Bethlehem University News (BUN) Spring 2014

Page 1

Part 2

Bethlehem University 1973 - 2013

Reasons to Celebrate


A Message from the Vice Chancellor Forty Years of Education and Service to the Palestinian People Dear Alumni and Friends of Bethlehem University, This fortieth anniversary year has been a time of great excitement and pride as we continue to celebrate the rich history of Bethlehem University. What began as a dream more than four decades ago among the ambitious, dedicated, and resilient people of Palestine, has materialized into this leading academic institution with successful stories of which all Palestinians can be proud. A host of events has marked this celebratory year, which opened with a Mass and the unveiling of the fortieth anniversary mosaic mural in October, and continued with showcases of academic and artistic pursuits – from historic photo and painting exhibits to literature festivals. Celebrations to honor the fortieth anniversary of Bethlehem University have been held as far away as the United States, where friends of Bethlehem University commemorated this jubilee year with gala dinners in Chicago and Washington, D.C. in November 2013. The second half of this academic year will continue to bring new life and vigor as our celebrations continue. These involve not only the feast day of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and a special commencement ceremony, but also the excitement around the upcoming visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Bethlehem at the end of May. This visit reaffirms the importance of the people of the Holy Land and assures them that they will not be forgotten by the Church or the rest of the world. You will again feel this sense of pride, celebration, and hope in this issue of the Bethlehem University News. As we continue to reflect on our history with Part 2 of our Forty Reasons to Celebrate, we also highlight the impressive ongoing activities at Bethlehem University. These include the reach of our education – from our Catechist program in Jordan, to our Nursing campus in the village of Qubeibeh, to our media training for youth across Palestine through our Institute for Community Partnership. And, as always, we celebrate the successes of our graduates and highlight our generous supporters around the world, who have been so instrumental in our success these past forty years. In these coming years the ongoing work around providing better facilities and improved programs will continue. The proposed use of the Mount David property is becoming clearer and once funding is finalised the work on the stunning renovation of The Library will commence.

Published by the Advancement Office Editorial Committee Ms. Patti Riippa Mr. George Rishmawi Ms. Hiba Ewaiwi ‘06 Mr. Larry Rzepka Mr. Isaac Sahhar Brother Stephen Tuohy, FSC

Contributors Mr. Demitri Awwad Brother Peter Bray, FSC Mr. Eric Crossley Ms. Rania Hazboun ‘96 Ms. Jamie Monk Mr. Jehad Najajreh Brother Dominic Smith, FSC

Special thanks Student Ambassadors Visitors Alumni

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Electronic address

Mailing address Bethlehem University Communications Office PO Box 11407 92248 Jerusalem

Location address As we look toward the developments of the future, I thank you for being a part of our rich history and look forward to sharing our vibrant future together.

Frères Street Bethlehem, Palestine


North American Office

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD Vice Chancellor


Bethlehem University Hecker Center 3025 Fourth St, NE, Suite 330 Washington, DC 20017-1102 Tel. 202-526-6097

Table of Contents 40 Reasons to Celebrate, Part 2 40th Jubilee Celebrations Reflections

4 8 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15

Bethlehem University Recognizes Outstanding Academic Achievement

Bethlehem University Fulbright Scholar in the U.S. The Youth Media Forum: Changing the World Through One Story, One Voice

Bethlehem University Convenes Palestine’s First Undergraduate Research Conference on Health Bethlehem University Nursing at Emmaus UNESCO Lab at Bethlehem University Seeks Solution to Agricultural Difficulties Training Tomorrow’s Iconographers

Bethlehem University Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism Represented at Conference of Arab Union of Media Specialists

15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 20 24 28

Ongoing Education: The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences

From the Vice President for Advancement Development of the Advancement Office Bethlehem University, which was founded during the October 1973 war and endured two Intifadas and 12 closings by the Israeli military, has not only survived but flourished, growing from 112 to more than 3,200 students in forty years. This was possible because of the eagerness of the students to learn; the persistence of the administration, faculty and staff to provide quality education to the Palestinian people; and the unfailing generosity of the friends and benefactors of Bethlehem University. I am well aware of the debt I owe my predecessor Brothers: Vincent Gottwald, Bernard Knezich, Thomas Cooney, Jerome Sullivan and Jack Curran, and their staffs, under whom the Advancement Office developed to its current configuration. Today the Advancement Office staff in Bethlehem and Washington, D.C. raises funds to bridge the gap between expenses and tuition and fees paid by students; at Bethlehem University student tuition and fees cover only 1/3 of the cost of education. Our current development goals will allow us to:

 Continue to provide financial aid and scholarships that allow students to attend the only Catholic university in Palestine;

Bethlehem University Faculty Research Featured in The Financial Times

 Launch new and sustain existing programs beneficial to the people of Palestine;

Book Sales from Former Ambassador to Benefit Bethlehem University

 Provide for capital improvements such as the

Bethlehem University Responds to Needs of the Church in Jordan

Artwork Benefits Bethlehem University Students In Memory: Hani Imam (‘77) Spotlights

development of the recently acquired Mount David property; and

 Implement the strategic plan of Bethlehem University, which includes renovation of The Library and facility improvements for Nursing, Science and Hotel Management. Last year alone, friends of Bethlehem University from 25 countries contributed more than $5 million (US). Thank you for your support these past forty years. Please keep us in mind and in your prayers for the next forty.

Thank You Visitors

How You Can Help

Brother Stephen Tuohy, FSC Vice President for Advancement


40 Part 2



To commemorate Bethlehem University’s 40th Jubilee year, we are celebrating our rich history, memorable people, unwavering resilience, and impact around the world. We have selected, in no particular order, 40 Reasons to Celebrate Bethlehem University this year, following Part 1, published in the Fall 2013 issue of Bethlehem University News.


Bethlehem University prides itself in a dedicated team of faculty and staff. What makes this team extra special is that 30 percent of the University’s current employees are Bethlehem University graduates, serving in a multitude of roles from administrative to academic.


Established in the Spring of 2011, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning enables Bethlehem University to stay true to its continuous efforts to align its work with its core mission: to provide quality higher education. In turn, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers a supportive environment that enriches the professional development of all Bethlehem University educators.


Now in its 9th consecutive year, the Masters in International Cooperation and Development (MICAD) program was launched in 2005 as the first ever master’s program at Bethlehem University. Specializing in sustainable development in Palestine, it attracts a spectrum of local and international professionals seeking to enrich their knowledge and abilities in creating a better world.

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Wajd and Majdal are two distinctive student groups focused on cultural arts. While Wajd combines modern with traditional Palestinian music, Majdal is a dancing troupe that keeps traditional folk dancing alive among students.


Bethlehem University is home to three esteemed centers of research – the Hereditary Research Laboratory, UNESCO Biotechnology Center, and the Water and the Soil Environmental Research Unit. Additionally, internal research grants funded by Bethlehem University bring together collaborative teams of experts across disciplines, comprised of faculty and students, to address major societal issues.


Notable academic institutions around the world provide generous full academic scholarships for Bethlehem University graduates to pursue a higher degree at their institution, and subsequently return to teach at Bethlehem University. In recent years, Mr. Elias Mukarker received his graduate degree from Lewis University and has returned to Bethlehem University to join the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration.


Partnerships between Bethlehem University and local businesses create a wide network of cooperation to benefit students, faculty, and staff. Most recently, Bethlehem University collaborated with the Bank of Palestine and the Welfare Association on a project named “Zamalah,� that aims to provide opportunities for professional development for Bethlehem University faculty and staff.


The Turathuna Center for Palestinian Heritage can be found on the first floor of the Bethlehem University Library. It is a sanctuary for lovers of history, Palestinian heritage and culture functioning as a reference point with both online and onsite resources.


As the leading higher education institution in Palestine in accommodating students with special needs, Bethlehem University goes above and beyond in creating a campus accessible to all. The Resource Center for students with disabilities is also equipped to elevate the educational experience of students.


Bethlehem University receives financial support from the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (EOHSJ), a Roman Catholic order of knighthood under protection of the Pope. Since the founding of the Order 900 years ago, Knights and Ladies have dedicated themselves to supporting the Christian community in the Holy Land. EOHSJ Lieutenancies around the world not only provide financial support through the Grand Magisterium, but also contribute through individual Lieutenancy initiatives to fund special projects, such as the Education Building and Millennium Hall, endowed scholarships, and internship programs. 5



With the primary mission of “Human Capital Development,” the Institute for Community Partnership provides training for hundreds of people from different parts of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, expanding the scope of services of Bethlehem University to every corner of Palestine.

Named after Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, a great leader in the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Martini Leadership Institute at Bethlehem University offers multidisciplinary training in leadership development with a focus on youth, women, employees in community-based organizations, and civil and religious leaders. More than 700 people have enrolled in these workshops, which include topics such as Women and Leadership, Leadership in the Church, the Presence and Mission of Christians in the Middle East, and more.


In January 1973, at the request of Msgr. Pio Laghi, the then Apostolic Delegate of the Vatican in Jerusalem, an ad hoc committee was formed to prepare for the opening of Bethlehem University the following October. The members of that Committee were Brother Jean Manuel FSC (pictured), Director of Christian Brothers College, the future site of Bethlehem University; Miss Helen Breen, Pontifical Mission in Jerusalem; Father John Core, Tantur Ecumenical Center (Chairman); Miss Beatrice Griffiths (Secretary); and Miss Carol Honnybun, Pontifical Mission in Jerusalem. Forty years later, Brother Jean Manuel continues to serve at Bethlehem University.


Officially registered Friends of Bethlehem University groups exist in every corner of the world – devoted not only to raising valuable funds, but also to raising worldwide awareness of Bethlehem University and its students.



Every year on 15 May, Bethlehem University celebrates the feast of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and an important figure in the history of Bethlehem University and other Lasallian educational institutions. This annual celebration includes a renewal of the Brothers’ vows during a celebratory Mass, and is followed by the recognition ceremony of faculty and staff anniversaries at Bethlehem University.


In 2011, the film “Jalla, Girls!” was awarded the Best Documentary Short Film prize at the Women’s International Film & Arts Festival. The film starred Ms. Samar Araj Mousa, Bethlehem University Director of Athletics, and Ms. Honey Thaljieh, Bethlehem University graduate and captain of the Palestinian women’s football team.


Religious Sisters of various congregations have been and still are prominent members of the faculty and staff of Bethlehem University. Their enduring contributions to Bethlehem University are typified by those of Sister Patricia Crockford, SJA from Malta, who for 30 years has been keeping music alive in Palestine and at Bethlehem University as music teacher, choral master and organist.


Bethlehem University has acquired the Mount David property which will add 30% to the current size of the University. This will relieve overcrowding on the main campus and allow for the expansion of facilities.


The Cardinal Basil Hume and Cardinal de Furstenberg Endowed Chair in Religious Studies became the first endowed chair at Bethlehem University. Established in 1998, the Department of Religious Studies has received financial support from charitable and Church organizations around the world and offers a Religious Studies major; a minor in Catechism; a Catechist program in Amman, Jordan; and courses for all students of Bethlehem University regardless of academic major or religious affiliation.


In addition to providing quality higher education to students, Bethlehem University, with almost 400 employees, is the largest employer in the Bethlehem area. 7

40 Jubilee Celebrations th

Beginning with an Opening Ceremony and Mass on 6 October 2013, Bethlehem University launched a year of festivities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its inception. The Jubilee Committee, in coordination with various University departments, planned a host of events throughout the 2013-2014 academic year for current and past students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends.

Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor, speaks during the Grand Opening Ceremony and Mass of the 40th Jubilee (October 2013).

Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor, speaks at a dinner gathering in Chicago (U.S.) to celebrate the 40th Jubilee of Bethlehem University (October 2013).

From left to right: Dr. Fahd Abu Khadra, Palestinian poet; Dr. Qustandi Shomali, Professor of Arabic; Dr. Moin Halloun, Dean of the Faculty of Arts; and Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor at the 7th International Conference on Palestinian Literature (October 2013). 8

The Jubilee mural is unveiled at the entrance of the Social and Cultural Center (October 2013).

A reception following the Grand Opening includes Jubilee cakes made by Bethlehem University students from the Institute of Hotel Management (October 2013).

Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor (left) and H.E. Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington (right), cut the cake at the Bethlehem University Legacy Dinner celebration in Washington, D.C. (November 2013).

From left to right: Mr. George Al Ama ’04, Owner of the collection; Dr. Muna Matar, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs; and Dr. Irene Hazou, Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Jabra Ibrahim Jabra Art Exhibition (October 2013).

Sheikh Abdel Majeed Atta, Mufti of Bethlehem (left) and Archimandrite Nikodemos Anagnostopoulos (right) at the Fourth International Conference on Christian-Muslim Relations (October 2013).

Professor Adnan Shqirat, Dean of Research, delivers remarks during Bethlehem University Research Day (November 2013). 9

A special gathering includes some former heads of the Student Senate dating from 1973 (November 2013).

Gathering during the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony are from left to right: Dr. Qustandi Shomali, Professor of Arabic; H.E. Most Reverend Giuseppe Lazzarotto, Chancellor of Bethlehem University; Fr. Iyad Twal, Chair of the Religious Studies Department; and Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor (December 2013).

of Preparing to cut the ribbon for the photo exhibition “Gentes de la Tierra” from left to right: Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor; H.E. Mr. D. Juan José Escobar Stemmann, Spanish Consul General in Jerusalem; H.E. Most Reverend Giuseppe Lazzarotto, Chancellor of Bethlehem University (December 2013).

Knowledge, Empowerment and Liberation


40 Years




Thursday 15


Thursday 12


Sunday 28







SEP From left to right Mr. Luay Qumsiyeh, President of Student Senate; Dr. Michael Sansur, Executive Vice President; H.E. Most Reverend Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto Chancellor of Bethlehem University at the Jubilee Tree Planting event (March 2014). 10

For more information visit our website or contact us at

Join us in Celebrating 40 Years of Lasallian Education and Service to the Palestinian People.


From the First Faculty:

Mr. Abu El Walid Dajani First Director of the Institute of Hotel Management, 1973-1998 It was as if it were yesterday that I was on campus doing what I do best, fulfilling my role as an educator. I joined Bethlehem University from the day it opened its doors in 1973. This marked the realization of a vision created by the Palestinian community. Part of a dedicated and small team of teachers, we faced the challenge of founding the basis of a dream - a dream of which its survival we all questioned. We doubted whether the University would be able to continue its crucial work in such a harsh political climate, a result of Israeli military occupation. I joined The Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism as a young and enthusiastic 27-year-old teacher. I spent the best years of my life at Bethlehem University, where I learned that being on campus meant I served as an example for others. This experience shaped my attitude toward life, and it certainly helped me raise fine boys. Looking back, I never thought the University would progress so quickly. One good example I can think of is The Library; it has rapidly been transformed. It is only fair to mention here that the development of facilities is greatly due to the role Catholic support plays at Bethlehem University. Together, through their efforts and the sacrifices made by the University’s first employees, Bethlehem University has optimal presence today. From the First Students:

From the First Students:

Dr. Irene Hazou

Dr. Fouad Bannoura

Enrolled in first class at Bethlehem University, 1973-1977 Current Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bethlehem University

Enrolled in first class at Bethlehem University, 1973-1977 Former Chair, Department of Chemistry, Bethlehem University

My memories of Bethlehem University go back beyond the forty years of its existence and extend to the time when Bethlehem University was a thought, a dream in the minds of Church leaders and Palestinian families alike. I can still remember the excitement mixed with relief that my family felt over forty years ago at the thought that the Frères would start a university in Bethlehem, whose opening, fortunately, coincided with my graduation from high school. On 1 October 1973, Bethlehem University opened its doors for the first time to some 100 promising students, rightfully known as the pioneers. Little did I know then of the significance of this first step to my life and career, that they would be so intricately linked to this institution throughout its existence. Not only did Bethlehem University shape my undergraduate education, it also supported my M.A. and PhD studies. I returned to Bethlehem University to join the Mathematics Department and moved up the ranks to my present position as the Vice President for Academic Affairs. I have often been asked why I want to take on such a big responsibility; my answer is that it is one way to give back to an institution that has given me so much. As Bethlehem University celebrates its 40th anniversary, I feel privileged to be one of the very few who have been so closely associated with it throughout its years of existence, watching it survive and grow in spite of all the difficult circumstances.

My relationship with Bethlehem University began through coincidence. A friend of mine mentioned that a university was opening its doors in Bethlehem, right next to my uncle’s house. At that time I was 22 years old and had been in construction after completing my secondary education in 1969. My family did not have the means to fund my education abroad; as you know at that time, we did not have a university in Palestine. Therefore, Bethlehem University provided us with an opportunity to better our lives through education. I applied to the University and was accepted to begin my higher education as a Chemistry major in October 1973. Brother Brendan Fitzgerald was the Academic Vice President at that time, and we were roughly 100 students, so as you can imagine we were a family. Brother Brendan knew every student on a personal level, which fostered a sense of community among us all. I remember the teachers we had; they were certainly unique. It was also at the beginning of Bethlehem University’s establishment that promoting the University began. As students we played a hands-on role in preparing events. Everything was different at that time; as students, we had a bigger sense of community. This sense of community was emphasized by the Student Senate, which I was a member of for three years. We knew and believed that if you wanted to be a leader you did not think of yourself. The years passed, I graduated, then later returned in 1987 to instruct at Bethlehem University, a place dear to my heart. 11

Bethlehem University Recognizes Outstanding Academic Achievement

Bethlehem University Fulbright Scholar in the U.S.

The hard work and perseverance of distinguished students does not go unrewarded at Bethlehem University. The following students were awarded a scholarship for their outstanding academic achievement, earning a GPA of 3.75 or above.


Hotel Management

Ms. Nirmeen Abdeen Ms. Yara Abedrabbo Ms. Mirna Abu Mohor Ms. Nimala Abu Qubu` Ms. Nermin Al Qazaha Ms. Marian Al Syriani Ms. Rawan Atik Ms. Sana` Ayayda Mr. Nidal Dannoon Mr. Islam Halayka Mr. Montaser Halayka Ms. Reina Kattan

Ms. Muna Khalilieh

Mathematics Ms. Nancy Hazboun

Nursing Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms.

Rawan Abu Srour Fatima Al Faqeh Aya Dar Faqeeh Wala` Durgham Sawsan Khamayseh

Occupational Therapy


Ms. Haya Abu Shah

Ms. Sahar Abu Srhan Ms. Bayan Horoub


Business Administration Ms. Sandra Massad

Arabic Language and Literature Ms. Shiraz Madi

Business Administration

Ms. Mira Amer

Religious Studies Ms. Amanda Asmari

Social Work Ms. Amal Abutair

Ms. Hadeel Abu-Nemah Ms. Margaret Al Sous Mr. Abbas Almoghrabi

Teaching Arabic


Ms. Rihaneh Alaraj

Ms. Amira Al-Aaraj Ms. Rimah Hourob

Computer Information Systems Ms. Jihan Atallah

English Language and Literature Ms. Rabiha Abusnineh Ms. Amani Hmeid 12

Ms. Dua` Hassounah

Teaching English Travel Agency Management Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms.

Nicole Abu Qubie Sumia Abu-Ghannam Lorin Al-Tawil Domiana Giacaman Leen Handal Jumana Jabra

Ms. Lubna Al-Zaroo, English Language and Literature ’12 tells her story: I am now on the way towards living out what I dreamed as a Fulbright Scholar student at the University of Washington in Seattle – one of the top 20 schools in the world for English Literature. Doing a M.A. or a PhD is a lot of work, and often the hardest part is finding funding. You might call it a dream, and it is, but for me it was also just something I knew I needed to do. Grades are important, and test scores like the GRE and TOEFL matter as much or more, but what separates people with similar scores are the activities, programs, and experiences that you have had. The Student Ambassador program at Bethlehem University helped connect me to things like the British Council’s Global Changemakers, the Clinton Global Initiative University, and the UNESCO intergenerational forums. It was having these kinds of experiences and being able to show that I had been abroad and participated in multicultural global events that helped me get the Fulbright Scholarship over other students with similar grades and scores. I am thankful for my education at Bethlehem University, and it has prepared me for the challenge of continuing my education.

The Youth Media Forum Changing the World Through One Story, One Voice More than 150 youth from around Palestine and the Diaspora are to be a part of the latest Youth Media Forum (YMF) program, an initiative of the Bethlehem University Institute for Community Partnership, with funding from the Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development (known by its Finnish acronym, VIKES). This three-year program, which began in 2013 brings together Palestinian youth from different parts of Palestine to provide them with an open platform as a “learning community” to discuss and reflect on their thoughts and make their voices heard through a wide range of tools, including an online forum (; social media channels such as Facebook; short videos; and photos, short stories, and other printed materials. Through this program, students are empowered to create social change by taking collective actions and discussing paths to sustainable development, social and economic justice, and self-reliance. Participants include youths aged 16-26, with in-person trainings held in the cities, villages, and refugee camps in the Bethlehem area, and with online connections set up in Gaza, Lebanon, and with Palestinians in the Diaspora. Additionally, a component of the program will be to connect with international youth, who will gain insight through the Forum to be able to speak more knowledgably and comprehensively about the Palestinian cause and about the role that young people can play in advocating for peace and justice.

Bethlehem University Convenes Palestine’s First Undergraduate Research Conference on Health On 27 November 2013, the faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Bethlehem University organized Palestine’s first ever undergraduate research conference on health. Ms. Vera Baboun ‘85, Mayor of Bethlehem and former faculty member of Bethlehem University, praised the conference and encouraged the practice of having students as researchers and presenters. Students from different Palestinian universities presented their research, which inspired thought-stimulating discussion and allowed the sharing of national perspectives on health. Topics presented in the conference

were on “clinical issues” or education in health, and varied from awareness on medical waste management to the attitudes and knowledge medical professionals have toward other methods of treatment. The conference aimed to encourage quality undergraduate research, emphasize evidence-based practices, and inter-disciplinary work as models for best practices. A primary recommendation of the conference was a call to the private sector in Palestine to support scientific research in order to create an integrated relationship between the academic and industrial sectors in Palestine. 13

Bethlehem University Nursing at Emmaus Three hours northwest of Bethlehem sits the small, isolated village of Emmaus-Qubeibeh. The “road to Emmaus,” where Jesus appeared after His resurrection to two of His disciples, is now an Israeli military checkpoint surrounded by the separation wall, greatly isolating Qubeibeh from Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and other cities and cultural hubs within Palestine.

UNESCO Lab at Bethlehem University Seeks Solution to Agricultural Difficulties

Growth in recent years has brought to light the need for Bethlehem University to expand its presence in Palestine, particularly in rural areas that lack access to education but are ripe with opportunity. In nearby Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government, new hospitals and medical facilities promise new jobs. Sister Hildegard Enzenhofer of the Congregation of Salvatorian Sisters, who is based in Qubeibeh, recognized this opportunity and approached Bethlehem University to establish a satellite Nursing program in Qubeibeh, providing students the same curriculum as in Bethlehem to receive a Bachelor of Science in General Nursing. Now wrapping up its seventh year, the Qubeibeh Nursing program is immensely successful, placing 100 percent of its graduates in relevant job fields. “Offering the Nursing program in Qubeibeh provides hope for the people there, particularly the young people,” said Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University. “It provides an opportunity for students to gain a qualification that will increase their possibilities of gaining employment. It also shows the people in the village that there are people who believe in them and are prepared to work with them.”

Two BU Nursing students

The Qubeibeh Nursing Program building 14

Brother Peter Bray (left), Vice Chancellor, and Professor Naim Iraki (right), former Director of the UNESCO Biotechnology, Educational, and Training Center, at the Bethlehem University greenhouse at Mar Andrea.

In response to the unique and often challenging agricultural conditions in Palestine, the UNESCO Biotechnology, Educational, and Training Center at Bethlehem University attempts to develop tomato plants that are resistant to environmental threats by examining genes in the lab as well as conducting open field research in the Bethlehem University greenhouse in Mar Andrea. Four Bethlehem University researchers, including one graduate student, hope to develop a tomato cultivar that is tolerant to drought, salt, and/or heat during this five-year project, which is in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute in Germany. “Global warming and the rainfall shortages in some areas of the world, like the Middle East, impose a profound negative effect on crop productivity through inhibition of plant vegetative and reproductive growth,” said Professor Naim Iraki, former Director of the UNESCO Biotechnology, Educational, and Training Center. “Moreover, reduction in annual amounts of rain fall leads to the development of salt stress.” The research in this project involves genetic work, classifying any resulting tomatoes as GMO, which face strict regulations in agriculture. However, a tolerant plant would be legal for use if it could be developed through conventional breeding rather than through genetic modification.

Training Tomorrow’s Iconographers A three-year program housed in the Brother Vincent Malham Center at Bethlehem University, the Bethlehem Icon School promotes the restoration of iconography in the Holy Land, an essential way to support the survival of a living Palestinian Christian community. By providing professional level training in this ancient art, local Christians are able to find meaningful work to support their families.

Icon student practicing restoration training

A total of 10 students are enrolled in the program and study free of fees, while they provide all materials necessary for their craft. The director, Mr. Ian Knowles, is an Oxford graduate in theology and a professional iconographer who has worked in a voluntary capacity in the Holy Land since 2008. The Bethlehem Icon School is sponsored by the Tantur Ecumenical Study Centre and under the patronage of Archbishop Zerey, the Melkite Patriarchal Vicar in Jerusalem.

Bethlehem University Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism Represented at Conference of Arab Union of Media Specialists This winter, Mr. Nabil Mufdi ‘75, Director of the Bethlehem University Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, presented a paper at the second conference of the Arab Union of Media Specialists organized by the Arab Tourism Organization of the Arab League. Mr. Mufdi spoke about the history and growth of the global tourism industry, and factors leading to it; the indicators of growth according to the World Tourism Organization Statistics; the positive economic impacts of tourism on host countries; and the role of the media in promoting tourism in the Arab world, coupled with the need for awareness and tolerance by the local communities receiving tourists. The conference was held in the Korean Palestinian Center in Hebron and was attended by 80 media specialists from Kuwait, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and others. New numbers showed growth in tourism in Bethlehem this past Christmas, with a 50 percent increase in daily visits, a 64 percent increase in overnight stays, and a 55 percent increase in revenue.

Mr. Nabil Mufdi ‘75

Ongoing Education The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences By offering four major degrees – Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy – the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Bethlehem University plays a central role in the progression of health care across Palestine. Continuing education and engagement with external bodies within the field allows the Faculty to expose both

students and practitioners to up-to-date techniques and procedures. Workshops cover a spectrum of topics, from Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Spiritual Healing. Ms. Mariam Awad, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, stresses the importance of the workshops and their potential to enhance communication between Bethlehem University and clinical instructors, in addition to ensuring a better learning process for students.


Bethlehem University Faculty Research Featured in The Financial Times The Financial Times, a global source of business news, featured the graduate-level research of Mr. Jacoub Sleibi, faculty member in the Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of Business Administration and alumnus of the Bethlehem University class of 2011, with a degree in Computer Information Systems and minor in Business Administration. While enrolled in the Masters of Science in Global Finance and Banking program at the Bradford University School of Management in the UK, Mr. Sleibi completed his dissertation research on the currencies of Palestine, which he hopes will lay the foundation of a currency established for Palestine. “For the topic of my research, I wanted to do something unique,” Mr. Sleibi said. While enrolled at

Bradford University, he felt like a representative of Palestine and decided he wanted to use this experience to contribute to the Palestinian economy. The idea of studying the currency issue had been ruminating for several years, since he was in high school at the College des Frères in Bethlehem. “I was getting my pocket money in Shekels, and the school fees were in USD, and my father’s salary was in Jordanian dinar,” he said. After completion of his master’s degree, Mr. Sleibi returned to Bethlehem University as a lecturer in Economics. “I am happy to return to Bethlehem University, sharing my experience and inspiring the new generation of Palestine,” he said. “It really feels good; I am proud for choosing to teach at Bethlehem University.”

Book Sales from Former Ambassador to Benefit Bethlehem University

“Holy See, Unholy Me: 1,000 Days in Rome” provides a rare insight into the closed world of the Vatican from the perspective of the first Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, former National Party leader and former Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer. A number of charities, including Bethlehem University, will receive donations arising from sales of the book, which is available via and

Bethlehem University Responds to Needs of the Church in Jordan Expanding its educational presence throughout the region, Bethlehem University has convened a catechetical teacher training program in Amman, Jordan. Developed in response to a request from the Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan, Archbishop Maroun Lahham, this two-year program includes courses in the Gospels, theology, Church history and doctrine, as well as in religious studies/catechetical teaching pedagogy. Graduates from this program will be officially recognized by schools, the Catholic Church, and the Jordanian government as catechists for the schools in Jordan. The majority of courses and teaching will take place at the Jesuit Center in Jordan, but coursework will also include travel around the region to obtain first-hand experiences of the holy sites in the Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Galilee regions. 16

Artwork Benefits Bethlehem University Students Self-taught as a watercolor artist during the closure of Bethlehem University during the First Intifada, former Brother Patrick White has turned his hobby into a practical skill, selling cards of his artwork to benefit the students of Bethlehem University. Mr. White arrived to teach in the Faculty of English in 1985, with the First Intifada beginning soon after. For much of those three years when Bethlehem University was closed, Mr. White and other faculty taught students in secret at various locations off campus. He started writing about what he was seeing on the ground; he was published in various periodicals such as Commonweal Magazine and The Tablet, and wrote several books on the conflicts and the effects on the Palestinian people. He also began to paint landscapes around Palestine, eventually turning the prints into cards for sale and designating the proceeds for scholarships at Bethlehem University. Now living in Seattle, Washington, his hobby continues today, with all proceeds from his card sales going to the Patrick White Annual Scholarship at Bethlehem University. “When I came to Seattle, I thought I would make Christmas cards and send them to my friends in the UK,” he said. His paintings became popular among his friends and parishioners at Saint James Cathedral in Seattle, where his cards are sold in the gift shop. But his intention has always been to sell his cards to benefit the young people of Palestine, who so profoundly touched his life during his time as a Brother at Bethlehem University. “It changed me quite profoundly and became a highlight of my life,” he said. “I fell in love with the young people, the Christians and Muslims from the West Bank, the refugee camps, and the surrounding villages.”

“Winter Snow at Bethlehem University,” Patrick White

In Memory: Hani Imam ‘77 (1954-2013) Mr. Hani Imam, an alumnus from the first graduating class of Bethlehem University in 1977, lived in Seattle in the U.S. and was a member of the Bethlehem University Foundation Board of Directors. He was the first graduate to establish an endowed scholarship at Bethlehem University, the Abu-El-Walid Dajani Endowed Scholarship, in honor of his teacher and mentor here at Bethlehem University. Despite his illness, Hani continued to work on behalf of Bethlehem University, especially with the Foundation Board. He visited campus a number of times and spoke at the graduation ceremony in June 2013 before going on to Rome to be part of the meeting of the combined Boards of Bethlehem University to explore the future developments of the University. While he was in Rome, Hani had the opportunity to meet Pope Francis, which deeply touched him. Bethlehem University has been greatly blessed by his presence on the Foundation Board and his commitment to Bethlehem University.

Mr. Patrick White (center) sells his cards to benefit students at Bethlehem University 17


Mr. Sa’ed Bannoura ’96, Alumnus “Ten months after my injury, I enrolled as a student at Bethlehem University and obtained my B.A. degree in English Language and Translation,” said Mr. Sa’ed Bannoura ’96. “That was a life-changing experience.”

since 2003 has served as the editor-in-chief of the International Middle East Media Center, an online project that provides news about Palestine to English language audiences.

In 1991 Mr. Bannoura was injured by Israeli military gunfire, taking several bullets to his chest and back, leaving him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Last spring, Mr. Bannoura and his wife, Jenka, and 2-year-old daughter, Guevara, visited Bethlehem University, where he was able to reconnect with faculty and staff who were helpful to him as a student; faculty who would move classroom locations so they would be accessible to him by wheelchair.

He knew when he enrolled at Bethlehem University in 1992 that he would face challenges. Unlike today, accessibility to classes and other University facilities was very limited for people with disabilities, so he was limited mostly to classes that were held in the lower-level classrooms on campus. Mr. Bannoura, originally from Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, now lives in Portland, Oregon (U.S.) and 18

“For me, st udy i ng at Beth lehem Un iversit y, the attention a nd ca re I had there from my teachers, fel low st udents, a nd friends, was a major support that helped me rea l ize that despite the d isabi l it y, I ca n lead a successfu l l ife a nd pu rsue my ca reer,” M r. Ba n nou ra sa id.

MISSIO, founded in 1832 and located in Aachen, Germany, supports the missionary and pastoral work of the local Churches of Africa, Asia and Oceania and contributes toward their self-reliance within a culturally diverse world Church. In Germany, MISSIO promotes the missionary spirit as well as the concern and commitment toward burning issues both locally and globally. Since 1985, MISSIO has consistently supported Bethlehem University, contributing significantly toward Religious Studies programs. MISSIO’s most recent grant to Bethlehem University supports the Religious Studies programs in Bethlehem and Jordan, various retreat and faith formation activities, and Religious Studies scholarships and tuition assistance.

USAID’s American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) program provides assistance to schools, libraries, and medical centers outside the United States that serve as study and demonstration centers for American ideas and practices. ASHA’s grants help these institutions train future leaders in a wide variety of disciplines, support local and regional infrastructure to foster development, and cultivate positive relationships and mutual understanding among citizens of the U.S. and other nations. Since 1977, Bethlehem University has received several ASHA grants which have contributed to the construction or renovation of the Science Building (1977); the Social Cultural Center (1985); Millennium Hall (1998-99); the Institute for Community Partnership addition (2001); the De La Salle Hall renovation (2001); and the Education Building (2010).

Mr. Fuad Kattan, Chair, Board of Trustees Mr. Fuad Kattan’s involvement with Bethlehem University began as early as 1971. Throughout the years, he has held numerous roles at Bethlehem University; as a lecturer in Commercial Law and is currently serving his third consecutive year as the Chair of the Board of Trustees. This close affiliation to Bethlehem University, which

he recognizes as “our Palestinian University,” drives him to go above and beyond in his efforts to create global awareness and to raise funds in support of this educational institution. Mr. Kattan asserts his faith that Bethlehem University will “continue going strong” in the future, equipping youth with the knowledge and skills necessary for developing Palestine.


THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY 1 September 2013 – 31 January 2014

Signum Fidei: $150,000+ Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura - Madrid OXFAM GB

Founders’ Club: $50,000+ Mr. Elias and Mrs. Annette Aburdene Actionaid Australia Anonymous The Breast Cancer Research Foundation German Association of the Holy Land Ministry of Higher Education MISSIO Murex S.A. Salvatorian Sisters

Trustees’ Club: $25,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Bassam Aburdene American Embassy Friends of Bethlehem University in England and UK Heimboltz-Zentrum fuer Umweltforschung Gmbh UFZ Mr. Bassam Jabr Max Planck Institute The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe

Chairman’s Club: $10,000+ Anonymous Bethlehem Association Scholarship Fund Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Christian Brothers Community Bethlehem University Collège des Frères - Jerusalem EOHSJ - Canada, Toronto Lieutenancy EOHSJ - England and Wales Lieutenancy 20

EOHSJ - Grand Magisterium EOHSJ - USA North Central Lieutenancy EOHSJ - USA Northwestern Lieutenancy John C. & Carolyn Noonan Parmer Private Foundation Mrs. Suad Husseini Juffali Calleen and François Letaconnoux L’Oeuvre D’Orient Mr. George Nasra Our Lady of Pity and Saint Simon Stock Pontifical Mission for Palestine Mr. Jose Eduardo Siman United Holy Land Fund Universität Hohenheim World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza Mr. George T. Zirnhelt and Mrs. Susan Zirnhelt

Chancellor’s Club: $5,000+ Assumptionist Fathers Bethlehem Icon School Dr. and Mrs. Marcello Bisotti Christian Brothers Saint John’s Community Consulate General of France Konrad Adenauer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James F. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pasin Mrs. Mary A. Simon Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem Father John Van der Kaa Konsul Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Wirtz

Vice Chancellor’s Club: $1,000+ Dr. and Mrs. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh, In Memory of Hani Imam John Albina Mr. Sa-ed J. Al-Budeiri Anonymous (3) Mr. Thomas L. Arrington Jim Barmettler

Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Linda and David Bohan Ms. Barbara Boigegrain Mrs. Jane A. Borst, In Memory of Lawrence B. Borst Brother James Miller Social Justice Fu nd Helen and Frank Brady Brothers of the Christian Schools, Turon Community J.H. Butta Deacon Jim and Teresa Carper Catholic Charities USA Catholic Relief Services Centre for Biblical Formation Ecce Homo Charles Foundation Charitable Trust Mr. James L. and Dr. Hildegard Charles Christian Brothers Community Glencoe, MO Christian Brothers of the Midwest Congregation of Our Lady of Sion/Notre Dame de Sion Mr. and Mrs. John M. Curran Archbishop Giuseppe De Andrea De La Salle Brothers of the Christian Schools, DENA District De La Salle Institute F. Richard and Margaret Ann Dion James K. Durnin Dr. Kathleen Batato Egan Dr. Walter Eitel Embassy of the State of Qatar Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman Dr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Engert, Jr. EOHSJ - Australia, Western Australia Lieutenancy Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Friel General Delegation of the PLO Dr. Karl-Heinz Grass Ms. Erica Hahn Lois Harr and John Reilly Mrs. Paula Harris Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Hazboun ‘77 Mary and Manford Hotchkiss

1 September 2013 – 31 January 2014 Judge G. Humphries Ms. Nancy L. Iredale Diana and Andrew Jezycki Michelle Jezycki JHS Foundation Mr. Nils and Mrs. Josephine Kamsvaag Edward Karkar Brian Katulis Mr. Eugen Keller Elias and Carolyn Khoury Kongregation D. Christi Schulen Law Offices of George R. Salem PLLC Leaders Organization Brother Richard Lemberg, FSC Mary L. Levin Macmilllan Publishers Limited Dennis M. Malloy Lady Michele Malloy, LGCHS Mr. Pierre Guislane and Ms. Marie-France Mathes William J. Ginivan and Nancy A. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Marshal McMahon Ann Morales Mr. John Bosco O’Hagan, In Memory of Baby Mary O’Hagan Mr. Matthew R. Pico Mr. and Mrs. Tony Saca Saint Agnes Church Saint Brigid’s Parish Saint Mary’s Press Mr. George Salem Mrs. Charlene Shoen siParadigm Diagnostic Informatics Inc. Sisters of Saint Paul de Chartres Mr. Brian Thompson United Palestinian Appeal Patrick White and Pauline Smetka The Xerox Foundation

Special Friends: $500+ Dr. and Mrs. George T. Abed Edward and Rima Abraham Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Addiego Anonymous Bank of America Matching Gifts Jim and Ginger Biedron Marianne and John Borelli Brother Martin Borg, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Elias Botto Prof. Jack R. Breihan, In Memory of Erwin Breihan Paul Byrnes Ms. Rebecca T. Calaor Rev. Joseph P. Callipare Christian Brothers Community at Manhattan College Christian Brothers District of San Francisco Drs. Stephen and Cheryl Colecchi

Mr. Alan Cram and Rev. Pamela M. Cram Barb and Gene Croisant Dr. Guy and Mrs. Gisela DiSpigno His Excellency Bishop Owen J. Dolan Bob and Donna Earley Episcopal Diocese of Northern California Tim Fischer, Australia Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Froehlich Mr. John Joseph Garvey H. E. Francis Cardinal George, OMI Mr. Heinrich Hagenbucher, In Honor of the Order of the Equestrians of the Holy Sepulchre Rev. Bernard Hart John D. Herrick Lee and Ginnie Huntsman ICAHD-UK Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond E. Jackson, In Memory of Hadiya Bitar Dennis Lester Mr. Anton Mansour Maysoon’s Kids Mr. and Mrs. George F. McGuire, Jr. Pamela and Robert Mertz Mr. Benjamin Monastero III Brother Richard Moratto, FSC Very Rev. John Joseph Murray Mr. and Mrs. Naim E. Nawas Rev. Thomas M. O’Donnell Dr. and Mrs. Tom Okner Our Lady Queen of All Creation Parish Peter K. Phelan Ms. Frances E. Radencic Barbara Reynolds, In Memory of Joseph Reynolds Richard and Jane Rodeheffer Rev. Bruce M. Shipman Dr. Clayton Sinyai Shibley Telhami and Kathryn Hopps Mrs. Constance van Wesemael Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ Brother Joseph S. Wilkowski, FSC

Century Club: $100+ Mr. and Mrs. John K. Abraham Dr. and Mrs. Odeh Aburdene Ms. Yara N. AlAdili Mr. Ismail M. Al-Husseini Miss Dima K. Al-Mukarker Mr. and Mrs. Issam H. Andoni ‘86 Anonymous (7) Anonymous, To Celebrate the Birth of Christ; In Memory of Our Son Ms. Ann Marie Arden Victoria and Michael Armstrong Association of Pittsburgh Priests Kathleen and George Austin

Mr. John M. A. Bader ‘13 Alma R. Ball, LGCHS Dr. John Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Barbato Gerald R. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. William Bean Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Blair Ms. Mary Blandford Ms. Celia Bostick, In Memory of Hani Imam Dr. Michele A. Bowe and Mr. James F. Bowe Ms. Sharyn K. Bozied Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Rev. Msgr. Hans A. Brouwers Joanne and Charles Brown Dorothy C. Buck, Ph.D Fr. John R. Burke Most Rev. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chester Bush Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Butler Mr. and Mrs. John Butterfield Mr. Guy A. Butterworth, To Celebrate All the Good Works of Brother Joseph Loewenstein Ms. Carole A. Cannon Mrs. Catherine Carey Jane Carney Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Caruso Jack and Gerry Casey Ms. Susan M. Castellan Catholic Theological Union Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Ceasar Christian Brothers College High School Community Christian Brothers High School Archbishop Paul Coakley Anthony F. Colao Mr. and Mrs. John Connell The Honorable Geoffrey S. Connor, Esq. Ms. Mary C. Conti, In Memory of Cathal Mooney Msgr. Charles Cooper Peter and Deirdri Costello Robert F. Crawford, M.M. Mrs. Irene Crossan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dacquisto, In Memory of Madeleine and Shehadeh Botto Mrs. Deborah Darnes Jim and Marilyn Day Ms. Mary Ann DeBruin Brother Louis DeThomasis, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Di Giacomo Ann S. Dickson, LCHS Dorothy Diehl Dr. and Mrs. Jared H. Dorn Mr. Geoff Dorrett Tom and Karen Dowd Rev. Joseph M. Doyle, SSJ 21

Drs. Brian and Gloria Duffy, In Memory Of the Duffys and Bartolomes Rev. Michael Doyle, OSM Sister William Eileen Dunn, D.C. Emanuel and Barbara Eads Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Eder, In Memory of Archbishop Giovanni De Andrea A.M. Edwards Mr. and Ms. David Egee Rev. Kail Ellis, OSA Mr. and Mrs. John T. Elser Brother Chris Englert, FSC Mr. and Mrs. John H. Erickson M. et Mme. Abel Erondel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faherty Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Fahey Mr. Barry and Mrs. Angela Fairweather Rev. Joseph P. Fallon Mr. Anthony J. Fasano Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund His Excellency Michael Louis Fitzgerald Rev. Martin Flatman on Behalf of Saint Peter’s Catholic Church, Eynsham, Oxford, UK Gerald F. Flood Mary Folsom Charles H. Foos Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Fowler Mr. Paul and Mrs. Margaret Freedman Brother Paul French, FSC Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gaffey Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giannantonio Brother Columba Gleeson, FSC Christa M. Gorman Ms. Juanita Gott Mr. Anthony S. Graefe Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Grayson Msgr. Edmund Griesedieck Rev. Lawrence and Ms. Mary Hansen Rev. Lynn Harrington Mr. William E. Hay Ms. Hannah Hemphill Mrs. Veronica A. Hertel, In Honor of Rev. Ronald J. Lewinski Mr. and Mrs. James Hill Father Nicholas Joseph Hoogeveen Tom and Peggy Howen Rev. Paul Huesing, CSP Joan and Bob Hug, In Memory of Mildred Tonning; In Memory of Brother Raymond Long, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes Lindsey Humes Peggy Hunt and David Garing, In Memory of Hani Imam Mrs. Susie Imam Mr. Joseph E. Imbriaco Brother Peter R. Iorlano, FSC Tess and Dan Jarquio Denise Jezycki and Maria Sandoval Ms. Leslie A. Jones Tony Jouzy, In Memory of Hanna Jouzy 22

Ms. Christina R. V. Jueejat ‘13 JustGive Bishop Francis J. Kane Harry and Ana Katz James Keefe, KHS Brother James Kelly, FSC Brother Dominic Kennedy, FSC John and Mary King Mr. and Mrs. Mike King Brother Charles Kitson, FSC Rev. Ralph Kleiter, Ministry to Tourism, Diocese of Saskatoon Dr. and Mrs. Robert Klocke George M. Kloster Dr. Haifa R. Konkar, Ph.D. Rev. Owen W. Korte Sister Pat Kozak Dr. Andrew and Rev. Janice Krouskop Rev. Raymond J. Kupke, Ph.D. Dr. Marcella B. La Spina Ms. Patricia M. Latteri Maureen and BJ Leddy Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lynch, To Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Bethlehem University Rev. John M. Malone Mr. Luca Marmo Ms. Cynthia J. Marriott, In Memory of Hani Imam Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Marshall The Honorable and Mrs. Eugene F. Matthews Mr. Carl McCann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCann Dr. Margaret McCarty Joe McDonald and Madeleine Raymond Jim and Ann McGill Sir Tucker McHugh, KGCHS and Lady Susan McHugh, LGCHS Msgr. James W. McLoughlin Daniel Medinger, KHS Thomas and Margaret Melady Mr. and Mrs. Bart Metzger M. Jean-Louis Mignot, In Honor of the Activities of Bethlehem University Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis, STD, KCHS Mr. Klaus Mogge Mrs. Margaret Mooney Ms. Alice S. Moore Ms. Mary Moran Mr. and Mrs. Glennon D. Mueller Dan and Liz Mullen David M. Murdoch Daniel R. Murray Mirna Samer Nassar Ms. Marie Nickels Prof. Dr. Alois Niggli Ron and Lorraine Nilson Mrs. Robert Novak Timothy and Julia O’Keefe Bill O’Keefe

Sister Irene O’Neill, CSJ, Ed.D. Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ Our Lady of the Sacred Heart The Retreat Mr. W. Dennis Owen, AFSC Mr. David Parker Linda Pelayo Father Mark R. Pierce John Carmen Piunno Mrs. Jane Plum Mr. and Mrs. Imad I. Qasim Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Quigley, In Honor of Catherine Quigley, Sister Marianne Race Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Rathbone Monsieur Jean Raucent, To Celebrate 2014 Brother Joseph P. Reilly, FSC Curt and Marybeth Ries John Ring Rev. Patrick Rush Mary Catherine Ryan Saint Paul’s College Saint Peter’s Boys High School Saints Gregory and Augustine Parish Mr. Fadi M. M. Saleh ‘13 Most Rev. Joseph M. Sartoris Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Schaumber Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Scherkenbach Msgr. Konrad Schmidt, Ph.D. Richard Schweitzer Ms. Kathy Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shepherd Ms. Denise Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Siegel Mr. Robert Sime and Mrs. Anne Marie Sime Mr. and Mrs. Simon Spens Saint James Cathedral Mr. and Mrs. John Steger Linda Stine Rev. Father Thomas Stransky, CSP Ms. Doris E. Strieter Reinhard and Mary Suchsland Susan Stewart Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Georges Tawil Fr. Richard Tero Ms. Margaret M. Trepal Rev. Msgr. Charles F. Troncale Ms. Gloria J. Truitt Mr. and Mrs. Billy Uasike Dean Eddie Uehara Universita Cattolica - Milano Herr Geert van Dartel, In Honor of Mr. Geert van Dartel Mr. Maarten Van den Oord Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vasut Dr. Julian and Cheryl Verde Dr. Elaine Wainwright Kristin Walker, LHS, In Memory of Lady Linda Walker, In Support of the Efforts of the Equestrian Order

1 September 2013 – 31 January 2014 Keith Walters Ms. Patrice M. Ward J. Michael Whitaker, M.D. Dr. Daniel White Sister Stephanie Wilson, OSU Mr. and Mrs. James Winikates Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Winn Mr. and Dr. August Yanke Dr. Kathleen C. Yosko Mrs. May Young Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zelaya, In Honor of Kathy Burk

Silver Anniversary: $25+ Mrs. Donna I. Abramov Anonymous (5) Anonymous, In Honor of Barbara Erickson Anonymous, In Honor of Msgr. Jerry Sherba’s Successful Surgery Mr. Richard Archer Lawrence and Carolyn Arena Gloria S. Ash Ms. Linda Batton Mr. William Bault Dr. Daniel Beauchamp JoAnn M. Bergesen Ms. Wilma C Berkeley Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Berzowski Blessed Dominic Barberi Parish Rev. Allen J. Bratkowski Tony and Marie Brear Bernadette Brownbill Rev. John Burger, SSC Rev. Martin J. Burnham Mrs. Sheila Burns Mrs. and Mr. Moira Butler Dr. and Mrs. John Castle Juan C. Catapang Ms. Walda W. Cobain, In Honor of Father Adam Forno Mr. Tony Commissaris Ms. Victoria Dhabalt Compton, In Honor of Msgr. Carl Kemme Rev. Mark Crisp Sheila Curran Mrs. Bridget de Salis Brigida M. Deleon Rev. Charles E. DesRuisseaux Mr. G. and Mrs. Elaine Dewhurst Ms. Suzanne Eastwood Dr. Richard J. Ellenbecker Mary Erickson Mr. and Mrs. George Evans Ms. Lucy Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr. Ms. Claire A. Fordrung, In Memory of Brother Brendan Fitzgerald Rev. Adam Forno Mrs. Pamela Freeman

Ms. Gloria A. Fudoli Brother Florent Gaudreault, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Geraghty Mr. and Mrs. James Gerdes Sister Barbara Gfeller, SNJM Mr. and Mrs. Galen L. Gockel Donald J. Gotschall Mr. James D. Griffin Dr. and Ms. John Guy Mr. Michael Gwilliam Mr. John Hardman, KCSG Mr. and Mrs. David Hart Ms. Erin F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Helmer Dr. Iman T. Hilal ‘02 Sister Corazon M. Hinlo Dr. and Mrs. Julian Hobson Ms. Vera Masrieh-Homsi Rev. Stephen E. Hook Maria Nellie Jaramillo Ms. Marjorie Jennings Mr. and Mrs. William Jorgensen Steve and Jennifer Keep Dr. David H. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kern Rev. James P. Kiesel Rev. Daniel Klem Mrs. Marie Lambert Ms. Mary Lane Dr. Arthur G. Lawrence, M.D. Aurora H. Lazo Brother William Martin, FSC Mrs. Venancia Mashiane Mr. G. Robert Mason Sir Thomas J. McCabe and Mrs. Mary J. McCabe Mr. Nigel McFarlane Des and Marjorie McMahon Mr. Costantino Mifsud Mr. and Mrs. Peter Minor Father John R. Morris, OP Mrs. Maureen Mullally-Clarke Deacon Roger P. Mullaney Mr. Donald W. Muncy Ms. Daisy G. Neves Mr. and Mrs. Russell Norris Sir John H. Nutley, KCG*HS Mrs. Catherine O’Donnell Jack and Honey O’Leary Kathleen I. Operhall Mrs. Fely Parker Ms. Margaret M. Pheasant Sir Richard and Lady Katherine Pizzato Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Pochyly, M.D. Dr. John D. Poling and Cindy Jokela Mr. Gustave Porteners Mr. and Mrs. D W. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Quaintance, Jr. Ms. Anne Rado Mr. Morris Reeves Mattie Renn Ms. Patricia C. Repikoff

Georgiana Rito Miss Patricia Robertson Reverend Canon Dr. James M Rosenthal Mrs. Elaine Jiries Rumman Mr. Nelson Saad Father Henry C. Schmidt Mrs. Robert M. Schroder, In Memory of Robert M. Schroder Sister Eileen Schuller Mr. John Scott Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shorney Mrs. Coe M. Slattery Mrs. Audrey Smith Barbara and Lou Smith Anna Sokolski, In Memory of Wanda Bialecki Mr. Kenneth Solak Ana M. Spitzmesser Ms. Anne Stapleton Joe and Patty Symkowick Dr. Ghassan and Mrs. Tarazi Ms. Ellen F. Thoma, In Honor of Father Steve Thoma Fr. Steve Thoma, C.R. J. and C. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toso Carol Trantow Benigno and Teresita Trigo Mrs. Marilyn K. Vierra Ms. Kathleen Walsh The Warta Family Dr. and Mrs. John G. Watkins III Mrs. Norah Whelan Ms. Bert Wulf


Visitors A guest from the Tantur group smiles for the camera in the Chapel of the Divine Child.

Proyecto Uno music group visits Bethlehem University from the U.S.

The Stalder Group from Germany hears how Germany has contributed to the advancement of Bethlehem University and to the development of the Education Building.

Msgr. Konrad Schmidt, (center), with his group from the University of Paderborn - Germany.

Knights and Ladies from the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem receive a warm thank you from the Nursing Faculty, which the Order has generously supported through the purchase of equipment for the Faculty.

Visitors from the Center for American Progress are joined by Brother Peter Bray, Brother Stephen Tuohy, Dr. Mazin Qumsieh, and graduate student Mary Abu-Ghattas. 24

Brother Joe Loewenstein welcomes Rev. Ralph Kleiters and his group from Canada, explaining the background and history of the Chapel of the Divine Child.

A very special visit for Fr. Paul Maddison (middle), his 40th in which he is honored with a plaque, in appreciation of his support and friendship to Bethlehem University.

Mr. Johannes Zang and his group enjoy some “shirak bread� with olive oil during a student-held baking cookout day.

The Mackay Catholic group from Australia pose for a photo with some Bethlehem University students. A group from the Diocese of Birmingham listens to Brother Joe Loewenstein speak about the Chapel of the Divine Child.

Friends of Bethlehem University from Catholic Charities in the U.S. share lunch with students and staff at a local restaurant.

Our Lady of Sorrows Bognor Parish group members smile for a photo with Brother Peter Bray. The group was accompanied by Fr. Peter Fitch and Fr. Tony Churchill.

Brother Peter Bray and Brother Stephen Tuohy welcome Bishop Gerald Kicanas and his group for lunch in the Institute of Hotel Management.

French students tour campus and join Bethlehem University students near the Education Building for a chat. 25

Spiritual leader Fr. Robert Stagg and his group enjoy a tour of Bethlehem University on a sunny day.

Bethlehem University visitor Mrs. Luanna Offer of Fr. Alex Kratz’s group receives a surprise birthday cake during her visit, and “Happy Birthday” sung in both English and Arabic.

Lieutenant Robert Peters and his group from the EOHSJ-Western Lieutenancy - Australia hear from students in the Digital Media Center. Touched by the students’ stories, a visitor from the Friends of the Holy Land takes a photo with Bethlehem University student Sarah Hasanat.

Visitors from the Franciscan Commissariat Group enjoy lunch in the Institute of Hotel Management with Bethlehem University student Lina Tamimi and Communications Director Ms. Patti Riippa.

Visitors from Fr. John Costello’s group enjoy lunch with Brother Stephen Tuohy, Vice President for Advancement for Bethlehem University. 26

Fr. William Parham and his group from the EOHSJ-Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy (U.S.) enjoy a meal with Bethlehem University student Waleed Zalloum.

Brother Stephen Tuohy, Vice President for Advancement, who received his Master’s degree from Seattle University, poses with fellow alumni from Seattle University during a group visit from the Diocese of Olympia.

Konsul Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Wirtz and members of the EOHSJGermany Lieutenancy with Bethlehem University student Luay Qumsiyeh, recipient of the “Mr. Michael Wirtz Annual Scholarship� for the academic year 2013-2014.

Members of the EOHSJ-Germany Lieutenancy hear from Bethlehem University students in Furno Hall.

An Australian group from the Diocese of Wollongong takes a scenic photo on the roof of the Bethlehem Hall.

Bethlehem University student Layth Awwad and visitors from the Diocese of Northampton chat as they capture rooftop views of Bethlehem.

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network group members pause for a photo with Bethlehem University students.

Visitors from the Church in Need meet with Bethlehem University students in the lounge of Millennium Hall.

A visitor from the Catholic Theological Union group enjoys the art in the Chapel of the Divine Child.

Bethlehem University student Sarah Hasanat enjoys lunch with guests from the Catholic News church pilgrimage group of Australia. 27

BE PART OF IT Bethlehem University in the Holy Land relies on donations from generous individuals and institutions to provide more than two-thirds of our operating budget. Please consider how you can join us in continuing to keep the dream alive for our students: Pray for our students, faculty, staff, alumni and all those living in the Holy Land. Plan a visit to our lovely campus and meet the students who benefit so much from your kind support. Donate to Bethlehem University and help our students make a better life for themselves and their community.

HOW YOU CAN HELP Gifts from the local and international communities can be made via check to “Bethlehem University” or by bank transfer. For more information, please contact: Campus Development Office-Bethlehem University PO Box 11407 – 92248 Jerusalem Tel: +972 2 274 1241 – Fax: +972 2 274 4400 In the United States, the Bethlehem University Foundation is a tax deductible non-profit eligible for employer matching grants (Tax ID 22-3600739). Checks can be made payable to “Bethlehem University Foundation.” For more information please contact:

Les Arts Contre les Armes (The Arts Against Arms) by Gerard Voisin, UNESCO Artist for Peace, March 2014. This sculpture of a 1,500 year old Olive tree trunk "ravaged by time and the elements, a work of art in its given natural form, is dedicated to the Palestinian People who continue to see a vision of peace through eyes pierced by pain".

North American Development Office Hecker Center, Suite 330 3025 4th Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1102 Tel: 202 526 6097 – Fax: 202 526 6096

To help keep hope, faith and the dreams of so many young people in Palestine alive, please make an immediate difference with an online contribution to Bethlehem University. Simply visit to make a convenient and fast online donation. 28 bethlehemu




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