher and Sherry Rosenstein with thanks for a fabulous year, from Sarah Rossenwasser.

In Memory of:

A lphonse A. Liquorice z”l, beloved father of Alise Liquorie, from Ellen & Jack Hollander, and Michael & Joyce Wechsler, and Vicki & Nate Fisher.

To make a donation

Contact Zoe Raynes at or 914-235-2700 ext 228.

Minimum donation is $18. Mail your payment to Beth El Synagogue Center, attn: Zoe, 1324 North Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10804


The Bulletin September 2022 17

Jeremy Scheinfeld Memorial Fund

In Honor of:

Michael Wechsler for all that he has done for Beth El the minyan and for me with great admiration, from Susan Solow-Dubin.

Our son Jesse’s recent marriage to Megan Lawless, from Hanita & Paul Schneiderman.

The marriage of Becky Young and Jake Orbach-Smith, from Bob & Elise Schepp.

In Memory of:

Dr. Mitchell Kaphan z”l, beloved husband, father, brother, father in law and friend on his yahrzeit, from Robin Kaphan & Family.

My mother and father, Ruth and Seymour Sobel z”l on their yahrzeits. They are missed everyday, from Hanita Schneiderman.

Alex Scheinfeld z”l, a gentle giant with a huge heart, from Leslie Scheinfeld.

Elaine Scheinfeld z”l, beloved mother of Robert Scheinfeld, from David & Geralynn Reifer, and Bob & Elise Schepp, and Susan Allis, and Joan & Howard Simon, and Leslie Lowell Scheinfeld, and Gwen & Gary Salmo, and Erica & Larry Epstein.

Bradley Ruttenberg z”l, beloved son of Leslie & Dick Ruttenberg, from Robin Kaphan.

Jeremy Scheinfeld z”l, beloved son of Rob and Jodi Scheinfeld, from Robin Kaphan, and Grace Kalfus & Bruce Gold.

Chaim Kalfus z”l, beloved father of Grace (Bruce Gold) Kalfus and beloved grandfather of Bekkah and Lissy on his yahrzeit, from Grace Kalfus and Bruce Gold.

Baumwald Prayer Book Fund

In Honor of: Barbara and Lawrence Orans on the marriage of their son, Mark Orans to Alix Samuel, from Tamar & Joe Tait. Lynn and Martin Keltz in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Sarah Keltz to Jesse Badash, from Tamar & Joe Tait.

The PTA Israel Travel-Study Scholarship Fund

In Honor of:

Lucy Raynes on becoming a Bat Mitzvah, from Larry & Erica Epstein.

from Vicki & Nate Fisher, and from Bernie Katz, and from Mindell & Stanley Patchen.

In Memory of: Gerson T. Margolish z”l, my beloved father, from Norma Wasserman.

Yahrzeit Donations

Jill Hastings and the Barnett/Kaufman Family, Melvyn Bloom, Judy and Fred Bomback, Deborah Chassen, Martin Cornick, Deena Davis, Susan Diamond, Nathan Eisler, Erica and Larry Epstein, Leah and Noel Edelson, Ruth Esses, Ray Fein, Dalia Fenster, Marcie and Michael Ferder, Helen Geffner, Ellen and Moshe Gelboim and Family, Rita and Bruce Gilbert, Barbara and Mark Goldman, I. David Goldman, Vincent Grabowski, Roberta Greenberg, Patricia Greenwel-Rojkind, Sandy and Jack Gruenberg, Joan and Michael Hirsch, Ruth and David Hirsh, Barbara and David Horowitz, Bonnie and Larry Jonas, Debbie Kaplan, Madelyn and Albert Katz, Richard Kaufman, Rita and David Kaufman, Alex LaTorroca, Jennifer Sherz Lifshey and family, Andrea and Ira Lippel, The Littman Family, Arkady Mamaysky, Sheldon Marcus, Barbara and Arthur Margolin, Rabbi Amy R. Mayer, Patricia Mirsky, Lois Morgenstern, Linda and Steven Newman, Deborah Olstein, Laura Penn, Milton Persky, Judy and Judy Pogostin, Risa Ryger and Peter Wasserman, Sharon Rozansky, Fran and Donald Salomon, Harriet E. Schwartz, Kathy and Howard Seiden, Cynthia and Ira Shechter, Dina and Jeff Stahl, Howard Sussman, Andy Tannen, Evelyn and Gary Trachten, Norma Wasserman, Joyce and Michael Wechsler, Ronnie and Jesse Weinberger, William Winters, Adam, Claudia and Norbert Wolloch, Helene Wolloch, Lester Zimmerman, Marc Zoldessy.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund



Herman Gordon Century Fund for Adult Teaching & Learning

In Honor of: Yvette Gordon on her 100th birthday, from Carol Leslie & Family, and from Marge & Lester Zimmerman, and

Randi, Richard, Jason & Brandon Klee in memory of Carole Jacobs z”l, a beloved mother and grandmother; Sharon Brown & Mark Straussberg in honor of Max’s Bar Mitzvah and with thanks to the Beth El clergy team; Jay Lerman in memory of his mother, Bertha Lerman z”l on her yahrzeit; Zona Kaufman in memory of her beloved husband, Edward Kaufman z”l on his yahrzeit; Arkady Mamaysky; Merill & Ellen Resnick for the recovery of Saul Epstein; Donald Fleishaker; Sol & Linda Haber for Maot Hittim; Morris Stampfer in memory of Deborah Lewittes Stampfer z”l; Daniel Aronstein in memory of Sara Aronstein z”l and with thanks to Rabbi Zachary Sitkin for officiating at the funeral; Barbara & Robert Ehudin in honor of Darren Peister on his WJC Distinguished Service Award, so well deserved; Jay & Barbara Lerman; Shireen & Matthew Lewis in honor of Juliette’s Bat Mitzvah and with thanks to Rabbi Fisher, Rabbi Schuck and Rabbi Sitkin; Caryl Fuchs in memory of her father, Martin Teichman z”l; Laurie Griffel in memory of her father, Morris Drucker z”l; Jeff & Susan Mittleman in honor of Lucy Raynes becoming a Bat Mitzvah; Jeff & Susan

The Bulletin September 2022 18

Mittleman in honor of the wedding of Mark Orans and Alix Samuel; Vicki & Nate Fisher in honor of the marriage of Lauren Greenberg, daughter of Alan Greenberg; Vicki & Nate Fisher in honor of Lucy Raynes becoming a Bat Mitzvah; Elise & Bob Schepp in honor of Julie Rockowitz on the marriage of her daughter Shira to Dan Badiak; Nate & Vicki Fisher; Arlene & Barry Salman in honor of the Beth El staff and clergy team; Scott & Alicia Talmadge; Mark & Mindy Badash in honor of the marriage of Jesse Badash & Sarah Keltz; Meryl Mendelson in memory of Dr. Stuart Handelsman z”l; Louise & Jason Silverman in honor of the marriage of David Resnick and Allison Cohen; Joyce & Michael Wechsler; Lynn Buckvar Keltz & Marty Keltz in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Sarah to Jesse Badash; Merill & Ellen Resnick in honor of Joyce & Michael Wechsler’s 55th wedding anniversary; Merill & Ellen Resnick in honor of the marriage of Shira Rockowitz & Dan Badiak; Meryl Druckerman in honor of Stanley Patchen’s 90th birthday; Caryl Fuchs in memory of her sister-in-law, Taube Fuchs Sokol z”l; Janet & Isaiah Seligman in memory of Janet’s beloved mother, Hannah Kenler z”l;

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

Barbara & Robert Ehudin in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Shireen & Matthew Lewis in honor of Juliette’s Bat Mitzvah and with thanks to Cantor Gaby; Jeff & Susan Mittleman in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Dori Graff & Seth Leibowitz in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Erica & Larry Epstein in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Norma Wasserman in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Alise & Maggie Towers in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Bernie Katz in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Janet & Isaiah Seligman in honor of Cantor Gaby Schvartz on her installation; Meryl Mendelson in memory of Dr. Stuart Handelsman z”l; Roberta Reindel in memory of the yahrzeits of her mother, Sally F. Berman z”l and her Uncle, Leonard Felkin z”l;

Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund

In Honor of:

Rise Stern, mazal tov on being the honoree at the sisterhood spring gala from Janet Seligman, Phyllis & Harvey Jay

The sisterhood shabbat kiddush committee from Sharon Brown and Marc Straussberg

Max Straussberg, mazal tov on becoming a bar mitzvah from Joyce and Michael Wechsler

Michael Wechsler, mazal tov for being honored for your dedication to our daily minyan from Carole & Jeff Graham

Vicki & Nate Fisher being the proud grandparents of another bar mitzvah grandson from Carole & Jeff Graham

Allison & Alan Kellman receiving the president’s Ne’emanim Service Award from Carole & Jeff Graham

Zoe & Robert Raynes, mazal tov on Lucy becoming a bat mitzvah from Carole & Jeff Graham

Gaby Schvartz mazal tov on your Installation from Carole & Jeff Graham

Marc Klee, mazal tov on your honor from WJC from Carole & Jeff Graham

Dorothy Fox, mazal tov on the marriage of your granddaughter Ainat from Carole & Jeff Graham

Rise Stern, mazal tov on your 75th birthday from Carole & Jeff Graham

Sandy & Jack Gruenberg, mazal tov on your granddaughter Sari’s graduation from Carole & Jeff Graham

Ellen & Merill Resnick, David’s marriage to Allison Cohen from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Tami & Michael Novoselle, the B’nai Mitzvah of Corey and Jordan from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Gitta & David Silberstein the marriage of your son, Jacob to Dara Feigelson from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Shireen & Matt Lewis, the bat mitzvah of your daughter, Juliette from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Barbara & Lawrence Orans, the marriage of your son, Mark to Alix Samuel from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Jacqui & Avi Einzig, the marriage of your son, Isaiah to Heath Goldman from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Sharon & Marc Straussberg, your son Max’s Bar Mitzvah from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Donna & Gary Levy, the birth of your granddaughter, Jordana from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Orli Moscowitz & David Urbas, your son, William’s Bar Mitzvah from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Deborah Olstein, the engagement of your son, Matt to Julia Tepper from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Lisa & Jeremy Platek, the engagement of your son, Sam to Claire Carden from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Carrie Fox & David Shechter, the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, Naomi from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Ruth King, your 99th birthday from Vicki & Nate Fisher

Donald Fleishaker, on the birth of his 12th great grandchild from Joyce and Michael Wechsler

In Memory of:

Jacob Esses, beloved husband of Ruth Esses from Carole & Jeff Graham, Vicki & Nate Fisher

Heidi, beloved daughter of Ann & Julius Oestreicher from Vicki & Nate Fisher

The Bulletin September 2022 19
To donate to the Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund Please send all Sisterhood donations to:
Gaby Newfield 87 Runyon Place, Scarsdale, NY 10583 P: 914-235-4030 • E: THANK YOU!
Sisterhood Mitzvah Fund c/o

Sukkot and Simchat Torah:

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9TH 6:10 pm Erev Sukkot Services (Den and Livestream)

MONDAY, OCTOBER 10TH-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11th 9:00 am Sukkot Services (Sanctuary and Livestream) 10:30 am Tot Shabbat Services 11:00 am Family Kehillah 6:10 pm Mincha/Maariv

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH 9:00 am Shabbat Services (Sanctuary and Livestream) 10:30 am Tot Shabbat Services

11:00 am Family Service -Join us for this interactive family service designed for the entire family! 12:15 pm Sukkah Hop - Join us for an afternoon of fun as we gather in three separate sukkot hosted by other Beth El families


8:15 am Hoshanah Rabbah Service (Den and Livestream) 6:00 pm Erev Shemini Atzeret Service (Den and Livestream)


9:00 am Shemini Atzeret Services - Hashkama Minyan at 7 am and 9:00 am in the Sanctuary 10:30 am Tot Shabbat Services 11:00am Family Kehillah

6:00 pm Hakafot and Torah Reading (Sanctuary and Livestream) Join us for mincha, followed by festive hakafot around 7 pm – we’ll be singing and dancing and celebrating the Torah.


9:00 am Simchat Torah Services (Sanctuary and Livestream) We will finish reading the Torah… and start it all over again! We’ll sing, we’ll be silly, and we’ll celebrate another year of chanting our sacred stories.

6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv (Sanctuary)

Sisterhood sponsoring Kiddush on October 11

Proud Beth El member

Sisterhood Lunch in the Sukkah October 12

Nursery School/Teens/Parent Org in the Sukkah October 13 Mini hakafot + Dinner at 5:30 on October 17

Simchat Torah Honorees Ceremony on October 18

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