Bethlehem University News - Fall 2015

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Volume 23 - Issue No.1, 2015-2016

In this issue:

Developing Research University Athletics Teaching Environmental Care 1


Nurturing Students, Fostering Research


With the start of the new academic year, we have been entrusted with 994 new students. They have come to Bethlehem University with their hopes and dreams and it is our task to accompany them as they work to achieve these. I had the privilege of welcoming the new students during their orientation days in August. I told them that back in June, the same space had held graduating students who were looking forward to a new life at the completion of their time at Bethlehem University. Our graduates in June were about to spread their wings. However, this great new group of students were just starting and looking forward to developing themselves at Bethlehem University over the coming four years. Staying true to Bethlehem University’s mission to serve the Palestinian people, we are very conscious that the research and education here has improved the quality of life for many – graduates and current students alike – and has the potential to do so on a larger scale. In line with Pope Francis’ recent call to care for the earth, Bethlehem University is fostering research which enhances such an attitude. We have many plans for Bethlehem University’s future. The Lasallian values of service, faith and community continue to lead and inspire our journey as we grow and develop Bethlehem University into an excellent teaching and research institution. We are not only concerned about students knowing information or ideas, but also how they make use of these. The development of new facilities on campus is intended to help that process. The renovation of our library is the first step on our development agenda because we want to make a statement about the importance of learning and to provide students and faculty with excellent facilities to enable that to happen. One of our challenges is to help generate ideas that will benefit Palestinian society. We do this through our partnerships with business, government and other research and teaching institutions to help us educate and train people across different fields of study.


Bethlehem University has a special mission to cultivate a nurturing environment that respects every person in our university’s community and in the wider community of Palestine. Key to this mission is to enable our students and their communities to live their lives as fully as they possibly can, despite the severe restrictions they are under.

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Vice Chancellor



Published by the Advancement Office



Editorial Committee Ms. Annerieke Willemze Mr. George N. Rishmawi Mr. Larry Rzepka Mr. Isaac Sahhar Br. Stephen Tuohy, FSC. Contributors Mr. Demitri Awwad Dr. Jamil Khader Bro. Dominic Smith, FSC Mr. Eric Crossley Mr. Jehad Najajreh Ms. Rania Hazboun ‘96 Ms. Shahinda Nassar ‘05 Design and Printing HMC Printing & Labeling Bethlehem University Electronic address

12 16

Mailing address Bethlehem University Communications Office PO Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem


Location address Frères Street #9 Bethlehem, Palestine Bethlehem University Foundation USA Mailing address Bethlehem University Foundation P.O. Box 355 Beltsville, MD 20704-0355

Table of Contents

News........................................................................... 4

Graduate Profile:

Jihad Khair ‘05.....................................................16

Experiences of the Sir John

McGuckin Interns................................................... 9 Athletics at Bethlehem

Regent Profile:

Cover Photo: Ibrahim Habash

Professor Bart McGettrick.................................17


Thank You............................................................ 18

The Palestine Museum of Natural History


at Bethlehem University................................... 12

Location address Bethlehem University Foundation 6001 Ammendale Road, Suite 200 Beltsville, MD 20705

Research and the Future

of Bethlehem University................................... 15



Annual Business Market is Great Success The annual Business Market organized by the Shucri Ibrahim Faculty of Business Administration operated from the 15th until the 17th of April. Several small businesses were set up by senior students in the Social Cultural Center and the surrounding plaza on campus. The goal of the business market is to give students the opportunity to find out what it takes to set up their own businesses and to stimulate them to be creative entrepreneurs. Students, their parents, staff, and faculty came out in large numbers to support the students’ enterprises; ranging from a pet shop and local handicraft displays to donut and frozen yoghurt stands. Another favorite at the annual Business Market are the cafes and food trucks serving everything from Italian sandwiches to shawarma sandwiches and ice cream.

Bethlehem University Launches Library Renovation Project Bethlehem University launched its University Library Renovation Project on May 13th. In 1977, the University Library was the first building added to the University campus. Enrollment at that time was only 420; today more than 3,200 students are enrolled in programs at Bethlehem University. The main funder of the renovation of the University Library is USAID (United States Agency for International Development) through its ASHA (American Schools and Hospitals Abroad) division with a contribution of 1,575,000 USD towards the 2,900,000 needed.

The renovated Library will also feature a cozy café for relaxation and lively group discussions, as well as a garden. Both café and garden are intended to encourage interactive learning and to allow students and faculty members to spend as much time as needed within the Library’s premises.

Architects Graham Ormsby and Amer Saffarini were also present and said that the renovated Library will be the “best university library in Palestine, and absolutely up to worldwide standards”. Dr. Mellie Brodeth, Director of the Library, USAID Deputy Mission Director Jonathan Kamin, and Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray demolished the first wall of the Library, symbolizing the start of the renovations. The goal of the Library renovation is to transform the Library into the intellectual hub of the University, positively impacting all faculties of Bethlehem University. The Library will be equipped with study areas both for

Bethlehem University Journal Announces New Partnership with Al Manhal Professor Jamil Khader, Dean of Research and Editor in Chief of the Bethlehem University Journal (BUJ), is happy to announce a new partnership between BUJ and Al Manhal, a leading Arabic electronic database and information provider and “the world’s only provider of full-text searchable databases of scholarly and scientific publications from the Arab and Islamic world”. Al Manhal holds over 70,000 publications from over 300 publishers. Al Manhal’s unique research platform has powerful search and annotation tools as well as personal bookshelves to save eBooks, eJournals, and eTheses. Al Manhal will host BUJ and make it accessible


groups and individuals, as well as state of the art library technologies such as a digitized book-loan system, ample computer areas, and space-saving tools to keep books and other library resources centralized without taking too much space.

to thousands of researchers and readers in the region and around the world. This partnership between BUJ and Al Manhal will solidify the reputation of BUJ as a premier, high-quality international journal. This will serve as another incentive for researchers in Palestine and around the world to publish in BUJ. As such, BUJ will be better positioned to serve the needs of the Palestinian people, the Arab world, and the world at large. You can learn about Al Manhal by visiting their website at:

Bethlehem University’s 39th Graduation Ceremony On June 11th, Bethlehem University’s 39th graduation ceremony saw the first group of its class of 2015 graduating from the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Education. Dr. Said Ayyad served as MC and opened the commencement exercise with Palestine’s national anthem. Vice Chancellor Br. Peter Bray welcomed the graduates and guests. He said that the graduates had “much to offer Palestine”, and added: “You came to learn, now leave to serve”. The salutatorian of the class of 2015, Amanda Asmari, a Faculty of Arts graduate, spoke to the audience about her years at Bethlehem University, and said that she is proud to celebrate “the beginning of a new adventure in life” with all her fellow graduates. Minister of Education and Higher Education Prof. Khawla Shakhshir was guest speaker. She told the students that they are a “national treasure” and that their potential will undoubtedly benefit Palestine. She also urged the graduates to continue to seek knowledge, saying that knowledge “does not only depend on a degree” but requires continual responsibility to ask questions and gain understanding of the world around us. The next day, on June 12th, the second group of the class of 2015 graduated. Graduates from the Faculty of Science, the Shucri Ibrahim

Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration, and the Institute of Hotel Management & Tourism received their Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees from Dr. Haifa Konkar, Dr. Fadi Kattan, and Mr. Nabil El-Mufdi. Dr. Said Ayyad served again as MC. Vice Chancellor Br. Peter Bray welcomed the graduates and their families, saying that Bethlehem University’s vision for its students is to equip them with knowledge that they can use to serve their communities. “We are always striving to be better as a University” he said, “so we can teach you better, equip you better for your futures”. Guest speaker Mr. Samir Hulileleh, CEO of PADICO Holding, addressed the students and said “your lives are starting today, you’ll come upon many challenges, but you’ve been equipped here to face those challenges”. Valedictorian Duha Al-Darras turned towards her peers and said she was incredibly proud of everyone’s hard work over the past four years. “What an accomplishment! We’ve been fortunate to spend those years here, at Bethlehem University where science and knowledge are blended with multiculturalism and spirituality. A big family, where professors are living examples, and where we are taught cooperation, tolerance and love. Thank you!” Congratulations, mabrook, to our fantastic graduates! Come to learn, leave to serve!

Consultation Forum of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences On May 25th Bethlehem University organized a Consultation Forum of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, in the presence of the Palestinian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. The Consultation Forum is part of Bethlehem University’s strategic plan which involves the development of the curricula of its Faculties, as well as expansion of its facilities where necessary. The University has previously organized Consultative Forums for the Faculty of Science and the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism and has reacted to the community feedback in its plans for both. Consulting the local community – ranging from hospitals and universities to the Ministry of Health – is of vital importance to understand the needs of the medical field and to strategize educational programs of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Science accordingly. The Consultation Forum featured speakers from the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences and from the Ministry of Health.



MICAD program celebrates 10 years MICAD (Master in International Cooperation and Development) was Bethlehem University’s first MA program when it was launched in 2005. On April 24th, the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration celebrated MICAD’s 10 year anniversary. The MICAD program was started to train the primary actors of development in Palestine; the Palestinian people. The graduate program is multidisciplinary, incorporating economics, social sciences, international studies, and project management courses. The celebration of MICAD’s 10 year anniversary included speeches by several partners of the MICAD program; the Consul General of Italy, representatives from the University of Pavia, the Fondation Assistance Internationale (FAI), the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (VIS). Representing the future of MICAD, a new specialized course on ‘Governance of the Public Sector’ was launched as part of the celebrations.


Travelling Palestine Festival of Literature on Campus speaking about her identities and experiences as a Sri Lankan woman of color in the United States.

The Palestine Festival of Literature (PalFest), an annual travelling festival of writers, poets, and playwrights, came to Bethlehem University on May 27th. A great line up of poets and writers performed in the University’s Furno Hall, filled to the brim. One of the performers was Malika Booker, who is a writer, spoken word and multidisciplinary artist. Her work spans literature, education and cross-arts. She performed her poems with enormous gusto, transporting her audience to other places. Dutch Journalist Dirk Wanrooij read from his book ‘Insurgence’, which chronicles the Egyptian revolution, sharing with the audience his experiences in Cairo during the past years. The writer and journalist Ru Freeman read excerpts from her work,

Leila Abdelrazaq, a Palestinian-American graphic artist, spoke to the audience about her graphic novel ‘Badawi’, of which everyone in the audience had received a sample copy in Arabic. She shared the story of her family, who became refugees in Lebanon during the Nakba in 1948. The graphic novel depicts her father’s life in the refugee camps and later in the United States. Nathalie Handal, the author of four books of poetry, several plays and the editor of two anthologies, opened PalFest at Bethlehem University by reading one of her poems about Bethlehem’s role in shaping her identity. The founder of PalFest and Egyptian novelist and political and cultural commentator Ahdaf Souief, donated several books of PalFest 2015’s participants to the University Library. PalFest took place in Palestine from 23 – 28 of May, you can find more on their website

Research Symposium and Book Fest participate in the Book Fest. Everyone who had read the book was welcome to attend the Book Feast; students, staff members, and faculty members mixed in small groups and participated in a lively exchange about the ideas and research presented in Dr. Ra’ad’s book. After the well-attended ‘Research and Scholarship Symposium’ featuring Dr. Basem L. Ra’ad at Bethlehem University in March, the Dean of Research Office organized a follow up Book Feast on April 21st around Dr. Ra’ad’s book ‘Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean’ presented during his lecture. Twenty free copies of Dr. Ra’ad’s book were made available to students, staff, and faculty with the proviso the receivers would

The discussion revolved around five major themes: remapping religious discourse, Palestinian cultural heritage and identity, language and the dialectic of naming and unnaming, the issue of “self-colonizing traps” and how Palestinians can decolonize their minds, and finally the extent to which the author and the book engage in mythmaking in consecrating the historical basis for the language of Palestinian rights.

Culinary Students Receive Training in France A group of 10 hotel management students from Bethlehem University and Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem took a course in French Language and Culinary Arts in Grenoble, France.

The students were excited to cook with France’s beautiful products and made some beautiful dishes: ravioli of Provencal snails, foie gras salad with chutney, warm oysters of Bretagne, and salted butter and caramel ice cream.

The students were hosted by the Consulate General of France in Jerusalem. They took French classes each morning at Stendhal University of Grenoble, while their afternoons were devoted to exploring the culinary culture of France.

The students said they found the course unforgettable.

The culinary program was supervised by leaders of the Ecole Hôtelière de Grenoble and specialized in the cuisines and products from five regions of France: Provence, Perigord, Champagne, Brittany and Dauphiné. The students did not only learn the subtleties of French cuisine, they also learned to assess the quality of raw products like oysters, snails, and cheeses. Other practicalities like data sheet preparation and culinary design were also included in the program.

Brother Cyril Litecky, a Life of Selfless Service Brother Cyril first came to Bethlehem University from 1984 to 1989 serving as the Academic Vice President. He returned to Bethlehem University in 1991 where he served as Financial Vice President from 1991 to 1995 and then as Assistant to the Vice Chancellor until his death. Brother Peter Iorlano shared a touching eulogy in the funeral mass of Br. Cyril: Brother Cyril Litecky passed away on April 4, 2015 in Bethlehem in the Holy Land. Brother Cyril was born as Bernard Litecky in 1927 in Minneapolis, MN, to Paul and Mary (Kovacs) Litecky. During World War II he served in the U.S. Air Force, then earned a BA in Economics from St Thomas College. He entered the novitiate of the Brothers in Glencoe, MO, in 1950 taking the name Cyril; he professed his final vows in 1955. After becoming a Brother, Cyril earned an MA in Educational Administration at Saint Mary’s College in Winona, MN.

Holy Mass Marks the New Academic Year Bethlehem University’s community celebrated a festive mass on Thursday September 10th. The celebrants were Bishop William Shomali, the auxiliary bishop of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and Fr. Peter Du Brul, SJ, professor of philosophy and theology. Vice Chancellor Br. Peter Bray together with the De La Salle brothers and a large number of faculty members, staff and students attended the mass. Bishop Shomali stressed the importance of education and Bethlehem University’s role in providing a stable academic and social environment to its students. Br. Peter Bray addressed the audience thanking the attendees for their care for the students, particularly the 994 new students who have joined the University. “We give thanks to God for the existence of this place and the new students who have recently joined Bethlehem University”, he said.

“Brother Cyril, we gather here in the Chapel of the Divine Child, here at your beloved Bethlehem University, to recognize the rich and extraordinary life you lived. You touched the hearts of many of us as well as people in others places where you have served as a Brother. We are grateful to God, to your family, and to you for sharing your life with us and in doing so enriching our lives. We bid you a final farewell filled with fond memories. Paraphrasing what Brother Thomas Cooney wrote to me upon hearing of your passing: Here you lie where you longed to be… May you now rest in peace.”



Ilan Pappé Lectures at Bethlehem University On April 14th, Israeli historian Ilan Pappé gave a lecture at Bethlehem University on “Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: Past, Present and Future”. Pappé gave his lecture on invitation of Bethlehem University and Dar Al Karma for Media Research and Publication. Professor Pappé is a Professor of History and the Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter. His research and writings particularly focus on the modern Middle East and in particular the history of Israel and Palestine. He is a prolific writer and has also written on Critical Discourse Analysis, multiculturalism and on power and knowledge. Furno Hall, where the event took place, was packed with students, staff, and visitors. Pappé presented the contents of his book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” and participated in a lively discussion with the participants afterwards.


Award-winning author Raja Shehadeh on campus Raja Shehadeh, a Palestinian lawyer and award-winning author, came to Bethlehem University on May 5th to present his most recent book ‘Language of War, Language of Peace’. In this book he explores the ‘politics of language’ and the ‘language of politics’ in the Israeli Palestine conflict and specifically reflects on the legal and cultural walls that the language of politics creates, which confine today’s Palestinians just like physical borders and checkpoints.

Shehadeh read excerpts from his writings and engaged in a conversation with attending students, faculty members, and visitors about the themes featured in his books: the language of colonialism and occupation, and the transformations of the land and natural surroundings as a result of geopolitics.

Shehadeh was invited by the Department of English. Mrs. Hanadi Younan, Dean of Arts and Chairperson of the English Department, introduced the writer to the audience.

Dean of Research and Student Senate leaders meet with Irish president Professor Jamil Khader and a delegation of four student senate leaders from Bethlehem University visited Ireland from June 2nd to June 5th. They were received by Ireland’s president Michael D. Higgins and met with members of the Foreign Affairs Committee. The visit was arranged by the Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland and the students were guests of the University

College Dublin Student’s Union, with whom they conducted meetings with student union leaders of all the Irish universities. Professor Jamil Khader, Bethlehem University’s Dean of Research and professor of English, also gave a lecture at the Dublin Institute of Technology on the ‘Ongoing Nakba’, hosted by Academics for Palestine and Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland.


Experiences of the Sir John McGuckin Interns Every summer, since 2009, a group of students from Bethlehem University is selected to take part in the Sir John McGuckin Mentoring and Internship Program. The program is funded by the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre: USA Northwestern Lieutenancy, USA

Western Lieutenancy and Canadian Atlantic Lieutenancy. This year, 10 students went to the US and 3 students to Australia. The students who went to Australia did student teaching at Loyola College in

Maram Abu Saada “The first week we took part in an orientation week in Washington DC. Every person I met had a story to tell. Some told us about poverty in the US while others were interested in talking to us about the states they were from. For us as Palestinian ambassadors, it was important to share the Palestinian story and show our new friends that we are just like any other human: we want to live, love and be loved!” “My work at Catholic Charities, involved working with homeless people. My neighbour Kate opened her home to the homeless every Sunday and I was invited as well. To be honest, I wasn’t completely at ease the first 10 minutes, until I talked with her visitors. They were really kind and nice, were enjoying playing music and happy to share food together. While they are homeless with no shelter or regular income to cover their needs, I felt they still loved their lives and appreciated every second of it. While the rich in this world grow in greed, these homeless people grow in God. While the rich learn to say I want more, they learned how to say thank you, even for the little things.” “I experienced fulfilment through my work and meeting these people. I ask myself every day, what did I learn? What did I give? What do I value about today and myself? Sometimes people show others their wealth, their beauty, or their academic success. For me, fulfilment is how I rate myself in front of myself not in front of people. Learning to love others and experiencing our common humanity is something I am thankful having learned.”

Melbourne. The students who went to the US worked with Catholic Charities in different states and wrote blogs about their experiences. Here, Maram and Ali share their expectations and what they learned from a summer of volunteer work in the US.

Ali Al Sharif “The first weeks passed by very quickly, they were busy yet fulfilling. Being in new places and meeting new people while observing the month of Ramadan was overwhelming, but the welcoming and caring people around me made it possible to adapt quickly.” “I am interning in the Department for Persons with Disabilities, an organization that provides caring homes for adults with intellectual challenges. Upon my arrival from Washington to DPD, they had a party to celebrate their 50th anniversary in which the staff and the residents danced and shared food together. Observing how kind and gentle the staff treat the residents left me in awe! DPD emphasizes that their Catholic values means respecting all humans regardless of their state of mind or any other factor.” “Before the internship started, I was looking forward to gaining my first real-life experience in accounting. However, by the end of my time in the US, I have an experience in accounting as well as an understanding of many social issues in the US and what many wonderful people are doing to challenge these issues and minimize their effect.” “My mission in life was mostly about achieving financial and academic success. A new aspect has been embedded. I now think of what I can do for my society to make a positive change. Since I have accepted to receive support, it is my turn to pay back and support others.”



Athletics at Bethlehem University “Winning the championship was amazing. It gave us a huge boost; I was only a freshman and it really made me feel a part of the Bethlehem University community

Being active in sport clubs is the ultimate college life experience; not just in European or American universities, also in Palestine. Neda from Aida Camp, a refugee camp close to the wall separating Bethlehem from Jerusalem, joined Bethlehem University last year. She is a sparkling Arabic major who applied to be on the Bethlehem University volleyball team soon after she started her studies. “Winning the championship was amazing” she says. “It gave us a huge boost; I was only a freshman and it really made me feel a part of the Bethlehem University community.”

Hundreds of student participate in organized sport at Bethlehem University. Basketball, volleyball, and tennis are just a few of the possibilities. Ms. Samar Moussa has been the Athletics Department Director since 2006 and has built an impressive program. Bethlehem University has several coaches who train the teams, with great success. During the last academic year, Bethlehem University’s basketball team won the Palestinian and Jordanian championship and so did the women’s volleyball team.

Ms. Samar Moussa (top right) with the Bethlehem University volleyball team.


The architect’s drawing of the proposed new building.

Ms. Samar Moussa has not only played an important role in developing sports at Bethlehem University, she is also very active in Bethlehem’s community. In 2010, she was awarded the Teaching Excellence Certificate from AMIDEAST. She has also brought several organizations to Bethlehem University, such as Fellowship of Christian Athletes, who have trained students and coaches. Palestine has very little free space to practice sports in its urban areas. That is why sports at schools and at Bethlehem University are emphasized. Neda had played volleyball in the UNRWA school in Aida Camp and immediately joined the team when she came to Bethlehem University. “Playing volleyball is an outlet for me” she says. “It keeps me active and I like being part of a team”. In a society where women often spend a lot of time within the home and family environment, sport is an important place for selfdevelopment. Growing up in a refugee camp, there is very little space, a lot of social control and frequent incursions of the Israeli army into the camp. Participating in sport gives a sense of freedom and agency, which is not only important for children growing up in such an environment but also for Bethlehem University’s students who often are denied agency and freedom in their day to day lives. Sport is not only important for women’s empowerment. Athletic programs also provide benefits such as health and wellness promotion for all students. Formal sport participation provides exercise for athletes, and also sets the stage for adoption of a healthy lifestyle and optimal health in life after college. In Palestine, where there is very little outside space and few opportunities for most people to exercise, it is great for students to be able to get into the habit of regular workouts. Bethlehem University also has a gym as part of its athletic facilities, which allows all members of the University community to exercise. However, the gym and other athletic facilities are currently not sufficient for the large amounts of students participating in the athletic programming. The athletic facilities are part of the Social and Cultural Centre on campus which was built in 1988 with funds from USAID. Because the athletic department was growing out of its current facilities, plans have been proposed for a new building on campus which would house all athletic facilities, including a basketball court on the roof as well as a visitor centre to welcome the 2500 visitors Bethlehem University yearly receives. This new building will allow Bethlehem University to bring its athletic program to more students; who can be themselves, develop healthy lifestyles and build community.

Neda is an avid volleyball player.



Jihad Khair ‘05 Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem is the only radiotherapy center accessible for Palestinians and the only pediatric dialysis center in Palestine. The majority of patients are refugees or others in social need, referred to the hospital by the Palestinian Ministry of Health. In the summer of 2014, during the Gaza War, Gazan patients were brought to Augusta Victoria Hospital to be treated. At this unique hospital, Jihad Khair serves as the Director of Nursing. With 125 nurses spread over 10 departments, he carries the responsibility for both the day to day care of patients and the wellbeing of his staff. With his mom working as a nurse, Jihad was gripped by the nursing profession early on. “My mom was always helping, advising and educating people” he says. “It was something I looked up to.” So after he graduated high school when he was thinking of studying medicine, he eventually chose to study nursing at Bethlehem University. After graduating with the highest honors, Augusta Victoria Hospital approached Jihad and offered him a job at the Intensive Care Unit. He worked in Jerusalem for one year when the Bethlehem based Holy Family Hospital asked Jihad to come work for them with the opportunity to specialize in neonatal intensive care. Newly married to Bethlehem University graduate Varehan Khair (’05), a shorter commute to work was welcome and Jihad transferred to the Bethlehem hospital. While working at the Holy Family Hospital, Jihad completed a post graduate diploma in Neonatal Intensive Care from Bethlehem University. In 2013 Jihad was asked to join Augusta Victoria Hospital again as an assistant nursing director. Within months, he was promoted to be the Nursing Director and was put in charge of streamlining the nursing processes at the hospital. At the same time he completed an MA degree in Health Policies and Management from Al-Quds University. This gave him the opportunity to expand his knowledge about management, health policies and nursing. The hospital is now expanding into a second Augusta Victoria Hospital that will focus on hospice and palliative care. Around 100 nurses need to be hired and trained for their specific jobs; a daunting task that Jihad is taking on. Bethlehem University has shaped him, Jihad says. “Not only


as a nurse but also as a person.” Another big influence on his career was Dr. Tawfiq Nasser, the former director of Augusta Victoria Hospital who passed away in May 2015. “He taught me that passion and thoughtfulness should go together, especially in our profession where people’s health is in our hands”. Jihad gives back to Bethlehem University; he started working with the Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty in 2009, and has been training nursing students in the practical application of medical theory in nursing labs and the hospital environment.


Professor Bart McGettrick

Professor Bart McGettrick from Glasgow, Scotland, is the current chair of the Board of Regents. Originally a teacher of Geography, he is now a Professor of Christian Education. He became Principal of St Andrews College for Teacher Education in Scotland from 1985 to 1999, and first Dean of the Faculty of Education at Glasgow University in 1999. He is now Dean of Education and Professor of Educational Development at Liverpool Hope University. Professor McGettrick has widespread international experience and, as Regent of Bethlehem University, he is heavily involved in Christian Education in the Holy Land. He also works in India, Lithuania, and with the First Nations in Canada. “Education is about transforming the heart”, he says, and Bethlehem University “is a particularly strong example of transformation”. The University is often called an ‘oasis of

peace’ and Professor McGettrick agrees with that description. At Bethlehem University there is a safe environment for students to develop their talents and meet people different from themselves: crucial for deeper understanding between the different Palestinian communities as well as for building Palestinian society. Bethlehem University’s mission of serving the Palestinian people is close to his heart. “Education is about the common good, it is about constant development, gaining knowledge and wisdom which benefits our societies.” Professor McGettrick’s mission as Chair of the Board of Regents is focused mainly on the governance of Bethlehem University. However, as a professor of education he is also interested in the academic quality of the university and is passionate about the development of sound research and teaching. “The survival of Bethlehem University over the past 40 years is a miracle” he says. “But the vision of the founders is still relevant and still a shining beacon.”


The Palestine Museum of Natural History at Bethlehem University

Palestine’s natural environment is very diverse and whoever hikes into the wilderness finds great beauty; exquisite flowers, beautiful butterflies and fascinating wildlife. It is not uncommon to see an ibex trekking through the hills. Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh is an enthusiastic


Professor of Cytogenetics in the Biology Department and has always had a passion for the natural world and the promotion of responsible human interactions with our environment. In 2014, Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh opened the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) atBethlehem University.

YouTube video

The pond that has been created in the garden of the museum.


into a garden that exists of an integrated ecosystem of indigenous Palestinian animals and plants. The museum has also installed a pond to develop an aquaculture environment for different flora and fauna that naturally live in and around water. The museum also welcomes school visits on its site; last year 2000 children visited. Several programs are offered to encourage children to develop critical thinking, love of the environment, and appreciation for biodiversity. The museum also has a traveling exhibit that it takes to schools to teach students about Palestine’s rich environment and culture.

In order to make the mission of promoting responsible human interaction a reality, the museum explores the diversity of the fauna, flora, and human ethnography of Palestine via collections and scientific research that includes morphology – the study of the form and structure of organisms – and genetics. There are dynamic and experimental exhibits being built in the museum, such as a small exhibition on scorpions, butterflies and fossils. The museum also has a special interest in permaculture and aquaculture as well as recycling. The land around the museum has been cultivated


Research is also an important component of the museum. Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh has published extensively on the natural world, especially with regards to cytogenetics, and there are several ongoing research projects at the museum on topics ranging from the chromosome studies of bats to studying camel spiders in Palestine and orchids that can be found in the wild. The museum has ambitious plans for the future which include the development of a botanical garden with a greenhouse, the development of research departments, and developing interactive exhibits. These programs would create a necessary space to educate the community and conserve the unique natural world of Palestine.


Research and the Future of Bethlehem University Prof. Jamil Khader, Dean of Research Vice Chancellor Peter Bray often emphasizes Bethlehem University’s mission to serve the Palestinian people. He has stressed the importance of a vibrant culture of excellence in research at the university as instrumental in accomplishing this mission in a very competitive education market today. Research, according to global university rankings, is one of the most important objective measures of a university’s quality, prestige, and standing in the world. Four out of the eight indicators that the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) uses to rank the top 1000 universities in the world have to do with research. Unfortunately, the majority of universities in the Arab world, including Palestine, did not make the cut in the world’s top 1000 universities. These rankings should not discourage us, but should be used as an opportunity or a “learning moment” for developing Bethlehem University’s international reputation as a leading research institution.

If you have not done so, we invite you to visit the DOR website and get a sense of all the work we have been doing to support and promote a vibrant research culture at BU.

to raise and increase the visibility of this research in the community. Through various events and publications, the Office of the Dean of Research has tried to put faculty members and their research at the center of academic and intellectual life at BU, highlighting their accomplishments and celebrating their success stories in scholarship, research, and teaching. Moreover, the Office of the Dean of Research has been working on consolidating the infrastructure needed for the development of a vibrant culture of excellence in sustainable research across the university and establishing new ways to increase its growth. Part of that development means supporting the research and scholarship of faculty and staff through Internal Research Grants. More importantly, we have also been offering faculty and staff training and professional development workshops on research methodologies and best international practices in writing for publication.

Indeed, Palestinian researchers have a rare opportunity to distinguish themselves under conditions of unpredictability and dwindling resources and create a culture of excellence in research in all fields and disciplines. This is not an impossible dream, but a feasible and realistic feat.

At this point in the history of Bethlehem University, we cannot underestimate the challenge of rebranding the University as a leading research institution in Palestine, the region and the world. This requires that we make it possible for faculty and staff to conduct sustainable research according to sound disciplinary and interdisciplinary methodologies, in compliance with internationally-accepted standards. This also entails creating opportunities for developing a reflexive attitude about the nature of the research process and adapting alternative research methodologies that are more relevant and appropriate to the critical study of Palestinian society.

This work begins with recognizing and celebrating all the cutting-edge research that is done at BU. It is important, therefore,

It is not an easy journey, but with the help of BU’s alumni and friends we can make this dream a reality.

Despite years of policies of underdevelopment of the higher education system in Palestine, the socio-political realities, in which we teach, learn, and do research, can provide faculty and staff with opportunities for growth and development against the odds.


Thank You

For Your Generosity $100,000+ Signum Fidei

Bethlehem University Foundation The Breast Cancer Research Foundation Christian Brothers Conference US Agency for International Development

$50,000+ Founders’ Club

American Embassy Anonymous Association en faveur de la Bethlehem University EOHSJ - USA Western Lieutenancy Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura - Madrid German Association of the Holy Land Katholische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe MISEREOR e.V University of Washington Wayne State University

$25,000+ Trustees’ Club

Sheikh Fayysal Al Adham Sheikh Walid A. Attieh Belgian Technical Cooperation Christian Brothers Community Bethlehem University Friends of Bethlehem University in England and UK Mrs. Suad Husseini Juffali Max Planck Institute Ministry of Education & Higher Education OXFAM GB Pontifical Mission for Palestine Prof. and Mrs. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh Salvatorian Sisters Schmidt Family Foundation

$10,000+ Chairman’s Club

Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund


Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Caritas Veritatis Foundation CNEWA Construction Products Holding Company – Sheikh Eng. Mu’taz Al Sawwaf EOHSJ - England and Wales Lieutenancy EOHSJ - Grand Magisterium Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Holy Land Christians Society Intradeco Apparel Inc. Koch Foundation Konrad Adenauer Stiftung E.V. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mensing, In Memory of Mary Purack Religious of Christian Education Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Shaw Mr. Jose Eduardo Siman Telemachus Foundation United Holy Land Fund Vikes World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza


Chancellor’s Club Charles Foundation Charitable Trust Mr. James L. and Dr. Hildegard Charles De La Salle Brothers Generalate De La Salle Brothers of the Christian Schools, DENA District Dr. Walter Eitel EOHSJ - USA North Central Lieutenancy EOHSJ- German Lieutenancy Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin Brother William Mann, FSC Munib R. Masri Development Foundation Nationwide Marketing Group LLC Operating Account His Eminence Edwin F. O’Brien PalTel Group Foundation Mr. Nader J. Qumsieh BU’80 Mr. Tony Saca and Mrs. Ilham Saca Shubanu Bethlehem e.V. Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem Frau Dr. Maria Elisabeth Velten-Bock Whirlpool Corporation


Vice Chancellor’s Club Mr. Said S. Abu Zahra Actionaid Australia Sheikh Dr. Is’haq Al Sahsah Al-Zaytoonah Society for Youth Development Anonymous (3) Assumptionist Fathers Mr. and Mrs. William Bean Prof. Simon Benninga Dr. Laszlo Birli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Boyle Brothers of the Christian Schools, Turon Community Catholic Mission Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Creamer Mrs. Tamara Dabdoub David Daily Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Jared H. Dorn EOHSJ - Australia, Queensland Lieutenancy William Guy Evans, Jr., KC*HS Col. Richard Flahavan, KC*HS Marjane and Jim Frane Friends of the Holy Land - Palestine Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hamer Mrs. Paula Harris Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Johnson Mr. Nils and Mrs. Josephine Kamsvaag Mr. and Mrs. Les W. Kirk Latin Patriarchate School Mr. and Mrs. Frank Litecky, In Memory of Brother Cyril Bernard Litecky, FSC Mr. Hani Mahshi Matthews-Sullivan Fund Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCarthy Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Sally McGovern Brother Rodolfo Meoli, FSC Don and Ione Minore Mr. Anton Najjar Mr. Berthold Orschler Orthodox Cultural & Educational Center - Father Yousef Hodali PCDC Mr. and Mrs. Imad I. Qasim Mr. and Mrs. Makram Qumsieh Lois Harr and John Reilly Ronald and Peg Riesmeyer

1 March 2015 – 31 August 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryan Saint Agnes Church Saint Michael’s College Primary Campus St. Patrick’s Cathedral of Auckland SiParadigm Diagnostic Informatics Inc. Mr. Hans M. Stockmeier Suore Missionare Della Carita Tree of Life Educational Fund, Inc. Rev. Raymond Webb, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weisner Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.


Special Friends Mr. John Alexandra Al-Zaka Committee Anonymous (2) Mrs. Marlen M. Bandak BU’90 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barmettler Mrs. Jane A. Borst, In Memory of Lawrence B. Borst John and Christine Brown Msgr. Paul A. Byrnes Ms. Rebecca Calaor Rev. Joseph P. Callipare Jack and Yvette Connell De La Salle College - Malta Rev. Martin Dixon Ephpheta Paul VI Institute ExxonMobil Foundation Frere Alumni Association Mike Giacaman Susie and Jacob Imam Dan and Tess Jarquio Diana and Andrew Jezycki Ms. Mary J. I. Juha BU’00 The Hon. Justice Francois Kunc Father Thomas Lawn Col. John Linsenmeyer, KCHS Father Russ McDougall, In Memory of Brother Cyril Bernard Litecky, FSC Mr. and Mrs. John Monaghan Orthodox National Charitable Society Rev. Dr. Sue Parfitt Mr. Stephen and Georgina Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Pohl, In Honor of Sr. Kari Pohl Sir Richard L. Purdon, KGCHS and Lady Susan A. Purdon, LGCHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers

Mr. Jamal A. Sa’d Saint Brigid’s Parish Lieutenant John Secker, KGCHS Rev. Bruce M. Shipman Brian and Betty Singer-Towns Thomas J. and Mary E. Eyerman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alex T. Trotter-Goetze Ms. Debra Van Poolen Dr. Elaine Wainwright Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ


Century Club George and Polla Abed John and Lucille Abraham Dr. and Mrs. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh Mrs. Margaret Adams, In Honor of Charlene Shoen Father Nerwan Al-Banna Anonymous (8) Dr. Jacob S. Araj Arellano Family Association of Sri Lankan Catholics Kathleen and George Austin Sir Ross and Lady Janet Bacica, KC*HS Rev. Joseph W. Banden Mr. and Mrs. Nader Barakat Prof. Katja Baur Sister Antonia Blake Jim and Donna Boozer Mr. Craig Borchardt Mr. Henry Bromelkamp Joanne and Charlie Brown Ms. Elizabeth Buchel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chester Bush Mr. and Mrs. Moira Butler Mr. and Mrs. John Butterfield Mr. Sam Caldwell Mrs. Carole A. Cannon, DCHS Mrs. Catherine Carey Caritas Jerusalem Brother Robert Carnaghi, FSC Ms. Susan M. Castellan Mrs. Deanna Cattell Sister Maria Consuelo Celis, SPC Cenacle Sisters Trust Board Suzanne Ching, In Honor of Ibrahim Dawadh

Christ the King Parish Christian Brothers Saint Patrick Community Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Ciampaglio Charles F. Clifford, KHS Mr. and Mrs. James Coady, Ph.D. Anthony F. Colao Mr. George Comisso The Honorable Geoffrey S. Connor, Esq. Ms. Marcia A. Corcoran Peter and Deirdri Costello Robert F. Crawford, M.M. Mrs. Irene Crossan Pedro L. Cuellar and Eva R. Cuellar Mr. and Mrs. Robert D’Acquisto Mr. G. and Mrs. Elaine Dewhurst Lady Ann S. Dickson, LCHS His Excellency Bishop Owen J. Dolan The Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society Rev. Michael Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dorsey Albert G. Doumar Tom and Karen Dowd Mr. John Carroll Egan Richard and Kathleen Ellenbecker Rev. Kail C. Ellis, OSA, Ph.D. Brother Christopher Englert, FSC EOHSJ - Australia, New South Wales Lieutenancy Mr. Barry and Mrs. Angela Fairweather Rev. Joseph P. Fallon Mary D. Farrell FirstGiving Serry Fitzpatrick Ms. Kathy M. Flynn Franciscan Service Office Rev. Francis Gallagher Don Luigi Galli Ms. Aurora Gonzalez Garcia Dr. John C. Greenwood Prof. Mary Grey Msgr. Edmund Griesedieck Brother John Guasconi, FSC Brother Peter Henderson, FSC Mrs. Anne R. Herkes Mr. Luke Hodgkin Mrs. Pearl W. Hoffman Father Nicholas Joseph Hoogeveen Tom and Peggy Howen Mr. Frank Hughes Mr. Kent H. Hughes


Thank You For Your Generosity Ms. Mary Hulett Brother Lawrence Humphrey, FSC, In Memory of Brother Cyril Bernard Litecky, FSC Huda and T.E. Jackson, In Memory of Hadiya Bitar Dr. Arland & Willy Jacobson Rev. Felix Just, SJ Harry and Ana Katz Mr. James E. Keefe, KHS Brother James Kelly, FSC Mary Jo Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Justin Kerr Walter and Judith A. Kimbrough, Jr. Ann Kohl Rev. Owen W. Korte Father Franz Kraft Rev. Raymond J. Kupke, Ph.D. Ms. Tatia G. LaForme Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Prof. Joseph Levine Rev. Janet Loyd Archbishop George J. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. James Maritz III Mr. Luca Marmo John P. Martin, M.M. Brother Joseph Martin, FSC Brother William Martin, FSC The Honorable and Mrs. Eugene F. Matthews Mr. Nigel McFarlane Lucy C. McGuirk Daniel Medinger, KHS Mr. Christian J. Michener Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis, STD, KCHS Rev. Thomas J. Millane Mr. Benjamin Monastero III Ms. Alice S. Moore Mrs. Maureen Mullally-Clarke David M. Murdoch Marguerite Joyce Murphy Very Rev. John Joseph Murray Mrs. Gudrun Nassauer Father Kevin Neal Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. O’Daniel Mr. Robert J. Onstine Orthodox University Students Fund Mr. L.D. O’Shaughnessy Mrs. Patsy O’Sullivan Sir Peter N. and Lady Maria S. Pang Mrs. Fely Parker


Mr. and Mrs. John Poland Promocion 43-A Catherine Quigley Frances E. Radencic, To Celebrate Brian Leu’s Graduation Sir and Mrs. Charles B. Radloff Jean Raucent, To Celebrate the University and its People Bishop Greg and Marti Rickel, To Celebrate a Great Son, Austin Rickel Curt and Marybeth Ries Dr. Patrick Ring Mr. and Mrs. David W. Robinson Ms. Gayle L. Ruedi Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jack Ruscilli Rev. Patrick Rush Brother Larry Schatz, FSC Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Scherkenbach Msgr. Konrad Schmidt, Ph.D. Mr. David R. Schultze II Dr. Paul Schwach Richard Schweitzer Rev. Donald Senior, CP Ms. Barbara Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shepherd Ms. Denise Shirley Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sit Brother Dominic Smith, FSC John and Kathleen Smith Mrs. Zita Smith Sons of Italy in America Lodge #321 Inc. Ana M. Spitzmesser Rev. Paul W. Stellar Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC, In Memory of Brother Cyril Bernard Litecky, FSC Ms. Hoong Tang Dr. Paul E. Teschan, M.D., F.A.C.P. Father Richard Tero Ms. Janet Thew Mrs. Marjorie Thornton Geert van Dartel Ken & Pat Vincent Linda Walker Deacon Robert A. Walker, M.D., KCHS, In Memory of My Beloved Wife and Companion in the Faith Patrice M. Ward Mr. and Mrs. John Warta and Family Mr. Michael Westerfield Mrs. Anne M. Wigley

Maria T. Wilms, LHS Christy Wise Ms. Johanna L. Worley Prof. Alois Niggli-Wüest Mrs. May Young

Up to $99 Silver Anniversary

Ms. Jina L. Ames, In Honor of James Charles Anonymous (3) Rev. Bruce Barnes Brother Thomas W. Barton, OSF Mr. William Bault Brother Robert Berger, FSC Madeleine D. Betz Mr. and Mrs. William Boudet Rev. Allen J. Bratkowski Bernadette Brownbill Mrs. Pauline Burton Mr. and Mrs. David M. Cairns Mr. Sam Caldwell Miss Maureen Carroll Mr. Murray and Mrs. Karen Carter Mrs. Susanne M. Cassidy Juan C. Catapang Ms. Walda W. Cobain, In Honor of Father Adam Forno Msgr. Charles Cooper Mr. Raymond Corby Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Coulon Mr. William C. Crain IV Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crossey Donna B. Curtiss Msgr. John R. Dale Mr. Paul Darbyshire Mrs. Deborah Darnes Mrs. Patricia DeWitt Ms. Eleanor Dwight Ms. Sheila M. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr. Mrs. Fay Forde Mr. and Mrs. Athol Forrest The Rev. Stan and Jeanne Fowler Deacon Tom and Mrs. Mary Jane Fox Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freeman Brother Michael Fugger, FSC Mrs. Maureen Gamber Dennis and Monica Golden

1 March 2015 – 31 August 2015

Mr. Lucas Goodman Mrs. Anastasia Greene Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Grun Mary Ann F. Hayward Dr. Annette Herskovits Mlle Frigga Hiard Mrs. Patricia Hoare Pat and Zaida Hoggard Mrs. Esme Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Gene Iannotti Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ingram Brother Michael Kadow, FSC Rev. James J. Kane Adele Kasinskas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keleher Dr. David H. Kelly Rev. James P. Kiesel Ms. Mary Lane Brother James Loxham, FSC Mrs. Sheila M.M. Lupton, In Memory of Richard Lupton Mrs. Joan Lynch Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lynch Ms. Maureen Malone Mrs. Venancia Mashiane Jim and Ann McGill Brother Joel William McGraw, FSC, In

Memory of Brother Vincent Malham, FSC Mr. Kevin McGreal Msgr. James W. McLoughlin Des and Marjorie McMahon John and Vera McMahon Ms. Cecily McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Minor Mr. and Mrs. James R. Morris Deacon Roger P. Mullaney Dr. Yvonne A. Nelson Ms. Daisy G. Neves Joseph Nix Mr. and Mrs. Russell Norris Miss Rona K. Obert Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O’Connell Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ Brother Leonardus Paauw, FSC Mr. David Parker Mrs. Eileen Pearce Mr. Gustave Porteners Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Pryor Mr. Phil Pusateri Mr. Jon Rishmawi Georgiana Rito Mr. Stephen Roach Mrs. Margaret Robertson Miss Patricia Robertson

Mr. Lawrence M. Rzepka St. Joseph’s Parish of New Plymouth Most Rev. Joseph M. Sartoris Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saxe Mr. P. Scahill Msgr. Francis X. Schmidt Mr. John Scott Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Siegel Sister Marie Skidmore Mrs. Margaret Snowden Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stenard Ms. Sandra J. Steratore Laura J. Sterling Mrs. Gill Tebbs Mr. Peter Titelman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toso Mr. Richard E. Ullrich Mrs. Marilyn K. Vierra Lady Carol Ann Walton, LGCHS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward Mr. Edwin Weber Ms. Pat Westwater-Jong, In Honor of Mazin Qumsiyeh William and Barbara Wilkinson Mr. Warren W. Wols Mr. Manuel S. Ybarra Mr. Johannes Zang






March 2015 – August 2015





A group of professors, religious members from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.


An Austrian group led by Msgr. Ludger Bornemann.

06 03

Fr. Donald Senior from the Catholic Theological Union leads a group to Bethlehem University.


Representative of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency, Ms. Yuko Mitsui, visited Bethlehem University and met with Br. Stephen Tuohy.


Ms. Sabina Gebauer from Gesellschaft fĂźr Internationale Zusammenarbeit at Bethlehem University.


Mr. Alexis Sfeir, General Director of Bethlehem 2000 Foundation from Chile.





March 2015 – August 2015


09 07

First Presbyterian Church from Boulder, Colorado led by Dr. Carl Hoffman.


Sr. Bernadette Mary Lynch leads a group from the Ecce Homo Biblical program.

12 09

A group from Tantur enjoys lunch with students.


Fr. Tom Smith with a group from St. George Catholic Church in the U.K.


Bishops from the Holy Land Coordination.


Mr. Joris van Voorst, the director of the Dutch Church in Need and group members are welcomed by Communications Officer Annerieke Willemze, herself from the Netherlands.



March 2015 – August 2015





Vice Chancellor Br. Peter Bray and Vice President of Development Br. Stephen Tuohy with Fr. Felix Just’s group.






Archbishop of Montreal Christian Lépine and several members of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre – Canada.


Fr. Pollman’s group from Germany enjoyed a lovely dining experience at the Institute of Hotel Management of Bethlehem University.


Lieutenant John Secker and members of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem – Australia visited Bethlehem University.


Visitors from the Italian Catholic University on Bethlehem Hall’s Rooftop.


A member from Dr. Gail Greenwell’s group enjoys a “hookah” at a local restaurant, Bethlehem University students joined the group for lunch at the establishment.



23 20

March 2015 – August 2015


21 19

Dr. Dennis Warner listens to student Shaden Shaer during a meeting.


Dr. Stephen J. Binz visited Bethlehem University with a pilgrim group to meet students and faculty members.

24 21

All the way from the Philippines, the La Salle Green Hills students and faculty pose for a photo with Br. Mark and Br. Joe at the Chapel of the Divine Child.


Members from the Tantur international group enjoy lunch in the Institute of Hotel Management at Bethlehem University.


Students and faculty from Antwerp University in Belgium pose for a photo with Bethlehem University students at the rooftop of Bethlehem Hall.


A guest from the Marist Brothers group from Australia poses for a photo with students at the entrance of the Chapel of the Divine Child.


March 2015 – August 2015

Visitors 26


The visitors of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency pose for a photo at the Bethlehem Hall rooftop.








Ms. Anna Robertson from Caritas New Zealand and Ms. Shahinda Nassar, Development Officer.


Australian Catholic teachers visit campus and have lunch with students in a restaurant in Bethlehem.


The Archbishp of Cologne visits campus and meets with students and Br. Peter Bray.


German Development Volunteer Toni Mayer explains the history of the Chapel to Prof. Dr. Katja Baur and Dr. Wolfgang Baur who led a German Biblical group to Bethlehem University.


A group from Australia, led by Fr. Martin Dixon in the Chapel.



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March 2015 – August 2015


33 31

Ms. Barbara Shanahan along with a group from the Catholic Biblical studies program, many from New York, visited the University on a quiet Saturday.


A group from the Diocese of Springfield, TX, visited Bethlehem University for an encounter with students.

36 33

The choir from the Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola (SVF), a high school located in the town Jönköping, Sweden performed at the Chapel.


A group from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church led a group to Bethlehem University for a meeting with students.


Grand Mufti of Palestine Sheikh Mohammad Hussein with Isaac Sahhar, Assistant Vice President for Advancement.


Br. Peter Bray meets the Indian Representative to Palestine.


Giving to Bethlehem University Gifts from the local and international communities can be made via check to ‘Bethlehem University; or by bank transfer. For more information, please contact: Advancement Office PO Box 11407 – 92248 Jerusalem Tel: +972 2 274 1242 Fax: +972 2 274 4400 Bethlehem University Foundation Gifts from the United States can be made via check to: ‘Bethlehem University Foundation’ – a tax deductible non-profit eligible for employer matching gifts. (Tax ID 22-3600739) For more information, please contact: Bethlehem University Foundation P.O. Box 355 Beltsville, MD 20704-0355 To keep hope, faith, and the dreams of so many young people in Palestine alive, please consider making an immediate difference with an online contribution to Bethlehem University. Visit online to make a convenient and fast online donation. Scan the QR codes in the magazine using a QR code reader application on your smart phone.


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